Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Imaginary place that young children would enjoy

As the paper outlines, there are beautiful maids with big sparkling eyes who are there to serve the children gifts, chocolates and candies in the garden. They take the children to swings and play games with them.

The impact of the internet on education

The paper " The Impact of the Internet on Education" is an exceptional example of an educational essay. The biggest advantage of online internet learning is the level of interactivity with the students.


It is also used in advertising where the advertisers give the impression that a particular product is out of this world. On the other hand, in a war if one of the parties hears that they are winning the battle it acts as a form of encouragement and gives them the motivation to fight much β†’

In paul’s letter to the galatians, what kind of freedom is he talking about if it makes you a slave (5:13). what might this fre

Jerry Ciacho December 4, Paul's Letter to the Galatians: The Meaning of Freedom In Paul's letter to the Galatians, particularly in chapter five, it talks about having freedom in Christ and gaining life through the Holy Spirit. In addition to this, the command to serve in love is also the opposite of slavery under the β†’

Gun control policymaking

The majority of citizens favor a variety of controls, but many Americans get confused between a belief in the abstract right to bear arms and the desperate hope that gun control will help reduce the violent crime that permeates American society. As a result, gun ownership has increased and has spilled to the wrong hands.

Jonathan borofsky: dancers

These and other sculptures are famous for their meaningfulness and ideas in accordance with the places where they are installed.' The Dancers' is one of the greatest sculptures made by Jonathan Borofsky. This sculpture is meaningful, stunning and creative in explaining the environment where it is placed and the aim of the organization.

Movie about arranged

In a Jewish marriage, the man is the head of the family and the provider. In the Muslim setup, the man is the head of the family and his authority is never to be challenged directly.

Physical geography

Increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the fundamental cause of global warming. Because of this natural process of respiration, all humans and animals are not only increasing the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, but also reducing the content of oxygen in the air.

Mann ltd

Question 2: a Return on capital employed= For 2009: For 2) Operating Profit Margin= For 2009: For 3) Gross Profit Margin= For 2009: For 2010: 4) Current Ratio For 2009: For 2010: 5) Acid Test Ratio For 2009: For 2010: 6) Settlement period for trade receivables For 2009: For 2010: 7) Settlement period for trade β†’


This principle enables individuals to process a reduced number of stimuli in order to perceive an object; for example, an individual is able to tell what a partially obstructed object is from the few shapes they are able to see. Individuals are able to fill in the gaps of partially construed objects in order to β†’

Evolutionists and creationists fight over genesis.. explain why neither is correct

The battle between evolutionists and creationists is one that has raged since the dawn of the modern era and the prominence of the theories of evolution put forward by Charles Darwin. Rather, the common practice for the past many decades is to divide individuals and their belief systems into two staunchly asymmetrical camps; one insisting β†’

Adjustment letter case study

The letter will address the acceptance of the company to refund the fee of $3200. The assurance of a refund to Prince George delivery due to late delivery and demand for return from the Hesse.

The machine age

African Americans represent a large number of medical test subjects, even though they are the minority of the population in the US and they are even less likely to be able to afford expensive procedures tested on them. The African American patient Robert Tools dies horribly based on an artificial heart transplant by AbioCor Corp.2.

How can one speculate with the concept of excessive use

He discovered the conditions of the services that may be rendered for the unit bought and the terms of the warranties. The following morning, he complained to the dealer of Sunnie, which is the Sunrise Appliance Store, and he was told that the store could not honor the warranties in this instance because the problem β†’

War against terrorism

The war is now affecting even the people who are not directly involved in its path, and this leads one to question the constitutional rights being violated by the American war on Iraq. The Iraqi government may be strong-armed to accept the conditions of the American government, while its people are being killed and maimed β†’

Lying as a part of human life by ericsson

Group thinking is destructive because most of the time individuals participate in-group decision making to fit in to the social group. The Christian description of salvation as presented by the boys' aunt gives the boy the idea of what to expect in his salvation process.

Uncovering the predictors of correctional officers’ attitudes and behaviors: a meta- analysis by: jeff maahs and travis pratt

Topic: Uncovering the Predictors of Correctional Officers' Attitudes and Behaviors: A meta- analysis By: Jeff Maahs and Travis Pratt Name & Section Number of Course: Instructor's Name: Date: I chose to review the article, " Uncovering the Predictors of Correctional Officers' Attitudes and Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis", for the purposes of this assignment. The purpose of β†’

Training for the bar

In addition, the students have to study the legal knowledge foundations, which form the Academic Stage of the Legal Education and compulsory for the purposes of professional exemptions, especially where the students seek to proceed to the Vocational Stage of the Legal Education and Training. Topics to be covered by this training The topics covered β†’

Michael jackson

Michael Jackson Michael Joseph Jackson, the King of Pop born in Gary, Indiana is an iconic figure in popular culture. Michael Jackson's fame as a cult figure in pop music is not limited to the sphere of African American music but it extends to the sphere of modern pop music, popular culture and other fields.

Program planning

The effect of there being such parents in the community is that members of the community will have to pay some price in the rescue of such infants. The reason as to why there are large numbers of infants born of poor health hence dying is because most of them are raised by single parents β†’

The different between originality and plagiarism

Thus it is the stealing of the ideas and thoughts of another individual without providing the identification of the work to belong to its true writer. Thus it is mainly an act of discrediting of the original author from his work and may be considered to be an act of stealing.

Pamela or virtue rewarded

B, to take advantage of her for the whole length of the novel. As a woman she was expected to give in to the urges of a man, let alone a nobleman.

Chapter 10-12 questions

The first lesson that can be learned about Jackson regarding his sweeping victory is that he was a very tactical person, since he used his wit and tactics to convince the electorates despite being the underdog in the race. The invention of the cotton gin was important in the sense that it enhanced the speed β†’

Health isurance and quality

Health Insurance and Quality The Director of Department of Health Care Services, Toby Douglas argues that the highcost of health services can only be addressed by providing quality services to all patients. Moreover, Donald Berwick a former Managing Director of Centres for Medicaid and Medicare Services argued that improving the quality of health care checks β†’

Weight of the nation reflection

Reflection Paper on " The Weight of the Nation" I sat down to watch the HBO documentary series " The Weight of the Nation" with a sense of already knowing what issues would be raised in the film and where the health and other discussion topics might lead to. I was not surprised to hear β†’

Occupational safety and health

Maslow's Hierarchy of Need The theory of needs produced by Maslow states that individuals are motivated to fulfill their needs and they have different levels of needs. The theory even states that some individuals have a higher degree of desire to fulfill the need for power than other needs.

Mentoring program for a call center

The program will help in reducing the number of calls to the assistance line by giving the new representatives the required skills to handle tasks alone. M, & Poteet, M.L.

Impressions of lucretius

He was a disciple of the Greek philosopher Epicurus and this philosophic epic provides a wide understanding of the Epicurean worldview.) Epicurean philosophy is essentially steeped in materialistic philosophy and this is reflected in the philosophy of Lucretius. He considered his main purpose in life was not to demonstrate his own talents, but rather disseminate β†’

Application on dog trainer program

I have worked with and owned dogs my entire life; training them in basic dog obedience from the time I was eight years old I attended college at Shoreline C.C.and Arizona State University studying Biology but continued to work with dogs while in school. We have not yet entered competition but plan to this year β†’

Globalization: pro or con

Gleaned from the perspective of the radical right in the West reaching other continents with mutually beneficial effects to the more adaptive strategies that has found favor in the mainstream politics of the Third World, the writing, which may seem obscure, is on the wall; there are more to the glamorous positives of the concept β†’

Implementing osha regulations and compliance

There are two such records, the OSHA Form 200 and the OSHA Form 101. A summary section of the OSHA Form 200, which includes the total of the previous year's injury and illness experience, must be posted in the workplace for the entire month of February each year.

Description of human emotions

It is said the she is the first teacher of the child. I could have never thought the importance my mother holds in my life and with what feelings she has nurtured me until the day when I visited Washington, D.

Inchoate crimes discussion

This is clearly the hardest part of this issue: proving the subjective intent to commit a crime that has not yet occurred. That is what puts this kind of crime in a separate category and makes the discussion of it so difficult.

Travel personality profile

The family's needs are of top priority when Hanson and his wife sit down to plan a trip since the children are so far apart in age. Hanson and his wife usually take their children on all of their trips because it is rare for all of them to be home at the same time β†’

Criminal justice

Judges are the senior officers in the court and they ensure appropriateness of the court conduct, settle the questions relating the evidence, chalk out the rules on procedure and guide cross-questioning of the witnesses in the cases. The Judges have extensive control over the court and power to decide as to whether hold the complainant β†’

Momaday: introduction

Conversely, the earth unfolding and the cluster of trees and animals is a manifestation of the new start that Kiowa people are waiting to expand and according them everlasting hope. In other words, Momaday uses the imagery of the sun to demonstrate the anticipation of the future and the positive prospects that make the sky β†’

Law questions

Article 2 of the UCC applies to the contract because of article's scope that governs sale of goods in which the grocery stores deal. Reliable argued that it has a right to sub-contract the work or, in the alternative, to walk away from the contracts obligations because of commercial impracticability.

Solar panels: harnessing renewable sources of energy

However, this is not sufficient that is why there is a need to produce up to 20 solar panels in order to provide electricity for a medium-sized house. Solar panels are made up of PV's all lined-up together.

Comparison between blackberries by leslie norris and blackberries by ellen hunnicutt

On the other hand, Ellen Hunnicutts story by the same title is the story of a husband and wife who go picking blackberries at the foot of a hill. The boy is a little scared of the encounter with the barber, although in the end he enjoys the cut.

Operant conditioning and superstitions

The Operant Conditioning The operant conditioning is a psychological theory invented by Thorndike while he researched to understand the intelligencequotient of animals. It is the principle of operant conditioning which associates action with consequences that lead to development of superstition and the process of maintaining it.

Close reading

We can understand that Dihua is more loyal to Bohe as she after all difficulties keeps her love and passion intact. The passage show that Dihua is in distress but still she thinks for the well being of her fiance.


The cognitive process, on the other hand, entails transformations in an individual thinking and intelligence capacity. Stereotypes among individuals can have a significant effect on the social and cultural development process.

Business to business technologies

Business to Business Today, most of the established companies across the globe practice Business to Business technologies with intent to enhance the speed and accuracy of their business transactions. The web services are widely used as a B2B method in modern business houses in order to take advantages of the highly developed technologies.

A juicy position : e-mail requesting information about careers in at jamba juice

of the of the Concerned 15 May E-Mail Requesting Information about Careers in Jamba Juice Request for Information about Careers in Jamba Juice Dear Sir/Madam, I am a graduate level student who intends to solicit from you information about career opportunities at Jamba Juice. I really appreciated the culture and approach at the stores I β†’


A merchant is a party who deals in goods of a particular type and professes knowledge of the goods. Disclaimer of warranties to condition and usage are for example easier for a non-merchant than for a merchant because of a merchant's expected knowledge of the goods.

Hiv in perspective

The first video proffered details of AIDS from the outbreak to the epidemic. The best known of this group is HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, the causative agent of AIDS.

Analyzing news paper articles

The article states that now, when the financial state of the country is bad, it is a mistake on the part of the administration to increase spending on nuclear capabilities. In this respect, the article gives certain suggestions: the " D5" submarine-launched ballistic missiles should not be produced and the fleet of nuclear-armed submarines should β†’

Transition from middle to high school

The author has also provided a clear paragraph on the method used for screening and the criteria used for exclusion and inclusion as well. Although the author has provided the details in a systematic manner, it is essential to also include graphs, tables and figures as it will keep the interest of the readers for β†’

The impact of alcohol on organism

For this reason, alcohol enters the bodily tissues through the bloodstream as alcohol is easily soluble in water it is distributed to the water containing components of the body. The human body eliminates the alcohol in three different ways metabolism, evaporation and excretion.

Position on loss control / safety and health

The interaction of the employee's body and the computer should be in such a way that the employee's body is always in a comfortable position. Ensuring the body is not strained by the sitting position or the positioning of the computer devices such as the keyboard, the mouse, or the monitor.

Models of modernality

This model of abnormality is used to explain those aspects in community that lack the real cause. The proponents of this model believe that the unusual behavior that some people express is a product of the interaction between the unconscious mind and the conscious mind.


The epidemic of obesity is associated with the changing patterns of the living of the people. Video games and other forms of entertainment has made people more restricted to indoors and has led to decrease in outdoor activities and games and hence resulted in aggravating the problem of obesity.

Health and happiness democracy

Health and Happiness Democracy Research and Policy Issues This essay aims to address a two-fold objective, to wit: 1) explain and analyze the relationship of health and happiness to the well-being of an individual, and 2) analyze the research and policy issues and identify changes needed both in research and policy. The results of the β†’

Bad news letter

In regards to claim #7899, the reference number that was referred to, 1440022-223839837109, is the same on all three disputed charges and was understandably the cause of your initial concern. Based on the fact she was alerted to a possible error by the duplicate reference numbers indicates she has an understanding of her account and β†’

The old view of slavery in the u.s. was that it was economically ine

The analysis considers the work done by the slaves and compares them with the free men. According to the thesis of this study, there is a proof that slaves could work more and at harsh weather conditions thus, their productivity is higher than that of free men.

Pleasure and detachment

Pleasure and Detachment Pleasure and detachment have some advantages and disadvantages as sound navigational direction for individual quest. The disadvantages of detachment include the fact that each and every life of individuals is infused with suffering, which comes about because of clutching or gripping life.

Msn in nursing education

With continuous updates in Nursing through the MSN, I would be able to apply fresh ideas into my practice. Thus, completion of the MSN program would gradually lead me to fulfill my professional goals and be a fulfilled nurse.

Happy days

Whereas the World War II period was marked by instability, political unrest, economic crisis and familial issues, the 50s brought in a new dispensation of relaxed mood, economic growth, technological advancement, and general peace of mind. Indeed, the Americans began to enjoy better living conditions, better wages, and became the first beneficiaries of new technologies.

Education in medicine

Thus, education imparts knowledge and wisdom, besides molding the future and character of an individual; due to which it is imperative for a person to obtain an education. This combination of service, security, and status makes Medicine the best field for a person with a keen interest in it.

Intelligence analysis

2 April Iran Politics: Ambassador to the UN and Nuclear Talks Summary The long standing feuds between Iran and Western powers continue to linger on. Stretching back to the seventies through diplomatic rows, they have persisted to this very date and are evident by the debate on whether to give the currently appointed Iran envoy β†’

Minorities at risk and horizontal inequality

The existence of such horizontal inequalities elicits animosity between the groups involved and increases the risk of a violent conflict. Such a conflict is not directly caused by the cultural differences but by the political, economic and social disparity existing along the cultural line.

Flight simulator

The aviation industry is making great use of the system for design and development and by training pilots and other flight deck crews in both military and civil aircraft. The newest versions, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Microsoft Flight Simulator X, gratify pilots, would-be pilots, and individuals who had dreamt of being pilots in a β†’

Orthodox synagogues in america

As the name indicates, they follow the strictest rules and are the most conservative form of Judaism. They follow the modern ways of worship, which is sitting of men and women together in the synagogue.

Analysis of structural functionalism

Sociology Structural functionalism looks for the establishment of a link between the normative system and the 'situation', that is to say the environment described as an ensemble of stable and consistent constraints in which the system of action is placed. Violence becomes the main source of social control and power.

Reaction paper

The new Hitler's Regime was unable to stabilize its political, social and economical situation when it had to deal with the Jewish declaration of a holy war against Germany. Some have argued, that there were already Anti-Semitic feelings in Europe long before Hitler's Regime and the international boycott by the Jewish community served as the β†’

Social equity: ricci v. destefano

The court had also observed that once a plaintiff has established a prima facie case of a disparate act, then it is the duty of the employer has the burden to prove to the court that the position in question and procedures for acquisition is consistent with the necessity of the specific business in question. β†’

Fundamentals of communication

But if the ethical issues are properly gauged and realized, then the communication concerns will be dealt with in a proper manner. After all, this has been done, the ethical issues within the communication concerns would be seen as fitting and proper.


Although literature from past years has resulted to several models, assumptions and principles as well as explanations that fully support adult learning and act as a base for improvement, it's certain that none of these theories is bound to have significant help on all adult students. The benefit associated to this apart from it being β†’

Supply chain (summary and suggestions)

The results of the study imply that there are some differences in the degree to which these strategies could be applied across the board in different sectors and each has a different impact on the expected performance. In the process the operational and financial performance of the supply chain is greatly improved.

Two different neighborhoods

There are many different types of pollution but the notable ones are Air Pollution and Water Pollution. Although pollution is on the rise but with the advancement of technology, many methods are created through which air and water pollution can be reduced.

A doll house

Henrik Ibsen's drama, " A Doll's House," explores gender roles, as seen in the marriage of Nora and Torvald Helmer. Nora starts off as a happy homemaker, who is content with the role of wife and mother assigned to her by society.

An act of driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol – assessment of criteria, diagnosis of client, medical treatment, and rehabilitation

The paper " Driving a Vehicle under the Influence of Alcohol - Diagnosis of Client, Medical Treatment, and Rehabilitation" is an affecting example of a case study on health sciences & medicine. He is needed to be made aware of his family and social responsibilities.

Best is the new worst and glamour, that certain something

How the media affects our perception of beauty and ' being cool' In the world today it is seen that media plays an important role in affecting the behaviour and perception of many people. Media does affect our perception of beauty in one way or the other and at times this can prove to be β†’

English – reflection

Its usage has caused such a diverse range of effects that never could have been predicted by the scientists, for example its concentration in different living things when transferred up in the food chain, the accumulation of it in shell glands of the birds that causes the thinning of the egg shell, affects of oral β†’

Analysis of after you, my dear alphonse story by shirley jackson and leo tolstoys the three hermits

Finally, when they all meet the Archbishop endeavors to teach the three hermits a prayer, which the Archbishop believes to be a more powerful prayer than the simple prayer of the hermits. However, it appears that the three hermits are in fact more powerful than the Archbishop, or anybody else who recites the prayers taught β†’


Materials In the experiment, we decided to design the IV and the material used in the manipulation is an audible cues stopwatch. All experimental results are dependent on the performance of participants and audible cues start from 60 seconds.

Job application summary of qualifications ( )

I am in search for something that would make me push myself to the limit and make a name for myself and I believe that company XYZ is the place where I will be able to experience a work environment that would utilize my skills and give me the opportunity to learn. I believe that β†’

See the instructions

In the year, 2001 events occurred that changed the screening of passengers in modern aviation in the world. The events of this day changed the airport security procedures in relation to modern aviation.

Current imaging process

The ordering physician's office confirms the scheduled date with the patient, and they are notified to arrive at the radiology outpatient imaging center where the first encounter takes place between the radiology receptionist and the patient. After the patient has been released the technician completes the exam by sending the final images to the radiologist β†’

Logic and thought

Statistical studies can give support to the claims of astrology, but this is impossible in this case because astrology cannot be measured. In this argument, the arguer of the claim commits the fallacy of a hasty generalization.

Banc one corporation (interest rate yield curve and how banc one’s interest swaps impact the curve)

Munaf Usmani Academia Research 1st March Interest Rate Yield Curve and How Banc One's Interest Swaps Impact the Curve When we are talking about the interest rate yield curve for Banc One Corporation, we imply the realized rate of return it is generating from net investments. If the condition of interest rate climate remained constant, β†’

Whole foods market, inc

Interest Coverage Ratio: This ratio suggests the fact that the TIE ratio is higher in comparison with the industry because of company entertains its business with a high proportion of debt financing. ACTIVITY RATIO Inventory Turnover: Whole Foods Market, Inc.inventory management strategies make a strong reflection on this ratio and it is evident that companies β†’

Recommendations for anti-depressants and their effects

Ryan Shepard, MD Recommendations for Anti-Depressants and Their Effects Due to your last consultation and the consultation with your therapist, we believe that in addition to your cognitive therapy and treatment can be greater enhanced through the use of medication. Zoloft Zoloft, while used in the treatment of depression, can also be used to help β†’

American history

While the Blackfeet Warriors spent the night with Americans, it was explained to them that the US intends to bring about a comprehensive peace between all the Indian tribes of the west. The diary presents the richness and abundance of South Dakota when it comes to natural environment and animal life.

The effect of water fluoridation and social inequalities of dental caries in 5-year old children

The authors' problem of discussion is moderator effect of water fluoridation on the relationship between social inequalities and tooth cavity of five year olds.2. The effect of fluoridation upon the relationship between caries experience and social class in 5 year old children in Newcastle and Northumberland, by Carmichael CL, Rugg-Gunn AJ, French AD, Cranage JD.IV.

U07a1 life of the stars review assignment

A white dwarf's mass is comparable to that of the Sun and its volume is comparable to that of the Earth. A neutron star is about 20 km in diameter and has the mass of about 1.


The festival last for a period of eight days and elderly people tell the story of the Passover to the younger generation. Boiled egg symbolizes the end and beginning of a fresh year since the last Passover.

Functioning part of society

But as the data show, the authorities and punishment has failed to prevent the recurrence of acts of crimes or effectively reform the criminals. In the contemporary times, the prison sentences, punishment and criminal justice system have all come under serious controversy for failing to make a significant impact on the increasing rate of crimes β†’

Why people commit crimes

The sociological approach was explained by Sutherland and Cressey who believe that crime is a result of a person's association with people who believes that crime is desirable. Another theory on what makes people commit a crime is that of Yochelson and Samenow who espoused the idea that crime is a result of an individual's β†’


Therefore, this argument involves the fallacy of red herring as it shows that there is no importance of abolishing the " Three Strikes" laws as Suarez still Support that since its introduction of " Three Strikes' laws violent crime incidences has dropped although not completely deterred hence these laws should not be abolished. Therefore, involves β†’


The increasing use of alternative media has become the need of the hour primarily because of the recessive trend of the current economy. Indeed, the new approach and innovative ideas of promoting products have increasingly transformed alternative media into highly accessible and effective tools of advertising.

The demystification of outsourcing

The loss of manufacturing jobs in the countries of the world and their movement to the lower-paying developing " third world" has restructured the world economy. Accordingly, this project will most certainly benefit from the most precise and up-to-date scholarly information on the subject of analysis.

Network management system

Running head: NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Network Management System Affiliation Network management is not a simple job it requires carrying out a variety of tasks where IT managers use various system applications, tools and devices to check as well as uphold computer networks. How to choose a network management system.

Do some online searching and find what is meant by21st century knowledge and skills

The definitions of the " 21st century skills" are cross-disciplinary and relevant to many aspect of contemporary life in a complex world. The global marketplace is flourishing in 21st century; the completion will favor those with complex thinking and communication skills to new problems and environments.

Creationism v. evolution

The Bible tells us that the earth and all living things on it were " created" in 3760 BC, and yet scientists including Darwin have discovered fossils that are millions of years old, which directly contradict the teachings of Bible according to which the fossils of humans, animals or plants could not date back more β†’