Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples


All three stories deal with " a day in the life of" concept stories that relate to the life of the siblings. She is already old enough to be the friend of her sister and that the relationship between them is one filled with trust and care.

In istructions

The video is trying to provide animals in the farm with better life and that they aspire to stop the cruelty of animals. The fallacy outlined in the video makes the audience to ask themselves if it is about greed or if it about the demand and the supply.

Introduction to business

According to Goodman, Ladzani, Bates, Botha, and Vries a market is defined as a place where trade takes place and based on the participation of sellers and buyers. In defining the market, it is crucial to also mention that the market is not only focused on products and services, but also satisfies the needs of β†’

Writing on a short story titled the street that got mislaid

Marc, the protagonist made a fantastic decision by going and seeing the obscure street just to see how the inhabitants resided there and he found that a lot of people found solace there and decided not to disturb their happy world, he could have easily given the envelope to his superiors and that would have β†’

Saudi night

It helped me a lot with the transition to MSU because I felt assured there will be people who will assist me in the school. In the future, I will attend such event again to show the same welcoming spirit to newcomers and become a good example like those who has shown me good.

The absolutely true diary of a part-time indian by sherman alexie, 2007

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian In the book written by Alexie Sherman about the native Indians, in their attempt to adopt to the changing America, who still had negative perceptions about their lives. As Arnold grew up, he belonged to the Spokane Indians that were perceived by other people in the America β†’

See below

On winning the match, Billie King flung her racquet in the air, and hugged her husband, who lifted her to the crowd's applause. A necessary spectacle: Billie Jean King, Bobby Riggs, and the tennis match that leveled the game.

Summary and response 1718

The reader may not know if the fleas are good to the dog while we know that fleas are not desirable. Ai not so/ Is not In this text, it is suggested that we try to use our own terms and words when writing.


The reader hears of his experiences and that of other characters in the story directly. Changez reflects on the world and informs the American of the gravity of the situation at home, as compared to America.

Abstract assignment

As presented by Arlington Heights in his article " Does Giving Antibiotics to Animals Harm Humans," animals fed on antibiotics grow healthy as per the expectations of the U. Using antibiotics in farm animals as growth promoter will be seen to have side effects of antibiotics such as the resistance to Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, β†’

Diversity in the workplace

It is for the organization to manage the diversity by recognizing, appreciating, valuing, encouraging and utilizing the unique talents and contributions of individuals from across a wider spectrum of society. The incident would appear to be a trivial one, but it became a big issue, hotly discussed in the corridors of the office complex and β†’

Written business communication ( #1a)

Crozier The purpose of the memo is to inform or remind the employees about the parking guidelines in the company. This also helps to minimise any inconvenience that may be caused by disorderly parking in the company.

Six dimensions of wellness

Emotional wellness is a dynamic state that influences all the dimensions of health. Intellectual- The height of intellectual health includes openness to novel ideas, capacity to think critically and the willingness to master new skills.


Lecturer's and Number: Submitted Evening in the Sanitarium The poem of ' Evening in the Sanitarium' is a poem that has sadness in it. This is seen in the last line of this stanza where this woman is given possible chances to meet new person and home to live in.

Revising literature

In this case, I intend to include the thesis statement, " the invention of the internet has positively affected the information literacy and library skills amongst learners".2. After revising the introduction to include the thesis statement, I intend to describe the purposes of the literature review whilst identifying the major components.3.

Inequality undermines democracy

Which key sentence I find most important and how come The key sentence which I fine most important is the sentence in paragraph 24 that says " Inequality provokes a generalized anger that finds target where it can-immigrants, foreign countries, American elites, government in all forms-and it rewards demagogues while discrediting reformers". The anger that β†’

Demonstrate how to show not tell the action

English Welcoming the troops back home The airport terminal is a buzz of normalcy. It is the Budweiser moment of fame.

Annotated bibliography. environmental effects of nuclear power plant accident at fukushima

This report released by the Yale University highlights the growing concern that even though the ocean has the capacity to dilute nuclear contamination, elevated concentrations of radioactive cesium and iodine are moving up the local food chain. The report also includes a comparison of the current situation in Fukushima with studies from previous releases of β†’

Summary of a book chapter

Religious Approach Many scholars believe that the events of 11 September 2001 reflect a ' revival of religion' in international affairs. The anthropocentric and Judeo-Christians argue that man exploits nature in pursuit of human destiny and development.


Review the below three scenarios, and identify the question you would raise as leader of each team to begin the inquiry and awareness step of the tagging process. The substitute choir director would like to raise the issue of the choir members and their commitment to annual event and to the dedication of the choir β†’

Performance elements

When comparing some of the plays written, in this case Reeds The C Above the C Above High C and Wildes The Importance of Being Earnest, various aspects of plays are considered so as to enable the reader to be able to picture the performance through the text reading. It is thus suggested that if β†’


Areas of Study Despite the fact that this particular study is still in its preliminary stages, I have it in plan to organize the proposal by describing various sub-topics of research, which addresses various aspects pertaining to the automation of services at the county offices by the use of mobile application systems. The first aspect β†’

Persuasive apology

1st September, 2014 Dear Professor Anderson, I sincerely apologize for the extreme measures I took in implicating the professor as a liar and a really bad tutor while in the real sense I am the less honorable student and individual. I sincerely pray that you may find it in your heart to forgive my actions β†’

Adding, and organize

The author of the article " The Impact of the Gulf War" expounds on how the war led to a long list of slaughters on the Basra road. From the gulf war, it was noted that despite the military success that was recorded in the war, the experience of the Gulf war changed the viewing β†’

Answer the question

It was alleged going against the rules that advertisement, and undermining the national practices and culture of the Chinese. The advert of the panda urinating on the streets may work as it aims to make the Chinese behave while abroad.


It is also true that the use of examples can increase the interest of the audience in any essay. Also it was very helpful to see a guide of an exemplification essay in the chapter.

English assigment

The article ' Intellectual Diversity: The Trojan horse of a Dark Design', is a rhetoric piece of writing which is quite appealing logically. The main purpose of the article is to convince the audience that academic excellence should be apolitical and to enlighten the audience about how this bill is promoting political instead of academic β†’

Dr. martin luther king, jr’s speech

King is an example of figurative language which appeals to both the cultures and speaks of harmonizing them. These words ring out the true spirit of the speech and appeal to both the cultures.

Research proposal letter

Some of the negative effects of marijuana according to the study by Volkow, Nora and her team of qualified researchers include damage to the lungs of the smoker and if there is continued use, the user is likely to develop serious respiratory problems such as bronchitis and inflammation of the respiratory tract making breathing difficult β†’

Global issues. land reclamation. what are the alternatives to expanding a nation’s economy rather than land reclamation

Global Context Land reclamation is a global issue this is because thousands of species have been rendered instinct due to land reclamation and it takes the world to stop the issue as soon as possible. Land Reclamation In The Po River Delta Of Italy.


The narrator tells the story of her own life, and states how she is reminded of her misdeed through " the voices of my dim killed children". To sum up, the poem is an expression of guilt and love of an impoverished mother for her aborted children.

Gun control

However, this should not be used as a gateway to allow the public to run out of control in regard to ownership and use of guns. Guns, Gun Control, and Elections: The Politics and Policy of Firearms.

Persuasive message

We have endeavored to make our company the best in the industry and with this in mind; we have started various initiatives that will see to it that our company stays above competition and that it stands out among all the other existing ones. With the various initiatives that we have put in place to β†’

Discuss and explore some specific aspect of each reading that made an impact on you

As opposed from the rather passionate and confrontational tone that can be felt in the two aforementioned writings, Eighner takes a more sarcastic approach to defining the material conditions of the working poor, using the connotations of words that are associated with his ' work' as a dumpster diver, with the intention of surfacing out β†’

Grammar and writing

On the issue of sentence fragments, I found that the original sentence read like this " Working hard into the night in an effort to save his little boat". A correct sentence would read as this " Peter worked hard into the night in an effort to save his little boat".


Some of the commonest manifestations of ungrammatical compositions are the splitting of the to-infinitive, disregard to subject-verb agreement, and ending or beginning sentences with a preposition. In the above sentence, the noun phrases, the Bishop and the head precede the prepositions of.


Division ification Division ification The chapter stresses the importance of division and ification in our daily life and in writing in general. Division in writing actually brings purpose and meaning to the writing which is why it is important to use division to maintain audience attention.

Summary of a central event

From the speech one can easily grasp the fact that what something means to one person does not necessarily mean that it will mean the same thing to another person. How he explains on how technology has made us drift from our hearts reminds me of the many times; I wished somebody were there to β†’

Weekly class members responses

Although the writer has not provided details of the writing process, he/she has covered some main aspects of the process. Moreover, the writer has written about the feelings of Oprah in both letters.

Complete a poetry analysis for whispers in the wind

Through the poem, she declares that her heritage is valuable to her and she will never let it fall to the wayside. Whispers in the Wind is a tribute to her ancestors and their gallant bravery in the face of hardship and abuse.

, writing, and rhetoric

Asch showed that a majority of people want to fit in than they desire to do the right thing. The experiments conducted by Milgram and Asch help to disprove that the character trait of an individual can override the situation to determine human behavior.

No need for a topic

Additionally, the book discusses the ways of enhancing the success of marketing in the contemporary society in order to safeguard the profitability and longevity of businesses in the modern market place. The information in the book provides professional managers and marketers with an exceptional insight of the market thereby informing their marketing and management operations.

In regards to gender

As a result, gender discrimination rules almost all aspects of life in terms of the role of women and their subordination to men. The superiority of men is acknowledged in this instance, and Eve's betrayal is constantly used to ' keep her in place.' Jonson's Penhurst recognizes the significant role of human decency to social β†’

My life in alaska

My life in Alaska Abstract Human life is often considered similar on many lines, in relation to the basic human mentality, actions, reactions and interactions, emotions and feelings and the like. It is located in the continent of North America, and is not very linked with the outside world, owing to freezing temperatures and β†’

Read the article in its entirety,then answer those qestions

" Expression of Dissent in Email: Qualitative Insights into Uses and Meanings of Organizational Dissent" Hastings and Payne article, " Expression of Dissent in Email: Qualitative Insights into Uses and Meanings of Organizational Dissent" provides an understanding of implications of dissent expressions used by employees through email. Business Communication is very important as it the β†’


This is her bitter cry that marks the beginning of the poem and the journey of life seeking vendetta against men". She failed to grasp the essence of life that in societal terms one lived not only for self but for the sake of near and dear ones in the family and well-wishers.

Children in the restaurant observation

Running notes 1100: Tasha enters through the door and seems to be dragging her mum inside as though she cannot wait to have a taste of the delicacies served in the restaurant. 1120: Tasha seems a little distracted by the food on her plate and begins to play with the sticks of chips.

Business writing class discussion

The adage failure to plan is a plan to fail has been regarded as cliche over the years but nevertheless it carries a lot of truth. Planning gives one a vision of how the paper should be and you are able to see the end product even before beginning the process.

How to make a good business

This implies that, for a business to remain operation and break-through, it is important for the owners to compete fairly with the rest of the firms in the industry. As observed, the success of the business depends on the availability of the buyers who are the customers.

Calorie managment

It is important to note and mention that the amount and level of calorie that is burnt in a human being is a subject of many variables and factors. Some of the outright benefits and advantages of the tool or the calculator is that it helps the person to track or manage the daily calorie β†’

Critical thinking

The argument that the ability of a child to make decisions is based on age may be falsified, as it is possible that some adults too cannot make informed decisions. This means that one cannot measure the maturity of an individual based on age but should do so on a person's capacity to make decisions β†’

Theory final

Nursing practice theories guide the nursing practice; it gives a guideline on the nature and endeavours of the profession. P, & Boore, J.R.

Child abuse and maltreatment

Child Abuse and Maltreatment in Abuse Child abuse and maltreatment in toddlers Child abuse is not all about broken bones andbruises. Emotional abuse is when the parents rear the child with the aim of fulfilling their goals rather than those of the children.

Asian americans

Asian Americans Asian Americans The Asian Americans are referred to as the American community originating from Asia. A nurse should not forget to put in to consideration the Asian American cultural issues while providing health care services.


The video provides an understanding of the various postpartum nursing assessments that need to be carried out in case of vaginal and cesarean deliveries in order to ensure that the mother is recovering well from the delivery and is not at risk of any postpartum hemorrhage. In case of C-section the mother is encouraged to β†’

Cultural presentation about the jewish customs in the healthcare environment

Cultural presentation about the Jewish customs in the healthcare environment Medical practitioners despite their proficient in delivering g excellent services to their patients, they should observe both cultural and traditional aspects of the patients. It is the mandate of the Jews to offer their patients the necessary pastoral care.

Oncology, hematology, immunology

The aim of this study is to find out the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia, signs and symptoms, care and management of the. Further examination on Susan Clare showed her liver and spleen was enlarged, this might be due to the abnormal blood cell that lowers the immunity of the body.

Tiger/ticc/himss 5 questions paper

In the same way, TIGER aims at upholding transparency in the field of nursing through the use of information technology. As a result of the use of modern technology, TIGER expects to provide appropriate guidelines that will streamline the performance of nursing organisations globally.

Roy’s adapatation model

This paper will delve deeper into the study of the framework of the theory as it is applied to the treatment of a group of Canadian menopausal women and how the framework may have helped or not helped them overcome their menopausal problems. She wrote the paper based upon the care of a group of β†’


Indeed, the sampling method in this study is a controlled process where the researchers define the population, units of the population, and select a sample of units from where they choose the sample. Researchers use simple random sampling to establish the impact of organisational characteristics on turnover intention among care workers in Korea nursing homes.

Innovation in nursing discussion board phase

Innovation in Healthcare and Introduction The healthcare industry in America has undergone massive proliferation of changes and strategic innovations that are directed towards improving and making better life quality, the value and rate of life expectancy, treatment choices and diagnostics of patients all over. Two uses of innovation in healthcare can be derived from two β†’

Evidence-based practice process:comparing guidelines

The kinds of appraisal done by the authors of the first guidelines when choosing evidence to apply in the guideline were the analysis of issued meta-analyses and a methodical review. For the second guideline, the type of appraisals included was a literature review of works from the ICSI and PubMed databases.


Muslims and non-Muslims have some similarities and differences inherent in their faith. Muslims do not allow intermarriage with non-Muslims, unlike Christians, and if they do, the spouse from non-Muslim faith must change their religion.

The ethical dilemma of abortion

In this case, the ethical dilemma is which life ought to be saved, between that of the child and that of the mother, when it becomes apparent that the life of the mother is in danger, due to the pregnancy she is carrying. For the proponents of the view that life starts at conception, terminating β†’

The role of nursing theory

The role of nursing theory is applicable in the nursing practice in various ways. The nursing theory plays a very crucial role in drawing attention to the vital elements of nursing, for instance, the concept of home health, patient, and the environment of the patient, as well as the care nurses give.

Nutrition in school-aged children

The researchers have addressed the issue of nutrition and poverty and how it affects the school aged children. Research shows that children with poor nutrition are likely to miss days of school and hence repeat classes.

Innovation in nursing ip phase 2

It is not just the adjustment time that is important, it is also the quality of care and appreciation for the process which has been introduced. Willingness to learn is somewhat associated with the fact that though one is knowledgeable in the field, there would be breakthroughs and changes which are needed to be executed.

The evaluating a website for credibility

Due to curiosity and the need to understand the spread of this dangerous disease, the urge to find relevant and credible information is necessary. The prime objective of this website is to enlighten the general public of the importance of vaccination, which makes it informative.

Ethical leadership in memory care homes

Discussion The primordial consideration in caring for memory loss patients in a care home setting is the ethical standards that should be adopted and applied by the people who supervise the facilities, particularly the guests to be taken care of. Since the culprit health handicap attacks the patient more on the psychological and mental faculties, β†’

Cuban heritage

In a similar approach, I would, to the best of my ability address Mrs. Hernandez stays at home most of the time, and it is likely that the number of hours spent of television and lazing around has contributed to her condition.

Discussion authorship & guidelines

This kind of development is significantly tied to the growth and development of the professional body of knowledge. E, Riner, M.

Think about a time when a patients cultural beliefs, values, or customs created a conflict between the goals of nursing and health care and the dictates of a patients cultural background. how did you resolve this conflict what changes will you make

This was one case of real conflict since such a culture is not in line with the healthcare regulations and codes of ethics. Another measure is to champion for healthcare promotion which helps in mitigating such effects of cultural beliefs in the outcome of patient's healthcare.

Case study physical assessment

The case study offers the different forms of data and assessment procedures that a health assessment should take, which should follow the elements that " form the database of the assessment of the person's health" as provided in chapter 1 in Jarvis. According to Jarvis the musculoskeletal function is affected by the cultural background and β†’

Critical thinking part 4

Most of the participants were from the vulnerable cancer survivors. The research is clinically important to physical activities and quality life of cancer survivors.

Careers requiring medical terminology

The data management team is responsible for coding for reimbursement and records purposes. The teams are comprised of management and specialists and each member needs knowledge of medical terminology.

Trying to be heard

Trying to Be Heard Ethical Problems in the Case and Sufficiency of Joanna's Actions The ethical problem in this case refers to theprinciple of beneficence. First, when the nurse assessed the patient, and sensed that the patient needed the attention of a doctor, the doctor refused to heed the call.

The role of nurses in improving hospital quality and efficiency

Moreover, the legislation has led to the redefining of the health care system by introducing changes that have improved the quality, accountability and efficiency of the health care system; hence, helping reduce costs of providing health care to Americans. The roles of government in improving health care quality and safety.

Music therapy in nursing practice

The title of the article is appropriate as it clearly identifies the dependent and independent variables, population of interest, and intervention. If not, what are the limitations of the study?

Innovative nursing care delivery model

The models have certainly enabled or influenced the healthcare organizations to ensure creativity in the way services are delivered to the patients in the US and the associated regions. With this concern, the essay intends to present a brief but comprehensive picture about the importance and the effectiveness of the models relating to innovative nursing β†’

Theoretical perspective

Furthermore, the assessment criteria as propagated by the theory investigates and assesses every possible feature of a family thereby enhancing the process of obtaining holistic information that helps in diagnosing the psychological and physical wellbeing of every individual in a family. The theoretical perspective investigates the effects of such factors thereby developing a holistic diagnosis β†’

Neuro sensory

Epilepsy Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that is mostly triggered by; stroke, brain trauma, brain cancer, drug and alcohol abuse though it is a common disease that can also be contracted via inheritance. The previous incident also attacked a boy who was good in sports leading me to believe that it can get anyone and β†’

Ethical conduct in scientific

Ethical Conducts in Scientific Research Ethical Conducts in Scientific Research Tuskegee Study The main purpose of this paper is to examine the unethical consideration in Tuskegee case study and include some of my personal response of the study and, ethical considerations that I consider to be most important. The aim of the study was to β†’

Anatomy, physiology & disease

Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease Anatomy, physiology, and disease One of the es of disease that causes the largest threat to public health today is communicable disease. Prevention of the disease in relation to sexual transmission is achieved through the use of condoms and sex education.

Review of ‘the moths of war’

The controversy surrounding the peppered moth studies are that it was discredited thus tattering the reputation of the original scientist. They went ahead and carried out a series of experiments to prove that the works of the original scientist was not wrong but had some problems.

Human biology

Response to Question 2 Based on the significant evolutionary development that have taken place in on earth, the organisms that have contributed a lot the evolutionary changes are the simple organisms. If one component on the food web is altered or threatened, the impact is transferred to the rest of the organisms in the ecosystems, β†’

The eukaryotic cell structure

The Eukaryotic cell structure The Eukaryotic Cell Structure The two organelles chosen for the purpose of comparisonare Mitochondria and the ribosomes. The mitochondria are organelles that work similar to that of a digestive system that ingests foods which is then broken down and the cell's energy is thus produced in the form of energy rich β†’

Virtual lab 3

Question 3 On the tenth day, the Paramecium caudatum population reached the carrying capacity of the environment when grown alone. Question 5 When the two Paramecium species utilize the available food resources, then one of them has the likelihood of benefiting from more of the available resources over the other one, further leaving it to β†’

Questions for an exam

Chromosome mutations can be caused by deletion of gene that will cause some genes to be absent in the resulting organism, by duplication of gene that will cause some genes to be duplicated and in turn the resulting organism will have some extra genetic information, by genetic inversion in which genetic order is altered and β†’

Assignment example

HSP60 and HSP70 and Their Confusing Roles in Aging Based on the first ment, " Starvation causes a cellular response...that encodes...hsp70 and hsp60 family members," and the second statement, " Starvation can diminish some of the signs of aging," it seems that there is a link between the encoding of hsp70 and hsp60 and the β†’

Primary reserch (squirrels behaviour)

The main purpose of this study is to determine how foraging affects the seasonal behavior of squirrels, during winter and summer. S, Hickey M." Food Storability and the Foraging Behavior of Fox Squirrels".


Explicit protocol Relevance: Yes Status: Present Quote: " In this cross-sectional study, a total of 1878 apparently healthy Saudi students were invited to participate. Randomization Relevance: Yes Status: Absent Quote: " In this cross-sectional study, a total of 1878 apparently healthy Saudi students were invited to participate".E.

Analysis the film: monsoon wedding

The film is based on the upper-middle-class New Delhi in which, there is a family of professionals who are quite modern for the general style of living in New Delhi. One subplot that particularly grabs the attention of the audience is that of the love affair of the wedding organizer and the servant girl.

North movie review

He hired a Lawyer for the purpose and the Judge provided North with the time period covering a summer, for finding new parents. Awestruck North gets up from his sleep and realizes that it was all the part of a dream.

Gallery report

The National Gallery consists of two great buildings and is also known as one of the renowned art museums in the world. The intensity of the hues utilized portrays the intensity of the conquests of King Alfonso of Portugal.

Lesson plan #1

A good lesson plan is not just relevant to the learners, it is equally important to teachers as they prepare to deliver content to students. The sample of the lesson plan given is a perfect example of what every art teacher should stick to.