Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Searching for 15 fallacies

This is a fallacy of tradition. This is a fallacy of generalisation.

Organized crime in the united states

Mafia is one of the most common examples of organized crime in the US. The state tries to come up with concrete definition how to define organized crime and substantially includes Mafia in this category.

Sls beverly hill specials package

Date Night From $459 In the backdrop of the delicacies prepared by the redoubtable Jose Andres, one can relax for the evening at the Bazaar. The rates for this adventure commence at $459, and its value is $689.

On the genealogy of morals by nietzsche

Nietzsche asserts that the slaves find happiness in the unhappiness of the masters, resulting in a sense of " Slave Morality" that challenges the hierarchical terms of what is good or bad, and puts a face behind the oppressed." The real genius of the slave rebellion, according to Nietzsche, is in it is going beyond β†’

Teen suicide. tesis statement: more education, funds and time should be spent to prevent teen suicide, because a price cannot be put on a human life

The paper will discuss causes and preventive measures of teenage suicide and explore the relationship between the identified factors with the resources in education, funds, and time. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Suicide Assessment and Management.

Middle eastern humanities

Teacher If I were an advisor to the Secretary of John Kerry, I would give the following recommendations that would shape and improve the future of US policies in the Middle East. US must not tolerate Israel's cruelty and it could send its message that it does not tolerate it by warning Israel of the β†’

Reading response

In her dream in the garden, she meets Liu Mengmei and their love story begins there but the only hurdle that they faced was that Liu, the young scholar was a man that she had created in her dream and it was forbidden in Chinese culture. She becomes sick because of the lovesickness she felt β†’

Thomas jefferson: declaration of independence

In considering the Declaration of Independence, one of the most powerful presentations of the role of government is the overarching understanding it of protecting citizens' rights. While the Declaration of Independence in large part illustrates the functions of government that England failed to accomplish, in considering some of these points, one demonstrate some of the β†’

Trifles by susan glaspell

This one I have on is so dirty and I cannot be seen in a dirty apron, what would the townspeople think It's bad enough that I had to leave the house without finishing the cleaning of my kitchen. I just wanted something to keep me company in the house and the bird would not β†’

Love is governed by a brain

This does not support the argument that love is merely an addiction. On the other hand, any addiction is contrary to this intimacy involved in love.

The abortion debate

One is concerned with the innocent fetus being killed for the sake of convenience, the other concerned with the health of young women who would maim themselves in an attempt to perform an unsafe illegal abortion. The problem is that those opposed to legal, safe abortion make a habit out of dismissing reality.

1-calculate the z-score & comment on the results,2- find a debt rating & comment on the rating

Additionally, the model can be used to check the viability of the firm before seeking employment and also to predict business failure of the company The Z-score is obtained by considering five variables. The variables include; X1 = Working Capital/Total Assets 2011 2012 = /1, 456, 952 = /1, 513, 319 = = X2 = β†’

Analysing the book night

In the beginning of the narration, it is evident that the Elizer's faith is God is quite strong as compared to his later life. This is in reference with the life of prisoners.

Anna nicole smith (tragic hero)

At the time of her death, Nicole was 39. Her fame was as a result of her being strange, and this meant that she was walking on thin ice.

Collectidng data and budget spend on uae (including abu dhabi) infrastrudture and the future palns

The Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi has approved a number of new development projects across Abu Dhabi Emirate at its meeting chaired by HH General Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi in January 2012. The Roads and Infrastructure division of Abu Dhabi Municipality oversees much of these β†’

Assign 1) chpt 6 & 7 assign 2) soci db

Intimate relationship, in particular, is a reflection of every human's need of emotional connection which generally becomes a basis of having long term relationships. Whereas if a long term-relationship would rest in commitment, responsibility, acceptance, and respect, there is more chance for love to grow.

A new competitor

The first two years of its life it was most certainly in the Markey introduction stage, with Nintendo using all sorts of press and a hand on approach to try to get as many people as possible to try out and believe in their new product. Now however it seems to be in the growth β†’

What is ignorance

It is closely related in meaning to and the noun form of the verb, ignore; to disregard or refuse to pay attention to something. It is not that the person is unable to understand the concept of that car or that he or she would be unable to profit from expose to that car; the β†’

Management principles

From the staff's perspective, their supervisor is the team leader assigned to the team. The Triangles of Management and Leadership.

Carrying capacity

The rate at which we consume resources is faster than the amount of time it takes to recycle and recover them. The problem is not who to blame for consuming and wasting the earth's resources, it's what we can all do together to help bring some form of balance and recovery to the damage done.

The world marketplace

Code of conducts of the companies is there to help the business communities. The Benefits of Free Trade: A Guide For Policymakers.

Business and virtue ethics

A list of references has been attached at the end of the article, showing the validity and reliability of the article. Moreover, a list of references is provided by the article along with the date of publication.

The significance of hamlet hecubas speech

The significance of this monologue is in expressing the thought of Shakespeare, that the world is theatre, and all people are actors in it.'World-theater' metaphor is the core of the whole of Shakespeare's work. The significance of Hamlet Hecuba's speech is in being the principal Shakespeare's means of showing the implications and thoughts of the β†’

Are we free, or are our actions determined

Determinism eliminates entirely the existence of free will and freedom of individual choice. That said, it is likely that human behavior is guided by a mixture of things, biological imperatives, unconscious instincts, and the choices that they make.

Summary of company valuation methods

Factors such as " economies of scale, economies of scope, or different perceptions about the industry and the company" also affect the value of the company. Fifth, cash flow discounting-based methods aim to assess the company's value by aproximating the cash flows it will produce in the future and then discounting them at a discount β†’

Reading analysis of poor richard’s almanack

The saying generally concerns the lazy and idle people who used to complain of the government taxes. Just like the Fox that has to wake up and run after chicken to have a meal, so should people stop being lazy and idle and instead work and earn a living".

The gaming industry

The advertisement has been designed mainly for the gamers, it is also likely to intrigue all people who love sports, it brings out the important and exciting aspects of the new edition of the game. Hence, the main job of the advertisement is to force gamers into buying the new game.

Thirteen ways poetry

We will file the Affidavit tomorrow do not worry there is still time I doubt if the Judge will allow it to stand The first waitress passes by ignoring me to serve the two men The second one The third one Till finally a beautiful and talkative lady strolls to me and takes my order. β†’

Defined causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods, complications, treatment, and management of systemic lupus erythematosus

After years of advancing research into the causes, symptoms, and treatment of the disease, the health system seems to have identified a potential solution to managing the fatal condition. Complications of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Research has revealed that this autoimmune disease contributes to the development of certain serious complications for patients.

Presentation critique

For instance, using a graph in his presentation, Wilkinson argued the fact that the higher the income inequality means the higher the health problems such as lower life expectancy and so forth. Because of the use of graphs, Wilkinson was able to make a strong arguements about the health and social consequences of income inequalities.

Arabic civilisation

Creative and collective effort to innovate was one of the important qualities of the Arabic culture. Another unique quality of obeying the command and the will to handle rough terrain and explore the unexplored made conquerors and explorers come out the land and reach remote corners of the world.

Cross-cultural health perspectives

Being aware of this enables me to question my assumptions, accept that I am prone to error, and retain a degree of flexibility to correct myself when the evidence points out that I may have culturally stereotyped a patient at any time. The lesson for me in this is that I should be paying more β†’

A midsummer nights dream

Perceiving of her as a lesser extension of his own self and an object, no person, of his command, Egeus insists that Hermia love whom he commands her to love. Hence, because it is the outcome of transient perceptions and because it is vulnerable to external influences, love cannot run a smooth course.

Engineering: primary process

The rigidity of the chassis material for every unit of its weight brings out the specific stiffness of the material; this specifies the mechanical property of young's modulus constitutes and density. The chassis structure is supported by wheels and tire components, which hold the grip of the road and the car.

Economy and history questions

History " If you are the president of one country and you need to fire a nuclear bomb to enemy, what should you consider in this situation?" It would first of all amount to a tremendously tough decision having to determine whether or not I would resolve to launch the nuclear bomb considering the multitude β†’

Researching the field of adult learning

The concept of BYOD in the adult learning field is very useful as well as it also provides adequate support to the students. Apparently, the implementation of technology and supplementary in ESL has raised the popularity of adult educational system.

Dynasties in chinesehistory and political science

The greatest contribution of Zhou Dynasty is the feudal system. Qin Dynasty Qin was regarded as a barbarian dynasty and played a supporting in the power struggle of Chunqiu.

Medieval / modern islamic civilization comparison

This paper will be a discussion of the reason why the spirit of innovation and creativity that was evident in the medieval Islamic civilization had gone stale by the time the modern era emerged. As a result of this, the spirit of innovation and creativity that was evident in the medieval Islamic Civilization faced a β†’

There is general duty under english tort law to rescue or assist other. there is only a duty not to actively cause harm. neverth

This brought into view that in such a case the plaintiff must be able to show that the responsibility to protect was the duty of the defendant and not in lieu to general duty on society. Understanding the absence of a duty to reasonably rescue in American Tort law.

Assignment example

Executives should also not walk away empty handed following the collapse of a company since they are not directly involved in the company's failure. Thus, top CEO's are not responsible for the misfortunes of a company.

Mcluhans argument on the power of media

It is argued that McLuhan's theories were merely a convergence of too many ideas pushed together and not at all spoke of the modern discoveries like the internet. Thus, we see associational reasoning has always done well to the society, provided it does not have a tendency of hyperbolism and conflation.

Dimensions of meaning in the occupations of daily life

Dimensions of Meaning in the Occupations of Daily Life In the given article, it is argued that occupation has a specific meaning in the lives of peoples today while it provides the possibility of personal success within several areas including Being, Doing, Belonging and Becoming. For me, the key point of interest that caught β†’

Professional communication of the conference

Our first care is to make your participation in the conference the most pleasant and comfortable to you. You can always find extra information about city restaurants at the information point that will be open throughout the work of the conference.

Business communication

Compensation scheme The system of compensation is vital in the development of the necessary motivation. The success of the company depends on the ability to motivate and cater for the welfare of the employees.

Exhibition review interview

ENG 239 Paper Checklist, Style Sheet, and MLA Info Just like the " Un-forgiven", the film" High Noon" has a number of elements of the traditional western such as villains, the moral lawman and the climatic gun fights. In the film, the villain is Frank Miller and his gang who strive to revenge on Will β†’

Thinking personally about social change

Aldi choose to use a lean approach to deal with these ideas and issues in the business world. This method it used benefited the company and customers in that it changed it way of dealing with things later.

Social science

The graph below illustrates the expected population rate of the United States in 2050. However, with the increase in the number of immigrants settling in the Unites States, there is also likely to be an increase in the investments in the short-run and an increased work force.

Opponent-process theory of color vision

One of the demonstrations of this is the afterimage. When one stares for long one particular color and then switches to a white area, the opposing color of the stared at color will be seen.

Brand: artcadabra from concept to launch : brief proposal

This potential brand will increase funding and awareness about the need of early exposure to the arts and challenge children key sectors to " refresh and reboot" art programs in our school system. These components are vital in composing a brand and an effective campaign to promote awareness of the need of early exposure to β†’

Reading response of do not harm and informed consent

Reading Response of Do Not Harm and Informed Consent A concise summary of the main point and methods of the reading. The black male subjects were deceived about being provided with medication for the syphilis in order to accept to be subjected to the research and this was based on the racist notion of the β†’

Sleep theories – insomnia

The first stage is the beginning of the sleep cycle, during which the brain produces very slow brain waves. The third stage of sleep is when the brain waves become deep and slow, putting the person in a place between light sleep and deep sleep.

The basic islamic message of one god

Religion Number Question Quranic understanding of prophets before Muhammad and the scriptures given to the prophets The Quran teaches that the prophets who predated Muhammad were sent and assigned a special mission or task by Allah to give guidance to man. According to the Quran, these prophets taught and proclaimed the tawhid [oneness of Allah], β†’


New Project Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Company Profile 3 UNICEF 3 Company Profile 4 Apple Inc 4 Reference 6 Company Profile UNICEF The name UNICEF represents United Nations Children's Fund, which is one of the most popular and well known nonprofit organizations in the world. While discussing a little about the history β†’

Tuesdays with maury

This is displayed when Mitch attempts to talk to him, but Peter is bent on not establishing a relationship with Mitch. It is simple Mitch's effort to rekindle what they had as children and Peter is now responsive.

The geographical poetics of giovanni verga

Thus, Verga has a double-responsibility of aesthetically representing Sicily and the South in such a way that is recognizable and foreign, picturesque and menacing, the South as a geospatial concept and idea and the reality of life in the South. In dealing with the sea as setting and symbol, Verga is cognizant of the geographical β†’

Theories of aggression

The hypothesis held that the occurrence of aggression always presupposes the existence of frustration and, contrariwise, that the existence of frustration always leads to some form of aggression. In other words, the aggression is actually the outcome of the injustice on the stronger part of society, which is shifted to the weaker individuals out of β†’

What is chiropractic

The comprehension that the development of Parkinson's' disease is correlated to genetics and my role as a caregiver partly influenced my decision to major in Chiropractics. This has been geared towards gaining knowledge to help my dad cope with the effects of Parkinson's' disease and also to learn and understand how to reduce the risk β†’


One does not need to look very far in order to notice that a great deal of instability within the Middle East is the direct result of the conflict that execs between different branches of Islam. Naturally, this is not to say that Islamic law is identical between the nations in question.

Camille saint saens

Regarded as one of those rare and gifted prodigies, Saint-Saens, learned to play the piano from his aunt when he was only two and a half years old and composed his first piece when he was three. In 1908 Saint-Saens had the honor of being the first composer to write a musical piece for the β†’

How india and pakistan became two separate states

Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi was the Prime Minister of India from 1966 to 1977 and from 1980 until she was assassinated in 1984. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq was the president of Pakistan from July 1977 to his death in August 1988.

The tale of two cities book the third

One of the strongest use of doubles in this novel is Dickens' characters, something he continues and expands upon in this section. This makes the reader remember the beginning of the novel, which also is a double.

3-strikes laws- do they work

Violent Crimes The social problem being discussed is crime and in particular violent crimes such as rape, murder, and robbery. The inability to solve some of the problems in the society result to crime.

Flutter velocity

When the speed of flow is gradually increased, the rate of damping of the oscillation of the disturbed fin increases at first.5. Therefore, as stated in An Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity, the Pines' approximation is practical for determining flutter velocity of low speed aircraft and model rockets.

Child abuse-psychology paper

The local administrator for the state Department of Children and Families reported the members of the Community Alliance about the measures that were delivered to examine the situation and prevent the future growth of the child abuse reports number. However, the number of children in the state's care remains the highest compared to the data β†’

The brain

Brain and Neurology Brain and Neurology Brain Size and Consciousness: The assertion regarding human brain to be more conscious when the size of brain is relatively larger can be arbitrary. It should be noted that the calcium ions are more likely to affect the body of a person on its synaptic region.

Bottom of the pyramid

Definition of fourth sector 1.income measured in dollars II. Engage bottom of pyramid 1.provide poverty relief 2.engage in marketplace 3.environmentally sustainability responsibility


The aim of the implicit Association Test was to discover ones speed in categorizing money words and values attributed to it with mild or objectionable words. However, the intention of the test was to conduct a study to the masses on their attitude towards money.

Chemical composition of bone

The issue is to investigate the effect of vinegar and heat on the structure and properties of chicken bone. It was found that the inorganic material calcium phosphate was removed making the bone lose its toughness and rigidity.

-(not the topic)

In this regard we are calling for well wishers to come in, and help us in financing for the activities to ensure the children in the facility enjoy the services, and get quality live. In this regards we are calling for management attention on the way employees use this method to avoid and reduce the β†’

Jean piaget’s cognitive development theory

I would also like to know what motivated these theorists and why they came up with the various theories. Part of what I would want to know is how these theories have impacted the modern classroom especially in relation to a student's social background, and their learning ability.

Outline of research paper impact of the internet on a small business

To the business' Internet security Research Question This research primarily aims to know the impacts, both positive and negative, of the Internet on small businesses in this age of globalization and competition. Conclusion The Internet has both positive and negative impacts to small businesses.

Social service work at ethel aces

Singers will see the lyrics and will render the song. The music is played according to the movements of the coordinator.

Folk songs

Music has long been recognized as an effective means of passing the oral tradition as the sound and the syntax reinforce the text Often the folk song is invoked to maintain a connection with something that is being lost to the past or to celebrate something happening in the present. Religion has had a close β†’

St augustines views on sin

Chapter 12 of Of Sin and Merit, entitled " The Law Could Not Take Away Sin," begins " Observe also what follows. Having said, " In which all have sinned," he at once added, " For until the law, sin was in the world".[Romans5: 13] This means that sin could not be taken away even β†’

Chapter 5

The study examines the relationship between peer deviance and delinquent behavior in early adolescence and the impact of specific temperament dimensions on this relationship. The secondary goal was to examine gender as a factor in the relationship between temperament, peer deviance, and delinquent behavior.

Tough enough shoe company

The new line of the Galaxy show has a substantial change compared to the previous products. Specifically, the shoe is waterproof and weighs 30 percent lighter than the previous brands, to encourage a healthy lifestyle such as walking.

Globalization’s achilles’ heel

The examples of such changes and interdependence are the global financial crisis, which took place a few years ago, the cut of interest rates in the USA due to changes in global money flows, the present political and economic sanctions, imposed on Russia because of events in Ukraine, and many other. The combination and controversy β†’

Proposition 105: business regulations

The second part is a simple measure of the ballot in regards to bank and banking regulations, while the third part is in regards to those ballot measures about whether or not to allow certain things on Sundays. Setbacks of proposal 105 According to the opponents of the amendment, the proposition is inconsistent and misleading, β†’


due: Criminal justice The criminal justice system in most of the poor communities in the USA such as the black-American communities is both ineffective and insufficient. Providing justice and security in any community is a big challenge for the law enforcement agencies since it requires the corporation of both the members of the community and β†’

The economic growth in latin america and the caribbean

The findings are accurate because they link these misfortunes to the challenges faced by China and the weaknesses realized so far in the region's private consumption. This will enable Bolivia to lead the region by registering a record 55% growth in 2015.

The whole foods company

The Implications The estimated losses from Katrina justify this partial-disclosure that; informs stakeholders of the losses incurred due to the unexpected event in New Orleans; provides an estimate for insurance costs; lists losses; and highlights strategies to adapt to the change. Stakeholders will likely remain loyal to the Company and not panic, so a sell-off β†’


This paper analyses both the genetic and environmental factors involved in homosexuality. Even though, such a gene has not been discovered yet, many of the biologists are confident of identifying such a gene which will answer all the questions related to the reasons of homosexuality." Writing in the scientific journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, researchers β†’

Doing business and public policy

The area of public life that I have a high interest of contributing in is the field of international business and regional development. The network of scholars and researchers that this training will link me up with will also be marshaled to advance the aspirations I have of improving the international trade in developing nations β†’

Joyce carol oates’s is this the promised end

The main questions arisen from this essay are: Is it necessary to Lear to become insane What is the role of transcendence in the tragedy Is " King Lear" really a tragedy or triumph of justice For Lear, It is necessary to become insane because only in this state he can achieve spirituality and distinguish β†’

Relationships with grandparents

Furthermore, the generational gap between grandchildren and grandparents can be a tool in establishing a balanced relationship, while parents are busy working for the needs of the families. The role of the grandparents in the family, and the social structure as a whole is crucial in a way that they are in between being caregivers β†’

The buffalo harvest

The story not only provides insights about how the buffalo became extinct and how the 'buffalo runners' went about hunting them, but it also provides interesting details about the life, such as the weapons used, the hide trade and even the attitude of the Government. Young men such as Mayer had the skills to shoot β†’

Terms definition of the handbook

Dress Code The dress code section in an employee handbook is important as it allows the employee to fully understand what clothing options are accepted and not accepted. Employers need to make attendance and tardiness issues clear in the handbook so the employee knows what is acceptable.

Shows that your kids watch

When Alyssa pushed the bowl and threw away her spoon, April got exasperated, scolded the little girl with her voice raised a notch, and gave her little hand a slight spanking." That's not good, Alyssa!" she said as she cleaned up the mess that her little girl made. My friend April talked to her nanny, β†’

Brief #5

While accessing the privilege under Fourteenth Amendment, the court also judged the withdrawal of petitioner's blood against " the right of a person to remain silent unless he chooses to speak in the unfettered exercise of his own will, and to suffer no penalty....for such silence". However, the Appellate Department of California Superior court affirmed β†’

Significance of normal distribution

He might be interested to know the body sizes of the people within the perimeter from the store, however, he finds it impossible to collect all the data about the residents. A framework or representation of the distribution is used to provide some sort of consistency to the results.

Written 2

Downward counterfactual thinking relates to this event as after feeling instant guilt I made myself feel better and improved my mood temporarily by making a comparison of my poor performance in the exam with the fact that at least with a 55% on the exam I avoided a fail. Counterfactual thinking plays a role in β†’

Walmarts foreign expansion

Also, the cultures of these countries are very different from the United States, so Walmart would have had to change their corporate culture to work there. Once they realized that Chinese people did not like this, Walmart changed its strategy and began to let customers choose their own live meat.

Assignment example

Therefore, failure of the insurer to owner the insurance contract caused the plaintiff to suffer emotionally due to the that she was in dare need money to support her family, thus inviting the " compromise" of her claim. Question 11 The dismissal of the district Court will be reversed and plaintiff will be able to β†’

The silent war:a war for freedom in the usa

It was on the brink of World War I that this other, less violent but just as important, war began to rock our nation and forever change the course of the United States. Before this war began women in the United States were denied many of their constitutional rights including the right to vote, and β†’