Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

The knowledge gained from experience and education

All through my course work, I have learnt allot in the Human resources management; the role of human resources in competitive success, strategic human resource management and human resource planning, foundations of recruitment and selection and psychological perspectives of Human Resources Management, the foundations of performance management, managing compensation and rewards and the contemporary issues β†’


4% of the scholars reside on campus while 45. 6% of the scholars reside on campus while 76.

Spanish beginnings of san francisco and los angels

The Spanish arrived in the region for the first time in 1542. They documented the region and created systematic maps of the region.


Campinha-Bocote posits that cultural knowledge is the process of learning the cultural views, languages and other components that differ from one's own to be able to embrace them and for cultural competence. Cultural Encounter Campinha-Bacote defines cultural encounter as the process that encourages nurses to interact with other nurses from cultural background different from their β†’

Cross-national coorperation and agreements

The article reveals the fact that China and Kenya are in good working terms to the extent that China is willing to grant Kenya a loan. The signing of the deal between Kenya and China will see the lifting of certain barriers to trade.

Critical article review

The evolution of the advanced in every institution type from the primitive is well traced in Spencer's " Principles of Sociology". The new sociology became fertile in methods of study of immediate environment and was closely associated with the rise of welfare capitalism.

Everything that rises must converge

Julian's mother boasts about how she is related to prominent southern families, but Alice Hall Petry points out that " the mother's glorious ancestry is meaningless" evidenced by the fact that she has had to work to put her son through a third-rate college and must attend a weight reduction class at the YWCA." The β†’

Compensation and employment ethics

Protection of the public, the basis for requiring the engineering " seal" in the first place, is only afforded when an engineer qualified in the relevant discipline is responsible for all aspects of planning, design, and field supervision of the project. In order to be a member of the society, one must be certified as β†’

On us history

Being a stakeholder and for the way that I know the impact of slaves on the economy of nation particularly the west state, I subsequently convince the state government beyond a reasonable doubt to withdraw the predominating discernment for the enhancement of state and the welfare of the nation as well. Subjugation with respect to β†’

The impact of food on genes

Hirsch & Evans' study takes a broad approach to make a good attempt to briefly explain the essence and importance of one of the newest and possibly most promising directions in genetic studies nutrigenomics. The study conducted by van Breda et a quality attempt to explain how vegetables reduce the risk of cancer on β†’

Capital strucutre

One such effort was made by Modgigliani and Miller who suggested that the capital strucutre do not have any impact on the value of the firm under certain assumptions.[RHS08] These assumptions were following: 1) No taxes 2) No bankruptcy costs 3) No cost for enforcing debt contracts 4) Investment Opportunities are given 5) Homegeneous expectations β†’

The visual dimension of hindu rituals

According to Diana, Hinduism is practiced by many people in Nepal and India, where is the commonly known form of religion. In understanding about Hinduism, it is important to note that sacrifice is the most basic of all the rituals.

Discussion questions

The crux of the Bhagavat-Gita is the advice on life and the duties of man by Krishna in order to convince Arjuna that people have to make take choices in order to fulfill their duties.3. The feeling of his love and desire are intense and also have references to treachery by the lady and the β†’


Similarly, if the product is relatively price inelastic, then a change in price will bring a change in the quantity demanded, however the change in the quantity demanded will be less than the change in the price of the product and therefore this will result in higher revenue.2. Microsoft can segregate its products on the β†’

Module five assignment

The decision with respect to recruiting for the position of tumor registry should be entirely based on the requirements of the job criteria rather than on the disabilities of the applicants. Furthermore, the tumor registrar's job position is considered as a desk-based job with minimum requirement of mobility.

4b: report (currencies)

Your report should briefly describe the similarities and differences between the system and the Japanese financial system explain whether the factors listed in the report below are likely to cause appreciation or depreciation of the yen/dollar exchange rate describe how the changes in the exchange rate would affect the demand for dollars by foreign β†’

I am legend

Robert Neville is trying to find a solution to curb spread of a dreadful man-made plague that had infected New York and killed most of the humans while the survivors turned into vampires. In my opinion, I Am Legend is not just a fiction film, it also foreshadows and cautions of the possible disasters that β†’

Pastoral communication to the migrants (reference to african roman catholic ) – dissertation example

The basis for this conduct is rooted in the fact that the story of the birth of Jesus Christ portrays the parents of Jesus as immigrants in Bethlehem from Nazareth. However, in order that pastors in the African Catholic Church deliver their pastoral duties successfully and in a way that ensures that the dream of β†’

Stakeholder letter

More importantly, it will assist the students taking the ESL program and they will be able to adapt to the language faster. By doing this, each of the student will be motivated to get more stars in order to be ranked the best at the end of the evaluation period.

Network configurations

A VLAN is important in that it addresses issues of security by restricting access to the sensitive information, it eliminates the need of purchasing additional expensive network equipment, and it also increase the performance of the network by supporting multiple broadcast domain, hence reduces the issues of traffic. The VLANs are created using numbers and β†’

The concept of god in islam

23 September The Concept of God in Islam God in Islam means one entity that is theSupreme Power and is the sovereign. Allah: The Concept of God in Islam.

Participation questions

If a supplier has a specific raw material that is hard to obtain it would be in the best interest of the company to establish a long term relationship with such a supplier. A study performed by John Mentzer on the supply chain management practices of hundreds of companies revealed that companies can gain a β†’

“after virtue” by alasdair macintyre

Why are the virtues of justice, courage, and honesty essential to participating in practice? Justice, honesty, and courage are examples of virtues that are essential to be engaged in a practice.

Big 5, intelligence, age

Differences in Personality as Dictated by Big Five Psychological Traits The five-factor model of personality in a hierarchical organization of personality traits is organized in terms of five basic dimensions. Intellectually William is in a better position as compared to John, with a G.P.


This means that the type of production should be aligned with the type of product demanded by the people. Moholy Nagy suggests that the only solution to deal with the nature of the contemporary economy is to innovate and design equipment that can produce large volumes of a particular type of homogenous product that can β†’

Olympic games

Therefore, Greece was the birthplace of the Olympic Games culture. In 1896, the other nations realized the essence of the Olympic Games culture.

Training department organizational structure

TRAINING DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE BUS4047 Section, Term, Year u02a1 Training Department Organizational Structure Training Model and Rationale Training Model In order to better improve the performance of DNA in its commitment to provide a responsive, supportive, and cooperative service to all of its clients and stakeholders, instead of using a Traditionally-structured Training model, DNA will β†’

Management and leadership

However this transformational leadership itself depends upon the level of inspiration of the leader thus inspiration is considered as the essential component of the transformational leadership model. Further it is also believed that the transformational leadership has a very strong correlation with the peroformance of the organisation because since the employees get themselves acquinted with β†’

Distinction between normal and artificial behavior

The first and foremost criterion which helps us distinguish between normal and artificial behavior is an understanding of the individual's nature who is displaying the behavior. The second way to distinguish between normal and artificial behavior is spying on the individual.

Ethical relativism and its beliefs

Body The theory of ethical relativism argues that there is no universal standard and that what is considered ethical depends on the cultural norms. Even with information technology and the widespread use of the internet, it would be ignorant to think that there is a universal way of determining what is ethical.

Reserve banking

There are two types of banking system that is the fractional banking system, and the 100% reserve banking system. Under this type of banking system, only a fraction of the depositor's money is able to stay in the banking vaults, and the rest of the rest of the money are used for purposes of trade.

Labor in the gilded age

Long before and during colonization by the British, America is, especially in the northern parts is said to have had numerous deposits of molten gold among other resources. The British, Spanish and other countries that had taken up colonies in America later surrendered their hold on these parts, allowing Americans to unite and begin establishing β†’

The relationship between the selves: a consideration of emily dickensons poem 670

The Relationship between the Selves: A Consideration of Emily Dickenson's Poem 670 Emily Dickenson's Poem 670, " One need not be a Chamber to be Haunted", is a fascinating study of the relationship between the constructs of the ' social self' and the ' poet self'. This primary self, feeling like a haunted chamber, is β†’

Building of pyramids of giza

This theory explains that the Pyramid was created with the use of an external ramp. It is believed that the ramp is corkscrewed or spiraled to the top of the Pyramid.

Ancient faith and fable

Author Voltaire Francois discusses in " The Good Brahmin," the author explores the source of happiness in the life of an individual. Author Voltaire discusses in " The black and the white" the adventures of a youthful man known as Rustan.

M&ms color distribution

This paper seeks to compare the spring 2012 class results with Madison's results and with the Consumer Affairs Office, and then generate a conclusion on the similarity of the 3 data sets regarding color distribution. At the end of the analysis, it appears that pack 22 is much closer to the published numbers of M&M's, β†’

A married man’s story by katherine mansfield- innovative literary devices

A Married Man's Story" A Modernist story Modernist Literature The literary expression of the characteristics of Modernism is known as Modernist literature, it reached its summit in Europe between 1900 and the middle 1920s after the dislocation and discordance of the First World War. The general thematic concerns of Modernist literature were a sense of β†’

Cold war

For the eight years that Truman was in office he won the war and brought peace to the world and created and maintained a foreign policy that managed to prevent the spread of communalism to the world. Cold war broadcasting: Impact on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: a collection of studies and documents.


Running head: POVERTY: CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS Poverty: Causes and Solutions First Middle initial and of Name and Number July 16, 2011 Poverty is a financial condition in which an individual is not able to sufficiently meet their physical needs or the needs of their family. Cultural factors like attitudes, beliefs, values and practices can lead β†’

You pick

Additionally, the life insurance cover is necessary since I will have to take care of my beneficiaries in the event of the unforeseen future. This is in spite of the best ratings that are given to USAA insurance company.

Polar bear

In this instance, the rate of population of the polar bears will go down because the pregnancy rates will fall. In this instance, the population of the polar bears is threatened.

A theme of love in odyssey

A Single person should also look for a partner who will always find a way for the two of them to be together. Single persons should always take their time and look for a partner bearing the traits that they desire.

Direct and indirect instruction model

The positive sides of this model include inclusion of both quick and slow learners, reduction of time wastage in learning, and reduction of learning cost to the learner. The idea behind indirect instruction model is to make learners active in the learning process by giving them an opportunity to contribute.

Employment contracts

In more details, the contracts in account explicitly state the terms and conditions that will gradually ' govern' the employment specifics on the part of both parties; indicating general and specific obligations and responsibilities regarding both the employer and the respective employee. Employers, however, are benefited mostly due to the fact that on the basis β†’

Criminal justice system: organizations at miami florida

Nova Southeastern University is a private and coeducational research university in downtown Miami, Florida. Thomas University is a private Catholic university in Miami, Florida that was founded by American Augustinians and is consisted of 35-member Board of Trustees.St.


The risks of financial leverage include the volatility of any business investment vulnerable to consumer preference towards its commodities or services and the requirement of adequate returns that make up for the extra risk involved when the company borrow finances that ultimately should be paid back.4. Another issue is the analysis of the unique features β†’

Current prison population in the united states

It is said that restorative justice is better than just focusing on the effects of imprisonment as the primary form of punishment in society. However, their punishment system should be revised to consider the importance of rehabilitation than just mere imprisonment.

Crime scene investigation: the murder of jonbenet ramsey

Another problem that yielded to not only getting to the root cause of the matter but also shunning contamination of the evidence was due to the lack of the officers' adeptness. Unprofessionalism on the part of law enforcement officers was evident in the unveiling of the victim's body by the father whereby they could have β†’

Victory motorcycles

In addition, to succeed in using the diversification strategy, the company provides high quality and innovative motorcycles designs, which are tailor-made for its target markets. Therefore, the company can embark of a strategy of developing high innovative motorbike designs that are affordable and efficient to the customers.

A psychological perspective ,,,,study plan 4

Theories of human development Describe some of the theories that relate to psychology and human development. Causal and contextual theories Causal and contextual theories are development theories which explain behavior in terms of understanding the exact causes of the situation and understanding the context of the situation.

Business summary

Business Summary Studies indicate less than one out of 10 daughters belonging to Australian business owners are reluctant in undertaking their parent's enterprises, but opt to establish their own. The trend of establishing one's own business is extremely widespread among daughters compared to young men, hence representing 9% and 36% respectively.

Continental cablevision inc./fintelco joint venture

Finally, the recent positive economic momentum and the privatization of public companies provide a platform for Continental to grow and expand its market share. Furthermore, the venture presents an opportunity for Continental to distribute its programming.

Reaction paper

Laws in different countries or legal systems are different from one another and comparative law is the study of differences and similarities between these laws. From the above understanding of the two laws comparative law would be best suited and more useful in understanding gender issues that International law.

Your role in the american culture and society

In this sense, and as a Chinese in the American culture and society my role involves promoting my cultural values and traditions in a positive light and to ensure that other communities or ethnic groups in the American society comes to terms with my culture and traditions. As a Chinese in the American society, my β†’

Determination and self-motivation

While she was reading the essay for the second time, I was adjusting my emotion because I knew I needed her help and input to make the essay better. I paid attention to her while she read the essay for a second time.

Current australian issues

The technician asks the consumer to log on to a third party website for the purpose of remote access troubleshooting to the consumer's PC. A new trend in the type of PC-related scam calls have been observed, in which the caller falsely claims to belong to some foreign government, or from the consumer's bank and β†’

Cybersecurity profile on the cia

SECURITY CATEGORIZATION The available data suggests that the CIA strictly categorizes data and information systems in accordance with the laws, directives and guidelines attendant to the critical nature of the work of the CIA and the confidential nature of such data and systems. The assumption is that categorization approval is embedded in the CIA policies β†’

Early childhood care and education

The pictures also had names of the fruits and hence making it easier for the children to refer to their earlier acquired knowledge of the fruits. Finally, both the information in the long term memory and that of prior knowledge are stored for a long time hence can be remembered way later.

Blog 1

Since I wanted to be a part of both programs, I applied critical thinking on the situation. In this way, I was able to play a role in the charity fundraiser.


In a comparison between the two brothers most people would agree that Micio is the better man and provides a better education to his nephew than Demea does. The contrast between him and his brother is so clear, that Micio often appears in a good light.

Bus303 module 2 lp

I proceeded to the registrar to validate the payment and secure my examination permit, only to be told that the Promissory Note needed to be signed first at the Dean's office. The focus was to suggest ways of improving the payment procedures through proper communication patterns; which would benefit students and payment personnel, alike.

What is akrasia (incontinence) according to aristotle in book 7 of nicomachean ethics

of Lecturer August Akrasia The psychological explanation of akrasia according to Aristotle is based on the perception that the actions of people are not usually uncontrolled and unrestrained. Aristotle Aristotle uses these arguments to explain the uncontrolled and unrestrained nature of the incontinent people that it is not due to the fact that they are β†’

Philosophy of law

Law is universal in the sense that it is conceived in the reason of the leader and transferred to the reason of the subjects. This is only possible in the legal system if the judges promote such fairness in the process and procedures of maintaining the law in order to strengthen the efficacy of the β†’

Social concepts and social interactions

For each person, the effect of his or her primary groups and secondary groups would go a long way of determining how he or she will interact with people of different upbringing. Whenever self-reliance is valued, a person will more than likely to improve his or her status, and not necessarily seek the help of β†’

Discussion question

This is in the light of capital constraints, where each of the affiliates to the company provides a suitable ground for shareholder value maximization. Shifting capital in this case would be informed by the performance of each affiliate prior to capital shifting and the extent of value maximization required.

Analysis of the research concerning the drop in voters turnout among young people

Among the recommendations given were: to recognize and understand young people's concerns; to work to increase political awareness and knowledge; to tackle the related issues of social and political exclusion among young people; to review the electoral system and the choices available to voters; to make electoral registration easier; to make voting easier. In order β†’

The caregiver chosen by god – dissertation example

The good Samaritan took care of a wounded man he passed by on the roadside, offered the man a place to stay and commissioned someone to take care of the man until he is well. The continuum of care.In G.A.


While those who base their arguments on the biological theory would be quick to diffuse any cultural reservations on the issue, conservative social forces would dismiss it as unnatural and against the will of God and traditions. Politically, the practice would trigger laws and policies which tend to balance monogamy and polygamy as a way β†’

Logical argument: use any of the topics in the order instructions

Logical argument: legislative ity of the judiciary The role of the judiciary, as conservatives would argue, and as it has traditionally been perceived even among elites, is in the interpretation of the constitution and other sources of law. While the conservatives may criticize the extension of the roles of the judiciary to change the existing β†’

Why i choose my major

The mission, vision, and curriculum of CUA also contributed significantly to the choice of majoring in marketing. Due to the additional courses offered by the organization as core units, they will assist in flexibility in the job market and management of the organization.

Digital divide

The technological revolution in this era has brought about globalization, especially through the introduction of radical new technologies in the field of Information Technology. The education required for the use of the technology offered should be minimal.4.

Business ethics

Business practices that harm this right would be considered as a violation of this fundamental right of the Chinese in cultural preservation and thus will be unwelcome. In order to create a practice that would be beneficial to both corporations and society, it is imperative that consideration of this decision be made since selling the β†’

French revolution and enlightenment

Moreover, even if the Revolution was initiated by the privileged, power and the control of the Revolution was passed on from the privileged class to the middle class, and then, temporarily, to the poor and extreme the sans-cullotes in Paris. This is not the merit of the French Revolution.

Theories relevant to my study

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Culturally Responsive Pedagogy The culturally responsive mode of teaching is placing teachers on a position whereby they should be responsive to the multicultural needs of their students. Moreover, teachers should address issues such as prior experiences, cultural knowledge, and the performance of the diverse group of students so that the students can β†’

Cognitive psychology

Your full July 27, Cognitive Psychology I have learned that the main focus of this branch of psychology is on the way people get hold of, store, and retrieve information in their brains. I have done some research on the positive side of cognitive psychology, and I learnt that cognitive psychology uses scientific research processes, β†’

Identify business decision

DECISION MAKING Generally, a manager's responsibility in an organization is influenced by organizations size, terms of reference of the job and hierarchy level. Furthermore, the strategic nature of the decision require a lot of efforts and determination to collect these debts from customers.

Week 4 assignment paper

These insights into community involvement, social responsibility, and diversity and inclusion, will help me, as a sales representative and agent of St Jude Medical, to create stronger and more meaningful bonds between my company and the public it relates to. The essence of community involvement is to work primarily for the benefit of the community, β†’

Reading response questions to chapter 10 and human sexuality article

Sex has been freed and separated from faith and the moorings of a serious relationship in the society today. This is because they do not know what love is and they do not understand the role of intimacy in a relationship.


As a result of various educational and work related experiences, I feel I have obtained these necessary skills and attributes and would appreciate being considered for a position in your Mental Health Master's program. I have greatly enjoyed learning about the theories and theorists in my Psychology courses and have a great desire to further β†’

Sexual behavior of deviance

If society had open relationship, and more individuals were not restricted to a single sexual partner, the behavior of threesomes would not be considered deviant. Due to the nature of men and increase of sexual fantasy, threesomes would more deviant in future as people would be always be thinking how to get sexual satisfaction.

Flammable and combustibles

A good plan for safe use of flammables and combustibles contains the following components: Control of ignition sources Proper storage Fire control Safe handling SOURCES OF IGNITION Open flames Smoking Static electricity Cutting and welding Hot surfaces Electrical and mechanical sparks Lightning SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR IGNITION SOURCES CONTROL IGNITION SOURCES: 1. Establish a β†’


Repurchase Agreement - is a type of short-term loan much used in the money markets, whereby the seller of a security agrees to buy it back at a specified price and time; the seller pays an interest rate, called the repo rate, when buying back the securities. Purchasing Power - The value of a currency β†’

Reading analysis

Defining the importance of business, parliament, and the national bureaucracy in the three-way structure of Japan's establishment; the author has brought in discussion to determine which sector dominates others and how these sectors are dependent on each other for constitution of establishment. Author has created a very convincing statement for the dominance of bureaucracy by β†’

Midterm 2

According to the mercantilist theory that was popular in the 1700s, the prosperity of a nation depends on its supply for money. The two documents both addressed the intention by the colonies to attain self-governance from the British.

Dentistry as a career

The New Jersey State also provides quality education to students in my field. The pre-dental course would provide me with the idea required to excel when I enroll in the school of dentistry.

Organizational behavior

The culture of Family Day in my former workplace created a shared meaning that provides positive reinforcement to the employees in a non-monetary way. Evaluate an ethical dilemma, that is challenged your workplace in the context of what the social responsibilities are of management and employees for resolving that ethical challenge.

History of palpitation with reference the patient similar symptoms of cardiogenic shock

After the patient has calm down, I will do a diagnosis to determine the cause which eventually led to arrhythmia as a prepared the most suitable rate controlling drug in order for the patient to be stable.b) The patient needs to be put in a supine position with the head facing up. The airway of β†’

Legal stanpoint

Obviously in the given scenario, before soliciting a warrant for search and seizure of the contraband mentioned by the informer, it is a must to ascertain the credibility and veracity of the information delivered by him. However, once the warrant is procured, the search and seizure operation, if not properly planned and executed, may jeopardize β†’

Whatever happened to little albert

It is necessary to bear in mind the findings and more importantly the methods of the Little Albert study in the context of its time and early history of psychological experiments. According to Harris, the repeated recounting of the study on Little Albert may have affected the accuracy of the study adversely.

Group therapy

Goal of group The goal of the group therefore is to generate empirical evidence associated with the delinquent behaviors of the adolescents and probable recidivism through their parents or other close family members. In this way, treatment would be ongoing, but on the other hand, remarkable data should be obtained, all for the purpose of β†’

Research j 5.3

The judges are required to give a number scale on the strength of each question. A total score is taken of all items in the scale.

Groups and teams

Team work is highly complicated and complex matter, and they need to be handled in a much efficient manner to achieve the desired goals. A good leader is a person who is not insecure of his teamwork, understands the responsibilities, ensures that his team is also appreciated in their work and rewarded accordingly.

Wk 3 db1 and 2 sids, morbidity, mortality, and associated costs

Women's health is a significant issue in any state because when the state prioritizes on the women's health they are improving the economy, empowering the women and eradicating poverty and hunger as the women are able to fend for their families. The discussion on sudden infant death syndrome is insightful in the sense that, first β†’

Article sypnosis

However, the article notes that the company faces challenges in the adoption of a quality improvement in the corporate culture. The article further states that the means used by Baldor Electric Company to provide quality improvement is the use of InfinityQS Real-Time SPC Software in data analysis and making of decisions.

Self-evaluation (telecommuting will be the new way that jobs are performed in the next ten years. introduction )

However, there is also a down side because it becomes the responsibility of the employee to pay the bills of electricity and heat of his own working environment and in most companies the employees are not reimbursed for these aspects. However, this can be disadvantageous for the supervisors whose primary responsibility is to monitor the β†’


Restructure The restructuring of the company can be in many of the verticals. The restructuring was aimed to simplify the organisation and to improve the efficiency of the various related processes.