Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Victorian literature

In my last Duchess by Browning, the relativity of life with reference to sympathy and judgment depicts fear. Nevertheless, the backdrop of Tennyson's poetry shows life in a valley with different risks.

Why you would like to attend a university

The Academy is equipped with the state of the art technology and innovative curricula of the university are able to meet the transforming values of the time. The film academy is flagship academic institution that also ensures that students inculcate creative approach and values that are important in the contemporary environment of constant change.

Global financial management & summary slp

Global Financial Management & Summary SLP The Currency of the Country Currency is used as a medium of exchange in any country. Balance of payment in this country also fluctuate the domestic currency and affects the demand and supply of foreign currencies as well as the exchange rate.

Improving health care quality & patient safety in an acute care setting

Novice nurses, especially, are overwhelmed by time and task constraints, which prevent them from integrating the " big picture" that effective improvement of quality and patient safety in acute care settings requires. This should be done in order to show the stakeholders the important role that quality and patient safety improvement will hold in the β†’

Gender issues

In the next pages a mother is driving the kids to school and there is only one girl seen in the entire book. In the dentists office, the dentist is male, and it is the mother who brings the kids to the dentist.


This is a very important stage as the product is new in the market and takes time to settle in the market. GROWTH STAGE: It is a stage of Product Development in which the product starts selling and profits are higher as compared to the initial stage.

Analysis of parts emporium inc

While the physical verification of the inventory was carried out regularly but the lack of necessary records made it difficult to predict the stock of requisite parts that would be required by the customers. McCaskey studied the inventory and sales pattern for two of the products; exhaust gasket and drive belt to show the advantages β†’

Hypothesising the effect of the internet on research

Primary research involves the gathering information from the world; and secondary research requires reading the books, journals, papers and articles that can be find in the library or on the Internet. Most of the business research needs up-to-date information on the current trends of their products in scope and the target people.

The crisis of campus rape and appropriate response

Even though this is a suggestion that the analysis will put forward, it is likely to take place; due to the fact that colleges and universities around the nation are secretly hiding sexual assault statistics in the hopes that these crimes will not paint a given university in a negative light within the general public. β†’

New orleans

It is a legitimate question, considering the many negative comments in the media after the disaster, often shifting blame to the residents living in the Lower Ninth Ward. The thousands of volunteers and groups that came to help rebuild in the Lower Ninth Ward did not seem to think the residents of this area undeserving β†’

Adolescent overweight&obesity

Effects of Overweight and Obesity There has been a continuous increase in the percentage of overweight and obesity in adolescents. Epidemiology of Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Prevalence and Etiology.

Business risk approach

Business Risk Approach Internal Control Weaknesses Specific risk of fraud or error Reporting of financial status of the company is experiencing ineffectiveness and internal control by those who are responsible for the management of the enterprise. The identification of the internal auditor of the misstatement of a material in the financial statements for the β†’

Cultural event report

However, since at the time of the visit, there was an exhibit of Yves Saint Laurent: The Retrospective that was ongoing, the opportunity was taken to view this and it required an additional $3 fee for non-members. Summary and Reaction The visit to the Denver Art Museum was a revelation.

Hulse christmas war letter analysis

The fact that the war had made many people suffer wounds and death did not stop the army of Hamilton from unleashing their offensive against the perceive enemies like the French1. Hamilton and his team stayed in the trenches during the entire period of the war.

Modern television

It has several ports at its back to accommodate the various functions of the TV set. The modern TV is no longer limited to showing shows from TV stations and the quality of its output has dramatically improved since it was digitized.

A real entrepreneur creates business based on the opportunities found by him, risking to turn those business ideas into reality

Before then, I thought that it would be very difficult to start a business that it would require huge capital but the class taught that it is not always the case. According to Katz and Green, for decades business owners had always thought that the greatest challenge that was facing their business was the insufficiency β†’

The interent and global activism

Topic: The internet and global activism of the University Topic: The internet and global activism 1. Luc Reydams of the book " Global Activism Reader" in which the article " Social Movements, NGOs, and Networks" by Mary Kaldor appears articulates, The salient characteristic of the world after 1989 is the advent of politics in the β†’

Response to play: the coloured museum

The theme of the play is the history and identity of the African Americans. This play is of immense significance in the study of black history.

Modern history of japan

The general idea held on by the right wing radicals is the advancement of the plight of the countryside. This group asserts that the solution of these problems is the retention and revival of Japan's culture while it strongly opposes the " Europocentric view" of the modern world and the spread of Western culture and β†’

Healthy people

This paper seeks to explore the most effective objectives of the Healthy People initiative. Another objective of the Healthy People that will have great impact on public health is to control cancer deaths.

Differance between current rate method & temporal method

In addition, it depends on the method of valuation in which the current exchange rates determine the value of assets and liabilities. The temporal method depends on the timing of the asset creation and the appearance of the assets and liabilities on the accounts.

Disc 13

Religion and Discrimination against Women According to this article, the explains the roles and position of women in context of different religions. The headscarf is a sign of personal modesty and religious identity though it may be considered as a limitation to choice.

Discussion questions week 3

The forces of influence used to make this decision included his business background he had formerly worked for a software company in which all Email addresses for employees were simple and consistent, his education with his marketing background he believed that the ability to consistently " brand" the company would be a benefit, and his β†’

Letter to the editor

One of the accidents occurred when one of the involved cars failed to stop at the US-56 intersection. Moreover, the driver of one of the cars, according to the periodical was not wearing safety belts.

Chapter 8

Case managers also to ensure that provision of care is in the most comprehensive and cost-effective manner for the individual family and his insurance providers. A conceptual framework for the drug treatment process and outcomes.

Opinion editorial (op ed article) on how oil production affects the society behavoirs and manners in the producer contry – in ku

Unarguably, oil pours in wealth for Kuwait, and the wealth it generates has adverse consequences on the values and behavior of our citizenry that can lead to the destruction of Kuwait's competitiveness. Kuwaitis want to see the wise spending and management of wealth, because the way it is being used negatively affects our chances today β†’

Social ecology

Social Ecology The passage criticizes the arguments of Holmes Rolston about conserving the environment and responding to the population growth. He contends that people should preserve the current wildlife and natural habitats.

Who is kyle unger

Kyle Unger Teacher Kyle Unger was a man from Manitoba who was convicted of a brutal 1990 murder of a teenage girl. After the trial, Madam Justice Holly Beard of the Manitoba Court of Queens Bench ruled that Kyle Unger who has been in jail for more than 13 years will be released because prosecutors β†’

Government & business in southeast asia

Government & Business in Southeast Asia Good businesses that influence the growth of an economy can thrive due to a certain systems of governance. Just like in Southeast Asia, businesses lack the right technology to take them to the levels of manufacturing and industrialization that can sustain an economy.

Domingo faustino sarmiento

Domingo Faustino Sarmiento describes the historical heritage of the Argentina on the verge of the revolutionary important changes within the In this respect he outlines different kinds of peoples and tribes. However, along with acclaiming their impact on the development of the country, he estimates the bad sides of the Argentina based on the example β†’

Administrative agencies

Like all parts of the globe, administrative agencies were also established in the USA, which is certainly the outcome of the intellect and hard work made by the legislature of the country. History of Administrative Agencies in the USA

An introduction and conclusion for literature review in finance (preparing for my dissertation)

USA Petrochemical Industry Despite of the rise in the global demand for the petrochemical products, the USA petrochemical industry is facing increasing competition in the petrochemical export market. Social Factors With the enhancement in the life styles of the habitants in USA, the usage of the automobiles has also been increased leading to the increase β†’

Studying in new york city

This way, I can gain access to unlimited resources that would as well stimulate interests on other fields in which there emerges ample chance to tap into potentials yet unknown and bring to a motivating realization of how else I can manage to improve on several aspects of my orientation with NYU and excel thereafter. β†’

Business -assignment

Increase in variable Expenses Another possibility is the increase in variable expenses. Surely, a fourth possibility is the decline in purchases.

Comprehension and answer questio

When this scenario has happened, companies are forced to downsize as a result of the fact that the work ethic obtaining in that organization cannot allow the recruitment of more constructions attempt to make a distinction especially between the gender roles and behaviour of women and men. Division of labour is found in a β†’

College alcohol abuse and college academics

The Theory of Rational Action and How It Relates To the Question of " How Does Alcohol College GPA" My study on the question of how alcohol affects college students GPA will be guided by the theory of Rational Action, which will be used to predict the level of effect of alcohol on the GPA. β†’


The role of marketing function in customers' value proposition lies in highlighting the value hidden in products and services that are of significance for the customers. In conclusion, the marketing function plays a significant role in creation of value to customers and shareholders through various marketing strategies.

Crime data comparison

Murder rate in New Orleans is higher than in New York by the year 2004. Based on the statistical report gathered by the UCR, incidents of murder in New Orleans is higher than the incidents of murder rate reported in New York.

Fashion abstracts

Various fashion forms exist within the historical statutes of a museum since they bear clear relation to the past culture of a given people and a lot can be drawn from the mere inference of the mode of clothing. Furthermore, the clothing and textile museum was established in 1996 to carter for the storage of β†’

Personal worldview paper

Worldview as the term implies is basically a set of assumptions and presumptions of the general make-up of the world, a view which is considered by a person or many individuals as the generic meaning of things. As a whole, worldview affects the culture and the way of life of the people who believed in β†’

Home health

Ways through Which Medicare Reimburses Home Care Agencies for the Provision of Care to Patients The Medicare services in the current year are developing the effective service needs by providing support for health care advancements at home. The tailor-made services of the Medicare Home Health benefits also provide a proper coverage for the diverse medical β†’

Proposal letter

Sales job needs, patience, perseverance and dedication both of with me will learn after completion of the three months. Getting a job will teach me the value of money and more so the issue of saving.

Data managment

For management of data nowadays, the organizations make use of software programs for the management of data. Data management software programs are used by the organizations to manage the data of the organizations.


The regulatory requirements are significant in the contemporary society because it protects the entrepreneur from risks and competitive barriers; thus transforming the health care industry. Establishing solid ethical and legal foundation can foster a high level of trust in the health care organization; thus contributing to successful organization performance.


In spite of the fact that " money maketh all right that is wrong", Material Goods is unable to buy everyman salvation. This is despite the fact that material wealth can be used to enhance one's good deeds.

Discussion question response

For a management to be effective, it should be able to communicate with the workers who would be carrying out the majority of the work in the organization. Therefore, management should be flexible to answer the needs of its workforce without sacrificing the other aspects of the company.

The new way of scientific and technological developments

The need is to understand where to draw the line and that too for the betterment of everyone. The natural world has changed, and that too by a mile which is something that hurts the cause of the society and brings more degradation than was to be seen in the past.

Language use: prepositions

Tredinnick, however, argues that; " Grammar is not interested in the kind of manners you can enforce with a red pen or a ruler on the knuckles. In his argument, he noted that these were the exact words of Churchill, " Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not β†’

The concept of postmodernism and its representation in korean art

This concern for truth got shattered with the advent of Modernism in art, the era of which started by the first half of the Twentieth Century. Minjung art movement was a reaction to the modernism of Korean Monochrome art, dominant then.

Policy analysis

Miranda rights are meant to protect a suspect's rights under the Fifth Amendment, especially the right not to respond to self-incriminating interrogations. Where suspects are not read their Miranda rights, the courts will be forced to suppress any statements by the suspect provided the suspect did not waive their rights.

Potential contractual defects

The general rule of law is that if the payment is too little for the consideration from the part of the other, the former does not satisfy the requirements of a consideration. If in the given case, the agreed amount is too meager, Krauses can bring it to the notice of the court.

Conflict paper in nursing:in the workplace and or on teams

One of the conflicting situations that have come to the fore, is the lack of the principle of punctuality, wherein the nursing staff have not been very punctual in relieving those of the previous shift. It is also important to respect the necessity and the health conditions of patients.

Parenting styles

On the other hand children belonging to uninvolved parents do not display social interaction and are poor in every aspect of life. Culture do impose the grooming of children as they are nurtured in a particular culture and traditional environment.

Data flow charts

Data flow diagrams The data flow diagrams is a modelling technique that allows use of pictures to convey how information data flows through the systems connected by pipelines of data. The flow of information shows the source and the destination of the data.

Business law

As seen in the negligence and the intentional torts, the two concerns the defendant's culpability whereas strict liability concentrates on the act itself, regardless of the exercised level of care or the intentions. The elements of the basics would have to be elaborated by the plaintiff in the court, in order to establish a reliable β†’

The impact of the first world war

The paper " The Impact of the First World War" is a wonderful example of a history essay. In the past, when sea transport was slow and the USA was a little nation of farmers, this did not matter.

Investment case

VOGEL asserts that most of the clients that use the car rental service in their daily activities should be regular clients for this service. Security services - The manager for the car rental services can offer some of the vehicles to be used for security services.

Michel foucault beyond structuralism and hermeneutics

In the contemporary times, power within and across nations has emerged as major contentious issue that tends to suppress the wider objectives of democratic principles and sovereignty of nations which are less power powerful in terms of socio-economic, technology and military superiority. The hegemony of America in global politics is prime example of economic, technological β†’

The yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman

This woman completely loses her mind by the end of the story, which is seen to happen in stages as she begins to recognize the faces and figures of other women trapped within the ugly pattern of the old yellow wallpaper. The imagery of this wallpaper begins to take on a life of its own β†’

Forensic science 2.2

Evaluation on a report on a crime scene in which a key piece of evidence was used and determination of the best collection method for the evidence Name University Evaluation on a report on a crime scene in which a key piece of evidence was used and determination of the best collection method for the β†’

Coursework example

Money serves the following three fundamental functions; it is a store of value, medium of exchange and a unit of account. In the third instance, money acts a store of value.

Disscusion week 3 part 2

In addition, most peers are not judgmental as compared to family members, in that they make sense of an individual's situation and relates to them in a manner that they avoid hurting such an individual. In my opinion, other socialization agents such as careers, religion, and family become important after the adolescent stage, where an β†’

Sensory perception

Sensory Perception Sensory Perception Question There are a number of reasons that emphasize if sensory informationis accurate or inaccurate. Therefore, the way an individual interprets a situation determines the accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory information.

Litr201-1402b-04 : literature: a reflection of life

It was the first I attended a play and the sight of the actors in their costumes was exciting. Drama: a guide to the study of plays.

The future of shipping industry

The Future of Shipping Industry Shipping industry is considered as one of the most seasonal industries in the world and can readily be influenced by the external factors such as political, economic, as well as, other events. As such the future of shipping industry is largely based on the changes to be made into β†’

A psychological perspective ,,,,study plan 7

Grief and Bereavement: A Response to Objective Situation of Grief and Bereavement: A Response to Objective Situation Grief and bereavement in psychological context is more likely to affect individuals as there are a number of factors which are involved. The concept of bereavement is easy to note as a situation in which an individual is β†’

Answer the question

However it is necessary for them to learn the subjects even if juts the basics if their knowledge is to widen and they are to learn more about the world outside their schools and homes. Children not exposed to these subjects are bound to have closed minds which is not good for the global environment β†’

Immigration visiting letter

My nationality is __ and at the moment I am residing in the __ city of USA and my address is ___. He plans to stay with me during his visit and I am willing and ready to facilitate him in this regard.


In this evaluation process, all the steps beginning with the goals of the evaluation step will undergo thorough evaluation to ensure the group is targeted towards the intended results of the housing campaign. In the evaluation of this stage of the campaign, the use of data from the surveys and questionnaires will be analyzed.


One of the reasons is the simplicity, whereby people find the ease in communicating intelligible things like setting a meeting, and sending a text message through the phone takes less time and effort compared to phone calls and emails. In conclusion, the paper has elaborated on three reasons for high preference towards the use of β†’

Intercultural communications

Although this determinant alone does not guarantee that a level of the agreement will be reached, the quality and depth of the communication, and the subsequent respect and trust that is fostered, will maximize the likelihood for this to take place. Ultimately, for the thousands of individuals that might be influenced by particular culture and β†’

Criminological theory and sanctions

Criminological Theory and Sanctions Answer to question While considering the various criminological theories, it would be appropriate to weigh in the reason why an individual has committed a particular crime when passing any sentencing. For instance, when individuals commit the crime of murder, it would be unfair to give the same sentence to both; a β†’

Leadership journal

Enhancing the strengths and reducing the weaknesses would help the company in gaining advantage of the external opportunities and in countering external threats effectively and thereby improves the position of the company in the perceptual map. Module 5: Diversity and Leadership Advantages of Managing Diversity Managing a diverse cultural base of workers in the organization β†’

Increased women’s issues and its significance in american culture

The new set of laws designed was in favor of women and their societal position. This led to increased women's issues and its significance in American culture.

The influence of social media on organizations

The Influence of Social media on Organizations Based on the current trends and the impacts of social media on most organizations, I believe that all organizations need to have social media such as face book accounts, twitter, LinkedIn pages, and web sites among others. The security features in the social media is going to β†’

Comparison of the relative strength of organized labor in san francisco and los angeles in 19th and 20th centuries

Comparison of the Relative Strength of Organized Labor in San Francisco and Los Angeles in 19th and 20th centuries The 19th to mid 20th centuries marked a turning point for the development of organized labor in the California's cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles. The factor hugely increased the strengths of organized labor in β†’

Business law- flip- flop case, representative of mr. mcduff againts jipsy

Therefore what needs to be established is the fact that the conduct of the respondent fell below the standard that was required of her and as a result of that failure there was an unreasonable risk of harm, in fact, the harm occurred. The courts, in this case, looked into the establishment of a duty β†’

Discussion paper statistical analysis

Using such available data is an inexpensive means to collection of data, and still it may be difficult to get access to the relevant record and reports, and there is the added disadvantage that the data may not be accurate, and complete. Bias is a possibility depending on the data collection method, and can distort β†’

How canadian doing business in china

There is a grain of truth to the buzz phrase " think global but act local" and this is the topic of this paper, about how a Canadian doing business in China should comport or behave and be a success in business. Conclusion A Canadian doing business in China must use guanxi and give importance β†’

Time method

The chosen participants will be the one who will be willing to participate and respond to the questionnaire. A brief description of the study will be provided and the participants will be assured of confidentiality of their responses.

Film review (dharavi:slum for sale)

The film equally focusses on the lifestyle of the slum dwellers through the characters of the tailor, the potter, the young girl, and the social activist living among the slum dwellers. These characters serve to portray the attitude of the slum dwellers over the news of the redevelopment project.

Uninsured and ill, a woman is forced to ration her care

The national health care system has been affected by both political and economic forces; pharmaceutical industries have been reported to be opposed to price control, hospitals, on the other hand, are unable to control cost, and the government on their side have failed to expand coverage to the working poor. Her visits to the New β†’

The importance of having a business continuity plan

Key areas that present challenges include commitment and involvement levels of senior management, incorrect assumptions in the stages of designing BCPs, and approaching the execution of BCPs inappropriately. Failure to implement these strategies means an organization will not be able to restore its critical services seamlessly following a disruption and may result in the closure β†’


Running Head: CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Diversity and Childhood Education YOUR Diversity and Childhood Education Summary. The premise of the article is that the definition of diversity needs to be re-examined because it is primarily defined in terms of race or language.

Estate planning (australia)

Regardless of the joint tenancy CGT rules will apply to the asset the same way as in tenant in common. In case of Gary's death the property is inherited by Margaret as there is no will therefore his spouse that is Margaret becomes the sole beneficiary.

Suggest some actual government policies that might be used in your country (name the country) to improve the investment climate. explain your reasoning

The quality of the investment atmosphere is connected to scarcity decline by the impact of superior investment atmospheres on private division action, and therefore on financial development and employment." The quality of a country's investment climate is determined by the risks and transaction costs of investing in and operating a business, which in turn are β†’

Why i want to be a nurse

Through the patient-centered approach, the nursing professional is able to instill a sense of security with the patient, one of the most fundamental motivators related to emotional needs. The patient-centered approach provides the nurse the ability to secure a sense of well-being in the patient, which can further assist in creating self-esteem for those who β†’

Case study example

Dell and HP, both personal computer makers, are contending with the changing environment in the IT industry. Both companies are facing the prospects of the impending technological obsolescence of the personal computers, should they not be able to update their product design and construction to the present trend in consumer.

Intrusions in asia/ week 5 disc

When the Europeans began to successful in terms of business and politics in most of these countries in Asia they started coming up with policies that would ensure that they were in full control of all the resources. The trade policies, mostly the once that formulated by British to china, were able to go through β†’

Wal-mart stores

They have recorded a steady increase in revenue, gross profit, income used in operation and net income in the past four years. Wal-Mart is, therefore, undoubtedly the best fortune 500 company to consider in this search for a job opportunity.

Unit #8

EDUCATION al Affiliation: Education The current system of education in the USA was introduced to improve thestandard of education. This paper will discuss various policies that would help improve the K-12 system of education and the professoriate in deaf education in the USA.

Statement of purpose for a masters degree of science in finance

I am a Senior Finance major with experience and committed to improving my knowledge in financial strategy and solidifying my technical skills in order to return to my country and help in its financial development. I believe that my background and goals are satisfactory for a master's degree of Science in Finance at Florida International β†’

Working with and leading people

The process of generating individuals to participate in the process requires the attention of public media ways Advertisement prior the recruitment and selection process should be made on the televisions, magazines and social media networks such as Facebook. The examination should be conducted to find out the availability of a gap in the office of β†’

Creole linguistics

For example, some of the structural features that some theorists claim that distinguish pidgins and creoles from other languages are present in other languages as well. One of the problems of definition stems from the way in which the languages are classified.

Macbook pro

The company that manufactures the Mac book pro computers, Apple, has its own rules and regulation are to be agreed on by those in need of using the product. Government policies and legislations have standards that are set and they regulate the manufacturing of the Mac book pros', distribution, marketing and the use of the β†’