Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Answer questions

After watching the movie, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, it is my opinion that at Enron Corporation the upper management team was composedof bad apples and the entire barrel at the top was fulfilled with a rotten product. Everyone was fouled by the company due to the fact the investors which included thousands β†’

Mossad weight in sanctioning iran over private meetings concerning nuclear talks

The head of MOSSAD and chief intelligence officer then differed publicly with the leader of the nation terming the move to renew the stance of Iran berserk. Analysis: In the recent past, there have been talks and claims of sanctioning Iran to drop its nuclear plans and efforts.


In order to effectively utilize systematic desensitization as a means of dealing with such a phobia, it will first be necessary to thoroughly discuss the individual's fears and understand the dynamics of the situation that they are most terrified by. Within this particular stage, the individual patient can be provided with step by step progressive β†’

A family gathering

Once again, a family gathering was organized to celebrate his success and I took the responsibility of all the arrangements. The picnic arranged for him after his high school was memorable especially for the gifts he brought for all of our family members and the guitar he brought for me especially." What would the surprise β†’

The correlation between creativity and mental illnesses

MENTAL ILLNESS AND CREATIVITY The stereotype of the artist is very familiar. But the lengths and pains artists go to because of their creativity and their high incidence of mental illness are very unfortunate.


He views them as offensive and at the same time attractive, the attraction is not because of the pictorial effect, but for the clients that source the service of these pictured women. The reason for this retreat is as a direct consequence of the origin of Picasso and the subsequent woman he interacts with.

Work on bax’s article

Work on Bax's article I agree with Bax's criticism of Warschauer's analysis as Bax adequately pointed out the inconsistencies involved in Warschauer's analysis. Thus, Bax's analysis seem to be more useful than that of Warschauer as it corrects the anomalies noticed in the work of Warschauer and provides a more authentic account on Computer Assisted β†’

Speech analysis

The speech starts with a general everyday example of the speaker's mother persuading him/her to hang a wind chime next to the dorm room's door and moves to more specific explanations and examples of the concept of Feng Shui. The general purpose of the speech entitled " To Save a Child" is to explain the β†’

The total assets that is given out as loans

The valuation of the bank can be calculated by either the discounted free cash flow method, or by the price/value multiple ratios. However, the valuation of the bank can also be calculated by the price/earnings ratio.

Government and religion

This is so even if the culture and religion are so much intertwined such that they cannot be separated and religion is the major thing in every piece of life in the society. It is imperative for the country to balance the opinions of the different religions and integrate them in the formation of the β†’

The value of biomechanic knowledge as a teacher

The Value of Biomechanic Knowledge as a Teacher ID Lecturer For the role of a teacher, the biomechanic knowledge helps an individual in shaping up the applications of mechanical principles towards diverse biological systems. The worth of sports biomechanics has a vast scope it takes care of the physical education of the teacher, the exercise β†’

Application for msc marketing

I would like to delve into Master of Science in Marketing program at the City University of Hong Kong for the primary reason that I have the burning desire to be a world class marketing professional and entrepreneur. I am convinced that the City University of Hong Kong's Ms in Marketing Program is the perfect β†’

Juvenile justice

Lastly, reinforcing integrity of the services provided helps to ensure that each program in use is effective and is approaching the situation properly. I firmly believe that these are attainable principles and that the use of each approach is important.

Leaves of the banyan tree

Tauilopepe uses his power in a corrupt way and in an incident described in the novel by the author Tauilopepe gives a sermon in the church in which he preaches about God, money, and success. At the starting of the novel, Tauilopepe is a man of honor who respects his traditions culture, and religion.

The path to rome by hilaire belloc

Initially, he praised the rail transport system for helping industrialization, the modern marsh of his time, but then contradicted himself when he said that the rails also disrupted the peace and conservation of the countryside. He meant that modern civilization was destroying the geography and topography of the land.

Crime in tourism destination

This leaves the tourists stranded due to the unusual scenes in a new environment, only to have the colleagues of these criminals pick from them or even snatch their bags and other valuables and then run to waiting by taxi, which takes off immediately. Additionally, the perpetrators of the street crime have advanced their tactics, β†’

Educated citizenry

I feel this way, because of the fact that an educated citizenry can solely understand the prerogatives and the initiatives taken by the government, for the welfare of the masses. An educated citizenry, that is well-informed about the current affairs of the State, the rights and the duties it needs to perform and the process β†’

Summary of two stories: irwin shaws and pam houstons

In the end, forcing him to say that he is not sure whether he will always stay with her always and not willing to discuss it further, Frances gets up to call their friends to go out with them to the country. Pam Houston's How to Talk to a Hunter - Written in a way β†’

Nuts production mix problem

00 Brazil 0.25 0.20 0. 00 Walnut 0.25 0.20 0.

Type 1 and type 2 error

If a method that maximizes power is used there is a declared risk of significance increase in the rate of tumor which is small to prevail over the likely benefits of a new drug Similarly, if an individual is a prospective customer of a new drug, what between the Type II and I error would β†’

Determination of the liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index of a cohesive soil – lab report example

LL1 LL2 LL3 LL4 Initial gauge reading 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Final gauge reading 13.4 14.8 14.2 18.6 19.5 18.6 19.0 19. From step of the laboratory procedure for the determination of the liquid limit, the theoretical value of moisture content which would produce a penetration of β†’

Analysis of tim o’brien’s the things they carried

The juxtaposition of Cross's experience in Vietnam and his memory and imagination about Martha brings a drastic contrast between the life of a soldier and that of a civilian. In the end, Cross decides that the two cannot co-exist as he destroys the letters and photos of Martha and chooses to be only a soldier β†’

Read the dunkin case

[Manager] 24 November Dunkin' Donuts and Market Segmentation Dunkin' Donuts is known as the largest coffee and baked goods chain in the world. As Dunkin' Donuts shops become more prevalent in new markets, and as the economic environment continues to be cost-conscious, Starbucks will continue to struggle with price competition.

Homecare and family as caregiver

Integration, differentiation as well as education and other child necessities are; therefore, significant factors to be considered in order to manage the challenges of family nursing in the community. The trends in mortality, fertility, and immigration, as well, affect most family's healthcare in terms of family nursing relating to caregiving services being provided.

What inferences can you draw from this passage what are the implications

The passage suggests that while recruiters and organizations are filling their vacant positions they need to use personality tests such as the Big Five Personality Test to identify the personality traits that applicants of a particular job possess. The term organization-fit refers to the degree to which a particular employee is fit for the organization β†’

Art and antiques

Its significance to the Victorian period The Fine Armoire above has a lot of significance to the Victorian period. The Fine Armoire is significant because it indicates the type of materials that were used by the designers during that period.

Strategic planning and financial analysis ratios

The steps involve the services of a financial planner who will advice appropriately according to the financial position of the company after carrying out a thorough assessment of company records and give recommendations to be put into action as well as monitor on the progress of the recommendations towards the goals. Horizontal analysis in the β†’

The widening gap between rich and poor within nations

Actually, the developed countries have exploited the resources of the poor countries for self-interests, conveniently forgetting the objectives of globalization. UN intervention is essential in modifying the globalization policies, more suitable to the development of the poor countries.

Hard work with the little red hen

Thus, the various learning styles and strategies learned should help students gain a better grasp of what the beginning, middle, and end of something, such as a story, means. By asking students to tell these stories, language arts is thus added into the lesson, because students will have to demonstrate and tell their own stories β†’

Comparing life experiences of racial and ethnic inequality

However, racial and ethnic inequalities are the greatest evils in the society due to their effects on the people affected. This essay compares life experiences of racial and ethnic inequality in the old and young people.

Abraham lincoln biography

Lincoln's greatest contributions were abolition of slavery in America and the formulation of a clear definition of democracy. Perhaps Lincoln's greatest contribution to politics as president of America is his definition of democracy." Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as: Government of the people, by the people, for the people".

Lightning strikes and paramedic care

Patient Treatment by Paramedics In case of a lightning strike, the paramedic should take to resuscitation as soon as possible since most lightning strikes patients develop respiratory problems. The best line of action to rescue a victim of lightning strikes is to provide artificial resuscitation as soon as possible.

Teacher profile

What are some of the art representation in the college you find more useful and intriguing to the students? Art and representation: New principles in the analysis of pictures.

Stephen crane the open boat

Early on we see the use of color to depict the emotions of the characters as they are situated in the middle of nowhere." These waves were of the hue of slate, save for the tops, which were of foaming white, and all of the men knew the colors of the sea". The beginning of β†’


The narrative voice in lines 1870-1873 sees the King's kiss and the tears of the prince. There is ecstatic failure to mean in this poem when Earl Byrhtnoth gives the Vikings free passage and then battle starts.

Case study 1

The teacher is supposed to be aware of the children who have the seizure disorder in their classroom. In case of seizure, in a classroom, the teacher is required to attend to the child in order to avoid further worsening of the situation.

Vitamins and minerals involved in energy metabolism

Nicotinic acid is included in meat, wheat flour, eggs, milk, and fish, and 13 mg is needed for women and 17 mg is needed for men per day. 2 mg per day and as it cannot be stored in the body thus it is needed every day in our diet.

Three branches of government

The legislative branch consists of the senate and the House of Representatives, which form the congress of the United States. 21 Sept.2012.administration.shtml>.

Experimental exercise

Immediately upon arrival, three members demanded an explanation for my lateness and the chairperson reminded me that my lateness was the first since the committee commenced its meetings. The role of classical conditioning has however surprised me about human behavior because I thought that autonomy and rationale influenced human behavior.

Business acquisitions

Considering the case in Tiny Co, Big Co.has total control on this company and hence the method of consolidation of the accounts will be used. The journal entries describing the transactions between Big Co.and Small Co.will be directed by the stipulations of equity method.

Soldier stories about the vietnam war

The Vietnam War was a complete chaos and confusion and left a number of soldiers dead. The war leads to numerous fatalities on the side of the soldiers and this was a big loss for the country as the War was one which was completely uncalled for and unnecessary.

Is google making us stupid

The human capacity to concentrate has been one the most relevant attribute that has contributed to the development of human race and its environment. Google has made man addicted to its technology and has effectively reduced his power of concentration.

Dover beach by matthew arnold

It is, however, contrasted in terms of the language used, the style of presentation and the mode in which the idea is represented. She asserts her individuality and of course, is in no way inhibited by the man's presence.

The perils of assisted suicide

Purpose: To make the audience aware of the dangers of Assisted Suicide. In most cases of Assisted Suicide, it is obviously the family members who will have the right ' to pull the plug.' In the absence of legal safeguards, what protects the terminally ill or the disabled from unscrupulous family members who are in β†’

Communication /

How do you think a portfolio will assist you in your personal and professional development Making a portfolio is a necessary and useful tool to present who you are and what are the abilities that distinguish you. If you put a good amount of effort in doing your portfolio, it will show; and that is β†’

U09a1 universe review

Note however that the mass that one determines by measuring the velocity of a gas cloud or a star in the disk of a spiral galaxy is the mass contained within the circle made by the orbit of that object. The strongest evidence for the existence of dark energy comes from the discovery that the β†’

Changing mental models

Rather than focusing on the individual or group of people who have caused the delay, they make it a point to promote the fact that delays are everyone's responsible; supporting the mind-set that the organization is a team. Then, the focus is on finding out who is responsible for the problem, rather than how it β†’

Professional role and future goals

I also adopt this approach is to support employee involvement and obedience to a constant improvement strategy with the meaning to promote a more basic change of culture of the organization. I am a speedy learner and am willing to take training to supplement my knowledge.

Lesson plan: students will learn the colors of the rainbow

Motivation: By playing the Bring Me game, the students will learn to recognize the color yellow and blue. The teacher will call out objects colored yellow or blue from a list.

Leverage financing in servervault

The upfront cost is around $6 million and the cost for the new server will reach $200, 000, while the personnel cost can be as high as $210, 000 per month, totaling to an additional cash requirement of around $6. The entire amount is definitely too much for financing from friends and family so that β†’

White supremacy stereotype in feature films

The concept white race is socially constructed in order perpetuate the idea of superiority of the white people. The white beauty is accentuated by wearing of white dress by the main female character as in the movie King Kong, and also by the expert manipulation of lighting.

Educational philosophy

Sensing potential conflict I will use appropriate methods to calm the worried student and to help him change his tone of voice Another very important element in a classroom management is the classroom arrangement: accessibility of the teaching/learning aids, are they easy to observe, accurately set and available for teachers and students. In a student-centered β†’

The fragments: heraclitus

21 February The Fragments: Heraclitus The fragments from Heraclitus show that the ancient Greek philosophers considered the act of inquiring things very valuable and rated it very high. Heraclitus comments very early on in the fragments that men appear to be uncomprehending and unknowledgeable both before and after hearing the voice of wisdom.

The u.s. and the korean war

Truman's strong support of the Marshall Plan for rebuilding Europe, the creation of the United Nations, the " containment" of communism, the founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATIONAL SECURITY-Was there any way to ensure national security against the communist threat than the methods used during the late 1940s and 1950s? Explain, With the β†’

2 questions

Below are the three critical internal control practices for safeguarding the integrity of the payroll register: Separation of Duties The first key step to safeguard the integrity of the payroll register is to ensure that the organizations payroll system is processed by different people. In additionally, the management must ensure that the confidentiality of the β†’

W4 comment on peer responses dq1 ae and dq2 cc

The cost of living in the United s is very high. The problem with programs such as welfare is not the economic incentive that it offers since a lot of people need the money to eat.

Electrical engineering

In my primary school I was very good in science subjects and the same was reflected in my secondary school. As a result my teachers continued to encourage me to engage in electrical engineering once I go for higher education.

Bioethic issue

The legal abortion is the source of embryos, and thus the public should not view stem cell research as unethical. Therefore, the public should have a balanced view of the stem cell research.

Grant proposal and philanthropy

In order to come up to train our students to the best standards, we need money for student- bursaries and to buy new equipments for training. Our aim is to train our athletes as best as we can and to prepare them for national and international events.


Divorce can be loosely defined as termination of a marriage due to a number of factors and in some cases it can be legally determined by the courts of law or it can be just a radical approach where married partners would decide to part ways as a result of some misunderstandings. In the event β†’

Summarize the document

The City is a film where a viewer can explore how ideas influence the structuring of a film and the surviving artifact which serves as the indicator of the past values and perception. In conclusion, the Mumford contribution in The City film should not be underestimated as he moved the film to a level of β†’

The immortal life of henrietta lacks by skloot, rebecca

This is because for a writer who started of by writing about the agonizing life of a woman who had to battle cervical cancer, the author could however give readers and especially the family of the antagonist, who was Henrietta Lacks a very high level of hope that even though she died eventually, she continues β†’

Discuss gospel of mark

Write a brief " character sketch" of Jesus as he is presented in the Gospel of Mark. Mark 4 v 26 ' ' This is what the kingdom of God is like- the introduction to a parable describing seed growing secretly.

The dynamics and differences in indian and pakistani foreign policy

India is a very important ally for the United States and should be aggressively courted. In the past, India and the U.S.have not had great relations, but that is improving as India becomes a powerful, democratic player on the world stage.

Writing an abstract and finding related referencing

The result of the above and the major concern globally today is the lack of electricity around the world. It will lead to the production of clean energy and at the same will be a solution to the electricity crisis around the world.

Should legislation provide gay couples the opportunity to marry

With the growing number of gay couples, the question that we should ask ourselves is when gay marriages will be legalized and not whether gay couples should be permitted to marry. According to Merin, gay couples in enjoyment of their freedom in no way curtail the enjoyment of the heterosexual couples right.

Applied logic

Hence, free will are much interrelated with applied logic as free will is the foundation of applied logic as it helps individuals to be self-determined and accountability of their actions. Applied logic: reality The concept of reality has been controversial since the times of great philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle particularly due to the β†’

Identify three laws (state and federal) that limit what an employer can do to an employee, and explain the pros and cons of each law

Limits to What an Employer Can Do to Their Employees s March 21, Limits to What an Employer Can Do to Their Employees Intoday's society, one of the most important things is the source of livelihood, somewhere one can make a living from. On the same note, the employers are said to remunerate their employees β†’

Anorexia nervosa

All the girls who attended the group therapy, in Chapter 2, had suffered some kind of psychological trauma in the past and had taken to starvation to vent out their frustration. The most effective treatment strategy seemed to be the group and individual therapies which created awareness in the patients about the lack of logic β†’

Why i deserve this

It occurred to me that being on public assistance would not do good in the long run so I returned to school to get my AS in Criminal Justice. It would be a happy blessing if I would be able to win this scholarship.

The adjusting process discussion

Task The Adjusting Process discussion The adjusting process can be regarded as the scrutinizing and bringing up to financial records at the interlude before financial statements is organized. The accounts are often adjusted after transaction so as to reveal the accurate balance at the closing stages of the period.

Motivation case study

Organisational Behaviour Question The real issue presented by Chief Robert Jackson, in chapter 6 of Organizational Behaviour, is that of highlighting the factors that influence the decisions people make with regard to their behaviour. In this leadership style, the leaders provide the resources and tools needed and leave the employees to set up their own β†’

My choice to be a social worker

I feel that my education and my future should be focused in this direction and to take up a degree in the medical field from one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, the Air Force Academy. Basically, I would like to continue the work which my mother has initiated and I am confident β†’

The hills like white elephan

The first to broach the subject of abortion is the American man. The American man will need to respect Jig's decision.

Assessing strategies toward a goal

His problem was that he was unable to understand how to allocate the money he had for optimum benefits. The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping.


One should openly include his or her contact, a name and the location of the business on the business website. A business person should be aware of the personal information that is contained in the files as well as in the computers.

Ethical attributions for and against the milgram experiment

Looking at all the facts given above, it can be argued that the researchers should have been honest with the participants about the nature of the experiment being a study in obedience and not that of memory and learning and that the experimenter should have reminded the participant/teacher that they are free to leave at β†’

Critical response

First, Sam will determine the different options or courses of action for him: he may continue working for Greyarea, sustain financial stability, especially for his family; he may break the confidentiality agreement and expose the unethical actions of the company, saving a large number of people in the long run; he may act covertly β†’

Germany and the next war

GERMANY AND THE NEXT WAR Friedrich von Bernhardi's book Germany and the Next War was about the importance of war to the survival and expansion of a great nation, and supported war as a timeless method of ensuring that the strongest groups continue to grow and expand in a way that is similar to Darwin's β†’

Korean society and culture

Some of the changed funeral functions include handling of the dead body, dealing with the spirits, and consoling the family members of the deceased. However, lineages from one generation to another seem to be dependent on the level of income.

Health and safety management

This would also require full collaboration and cooperation of all departments of the firms and their time to first identify and lay down their activity maps and flows and then identify the hazardous situations then look for alternatives and safe ways in doing them and finally implementing the change. Motivation to continuously improve upon processes β†’

How does jesus raise the question of god for people today

The disciples fretted over the need to feed the thousands, but not Jesus. Yet, knowing that Matthew, John, Mark and Luke wrote the four Gospels of the New Testament, should not we set the question whether only the apostles and individuals from His time and later should be considered His disciples Have not we all β†’

Coriolis effect

Coriolis effect then can be considered as one of the driving forces in the weather systems due to the role in ocean circulation, atmospheric circulation and the formation of different surface actions due to the interaction between the water and the atmosphere. The Coriolis effect can influence the two fluids in the planet, the water β†’

Five entries in an activist diary

The Tahrir Square Like any protest in Egypt, the Tahrir square protest was an aftermath of the 2011 protest of anti Hosni Mubarak's leadership. The protest relate to the text in the sense that revolutions are lasting and they usually change the way people are governed, that is, from a people government to people's government.

Summer trip in florida

Thirdly, while on a summer trip to Florida, one may get involved with a number of sporting activities such as horseback riding, race tracks, and gaming, and polo. In conclusion, making a summer trip to Florida is such an exciting moment.

Goal setting

I need to stop my class late attendance since my facilitators have started to note both my late attendance and my no concentration. I want to improve on the time I spend with my child.2.

Michael e. porters a strategy for health care reform

According to the author, moving toward universal insurance coverage as well as restructuring the care delivery system is essential for true reform and a value-based system is the most fundamental means to achieve this. The article maintains that one of the major reasons for the failures of the incremental reforms in the area is because β†’

Middle eastern terroists

The Middle Eastern terrorist organizations have funding from proper measures which fuel the wave of terrorism in varied parts of the world. Legislating against the financing of terrorism: pitfalls and prospects.

Week 8 cd civil litigation

If a paralegal's attorney has requested the examination of the opposing party, one may be requested to schedule the examination. The physical or mental scrutiny should be conducted by a physician who is in proximity to the part to be examined.

Sports and children

Sports is fun The primary motivation of a child to go into sports should be because it is fun. Whether sports are recreational or competitive, the conclusion is that it has numerous positive effects in the development of the child.

The colonial times were a time for new beginnings

The new United States was in a very progressive time in history, and the new citizens of this land were determined to depend on Britain much less for their goods. Women, on the other hand, were in charge of caring for the children.

The nature of human behaviorism: phenomenon of stimuli

Because the sound of the door and the sight of the attendant carrying the food " had repeatedly and reliably preceded the delivery of food to the mouth in the past," the dogs had transferred the reflex to these events". The Skinner box was used on rats to check their actions in a closed environment β†’

Inmates working for private industries

One of the most positive aspects of these programs is the fact that it results in a better way of reforming the inmates for life after incarceration. The programs not only result in both the inmates, the organizations and the prison management authorities all benefitting but they also are doing a great deal in reforming β†’

Cold war in europe

The attitude of the writer towards communism changes when the Soviets take the occupation of Czech in the 1946 elections. The voices that called for the end of centralisation of the economy and the call for the formation of the opposition Socialist party engineered the whole process.