Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Questions about argument and enthymeme

The third is persuasion, which encompasses the presentation of facts and information likely to change the viewpoint of the other party. This is a successful argument, as it shows both sides of the argument.

Rapid weight gain during infancy

In the study, ' case' refers to an occurrence of a disease or disorder in an individual, which is obesity that is discussed aptly.' Control' refers to the process of preventing and stopping the broadening of a disease such as obesity in the society. 4 The statistical analyses used in the study included; finding the β†’


Kinship System - Yanomamo Culture The tropical forest Indians, typically known as the Yanomamo, consist in tribesmen of scattered small villages who, by the strength of an intact system of kinships, continue to exist with their complex ethnic way of life in the isolated region of Amazonia along the border between Venezuela and Brazil. Since β†’


The article named Interpersonal Dynamics in a Stimulated Prison goes with the term as in this article, as Haney, Banks and Zimbardo discussed the interpersonal dynamics of a prison environment is discussed and the effects of prisoners and guards are shown. The article named Opinions and Social Pressure goes with the term as in this β†’

Registered nursing

Although, educational requirement depends on the country you are to be registered, nevertheless, in most part of the globe, the completion of a bachelor's degree or associate's degree is the foremost requirement. This is to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate the care of a patient for better delivery of care.

Why are people fascinated by red leaves

Hypothesis People are captivated by red leaves because of their uniqueness and the inference of autumn. Theory People are fascinated with the unique and interesting feature of red leaves because inductive inference convey autumn as a corollary impression.

Punishment under a utilitarian vs. retributive theory

After all, the true beneficence lies in the cure of the offender, and if this cannot be actualized at the end of the day, then the utilitarian process would have drastically failed. When one has to subject an offender to retribution, the argument is given that it is for the benefit of the offender.

Organizational culture

Starbuck's Organizational culture Sawbucks ' s culture seeks to first connect with the employees, then with its customers since the company believes that if employees are treated well, they extend the welfare to customers. Its employees are also included in the decision making process of the company to allow honesty and transparency.

Compensation at

Internal Auditor I This person is in charged of the audit of the accounting and financial information of the company's various departments. Say, if my level of skills is deemed above average, then I can demand a salary near the 75th percentile base pay of the job I am applying in.


Engineering and Construction Engineering and construction career involves the work of directing a construction project. According to Harrison, entry-level education for construction engineers is a bachelor's degree in construction management, civil engineering, or construction science.

Best self

I am intelligent as I perceive things very quickly and my vision is set to have a proactive approach towards the work ethos that I give in within the professional undertakings. He asserts that I am respectable and have a dignity of my own.

Sociology of cultural differences

I believe that success is not measured by the physical appearance of individuals. In as much as the market does not favour her, she struggles to make her career in the modelling world.


I was not raised with any cursing in my household and am proud of that. As a result, I do not curse and am deeply offended when a curse is directed at me.

Hedda gabler does not deserve sympathy

Hedda is afraid that she cannot hide her ineterest in Lovborg from George so she reminds Thea to keep the conversation about Lovborg a secret. Hedda uses her cunning to deceive Lovborg and frustrate Mrs.

Too much media influence on political campaigns

Detail the development of the media's influence in political campaigns from the early years of the U.S. One of the most potent tool that the media utilizes in the modern society is the internet.

African struggle in the sphere of superior americans

This may entail one to forcibly emanate a bright glow in the face of anxiety, or one to show optimism in the face of hunger. And all these things at the expense of African-Americans just to level the playing field in the community.

Factors which determine the optimal database solution

What I want from the audience: I want management to clearly state database requirements to developers and developers to clearly recommend a database solution to managers. What is the current situation as it relates to the audience and research question?

The question of relationships between girls and boys

To accept means to take the partner as he or she is without expectations." Nobody is perfect" is the motto of people who show acceptance. Openness is another ingredient of a lasting relationship.

The poisonwood bible and the heart of darkness

A Comparison of The Poisonwood Bible and The Heart of Darkness The similarity between Barbara Kingslover's book, ' Poisonwood Bible' and Conrad's book, ' The Heart of Darkness', is that both these novels, " denounce the vices of Western imperialism through the adventures of White people in the Congo". In, ' The Heart of β†’


The partnership is beneficial for Recycline in two basic ways; it gets easy access to raw material and a brand assistance to enter new markets.2. As the company grows Hudson should heed more attention to marketing strategies.

A rose for emily and this land is your land

While reading the story, the thing that first confused me a little was that- who is this ' we' narrating the story? I came to the conclusion that the narrator of the story might be the people living around Emily, that is, the public.

Literature. a mexican american girl

In what tone and style would your character create his or her ad, and why Her tone and style would be serious yet hopeful, and matter of fact, but with a touch of humor. He would aim for a false impression of how much the loss meant to him, a bit mad and ostentatious.

Scholarship statement – rail club

That encounter caused a 180 degree turn in my academic orientation, resulting in a change of my major to operations management and finance. Living in Southern California has opened my eyes to the endless opportunities in the industry, and I want to be able to work for a company for at least 6 years before β†’

From the realm of junk science

The concept of junk science in wellness is that it is the purposeful incorporation of biases in the research related to wellness like for instance, the nutritional value of different kinds of diets, so that only the results that are wanted by the researchers are obtained and it thus becomes a way for the researchers β†’

Conflict resolution

Out of the five conflicts handling modes, ' avoiding' mode is being used by Brandon and Jane. The action taken by me would be to have a talk with both the employees and listen to their side of the stories.

What doesnt kill us makes us stronger

For me, passion is the welcome storm that passes overhead and leaves freshness, comfort, and safety in its wake. I am looking for a relationship where I can be free to follow my heart and dreams while sharing that journey with someone who knows me well enough to stay by my side and to keep β†’

Bowling alone: chapters 1-7

The Demography of the Aging Population Demographics is the scientific study of the growth, decline, and other facts of the population. In the United States, the aging population is the most affected group in the mobility of family trends, where the problem is centered in the long-term care and economic stability.

Daylight savings time should be abolished

All of these health problems call for a solution to daylight saving time; the most appropriate solution would be to abolish the practice altogether. Successfully abolishing daylight saving time will be a relief to many mothers who dread sending their children to school in the darkness of the morning.

Discussion questions

The process of jury section in a federal criminal trial A jury is a group of members of the public who are selected to decide on a case, based on guidance of a presiding judge. Meaning of weight of evidence and its application in a criminal trial Weight of evidence defines the degree to which β†’

The support and encouragement

I appreciate the support and encouragement that you have given and shown to me throughout my studies and I am truly grateful for that. Finally, I am planning to make an impact in the institution that I will be a part of with the leadership and communication skills that I have gained in my previous β†’

Positive information letters

Brown in details for you to know that he is the best candidate for this position in your Company. I am always ready to confirm my words and I have no doubts that you will be satisfied with the performance of this employee.

The dangerous situation of any school system

The unfortunate situation can be exacerbated even more by the fact that some teachers feel they must punish students who arrive even a minute or two late with a detention, giving students a sense of stress, anxiety and urgency, and encouraging them to do whatever they can to make it to class on time, even β†’

Long-term assets ( 8)

Pentair's long-term ratios are almost the same to those of comparative firms. For instance, Pentair has relatively more long-term assets compared to the other companies and this is evident from its 0.

Personal savings strategies

I expect to obtain a gas savings of 60% which would lower my monthly gasoline expenses from $300 to $120 month. Based on a 2% interest in savings for the next 5 years my savings will be $13, 269.

Cognitive counseling theory/technique

Cognitive counseling theory/ technique Cognitive counseling theory/ technique This theory is founded on the belief that the behavior and the feelings of a person are determined by how the person thinks. The method applied is the collaboration of the therapist and the client in order to change the poor thoughts the client has, about the β†’

Emotional response of priceline website

Additionally, the website enables the customer to accomplish several other activities such as check the status of any bookings as well as receive alerts in case of won bids. On opening each column, it becomes even easier for the customer to analyze the services offered by Priceline in different regions of the world.

Idiots guide to isiah trial by bill simmons

The legal issue analysis is for the article which appeared in Page 2 and ESPN the Magazine on September 27, 2007, d " Idiots Guide to Isiah Trial" by Bill Simmons. Initially, the existing employees might resist inclusion of other groups in the workplace, but mechanisms must be in place to train and sensitize them β†’

The ddm and peg methods of equity valuation, the risk premium, the best investment opportunity according to the peg ratio, working capital management

The DDM includes the following: Estimates of a company's growth rate, as measured by the growth in dividend, or a substitute Risk premium - likelihood of achieving the growth rate Risk-free rate According to the DDM, two companies with comparable risk profiles should have approximately the same risk-free rate. Calculate the risk premium of each β†’

Written 6

It is for the exclusion of the randomized nature of the experiment that the researchers referred to it as a quasi-experiment. It would be recalled that the fundamental aim of that research is to identify the possibility of identifying a piece of product through taste.

Social class background

In other words, the economic standing of a family has a greater role in future actions and decisions of that family, and it happened in our case as well. Education always remained a platform that enabled me to take efficient decisions; however, at the same time, the same platform was incapable of doing anything in β†’

The ways of resolving conflicts

Since B.J.seems to be the leader of the male group in the cost accounting department, the objective is to convince him to accept the decision so that eventually, he can convince the others in the department. One will tell him about the plan to hire Regina Simpson and the reason why one believes that it β†’


The first essay was written by Clark Kerr and occurs in chapter 8 of his book The Uses of the University and is titled ' Hard Choices.' The article first identifies that there are a number of hard choices facing the ever evolving University research environment particularly the ever increasing number of students. Finally there β†’

Media communication and culture

Competition in the market, referring to the action conditions under which competition is conducted within the media market". The basis of the argument is that downturns within the industry coincide with economic recessions.

Parenting-week 4

Due Parenting and Sexual Orientation Crisis in Youths It is pretty clear in the videos from thevery beginning that being gay or lesbian is but abnormal, wrong, and more importantly, worrisome with regards to family acceptance and/or social security, to say the least; the boy admits in " Always my son' that he never wanted β†’

Body mass index

Body Mass Index BMI or body mass index is a measure of the human's body in relation to body height and mass. To date it is the best proxy of body fat percentage in relation to height and weight.

Sir gawain and the green knight

From the very beginning of the poem, the reader notices the strong genre of romance underlying the work in Fitt 1. The feast shows the wonders of the court and the men who are part of it, thus playing on the reader's idea of romance and chivalry.

How schools mirrior the dominate culture

Schools have adopted an " English only" policy in which a student regardless of their cultural background is expected to speak, write, and is assessed in English. The dominant culture of the white people is mirrored in many ways in schools; these are just a few examples.

Constitutional law: activity search warrant exceptions

The confessions are associated with controversies owing to the fact that DNA examinations that were conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation provided results indicating that: Only Omar Ballard's DNA matched the DNA that were found at the scene of the crime. The other means of coercing suspects to confess over crimes they have not β†’

Interaction with a group of students from uae

of the English of the Concerned 2 May Interaction with a Group from UAE I still vividly remember my experience with a group of students from UAE whom I met at the New York airport. Being a young person, I was getting bored and seeing a group of young people from the same age group β†’

Social consequences of the internet for adolescents

Valkenburg and Jochen Peter " Social consequences of the Internet for adolescents " tends to claim that adolescent are currently the highest number of users on the internet and that they use the internet mostly for social interaction than adults do. The author relies on studies geared towards the positivity of the Internet although he β†’

What does construction courses done in yorkshire involve

According to Miller, Majority of the students do not complete the type of course that they had started doing in 1st year because of lack of networking and support within the students and lectures. Job questions After the completion of their course, what kind of work do they want to do in construction?

Compromised and lost data

Data compromise and loss affiliation Data compromise and loss Nemours is a company, which manages the children's health systems information data. It could have prevented loss of data by tagging the cabinets and put them in a register containing the name of the person who did the tagging, where they kept the cabinets and at β†’

Public employment law

The boards' position on the issue was that the contents of the letter were fabricated thus leading to the dismissal of Mr. The teacher appealed the decision on the basis of a violation of his rights as represented in the first and the fourteenth amendments that gave the teacher the right to speak out as β†’

Bilingualism theories and deaf

As such, the development of bilingualism in children is always a portrayal of their cognitive development. In analyzing bilingualism, the theory provides three stages of bilingualism development that also portrays the development of cognition in children.

Careers in hhs

The workers ensure that those who have mental illnesses and a drug abuse disorder and HIV or risk contracting the disease get access to behavioral health services. These services include preventing the spread of HIV and treating drug addicts and HIV infected individuals.

Personal finance for medical residents

On the importance of the seminar, all interns strongly agreed that the seminar was valuable and felt it was worthwhile to replace a medical talk with personal finances seminar during their hospital rounds. On changes in financial decisions, 16 or 64% of the 25 residents who attended the seminar reported switching out of the university β†’

Financial cost of corporate fraud in united states

Financial Cost of Corporate Fraud in United States As per 2008 Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, " the median loss caused by occupational fraud was $175, 000 with more than one quarter of frauds involved losses of at least $ 1 million". The management may want to show better results β†’

Overrated ipad

The early reports are in and the verdict: The iPad is nothing special if not a waste of money versus a netbook". Does the iPad really give you the value of your money?

Reading reflection

The language of the poem and the careful choice of words makes the literary work the most fascinating of all. To this end, poems are the most influential and intelligent of the literary works with respect to their drafting.

Dental asst

Dental Board of California, n.d.Web. Dental Board of California, n.d.Web.

A one page response paper about heroic africans. include what you think about the article

Heroic Africans Before Westernization of Africa, history of heroes was passed through oral narratives and making of sculptors to commemorate the heroes. Today, in some countries, bodies of heroes are well preserved and can still be viewed by the people of the country.

Llustrate this collaboration

Bili ska-Bohdanowiczowa's image depicts one of the remarkable biblical stories concerning sons of Jacob's rivalry, which prompted to the selling of Joseph. The image depicts the focal point of the entire account, which the artist chooses to feature.

Easy scholarships for international students

To help you, we have collected information from several resources to come up with a list of Easy Scholarships 2017 for students in the USA as well as few scholarship opportunities granted by US government and institutions. Foreign Fulbright Student Program The Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals and artists from abroad β†’

Delta force- organizational behavior

Delta Force itself is a group; it is comprised of a large variety of members who all define themselves as belonging to an elite fighting force, giving their affiliation to that force and its overarching structure and recognizing other members of that group as belonging in the same way they do. When on missions, however, β†’

Business organisations

For any organization to achieve its goals, the formal and informal groups should be integrated to achieve the goals of the organization. Organizations may become very effective when the goals of the sub-groups are integrated with those goals of the organizations so that group member may achieve their individual and group goals as they work β†’

The national institutes of health and the centers for disease control and prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a part of the Department of Health and Human Services and its main goal is to put forward collaborative information, methods and expert knowledge for the general population so that they can pursue a healthy life. Summary: The National β†’

The old man and the sea

Suzana Zdravkovska 09 May 2008 " The Old Man and the Sea" is the story of the reconciliation of youth and old age " Christmas gone, we start thinkingabout the New Year. The brown blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars But They were as old β†’

Marketing plan

Marketing Plan: VegShot A brand comprising of wide range of healthy yet tempting carbonated vegetable beverages Submitted In association with NAME OF TEACHER Submitted by: NAME OF STUDENT Submitted on: DATE Introduction VegShot is a beverage brand made by vegetable extracts mixed with carbonated soda water to give it a strong taste with rich flavors. β†’

Environmental systems

The hydrosphere contains the Earth's water and it is of vital importance to all parts of the environment. The reason for this is that there are more jellyfish in the water at that time of year.

Causes of terrorism

For example, the Sep 11 attack on the twin towers in the US was a well-planned act of terrorism and had its influence on the relationships of many nations in addition to the immediate loss it caused. The initial response offered to the incident of September 11, 2001, was that it was expected to change β†’


The differentiation becomes very difficult during the periods of remission, and in case if schizophrenia is accompanied with alcoholism. In contrast to patients with bipolar disorder the patient with schizophrenia is less initiative during the period of increased mood.

Letter of introduction

Crafford, My is Raffaela Wais and I am a second year business administration During my lifetime I have learned that it is important to listen to what others have to say. The experience of being my own boss when I was a perfume salesman inspired me to pursue a career in business administration.

Health in education

This paper aims at discussing these eight components for coordinated early childhood health, ascertain the rationale behind them and evaluate the role played by parents, teachers and health professionals in ensuring good health for the children. In order to ensure children's good health, the role of teachers, parents, the community, and the environment cannot be β†’

The lord of the flies

The youngest, the least influenced by society, are the first to run away, the first to show anarchy and the breakdown of societal control. The boys ignore Ralph's conch signal: the rejection of the conch is a rejection of the rules of society.

Lies my teacher told me

The ' help' that was given from the natives toward the settlers was forced. The main difference between the natives and European worldviews was regarding nature.

Children cartoons

Cartoons: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly When a leading character in one of the more popular cartoons exclaims, " Dude, that is not cool! It is theorized that cartoons cause a change in brain chemistry and may also be able to improve the child's sense of well-being.

Black boy by richard wright

The effect that cruelty can have on the cruel person is that it makes him happy and contented. Another effect is that the success that cruelty offers to the cruel person and the results he sees in the person to whom he has inflicted pain, makes him even crueler.

Mba graduate program

At this point, I consider a WP Carey MBA Program to be necessary since I need to gain a broader understanding of Business and to sharpen my analytical skills in order to be successful. I now posses a strong foundation to build upon and I am ready to assume the rigors and challenges of the β†’

Masculinities and athletic careers

Masculinities and Athletic Careers Masculinities and Athletic Careers According to Davalos, Chevez and Guardiola, the men's studies scholars have been concentration on the critically examining the masculinity though ignoring the implications of racial and social class and inequalities between men. On the other hand, the sports sociologists have also examined the causes as well as β†’

God, the great chasm, and the building of bridges

It has been the claim of the former pope that the Gods of Islam and Christianity are completely different as opposed to the argument of Muslims that the two religions are serving the same God. Mentioning that the Muslims are serving a violent God because of their vicious approach towards other religions which is said β†’

Free will unit4 db

The pervasive role of genes in behavior mean that genes can play a extremely vital role in the bodys physiology and development, and the behavior manifests itself through the body as well as acting in response to and upon the environment surrounding. The effect of the set of genes we possess on our behavior is β†’

Breaching experiment

On the day of the experiment, I borrowed the make-up kit from my female friend and applied the make-up. When I was asking the salespeople some questions, they were doing their best to avoid looking at me while answering my questions.

Distinguishing, overruling, reversing

The reason is that the British rule of law is closely connected with the circumstances of the case and applied to resolve similar cases to the one on which this decision was made. In general, the position of the court in the hierarchy is of great importance, since the power of precedent depends on it, β†’

My name is red by orhan pamuk

The tradition culture of miniature painting and the image of narrative texts that legitimized itself as artwork in the novel may be seen as a way of dealing with the culture of Islam. The novel is based in the 16th century that is widely known as a period of ' word and image ' conflict.

Organizing an argument

It should be followed by a brief narrative, and then the position statement must follow." Just because it's ancient does not mean it's carved in stone, however; there are other ways to organize an argument. Either way, when the time comes, it's probably best to work from an outline".

Stress management techniques

The practice of meditation has several techniques and disciplines which can each be utilized in reaching a state of deep relaxation. Toffler's stability zones enable an individual to cope with the constantly changing world and reduce the chances of stress development.

Project design constraints

When designing prosthetic heart valves, care has to be taken to ensure that the different biomaterials used to design them, fit the peculiar blood flow requirements of the human body. The model is made of aluminum, and has a similar size to the natural human heart.

The founding docs of the u.s. governmen

The sovereignty of state and powers of the government was embedded in the constitution of America. The republic structure of governance was considered as the American experiment mainly because it helped test the moral implications of the principles of the constitution and its flexibility in incorporating the changes.

Home depot and lowe’s financial analysis

For the long term to equity ratio, the ratio increased from 46% to 60% then reduced to 53% over the three years. The total debt ratio for the company reduced from 46% to 23% then increased to 24%.

Unit 1 seminar human services and policies

Human Services and policies Human services and policies Social policies refers to the principles and rules that regulate and maintain a conducive environment for the people in a society. This paper implores the relevance of the social policy issues and general concepts to the students of such a subject, as well the society at large.

Chapter 4 reaction paper

I considered my own position in the world in a very different way after reading this chapter. I began to try to unwind some of the strands of my personality which had led me to see myself in a certain, stable way.

Iq testing: assessing a persons intelligence

IQ Testing: Assessing a Person's Intelligence Fagan III asserts that people have been defining intelligence " as how much one knows rather than as how well one processes" and normally IQ scores show the extent knowledge of a person when compared to other people his age. The purpose of an IQ test is to β†’

Case study – credit risk – discussion section

MEGlobal Finance Case Study Solution and discussion The current credit risk situation faced by MEGlobal is serious, and after the analysis of the possible solutions to the problem, three solutions have been devised. Therefore, by purchasing the shares of PreFreeze which is currently experiencing financial problems, it would be possible for MEGlobal to save the β†’

Fiction exercise (mistakes were made)

This information had however spread in school and students were wondering why I never consumed the drug in school, while my close friends engaged in irregularities such as sneaking out of school and abusing drugs. Two days into the final paper, one of my close friends approached me in the evening and asked why I β†’

Tradition and change in europe culture

It is important to comprehend the late medieval mystic and pious revivals as partly a reaction to the late medieval church hierarchy and the disorder of the church. Mysticism, or the interior sense of the direct presence and love of God, was an important consequence of the late medieval mystic and pious revivals, and it β†’