Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Assignment example

Women see perceive things differently from men, and they inclusion in the newsrooms adds a lot of value to the news coverage. In conclusion, women have brought a new face in the newsroom, by completing the news coverage to all spheres of society.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Gumma, a deep or superficial nodule found in the bones, is one of the signs of the late syphilis stage. The worst effect of the disease is perhaps the destruction or organs like bones and can result in death.

The current state of newspapers

It is indisputable the current state of newspapers is deplorable compared to the past decades. As Ross Dawson who happens to be a business strategist contends, newspapers will face extinction come 2029 in France and 2017 in the USA.

Why is racial and gender diversity important in motivating employees

The trip to Memphis was mainly aimed to educate its managers about the importance and need for diversity in a company atmosphere. The company also believes that such training in diversity would encourage the employees to be themselves thus alleviating the need to change and adjust according to the company scenario.

Intel discussion questions

The Intel scientists had become aware of the error that the Pentium chips make but they went ahead with the sale of the same. Answer 2 Intel had released the flawed Pentium chip to the market instead of delaying its introduction until the flaw was fixed.

Unit 2 discussion big ideas in science

The advantages of precise and accurate measurement include: adhering to plans and goals; efficient use of resources; avoiding wastes; and observing budgets and schedules. Standardized measurement is important within specific fields of science to provide consistency in findings and to ensure that the results are reliable and valid.

Biodiversity of the ecosystem in taxon

The latest modification in the structure of the insect is the evolution from larvae. Preservation of forest will, in turn, preserve insects and balance the ecosystem.

Discussion board

Response- Indiana I believe it is true that Indiana is primarily a farming state however in case the state is unable to farm anymore there are chances that the people who have no other skills would gradually move out of the state or acquire other skills. I also think that the farming lands could be β†’

The environmental issue from hell

But the first of these, the flooding in Bangladesh in 1998, was not that unusual from a historical perspective and was not caused by global warming. He cites the example of the polar bear, whose habitat is being destroyed by global warming.

Analysis of odds and probability article by fulton, mendez, bastian & muzaffer

In an article from, the author revealed how the census bureau does clean their messy data. He claimed that the bureau does revise their data where they identify the possible errors in the name of the people by using an algorithm.

The trending development in the cod market

The cod market changed in 1968, resulting in an increase in demand for cod and the fall in the cod supply. It is worth noting that the population of cod remained relatively stable, but the demand and supply trend in the Canadian market fluctuated irregularly.

Upward-downward communication

This downward flow of communication is used to let the workers understand their individual functions, to give and clarify instructions, and to give advice on how they can be most effective in their individual roles. It is a communication where the employee, managers, supervisors, and employers have an exchange of ideas and have a chance β†’

Chapter essay 1

Question 4 It is true that there is no free lunch because the money used to provide this lunch could be used for other purposes such as building better classes or providing technology that makes learning better. Question 5 It is possible to exchange diamond for other items because despite the fact that it is β†’

Is sexual orientation conversion ethical

This review on the article entitled " Is Sexual Orientation Conversion Therapy Ethical?" aims to outline my personal opinion on the issue and to provide the basis for my position. The arguments supporting sexual orientation conversion therapy emphasize the benefits of affirming the clients' dignity and personal choice for homosexual expression.

Mass media effects

Mass Media Effects The effect of media in the society has a formidable force in terms of influencing various activities and behaviours of man. Encyclopedia of Politics, the Media, and Popular Culture.


This surge was due to recent job reports that economists believe would encourage the Federal Reserve to accelerate the timing of the rise on the rates of interest. The paper reported that the dollar hit a seven and half year high against the Japan's Yen.

Effects on environment

Effects on the environment Affiliation: Introduction The natural surroundings of the earth has been studied and documented by scientists and it has been noted to be influenced by several factors. The main environmental influencer and which has negative effects in the environment is pollution.

Convention of citizens for a greener planet

Researchers and Scientists believe that if fires continue in the Amazon, 50 percent of the Amazon could simply dissipate into smoke. It was also recorded that the humidity levels in the Amazon were recorded highest in 2005.

Public health discussion unit 8

Registered nurses and pharmacists are the disciplines selected for this paper. Registered nurses are considered the mainstay of hospital-based medical care.


The decision to act in certain way depends very much on the consequence of the action and if the action is legal or not. And for the benefit of the whole society, the person should release the food.

Questions in the economics 2010 course

Total Cost, Fixed Cost, Variable Cost, and Average Cost: Total Cost: this is the sum of all the costs incurred over the production process for a given good or product at a certain period of time. This is due to the fact that the price of the product sold is higher than the average cost β†’

The root causes of environmental problems

And thirdly, economic factors have also contributed to environmental problems as both the rise in population and lifestyle changes have increased the production rates of various commodities that have resulted in increased use of resources and also outflow of more wastes to the environment. References " The Root Causes of Environmental Problems".

High oil and gas prices

China being one of the leading oil-importing countries has added to the global oil demand by its continuous progress. The automobile industry in the United States has also added to the global oil consumption as it consumes around one-fourth of the total global oil.

Economic region – the lower mainland region of british columbia

Economic Region - The Lower Mainland Region of British Columbia The Lower Mainland region of British Columbia includes the regional districts of the Sunshine Coast, Greater Vancouver, Fraser Valley, and Squamish-Lillooet. The trends in the growth of employment in the Lower Mainland have been stronger than different regions in the area, and ideal with β†’

E-mail marketing

The use of email for marketing purpose is aknowledged as email marketing. Anuja states that the Internet is growing with fast speed and due to this rapid growth there is a need for the speedy and more powerful technique of marketing.

X phone marketing plan

Recognizing the popularity and wide acceptance of mobile phones in the country, demand for these products will not be dampened by the weaker economic outlook. The spending power of the target markets is expected to be remain high and will be channeled to the purchases of durables like mobile phones.

Research and referencing

Moreover, in spite of advanced features, the mobile phone devices are made of extremely trendy design and size so as to persuade the target customers to purchase the specific brand as compared to competitors within the region of Hawassa. Consumer behaviour is a very important term for the industry players of mobile phone segment in β†’

Marketing survey

Marketing Survey Q1: A new cancer drug was released on the market, 600 people out of 3, 000 people died shortly after the drug was administered and the remaining were cured. 10 is give the drug.

General motors and saturn

Due to the necessity to attract these customers, Chevy created the Saturn brand. The Saturn brand served the purpose of segmenting the market in order for the company to generate more revenues.2.

Chapter 8 : identifying market segments and targets

HSBC ' s strategy is to expand the market by operating in different countries. What are the pros and cons to BMW's selective target marketing?

Definition of marketing and nutritional supplements

GNLD Success in Marketing GNLD Success in Marketing Marketing is a vast field of study, which, due to its indispensability with humankind has drawn scholarly interest with many researchers concentrating in it in their endeavors. As a management process, it believe that it must incorporate the 4ps where the organization initiate a new product, sets β†’

Ford motor company

Internally the drop occurred because of the reduction in the revenue of the company and externally because of the lesser ease of access and increased finance cost. However, in the international market, the demand for the company's products persisted and the company was successfully bringing down its cost of production.

Karl lagerfeld – fashion merchandising

Lagerfeld enhanced hi work by founding the Lagerfeld Gallery in Paris. The Karl Lagerfeld diet.

Definition of advertising

The white in the background is used to accentuate the illegible writing, which the advert seeks to use in a way that tells the consumer that using the contact lenses will make him/her able to read the writing. This is also used in the background for information on the lenses, as well as on the β†’

The vodafone new zealand

The Vodafone New Zealand Conclusion New Zealand has the distinction of being one of the most expensive countries in the developed world to make a mobile call. The average speed of Telecom's JetStream mobile service is nearly twice as that of Vodafone,'s-it peaks over100kbps.


33 The firm needs to first of all reduce the variable costs and increase the unit price before thinking of increasing the number of passengers.2. This will help the cost per unit to rise, beating the variable costs.

See inside

When laying out a strategic outline plan, the main objective of a company is to stay in business by making profits and to expand. To achieve a vision, a company should have a mission statement that is in line with its objectives.


In the online version of such personalized sales, the companies have to use different types of personal data from different mediums of their customers and using it to deduce the next big offer for their customers once they log in online or purchase products. In order to know the customer even before they make the β†’

Failed products

Even the big s of thecompanies that create them do not help boost the performance of the product in the market. The last failed product in this list is the New Coke.

Sales function for a company with foreign sales operation

The new selling point of tampons is shifting from the old advertisements of women dressed in bikinis and white pants while driving home the message of comfort to a new campaign featuring local women addressing frankly the issues that had been treated as taboo in many countries. The new aggressive advertisements measures are part of β†’

Marketing product and pricing

Through the use of advertisement and the ever so powerful word of mouth, the consistent theme of PS3 has created a strong brand image. I would exploit this strategy midway between the launch of a new product and the holiday season to keep a momentum in sales.

Working less and making more

The invention of these employees is related to sales and marketing in the sense that the employees are required to have a ready targeted market in mind even during the conception of the idea itself. In order for the company to take up the idea and actually invest in it, they need to know if β†’

Coco chanel – fashion merchandising

Coco Chanel The Background of Coco Chanel It is not mandatory for a person to be a fashion maven in order to recognize the name Coco Chanel. 1 It was not until 1920s that Coco stamped a lasting authority in the world of fashion.

Discussion question

Lucky Larry's use of database to create customer loyalty Customer loyalty is the measure of happiness and satisfaction of customers in which they buy the product or avail the services of a company time and again. Lucky Larry's database marketing is definitely a part of integrated marketing program as it is an attempt to attract β†’

Supermarkets inc

Logistics involves the physical distribution of good/services from point of origin to the final customer, and encompasses functions such as warehousing, inventory management, transportation, and logistic information management. Name and describe at least two different types of retailers that are profiled in the video.

Value proposition and positioning of mcdonalds

Customers are willing to buy brand rather than by inspection where there is some assurance of quality" The brand chosen is McDonald's, synonymous to fast foods all over the world. Discuss the positioning from your point of view McDonald's is positioned as a high quality affordable priced product and consumers choose it from among other β†’

Supply, demand and equilibrium price of motor vehicles

An increase in income or an increase in the size of the family can change the demand and taste of the consumer which in turn raises both demand and supply. On the other hand if consumer's income is reduced then demand for motor vehicles, especially higher-priced vehicles, is reduced; as a result, the price and β†’

Marketing objective

Marketing Objective Marketing Objective of V Energy Drink Marketing objective is certainly one of the most significant aspects in marketing. Another crucial marketing objective is to enhance the brand equity and take the brand image of V to a new height so that the present dominating position remains intact for a significant period.

See word

Consequent to this, many customers are drawn to the company, thus promoting the sales of the company. Therefore, the company ought to discontinue the marketing strategy, and promote the dignity of its employees.

Marketing practices in kuwait vs. the usa

number Outline: Marketing practices in Kuwait vs.the USA Introduction There are fundamental similarities in the marketing practices of Kuwait and USA. Congruency in Market Segmentation The United States takes marketing segmentation as a critical marketing element to determine the consumers who are likely to seek for their products and services.

My strengths and weaknesses

I believe in one way or another my personality traits and preferred styles can positively influence and thus advance my interpersonal skills at work in the following ways. Therefore, I will always be on my toes to improve my interpersonal skills at work since this is how good personality is practically reflected.

Promotion mix strategies

One single marketing strategy may not be effective for the rapid movement of the product in the market and hence most of the product manufacturers or service providers use mix marketing strategies." Marketing theory distinguishes between two main kinds of promotional strategy - " push" and " pull. Push marketing strategies are implemented through the β†’

A market follower

This can be done by either making it convenient for the consumers to use the product or by encouraging people to use it more often. This can be done by making a more tempting ad campaign in which people are asked to use the product more often.

Ultimate toronto

The TUC does not have the ability to offer the same benefits and bonuses as other competition, specifically because of the lack of management that is a part of the club. The known strategy for promotions is not combining with the purchasing that is developed for the sustainability and growth of TUC.

Virgin group case study

Transformational leaders succeed due to their ability to inspire others in order to ensure high productivity in the organization unlike transactional leadership that relies on the definition of roles and authority. Richard Branson would be committed to ensuring profitability and high return son the shareholders investments.

Analysis of marketing plans for forever charge

This is evident from discussion in each slide and includes analysis of the environment, SWOT analysis, marketing objectives, marketing strategies, and marketing implementation. The marketing plan is detailed and this allows for consideration of factors to success of plan implementation.

Has the definition of marketing changed

Skilled manpower has the potential to raise the business in the market but if the skill is not sufficient to convince and persuade the customer's need then the business finds it difficult to excel in the competitive market. The good marketing skill requires a deep understanding of the philosophy of the trend and also the β†’

Advertising campaign

The image of a healthy dog together with the logo " Purina Pro Plan " will be included in the advert. The photo of Purina Pro Plan dog food will be included in the ad.

Chapter 5

Nordstrom's success largely comes from its customer service focus, but as shoppers move to a more virtual shopping experience, Nordstrom's advantage in this area will be negated somewhat. This way, Tesco can gain a customer early in life and will have a lifetime of spending habits from which to work from.

Market segmentation and the disintegration of an entire market

Name Instructor Task Date 1 Market Segmentation refers to the disintegration of an entire market of a good or service into subgroups with respect to the needs of the customers. After realizing that the business was losing most of its customers to the competitors, Schult came up with new policies for strategizing the future β†’

Reading assigment

It is also a strategy that affirms the need for new business entities to tend to customers through the original ideas of the pioneer such as Halston. This implies that Halston's name could be misused to the demerit of his legacy and reputation in launching and re-launching new and old products respectively.

Alta gracia

Because of that, Alta Gracia is going after the right target market, one that identifies with the values of the company.5. No, it is not ethical because it is taking advantage of economies that are less developed by offering work that is worth far more in the United States.

Even-point or odd-point measurement scales

Merits of odd-point It provides the respondent with a range of option including where the defendant can remain neutral. Merits of Even-Point it does not provide a neutral position, and the respondent must take a position.


Countertrade Countertrade is the kind of trade where goods and services are paid for, in whole or in part, with othergoods and services, rather than money. The invention of internet has had the effect of reducing the cost of conducting countertrade in that deals can be discussed and online and even technical support to buyers β†’

Assignment example

Advert Overview in the Portfolio The Sustain U Clothing should will adverts to reach or appeal to more customers, and this will be contained in the portfolio appendix. Promotion is also part of advertising that must be embraced and be included in the marketing strategies of the Sustain U Clothing.

Assignment example

Departmental Factoids AFFILIATION: Departmental Factoids Importance of Departmental Factoids forCustomers For every organization, it is important that they provide complete details about specialized terminologies that are being used frequently. In order to make sure that everyone has clear understanding about key terminologies so that there is no confusion for everyone, it is important for organizations β†’

Wk3 discussion 2

MARKET SEGMENTATION s According to the 2004 American Demographic article, there are three trends that will influence the marketin the next 25 years according to population and demographic changes. According to the Mighty Mature Market strategy, the baby boom generation is likely to increase the number of old people by 2025 hence industries and companies β†’

Opera house branding

The company is looking forward to collaborating with the renowned royal opera house. The main idea of bringing the people close to the company is for the people to take the opera house as a community business that they are part of it.

The supply side of cigarettes

On the other hand, an increase in income is going to reduce the demand for inferior goods as people will look for better alternatives and high-quality goods. This shift is going to increase the prices and reduce the equilibrium quantity in the market.

Reform in road freight

The creation of the marketing mix is intended for the purpose of ensuring the achievement of various corporate goals such as profit, volume, image, reputation, and return on investment through the satisfaction of the consumers' wants and needs. The most influential marketing communication elements are the advertising tools which include television, Internet, print, and radio β†’

Free art market

Although the artist in a freemarket is free to choose their own subject matter, they are also not protected from external changes in the market environment and forces of competition, as they would be under a patronage based system. I am a product of my times and culture, and I tend to look upon the β†’

Coca-cola company’s marketing communications

Coca Cola has earned a number of satisfied customers already in the past, millions in the past as a result of its marketing communications campaign and satisfaction from its product. Its goal with its marketing communications now is to retain these customers through loyalty programs such as the Facebook fan page as well as the β†’

New product marketing plan prepare

Marketing entails having the right product that is required by a particular group, placing the product in the right place where the group can locate it, fixing the appropriate price, and using the right people while launching the product. Therefore, the designed product should reflect the needs of the people and the demand for the β†’

Can a machine have a conscience

In the artificial intelligence field, artificial consciousness or rather machine consciousness is aimed at defining whether machines have the right conscience. Despite the current technological changes and the ability to stimulate autonomy, consciousness in machines is still difficult to attain.

Outside speech

However, as the society progresses, the elderly are airbrushed out of the picture and left to face the challenges of old age alone. Currently, the elderly constitute 65% of the population, with researchers predicting that the figure is likely to grow in the future.

Answering a question

The word motivated has been so wrongly used that even an expert in English will have to go through this sentence at least ten times in order to understand what the writer is trying to say. While reading at the first glance it seems the writer will send the most important work to whom he β†’

Reflective letter

My writing process and the final products portray the strengths and weaknesses of my work in this course. Indeed, my writing process manifests my strength in the formatting my works according to the referencing and formatting requirements.

The things they carried

Even though, the order is from above, he argues that the failure to address the safety of the group and issues of movement affected the reasoning and the initial belief of the job. The experience of the Cross was improved with the death of Kiowa.

Principle of affirmative action

Principle of Affirmative Action Affirmative Action is a policy or a program that seeks to redress the past discrimination against women or minority groups in the society through efficient measures to ensure equal economic and educational opportunities. Affirmative action as a means to Social Equality: As the affirmative action is based on the notion of β†’


Similarly Schrader is of the opinion film noir is not a particular movie that portrays the nighlife of urban areas and he further added that a film noir is not even a film that is create don the subject of corruption and criminality. He states that during the early period of the 1940s, movies such β†’

Writing the report roanoke, virginia branch

The employees were demoralized hence the quality of the products was substandard c. Finally, the Chief Executive Officer of the branch was kindly requested to review the budget of the branch.

The persuasive message

However, with a view of my position I have found it necessary to recall your attention to confusing working conditions which both qualified and new workers in my department have to experience due to the Reclassification Program. Therefore, despite the encouraging first statistical results of the Reclassification Program, I am forced to ask you to β†’

Three things i learned while my plane crashed

I am not yet sure what kind of business I will be set up; however, while I am pursuing my college degree, I know that I will have a clearer picture of the business I intend to put up even before I graduate. As I advance in my studies, I became more and more interested β†’

The book freedom by johnatan franzen. journalist critics of the book

Journalistic Critics of the Book Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Freedom: A Passage through American Dream and Society 3 Conclusion4 Work Cited5 Introduction On the 31st day of the August month in the year 2010, holding the hands of publishing house named, Farrar, Straus and Giroux there appeared a novel entitled β†’

Response writing to this article

The airlines claimed they provided the travelers the world on a silver spring; in addition alliances at the time were the order of the day for frequent fliers. These arrangements help the airlines save on cost of operations as and essential in such a market place, they as a result maximize the returns given the β†’

Report 8

According to Buchanan, the immigration explosion is so pervasive that it could now equal the population of native born Americans such as the case of Mexican Americans in California. This quotation meant that America's present immigration policy is skewed towards admitting immigrants who are less skilled and less educated whose level of skills and education β†’

Ipad v.s kindle fire

iPad vs Kindle Fire iPad and Kindle Fire are two of the most popular cell phones that have done good business since their launch. Kindle Fire also outweighs iPad in the battery life of the cell phone and features.

Key issues

Key Issues in Project Management Introduction Project management is an important process in the achievement of the major goals and objectives set in the mission and vision statement of an organisation. Project managers, in the course of their management ensure that the major goals and objectives of an organisation are subdivided into smaller and manageable β†’


Examples enabled the presenter to show the audience, the meaning of the information. The presenter should remember to cite the expert during presentation of the information.

I wandered lonely as a cloud by william wordsworth

It is important to note and mention that the society would benefit from the richness of the exposition and poem. In retrospect, nature such as the meeting or dancing of flowers and lakes gives a rewarding and aesthetic experience to the human being and the society as a whole.


The realization of the tragedy of incest leads to death of the queen because she commits suicide after knowing the truth. The reward for the win and following the death of King Laius, Oedipus is given the throne leading to the interaction with the queen.

Reflection journal about study abroad

The students who make the most of a study abroad experience are those who obviously want to be there and keep an open mind at all times. A study abroad experience can be beneficial for most students, but those who are likely to succeed already have the right keys in place to help them to β†’

The renovation of english vocabulary from old english to modern english

Thesis Statement: The early Modern Period was transformative in nature and the renovation of English vocabulary from Old English to Modern English, which is illustrated by the analysis of Text 81 from ' Canterbury Tales,' helped the progress of the language as a whole. The early Modern Period was transformative in nature and the β†’

Research paper outline

Thesis ment Public Schools requiring their to wear uniforms aids in the elimination of gangs, school violence, bullying, and peer pressure, making it easy to identify intruders, and in the end, the school administration, parents, and student bodies can manage the students effectively.I. Supporting Evidence While the supporters of school uniforms agree that schools uniforms β†’


In the movie, it is clearly evidenced how easy it is to concoct public agitation and the dubiousness that accompanies the intentions. In the book, Didion explores President Bush' speechmaking and media approaches based on " fixed ideas" that stem back to previous administrations.

Analysis paper on cathedralby raymond carver

The experience takes place in the home of the narrator when the blind man visits. At the beginning of the story, the narrator doubts the close relationship between his wife and the blind man.