Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples


Faust's Attitude Towards Knowledge Faust's attitude towards knowledge is that he wants to have all the experiences that he can. 1 Conclusion Faust's attitude towards knowledge, Faust's suicide attempt, Margaret's role in the play, and this reader's feelings about Mephistopheles have been thoroughly analyzed.

American history

The main reason for this conflict was the desire of the American political elites to increase territorial expansion to the Pacific Coast, precisely the territories of current California and New Mexico. The Court figured that the decision of Wisconsin Territories to ban the slavery was unconstitutional.

Guilt, hopelessness and shame

Guilt, Hopelessness and Shame in the Novel the Things They Carried Introduction The novel " the things they carried" is made up of several stories in one book compiled by the author, Tim O' Brien. It is depicted in several instances in the book and is clearly used to show the things that the soldiers β†’

Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia is an eating disorder, which makes people lose more weight than they are healthy expected to be at that age and height. Development and validation of a multidimensional eating disorder inventory for anorexia nervosa and bulimia.


Children who, at a very early age for instance, have been acquainted with numerous aspects of technologies through the gadgets they have instant access on and with the notion that almost everything can be learned and obtained via the worldwide web, they are inclined as well to think of the insignificance of classroom education. This β†’

Kenya airways

Kenya airways is the number one flag carrier in Kenya it was founded in 1977, after the dissolution of the earlier East African Airways. 66 billion compared to the prior year of USD 3.

Epa & sopa culture

Sopas always begin their conversation by giving the statement of their materials In the culture of EPAs, using this metaphorical language is the art here that determines and designates the caste system. In the culture of Sopas, handshaking is considered as an insult.

Isabel allendes and of clay are we created

Throughout his life as an adult, Carle had attempted to bury his painful memories of growing up in an abusive household where his father not only mistreated him and his mother but also his mentally disabled sister. Not only had he to deal with his past, but the death of the innocent young girl, caused β†’

Week three questions

As soon as an individual starts on these diets, there is a loss of weight in the initial phase and the diet may prove to be beneficial to the individual, but with the passage of time the diet may not prove to be beneficial. Enhanced Health Jeopardy- Fad diets are low fat, low calorie, low β†’

Principles of sociology week 2 individual work

A few years ago the eating and culture was taken in view in the research perspective such that several empirical findings were noticed through the in depth ethnographic and historical studies which were conducted under simulated as well as in real world environment. The different eating habits are also a sub head of the same β†’


It used in the stock market to refer to situations in which securities or stocks perform in contrast to the expectations of the efficient market. January effect is related to calendar market anomaly in the financial market in which the prices of the financial security rises during the month of the January.

Decision making

The 5's model provides a framework for assigning tasks and monitoring performance with a view to optimizing the productivity of workers and ensuring achievement of organizational goals.Q. It directs management to reinforce the workers so that they are able to achieve the assigned goals.

Chemical engineering

I am very interested in chemistry and in biology. I am a very disciplined student, but I can be creative, too.


Germinal, which is also a month of the revolutionary calendar corresponding to the beginning of spring, takes place in the North of France and describes a general strike in a coal mine. The " Hennebau" are the exact reproduction of the " Maheu" family among the " bourgeoisie" It is necessary for a better understanding β†’

4 questions

Sentences and Screen Shots on Law Questions Question California Supreme Court Justices Chief Justice Tani Gorre featureas the first Asian-Filipina American to assume the role of chief justice in the state of California. Administrative Justice and the Supremacy of Law in the United States.

Health promotion program

Presenteeism is the decline in the workplace productivity because of the employees' health problems and the health issues did not lead to absence from work. Health promotion programs in the workplace are focused on reducing, preventing and also eliminating any health hazard that can lead to poor health of the employees and also enhances the β†’

How to write a selling screenplay

Scene two: He goes to a school within the metropolis where he neither has sufficient friends nor performs substantially he is always seen walking home by himself if not on very rare occasions when his mother comes by to pick him. Act three Scene one: From the end of a dark corner in the large β†’

Psychology questions

Endorphins are neurotransmitters similar to the narcotic drug " opiates" or opium, and " are released in the central nervous system during times of stress, such as physical exertion or physical injury, to protect us from pain". These principles have been extremely influential in understanding the perceptual system and contributed significantly to the field of β†’

Read the chapter 8-9 from this book indian art, rev. ed., by roy craven

Introduction Ise Shrine and a Modernist Construction of Japanese Construction which is an academic research that has been carried out by Jonathan Reynolds focus on the aesthetic value that the shrine holds and it's impacts on the Japanese architectural culture of construction. The history representation of Ise Shrine According to Jonathan, the Ise shrine played β†’

Group influence comprising of african women living with hiv/aids

The paper analyses their composition and conduct so as to identify how group influence plays a major role in the existence of the group, supported by relevant literature from scholarly sources. The significance of the social identity concept for social psychology with reference to individualism, interactionism and social influence.

The existence of extraterrestrial intelligence

True, because these special conditions favor the evolution of intelligent life in a way that is not possible on any other planet.C. True, because these are coincidental conditions and life is also coincidental.D.

Business and technical writing

Dear Sir, Re: Maintenance of CCC cars I write to complain about the damaged image of Continental Cars Corporation by Big-1 Rental Car Agency. Big-1 Rental Cars Company and CCC have been good partners in the business at Twin Cities Airport.

Toyota production system

Similarly, Porter stated that the resource endowments and institutional framework of the home country is manifested by the ownership advantages of that country's firms. According to Dunning MNEs may have additional motives to invest in a country other than the pursuit of new markets and/ or securing of natural resources as suggested by Porter's model.

Disscusion of the elections 2008

The hatred and animosity this group shows the federal government is confusing. Another part of the Tea Party I do not understand is Sarah Palin.

Individuals for group dynamics in an organization

Group Dynamics Introduction: Organizational Culture is ive to the actions of a leader or in a way by which organizational policy is implemented. The organizational culture is preserved by the feelings linked to the reactions and also how people handle those emotions.

The differences in perception

That is, the special training did not have any significant effect on the athletes. Hence Type II error would occur if it was concluded that the special training did not have any significant effect on the athletes, when in fact they did.

Henry david thoreau

How is the Merlin Hawk a symbol of Thoreau himself? of Institute> This paper aims to identify how a Merlin Hawk symbolizes the behavior and to some extent the person Henry David Thoreau himself. Going by the explanation Thoreau provides about the bird's behavior, it can be said that while Thoreau's words described the hawk, β†’

To kill a mocking bird by harper lee

To Kill a Mocking Bird To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is the story of two children, Scout Finch and Jem, who live in Alabama during the 1930s. They come to know from their father Atticus that the world is always not fair and through the connections with the neighbors they also come to β†’

Criminal justice issues in the us today

Criminal Justice Issues in the US Today Affiliation] Criminal Justice Issues in the US Today The United s has the highest rate of incarceration in the world today. Incarceration rate in the US is the most pressing issue in the criminal justice today.

Germany and the german: building germany’s holocaust memorial documentary film

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe could not have been magnified through Eisenman's architectural work as it seemed to emphasize the magnitude of death that defies rational and logical reasoning. People have already felt pain and anguish just to be reminded of the genocide that occurred during those times, especially the relatives of β†’

The african child by camara laye

But each of these facets to the novel presented through the personal experience of one individual, abstractly referred in the title as the ' African Child'. The proper way to understand these events in the book is to consider them as ' impressions' in the naive and imaginative mind of young Laye.

Accomplishments within my career

I learned a great deal from this because I had never actually been behind the desk of a pharmacy before. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to work with a couple of representatives of other medical companies.


She participates in puncturing monolog to the Polaroid, applying the scientific abilities she sharpened as a researcher to her life, her condition, and what she stands for in terms of the human services structure. This framework unexpectedly gives up the prosperity of individual patients, not so much with their full assent, for the examination and β†’

C105 extension : talking matters

The researchers want to investigate the quality of such communication and determine the relations between the speech processing and the size of vocabulary in order to prove that those children who hear high quality speech every day can identify the words faster, thus their vocabulary is large.3. Secondly, the authors paid attention to relations of β†’

Short run vs. long run

In the short run, the quantity of at least one input is fixed and the quantities of the other inputs are varied, but in contrast in the long run the quantities of all inputs are varied. A third important source of costs in the business industry is overhead costs.

Grendel by john gardner

Later a hero by the name of Beowulf kills the monster and also the mother of the monster that came to take revenge. The uniqueness of the story is the fact that the story has been written from the villain's or the monster Grendel's view.

Discussion questions law

The reason that ADR is oftentimes more beneficial than litigation has to do with the costs and length of time that it will take to resolve a situation or case. Substansive law is the written law that defines the crimes and punishments in criminal law, or civil rights under civil law.

The corporate culture of zappos

The Case Study of Zappos Considering the importance which Zappos gives the relationship between corporate culture and personal values, it is possible for the company to ask questions that measure the core value of an individual. For this reason, comparison between the core values of the organization and the individual perceptions of the applicant β†’

Week 15 – local regionalism

Artistic writing styles and the effects Introduction of books and poems always try to use their gifts and talents to expresscertain views and ideas in the society. The use of photographic poems by Whitman to portray life issues revolutionized the whole perspective of writing.


There is this popular misconception that skinny girls are more beautiful and desirable than those of plus size hence a lot of women are feeling the pressure of losing weight in order to achieve happiness and satisfaction. Forgas, Thinking and Feeling: The Role of Affect in Social Cognition.

The american government politics

In the United States, the vice president is eligible to occupy the presidency in accordance with the law, this is in the event that the incumbent president is impeached, incapacitated, resigns, or is convicted of a violation of official acts. The president is also the commander in chief of the armed forces and performs the β†’

Cancer alley

The essay hereby aims to determine the validity of the claim that research demonstrates higher rates of cancer in the stipulated area in Louisiana. In another study that aimed to validate the credibility of the statement, Billings through his paper entitled " Cancer Corridors and Toxic Terrors is it Safe to Eat and Drink?" and β†’

The illinois supreme courts health care ruling

The state government claims that the reform will help in improving the pension system in the state. The government also claimed the new ruling will not only improve the pension system, but it will also improve the lives of state workers after their retirement.

Criminal procedures

Grisham's book describes the aggressive and misguided conduct and apprehensions of Ada Police and Pontotoc County District Attorney, Bill Peterson who was bestowed the duty to solve the case. Just five days before the placement of Williamson in the first row for death, the sentence was stopped for depression and mild mental illness noticed in β†’

Tao te ching

On politics as the conduct of governing, Section 17 of the Tao Te Ching provides a pointed observation: " When the Master governs, the people are hardly aware that he exists". This can be interpreted to mean that in a state of benevolent governance, well being of the people, even prosperity, is assumed as a β†’


Before I had blind faith in the saying of Francis Bacon, " knowledge is power", but now as I have learned more about socialization, I believe that the ignorance I was in before was in many respects, a blessing. But now that I have come to know how the greed of the top one per β†’


The character I developed in those days is to be good to all whatever happens. This small thing has got me greater gifts in my life and I am sure it would bring me much more in days to come.

Defining abnormality / mood disorders

The Normal human behavior is termed as the average or common mental status of a human being exhibited by in their behaviors. All the above effects of alcohol are violating and deviating from the norm of the society, therefore, it is considered to be a problematic behavior.

Accident in the kitchen

As he was approaching the staircase down to the dish pit, he slipped on a puddle on the floor and fell, hitting the back of his head on a table in the narrow space and twisting his ankle significantly. The immediate treatment was to cast his ankle, but because of the type of injury, he β†’

Death and dying

Family care affiliation Family care The situation where an elderly person is experiencing financial swindling is a modern trend of exploitation. In this situation, the elderly person is my mother and I am not in a position to ask them for payment.

The department of homeland security

As noted in the report on the Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina, the DHS demonstrated a lack of energy and professionalism to deal with such disasters. Secondly, since the department is faced with the challenge of shrinking resources, taking an all-hazards approach will help address this problem.


Storage: after the user has accomplished his/her goals with the information and data, it is stored in one of the COMPUTER's storage devices.2. Main memory is that part of a computer where instructions and data of programs being executed are loaded.

Resources for readers theater

It is usually for preparing the actors for the real rehearsal in a way that gets them familiar with the script. We appointed a student to be the leader of the session for that time.

Younger bus lines

Description Debit Credit Accumulated Depreciation 27, 000 Cash 28, 000 Equipment Account 50, 000 Gain on Sale of Equipment 5, 000 Sold for $28, 000 on May 1, 2008. Description Debit Credit Accumulated Depreciation 27, 000 Loss on Sale of Equipment 12, 000 Cash 11, 000 Equipment Account 50, 000 Sold for $11, 000 on β†’

Gun control unit 2 part 2

The Washington Post recorded a series of attacks in protest to the unfair media bias to issues on anti-gun lobbying against the NRA attempts to campaign for education on safe and responsible gun possession. There was a heated debate as to whether the public should continue to be misguided on the issue of gun possession β†’

The protection of culture and heritage of a nation

The training and Legislation for the protection of culture and heritage is part and parcel of both the intangible and tangible cultural heritage. It is through the training and awareness of the public that the last circle of economic value and economic value techniques can be recognized.

Personal finances

Big Data can exist in the form of large structured information like relational data, semi-structured information like data that one tags with XML or unstructured data like text and video. In conclusion, Big Data is a database that can bring huge profitability to businesses.

The 9/11 commission reports recommendations

The 9/11 Commission reports recommendations had a number of warnings regarding the security gaps in American intelligence community and these recommendations had a number of implications for the FBI agent. For example, although the agency has made a number of reforms since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the commission report recommended further changes in a number β†’

Diet evaluation and results of levels of macronutrients in body

Therefore, the composition of the diet of people during their meals is a significant area of concern in health. This paper discusses the results of the levels of macronutrients in my body.

The field study of paralegal

Field Study of Paralegal Field Study of Paralegal Paralegals may be defined as professional assistants to lawyers. Conversely, they do not have government authority in the United States to practice in the same manner as lawyers, neither are they court officers.

What is a minority group

As compared to non-Hispanic whites, various other ethnic groups as Hispanics, Asians, and Blacks have a poor status in terms of education, employment, health, political power, etc, which is not expected to exceed that of non-Hispanic whites in the next five decades. Thus, the non-Hispanic whites will continue to enjoy a majority status in the β†’

The challenges of teaching and learning languages

The teaching fraternity plays a vital role in the promotion of education among students, especially in the primary classes, and they should have access to the right teaching materials which would help to develop basic reading and writing skills of students. As if this is resolved students will have the confidence to excel and do β†’

Logic model of criminal justice of the philadelphia police department

The Philadelphia Police Department dedicated the week of April 26, Applying the Logic Model to the exercise, the following can be identified. Liberty Radiation Exercise: Situation The exercise, dabbed, " Liberty RadEx," was meant to help Philadelphia law enforcement agencies detect the entry, storage, and attempt of detonating radioactive or nuclear materials.

Firm’s stance on women driving letter

The debate about whether women should be allowed to drive or not is a particularly thorny one and has since time immemorial evoked sharp and divisive arguments from both those who are opposed to the idea of women sitting behind the wheel and those who are of the idea that women should be allowed to β†’

Discussion board

This will require trying to relate to the matter at hand and use the resources at the disposal of the one with the power currency to solve the conflict. Either way, the one with the power currency holds the final solution and way forward and must use his talents and power of the position to β†’

Two by two, well fill the planet by benjamin zuckerman

His purpose in delivering his theme and thesis makes the readers understand very well the situation as well as the main idea of the essay. However, the essay as a whole is immaturely written.

Children education through playing

By engaging students in play during the process of learning contributes in their ability to understand concepts the educator is teaching. Building play collaboratively between the teachers and their students is another way in which teachers could use play in teaching their students.

The ed sullivan show

The relation between context and consequences with regards to censorship is based upon the evaluation of context in which the censorship occurs that is out of blasphemy, sexual contents, etc. Moreover, this relation is also established within the prospect of censorship on the basis of consequences that would be noted as a result of the β†’

Playworkers’ responsibilities with regard to common forms of abuse

UK Cache Playworker Topics Playworkers' Responsibilities with Regard to Common Forms of Abuse: All who have contact with children and families have a duty to 'safeguard and promote the welfare of children.' Department of Health COSCNI To fulfill this duty, playworkers need the correct knowledge, skills and attitudes. They should be able to make full β†’

Learning memory

Memory on the other hand is dependent on learning in that it is in learning that an organism acquires new information. Information that is stored in memory then is retrieved and used on a needs basis.

Leadership and control plan

The leadership problems at the firm are occurring due to a lack of trust from the president of the company. A good manager recognizes the importance of getting the employees involved in the operating decisions of the firm, particularly the upper management workers.

Unit 2

A medical professional should be learned and be in possession of a degree from a technical or vocational school, or community college. A professional must be accountable to the society and the patients on issues regarding health.

Personality traits of success for consultants

One of the most important lessons which one has discovered through the course of the consultancy work is that it is essential that one learns about his client before accepting the consultancy project. This is just one instance which shows that a consultant must be ready to adjust to the preferences of its clients.

Legal research exercise

Question 4 Global free internet Act of 2013 establishes a taskforce regarding the global internet and with close link to the Commerce Department in raising the technology standards. The Act is currently in the subcommittee's house in the Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and the Internet department for further furnishing The Free Flow of Information Act β†’

Principles of social person perspective

Personal Statement Social person perspective theorists made important contributions to the importance of human dimensions and behaviors at the workplace. Further, human behavior is only one of the many elements at play in a management perspective.

Health education

PERSONAL CLEANLINESS AND GROOMING OF CHILDREN Personal Cleanliness and Grooming of Children All children need to learn about how to clean and groom themselves so that they may feel healthy and good about themselves. Children should take a bath daily with clean water and suitable toilet soap so that they may smell good and keep β†’

Blue shield 65 plus

Moreover, the aim of the communication of Blue Shield 65 Plus is to give out information to the market. Kaiser Family Foundation, in order to realize the purpose of a Medicare company's communication, which includes Blue Shield 65 Plus, it must include in its advertisements the extra benefits and the savings the customers may get β†’

Forensic accounting

FORENSIC ACCOUNTING al Affiliation) Meaning of forensic accounting Forensic accounting provides analysis that is suitable for investigation of the courts. Hoboken, N.J: J.


" Sociology of Globalization" According to sociologist Roland Robertson: " Globalization as a concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole...both concrete global interdependence and consciousness of the global whole in the twentieth century".." Yes, globalization is different from the previous eras, but β†’

Food, inc

Human Health: Among many important ethical issues, one alarming ethical issue that Food Inc.talks about is the way food is contaminated, how it approaches the consumers and what impacts it has on the health of the consumers. The most fundamental cause of the increased risk of E.coli is the corn that the cows are fed.

Women philosophy

Short Essay Philosophy: Women Philosophy At the beginning of the part four of the dis Descartes explained his position concerning the omissions he had made when trying to explain the three kinds of primordial notions, namely; body, soul and the union existing between the body and the soul. But the matters that are relevant to β†’

Discuss the differences between a leader and a manger

On the other hand, the employees of Microsoft are subordinates of Bill Gates and they are compelled to obey the instructions of Bill Gates." While a manager receives their authority based on their role, a leader's authority is innate in their approach". On the other hand, leaders bank on their personal qualities and charisma to β†’

The effects of music on sexual attitudes

Men are depicted to be more aggressive and adventurous than women. Notably, these are not the only images of gender roles young men and women are exposed to while enjoying the visual entertainments.

Future helicopter designs could be stalled by tighter pentagon budgets

The author of the given paper accentuates that we should not fear the new developments taking place but instead we should be bold to take the risk, accept the challenges involved in these new programs and more so, manage the resources we have. Some of the plans we are developing may not bring the desired β†’

My to the university of california

Personal Statement to the University of California I believe that I will be able to impart my acquired technological know-how, particularly in the gaming industry. In the field of music, I will be able to offer to the University my talent in playing the violin.

Cultural differences in conceptual models of depression

Cultural Differences in Conceptual Models of Depression Culture is the way of life that a person, an organization or a group of people practices. Gender and cultural differences in Internet use: A study of China and the UK.

Turning points in history

Another potential reason of the assassination of President Kennedy was that he had resolved to quite the war in Vietnam which the ruling powers were using as a tool to make profits through sale of weapons. The conflict of Vietnam aggravated manifolds after the assassination of President Kennedy.

Discussion question

These factors are for example the mismanagement of water, the interdependence of the states, the geographic and historic criteria of ownership and the relative power of the parties involved. The threat of water shortage is present and will be more and more a global concern.

Primitive american culture

Therefore, the American culture as a whole is quite rich in terms of its values, customs, traditions, society, and religion. To be an American or be a part of America requires one to understand the diversity that is found in American culture.


I was excited to hear it from my master because, getting a guitar for my own was a priceless gift for a child like me. It was the beginning of my career as a guitarist and the journey to fame.


When the problem occurred, it is said that the chief executive officer instead of leaving the task of explaining the issues to the public relations officers of the company decided to go on air in person to explain issues to customers and the general public. Managers are very good examples of leaders and once they β†’

Research paper example

Professionalism in the Hospitality Industry Professionalism in the Hospitality Industry Professionalism is overly important in the hospitality industry. Given that, I believe Longstreet's article is a great insight on the saliency of professionalism in the hospitality industry.

American national security

There will continue to be court cases which will challenge the right of the government to engage in what some would call an illegal operation. It is hard to challenge the right of the government to engage in what some would call an illegal operation.