Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

The story of the erie canal in the united states

A densely forested pass in the Appalachian mountains was cut through using instruments like the ax and the shovel. The young nation became a well-knit nation because of the canal According to the author, if the canal had not been built during that time, the western states of the United States might have formed a β†’

The preschool video clip

The collection of data in the Infant Video Clip was quite difficult because the child is at the early stages of development and does not realize what he or she needs. On the other hand, the Toddler Video Clip was the easiest to collect data since the child was able to identify and recognize a β†’

The financial picture of enrons report

One of the biggest victims of the Enron scandal was the employees of the company. The company's stock in 2001 after the revelation of the scandal that led at the time to the biggest bankruptcy in U.S.history went down to $0.

Is prostitution a victimless crime

It is a fact that prostitution is seen as a profession that eventually leads to other crimes as well as intake of drugs on the part of the woman and hence it is not a victimless crime in essence. What is important to decipher properly here is the fact that prostitution is a sin in β†’


In education, stereotype results in students of the labeled ethnic group to decide not to follow a sphere of a given study, in addition to restricting the assortment of professions in which they can practice. Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans.


Listening skills are very important because they enable the person to capture all the information in a communication in order to reason the information and provide feedback. People skills help people in business because they enable the person to adapt to the situation based on the audience the person is communicating with.

The issue of security in the country

The Issue of Security in the Country Tourism sector is important in any country since it earns the country in question foreign capital. That is why it is important for the country in question to come up with creative strategies to attract and retain more tourists.

Review of a worn path by eudora welty

Subsequent to that, she begins to consider it a ghost. In the later part of story, she comes to meet her grandson.

Women’s labor project

Although I miss my life in the village in Italy, I am adjusting well to my new surroundings in New York City. In the market it is easy to find some of the foods that we are accustomed to but there are a lot of people from very exotic places and it is always exciting β†’


SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAMS Suicide prevention programs As of today, the United s is battling with not just the usual problems that range from finances to economy but also suicidal cases. In its bid to make the program work, it resolved to engage in offering services such as reducing the rates of suicide among the agency's β†’

Bus303 module 2

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your hard work and dedication to the university. Since we do not wish to impact any of the academic aspects of the university, hence one of the closest means to manage this issue is close to your office desk.

Assignment example

They offer viewers with only one perspective view of the savior neglecting the perspective of the person to be saved. In the movie, the blind side, the story mostly dwell on the life of Leigh Anne who is determine to save a young man from the street and his drug addicted mother.

Proposal for cross cultural effectiveness culture gap and expatriate training

Cross Cultural Effectiveness- Cultural Gap and Expatriate Introduction My topic for the project is cross-cultural effectiveness a case of cultural gap and expatriate. To compile annotated bibliography I will take into consideration various books such as Handbook of Intercultural Training by Dan Landis, Reading and Cases in International human management by Mendenhall, Mand Expatriate Journeying: β†’

The hart-rudman report

The Hart-Rudman Report The Hart-Rudman Report This paper discusses the Hart-Rudman Report, where it analyses the motivation behind the establishment of the Hart-Rudman commission in the US, in the late 1990s. The Hart-Rudman Report was constituted in the late 1990s by the US top-level government to study major issues of National interest, mostly to do β†’


In the second case, rickets were detected in a 17-month-old male child who was mature during birth, was breastfed until the age of ten months and after weaning, the parent fed him with a calcium/vitamin D- deficient soy health food beverage. Until the late 1920s when there was the introduction of commercially prepared vitamin D β†’

Being a responsible human being

At a personal level, I am of the considered opinion that responsibility means being accountable for what I am and what I do on a day-to-day basis. At a personal level, I do not feel responsible for the actions of repeat offenders and people who engage in the destruction of the environment.


Puberty: Over the past many years, it has been observed that the age of puberty for both sexes is declining for both sexes, while the rate of psychological and intellectual development is also on a fall. This poses a great opportunity of research all over the globe because this puberty tendency of affecting both sexes β†’

Health problems among teens and young adults

Violence among young adults and increased levels of suicide also worry families and the community. Teenagers tend to get involved in gang violence, drug trade, drug abuse, and other unlawful activities due to the social and economic status of the marginal population in United States.

Phenomenon of mccarthyism

The decade of the 1950s brought a significant alteration in American society with the introduction of Rock and Roll that left a noteworthy impact on the specifical youth of the country. Since the advent of Rock and Roll, analysis has indicated a new wave of independence in the youth of the country that was able β†’


The number of electoral votes from a state can highly dictate the presidential win.b) If only two candidates running for President of the United States would the majority rule dictate the winner of Michigans electoral votes? Nebraska as a state has 5 electoral votes; the majority rule will determine the presidential winner.c) Investigate the results β†’

Key elements in annual report memo

It is the mean of communication between the company and its current and future investors. The most widely read is a message by the Company's Chairman, highlighting, the company's performance for the year.

Privatization of prisons

Privatization of Prisons The number of prisoners is increasing on daily basis exceeding the prison space that can hold the prisoners. Considering that there are states where the bed capacity has been exceeded by almost double the number of prisoners, it becomes important to evaluate the issue of privatization of the prisons.

Evaluation of batman begins

Thesis statement: The evaluation of the story line, light effects and sound effects of the film Batman Begins prove that the film is entirely different from other superhero films. In short, the storyline, light effects and sound effects helped the protagonist to be far ahead of other superheroes.

Knowledge, truth, belief

Answer the following questions In your considered opinion, is there a possible alternative to the models of justification suggested by foundationalism and coherentism? For example knowledge of time may be of no value to an infant which is the reverse of mid adulthood.

Elixer of the gods (joseph campbell)

This kind of identification is no small miracle in and of itself, and Campbell performs it by identifying each discrete category with another entity, the " elixir of Imperishable Being," which, in the form he postulates here, does not exist in any religious tradition and appears to be the product of his own imagination. Because β†’

John berryman’s life and poetry

In a reflective analysis of The Dream Songs, one realizes the main concerns of the protagonist, how he represents the modern world and acts as an alter-ego to the poet. In fact, the very theme and essence of the book is the treatise of the poet described through the protagonist." What Henry has said, Berryman β†’

The nyu scholarship on public health graduate program

With the learning experiences that I will acquire in the University, I will be able to materialize all my intentions in serving other people especially those who are in need. With the acquired knowledge I will have, I am certain to elevate and make better changes in human life not only in the campus but β†’

The public register online

The annual report of this company is easier to read as the information is not a cluttered as in the Coca-Cola annual report. The Coca Cola Company is the biggest company in the beverage industry.

How to create a successful healthcare policy and get it implemented

After creating a healthy care policy, it is always important to create capacity as well as other resources that are essential in implementing and achieving the goals and objectives of the policy. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the policy is important in making necessary adjustments to ensure that set goals and objectives are met as β†’

Social enterprises

The report notes some of the most distinguishing features of a social enterprise that differentiate them from types of business, nonprofits and government agencies. The report further points out that social enterprises comprises of both non-profits who use business models to pursue their missions and for-profit who primary purpose is social in nature.

No paper/ just questions

M1 will decrease because of withdraw of the money supply and M2 will increase because of the short-term deposit made during the transcation. PV = [1/t ] At where, R= 20% T= 1 year A= 120, then PV= [1/1] 120 PV= 100 I would take the $100 today because of the time value for money.b) β†’

660 5

First we have Jacob has the leader, the followers being the workers and the situation being the poor state of performance of the hospital in terms of service delivery and its remuneration to its workers. Situation The task to be accomplished by Jacobs as the president of Windber was to raise the performance of the β†’


Teleology Teleology Teleology refers to the explanation of occurrences of some phenomenon by the rationale and appeal to the goal orend to which it attributes. A literal combination of the two implies that the end matters in the determination of occurrences that people encounter.

What makes a family functional or dysfunctional

The main purpose of a family is to guarantee the social and physical continuity of humans through production and reproduction. Similarly, a functional family must manifest the will to participate in efforts of solving disputes between different family members.

Art institute

The Art Institute of Chicago Question overall reaction to art institute The art institute of Chicago is a place that is full of enjoyment. I did enjoy the magnificent miniature rooms and the great details of the inner side of the house.

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Nurse Ratched is a Boss; she is a take-charge personality who likes to run the show, e.g.shedoes not allows the patients to watch the championship. For each of the instances the answer is one: McMurphy wants to stay because he feels some sort of responsibility for the patients.4.

Critical thinking

Wally is having a problem with his studies and his friend is confusing him even more by telling him not to study. If he does not study, then he will be relying on luck and this might make him to be a total failure in this subject.

Poem explanation for rumi

Man is the bedrock of all religious and cultural systems, but he is always taught what to believe in and what to feel, while in fact, he should believe in what he feels. For Rumi, religion is a highly personal experience, not necessarily limited to logical arguments or perceptions of the senses, and in this β†’

Media buyers love

With the rules of corporate underwriting has changed and with the public funding of PBS slashed with the arrival of Republican control of Congress and the White House, public broadcasting finds itself moving toward the acceptance of standard advertising techniques. Rather than attempting to transform PBS into the kind of tony cable network that A&E β†’

Green mile

On the negative side, I thought the length of the film was too long because as griping as it was, it was difficult to pay attention without taking a break, which made me loose the rhythm of the film. I thought this symbolized the dark side of the story, in which the viewer was about β†’

Does female prisoners are more prone to hiv than male prisoners

It is no wonder that female prisoners are at high risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, because they are plagued with poverty, lack of social support and state benefits, lack of satisfactory education to commence work. Therefore, an extensive screening is required in order to keep track of the possible symptoms and variety of tests should be β†’

Assumptions made in the u.s. economic decisions

The banks and mortgage sectors are key contributors to the apparent economic state for a number of assumptions made in their decisions. The rates by banks and mortgage in the country experienced a considerable decline and a consequent effect on the economy.

On logic and argument: socrates, plato and aristotle

He abhorred the senses, discounting them as biological demands standing in the way of the attainment of true knowledge. Plato took these concepts and added the components of mathematics and astronomy as the keys to true knowledge.

Editing a babysitting biography i wrote

In the capacity of a certified CDA, I have worked as a Child Care Provider Assistant in a family day care center, where I babysat children for almost 7 years. I love my profession and am positive that I can take excellent care of children.

Campus bikeshare

The knowledge gained while participating in cycling activities will be essential in the procurement and maintenance of the equipment used by the venture. Activities The following activities will be involved in the process of developing the bike share venture into a business programme.

Canadian economic policy and institutions

Canadian Economic Policy and s Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, proposed that the size of soft drinks in his city should be limited to 16 ounces. The main huddle the good mayor faces is that, even with the limiting of the amount of drinks accessible in schools, the overall consumption of these drinks β†’

Case study- officer robert barton

Formal groups found in the law enforcement agencies forms a mechanism through which the police officers can be assigned varying tasks, as well as task groups by a higher authority or the head of a sub group. The management establishes formal groups in order to enhance the organization's productivity, as articulated in the organization's goals, β†’

Discovering a cure for cancer

Although I feel I have learned a lot so far, I am fully aware that in order to follow my career goals, I still need to expand my perspective and acquire further knowledge in my field. That's what I would use this degree to do: to help people.

Assignment 1

It is true that Iran is one of the major players in the process, even if its leaders have been marginalized by the United States and Israel and its rhetoric is often hostile to both. The truth is that because the American invasion of Iraq left a power vacuum in the region, the Iranians have β†’

Incentivizing thrift by ronald wilcox

The article highlights that the government has a role to play in the economy, according to the article the government taxation and policy measures should be changed in order to encourage savings, Wilcox states that the government should replace income tax with a consumption tax, this means that individuals will consume less and save more β†’

Research methods exercise

The goal of the research: 3. Students are invited to participate in the research study.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ans

It has both sensory and motor neurons to carry the information to and from the brain and spinal cord.2. An action potential along the axon is dependent on the influx of sodium ions and the efflux of potassium ions.

Accounting ethics questions

On the other hand, a hypothetical imperative is a good action which is performed, and is dependent on the end, that is the agent's particular desire for a particular end. In addition, auditors are not paid by those that they represent, as should be the case of a profession.

Productivity environmental preference survey

The amount of sound and light in the learning or work environment can have a dramatic effect on the individual's ability to learn in the environment and be productive. These factors can also have an impact on the individual's motivation to learn and how they learn.

Holocaust memorial visit

My like and dislike about the Memorial I like the idea that the Memorial was built to remember the suffering of the Jews during the Holocaust. And as such, it is only proper that German's taxpayer should be used to build those monuments as a form of remuneration for what they have done to the β†’

Analysis of types of claims

In Fewer Call Themselves Multiracial, the author Nasser conveys credibility and ethos by means of using the strong support of statistics, quotation from authority, and inductive reasoning, and concludes that the decline in multiracial self-identity is because " there is a lot of pressure from society to choose one race". According to UNESCO, the world's β†’

Review the article

In the argumentative theory, the theorists focus on coming up with argumentation instruments that are vital to in the development of the main argumentative theory. On the other hand, the rhetorical perspective dwell on the effectiveness of solving the argument between two conflicting audiences and these two disciplines constitute to the main argumentation theory.

Unit 6 case management seminar

Case Managers are required to be familiar with the language and process of the DSM in order to recognize a mental disorder, communicate effectively and may even need to provide a provisional diagnosis in an emergency! Case Managers are required to assess the client's environment in order to understand their specific needs and goals.

Racial and ethnic groups

Question 3 Religion has influenced me in such a way that I am now able to work and get along with other people. Religion reflects conservative and liberal positions on social issues as it describes people's views.

Lord of the flies

He is the chief delegate of order, civilization, and creative leadership as he is elected as the leader of the boys as the story begins. It measures the strength of what is left of the civilization in the island because as it goes out, the reader realizes the boys do not wish to be rescued β†’

Agressive behavior in adolescent 12-18

One of the main reasons due to which teenagers between the age of 12 and 18 continue to behave in an aggressive manner is because their parents do not use the technique of effective disciplining and problem solving. The Social Control theory assumes that two parents can bring up a child in a better manner β†’

The kindness of strangers

As I tended to Har Lan's broken leg, I could hear the echo of my mother saying, " She will be your responsibility". My mother rushed us to the office where the doctor placed a splint on Har Lan's leg.

Solving the drug issue by getting done with the police

The fear that legalizing illicit drugs will only exacerbate the drug problem did not actually happen such as in the case of Portugal and it is just all in the mind. Thus, it would reasonable to state that the case of Portugal is in fact the norm.

Cultural literacy

However, all the definitions converge on the fact that it is the ability to understand and appreciate the similarities and differences in the customs, values and beliefs of one's own culture and that of others as put by Stigler in Metiri Group in Cooperation with NCREL. The knowledge of the language makes one understand and β†’

Voltaire and racine

In this regard, one can claim that in looking into Racine's Phaedra, Voltaire will react both with pride and indignation, pride because the play illustrates the dangers he himself believes if passion and reason are not in check, and indignation because the main character, Phaedra, succumbed to the torment of fate as symbolized by the β†’

How corrupt was american governance and business in the 19th century

The paper " How Corrupt Was American Governance and Business in the 19th Century" is a wonderful example of a history assignment. What was the nature and methods of American business in the 19th Century?

Comparing elements

A woman married to a philandering husband known as Phair, Katherine easily resolved to relegate herself to adultery not according to the intention of getting even with his husband's unfaithfulness but to free herself from the revolting realities and personal fears she was encapsulated into." To love him so deeply still; and yet I am β†’

John le carres tinker, tailor, soldier, spy (1974) answer a few questions

Jim Prideaux was a chief protagonist of the Operation Testify while he was disavowed and wounded, and the defunct Moroccan networks that belonged to him were blown by the mole. The ringmaster of the place referred to as the Control, was privately persuaded that one of his seniors was a double agent in the Soviet β†’

Statements on standards for tax services

The standards are enforced by taxing authorizes for the recommendation of the position of the tax return or signing or even the preparation of returns. SST number 11 provides that the duty of a member to the tax system.


Prejudice and stereotypes Prejudice by definition means unfair negative attitudes addressed to refer to a particular social group and sometimes their members. The root of most negative feelings as well as beliefs especially in in-group and out-group emanate from individual processes with examples of motivational and cognitive processes.

Global navigation system – lab report example

The annual costs incurred in the working and maintenance of G.P. The accuracy of G.P.


It is therefore not a good sales strategy to promise a client the moon just to close the deal, and then have problems in delivering it later on. Closing sales could be a part where a salesperson would want to do personal " novel" strategies, but Ziglar stresses the fact that the shorter it is β†’

The communications process: imaginative worlds

Dramatism has the flexibility to enable us to penetrate several aspects of popular arts from a variety of angles; unlike much of the earlier criticism of popular arts, it is not steeped in the " ideological" paradigm of a single academic discipline. As Burke defines us: Man is the symbol-using the inventor of the negative β†’

Pop culture: mike tyson

Although it was the case that Tyson only won a silver medal, according to the 2009 documentary Tyson became a phenomenon after he scored the fastest knockout in an Olympic bout at approximately 8 seconds. It is the case that during the height of his career, Mike Tyson was an unstoppable force and a near β†’

What is the role of ip in microsofts business strategy

The major benefits to Talkweb are the reduction in cost of development and time. The risks to Talkweb by licensing developed by Microsoft would depend on the licensing agreement.

Financial acconting exercises: flexible budgets

It can be clearly noted that the company has not able to been to control its revenues as the actual results are unfavorable. Furthermore, the company has not been able to control its expenses including mobile team operating costs, exterminating supplies, advertising, and dispatching costs.


After the documents are submitted then the tender gets reviewed and should your bid be deemed as the best overall value to the government buyer then you would be awarded the contract. However if a government contract would only be for a few protective garments and I would have to spend dozens of hours on β†’

Comparative negligence and coa

Core components of sustaining an action in negligence include: the prediction of injury to the petitioner in which case it should be clearly identifiable the defendant's action or inaction projected a sufficient level of certainty that the petitioner would suffer harm. In this case Rhoda has a right to claim damages given the fact that β†’

Marketing of nba

Influences in the global macroenvironment are, for example, the technological environment, comprised of the total body of knowledge available for development, manufacturing and marketing; and the economic environment, comprised of the financial and natural resources available to the NBA, its consumers, its businesses and the countries in which it operates. The income, spending power and β†’

A comparison of probation and parole

The official website of the Bureau of Justice Statistics defined probation as period of time where " adult offenders whom courts place on supervision in the community through a probation agency, generally in lieu of incarceration"; while parole is defined, likewise, as period of time where " criminal offenders...are conditionally released from prison to serve β†’

Cultural experience refection paper

A difficult, conflictual experience that I have encountered, as a result of the assumption that Whites are domineering and socio-culturally privileged happened in school as a form of bullying. From the advice of my mother, I was made aware that despite being raised in a poor neighborhood, there is an opportunity to rise and leave β†’


B Du Bois Still Matters: Black Socialism in the Quest of the Silver fleece-and Beyond" The article en d, " How the Socialism of W.E.B. Du Bois Still Matters: Black Socialism in the Quest of the Silver Fleece-and Beyond" written by Wienen and Kraft highlights the early development of W.E.B.

The perfect career

A perfect career can have myriad definitions but the quest is to know the best and follow the best definition of a perfect career. Helping the downtrodden is another essential quality that must be a part of the perfect career.

Answering criminal justice questions for criminal justice quiz

Should the criminal justice system be providing mental health treatment to offenders? The criminal justice system should engage in treatment of mental illness because it will result in decline in juvenile crimes since some crimes are as a result of mental illness.

Wilma rudolphs an olympic medalist

By the age of 8, Wilma was able to walk with the help of a brace. She was so good, she was encouraged to start the track, and in her senior year of high school, she qualified for the Olympic Games, where she won a bronze medal.


1 Jim and Jack had a different reaction to drug overdose particularly due to the following reasons. Suppose If I had to do the rating keeping in mind the social impressions of these drugs, I would have given more score to illegal drugs than the legal ones such as tobacco and alcohol.

An inconvenient truth summary

The movie " An Inconvenient Truth" tells the story of increase in the CO2 component of greenhouse gasses during the current and last centuries. The movie presents graphical images demonstrating the relationship of CO2 concentration and the increase in atmospheric temperature during the period of last 1, 000 years in the area of Mount Glaces, β†’

Early-modern ethiopian migration to italy and the question of european racism presentation

Early-Modern Ethiopian Migration to Italy and the Question of European Racism This paper will discuss the early-modern relationships of Ethiopia with Italy followed by migration of Ethiopian refugees to Italy and creation of Diaspora. However, the situation has improved in last few years primarily due to globalisation and Ethiopia has also become part of international β†’

Republic government

The financial problem was the main worry of the new government. The question of slavery proved to be the greatest worry.


The alveolar partial pressure of oxygen is a function of the ratio of ventilation to perfusion. Hemoglobin is able to compensate for the low pressure of oxygen.

The pros of welfare and charity

4 March The Pros of Welfare and Charity Welfare programs and charitableworks are intended to provide aid to those who are most helpless and poorest. While many have doubted the positive effects charities and welfare programs would bring to the public, and although there is less feasibility on cutting the loopholes within the society, welfare β†’

Benefits of reading and studying literature

Benefits of Reading and Studying Literature In a reflective analysis of the term literature, one comes across two layers of meaning. Thus, literature allows one interpret one's own life and emotions and contributes to the growth of humanity.

Lab 5

The NBC line, ten part series on the credit card debt trap, offers insight into the lives of a variety of American citizens and how the credit card companies have plunged the country into a debt of around 2. In the subsequent episodes, it is revealed that in the past thirty years, the government has β†’


The drugs will be administered and allowed to diffuse in the target body fluid with some pressure being felt; the upward and downward forces will always be in balance. Chitosan application in nanotech medication is mainly felt as a delivery tool and also due to its inherent antimicrobial property that is very useful in the β†’

The political setting of latino(as) in new york city

Latina Political setting in New York affiliation Latina political setting in New York Since the census conducted in the United States in 1900, the population of Latinos has been on a steady increase. The Latinos are growing in confidence towards their goal of putting a Latina Mayor at the helm of New York City.