Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Application for an office manager position – resume/cv example

I have recently graduated with a master's degree in business administration and am highly competent to undertake the roles and responsibilities expected from an office manager. I have had extensive training and experience in undertaking the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling teams of subordinates from one's work experiences.

How to use the idea of cognitive dissonance to encourage employees

The paper " How to Use the Idea of Cognitive Dissonance to Encourage Employees" is a wonderful example of a management assignment. I believe that cognitive dissonance could be used to best effect by the employees themselves whilst remaining in the workplace domains since they can always weigh in the benefits and the pitfalls of β†’

Team motivation

To address the first concern, I would like to recommend that organizing periodic team meetings with managers will help in improving interaction between the two, and also provide a platform for team members to express their concerns or come up with new initiatives to perform better. This will also help the team members come out β†’

Assignment example

Assignment Tasks Performed By the Human Resource According to the three respondents, the human resource performed the overall role, the business partner role, and the policy formulation and implementation role. Respondent's Interaction with the Human Resource The main interaction of the respondents with the human resource was based on advisory matters, raising of issues and β†’

How to encourage readers

In addition, the illustration and specification of integral parts are highlighted by separating the different parts and addressing the issues of the parts independently. The appeal of the document can be improved by addressing the issues of layout and color usage in the document.

High performance work systems

The items control the high-performance work system and potential benefits emerging from their establishment used to substantiate the corporate fitting all together activities. Workforce engagement The workforce engagement supports performance by incorporating SDH to determine elements influencing employee dedication and determination in their areas of operations.

How do different background influence workplace communication and understanding

High-context communications rely on interpersonal relationships with fellow workmates in order to bring out societal expectations and rules. In workplaces where there are employees from both high and low context communication backgrounds, interpersonal communications may prove to be difficult, and the following up of instructions as they are intended may be extremely poor.

Granny gets canned

Granny Gets Canned Discrimination of any kind on the basis of age is an illegal act at the place as outlined in the Age Discrimination Act. Susan therefore has the right to sue for wrongful termination of her employment on the basis of age.


Affiliation Cost estimation is an important aspect of project management and determines whether the project is worth undertaking, whether it will be profitable to the company, and if at all the company can afford it. It provides the firm with a cost range of the total monetary cost of the project.

Discussion question

Organizations are required to take various steps to make employees aware of their responsibilities including developing of employees' handbook. Review will act as a way of showing employees how critical their responsibilities are to the overall performance of the organization.

Retail strategy

If noticed in detailed, I just mentioned of the four Ps of marketing in the previous paragraph, namely, product, price, place and promotion which for the core of any retail strategy. The fourth and final P of a successful retail strategy is promotion.

Research methods quantitative

Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of aircraft noise on the health and the wellbeing of the communities exposed to the noise.3. The methods will be designed to measure the connotative meaning of the impact of the air crafts noise on the wellbeing and health of the β†’

Service management

Summary And Discussion Question Summary And Discussion Question Summary Chapter 11 The chapter focuses on the management and utilization of resources in order to manage the capacity resource of an organization. The demand management strategy seeks to manage the demand for a good or service in relation to the resources and capacity.

She v. her

According to the law, same-sex sexual harassment is forbidden under state law in spite of the sexual orientation of the parties. But it's kind of odd or unexpected because it is the same type of behavior that if it was coming from a guy towards Alisha and she is feeling uncomfortable, I consider that as β†’

3short questions

Therefore, there is a pressing need for government interference with businesses in order to ensure that the products produced by these organizations are within the accepted standards and that they are produced in sustainable and ecofriendly ways. The primary goals as to why business organizations involve themselves in politics are to get contact and to β†’

Asses project risks

The second event that poses risk to the irrigation project is the delay in the delivery of the materials that will be necessary in constructing the water routes. The third event that poses the risk to the project is the destruction of the plants when being planted or pruned.

The inventory and service goals

It is important for Andrea to consolidate and coordinate with other departments of the company in order to control not only what item is purchased and in what quantity but also the timing of its arrival and its intended production-consumption. To eliminate the effects of fluctuation in the volume of demand, it is recommended that β†’


The personality traits of an individual are measured with the degree of various dimensions including extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness. My personality reflects that I am idealist in looking for the good and the bad about particular people and events.

Final project part i: finding a study

This paper discusses the type of research used, its content area, its type of data, and the concept that the study investigates. The purpose of the study and its measurement also identifies psychiatry as the content area.

Google inc services – google tools

Google has invested to provide the employees with additional services and relaxed environment as a technique of reward and benefit that they can enjoy and relax their minds in order to be productive at work. A diversified corporate culture of Google is again one of the leading elements that encourage the staff people to work β†’

Water and water pollution

Water Pollution of the of the Water Pollution Part A In general the quality of water is established by measuring the chemical and physical properties of a sample of that water and then comparing it with the stipulated water quality standards or recommendations. The objective of these norms is to facilitate the provision of water β†’

Intermediate macroeconomics

The IS is a curve that traces the interest rate and the output level that keeps the product market in equilibrium. The LM is a curve that traces the output and the interest rate that keeps money market in equilibrium.

Erosion on the earths moon, venus and mercury

Erosion on the Earth's Moon, Venus and Mercury There is very less erosion on the planet Venus's surface. The right reason why there is so less erosion observed in the surface of Mercury and Venus is that unlike Earth, these planets have no tectonic plates.

Supply and demand simulation

Supply and Demand Simulation Introduction The principle of demand and supply assumes that when all other factors are held constant, an increase in demand may lead to an increase in prices of goods and services. The concept of micro economics helps to understand causes of shift in demand and supply curves and the equilibrium price β†’

Rocks and minerals in indiana

The most plentiful of the minerals in Indiana include calcite, clay minerals and quartz. The calcite that occurs in Indiana deposits is utilized for different purposes within and outside the state.

Econ 157 problem set

Therefore the slope of the curve denotes the growth rate of inequality at low per-capita income levels and the rate of declining of inequality at high per-capita income levels.2. By drawing Lorenz Curves of two countries in the same panel the income inequality of those countries can be compared.

Green house and gas emission

They are responsible for the depletion of the Ozone layer, paving the way for harmful UV radiation in the planet. The temperature of the planet is severely affected by these greenhouse gases and the situation has become alarming.

Environmental services and economic production in indiana state

" Environmental Services and Economic Production in Indiana The economy of Indiana is founded on the agriculture, mining and manufacturing with agriculture offering the highest number of jobs. This brings the essence of the environmental services, which are offered by either government or private agencies in a bid to preserve the environment from the outcome β†’

Impact of scarcity and choice on the laws of supply and demand

The Law of supply, on the other hand, proposes that firms would supply more of a good at a higher price than they would at a lower price. On this demand curve, the consumer demands more of the good at the same price.


I noticed that it was actually easy to pick on the elements of the culture of the United Arab Emirates that were relevant to the topic. I found presenting the essay to the class a bit challenging but the feedback I got from my classmates helped me polish up on the aspects of my essay β†’

Wacth video and then answer the question

Ad analysis The source used in the ad is the hamsters. The message is encoded in a very good way; there is connection between the visual and verbal elements e.g.when the hamster dives into the water, the sound in the background is accordingly adjusted to give it the effect as if it is being heard β†’

Reduction of fossil fuel pollution

Although there is a great need to clean up the environment and lessen the pollutants released into the environment, there is no viable system and infrastructure that can be put in place to cease CO2 emissions. The US federal government and the local governments are also providing incentives to electric car buyers and users in β†’

Media response

The film portrays the media as a vehicle used by the elite to manipulate the poor. The media is being manipulated by the elite group to discourage the non-ruling elite from wanting to explore other actions that can be taken to change the social structure and the organization of the government.

Business communication writing

Business Communication Writing Response to Shanon's Post The key difference between the direct and indirect approach is whether you know the audience will be receptive or skeptical to the message. The direct approach is used when you know that the audience will be receptive to the message thus you can start with the main β†’

Do media cause individuals to develop negative body images

Response The article d " Do Media Cause individuals to Develop Negative Body Images?" is anarticle that presents the for and against argument regarding the issue of whether media should be held responsible for making people feel bad about the way they look and the eating disorders that people experience as a result of trying β†’

Structural stagnation dilemma forum

Structural Stagnation Dilemma Forum A structural stagnation is a concept describing a in which the macro economy is inhibited from attaining its potential growth as a result of an underlying misalignment in distribution and allocation of resource. In contrast, a secular stagnation points to a state of sustained slowdown in the growth process of an β†’

1: principles of economics

One of the points that the article highlights is the factors to the company's rise in revenues that the author links to factors to demand for the organization's products. According to the author, efficiency of the company's wireless business, and the company's " U-verse phone, and internet, and television service," and other products contributed to β†’

Effective communication

I have learned quite a lot about communication; my understanding of the concept today is relatively elaborate and my communication skills have improved significantly. I have also learned to be clear, logical and coherent while speaking or writing and also to consider the characteristics of my target audiences.

Case study 3c

However, that step could influence negatively the image of the lottery and make the lottery unattractive to the audience. The response of Oregon Lottery on the accusation of was as vague their advertising campaign: they decide to mothball this " 97 percent" but claimed that they decided to stick to it nevertheless.

Sedition act of 1798

Article on the Sedition Act of 1798 John Zenger's article in the New York Weekly Journal specifically presents the arguments about libel andtherefore indirectly opposes the Sedition Act of 1798. The author, in disagreement with the Act, states that " The expofing therefore of Publick Wickedness, as it is a Duty which every Man owes β†’

At one time or another, just about all of us have met someone who taught us to see ourselves more clearly and helped us understa

Upon noticing my surprise, and perhaps even my offense, at his comment, he went on to explain how it seemed as if I did not know what I wanted, and that I was focusing too much on trying to please the crowd. He had a very interesting way of talking, filled with anecdotes and funny β†’

U.s. national debt

S National Debt According to the article, Treasury Direct 2012 the size of the U. The amount slightly increased to 15, 976, 711 of the Total Public Debt Subject to Limit and the statutory Debt Limit increased to 16, 394, 000.

Experiment on the non-verbal communication and personal space

Facial Expression One of the non-verbal behaviors is facial expression that conveys the emotions of a person, which are very important in determining the mood. Facial expression is the result of the movement in the muscles, which enables a person to create different expressions.

To judge a person

As previously stated in the essay, " acceptance is the key and fear is the originator of all things 'immoral.'" In relation to the matter of choices, I also agree with the idea of abortion. Many pro-life protagonists argue to the maximum level, that it is not for the mother to choose the life or β†’

Jack gruber review

The website design has considerable influence on the displayed works since it enables users to explore the website for all content that the photojournalist seeks to present to the viewers. The photographs that Jack Gruber has presented the viewers are displayed in flash thus enhancing the outlook of the website, in addition to presenting, the β†’

About the real motives of the 9/11 highjackers

Topic: US-Middle East Relations There has been a lot of hatred on both the sides whenever we come to think about the relations between the US and Middle Eastern countries especially after the 9/11 attacks. The second question about the indifferent behavior of US and its supporting countries towards Palestinians could be due to one β†’

The economic well-being of lithuania

Prior to the recession that started in 2008, the economy of Lithuania was found to be growing at a rate of 8%. In 2008 the inflation rate in the country was 10.

Recycling & nature

The major difference between the waste produced by human and other living things is the fact that majority of the human made wastes are not degrading naturally. 12 May 2011.3." The Importance of Recycling".Web.

Unit 3 discussion domestic violence

I believe that eugenics movement is the answer to most social problems in our society ranging from criminal behaviour to domestic violence and even to having a generation of very intelligent people who can make inform deductive choices and decisions. Not all of them act violently and this explains why the behaviour is experienced.

Personal fulfillment: how do we make this happen (responses)

Responses I totally agree with the argument that people should be taught about equality and diversity from the start of their lives. I totally agree also that " from day one I would have the children be interacting with children of different sex and race".

Use of dollar coins as opposed to dollar bills in the us

Use of Dollar Coins as Opposed to Dollar Bills in the US The debate on whether to retain the one dollar bill or not has been with us for decades. Eliminating the dollar bill and replacing it with dollar coins should be one of the measures because the government will save the tax payer β†’

Bad news message

We are happy that you preferred our top of the line Magnifique watch. They will give you free advice on the proper handling and maintenance of your watch to make it last for at least 15 years and beyond.

Alternative energy

Given the current scenario and the times, America needs to find energy that is secure, renewable, and reliable, creates employment and protect the environment. The government will have to invest in and expand its foray of renewable energy more than the non-renewable energy.

Summary and reflection of an article

The authors of the article point out that the issue of match-day attendance is greatly influenced by the uncertainty of the outcomes of the matches. Despite the fact that both teams are very strong and it is difficult to predict the outcome of the results, such matches are stilled thronged by a magnitude of fans.

Rhetorical analysis paper (ethos, pathos, and logos)

In terms of derived ethos the speaker is able to establish significant ethos within this category through his means of presentation. Pathos specifically refers to the emotion that is established in the construction of the presentation.

Questions based on trade adjustment assistance program

The funding of this TAA federal program needs to be enhanced in order to stand in for companies that by chance experience high import expenditure. Secondly, they are prone to impersonations and the federal government can lose a lot of money to firms that are not so beneficial to them.

Micro economics homework

The rich are in need of an extra security system to serve their needs, and this comes with various costs that the organization has to meet in fixing and buying the concerned machineries and facilities resulting to higher costs on this services. This notion is uncalled for since the role of the government is to β†’

Company shut-down

So the above two tests hold true for our company for the assets that it has in the form of profit is negligible to the extent of being lesser than the liabilities. The situation of our company seems to be in a dire situation and it is " best if shuts down operation in time, β†’

Geological society of america

Geological Society of America Geological Society of America The theory of tectonic plates has been a major topic of discussion in the past years. The movement of plates was used to settle the debate on how the island arcs, both continental and oceanic, form.


1d) CI is excess surplus that the government will purchase in order to maintain the price p1 and is equal to the cost of government. However, the policy of paying the farmers the supply price is costly than that of buying the surplus because the price paid to farmers in inevitably higher than the price β†’

Inequality of gender in sports, is it warranted

Rugby has a legacy of being a violent game, and feminine identities are thought to either subvert this notion or use the violence as a mechanism of enhancing the femininity of the players. Women participate in rugby for a number of reasons, and the growing interest in the sport helps to suggest that women do β†’

Ozone depletion and ozone hole

The ozone layer is a thin band in the upper atmosphere that shields the earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun and when chlorofluorocarbons, which are the chemicals used in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems, cleaning solvents, etc.destroy the ozone layer; a depletion of the ozone layer is said to have occurred. The ozone β†’


In my essay The Work and Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, I specifically emphasize on the concept of aura and the decline of photography, similar to other technological innovations. It is definitely beneficial to me as far as the concept of aura in photography is concerned.

Econ discussion

When demand is elastic, price and total revenue relate inversely. With a decrease in supply, demand increases ceteris paribus.


Poverty Meaning of Economic Growth Economic growth can be defined as the increase in the ability of a country to produce services and goods. The outcome will be the increase in the per capita income and improving the living standards of the people.

Analysis of the reading

06 Aug An Analysis of the Article: The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits By Milton Friedman In his article titled, " The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profit," Milton Friedman challenges the notion that businesses have a social responsibility and, on the other hand, upholds the view that β†’

Discussion of the statement – men are made not born

The argument here is that " Men are made not born", and there is good evidence in Constructing Sexualities: Readings in Sexuality, Gender, and Culture by Suzanne LaFont. It is helpful to study primates for the origins of sexual behavior, however, in the modern world, the questions of sexual behavior and why people engage in β†’

Public relations

Forum Post in Public Relations Job hunting is a rigorous process entailing the searching of resources online for the requirements for a resume and a cover letter. A job-hunter then researches the services offered, the requirements for job applications and the geographical location of the organization.

Your pick of this week’s news

She was a feminist, at one point she resigned as the chancellor of the Academy of American poets in protest of women misrepresentation. In support of the ideas presented, the article writer has quoted some of the works that Kumin did and their significance.

Health economic

First, it can help in strengthening the relationship between the medics and pharmaceutical companies. For instance, when they are used as consultants by these companies, they can get a lot of money in return.

The market structures and their differences

The law of supply and demand One of the most important concepts in the field of economy is the law of supply and demand. Equilibrium is said to exist when the supply and demand of a good are equal.

Response of the united states to the katarina catastrophe

It is not to the blame of the human failure for the adverse impacts of Katrina but the scope and size of the task. To date, the impacts of Katrina still seem fresh and visible.

Endangered species act of 1973

Teacher Philosophy Discussion As d in the text, the Endangered Species Act of 1973 has certainly been amended to allow for certain exceptions for federal projects to continue, even with the possibility of species extinction, if it is truly deemed to be in the best interest of the public and there are no other known β†’

Hans rosling’s economic growth video

Hans Rosling's teaching on Economic Growth on Population Growth and Health From the video, Hans talks about life expectancy and income per person, comparing it with the world's populace in the 1800's to the contemporary society. Taking an analysis of the video, it is evident that income per person has a direct impact on life β†’


It is claimed that Bangkok has been the primary target for the dreaded Hezbollah operatives who are claimed to target the Israelis visiting Bangkok. He said that the government has tightened security in all areas and people should not have anything to worry.

Sexuality and lesbian feminism

She emphasizes the need for lesbians to become feminists and vice-versa in order to destroy the fabric of a male-dominated society that is cruel to women in the extreme. Radicalesbians: The Woman-Identified Woman This document explores the nuances of lesbianism as it were and as it is.

Carbon footprint

Daily driving cause's carbon footprint in that fuel is burnt by the engine when driving thus, creating a certain amount of CO2 depending on the distance of driving and the car's fuel consumption. The scientific press is full of dire warnings as to our collective fate if we fail to effect a very substantial reduction β†’

Allama muhammed iqbal

He encouraged him to continue his studies and polish himself as a poet at the Scotch Mission College in Sialkot. During his life in Europe, he realized that Persian was the language for him to express his ideas and thoughts in a philosophical way.

Seminar unit 5 public health

Seminar Unit 5 Public Health The essay aims to address a two-fold objective to discuss to study further the treatment on non-communicable diseases; and to explain the different multiple factors addressing the burden of non-communicable diseases. In addition, health teaching, screening and the multiple risk factor reduction are the key approaches and are part of β†’

The future of floridas oceans

The paper " The Future of Florida's Oceans " is a good example of an assignment on environmental studies. It is our responsibility to preserve botanical and biological resources to assist in an immediate rehabilitation of Florida's oceans and address the still impending threats.

Case study 5a

It is not his sexual orientation that compromises his journalistic standards; it is rather the fact that he disclosed it publicly as if it was news that may compromise his journalistic standards. It is rather the way he / she chooses to speak of it.

Pain from free trade spurs second thoughts by david wessel and bob davis

Pain from Free Trade Spurs Second Thoughts by David Wessel and Bob Davis The article " Pain from Free Trade Spurs Second Thoughts", 2007, by David Wessel and Bob Davis, is thought provoking on the issue of outsourcing that is of so much concern in the country. Yes, free trade has done that, but β†’

The reason why earth is geologically active

Unlike many other terrestrial planets, Earth is geologically active and this is one of the unique characteristic features of Earth. The phenomenon of the geological activity of Earth is related to the internal structure, composition and chemistry of Earth.

Managerial accounting

By providing the required financial information, the internal accounting system enables the management to monitor the business performance. Since the information is generated from all the business areas, the management can analyze the information to track down the reason if the business fails to meet the cost or the revenue objectives.

Gender. media and diversity

In American societies, the aspect of gender is used to assign roles to men and women. In this case, the performance of displaying weak emotions is used to construct the feminine gender, while performances related to display of strong emotional and physical attributes is used to construct the masculine gender.

Corn supply and demand schedule

Plot the supply and demand curves for the initial supply and demand Suppose that the supply of corn increased by 60 million bushels at every price. Has the demand for corn changed as a result of this change in supply?

Trends in crude oil demand in united states over time

Investors' speculation in oil futures in the recent past has resulted in a distinguishable upsurge in the prices of crude. Web February 8, 2011

El nio-southern oscillation

What happens in this event is that the El Nino side of the ENSO is an oceanic process that can warm or cool the surface waters in the tropical Eastern part of the Pacific. The Southern Oscillation part is the atmospheric part of this process and it changes the surface pressure in the waters that β†’

Rhetorical analysis

His role in the article is important and provides basis for the basic structure of the writing. To the audience, the article carries a positive vibe and by the end of the writing, the reader can expect to feel good about the Olympics, for the Britishers, in spirit of the games.

Who john maynard keynes and milton friedman were and what the respective schools of economics represent

The basis of Keynes framework was on demand and spending, the liquidity-oriented theory of short-term rates of interests, the causal factors of spending, and the necessity that administrations construct strategic but mighty treatments within the economy to hold it on a level stagger and avert limits of frenzied excess and depression. The incidence of the β†’

Scie210 u4 db

Environmental Protection Environmental Protection One of the pollutants discussed by many people in the modern world is the ground level ozone that results from a chemical reaction between oxides, organic compounds described as volatile and the nitrogen. The ground level ozone is of concern because of the potential risks it poses in terms of health, β†’

Pr trends contributing to growth

The McLibel case is a good example of how companies have been forced to change their PR strategy to deal with activist groups, as well as providing a blueprint for research into activism's cause and effect relationship with organizations. Moreover, PR practitioners in the organization are increasingly required to pursue continuous communication efforts with activist β†’


Net exports is the country's exports value minus imports value, which is given by the equation below; Net capital out flow is the value of foreign assets bought by domestic investors minus the value of country's assets bought by foreign investors, which can be given as below; Countries earn foreign currencies by exporting goods and β†’

Australian economic stimulus

The impact on globalization is complex: It could involve Australia more in the international market as they return to purchasing; or it could make Australians turn inwards and consolidate internally to the country. In this sense, it is designed to keep Australians away from the fate of the world, which at the moment is poverty.

Underground economic

Discrepancies in official statistics estimate of underground economy can also be done by comparing the statistics in national accounting. The value of the underground economy can then be extrapolated by comparing the value of money supply to reported transactions in a given economy.