Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Principles of the recovery model

He may not be sober but he can be able to take care of himself and he wishes his parents could understand that. He is also doing his best in avoiding any slips despite the neighborhood is full of drugs and addicts.

Nursing high school

For this patient, history of smoking or for any smokers in the household should be asked because of his cardiovascular risk. The cardiovascular system should be checked because of the presence of the lower extremity swelling, sudden weight gain and breathlessness.

Our town the play

25 May Our Town The theme of Companionship: The novel emphasizes that among all stages of life, the one that is of maximum importance comes in the middle because of the fact that neither birth nor death can be escaped. The companionship and teamwork is also evident from the very title of the play that β†’

The diverse nature of psychology

Smith and Mackie defines social psychology as " the scientific study of the effects of social and cognitive processes on the way individuals perceive, influence and relate to each other". As the below diagram by McAndrew indicates, social psychology is a combination of cognitive psychology, sociolinguistics, social anthropology and individual psychology.

Checks and balances in the american government

Checks and Balances in the American Government The terminology " checks and balances" emerged from the idea that in a democratic constitution, the protection of the civil liberties of every individual in the society must be ensured. Nation, Issue 17".

Buddhist theories

The Buddhist Theories Buddhist Theories Buddhist Theories and Personality in Relevance to the Biography of the Dalai Lama In chapter 16 of Susan Cloninger's book on " Theories of Personality-Understanding Persons," the author focuses on eastern culture which has a different perception concerning personalities. From the biography of the Dalai Lama, it becomes evident that β†’

Math problems

8 = 1 + 0. 83 2 3 = 1 + 0.

Biblical interpretation acts 4:32-5:11

This grieved God and Sapphira died in front of the congregation because she was challenging the presence of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the congregation. Author, Audience and Date of the Book of Acts The author of this book is Luke.

History and comparison in education

As far as Middle East colonies in the United States are concerned the education was the responsibility of the church as well as the family to which the students belong. Nowadays the government has proper control of overall educational institutions in the states.

Relations between the father and the daughter

It is thus possible that the father did this to make life easy for himself. For instance, a single mother without a job may justify the act of murdering her children because she is not able to support them and believes that their future would be terrible.

Parental culture and disposition in tcks

The number of variations on the parents' culture and disposition is as high as the number of TCK families in the world itself: however, it is often true that TCKs come from a small subset of wealthier, more highly educated and more close-knit families. Ultimately, whether a child becomes a TCK is in the hands β†’

Assignment example

Myocardial Infarction: This is an obstruction of blood flow to the heart which leads to a heart attack. Endocarditis is a condition associated with inflammation of the interior part of the heart chambers and valves.11.

The stone angel/ jason currie’s pride

The Stone Angel/ Jason Currie's pride One of the most renowned of Margaret Laurence's series of novels set in the fictitious town of Manawaka, The Stone Angel is noted for its depiction of the major theme, i.e.pride, through its major characters, such as Hagar and Jason Currie. It is fundamental to realize that the character β†’


The population of the Greeks and their interaction with other societies greatly increased due to trading activity they were involved in. They " fought to live and lived to fight" and ' drunk the blood of their enemies and used the scalps as napkins".

Nutrition discussion unit 1

Standards of nutrient intake of Standards of nutrient intake Standards of nutrient intakehave become one of the most widely discussed subjects among public. Secondly, the references that are furnished in the guides explaining the standards of nutrient intake seem to be illogical as they are not able to define the individual standards.

War on marijuana

The situation in the US has been considered alarming as " the United States as a whole has the highest rate of drug use among the industrial countries of the world, and U.S.high school seniors have the highest rate among their peers in the industrial world. Marijuana has been found to have the combined effect β†’

Jhumpa lahiri

Jhumpa Lahiri makes an interesting beginning in her novel " The Namesake"thus: Making a mention of her heroine of the book, Ashima Ganguli, she writes, "...combing Rice Krispies and Planters peanuts and chopped red onion in a bowl. She is the first Asian to bag the Pulitzer Prize in the year 2000 for her book, β†’

Joe dimaggio’s life and significance in his era

Joe DiMaggio's Life and Significance in His Era Table of Contents Joe DiMaggio 3 His era 4 References 5 Joe DiMaggio Joe DiMaggio is respected as one of the greatest personalities in the history of sports in America. DiMaggio's skills were incomparable and to honor his potentials he was chosen as the most valuable player β†’

Underdevelopment: imperialism’s lasting reach walter rodney

The change almost every country of the world was revolutionary but in Africa it was more of a gradual and slow change and the ultimate result was the exploitation of the African resources by others. The various statistics and figures show that the developed world is utilizing the resources from Africa for its own benefit β†’


It is increasingly becoming an instrument for sociological interaction of netizens who desired to see changes in our social relation, who worked for the democratization of global community, who wanted to share cultural diversity, and exchange updates about how economy affect nations. It also provides easy access of views for tourism sites and thus, provides β†’

The impact of using maps as evidence

The Impact of Using Maps as Evidence The Impact of Using Maps as Evidence Crime analysts have comeup with various work products that will help in both legal and enforcement procedures. These work products include crime mapping that can be referred to as a discipline of Geography that is used to analyze and visualize crime β†’

Culture and disease

There are different levels of depression and certain criteria have to be met in order to diagnose a person with depression. It can lead to a decrease in the amount of serotonin which is directly related to sleep cycles, eating habits, etc.

Paradise lost

Adam and Eve experienced the lost paradise by eating the forbidden fruit and then when getting expelled from the Garden of Eden became Nostalgic. Suffering Outlined in Paradise lost Adam and Eve were very happy until Adam ate the forbidden fruit also known as the fruit of knowledge.

Tough enough 4 and 5

Tough Enough Shoe Company Memorandum The manager, The Sales Manager, October 15, A Follow-Up Memo Dear Sir, I enjoyed our time during the conference. It was a very encouraging moment, and we got rejuvenated in our approach to sales.

Bisclavrets wife and lanvals beautiful mistress

This is but a normal feeling and reaction for a feminine who tasted the glory of being married, proof of it is her having many children. In despair, she met a guy of the same category who agreed to connive with her and be her lover.

Advertisement or commercial engaging a value system in order to sell

This means that value system of an advertisement is very crucial in determining the success of the advertisement. Text/Audio The text or audio of an advertisement must also be in a position to promote value system for a company.

Examination of historical context

But above all these, the question of the status of Jerusalem is perhaps the most complex and intractable. The establishment of Jerusalem as the capital of a united Jewish state is a great source of nationalistic pride for secular and religious Jews alike.

Bus311 wk4 dis

Business Law Sarah Simental Ashford 4/11 Business Law Characteristics of real, intellectual and personal property Intellectual property is non-physical property that is said to be a creation of the mind. Freehold estates are a type of real property that an individual has the right of ownership for an indefinite period while in the case of β†’

Graphic design tools are graphic items

The placement of the design elements in order to create a concrete image that communicates effectively. The image shows a concrete yet the complementary arrangement of the design elements in a manner that enhances the appropriateness of each of the design elements.

Humans’ limit

Her life would be extremely routine consisting of getting up in the morning, eating what her father fed her, and obeying her father Looking at in psychologically, it is clear that Emily's complacency with the world around her can lead her into depression and mental disorders. The proof of her limitations being infinite is when β†’

Qui tam and whistle blowing

Almost all subsidy programs being victims of fraud and abuse which cost the federal government up to USD 100 billion annually so programs like the Qui tam are designed to help the government recover money with the informer being entitled to a portion of the recovered money. The first step in answering the question would β†’

Payment systems: coding. medical coding process

If the documentation is not effective or if information is missing, the hospital may not get full payment to which it is entitled. Therefore, erroneous information or missing information may raise difficulties in payment system and ultimately weaken the quality of the health care.

Glider 3

The feature is also enhanced by the presence of the tapered body of the fuselage. Glider wing The wing design for the glider represents intrinsic part of the glider.

Creative problem solving techniques

In the first step, the consultant asks members to go for an imaginary excursion and take note of what they see. In the fourth step, the participants share their experiences of the excursion: what they saw, analogies created, and solution.

Human enhancement

It is obvious that the child might have emotional issues in life upon discovery that it is not the mother who bore him or her directly hence in other words defends the child who has no capability to complain of the mode of birth. If the decision is because of a genetic defect in the β†’

Monitoring public health in developing countries

This paper assumes an ethical orientation to highlight the need for developing and implementing effective disease surveillance systems in the developing world. This paper has assumed an ethical orientation to underscore the need for the development and implementation of effective disease surveillance and response mechanisms in developing countries.

Point of view of the speaker in do not go gentle into that good night by dylan thomas

10 July Poem tone and diction: Dylan Thomas illustrates the need for the elderly people to show resistance against death through prudent choice of diction and tone. Besides, the villanelle form of poetry is also consistent with the obvious repetition of lines e.g." Rage, rage against the dying of the light", and " Do not β†’

Department roles

At the top of the department is the Chief Medical Director who oversees all the operations of HIM. Following is the organizational structure of a HIM department.

Network security research

Full Paper Authentication Protocols The Challenge handshake authentication protocol is used to vali the identity of a computer, connection or a request on the network. The second step is to analyze any potential threats for the network.

The hard truth of immigration

As a result, this issue makes a great impact on how the native locals of the nation are able to perceive the effects of immigration in their country. This creates a rather uncanny situation between the immigrants and the local residents of the nation as the entire situation makes it hard for both parties to β†’

Use of e-books in an academic and research environment

E-mail questionnaires were sent which facilitated the survey of researches in the academic and research environment, specifically in the Indian Institute of Science and Technology about their use of e-books on their line of work. It is, therefore, safe to say that the comparison of the usage of e-books with the numbers of students and β†’

Learning contract

The main objective of contract learning for Knowles was structuring the learning process in its best and most fruitful way where the content of the educational material is replaced by the process. Completing all of the daily personal tasks with some time to spare is a good indicator.


A Critical Analysis of Donna Harraway's, " A Cyborg Manifes Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century" In the essay " A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century" Donna J. Harraway believes that the Cyborg's presence in modern political and scientific discourses has initiated a completely unprecedented perception β†’

Justice midwestern style

An example of a criminal justice agency in the midst of functional conflict would be underscored by a number of factors including increased group performance, improved quality of decisions, stimulation of creativity and innovation, encouragement of interest and curiosity, provision of a medium for problem-solving, creation of an environment for self-evaluation and change. An understanding β†’

Application task

In the first correction, the adjective is ' good' whereas the object is ' movie'. To teach it, I would show two picture.the first would be a woman reading a book in her room, and there are no one except her.

What does machiavelli mean by a corrupt people what does he mean by corrupt leaders what circumstances promote corruption can a corrupt people be reformed

In Machiavelli's view, Italy fell to the French and the Spanish because of corruption of its leaders and people. Machiavelli denotes that because of the brutal and selfish nature of the people, it is dangerous for a leader to become a philosopher king3.

Analysis of connie young children and movement: the power of creative dance article by bergstein dow

She states that this kind of exercise can help in and creation of cells within the human brain and helps in learning in a better manner. In conclusion Don states that there are various benefits of creative dance for the upbringing and wellbeing of physical and cognitive side of children.

Social problems

What are the purposes of a family What purposes does your family serve What do you think is the most important element of families or family life for the well-being of people and society Answer: Though the role of the family has changed greatly over the years and there are many hurdles in the cohesive β†’

Famous people, such as politicians and film stars

8 February, Analysis of the role of media and journalists in the life of politicians and celebrities: Famous people, like politicians and film stars deserve to have a private life without intervention of journalists. Full time follow up of politicians and film stars by the media not only ruins the personal and social life of β†’

Development of collective bargaining in the united states

Development of Collective Bargaining in the United s Introduction The topic of the discussion will comprise the development of collective bargaining in the United States. For the development of collective bargaining in the United States, there had been a lot of conflicts that were determined to arise between the employers and the employees.

Social change

On the other hand, girls are privy to more role models than before in the American society, resulting in the empowerment of the girl child. The Internet will enable researchers from the US and other countries across the globe to conduct comprehensive research and experiments in order to create and enhance technologies that foster the β†’

Carvers popular mechanics

Ending the story with the line " In this manner, the issue was decided", could mean one of two things: that the parents would never come to an agreement as to who would have the baby, bringing to mind images of future custody battles; or the incredible and shocking idea that the husband managed to β†’

Model of personality

Model of Personality of the of the Model of Personality Introduction The personality model which I have selected to explore further is Five Factor Model. The study of personality, or more specifically the person, has important implications for the study of social behaviors as well, and interest in the role of personality in peoples lives β†’

Reflection about the annishnaabe people

Even though the wheel has neither the beginning nor the end, it is crucial to enter the wheel from the South and proceed in a clockwise direction. At the centre is the Creator and is also the Medicine Wheel itself.

Dual relationships counseling

According to Pearson, the counselor is supposed to avoid all conflicts of interests in the work he is doing. The second dual relationship is that which involve personal benefit in forms of monetary gains, emotional dependency and provision of goods and services.

You decide-scenario 1

Global Baby Bust Implications AFFILIATION: Table of Contents Global Baby Bust Implications 3 Implication for marketers of consumer goods and governments3 Entrepreneurship and attractiveness of national markets4 References5 Global Baby Bust Implications Implication for marketers of consumer goods and governments The people in these societies are facing severe problems regarding the decline in the birth β†’

The man who knew too much

This is a sense of isolation and though however beautiful that the world of mathematics the writer considers this isolation to be difficult to handle. However, the fundamental event in the book is the development of a beautiful mind however; it is spread all over the initial stages of the text.

Why we are star stuff

The elements found on stars are available on earth and even in our bodies. If all the matter and energy originated from a single source and if it is impossible to make new energy or matter, it means that whatever the elements present in our body once belonged to a heavenly object which is responsible β†’

Social or cultural issues in early contemporary literature

of Feminism as a Social Issue Dealt in Early Contemporary Literature Feminism became one of the most critical issues in literature during the early twentieth century. Feminism was not the sole emancipation of women from the chains of male dominant society and to gain equality as men; it was a deeper struggle of women to β†’

Take your vitamins

A really important element of the " functional foods" is that most people are probably not aware is that they are not directly regulated, at this time, by the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration. Many of the foods these ingredients are added to are not necessarily healthy for you regardless of the vitamin content.

Devil’s knot

The crime scene was repeatedly changed and re-recorded from the three teenagers to suit the situation and the time of the murder so that the post mortem report should also match the same time as recorded by the police. At one point the boy said they skipped the school and the murder took place in β†’

Soving 2 macro economy qs

4.a) Real GDP growth = /120412 = 0. 69 = 0.

Analyzing personal and professional identity

In the course of life, every person sets goals that they want to achieve. The kind of goals that one has limits them to a particular profession.

Cowboys & indians

Some of the negative or incorrect stereotypes associated with Native Americans are as follows: that Native Americans are naturally synonymous to Native American Indians and that they are all alike; they are pictured to live particularly in tipis on a reservation; still wear braids and ride horses; they deeply spiritual and have distinct practices calling β†’

The talk with voluntary participation of a project

They were given the list of words first and allowed to study it. In Recognition test participants were asked to circle the words that they have seen in the word list prior to the math quiz.

Summay of uae auditing law

United Arab Emirates Auditing Law United Arab Emirates Auditing Law The United Arab Emirates auditing law-Federal law of 1995 became constitutional after the perusal of the provisional constitution in regard to a number of factors; organizing accountancy and auditing, insurance companies and agents, the functions of ministries and the authority of ministers who serve therein, β†’

Does afta create or divert trade

With the creation of the agreement, there has been a boost in the ASEAN trade. The statistics reveal that there has been an increased amount of trade within and outside the member countries.

America at mid-century

The case is significant as the ruling of the Supreme Court to stop racial segregation of the white and black children became a turning point of the country development. The World Almanac and Book of Facts.

Bowlby’s viewpoint concerning a parent-child bond

He continues to put that the child's caregiver needs a lot of assistance, from the other parent, though it normally comes from the grandmother in most societies. Attachment behavior of a child is activated mostly by pain, fatigue, fright, and the mother's inaccessibility.

Old american special occasion baskets

We will also put up big banners all over the mall, and we will be visiting different orphanages, houses, and business establishments to promote our gift basket business. Also, through this, we will be able to lead and set the pace in the gift basket industry in our area.

Reaching of my goal

Body Passage 1: This passage will contain a topic sentence about why goals are important in our lives and I will expound up on the specific significance of my goal in my life and career. I will also discuss about my passion and how it has been coming in the way of my academic pursuits.


Their mixed costs includes the cost of transportation that varies depending on the amount of miles that the product needs to be moved and the cost of commission that is paid to middlemen for helping the company sell their products. The fixed cost of the company includes salaries paid to permanent employees such as employees β†’

The hardy weinberg law

This number is a translation of the actual number of squirrels having the same genotype into a percentage of the overall population of squirrels.1b. The square root of that number is the frequency of recessive alleles.

The interview of the director of the auschwitz state museum (reaction paper)

Your Full Your 25 February Reaction Paper The interview of the Director of the Auschwitz Museum, Germany, by David Cole is, what Cole claims, an effort on his part to unearth the exact truth about the Holocaust. It is a fact that after the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in the Second World β†’

Of peter weirs film witness

Book must flee with Lapp and his mother Rachel back into the Amish community where they can find safety because the Amish rejection of modernity makes them anonymous to most of the bureaucratic means of social control the police might ordinarily use to find a fugitive. The tension of the film involves Book's integration into β†’

Non-governmental organizations

She defines the non-governmental organizations as " self-governing, private, not-for-profit organizations that are geared to improving the quality of life for disadvantaged people". Theoretically, it is named Greenpeace for it aims to have peace in the world's environment.

Find a sidedraft carburetor with labelled with it’s part list for a car ,, and find 3 positive & 3 negative aspects of the down draft carburetor

The measure of fuel that can course through the jets rests on the amount of air that can be pulled into the carburetor wander. This happens because of less thickness of air with the ascent of temperature to a grater degree than the thickness of fuel.

Grounding & bonding

The prime objective of grounding is to allow convenient detection of probable faults in electrical systems by providing a path for the flow of currents from the point of fault through the ground back to the neutral point of the source. The proper installation of bonding and grounding devices is important in the protection of β†’

Maintaining versus withdrawing life support

However, these cases may be minimal but I tend to believe that not all surrogates act in the interests of the patient despite proving presented to execute their consent in the withdrawing of life support. The decision regarding the end of life is the mandate of a sane individual prior to the appointed time who β†’

Wal-mart: the high cost of low prices

This can then lead to Wal-Mart's business policies becoming lax, as they no longer have to compete and now are the only game in town. In conclusion, anybody who has ever shopped at Wal-Mart should watch this movie, just to see how real and far-reaching the effects are.

The mission of benevolent corporation

Company Code Benevolent Corporation's Company Code should incorporate policies and procedures in major areas of operations such as administrative, organizational structure's line of communication, security, protection of company assets and resources, diversity and ethics, performance and promotions, and the corresponding sanctions in cases of infractions or violations of the code. It stipulates rules on insubordination, β†’

The responsibility of being a teacher

This article would further describe the steps taken by me to make the students understand the concepts of the unit. It would be helpful for them to get a better understanding of the unit.

Peta people for the ethical treatment of animals

In order to influence policy and public agenda, PETA conducts activities like holding campaigns and working towards changing the law concerning ' required' animal testing. It is also involved in creating public awareness about animal abuse in the entertainment, research, fashion, and food industries.

Policy change memo

In this regard, as officer of the training division, I am proposing that the current policy of training customer service representatives for only one week after recruitment and placement be increased to two week to incorporate the need to discuss topics such as addressing complaints and techniques for conflict resolution. The approval of this change β†’

Global warming & economy problems with cold waves

Cold Waves and Heat Waves In APA Format It is a well known fact that the depletion of the ozone layer is causing global warming, the layer has beendepleting because of human activities like generating excessive pollution, cutting of trees so on and so forth, this paper will shed light upon heat waves and cold β†’

Arguing a position

For many reasons related to this inefficient combination of order and disorder, it would be of tremendous benefit to the health of students if Elmhurst cafeteria were required to extend their hours of operation. If the cafeteria were open later and offered food that met the nutrition needs of students, they might be more willing β†’


If there is no violence, property destruction, and the characteristics of a resentful stalker, these should be given less priority. The above intake, assessment, and evaluation should be used as tool.


The economics of the US was undergoing a big blow from the depression that did not seem to end and the rates of unemployment were an all-time high similarly to the prices of food and other commodities. The Roosevelt's administration came up with the aspect called " New deal" which featured a series of changes β†’

Product report

The product life cycle theory assumes that a product has a limited life in any market, that it transitions through various stages offering new challenges and opportunities to the marketer in every stage and each stage requires different marketing strategies for the product to successfully grow. Keeping the above-mentioned strategies in mind, it appears that β†’

The list of resolutions for next study year

In 2014, I want to explore all the potential that I have and tap it into my academics. Moreover, I will take advantage of some of the university career programs in a bid to diversify my skills.

Philosophy 4

The statement uses the word think to express different psychological activities that Descartes wanted to identify his body and mind with. Skepticism allows for the coherence of logic and empirical evidence in academia today.

Cultural diversity

Social norm when inside the elevator dictates that you face the door and remain silent for the rest of the ride which is different from my current racial identity where we are allowed to discuss and even laugh inside the elevator. Compared to my racial identity, cigarette smoking is considered a taboo most especially to β†’

Sex love and tragedy in early italian literature

Dante took pains for the development of his character reaching the final concept of love. Here, Virgil acts as the guide of Dante, who enables Dante to have a clear view of Hell and for strengthening his moral lessons.

Introduction to philosophy i

Socrates' view that philosophy is an integral part of our lives is quite true because philosophy is concerned with the issues that are important for every individual to devise a set of standards and creeds for himself. Hume is more concerned about these impressions and the components of an idea that can be used to β†’