Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Jay greenberg

Jay Greenburg The young and extremely talented composer, Jay Greenburg, was born in 1991 in New Haven, Connecticut Jay Greenberg Showing a knack for music at a very early age, Jay started playing the cello when he was only three years old. In 2009 Jay's work was even commissioned and premiered at Carnegie Hall for β†’

The china job in campos beverages

Supposing that Michael does not want to move to China, would he be willing to stay with Lafleur Would he like to try out other opportunities in New York Karen and Michael need to have a discussion on what they think is important. Besides, he can negotiate with Pierre to ensure that he would have β†’

General george washington calls for a standing army, 1783

General George Washington recommends that for a future military system to have the ability to counter react to a surprise attack from the European powers. This is in line with the military whose overall goal was to maintaining the peace and tranquility of the American people.

Walmart – shrm

The human resources team is very effective in choosing the right people for the job, however in terms of the management of the employees there is a clear lack on the part of the team. SHRM and WalMart: The HRM team of the company does not contribute to the overall strategic growth of the company.

Should marijuana be legalized or kept illegal

We conclude that cannabis use is prevalent among the chronic non-cancer pain population, for a wide range of symptoms, with considerable variability in the amounts used. The marijuana positive effects as a medical treatment for people with serious medical conditions were clearly demonstrated in many types of research.

Accountability in reporting memo

These activities caused the public to demand accounting information from government entities and non-profitable organizations. It became mandatory for governmental entities and non-profitable organizations to adjust their financial accounting policies so as to satisfy the demand of the public.


The use of social entrepreneurship can help themarketing efforts of a company. To offset that image the company is applying social entrepreneurship to inspire customers to purchase Starbucks products.

Terrorist organization from columbia

The group aimed to represent the rural poor of Colombia, as well as those which suffered oppression from the wealthy and elitist members of society. The FARC is an organization that aims to liberate the rural poor, as well as opposing the stand of the Colombian government of relying on foreign aid, such as the β†’

Criminal procedure policy paper

Sometimes people think that the justice department protects the criminal justice.the criminal justice system provides the defendants, and this restricts the system. The people who are in support of the criminal control model say argue that, the criminal justice system must have the ability to be efficient in the way that the wrongdoers are prosecuted.


In order to handle the increasing misery which was caused due to many problems I resorted to the drinking of alcohol. Alcoholism is a great threat to the youth and must be stopped for a brighter future of the youth, their family and the whole country.


The distinctive approach encompasses the rendering of different types and brands of cereal based food stuffs to the consumers in the form of fast foods. A number of fast food concepts have cropped up in different parts of the city which include of Stands and Food Courts serving fast food to a large number of β†’


Introduction to Psychology Written Assignment 03/31 Introduction to Psychology Written Assignment Like most behaviors in the study of developmental psychology, a child's ability to perform in the classroom is a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors. The health of aging lesbian, gay and bisexual adults in California.

Legal citations

The fact that he had a display of an unloaded handgun in a bank robbery, the petitioner had a conviction under 18 U.S.C.2113. United States of America v.

Dell marketing

" Dell Case Analysis" Being the biggest computer company in the world, Dell had always been known for yielding high returns to its investors, largely in part to rapid growth and a superior business model which had revolutionized the entire computer industry. The Chinese market had grown to be the largest in the region from β†’


Introduction E- Learning is the use of the internet and computers for educational purposes, and with the advancement of technology, it is becoming a dominant form of education all over the world. Advantages of E-learning Expediency Education is available all the time provided there is internet access and all the student need to do is β†’

The poetry of billy collins

He may be writing on a very simple thing like missing a vacation, or a disquieting thing like the beginning of dementia, or on a profound philosophy of life, but each poem is treated in a unique way to make it interesting and funny. Shoveling Snow with Buddha is a poem with layers of meaning, β†’

Karl marx: human freedom

In that premise, freedom in education is restricted or limited within the space provided only by these institutionalized beliefs and ways of thinking. These limitations are imposing the necessity of discipline in a certain lifestyle that men prefer to live.

Financial upheavals

The reason for the panic of 1819 can be attributed to the economic system of the United States. Web 12 Sep.2011

Lucky by alice sebold

The author's confrontation with parents, friends and the society at large is explicitly drawn out and is picturesquely portrayed by the author of the autobiography. It is a genuine and significant part of the novel.

Summary of intervierw

Education Observations made regarding the Management of Special Needs Programs & To understand how teachers can better educate those children who have special needs I had to interview one person who was working with these children. As a coordinator with such qualification, it is easier to manage special needs students if a coordinator has the β†’

Arts and social behavior

In addition, the social role of the band, just like that of many other artists and art groups, is not only in creating music. Similarly, most of the people want to have a hero who, as they think, does all the job.

Mca museum

On the left part of the picture, there is the image of a man's chest with hairs along the mid-line of the chest and around the areola. The picture above is one of the earliest paintings of Robert Gober.

Growth management vs. growth control

Growth Control Growth management refers to the planning and implementation of policies so as to improvethe living standards of the community. On the other hand, growth control refers to a situation where the priority of the authority is to control rather than manage the resources for the benefit of the community.

Local practice

A good example of this is the prohibition of alcohol and tobacco among the Amish and the prohibition of alcohol among the Arabs. It is however very important that the health professional have a proper understanding of cultural practices in order to protect his patients from negative cultural practices.

Psychological testing and assessment

Further insight is that the Likert scale is an efficient means of measurement as it enables test takers to make a quick and usually correct ranking of their abilities. In future when involved in the psychological measurement of clients, one should consider interviewing and case history data as basic assessment tools.


Formative and Summative measurement of the of the Formative and Summative measurement Introduction Teachers employ various methods to increase the results and understanding of the student in a class room. Conclusion Formative measurement provides teachers a clear idea on the strengths and weaknesses of students.

Learning personality theories

One of the main advantages of learning these personality theories is the creation of an individual's external environment, and how they might relate to it. Personality theories assist an individual to know about the tendencies of another person, with regards to a given situation.

Where the red fern grows by wilson rawls

The story is about Old Dan and Little Ann, two coonhounds bought by Billy when they were tiny puppies, how the three grow up together and help each other out on the path of life; and the life that the dogs and Billy lived with each other, and how they were always on the lookout β†’

Balance sheet

After reviewing the balance sheet of the company, I would like to pinpoint that the company's total current assets recorded a cumulative increase of 13 15% from 2001 to 2003, whereas the total current liabilities increased by over 22% in the corresponding period. However, the major underlying problem of Superior Foods is that total current β†’

Gents of socialization

Perhaps it is more due to the social acceptance that gender has nothing to do with the abilities of a person to perform exemplary in any arena of life. Therefore, I would raise my child in the norms of the gender they were born with but with the knowledge that they might eventually discover that β†’

Employee motivation and incentives

Client's 18 July Finding the right employees is difficult but holding on to the right employees is even harder, there are organizations who are trying their best to hold on to the best employees, they have been inventing several methods with the help of which they can hold on to their most efficient employees, the β†’

Critique/reaction of one of the movies in relation to psychology

PSY1010 of Psychology Movie Assignment The film " One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is very relevant for a of psychology to watch because it deals with the concept of mental illness and the way that mental institutions can affect patients and medical staff alike. The conflict that the film shows is simplified into a β†’

Course of action

Assignment: Mandatory audit partner rotation Mandatory audit partner rotation objective is combating of perceived risk that may be brought about by long partner tenure which adversely affects the independence of the auditor because of cozy comfortable auditor-client relationships as well as the need to preserve client engagements. Thus MAPR avoids ' staleness' emanating from repetitive β†’

Contrasting perceptions

As the kids were running after the ball, I imagined that the movement of their feet, which resembled hockey sticks, signified the search for togetherness, compassion and happiness. The evening sun rays from the West gave sparkling outlook of the pitch signifying the beauty of the Mother Nature.

Psychology research ethics problems

In light of revelations, the researcher exposes the entire study to some level of inaccuracy since the respondents alter their responses, as a human being inherently condition themselves to behave in a certain manner to stimuli. McLeod argues that it is allowed to alter the respondents' perception on the procedure but not in a material β†’

Does ontogeny recapitulate phylogeny

The idea is better visualized in the following manner;" both chick and human embryos go through a stage where they have slits and arches in their necks that are identical to the gill slits and gill arches of fish. On the other hand, Phylogeny is defined by scientists as " the history of the evolution β†’

E-commerce practice

Afterwards, I had to communicate the site's requirements to developers so that it can best reflect the product and performance objectives to maximize the productivity and effectivity of the site. I expect that studying in the University of California will challenge me to develop further as a student and as an individual.

Art history

The proponent takes it as reminder of the ideals of the stature that they align with while those that oppose it are a reminder of the perceived oppressive idea that the person on the sculpture stood for. More so, the proponents so the sculpture of Kino as the reminder of modernization that will encourage economic β†’

Academic achievement and obesity in children

The definition of " achievement", as the dependant variable of the research, will be set within two main categories namely " successful" and " unsuccessful" although the classroom teachers will be supposed to write down the mean score of all written tests and exams of children within both category, in all courses during the two β†’

Effective business communication

In addition to the abovementioned, I have had quite a lot of practice in various fields that have allowed me to broaden the way I think about matters and contributed to my maturity. More importantly, I strive for success in education and I aspire to prove that I can reach my goal of " A β†’

Financial strain in the family

In the book, the authors talks of financial strain as an essential thing for a happy marriage in that these strains strengthen the family bond. Therefore, the two aspects are also essential for a family to be happy.

Social interaction skills intervention for young children

Throughout the school day, young children without disabilities are able to perform a number of tasks that a disabled child may not be able to carry out or may have difficulty in executing. Children with disabilities may be perceived as less able to follow their lead, and thus diminish the likelihood of their interactions and β†’

American history

Their initial concern was the short term profits which they wanted to earn by looking at the examples of the Arabs. They had the funds to prepare and carry out many voyages to the south of Africa and this allowed them to gain access to the lands before others.

Schizophrenia-attitudes about reality

By extracting the answers from a group of ten people the measure of the disorder or the degree of schizophrenic thinking in them is known. The following is a set of statements, the instrument which is given as a questionnaire to participants who participated in the survey.

Is increasing profits the only social responsibility of business

Social Responsibility of a Business Social Responsibility of a Business A business' social responsibilities define both the economic and ethical duties it is obliged to perform in order to contribute towards, and uphold, the balance between the ecosystem and economy while promoting its workers' and customers' quality of life. References Friedman, M." A Friedman doctrine: β†’

What do you see as the main sources of tolstoy’s struggle for meaning in his life where do you see your own experiences mirrored in his

It is after realizing that the religion he was taught at school was meaningless that his quest to search for his place and true meaning in life began. He also finds the signs of the cross he makes in his prayers meaningless for him and therefore can not continue doing the signs.

How would you describe the protagonist of the snows of kilimanjaro name three of his most important characteristics and supp

The story of ' The Snows of Kilimanjaro' revolves round a writer bearing the name Henry who is the protagonist of the story too. The story is all about the memoirs of Henry who is wounded and infected by the thorn puncture and is waiting for his slow death.

Discussion 6

Prosocial Behaviour Vs Literature on Aggression Comparison between Prosocial Behaviour and Literature of Aggression Summary of McCullough and Colleagues Materials The human body is believed to be functioning under the control of various processes within the body. Hence, in the case of prosocial, the move is positive as the aim is to help another person.

Answering questions

This was distracted by the start of slave traders from Europe and Arab Muslims between the 7th and 20th century who bought and even raided slaves in Africa and America who then exported to Asia and Europe. This leads to the emergence of the trans-Saharan slave trade due to the expansion of the trade across β†’

7 habits of highly effective people

It is your method of communication that tells people that you are open to sharing, if you are not communicative and do not try to understand others approach, no matter how sincere you are, people will find it difficult to trust you. To listen to people and to relate to them, you have to open β†’

Analysis of cochlear implants and how to clean a fish writings

The author can use many methods to do so but they need to focus on one type of organization to suit their intent for writing and the type of information they are giving as shown in " Cochlear Implants" and " How to Clean a Fish". The goal of expository essays is helping readers understand β†’

Maple leaf shoes ltd

Such discrimination is uncalled for and no matter individual's status of HIV virus infection one has to be human; enough with each other and any form of segregation is unjust and controversial of to the human rights. The development of the policy on AIDS would benchmark on the fact that we live a society where β†’

Working conditions

As such, all the actions of employees, employers, stockholders, and the like must always be the epitome of transparency, respect, and most of all, actions must be above board in order to prevent any ethical question pertaining to the actions of the company. In all instances, I made sure to notify the company that the β†’

The highs and lows of emotional labor of police personnel

Emotional labor usually increases in proportion to the level of interactions with citizens who on their part deem the responsible personnel ought to deliver and surpass their respective expectations. Another incident that may yield to emotional labor on the part of patrol officers is especially when the public proves to be uncooperative in giving out β†’

China starts to claim the seas by boot max

In an article written by Boot entitled " China Starts to Claim the Seas" and published online in The Wall Street Journal, the author asserted that the United States has apparently exhibited manifestations of being a less supportive ally to one of the nations claiming sovereignty to Scarborough Shoal, the Philippines. The apparent lack of β†’

Title vii of the civil rights act

Exception to the Coverage However there are some exceptions allowing some of the employers to escape the coverage of Title VII. Shilling, Dana Complete Guide to Human Resources and the Law 2009, Aspen Publishers Online, United States, pp 34-6

Sanders home place

According to Sanders, it is better to live in one place and understand its value than to swiftly dominate it and move on to the next place. According to Sanders, a home is one's country regardless of how one feels, but Mukherjee feels that a home can be built anywhere as long as one's heart β†’

Why do barriers to communication exist

In our society the status symbol does exist and this problem is heading upwards in the organizational structure when the manager is on the executive post and he/she cannot transform his/her policies or the programs properly to the lower management the reason behind is the status or designation that creates a hurdle in an effective β†’

Wa # 4

The role of family and friends in strengthening the adolescent's definition of his own self is immensely important. All said and done, these risk areas need to be properly understood in order to justify how well early adulthood is and how it will be the basis of prosperity in the years to come.

Find a peer-reviewed article on a psychological disorder

The treatment goals in the case of PTSD pertain to reducing the severity of symptoms, decreasing the functional impairment owing to PTSD, avoiding relapse, and bettering the overall quality of life of the patients. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with acutestress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Nortels business practices

An accounting scandal a few years ago put a dent in the company's reputation. It is not necessary to tie Nortel down in a web of social responsibilities that will seriously cut into its margins.

Container store

The analysis of the container store shows that they do not follow a single motivation theory; rather they shape these theories as per the needs of their organization. Also, it is the open communication at the container store which makes it one of the top 50 companies to work for.

English as the national language

Proponents of this scheme argued that by making English be the national language, illegal immigrants would be discouraged since they would be required to learn it before they could be accommodated in the society. The use of English as a national language in America would be of advantage to the nation.

Healthcare finance

Healthcare finance Elements of Profit Analysis that Change when a Provider Moves from a Fee For Service to a Discounted Fee For Service Environment Fee for service method differs from discounted fee for service method, in terms of profit analysis because of the involved discount in the discounted fee for service method. Further, reduced marginal β†’

A fixed exchange rate regime

As domestic people want to exchange domestic currency to foreign currency in order to earn more interest, the demand for domestic currency would decrease. Under the fixed exchange rate regime, however, as the demand for a domestic currency decreases from D0 to D1 as a result of the increase in foreign interest, the aggregate supply β†’

Speech 100 level class

In order to obtain this permit the company needs to have a plan for the infrastructure and manpower requirements of the company. After this the company needs to obtain a trading license issued by the permission from the Chamber of Commerce in Dubai.

Voltaire on government

He is France's most prolific writer and outspoken advocate of reform whose works and ideas influenced the French and American Revolution. Despite these stances against democracy, Voltaire's philosophy became the engine of the Enlightenment Period in the eighteenth century that inspired the French and American Revolutions which served as the basis of modern day democracy.

Advertising signals

Company A is completely aware that the cereal they have developed is of low quality, but their efforts of advertisement will help them sell over 2 million containers of their cereal and they even know as soon as consumers will learn that the quality of their product is low, they will stop consuming it and β†’

Watch a movie and answer 3 questions

In the documentary " Stress, Portrait of a Killer", Robert Sapolsky, presents physiological and psychological impacts of stress. Taking a nap usually relieves much of the pressure from stress and refreshes my brain.

Hs 320 legal brief: brown v. board of education

Segregation based on race denied the Negro children equal protection of the laws with the white children even though other facilities and factors are equal. The legal representatives of the minors of Negro race seek to be admitted in the public schools without segregation at any instance.

The district attorney

More generally, a court can look to the words of the statute to determine the scope of the word " knowingly" in the statute. In this statute, the " knowingly" is used only in the context of the possession of the cocaine, and the weight of the cocaine is contained in a separate independent clause.

Exploration of a professional journal article in psychology

the the the The paper by Galanakis, Galanopoulou and Stalikas looks closely into the findings of asurvey conducted among 2775 Greek professionals to determine whether overall positive emotions decrease strain levels, and whether gender, age, profession, smoking habits, residence, tenure, medical history, role in organization, and trait optimism, affect this relationship. Measuring tools used were β†’

Ralph ellisons battle royal

" Battle Royal" holds a permanent interest because its underlying themes are human ones, with those being the battle against prejudice and the struggle to find a place in society. The permanent interest emerges from within this approach to prejudice and the strategies for confronting it; permanent interest emerges from the fact that the story β†’

Intellectual offenses

In many countries, the law basically protects the original works of authorship. The proposals made by the two are the origin of the Copyright Clause found in the U.

Sonny’s blues

Running Head: Sonny's Blues Sonny's Blues s Sonny's Blues How does thecharacter of the narrator compare to that of Sonny? Sonny's older brother is an unnamed character in the story and also the narrator; the entire is told from his perspective.

Coca-cola: an analysis of organizational culture

Team's Performance The team effort was cohesive and worked perfectly well from formulation to implementation of strategies that ensured the attainment of group goals. A team leader was elected to govern the administration of other roles and responsibilities and to provide direction and guidance as required.

Is torture ever acceptable

Torture is the act of inflicting pain and trauma upon someone else in order to achieve a personal gain, and subsequently, as the quote suggests, people who have faced torture in their lives, try and take out their frustration by inflicting torture upon other people. Each man must be able to live by personal freedom, β†’

War 1812

The status of slavery started to change with the victory of the Republicans in the elections." In the Union army, over 179, 000 African American men served in over 160 units, as well as more serving in the Navy and in support positions". These events led to the Civil War and set the stage for β†’

Hidden value

When they ranked the importance of stakeholders and their company, employees are ranked first. The company believes in promotion from within and all of the senior executives have been with the company for a long time.

Forum 1 – chapters 1 & 2

Maritime Security: Progress and Challenges 10 Years after the Maritime Transportation Security Act. Retrieved May 5, 2015, from GAO-12-1009T: PUBLIC LAW.maritime Transportation Security Act 2002.

Media stereotypes of asian american

Media Stereotypes of Asian American By 08 April Media Stereotypes of Asian Americans The term stereotype has long been used to define a set ofpeople with similar activities and labeled by the society due to those traits." A stereotype is a collection of traits along with the meaning and position of centrality of each trait β†’

Public health in my backyard

One of the famous programs on the psychiatric unit is the AA Alcohol Anonymous Program, which follows a twelve-step recovery model treatment program. Public Health Programs are assessed, diagnosed, planned and finally implemented based on the community assessments and the resources available in the area, which will potentially lead to change and improvement of the β†’

Concept design report

Bridge 2: 200 Popsicle sticks used The weight of the bridge is about 232. Prototype Construction The chosen design used a total of 200 Popsicle sticks to construct the bridge, and 20.

The roles of nelson mandela and martin luther king

The Role of Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King in the Social and Political Contexts The Roles of Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King in the Social and Political Contexts Nelson Mandela is remembered for his role and contribution in the social and political environment in South Africa and the world at large. In the β†’

Social work: the victoria climbie inquiry

Social workers have to develop a better understanding of the positive impact of educational achievement on the well-being of children in care and accept that it is a key part of their responsibilities to promote their learning. However, a good education is especially important to children in care, to enable them to make the transition β†’

Inside mecca

This aspect is brought out in the manner in which individuals relate to each other while at the center of worship. The process of carrying out some rituals is to bring out the humble nature of the Muslims.

Marxism theory

The strength of this theory is that it focuses on unity and it is indeed very necessary for the proper functioning of the society. 4) The strengths of this theory are that it explains that the functioning of society is a two-way process and is based on social interaction.

Legal restraints and types of police abuse

The Legal Restraints that the police have to face are many, such as they have to provide proper and detailed information to the person who's being arrested, the responsibility of taking the arrested person to the police station as soon as they possibly can, to provide an arrest warrant when arresting the person who has β†’

The question, literature review, and hypothesis

The Research Question, Literature Review and Research Hypothesis The Research Question, Literature Review and Research Hypothesis Question 1 Descriptive research questions query the what, who or the where aspects to the issue or area of study: description is the basis of the study. Question 2 The determination of whether prior research on an area of β†’

Red meat vs. processed

The sources recommend eating more of the red meat than the processed meat. It is contradicting when the sources further say that the red meat and processed meat have the same amount of calories yet the processed meat will cause more cardiovascular diseases yet, the reasons for these arguments are not given.

Crime scene investigations generalists vs specialists

For the generalists, they working conditions are not as good as their working hours vary widely depending with the scene they are working on. The generalists may work either with or without supervision.

The overcoat

The Overcoat: The narrator of The Overcoat is anonymous and his/her voice in the story is digressing. The ghost takes revenge of Akaky from the materialistic world in a very funny way.

Target market for a beverage operation

Most drop-in-customers for beverages are therefore below the age of 34 years of age, are active and therefore will take an energy drink especially on a tiresome day. The design of the retail outlets should also take into account the fact that these customers are active and therefore will mostly drop while tired.

Building more economical and environmentally friendly homes

With the aim of using my acquired knowledge and skills for the betterment of the community, I sought and found employment in the National Alliance for Economic Development which exposed me to the evaluation of projects which should be pursued on impoverished states. This experience has given me the opportunity to broaden my skills in β†’

Fish oil

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic of fish oil The digestion of fish oil occurs in the small intestines through the process of hydrolysis by the pancreatic lipase and bile salts to produce two fatty acids and a monoglyceride that are absorbed in the intestines and reassembled to triglycerides. This is because the high levels of omega 3 β†’

The street side miss rosie

Time Consciousness Citations and their relation to the argument: 1.compares sands to time and introduces the main idea of time; 2.shows the poet becoming conscious of time running out so fast and quick; 3.form the core of this poem stating the poet's desire to win over time and go back to past and do or β†’