Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Credit card security

Visiting the American Express website, it is clear that the company has designed a measure to protect their credit card holders; this is known as the Fraud Protection Guarantee, wherein the card holder is free from any fraudulent charges whether the credit card is used on the internet or not. Although the most common perception β†’

Differences between adult and teenage brain

The brain of teenagers is in the developing stages as found by the recent researches. The balance of functionality of the areas in the brain would be in accordance to the use of these areas in teen ages.

Personality development

Instead of the therapist explaining what is wrong and what they can do about it, it engages the client to understand where they themselves are coming from with the hopes that their internal awareness of their situation will change to promote a more positive outcome. I believe that maturity plays a big part in attaining β†’

Read and answer the questions

Insert Introduction Prison rape refers to rape that takes place in prison, taking mainly the form of rape of inmates by other inmates and less commonly, the rape of inmates by member of the staff or the rape of staff member by inmates. The Prison Rape Elimination Act, 2003 mandates the Bureau of Justice Statistics β†’

Railroads in hudson valley region

The railroad was instrumental in the development of the Croton Water System in the 1890s. Government regulation and the coming of the airplane and automobile led to the decline of the railroads in the 20th century.

The heroism of bilbo baggins

Gandalf, the wizard and a close friend of Bilbo, tricks Bilbo and the Baggins into taking a quest to the Lonely Mountain in order to reclaim a vast treasure currently under the guard of a fierce dragon referred to as Smaug. The first example of Bilbo being a hero in the novel is shortly after β†’

Victimology: analysis of law

This developed method of surveillance would help to curtail down the risk that this types of criminals impose on the general public. This prolonged monitoring would not suffice the need of the court to make the criminals led a proper life and prevent from committing such crimes in future.

Wwii & the holocaust

History and Political Science Effects of World War II and the Holocaust in the Middle East The World War II ended in 1945 with attention directed to the survivors of the Holocaust. In the 1945 to 1948 era in the Middle East, the mood of the British people could not tolerate the presence of prolonged β†’

Old english poetry opinion

Early English Poetry Aside from the textual meaning of poetry, it also holds literary and historical meanings that contribute significantly to the study of human civilization. Due to the capacity of human beings for oral communication and language, the history had been transferred from generation to generation along with the cultures and traditions of early β†’

Challenges of a community college student

Well, after the nap, I get to the homework assignments and if I do not fall asleep while doing my school works, I get to study for another hour or two and then I attend my classes. Because I have to work long hours, this becomes a conflict with the time I use up for β†’

Managing people for a competitive advantage

One of the most essential skills one needs to be successful is the social skills; the way one deals with others. This course will teach me the necessary skills and tactics to have best relations with people, so that I may be able to get the best out of them as a leader.

Incentive plan (paraphrase) for my hr class

It is the responsibility of the supervisor to conduct a performance appraisal on the employees so as to ensure that the desired performance outcome is achieved in the organization. The whole idea of performance appraisal is to ensure that the business retains efficient employees who can collectively perform towards the target goal of the business.


In this case the client or the patient was diagnosed with a complication. From the information gathered in diagnoses evaluation and interview with the patient, he experienced a lot of complications.

Questions for consideration (7-8)

Furthermore, the introduction of differential account would lead to the formation of new accounting standard boards that would come up with the rules and regulations. In my opinion, the principles-based approach of coming up with accounting standards is better as compared to the rules-based approach.

How racialized stereotypes determine a community’s value

In the United States, it is the assignment of social position among Asians by the Caucasians who constitute the dominant and majority ethnic group. Reflection: The two major points from this week's lesson that struck me is the persistence of racism in American society and how the white majority enforce it through the process of β†’

Anorexia nervosa and dissociative amnesia

There is also a biological component that may mean the disorder is inherited or that they have an obsessive gene. Treatment The treatment for this disorder is therapy that is designed to help the individual remember what they have lost.

Intoducing my self to the class

I try to stop the worry, the agony of one defeat, and be with him in this moment. This is where I will turn my attention now; my choice in this moment is to generate a feeling of peace and remove one more anxiety-ridden person from the world, even if it's only for an hour β†’

Discussion 5

This however, is not true and in fact, many aspects of the working of industrialization speed up the process of the setting up of a communist society. The important point to emerge from this discussion is the stress that was laid upon industrialization as a step towards the formation of the utopian communist society, in β†’

H.w 12 gsc125-01

In general terms, compare and contrast the weather in the tropics to the weather at middle latitudes. Answer: The eye is at the center of a hurricane and is an area of almost cloudless skies, subsiding air and light winds.

Political, psychological, vilolence in terrorism

Blank 22 February Political, Psychological, Violence in Terrorism Terrorism is a form of Low Intensity Conflict and an instrument of modern warfare. Effective counter strategy is also required to offset political and psychological impacts of violence associated with terrorism.

The requirements of the loan

Of course, the application still needs to be clarified. You see, when people are trying to mimic their body language be it in conversation or in negotiation, it just signifies that they are agreeing with each other and this explains why he felt good with the application process.

Productive and counterproductive behavior

Productive and Counterproductive Behavior Productive behavior is defined by Jex, as " behavior that contributes positively to organizational goals and objectives," and is determined by looking at an individual's motivation to perform above and beyond their minimum job description, their innovation, and their overall job performance. Conversely, Jex defines counterproductive behavior in organizational psychology as β†’

Sensation and perception psychology by amoore

The paper also gives a brief view of the location of the olfactory nerves and how the taste buds can get affected due to the malfunction f these nerves.'Chemical Senses' by Moncrieff presents the causes of anosmia which make it easier to diagnose and determine the main symptoms of this disease. In order to attain β†’

Management strategy

Lynch asserts that resource based strategy of the firm uses unique knowledge base that is creatively applied on all tangible and intangible assets to above average return. The technology driven resource based strategy that exploits the information to give distinct differentiation to its products and gain leverage.

Racial and ethnic groups

The American perception of being Muslim and Arab All Arabs are not Muslims and all Muslims are not Arabs, however, most Americans due to constant media propaganda occasioned by the 9/11 terrorist incident at the world trade center view Arabs and Muslims as one. Comparison and Contrast of Japanese, Italian and German internments during World β†’

Cellular and molecular biology of human melanoma

The melanocytes in human skin refer to a group of cells that mainly convey skin colour. Melanocytes in people's skin are dispensed as single unit cells within the initial layer of the skin unlike in the mouse epidermis.


Retirement al Affiliation) The following is an illustration of the five stages of retirement: The initial stage isimagination lasting for averagely ten years before retirement. In the midst of contemplating retirement, it is important to consider the amount of service credit earned for the total fiscal years of service.

Comparison of two control chart commercial packages

The software is useful in analyzing the features of the business organization, therefore, increasing efficiency and prosperity of the business. The followings are the disadvantages of QI Macros, For use, an individual has to load the software over the network and in instances where there is a busy online traffic associated with the use of β†’

Will be provided

He managed to become the vice president of N & D medical services, and it is a company that is meant to provide the best of services. The company has the best services and staff, together with a combined management team that is aimed at ensuring they are the company of choice for the people.

Audacity of hope

Obama has clearly explained that in order to make children well established and firm in the way to progress, they need personal attention and social relationships with stronger and long-lasting effects of love and admiration. This will create a solid basement of solidity, and provide them with the platform that they need to thrive.

How are women portrayed in the film

Contrary to how many films analyze the issue of feminism, the movie " Inthe time of the butterflies" written by Alvarez, Julia portrays it in a unique. Fighting to get knowledge of the Mirabel sisters meant that they had worn the power to fight for the society.

Greenhouse business challenge and carbon footprint

Greenhouse Business Challenge and Carbon Footprint Apple Inc is a name that is noticeable across many countries in the contemporary world due to the impact that the company has had on the technology aspect of life. These materials are not only toxic to the consumers but also lead to a low life span of β†’

Multi cultural issues

Multi Cultural Issues 1 What does School Counseling for the Twenty-First Century examine in the context of multicultural environment There is always potential for conflict in a diverse and multicultural environment. School Counseling for the Twenty-First Century tries to understand and appreciate the different inborn qualities of individuals.

Culture change and aspects of culture

Culture Change and Aspects of Culture The definition of culture change is wide and varied and it can be argued that the available definitions are as many as available scholars. Culture can be briefly defined as the accumulated deposits of knowledge, experience, beliefs, and values and other by a group of people in the β†’

Critical thinking, movie temple grandin

When she was brought to the doctor, she was recommended to be institutionalized as a child. Believing that her child is not a hopeless imbecile, she struggled to source people to help her with the provision of early intervention for Temple and eventually mainstreamed her in a regular school.

Vehicle routing software

Logistics: Vehicle routing software al affiliation Vehicle routing software is software installed in vehicles to help in the distribution, transportation and delivery of goods with the aim of minimizing cost and improving transport efficiency. It has advanced planning and scheduling software that is capable of providing automated scheduling and optimizing the operation with minimal manual β†’

Cultural makeup of early civilizations

Cultural Makeup of Early Civilizations Question 1 There are a number of forces that played a part to the cultural composition of early societies. Question 3 Cultural influences may be closely associated to the forces that played a part to the cultural structure of early civilizations.

Negotiation skills training

It was able to see that should it state an amount of $Z that was near to the amount X that the nurse had wanted, that organization would be able to reach an agreement at a much lower price than what it intended to pay. Here the focus now shifted more towards material interests of β†’

Some argue that outsourcing should not be followed because it export jobs overseas under what circumstances outsourcing should be followed, if any

Outsourcing al Affiliation Outsourcing Outsourcing is generally the process of contracting a business process to another party. Shortage of a skilled workforce in a given country necessitate outsourcing to take place for efficiency and increased output to be achieved.

Strategy in strategic planning with biblical principles

After analyzing the story of Intel, he reveals that a company should adopt a strategy since it is the one that imposes order inside a firm, and in case the strategy proves to be a useless one, then the managers should take their time to know why it failed. From a biblical perspective, various questions β†’

Teaching to the elementary school children

The experiments to be performed need to be selected carefully by the teacher depending on the grade and the interest of the children.6. Though the child may have clearly understood a subject/topic, it is the retention of the knowledge that has to be there.

Enrichment of ellis and angel island

Ellis Island and Angel Island were two important immigration gateways for the people who left their own country for a better future in the land of hope and dreams- United States of America. Ellis Island was generally a quick stopover for people on their onward journey whereas Angel Island was used, to delay and impede β†’

How to back out drive way

Before the car reaches the end of the driveway, you should turn the steering wheel towards the opposite direction in which you want to move. You should ensure that the car turns completely, and is parallel to the road.

Clock and watchwork

The principle of the pendulum at work is such that its swing is independent of the amplitude, or size, of the swing. In effect, the only factors affecting the amplitude are the length of the pendulum and the force of gravity.

Muscular system outine

Role of the organ system This system is involved in maintaining the body posture, facilitating body movements, and enhancing blood circulation in the body. Another research on muscular system is on the testing of strength and rowers training.

Accomplished practices brochure

Other examples of how technology could be applied in accomplished practices are the use of the internet in the aspects of communication and continuous improvement. It is a fact that the individualization of education guarantees enhanced absorption of what is taught to the students.

Freedom of speech over the internet

In addition, in the article, Importance of Philosophy, Landauer and Rowlands talk about John Locke's support of the right to free speech. Yet, with all the problems that the free speech can bring freedom of speech should not be curtailed in any of the innumerable forums in which it is enjoyed.

Job evaluation in a hospital

According to the analyst, this method has the advantage that the system can remain in operation for a long period of time before it is changed and it is also objective compared to other systems Factor comparison Factor comparison is also another system they use in the hospital to evaluate the different jobs. The compensable β†’

The acceptable range of carbohydrate

If you exceeded the recommended limit identify 2 specific changes you could make in your two-day record to lower sodium intake? Choose 2 vitamins for which your intake was under the recommended amount.

Aspect of the presidential candidates family history

I think that this aspect of the presidential candidate's family history, especially if it will not affect the candidate's performance should he become the president, is of no relevance. This is what makes him the kind of person and presidential candidate that he is.

Grocery store report

99 x 2 = $3. 00 x 2 = $2.

The seeds of the arab-israeli conflict

Rather than preparing the country for self-rule, the Palestine Man and the policies of the mandatory ities sowed the seeds of the Arab-Israeli conflict.' Assess this statement. The reckless readiness of the leaders and their followers to prepare the country for self rule have embarked on propagating of violence and conflicts merely based on revenge.

Comparing gordon gekko from ‘wall street: money never sleeps’ to the original ‘wall street’

Besides, it is necessary to state that Gekko in ' Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps' is still the same iconic character that embodies all virtues of the business world. In conclusion, it is possible to point out that Gordon Gekko has remained a personification of Wall Street sharks who are believed to rule the world.

A role for theory

Group theory It is true that some would argue that a practical-based public policy curriculum would help to better train practitioners in public policy rather than examining public policy theory. In the case of group theory together with its perspectives, it is clear that it has become the basis and even stepping stone to leapfrog β†’

Graphic design in the 1950s

Some illustration continued to approximate the realism of photography and photographs remained the routine source material throughout the industry, many commercial artists worked to define the products of the hand against those of the camera, marketing drawing that were totally different. In such ways, line drawing affords a schematic notation unrelated to the range and β†’

Crime & social control of latino(as) in new york city

Crime and Social Control Instruction Crime and Social Control Crime and social control involves aspects that impact our society, as well as, the implementations of those aspects in controlling crime. That said, this paper will focus on crime and social control of Latinos in New York City.

The history of money

The History of Money The idea of metal coinage spread rapidly in the ancient Greece. Local trade between urban center and countryside and on the retail level within the cities significantly increased the spread of coinage throughout Greek and other parts of the world like Rome.

Communication and conflict unit 4

When people take advantage of what they perceive to be their superiority in power over the other, he abandons the just and fair solution to the conflict, and in the course of abusing the other, the relationship is destroyed. In order to avoid the abuse of power, the person with the higher power should be β†’

What does the 3rd space mean to you as a health professional

In the context of this assignment, the third space was the forum where the aboriginals and the non-aboriginals gathered to talk and interact with one another away from their homes and places of work. With the guarantee of equality in the provision of health services, the health professionals will find it much easier to handle β†’

The influence of active learning on the college student departure process: toward a revision of tintos theory

The paper " The Influence of Active Learning on the College Student Departure Process: Toward a Revision of Tinto's Theory" is an exceptional example of an educational article review. The article seeks to evaluate the student's departure problem with the evidence of Tinto's theory.

Global consumers in italy

This was an important sign; first being because of the trend in the machine tool sector, which was a good sign in the interest of the industry as a whole in the new investment sector. This fully validates the tendency of the Italian exports in the sector, which are intended above all in Europe to β†’

Monroe administration and the era of good feelings

Madison faced problems with conflicts with Britain, especially the interception of American merchant ships and impressing sailors, believed to be British, for service in the British Navy. However, eventually, the United States also faced a quasi-war or an undeclared war against France when it started to seize American ships trading with Britain when America and β†’

Speeches that changed the world

In is also worthy to note that the King and the Kennedy speech took place in the American soil while the other of President Reagan took place in Berlin. King and Kennedy's speeches are also known to have taken place in the 1960s while that of Regan came late in the 1980s.


By doing this, the group has a varied set of ideas they can generate in order to come up with the solution. The group also portrays great teamwork and this is a great motivation to the entire team.

Wa # 5 gpp

If you pay let's say $25 for the treatment and when you dill the prescription you pay $5 for the copayment, the total amount you pay is $30 then your insurer will balance the difference by paying the doctor and to the pharmacy. DEDUCTIBLES: deductibles are the difference of amount that is covered by your β†’

History of psychology

History of Psychology History of Psychology Studying the history of psychology can be termed as vital in a number of ways. For example, the study of the history of psychology helps people to apply psychological knowledge to problems, which may be facing vulnerable members of society such as children who have special needs.#2 According to β†’

Assets and interest rates

The higher the credit rating, the lower will be the spread between the US treasury yield and the interest rate of the corporate bond. The interest rate will be 5.03%.


History assignment Declaration of independence is one of the main phenomena in the history of the United s. In addition to calling for independence, the declaration established people's unalienable rights and the power of the people to overthrow the government, a political authority that the aristocratic British rule did not recognize.

How business work

SBDC or Small Business Development Center is major facilitator that enables entrepreneurs to start their own business and helps existing small businesses to grow and develop more opportunities from within their business. SBDC provides students with huge opportunities of learning the intricacy of businesses and helps them to identify new opportunities and factors that impact β†’

The growing oil crisis

First of all, is the world's supply of oil running out No, there is not really a shortage of oil on this planet, as of now. Considering the range of possible problems and the tightness of world oil supplies, it is difficult to imagine that one or more will not start putting pressure on the β†’

The importance of cultural ties

Nancy Ng, a member on the board of the Palo Alto group Families Adopting in Response asserts the importance of " the need to honor the birth country and raise them with knowledge of their birth culture", Developing cultural awareness and close ties to your ethnic heritage is more than just the curiosity to discover β†’

Techniques of readable writing

Techniques of Readable Writing Readable writing entails clear expression of the information so that the reader can be in a position to read the already authenticated information. There ought to be transition words between each sentence and between all the paragraphs such that there is a flow of the work and the reading process.

Business financing and the capital structure

Whichever source is chosen; the following should be noted: Debt finance is a source that earns a fixed return to the lender. Second, the cost of debt is fixed regardless of the profits made by a company and due to that, under high profits, the cost of debt becomes lower.

Compare two texts listed below

If love was what you were after, then you should find it outside of a marriage as it was not the purpose of marriage in the first place. He believed there was little love in real marriage, but a lot outside of it.

Foreign exchange exposure – concepts of foreign currency and exchange rates

Transaction Exposure; and Translation Exposure Transaction exposure can be defined as the risk arising due to the unanticipated change in the exchange rate which affects the cash inflow or outflow at the time of the settlement of an asset or liability. On the other hand, translation exposure arises due to the operation of the accounting β†’

Week 2 dq 1

Emotional intelligence The idea of Emotional Intelligence is as a result of far-reaching research in the aspects of interpersonal behavior, problem solving and intrapersonal relationships. Consequently, the non-cognitive skills that are entailed in EI are just as significant and crucial to a general study of cognition.


The courts jurisdiction over the defendant is justified by the fact that the police department is domiciled in the state and the officers were undertaking their duties within the state. What is the legal standard that will be used to determine whether the plaintiff has met the burden of proof in this case?

System analysis and design course. tools analysis and evaluation

The data is processed and new products are developed in the light of findings. The creativity and out of box thinking are a few important competencies to have in order to ensure one's survival in the job market.

Features of cost-volume profit analysis

Managers are interested in the break-even analysis point because it is important to determine the volume of sales needed in order to be able to cover both the fixed costs and the variable costs. With break-even point analysis, managers will be forced to study and understand the cost structure of the company.

Written 2

Through his research, he was able to determine that children exhibited a number of behaviors that were designed to provide contact with the caregiver; and these behaviors ranged from those that encouraged interaction, to those that were aversive when not attended to and those that were used actively by the child to come closer to β†’

Wa # 3

In addition, a permissive parent appeals to his or her child through the use of reason and does not limit the child in exploring the world. The model acts as a way of understanding and examining the cognitive development of children.

U.s.a constitution and same-sex marriages

Within the context of all underlying conflicting legalities and policies, Federal Courts of the United States experience pending cases, which seek to address the contentious issues affiliated to same sex marriages and the provision of the governmental recognition thereof. The reason as to why the County of California introduces this lawsuit is that the county β†’

Kill a mocking bird 1.2.3

Character Sketch of Jem in the Novel " To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jeremy " Jem" Finch is one of the main characters with an interesting role in the plot. He is the brother of Scout who is the narrator in the story.

What is the difference between dumping and subsidies and what is to be established in every subsidy and dumping investigation

Dumping and Subsidies al Affiliation: Dumping and Subsidies Dumping occurs when goods are sold to importers in the local market at prices that are less than the selling price of the goods in the country of origin. In case an injury is caused as a result of dumping, e.g.the imports are harmful to the fair β†’


The increasing demand for shark fin soup has led to the mounting level of shark hunt in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. In short, the alarming rate of hunt has taken sharks to the verge of extinction.

Accommodating differences

This interests the people outside the group because they are the ones who acknowledge how effective a group is or to simply discard it in the first place from some form of competition, in line with other groups that are present. In order to accommodate one such group that is filled with individuals that have β†’

Global influence of multinational corporations

Global Influence of Multinational Corporations In today's highly globalized and industrialized world, the powerful influence of multinational corporations in domestic economies and even in the world economy cannot be denied. Particularly in the United States and other wealthy nations, and even in Third World countries, the influence of multinational corporations to the lives of people β†’


I vowed I would never be like her when I was a children. I remember her telling stories of practicing two to three hours a day and attending the Julliard School of music in New York City.

Etiology of eating disorders

The main arguments that the author is making are.[Determine the main arguments the author makes to support their position.] The author says that the eating disorders were not common in the early days and only prevailed in the late 1960s. Cultural influence is more common in females than in males and is a major cause β†’

The union: the business behind getting high

The DEA agent is one of the main beneficiaries since around 80% of their operating budget is invested in marihuana prohibition enforcement. With the legalization, I would say that the demand curve would look fairly similar if prices stayed about the same because of price regulation.

Human trafficking

of the of the Human Trafficking According to the United Nations trafficking protocol, human trafficking is defined as an act that " involves recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them". Bonded labor, the least known yet most common form β†’

Jack londons to build a fire

The larger conflicts present in the plot relate to the idea of respecting the power of the universe and the possibility of its creator. Thus authority in the form of the advice of the old-timer and the might of nature at its harshest and cruelest were challenged by the traveler as he set out for β†’

Should the medical use of marijuana be legal in the us

Should the medical use of marijuana be legal in the US The medical use of drugs as pain relievers goes back in history to the first tribes; marijuana used for medical purposes has been legalized in Germany, Netherlands, Luxemburg, New Zealand, and other countries of the world are currently debating the issue. Based on the β†’

Comparative criminal justice

The criminal procedure code guarantees the right of the accused and seems to be more accusatorial despite the fact that the judge is still allowed to question witnesses and decide cases based on the evidence presented by both plaintiff and defendant. Additionally, it is clear that their systems are coded and criminal offenses have set β†’