Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples


Indeed, food insecurity is the cause of the recent uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East. Actually, the recent food strikes and revolutions in the Middle East are clear indications of food insecurity.

Working in business portfolio part i

I have brilliant entrepreneurial skillsWith regards to this my preference would be to be an entrepreneur or work in a business industry. In this case, i want to run a restaurant and benefit from it2.

Thinking critically about writing

The language of the poem, with the help of imagery, is belligerent enough to convey to the reader the message about how the black woman is experiencing oppression in the society she lives is. The tone of the poem very well describes the oppression and guilt that the black woman is going through at the β†’

Meditation and kaballah based on work of rabbi aryeh kaplan

Mantra Meditation Mantra meditation is best-known meditation today. The immediate result of mantra meditation is relaxation of the body.

Reseach (criminology)

The reason for this was that the authors of the journals used in the study had already carried out extensive empirical researches on the matter and their findings could be analyzed to get a comprehensive view of the area under study. The data collected for the research was both valid and reliable as empirical research β†’

Research paper

Thus, the various paradigms that significantly influence the performance outcome of the businesses have become vital factors of competitive advantage in the contemporary global business environment. Hence, the research on the topic would greatly help identify factors and issues that facilitate businesses to gain leverage in the highly competitive business of contemporary times.

Models of organized crime executive summary

The Use of Models in the Study of Organized Crime. Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy, 61-97.

Camel milk

The molecular structure of the milk's protein is identical to that of insulin and can be used to assist people with diabetes. Case studies have been conducted on children with ASD and there have been noted improvements in terms of their moods, health, and functioning, courtesy of the regular consumption of camel milk.

Analysis of the project if continued with only new product with optimistic sales figures

Analysis of the project if project with only new product It has been found that if the project is implemented without contract manufacturing then the company will not be able to recover all its incremental costs and the internal rate of return will also be lower than the required rate of return. Hence it is β†’

Revison of parallel states

Aside from the first statement indicating that " despite obvious historical and cultural differences", nothing was mentioned in any portions of the essay that relates to noting contrasing details. Therefore, the points of comparison and contrast could be categorized according to georgaphic and demographic details; political orientations; and religious traditions.

Problem formulation and identification paper

His capacity to easily spot problems in a very objective and realistic light has made his company a powerhouse in US pharmaceutical industry. Chao's ability to be very objective and realistic to the problems he faced and his passion to look for opportunities for putting his company to a position of power and advantage is β†’

Criteria to the new employees selection

A third credential that would be very valuable for the firm is candidates that are bilingual. Also during the interview, you should look for applicants that are confident and express themselves well verbally.

Comparison of the mother by gwendolyn brooks and giving birth by margaret atwood

This stanza indicates that she loved her children but aborted them on the basis of the problems that she faced. As far as the mother of Giving Birth is concerned, she is pregnant and goes for the delivery but she is confused and considers that she is not independent anymore.

Historical policy

In addition, criminal justice has been changing over the years and the courts have been using different ways of punishing the law breakers. In conclusion, criminal justice includes all the processes of arrest to jailing of the law breaker.

The russian ice-cream market

Although Nestle appears as a threat, its only edge of Nestle against Ice-Fili is its distribution channels which has strategically created a nice in the premium ice-cream market. If Ice-Fili can develop a good marketing strategy, then it can even eat the market share of Nestle which is a sweet success.

Forensic science paper

Article Critique - The Interface of Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Pathology in Trauma Interpretation Ubelaker and Smialek in this article address cross-disciplinary collaboration, and from this, a reader learns to appreciate the importance of collaborations across different disciplines. The collaboration between forensic anthropologists and forensic pathologists in trauma interpretation is useful in the discipline of β†’

Lower division capstone ip3

Lower Division Capstone of LOWER DIVISION CAPSTONE As being the marketing manager of the company, I am thinking of engaging new opportunities in my neighborhood, my expectations are that most of my interviews will be almost similar to the extent that the questions move on. In the last, my consideration would be the way of β†’


After the evaporation, the cooled blood returns to the core of the body this regulating the temperature. The pulse is the periodic dilation of the artery that is produced by the rhythmic opening and closing of the aortic valve in the heart.


One of the missions and the major aim for the organization is on the protection of the children from trafficking for sexual exploitation in the name of prostitution. It is also important to highlight that a research that was conducted by the International Labor Organization found out that majority of the prostitutes are women and β†’

Journal entry #2

I believe that Greek life is for me and will benefit me a lot because socialization matters to me very much. If there is a way to give back, a student should take it which is why I believe Greek life to be the only choice for myself.

Releasing client information

In view of this, it is necessary that the code of ethics outlined as per the ACA is adhered to. With reference to the ACA code of ethics, if at all the client or the worker had made clear notification, in terms of signing a release of information, and then it is applicable that some β†’

Critical response

One of the components of liberalism includes protection of people against abuse of their rights by the government. The other core component of liberalism is that the government has to limit the activities it conducts.

Analysis and commentary

The position taken by France's president that the debate is a healthy discussion that teaches citizens what France identity entails has not been welcomed by a section of some politicians and other Muslim leaders. Sarkozy's side to make him understand the importance of immigration and national identity policies.

How has the college experienced been transformed in your eyes

I used to believe that people should have similar behaviors during my early life in college. The settings of college and home are different and require different spheres of actions for peaceful co-existence.

Sustainable stakeholder capitalism

Subsequently, this paper will give an elaborate on the model of sustainable stakeholder capitalism applied by discussing the three main factors that contributed to the unethical economic surroundings of the global crisis. The model approach was to be one that had the interests of everyone in mind for it to be effective when implemented.

Progressive era

The Immigration Problem During the Progressive Era The United s had a problem in terms of dealing with the immigrants that were flowing into America from Eastern Europe and Italy during the period of 1880 - 1910. The popular and enduring Melting Pot method dictated that all cultures and traditions would be absorbed into the β†’

Perception and conflict

To be able to understand this, it has been more clarified by philosophers of human communication that conflict is a mere mediation that sets the different vectors of power in a modulated manner that they are primarily applied to support the differences of each individual living within the human communities around the world. To understand β†’

East west signature course

Centralizing the political institutions is the backbone of a nation's economic success, which ensures the provision of public necessities such as education, justice, and implementation of contracts for the people. This can be attributed to the inclusive South Korea political institution, which is the opposite of the extractive North Korea political institution.

Love. module one

The first alternative to the change of management will lead to the substantial performance of the company. I would evaluate the decision through the assessment of the performance of the management personnel.

Special relations with other countries and political structure

Profile of South Africa South Africa is a country on the southern tip of the African continent that is known for its diversity. The country is known for Nelson Mandela, one of the most celebrated heroes the world has ever known, after his role in the ending of the apartheid and white minority rule β†’


Competitive Analysis Introduction to San Francisco Marriott Hotel San Francisco Marriott Hotel, the second tallest hotel after Hilton within San Francisco, is one of the chains of eight Marriott International Hotels. In Focus: San Francisco Hotel Market - Best Of The West.

Forensic science 4.5

Sampling of Dried Blood Sampling of Dried Blood With the increase in crime rates, it is becoming a responsibility for the police department and other law enforcement departments to bring up the criminals in front the court of law. One of the most important pieces of evidence is blood but usually by the time the β†’

Biographical study

0 Introduction The relationship between Jesus and Peter in the Bible is exceptional, with the latter being considered as Jesus' most beloved disciple. Jesus' love for Peter is also evident in the Bible, where after Peter identifies Jesus as the son of God and Jesus in return blesses Peter.

Executive summary

Summary Analysis of the case study suggests that there are two fundamental hurdles in the way of success of the Polska Pipe Works; first, there is lack of productivity and second, the company is suffering from cultural differences between the American and the Polish staff. This approach was selected to solve the problem of the β†’

Gene one scenario

Gene One Scenario: Based on the scenario of the Gene One biotech company, the alternatives that can be recommended for the company to consider could be to continue with the proposal the company has thought of regarding their growth and IPO, consider the internal issues risen by the leadership team and move on with their β†’

Nuptials nixed at napa inn

The letter lacks the address of the sender and it clearly indicates it is a formal letter.2. There is no name of the sender or signature to show who the sender bringing doubt to the credibility of the letter itself.3.

Current business research project paper

The challenge is how to slow the mass departure of talent that has been trained at great expense to the company. 3Dlabs, located in the heart of the Silicon Valley and elsewhere throughout the world allocates 15 percent of its profits to retain employees according to the study.

The use of caffeine and its effects in endurance sports performance

Running Head: CAFFEINE AND SPORTS The use of caffeine and its effects in endurance sports performance The use of caffeine and its effects in endurance sports performance The use of caffeine for increased endurance during sports performance is a controversial issue that has as many detractors as supporters. In looking at the use of caffeine β†’

Credit cards

A credit card can also be the step number one toward the kind of debt that leads to collection calls and sleepless night. In addition, just like other credit cards, a student credit card reduces the need of me carrying cash and checks this, therefore, avoids the risk losing it.

Introduction to fiction

First Sur Research Question How do societal issues contribute as the backbone of plot development in Twain's " The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," and Salinger's " A Perfect Day for Bananafish". Mark Twain's " The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is a novel exploring various subjects of social importance in America in the late 19th and β†’

Recommendations and strategic message

The Service processes at the Straits begins with the customer entering the restaurant, the customer is then led to the dining table, before he reviews the menu. The primary data shows that the hostess were not available to greet the guests 60% of the time.b) The competitor: The hostess at M.Y.

How did the era of the slingshot dragster serve to help drag racing evolve from primarily a participant sport to more of a grandstand spectator event

Evolvement of the slingshot dragster era from a participant sport to a grandstand spectator event The slingshot era was characterized by intense competition and was a main participant in the racing sport at the time. The concept of the rear engine proved to be forever more effective and the cars with the rear engine grew β†’

When will they run out

Hari estimates that there will be " 10 billion people on earth by 2050" which means that population will continue to grow and cause an increase in the global warming thus decreasing the planet's sustainability. Since our needs are not going to get fewer in the next twenty years, therefore, as Taylor and Parish state, β†’

Population environment resource 3 – need in 12 hours

The U.S.government should have the right to regulate the amount of energy that each person is allowed to use to accommo national security needs and environmental protection: An ally to securing our daily life and our future Energy is used in almost everything, in cars, at home, in the office. Aside from the increasing price β†’

How did the war change the attitudes of women and minorities toward their status in american society

American War and Its Influence on Women and Minorities Status Historically, women and the minorities within the societyhave undergone tremendous change concerning their status. However, for the American women and minorities, the wars they underwent presented a new chapter in their attitude towards status in the society.

Us role

It also led to declaration of war on the terrorist groups which reside in the middle east and this put to an abrupt stop the peace talks and the mediation role of the United States. President Obama has constantly been advocating for peace in those Arab countries that are in conflict and once again has β†’

Video news release

Through undertaking a survey of 77 television stations that broadcasts to 50% of the USA population, the CMD found that there were 36 video news release that were aired by these television stations incorporated and disguised as part of their own news, without disclosing to the audience the authentic source of the video news. However, β†’


The realization that a certain state or nation needs other nations to supply what they do not have, be it material or human resources is now bringing nations together to work as one to achieve one common goal, that is to be at par with other developed countries for the security of what has always β†’

Iran nuclear deal

Iran nuclear deal Introduction The Iran nuclear deal framework was an agreement reached between the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and Germany, the European Union and Iran. The nuclear deal is important for both Iran and United States In as much as the Iran nuclear deal has raised a lot of β†’

Philosophy – animal rights by peter singer

In order to prove the hollowness of this ' speciesism', Singer provides the example of the history of slavery. The mistake with Singer's opinion is that he failed to acknowledge the fact that all advanced species take maximum advantage of the circumstances to promote their own welfare.

Analysis of zara: fast fashion article by ghemawat and nueno

With the growing numbers of middlemen, spending in the apparel industry hit 900 billion globally with Western Europe leading by approximately 34% followed by the United States and Asia. In order to understand Inditex, Ghemawat and Nueno place its reference to its close competitors The Gap, H&M, and Benetton.

Research paper

Community Psychology BY YOU YOUR SCHOOL INFO HERE HERE Community Psychology The assertion that community psychology is virtually just common sense is rather absurd, considering the multiple dimensions of study required to understand the individual and the nature of society's structure, values and homogenous social beliefs. Offering these objections indicates that the individual likely just β†’

Empathic field research

The chemical and neurological explanation of empathy also supports the ability to develop deep meaning because balancing levels of oxytocin and cortisol have the same effects, on understanding, and balancing the level of empathy. This is because I recognized and understood issues that I had previously ignored in my personal experiences such attitudes of the β†’

The safety of e-cigarette

By using this method of inferences, the author made the reader forget that e-cigarette still has addictive substance such as nicotine and that it still put glycerin or propylene glycol into our lungs and who knows what the flavorings are made of. The ideal experiment is not to compare inhaling the two substance to establish β†’

Cjus 340 db2

The psychology of human behavior is very complex because it is the result of individual's perception of things or event. The aggressive behavior of bullies is very damaging for people at large and needs to be addressed early.

Development and motivation in/for critical thinking

The concept of honesty is also included in the FiLCHeRS model and advises that in the process of analysing a fact, one should be honest with oneself and the community at large. For instance, the process of fracking becomes unethical in the sense that it produces a lot of noise to the neighbouring community and β†’

Book: art through the ages 3rd edition

Art through the Ages 3rd Edition The Parnassus Art is indeed comprises a range of human activities thatplay a substantive role in tracing certain origins of humanism. The Parnassus is a piece of art painting by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, in the year 1511.

East asia in the modern world

The understanding of the Taiping and Tonghak movements can be traced from the nineteenth century Asian history. The Taipings and the Tonghaks do not share collective sense in the spiritual world.

Literature class

The boat is the focal point of the narrator's life. The memories of the boat helped the narrator deal with his father's death.

Case study example

Answer The major source of the conflict at Intel, China was the lack of effective communication and awareness of organizational culture across workforce. At the same time, Tang needs to emphasize the importance of shared goals and teamwork and his reasons for discontinuing the project.

Responding to religious diversity in classrooms

One aim of every class teacher is to make her students a positive and appreciative member of society who can respect and give space to different cultural believes. Developing a sense of sensitivity in both parent and children can help in a long run to the road of acceptance.

Which reflections of islam are in the tale of maruf the cobbler

The story of Maruf the cobbler clearly reflects the values, beliefs and culture of the Islamic believers. He tries to keep the peace and fulfill his responsibilities to his wife according to the requirements of the Islamic law.

Sheppard v. maxwell, 384 u.s. 333 (1966) & williams v. florida 399 u.s. 78

Importance of the Case The US Supreme Court made the strongest statement supporting the right of the defendant to a jury that was not biased by prejudicial pre-trial publicity. Reasoning The US Supreme Court decried the absence of decorum in the trial court, and the free reign given to the press during the hearing.


He tries to depict the link which exists between Michael Jordan and Pop Herring based on their traits to illustrate a theme of hard work and persistence, luck and adversity in the society. Unlike Pop who had gone to college on a sports scholarship Michael was in the school struggling to fit in the college β†’

Week 4

The main aim of this effort was to improve the access to primary comprehensive care for the population and to ensure that the health status of the community improved, especially the downtrodden. For the implementation of the EHR, a steering committee was organized that met weekly for 4 years, and helped to guide various aspects β†’

Case study example

According to the terms of the contract, Willard was to make a 10% deposit of the purchasing price as down payment and then clear the balance later at the stipulated time as demanded in the contract. Willard wanted Carnack to refund him the deposit that he made to him, but Carnack said that Willard breached β†’

How i can be able to study different subjects in a very short period of time

It went that way in a few hours and when it was time to get home, I was pretty confident that I have more retention with the activity that we had compared to when I was trying to study on my own. With a group, one is given the chance to give his own idea β†’

Interview two retirees

Interview" Introduction Aging is a physiological phenomenon and as one ages the brain accrues the morals which were laid down in the formative yearsof life and were followed all through the life encompassing the temperament of financial preparedness for retirement, psychological impetus and incidence that proved to be the turning point. Ronny and Rita were β†’

Operational security

The starting step in the OPSEC process is the identification of critical information that an enemy might need to attack. The third step in the operation security process is the analysis of vulnerabilities.

Dq 5 – 450

Language training should also be provided to relocating family members and the expatriate for professional and personal achievements at work. When at the host country, the employee and his family should be connected to a dedicated contact person in the host nation.

Advocacy plan for social change

The purpose of advocating against child abuse is to enable the society help the victims of child abuse when the abuse occurs. The major effects of child abuse on children and the role of the public in preventing child abuse.

Theoretical orientation

In the event that I have observed that the child is a passive learner who faces difficulties in counting numbers, I would design a program that makes use of different toys that appeal to the interests of the child. This is what Piaget claims that the child has gained the ability to conserve and would β†’

Project leadership

With my current experience as a Manager of the Information Technology department and also my previous experiences I am sure to rise up to your expectations. I am confident of my sincerity and I am sure that I will be able to fit into the position of Web-Based Training Project Manager, if given an opportunity.

Unit 3 individual project

The nurse ought to have discussed the patient concern on the chemotherapy with the physician and not wait to discuss the alternative treatment with the patient like she did that evening. She ought to have discussed the patient concern with the physician and the physician would have advised the patient on the alternative treatment.

Peace corps program

The primary aim of the program is to promote world peace with the help of American citizen volunteering to serve in other countries to alleviate a number of social, economic, environmental and other issues. With this in mind, I am fully aware of the requirements, demands, and challenges that I expect to encounter and I β†’

Compare and contrast peattie and ching’s position vis-a-vis the idea of japanese colonialism as an “anomaly.”

Becoming Japanese is a bridge of history and literature that brings out the anomaly in Japanese colonialism. On the other hand, Peattie focus on Japanese colonialism anomaly in their book, The Japanese Colonial Empire, as the source and evolution of the modern empire.

Hip to be square

The strategy of square to expand internationally contributed to the growth of the company. The opportunity it creates for square is there is a large number of people and new markets who are willing to use the wireless carriers.

Sociology of developing countries

Factors Contributing To Ethnic Conflict in Trinidad and Tobago The composition of the labor market in the country is a contributing factor in ethnic conflicts in the country. Recommendations of Resolving Ethnic Conflict in Trinidad and Tobago The marital status of the inhabitants of the nation varies by ethnicity.

Government ban of cyberporn on the internet

This in a long run as result of them, not been able to control themselves, end up practicing the very things they see on the internet in the wrong time of their lives and with the wrong person. This is because when people are given more knowledge on the effects of using pornographic materials on β†’

International commercial arbitration

The ruling by the arbitrator will depend on the laws of the trade. The ruling will also depend on the precedents of the trade.

Team dynamics: team communication

Outline A team needs to be a single whole to perform in the best manner possible and it is only possible when the team members realize their attachment and involvement with the team. Introduction The success of a team is the success of each and every individual who worked hard and toiled for it to β†’


State what the essay will attempt to discuss; The role of genetics in autism The neurological damage/changes to the brain caused by this autism Lastly, state that the author will use the research compiled by Amaral, Geschwind & Dawson to validate the facts that will be highlighted in the essay.2.0. The neurological damage/changes to the β†’

Restorative justice canada

Restorative justice Canada The principle of restorative justice in Canada focuses on the needs of the offenders and those of the victims. The restorative justice system in Canada is an alternative to the criminal justice system, which focuses more on punishing the offender, as opposed to establishing a truce between the victim and the offender2.

Integrating business prespictive

The main role of our project is to ensure that the graduates get the first opportunity to access jobs. The project starts the process of connecting graduates with the job market right at the various institution of higher learning.

Public health

Aging baby boomers have become major focus of marketers and healthcare marketing is meeting the challenge with more innovative products for this segment. The Medicare is not able to handle the increased cost and therefore, they represent huge potential for marketers within the healthcare industry and healthcare service providers.

Management in brazil

A Summary of Management in Brazil by John Theodore of Summary It is clear from the analysis by the article " management inBrazil" that most of the businesses in Brazil are micro enterprises. In the middle level cooperation's, there is no in between levels and the top management is by the owners of the business.

Public health microbiolgy. my personal perspective

I felt I lost a friend, but when the children came 2 tow-headed boys I realized I had gained another family. A few days later Sheila called me in a bit of a panic and asked me to come to come over something was wrong with Jared and maybe I could help her figure it β†’

Due process

The significance of due process to the United States criminal justice system is that it protects criminals from the government. If any of these aspects are at risk of being rid of, then due process is implemented, allowing them first a hearing or trial to determine their side of the case.

Reflective memo: evaluation of the choices in determining the best cell phone plan

After evaluating the alternatives, a report was to be produced and presented to the Executive Director, who would then make the final decision based on our findings. After the table, some pictures of the three company's cell phones were included so that the Executive Director could get a visual on what the phones looked like.


Incentives to Earnings Management & Manipulation: The Manager's Perspective Incentives to Earnings Management & Manipulation Introduction The inclination toward both legitimate and illegitimate means of creative accounting in the past years has led us to question the accounting and reporting ethics practiced by managers around the globe. So, what was the root cause of corporate β†’

Definition of design thinking

Definition of Design Thinking Definition of Design Thinking The term ' design thinking' is attributed to Herbert A. Figure A: Illustration of design thinking activities correlating in engineering and business.

How would your life be different if you were someone else

As a Mexican woman, and being a socially and culturally sensitive person, I feel the obligation to submit to male members of my family and the society, especially those who are older than I. Despite the more liberal contemporary world, some reservations to the decisions that a Mexican woman can make and roles that she β†’

Is the icc dangerous to democracy and doomed to fail

One of the controversial issues, however, in regard to the existence of ICC is that it threatens democracy, the given reason why the United States withdrew its signature in the Rome Statute in December 2000. The withdrawal of the United States, including other countries such as China and Israel, endangers the ICC to fail.

The importance of family life

The paper is very informative since it helps to identify the experiences of older women. The social networking site allows us to share information and pictures.

Security in e-business

The Issue of Security in e-business Introduction: Security plays an important role in e-business solutions. The main objective of a security plan in e-business is to " protect the privacy of the people with whom you do business and safeguard your IT and other information assets".

Giere’s program for evaluating theoretical hypothesis

In the study, the real world focus is the scarcity of money and how it affects the fluid intelligence of a person under different circumstances. From the study conducted by Mullainathan and Shafir, there is a big effect on the fluid intelligence of an individual when faced with hard problems that are financial in nature.