Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Strategic analysis differentials

Strategic analysis at the corporate level is performed by the executive management team of the company. The implementation of strategic analysis at the business level is much different than at the corporate level.

Reflection on a given question

Personal reflection on the most successful person True measure of success is defined by a person's ability to confront every fear in life as well as being able to instill courage and confidence in other people. The person I consider to be the most successful in the world is Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Hesiod’s theogony

We can, therefore, conclude that the cosmogony, as well as the theogony, is a representation of the universality of the world. Theogony and cosmogony are realizations of the governing of things in the universe.

Theraputic intervention

The process includes: Settling an appointment Understanding the client's symptoms Developing initial formulation Explaining the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy model Highlighting the expected outcomes of the therapy Completion of other homework The first step of the process is to settle and appropriate day and time for appointment which is convenient for both the patient and the β†’

Insights at it

Moreover due to lack of interest of customers in the software products owing to their high prices, the software companies have started offering web-based services in which the software programs are not installed on the computer of the customers but services are offered to the customers on web. Similarly it is the job of the β†’

Phrase that makes you think

The responsibility for you now is that you have to maintain the image that your class has trusted you with and for you to keep your word with them for you are their leader. The moment that you failed to do what they entrusted you with, you will be a disgrace to them.

What does sociology bring to the study of happiness

For instance, sociologists approach the study of happiness from a social perspective by incorporating social behavior, attitudes, and social perception in the study of happiness. For instance, a study by Yang provided to the knowledge of happiness by using age, period, and cohort analysis.

Hunger in america by richard mitchell

With respect to Bill Barnhart and his mindless interpretation of " in vain shalt thou use many medicines..."., as reported by the author, the question that comes to the mind of any right thinking individual is: what is the mental status of Bill Barnhart? It is therefore not true that Bill Barnhart's son took cheerios β†’

The business performance of valero energy corporation

After this acquisition, the company grew gradually in size and operations and the refineries figure was increased to 16 by the end of 1997. Throughout the 80s and the 90s era, the company operated in diversified energy operations i.e.from the refining of petroleum products to the marketing of those products.

Murder and manslaughter

Murder and Manslaughter Murder and Manslaughter A commonly asked question is the difference between manslaughter and murder. First-degree murder is when the accused planned and premeditated about the murder.

Legal issues for managers – ethics

The manager also would be exercising breach of code as stated in clause 4 relating to the company's competition and fair dealing Alley Beal's case As relates to Beal's concerns, the parties involved are; the manager of the accounting department who is aware of the discrepancies in the accounts created in the accounting department and β†’

New generation is shunning drinking beer

Offshoring is the relocation of a business from a country to another country. Who are the top five beer-drinking countries and how would you market Anbev products to one of those top five?

Hcm hr discussion board week 8

Training and development can be defined as processes that attempt to provide an employee with information, skills, and an understanding of the organization and its goals. The human capital of a firm is its most valuable asset and one that can be used to differentiate the company from the competition.

Analysis of american eagle outfitters

When analyzing the company's auditor, the research will draw from the current financial statements for the year ending February 2013 in an attempt to identify the name of the audit firm, whether the audit firm issued a combined for separate reports, the type of audit opinion provided and the auditor's view about internal control over β†’

E potfolio

Government records, workplaces and private lives of the people are within the reach of the system and it is a vital responsibility now to balance the needs and rights of everyone. With computer systems serving as the backbone of many organizations, managers must be aware of the both: the risks and the opportunities to minimize β†’

Compare/contrast the settings of beowulf and hamlet in demark

Of course, William Shakespeare put his own extraordinary spin on the story, though some seem to enjoy arguing whether he actually did, but that lies outside the scope of this paper.[allusion] Beowulf is the legend of a great warrior, " wild and furiously battle-fierce", who saves Denmark from the depredations of a dreadful monster known β†’

Communication class

Relationship development is showcased immediately from the beginning of the film " Sam & Janet". The largest discrepancy in the film for relationship development is the same ultimate plot conflict in which Janet was strategically placed in each environment she happened to meet up with Sam.

The wedding banquet

In this film, a gay son tries to play the part of the good Chinese boy by agreeing to marry a woman to please his parents and to be able to continue to live his homosexual life in secrecy without the stress of coming out to his parents. The movie " The Wedding Banquet" is β†’

Formal report-analyzing two possible career choices

Sources and Methods Career Alert conducted extensive research on the job opportunities open for a Sales Manager and a Marketing Manager through the website, the and We are dedicated to helping you decide what the best career path is for you, a Sales Manager or a Marketing Manager.

The epic of gilgamesh

Gilgamesh's story says the reason for the flood was that the noise of civilization so loud as to be intolerable the flood was the gods' way of stifling it. Equally similar to the story of the Ark, Gilgamesh was also allowed to take his family on the boat as well, and he also brought along β†’

Privatization: successes and failures

Privatization has negative effects on the public sector employees who lose not only their jobs after their organizations and companies are taken over by the private sector but they do so without their full retirement or retrenchment benefits and other packages as most of these public sectors by the time they are being privatized are β†’

Science meets real life

This is so because the one thing which most of the students in the school share is the food. The main reason for this is because it can be used as a statement from which a phenomenon can be established and in this case getting to know whether it is true or false.

The pied piper of hamelin

Filming scene 2 In the unveiling of the curtains the stage will be set in a gathering square, with various buildings of authority to represent the mayor's empire. The citizens in their costumes would be raged clothes to show the gravity of the rat menace.

Queen hatshepsut

One theory, by Joyce Tyldesley, has it that since Pharaoh Hatshepsut had stolen the throne from her stepson; the stepson could have had a grudge with her and ordered her images to be chiseled off some stone walls. The other theory by Egyptologist Donald Redford has it that Amenhotep II; son of Thutmose III defaced β†’

Errors and omissions insurance

Deciding where to present the claim The author of the article presents the claim of E&O insurance from the first paragraph of the article which not only raises the curiosity of the audience but makes them consider purchasing the insurance. They are written in different size and bolded to differentiate them from the rest of β†’

D.c sniper case

Owing to the inefficiency of life experience in increasing a criminal in wisdom or knowledge, it is important not to hold this factor as a basis for interpretations and drawing conclusions in the criminal profiling. To conclude all that has been said above, life experience in general can not be conceived as a scale of β†’

Fundamental issues of feminism

She identifies with the students by describing how she was struck by the natural beauty of the campus and then tells a story about Wellesley students where she stresses the spirit of the college. She would have spoken more about the issues related to the nation and society so as to draw their attention.


However, many people link circumcision with bravery, and they see it as a transition from childhood to adulthood.' In my own point of view, I think that circumcision is good for every man. It is worth noting that the fact that circumcised men keep off bacteria and other disease causing microorganisms, it is true to β†’


The invoice was not recorded in 19X2 nor were the goods included in the 19X2 ending physical inventory count. Excluding $3, 000 from the closing inventory in 19X1 means that the cost of goods sold was understated with the ending result being an overstatement of net income, hence owner's equity.

Research artical critical review

In backing this evidence, authors yielded to conducting a study on varied illnesses as well as injuries reported by the National Olympic committee and analysis of records in the polyclinic medical venues. Since article helps maximize the health protection of the athletes and facilitate in reduction of the costs involved in managing injuries as well β†’


Even the talks the teacher tried to initiate with Denise did not bear any fruits seems she was shy and tried to clammed up in the first talk while for the second talk she cried and fled out of the room. The teacher's first suspect on the Denise case of the dead rat seemed to β†’

Corporate code of ethics project

Compliance with Code of Ethics; No Retaliation If employees have knowledge or are suspicious of any noncompliance with any part of this Code of Ethics or are concerned whether circumstances could lead to a violation of this Code of Ethics, they are encouraged to discuss the situation promptly with their immediate supervisor, or if the β†’

Science as field of study at college

In my case, the answer to this question was a start to what has become a resilient pursuit of greater knowledge and more answers to natural phenomena. This knowledge swelled up my intense interest in science and since then I have a deep-seated passion to understand the world around us.

Shakespeares earliest tragedies

In nearly all instances, Gertrude allows her actions to be controlled by the king of corruption, Claudius. Hamlet needs to avenge his father's death by killing Claudius.

650 questions 11 and 12

Through the option of make whole the investors are compensated to the amount of the current value of the debt based on the prevailing spread over the current benchmark related to the company. Thus it is better to opt for the regular bond of the company as the distribution of interest of the bond may β†’

Define the word ( not asking dictionary definitions)

Thus, the word indicates a new form of critical thinking and unique value of the American politics. This is the collection of different artistic features and artists who are involved in providing a beautiful nature of the American culture and life.

Bus 670 week 1 dq 2

Capital Gains Question From the article " What Business Owners Need To Know about Capital Gains" a planning opportunity that could be beneficial to corporate and independent business is the " Business owner's estate plan". Question 2 According to Gwen Seaquist in the book " Business Law for Managers" some of the benefits/merits that can β†’

The best poems of the great authors

The metaphor of cold water as anesthetic is used in order to reveal the numbness of both for the people. The phrase, " We all go" that is used multiple times in the poem is again revealing about the inevitability of death.

Few words about american history

On the other hand, the Jeffersonians, which later became known as the Democratic party, led by Jefferson were more concerned with the idea of an agrarian society of yeoman farmers and adamant to expand the powers of the federal government. On the other hand, division in the Federalist party between the followers of Adams and β†’

Careers in accounting

They also asses' financial operations and work to help ensure that organizations run efficiently Duties include; Inspect books of account and accounting systems for efficiency and use of accepted accounting procedures Suggest ways to reduce costs, enhance revenues and improve profits Compute taxes owed, prepare tax returns and ensure taxes are paid properly and on β†’


Dec 2014 Incorporating the venture and assessing its suitability, completion of prototypes and testing of the machines efficiency. Most of the income will be accrued through selling of company's products and buying of machines on monthly installments as up to 5% of the original cost will be generated as profit per machine.

Management communication – memo

Page Design 2: It is within the intra-level of design because of the one type of font. The document is within the supra-level of document design because of the paper size change, grids that delineate the look of every section of the document.

Real world negotiation 2

To keep Sofia calm, I reminded her of how she had made out with a stranger at a party and never mentioned the same to Echo. I requested Sofia to accept the apology and as a reward I promised to do her laundry for the next two weeks.

Ford mustang

For instance, these regulations have forced most of these companies to engage in the manufacture of eco-friendly and fuel efficient cars. This has forced most of these companies to engage in the manufacture of automobile that are eco-friendly in order to conserve the environment.


The major role of a manager is to coordinate the team of employees so that they achieve the organizational goals. Controlling the employees to ensure that they deliver work and service of a high standard is ethical and is not a form of exploitation.

Beyond addiction pina et al (2011)

Hierarchy and Alternative Approaches College: Hierarchy and Alternative Approaches Hierarchy is the arrangement of items, groups or values in terms of their level of power, authority or preference. The other challenge involves vital information about the company known to the periphery level in the hierarchy remaining at that level.

Supply chain and supply chain management

Supply chain management refers to the logistics involved in managing the processes involved in availing goods from the producer to the end-user. Supply chain management involves designing, planning, execution, and monitoring supply chain activities to create value on goods that reach the consumers.

Internet and a negative effect on employee performance

The following questions will, therefore, seek to find out if indeed the internet has been a reason for poor employees' performance, measures taken by the organization to curb this trend, its effectiveness and any other reason for poor performance besides the internet. The following questions will, therefore, seek to find out if indeed the internet β†’


Business " Concepts" Business " Concepts" Non-verbal Communication, Persuasive Communication and Collaboration Importance Non- verbal communication has been used by organizations to improve communication with clients, competitors, colleagues and potential customers. Persuasion communication is used in convincing customers and potential clients to undertake a certain business deal.


As this project progresses, the project manager will verify the project deliverables against the original scope. The Project Scope Management Plan provides all the information for the Project Management and ensures that the scope will be verified.

Interpersonal influence

I offered to help her make the muffins just in case she got stuck, and even prepared extra niceties for her to present to her friend. I told her about my party and that she was invited since we had formed a good friendship.

Case sharp printing

The macro estimates may be off because the project is done when cost and time estimates are an issue. Further, the micro estimates in such a project enhance cost and time estimate accurately than the macro estimates that have proven to be tough and inconsistent when making time and cost estimates.

Groups and teams paper

In simple words, a team is a group of people with a common inclusive goal groups form teams. To such a team ' winning the match' is the common goal that requires presence and efforts of each member.

Decision making process

Decisions making process in military Decision Making Process in Military Decision making process is a routine activity in everybody's life. The decision making process in military is entirely different from the decision making process in other originations.

Reacting to change

Adaptation is also a force behind the reaction when students are convinced to acknowledge the importance of a change and in a response, they try to adjust with the change.3. Teachers must know how the students react to change.

Michael porters value chain

To bring about these drastic changes, the firm will have to determine how to incorporate the value chain activities to create value and competitive advantage. In order to develop a competitive advantage, Smart Microchip Company must-have resources that are superior and cannot be replicated by the competitors.

Read the article, and answer the question

Theories on Power Scholars suggest that there are two bases of power; formal power, and personal power. Legitimate power arises in formal organisation structure, representing the power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy.


I am aware of the dangers caused by environmental pollution, which encourage me to work hard unceasingly towards the achievement of that future. I lead by example to ensure that the current generation and the generation behind me adopt the same style of leadership.

Marriage gone wrong spills over to workview in a new window

Some of the policies that could be applied in this particular situation include: Speaking to the employee As the employee in this situation had clearly put it to her supervisor, the situation in this case is personal. Informing the company's security personnel about the situation In order to avoid unnecessary chaos in the workplace, the β†’

How to bild an effective team

An important aspect of a team is that each team member is dependent on others for the success of the project. The role of a team leader is of prime importance in a team's efficiency: Build team commitment and align the team members towards the common goal.

Customer relationship management and business intelligence

Most importantly, business intelligence allows companies to take note of any change in the behavior and preferences of customers and enables them to adjust accordingly.2. Implement solutions grounded in the business case and gain a realistic view of the consumer 5.

Case study: “google: an entrepreneurial juggernaut”

However, the onset of their idea was boosted by the advent of the use of the internet, and by 1999, they had found investors that would see to a growth of the company. By the year 2000, Google had managed to source for the best software engineers and mathematicians that stimulated the growth of Google.

Learned values

Please discuss the following three concepts: value of examining employee responsibilities; value of having appropriate leadership processes in place to effectively initiate change and the value of imposing change 2. Name Institution The Importance of Examining Employees' Responsibilities It is essential to outlay the responsibilities of employees when effecting change in an organization.

Geograpical structure of chipotle

Naturally raised food is hard to come by on such a large scale, so Chipotle leaves some of the procurement to regional or local levels in order to supply the best product to the local markets. Chipotle should also consider hiring locals to be managers of the new units as they understand the market well β†’

Mgt5780 final exam

This is a crucial category of guidelines as they help the project manager to establish a course to follow and objectives to meet in the course. Adequate time should be allowed to the project management team to set the objectives and an action plan.

Ethical behavior and unethical behavior articles


A restaurants management of its customers

In one incident, a customer asked whether the appetizer was sweet; however, the waiter went ahead to give the description of the ingredients that the restaurant's chefs used to prepare the appetizer. In a way, this handling of the customers was essential to ensure that the restaurant was not subjected from any unnecessary suits resulting β†’

A supply chain chart

Primary Factories The plants process the fresh leaves from the tea growers into crude tea that they sell to the tea refining companies. The refineries sell the tea to branding factories.

Team meeting regarding delivery problems

Team members are invited to bring with them, to the meeting, ideas on how to solve the paperwork problem with customs and also satisfy our clients. This new market is vital to the business and this issue requires a rapid response.

Mitigation and risk reduction

Discussion There are many factors which put constraints on any successful mitigation efforts such as lack of political will, an uncooperative and apathetic public, denial of the existence of the risk and lack of funding or financial, manpower and other resource constraints that hamper efforts to effectively limit the damage or losses resulting from any β†’

Health regulatory agencies: john hopkins healthcare

Among them is to be the preeminent institution in the world in the provision of health care, to be in a position of regulation of the highest ranked healthcare services to diagnose, prevent and treat diseases and to lead in the application of invention and discovery as far as health care is concerned. The regulatory β†’

Building bridges

In order to assure the youth we will offer quality services, we will lay down the objectives of the projects. Each milestone will be checked to ensure that it has attained the levels expected in the project.

Teamwork self assessment tests

The measure of the effectiveness is indicated by a given value of cumulative numbers according to the total score of each feature of our group. The measure of the environment for creativity shows the level of support the management and organization give the employees for inventiveness and innovation.

Role of unions

In the US the proportion of workers who are, members of labor unions have declined compared to the percentages in the 1930s. In executing this role, the department influences the relationship between the employees and the organization.

What is planning and why do managers plan

This essay tries to answer the question" What is planning and why managers plan?" Planning is the process of figuring out the future steps with the view of achieving the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal of the planning process is to attain the balance between needs and resources that a business owns.

Conclusion for management project

The email was a powerful tool in our communication as we used it to share ideas and other group related materials with one another. Maintaining the schedule and finishing the project upon a time was a big challenge for our group.

Atm implementation in a pharmaceutical company

The existing structure may not be suitable for the implementation of advanced technology due to conflicts arising between the old system and the proposed changes. The new goals need to be clearly identified and an approach formulated to enable them to be achieved.

Sam 489 unit 10

The advantage of giving equal weight, in terms of resources, to all phases of emergency is that it eliminates delays and dependence on the Federal government for funding. In this regard, it is essential to provide all phases of emergency management with equal weight of resources since it reduces confusion and lateness.

Mcdonald’s strategy

According to Mourdoukoutas, McDonald's has previously demonstrated similar patterns of adopting a specific strategic direction in the past starting from the 1960s when the company identified the customer's demand of having access to a menu which offered both affordability and convenience. Consequently, the organization realized the onset of globalization as a fundamental trend that emerged β†’


The aim of this undercover operation is to help him learn about the branch-level operations of the organization, and what areas need improvement. The video is a good piece that gives insights to audiences in the best way that the 21st-century leadership should take.

Small business management

Additionally, the use of the social media can help me design events of reaching out to the community while marketing my baked products. Therefore, social media is one of the effective marketing strategies that I can adopt.

Common challenges in leadership

Hiring a workforce that is able to understand different cultural, social, and business environments has become one of the main challenges for business entrepreneurs in today's competitive global environment." Attracting and retaining talent in today's very competitive world is something that a human capital practitioner cannot easily dismiss". Moreover, leaders also need to make business β†’


Group members work to accomplish the task and also experience a satisfaction with other members of a team. In the worst case, scenario there is a strong commitment to the negative norms and results into a low performance of a team.E.

Option grants draw scrutiny

The article was directly related to the stock options, their purpose, and their way of usage. The article also provides a possible solution on how to overcome this scenario and make the use of stock options in a positive way.

Leaders and potential leaders

Third, the leader must be prepared to present the plan, to inform the followers of the requirements and to allow the followers to take control of the situation. Examining the Author's Methods It is contended that the author did not implicitly state the thesis of the article.


Networking and Communication Networking is the act of connecting with other people with different values, cultures, high valued groups and ages. There is simplicity in communication for employees and managers in different locations.


Wal-Mart Task: Wal-Mart Wal-Mart is a public corporation running a chain of large discount stores and warehouse stores in the United States. Wal-Mart adopts a divisional structure in its operations, the Wal-Mart stores, Sam's club and international stores.

P&gs business strategy

The main issues to be considered when developing smart grids include the flow of information within the grids and amongst the management. Consumer involvement and appreciation of the new strategy is also to be considered.

Credit assessment and consulting in rating agencies

Credit Assessment and Consulting in Rating Agencies Credit Assessment and Consulting in Rating Agencies The potential for conflictof interest facing Credit Assessment and Consulting in Rating Agencies can significantly interfere with the independence and objectivity of their analysis. The Implications of Conflict of Interest on the Stakeholder's Benefits Much of the challenges associated with Credit β†’

Wal mart

I think Walmart uses both models because it has a diversified range of stores across the globe that are under a team of managers, and utilizes all opportunities in the market.b According to the model you subscribed to Walmart under 4a, who do you think gains the most from Wal-Marts business model? To do so, β†’

Human resource management:labor unions

Existence of labor unions has however elicited diversified views over their effects on organizations and even effects on employees that may eventually affect organizations.argues that the unions offer advantages to organizations. Even though this role may appear to challenge organizations' objectives in the short run, it offers diversified advantages in the end and organizations that β†’

Mastering management

In the case of absenteeism on the production floor, the retribution strategy will be effective. The managers will have to be enlightened on the new organizational structure and the importance of communication between the managers and the vice president.

Regarding a vision

Thethird step in this approach is the creation of a vision and strategy that acts as the guiding beacon to assist managing the change process. In arguing for the need of a vision and strategy to manage the change process, Kotter 1996, rails against the authoritarian and micromanagement approach to managing the change process for β†’

Discussion board 6

The NASA took much of the blame on the Gulf oil spill disaster as it came forward immediately after the tragic event and announced a faulty outcome of the tragedy to the press. For instance, the NASA took much of the blame from the Gulf oil spill due to its reaction to the disaster.

People, organisations and management

The latter are leaders who learn to become leaders, and in the process, they borrow leadership qualities from their mentors. References Armstrong, M, & Stephens, T, A handbook of management and leadership: a guide to managing for results.

Nucor corporation

The company claims to be one of the largest of the minimill machinists. If there is no vision given to the employees of Nucor Corporation, they might lack inspiration and be unproductive.