Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Analysis of homeland security

Although security experts agree that the two are the greatest security threats to the country's homeland security, opinion is still divided as to which of the two poses the greatest security threat to the United States homeland security. The Boston Marathon attack clearly demonstrates that the biggest threat to the U.S.homeland security is the home β†’

Managed healthcare

Medicare Plans What are some of the benefits and disadvantages of the various types of Medicare Advantage plans? In some unique cases, the Medicare plans succeed and this helps Benefits The primary benefit of the Medicare plans is that they are reliable solutions to complex healthcare issues.


Determinism and Free Will Hondericch summarizes his writing by saying life-hope prevails because people have the capa to change the course of events that can happen in the future. In the principle of alternative possibilities, coercion is an excuse for people not to do something that they should do.

An extremely jealous wife

However, the queen maintained that her spawn is the first to get married since she was the senior and, in her guess, the far more attractive. Jennifer and the queen pressed the king until he decided to lock Joanne up for the time-span of the visit, and endeavored to blacken her personality to the Prince.

Extra- curricular activities

Feldman, Amy." The role of school-based extracurricular activities in adolescent: A comprehensive review and future directions". The authors conducted a literature review on effects of extracurricular activities on adolescents development and identified positive correlation between participation in extracurricular activities and self esteem, inter-racial interactions, social engagements, academic performance, inspiration, and self control, but negative correlation β†’

Future value: an american college education

The average tuition fee at a public university in the US is about $5, 000 while that of a private college is $20, 000. I would, therefore, recommend that the grandson attends a public university whose tuition fees will amount to about $20, 000.

Business communication

If an explanatory and then a conclusive answer is the preferred idea, then the indirect approach is to be adopted. In the mentioned scenario, the direct approach would be a risky one, since it would sound too impolite and direct.

Treasury bills

In the financial market, T-bills is considered to be the best selling security compared to others in the money market. Competitive means that one only stands a chance of allocation if they forward the lowest bid and the bidders are therefore asked to mention precisely the profit they seek to earn at the end.

Americas auto industry

Last December after the bailout package that salvaged the banking industry the auto industry received a government loan of $17. The reason the American auto industry is at the brink of extinction is that of years of bad business decisions that created production wastage and other inefficiencies.

Compare and contrast the societies of mesoamerica and the eastern woodlands in 1491

COMPARE AND CONTRAST THE SOCIETIES OF MESOAMERICA AND THE EASTERN WOODLANDS IN 1491 America had been inhabited by natives, descendants of Siberians, before the arrival of Columbus in 1942. The Eastern Woodland Indians were Native Americans that inhabited the eastern part of the United States and Canada.

The founder’s self-assessed competence and venture performance

My scores as per the self-assessment tests were 20 in the trait of empowering others, in the team leader skills, I scored 10 on the rates of being a team leader, 10 in developing team, 9 problem-solving skills, stakeholder relations 10, team performance 9, team process 10 and in the ability to provide personal leadership β†’

Public administration and democratic governance

This notion has moved the responsibilities of public servants from service providers to the ones responsible for the greater public good and minority upliftment. Some of the salient features of the new democratic governance system are: Decentralization: The hierarchical system is changed to a more decentralized and flat system.

Symptoms of schizophrenia

There is also anhedonia which is the loss of pleasure in things that have given the person pleasure before. In conclusion, there is a difference in the two types of symptoms in one is really new symptoms and the other is a loss of actions.

Pros and cons of legalizing marijuana in the usa

The discussion on the legalization of Cannabis sativa, also known as marijuana is one of the most controversial issues in the history of the United States. In addition to this, other critics have argued that marijuana is a stepping stone to the use of other dangerous and addictive drugs such as cocaine, heroin, among other β†’

Healthcare law

Many opponents have indicated that involuntary sterilization is in violation of the individual's right to have offspring's and have disfavored eugenic sterilization. It has been established that for involuntary sterilization to occur it must be consistent with the protection of federal and states laws and in the case of skinner the law was in violation β†’

Group vs individual education

This can be due to a variety of reasons one of the most frequent being believed is that bringing together a group of individuals with diverse backgrounds will create a synergy that will lead to greater productivity and output. Social loafing is another such negative behavior type associated with groups in which certain group members β†’

Goals setting

On my very first day, my roles and responsibilities were covered extensively, and in my opinion, this will prevent me from overstepping any boundaries and ensuring that I stay on target with my work project. This not only motivated me to want to continue to impress him but I believe that this strategy will ensure β†’

The life of women and minorities in the old west

Life was certainly not a bed of roses for the doughty women and minorities in the Old West. They labored and contributed in the building of the Unites States, especially California in a big way.

Reading and writing with clarity

Therefore a suggested correct alternative is: If a dog fouls the playground, you must use a poop-scoop to put the dog's waste into a plastic bag.b) The sentence is incorrect because the word " each" is singular and therefore reference to " members" and " are" is incorrect. Therefore, the correct alternative is: Each staff β†’

Understanding women’s roles in romansque art

2) Of all of the artwork that was generated within the Middle Ages, perhaps one of the most pervasive themes is the cult of the Virgin Mary. One of the interesting aspects of these is the fact that few artists represented the Virgin Mary in the same manner.

Analysis of you are what you eat film

Question 2 The statement concerning family farm and factory farming insinuates that normal farming is being taken over, by the controversial manipulation of animals and the environment, to produce surplus foods at lower prices for consumers. Question 8 Consumers have the responsibility of ensuring that the presented foods are within the recommended limits.

No impact man

As an advocate of a clean and healthy environment, I decided to share this information with my family to change the lifestyle in my home that affects the environment. Most of the plastics used are a nuisance to the environment.

W7dqs response

However, in the next phase promotion of democracy will be compatible with and vital in the process of state building. In such countries the state may provide most of the needs of the people but the human rights are not respected.

The ministers black veil

The comparison between the two short stories is the feeling of sin, guilt, and its result in life. Both stories have protagonists who live with the knowledge of sinning, accentuated by their own weakness.


The strategy that stands out is one that in order to beat them, one must be in a position to scare the judges and lawyers meaning that a litigant must know and be in a position to make them be respectful which only comes as a result of attacking them personally and taking the offense. β†’

Motivation in the workplace

In a workplace, motivation can be in the form of boosting morale of the employees, offering support, and staying energized. Motivation could also be understood through the application of theories and discussion of the pros and cons of financial incentives.

Asian culture

Consequently, there is also the dimension of religious beliefs; each of the Asian countries practices unique religious practices however; some religious activities are shared among some of these nations. Some of these religious beliefs such as Buddhism are shared among the Asian countries like in China and Tibet.

Urban planning – general plan anaylsis

Concept 3 Training of cultural diversity In order for people to get along well in workplace and be productive there is a need for understanding the concept of cultural diversity. Conclusion Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures in one place.

Foreign exchange indicator

This report feels that the intervention of the US government in infusing huge liquidity in the credit market a few months back was a move in the right direction and has brought a little stability and direction to the global equity markets. The above reports contrast the different opinions of a fund house in the β†’

The challenge of self-discovery

In terms of the growth and change I have experienced, I learned in the program of study in my former experiences as an undergraduate and elsewhere that being involved in knowing oneself requires a great deal of leadership and determination; people who are self-aware must ensure the success of others in every way possible by β†’

Oedipus the king

From the myriad discoveries made by Oedipus to the way he handles those discoveries while relating them to his own life, to the way he relentlessly gives up himself to finding the murderer of his father in an order to lift the curse, and to coming across the reality that he himself murdered his father, β†’

Icons of contemporary global culture

Three well-known icons of contemporary global culture are the McDonald's golden arches, the 5-ring symbol of the Olympic Games, and the crucifix of the Christian religion. Though the quality of that meal is not exactly the highest, it does for the most part guarantee to the consumer a precise and universal product.


Communication technology itself has seen one of the largest growths which has come to encompass the Internet and cell phone technologies Personally, technology has allowed me greater flexibility and the ability to contact anyone almost anywhere and at anytime. Communication and Internet development have had a enormous impact on the way information is disseminated both β†’

The increasing use of computers in schools

Researchers also found out that the students' constant use of the computer results in higher scores in standardized writing tests as a consequence of their learning from producing drafts, editing to correct errors, and writing the final copy. The explanation for this is that the youth of today's generation expects everything to come in handy β†’

Sociological theory

The Religious Life Ethnocentrism The main goal of Durkheim is to explain the most primitive form of religion that man knows. He argued that, people entertained primitive religion as the purpose of their research because they thought it was easy to adapt than any other conviction, which led to a better understanding of religion.

Unreasonable happiness

If so many people shoulder the unpleasant cycle of indebtedness in order to continue consuming, it seems a shift in the entire paradigm of capitalism based on distant people and the abstract next generation is unlikely. However, as an individual who has a deeper understanding of the consequences of wastefulness and pollution, I have a β†’

Listening log

Stairway to Heaven is a hard rock ballad, perhaps one of the first of the genre of hard rock music that would be the example from which the ' rock ballad' was born. The nature of the music is that it is a slowed down version of the hard rock example, a slower steady beat β†’

Should arabic students speak english in american school

Without English, the Arabs cannot use the language's capacity to go to one's heart iv. Improves the student's access to the research materials and enhances the research output.III.

Grameen bank

The Grameen Bank is a bank for the poor. The situation illustrates potential tension between the stakeholders of Grameen bank, the civil society and the government because of the government's attacks that Yumus is trying to evade taxes following the release of the Norwegian documentary.

Journal entry one

Business ethics refer to a code of values and principles that govern the actions of a person, or a group of people, regarding what is right versus what is wrong, however they are not just about the difference between right and wrong; they are the actual application of that knowledge to business. The Enron and β†’

Parcel and small package delivery industry

On the other hand, FedEx has four main business segments that are FedEx Ground, FedEx Express, FedEx freight, and FedEx services. From the business segments of each company, FedEx has managed to diversify the services than UPS that mainly depends on the traditional packages and parcel delivery business segment.

The hebrew creation

God in the first account is the same as God in the second account On the outset and reading the selections from the point of view of form and style, the God from the first account does appear to be the God from the second account. The two accounts are completely reconcilable on the nature β†’

Body types that found to be more associated with crime

This is somewhat supported by Wilson and Herrnstein's model which in addition uses a combination of biological and psychological traits to try and predict persons that have a higher predisposition to crime. Mesormorphic individuals are fit and therefore would most probably possess the latent traits that predispose them to engage in crime.

Campaign finance

Corporations work hand in hand with the media to act as the mirror of the society.' The Big sky, Big Money' video shows the organizations' incentives to track politicians. I support the idea of the unions and corporations as they assist the citizens in wise decision making during election.


The black community in that area is probably the easiest to target and make them plead guilty because they have no choice, either they can plead guilty and pay a probation fine or stay in the prison and go to the trial, which most of the people cannot afford. But after of all this, the β†’

Why may the romans be considered great city builders

These two rivers, which set the northern limits of the empire, proved to be a hurdle for the northward expansion of the empire. The churches built by Romans also served as a mark of status for various kings, adding both political and cultural value to the monuments.

Baker vs osborne development corp

Baker and the others are not bound by the arbitration agreement because they did not directly agree to it, as well as the fact that they were never specifically informed of it by HBW. It is not the fault of the homeowners that Osborne entered into the agreement, and therefore they do not have to β†’

Writing wk 9

Question 2 of 50 2. A stereotype Question 16 of 50 2.

Popular culture blog

FaceBook is one solid example of the popularity of internet; it does not have to take a day for an individual to understand why it is useful especially when it comes to connecting one to family and friends. Since the world has now entered into this new face of communication and relating; and it is β†’


The main point during the interview is to make the employer remember you. Before the interview date, get the name and position of the person who would be conducting the interview.

Recommendation of a candidate for a teaching position

I have worked with P for two years in my position as Principal of XYZ School. I have worked with P for two years in my position as Principal of XYZ School.


This way, our human suffering, which is normally as a result of confining ourselves to our areas of operation, is reduced and we remain focused and hoping for the kingdom of God.3. When we are suffering, Jesus is always on our side to guide us on how to respond to the evil and suffering.

The impact of technology on the music

To the professional musician, the advancement has now created the realization that it would really take a lot of hard work and talent to be differentiated from a non-professional musician. In terms of access to music, there is evidence to suggest that advancement in technology has affected musicians and the music industry negatively.

Testing and evaluation techniques

The advantages of project assignments for the teachers include a proper assessment of students' ability to do work independently, assessment of individual learning, and assessment of students' writing skills. In practical examinations, teachers give practical assignments to the students, which they need to complete under the observation of their teachers.

The internet, freedom of expression, and terrorism

SUICIDE TERRORISM AND CYBER TERRORISM The Internet, Freedom of Expression, and Terrorism Female Suicide Bombers The threat of terrorism has not been adequately addressed by the authorities for a number of reasons, primarily being the issues and grievances of the terrorists were not given due course to be heard or resolved satisfactorily. As such, β†’

Deontological ethical theory

The advantage here is that there is checks and balance with the implementation of rules such that no one is made to go above the rules that are made. In the premise of this ethical theory, there is the need to strive to increase utility.

The collection of the necessary data

Following the collection of the necessary data, I enter the development of the concept phase. When at this stage I often loose track of the time and often feel that if I do not adjust my alarm at 3 p.m.

Reliability and validity

Reliability and Validity: A Comparison-Contrast of Two Articles Word Count: 500 Compare and contrast the confirmatory factor analysis approaches in the Tarafdar, Tu, Ragu-Nathan, and Ragu-Nathan article, " The Impact of Technostress on Role Stress and Productivity," with the Towler and Dipboye article, " Development of a Learning Style Orientation Measure". Validity a body β†’

Fast company

Fast Company Fast Company After viewing and evaluating the list of criteria to garner the Social Capitalist Awards, the report written by Miracky, Lieb and Kulla revealed that the five critical components are: " Social Impact, Aspiration & Growth, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability". They have indeed consistently met the criteria and standards posed by the β†’

Colombia leaders seeks europes help for last chance peace

Having a negative image of drug trafficking, the government, therefore, faces the challenge of drug trafficking as it has to mobiles different factions and parties within the country to stop the lucrative trade while also promoting for the settlement of the displaced citizens. In addition, his tactic of choosing negotiation over violence with the different β†’

Linear equations

Dependent and Independent Variables in Science Science has been working toward the exploration of the nature for several centuries. Linear Models: The understanding of the dependent and independent variables help formulate linear models.

Langford, galileo, science and the church

This was " The man Jesus as the personal, visible only way to the actuality of redemption [p. Galileo's inability to stand by his own claims was a move the Church could not respect.

Journal week 4

However, over the years, the marriage institution has undergone substantive changes, an aspect that has contributed to the alteration of roles of the women and men in marriages, in addition to the change in the manner in which different cultures depict marriage. Biblically, a shift in the Biblical roles for men and women is eminent β†’

Chart audit

X Yes The intern did a thorough job in regard to utilizing special studies No Somewhat Is the diagnosis or differential diagnoses appropriate, based on the history, exam, and special studies? Yes X No The diagnosis is not appropriate since the intern forgot to do history examination Somewhat Is the management plan reasonable and consistent β†’

Chad case study

Comprehensive intervention plan for challenging behavior When the teacher is dealing with a group, they should give some special attention to Chad and the resulting consequence is improved participation. The teacher should ask Chad questions and encourage other pupils to congratulate him for questions answered.

Financial analysis for planet fitness

This includes $ 71, 000 to $ 158, 000 to pay to the franchisor as predicted by income and transactions for the three companies Planet Fitness locations in the 2013-2014 financial year. 567 Total income: $ 1, 728, 464 Cost of sales: $ 34.

Specific learning outcomes

Instructional Procedures: 9: 00 The teacher will gather the students and ask " Who wants to play find the leprechaun?" 9: 03 Teacher will say that in order to find the leprechaun, they have to read the story of St. Patrick's Day, do they like the masks and other questions that will draw responses from β†’

Health and safety management

Health and Safety Management Section July Health and Safety Management Creating a safety culture inany work environment requires stringent yet realistic health and safety management policies and implementing programs. The implementation guidelines, particularly a Safety and Health Program, should emphasize and take into account the direct and indirect costs of accidents, how costs of injuries β†’

Auditing and consulting in accounting firms

A response by the big global accounting and auditing firms was to branch out into a new service, in which they profess to have management expertise, and this is in the consultancy business. In the auditing market, there was saturation and maturity, hence accounting and auditing firms started to offer integrated auditing, consultancy, and advisory β†’

Learning log

The key issue that the author is addressing is In the first journal, the author is addressing both the theoretical and the practical implications of abusive supervision on the subordinates. The main conclusions of this article are In the first article, the conclusion is that, there is a positive relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates' β†’

Corporate tax :

The losses of a partnership are the responsibilities of the shareholders while for an incorporation, the business enterprise is a separate legal entity own its own responsible for losses and pay taxes. For incorporated businesses, the NICs are only paid on the dividends and the business enterprise as employer pays NICs also.

Native americans’ fate earlier and today

I did well on those questions which required greater historical knowledge, but on the later questions dealing with the living conditions of contemporary Native Americans, I was more likely to choose a wrong answer. The fact that I chose the incorrect answer to half of the questions on the quiz shows that my knowledge of β†’

Medical care in the united states

That said, the cost of providing that care that falls upon the government will always be a consideration and cannot be disregarded. Finding a balance that is pleasing both to the healthcare need and to the country's costs will be extremely difficult to achieve.

Gangs and the music industry

Gangs and the Music Industry Source Dave, Miranda and Claes, Michael, 2004." Rap music genres and deviant behaviours in French-Canadian adolescents", Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 33: 113 This source investigates four different kinds of rap music and their impact on adolescent behaviour. The study also showed however, that the nature of the relation between β†’

A conversation between two university students

By the way, I saw you at Jane's birthday party on Friday night but could not get a chance to talk to you. The reason why I asked to meet you is that I want us to be friends.

Douglas vs. special products

Rule An assignment transfers all of the rights of the assignor as was held in the case of Martha Graham vs. Application The payment of a bribe is illegal and cannot establish an enforceable contract.

Deep vein thrombosis

Symptoms: Trauma experienced by the vein is the most common cause of clotting of blood in superficial vein system. In the deep venous thrombosis, symptoms are related to the hindrance to the flow of blood from different body organs to the heart.

Healthcare reform bill

Since the topic of healthcare reform is with the political leaders, I wish to draw a parallel with the council member of our neighborhood and the successful way he practices his leadership skills. In this way, he has been able to keep a large number of his voters satisfied and yet earn the respect of β†’

People of europe vs napoleon bonaparte

It is essential to remember that it was the dissatisfaction of the French people about the rule by the alliance of the Great Powers which helped the return of Napoleon to the land and it is essential to regard the interest of the people of France regarding the current decision to expel him to the β†’

Smart goals

My SMART Goals My career goal for this year is to be promoted to the ranks of supervisor. I will use the performance appraisal results to track my progress in securing my promotion.

Reflaction paper (earth science)

With the increasing usage of fossil fuels worldwide, I think the effects of global warming are the most troublesome and threatening to mine and the next generation. Global warming is affecting the temperatures, the biology and botany of the planet, the air quality, the water levels, the plant life and the populations around the world.

Assignment example

These are embodied by International Law which I want to delve into in the following essay: International Law refers to a body of statutes, protocols, rules, principles, and guidelines that binds all the law actors. In summary, International Law is a key and critical aspect of the International relations in every respect regarding the interactions β†’

Discuss the careers of julius caesar and octavian. what did their rise to power mean for the republican from of government what

Client's 13 July Julius Caesar and Octavian were the two most powerful men in the history of the Roman Republic, they worked in unison and transformed Roman Republic into a Roman empire, this is no ordinary achievement. These were some of the most important contributions of Caesar and Octavian.

See upload

General Rule The amount of any item of gross income will be included in the gross income for the taxable year in which received by the taxpayer, unless, under the method of accounting used in computing taxable income, such amount is to be properly accounted for as of a different period.2. Copy and paste the β†’

Mental health court

This is viewed not to absolve or lessen the responsibility of the offenders for what they have done but to ensure that they receive the care they need with the supervision of the state if needed. The greatest realization of the day was that the critical issue of the day is not whether mental health β†’

Samuel moffett and the americanization of canada

Samuel Moffett and the Americanization of Canada Introduction " Samuel Moffett and the Americanization of Canada" appears as an interesting article and is one of the most intriguing chapters of the book, " Canada: An American Nation? The chapter or the article " Samuel Moffett and the Americanization of Canada" actually receives its name β†’

Software reconmmedation report

People required to implement and use ERP have to be well trained because the software is complex and difficult to handle. Infor10 ERP is a product of Infor which is the third largest ERP provider in the world The software is especially designed for the manufacturing engineering based industries and has an experience of 25 β†’

Assignments 7

It is customary in a baseball game that when a player hits a home run, the ball is to be caught by the spectators. It is customary that the ball will be of great value due to the fact it is a home run.

Rip van winkle: summary and analysis

This dog was a major companion to Rip, since he would not find solace in his wife. Rip was lucky as he slipped through the numerous adjustments of the twenty years to a renewed world.

Sony corporation

The leveraging aspect enables the company to create high quality and innovative products for its consumers, which is an element that increases the firm's sales and revenue. For this reason, since the corporation depends on technology, its survival depends on research and development initiatives that are essential for enabling the company to remain competitive.

What is standpoint feminism

In general though, feminist theorists in order to explain the marginal position women's issues hold in the social sciences - and why they are merely " added on" in the academic discourse, focus their critique upon traditional scientific approaches existing in the social sciences, offering alternative theories of knowledge. And this is crucial to our β†’

How memphis can be developed into more caring city

The program would primarily study the problem of the youth in the designated community and would involve them in developing action groups that would work towards developmental goals. Help create a ' self-help group' within the communities that would form linkages with the local authority, media, education institutes, and social workers to promote awareness regarding β†’

Racial discrimation

Potter Cases of Racial Discrimination In the developing era of globalization, many issues concerning the clashes of many different nations from different racial and cultural backgrounds have been encountered by people in the global world. In addition, discrimination in by denying individuals of their rights and benefits in employment and the like on the grounds β†’

2 questions

The department that makes more trips to department 4 is department 2, therefore should be placed at the locations closest, for instance A, which is 40 yards from A. The highest number of trips are made to department 4, therefore, it should be placed at the most central location.