Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Minimum wage should be raised and should automatically increase with inflation

The other notable contribution of an increase in minimum wage is that it results to reduced turnover. The other negative aspect of increasing minimum wage proportionately with inflation level is that it could result to layoffs by the companies in a bid to accommodate the new-hiked minimum wage.

Analyze this rhetorical situation using aristotle and bitzers ideas on rhetoric to provide insight

The situation is rhetoric since instead of Brando acknowledging the award or going in person in front of the audience and rejects the award, he sends a second person who rejects the award on his behalf. In Brando's case, however, he miraculously decided to consider his godfather to deliver a speech that was contrary to β†’

Engagement exercise create and explain your own example

Also, from my studies, I have learnt that al cultures need to be respected because none of them is more superior or inferior to the other. In my capacity as an Asian, I would like to point out that I was introduced to a very good culture. Since that day, I have been effectively communicating β†’

Human sexuality movie 2

On the other side, the liberal Christians entail a group, which stands in the name of God in the church engaging practices contrary to the bible. It emphasizes that the aspect endorse them to such a life where they end up in homosexual relations.

Summary of the material

The article is about the need to bring about a clean and healthy environment and adapt critical policies that will ensure that the condition of the environment is not depleted in any way. The article points out that pollution is a phenomenon that can bring about great havoc to the environment and ill health to β†’

Current event in china: climate change

Current Event in China: Climate Change China is an industrial nation and an economic giant that is will face the challenge of climate change in the next period of ten to twenty years. Climate Change in China calls for the commitment of all the countries with high emissions to put in measures on reducing the β†’


I believe that when we simply answer somebody's question without giving regard to what he said, the other person may get the idea that we have totally ignored his thoughts. My brother and me also use unique terms, like we have assigned names to persons we know, and we use those names while talking about β†’

Environmental ethics. assignment 2

The idea of tree hugger is also related to the environmental ethics as it is all about protecting the trees, which are considered to be one of the important natural resource of the ecosystem. Human beings are considered to be an important part of the environment.


Hancock Journal Used: Journal of Communication Title of the Article: Jiang, C.L.& Hancock, J.T.. Communication Teacher, 21 , 87-92. PURPOSE: The aim of the article is to allow students to engage in practical use of knowledge in advertising by deconstructing an advertising campaign of a big multinational corporation so the lessons they learn β†’

Does a sensitive issue of black peoples discrimination still sour human relations

In particular, the author lays emphasis not only on the possibility of such a fact, but on the perception of each other by black and white people and the difficulties through which they come forced by men's prejudices and misunderstanding of key living concepts. Another aspect of black people's treatment is desire to maintain contacts β†’

The prerequisites and consequences of global warming

Global Warming Global Warming Global warming is one of the most alarming challenges which planet earth has been facing in the last few decades. 9 C within the next century. A huge increase in the quantity of greenhouse gases definitely leads to an increase of global warming in the atmosphere.

Extensive growth of real gross domestic product in the u.s

Therefore, the increased investments, inventories and consumer expenditure accounted for the upward growth in the third quarter of the year 2014. The surprising growth in the U. 7 percent annual rate a compared to the estimated growth of 1.

World cup security plan

Traditionally, urban policing is known to be complicated by the competing of police forces in Brazil and, unavoidably, this will compromise the quality of the security offered and potentially keep ticket-paying fans away from the venues of the tournament. With improved security, businesses will flourish and foreign investors will be interested in the country.

Issues of poverty in u.s

With the increase in the populace in the country, the conditions became worse. 8 percent in 2011 as a result of the economic recovery in the country.

The financial system and the economy

The Financial System And The Economy The Financial System And The Economy The recent financial crises that were witnessed duringthe period of 2008 clearly depict one of the major failures of the global financial systems. The return is the determinant which is the amount of money that a particular security has earned and evens the β†’

Explain how the existence of externalities (whether from congestion or pollution) cause a less than optimal allocation of resources in road transport

Externalities and Road Transport Economics Insert Externalities and Road Transport Economics The existence of externalities such as congestion and pollution often negatively affect resource allocation in road transport by distorting the various pricing mechanisms thereby resulting in the less than optimal allocation of resources to the sector. This is particularly attributed to β†’

The objective of creating a piece of information

A written advertisement, for instance, will carry words that will make the reader identify, at a personal level, with the positive side of the product, which in turn will create an urge within the person to acquire the product. The way the pictures, whether motion or static, that we interact within the media are taken, β†’

Current macroeconomic situation

Despite the augmenting economic productivity in the US depicted in the numerous productions and purchases in terms of goods and services, the rates of national unemployment have remained steadily high. Regardless of the surplus of goods and services in the US, containment of inflation has not been achieved beyond it potential rates that upshot continuous β†’

Environmental economy

The global summits will take place in Paris at the end of the year with the goal of limiting the warming caused by human activities. Change in behavior has encouraged the executives of big companies to support climate change and are now raising the issue unlike before. Environmental and natural economics deals with the principles β†’

I’ve attached the file

Basically, urban economists recognize the existence of agglomeration economies which arise when productivity increase with density; however, assessing the enormity of those economies is a real challenge. Baseline spatial equilibrium and study of urban economics The assumption of the existence of a baseline spatial equilibrium provides a map to understanding the role of agglomeration β†’

Changing urban conditions

Even though laws are present to control the occurrence of crimes, they still happen as the forms of crimes adjust to the environment. There are many forms of crimes, but before going deep into the type of crimes, the definition must be known as it will serve as the basic understanding of that concept. The β†’

Gdp growth of apple company

As Apple products and services are primarily a luxury good for individuals within relatively developed nations, the focus that Apple should take is upon representing the main focus of their strategy and advertising to those that can afford such products and services. Naturally, this will encourage Apple to take a broad overview of GDP and β†’

How the song i need a dollar by aloe blacc relate to macro economics

How the song " I Need a dollar" by Aloe Blacc relate to Macro economics The song describes the adverse effects of unemployment in America. In the line, the rapper talks about borrowing and sharing of a dollar.

Enviroment science week 5/7

Enviroment science week 5/7 Global Warming and Issues on Bottled Water Affiliation: According to the documentary A Global warming, Global warming can be referred to as Climate change that has resulted to an increase in the average earth's temperature. The most influential part of this documentary is the fact that it highlights and β†’

Strategies of hearing aids market

The hearing aid firms require to reduce the prices in order to increase the market demand for hearing aids and thus to increase the sales. Price and quantity demanded are always inversely related. When the percentage of quantity demanded is more than the changes in price, the total revenue will be increasing. While analyzing the β†’

Japanese popular culture and eastern media societies

On the contrary, some components of the American popular culture that can be regarded as the global culture have been modified by East Asian flavors to form a culture that is globalized and indigenous to the region at the same time. The proliferation of Japanese culture in the East Asian countries reflects an uneven influence. β†’

Why does the problem of time-inconsistency arise in the implementation of monetary policy and how can it be mitigated

Time-inconsistency has often been considered to be the cause of the so-called great inflation of the 1970's in the US, as well as the decrease in inflation that has lasted from the 1980's to the present day. The problem of time-inconsistency arises because of the interplay between costs and benefits of inflation, and it can β†’

Policy brief

Mobile phones have many benefits in the current world today. Objective of the research The objective of the proposed research is to come up with a mobile service that would allow people to report crimes to the police without having to make a call or write a message. This service is very important in β†’

What’s the news

It gives the definitions of news as suggested by different authors, what it entails and elements reporters should consider when looking for news so as to provide their readers with the best news. The reading further stipulates considerations that journalists should have in mind when collecting news these are: timeliness, proximity, prominence and consequences that β†’


Having determined the type of study the next big question is the determination of the study design that has to be employed when carrying out this research on the effects of the antibiotics on patients. The most appropriate study design that will be used when carrying out the research work is the randomized controlled trial. β†’

A nobel economist’s caution about government

Zywicki argue that the society is so sophisticated that mere expression of ideas are insufficient to offer complete understanding of the functioning of the society. According to the authors, the deceit surrounding economics capacity to explain the functioning of the society is evident in the futile government interventions in the economy.

Same-sex marriage decision by russell shaw

The title of article number 5 is THE PLATFORM.: PRINCIPLES PRESENTED AS THE DOCTRINE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. The date of the article is 23 June 1892. Question 5 - Historical New York Times 1851 2010 The old newspaper articles are useful for serious research because they provide the researchers with the first-hand account β†’

The aggregate-demand / aggregate-supply model

The Aggregate-Demand / Aggregate-Supply Model Aggregate Demand/ Aggregate Supply Model Affiliation Creating realistic Scenario In this case, the scenario should affect both the aggregate demand and supply. In this case, the aggregate supply will be stationary, and the aggregate demand will begin to the curve, AD1.

Federal reserve

The Federal Reserve also supervises commercial banks and provides financial services to the US government. San Francisco is the closest Federal District Bank that is close to me. The reason for applying expansionary policy is to promote the levels of economic activities as well as reduces the deflation.

Early history and the struggle for resources

The Silicon Valley of Dreams: Chapter 2 In chapter 2 of The Silicon Valley of Dreams: Environmental Injustice, Immigrant Workers, and the High-Tech Global Economy, the authors Pellow and Park dubiously presents their concerns about the polluted earth, which leads USEPA to enact the superfund site that is federally toxic. The case highlights the Silicon β†’

Addressing fashion’s communications conundrum

The first instance as outline by Mallevays and Plane is to allow consumers to order the new brands before they are launched in on the fashion runways. Proper the advertisement through social media and immediate sales to the consumers during the fashion launch is the way to go when fashion designers are in β†’

Health economics

Therefore, health economics addresses the value, efficiency, availability, scarcity of healthcare, and the methods of bridging the scarcity. This is so because there are no specific traits to define the economic value of resources used in health care.

Communication in professional contexts

Written communication is particularly essential and one should have the ability to write clearly and use the right words at the right place to convey the intended message. Clear writing enables the writer to communicate logically and be able to express one's thoughts without ambiguity. Writing clearly promotes conciseness in the sentences written and the β†’

Electronic waste management approaches

In developing countries, the main source of the electronic wastes is the electrical appliances from the developed countries. The disposal of electronic waste affects the health of humans in two ways.

Patents and copyrights

In the absence of these intellectual property laws, there would be fewer innovations since those individuals would not recoup their money. For example, if a company like Google develops a new software and it does not obtain a patent for it, other companies may exploit Google by selling the software and profiting from it. In β†’

News assignment

News Assignment Part Mayor Villaraigosa finally appoints Charles Beck to head the Los Angeles Police Department at Getty House - Deputy Chief Charles Beck wins the race to the post of the next Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department. Part 2 To cover the story on the appointment of Deputy Chief Charles Beck, β†’

Discussion post 2 – comparative advantage

The entrepreneurs in Los Angeles have a considerable advantage over the other countries due to their proximity to the Valley. Lastly, entrepreneurial culture in Los Angeles has also boosted the countries in terms of technology. This is because, in Los Angeles, the aspect of entrepreneurship is pervasive.

Family communication

Second level is connected which means that the family members are experiencing some closeness with sense of belonging and loyalty. Enmeshed is the last level of family communication which means that the family members are very close, loyal, and dependent and there is almost no individuality. My mom and dad have been having a good β†’

News of the week (responses)

In connection to this, marijuana should be considered as lethal as any poison. 3) Pakistani Officials Hold Direct talks with Taliban by Munir Ahmed, March 26, 2014. Opinion. In connection to this, it is important that a permanent solution be found to resolve the issue. References Woolston, Chris." As marijuana laws change, health risks β†’

Global econ/international study

The impact of FDI as per the study of macroeconomics can be illustrated as depicted in the following: " Investment = domestic savings + foreign savings". Works Cited Kumar, Pradeep." FDI in India and Its Impact " A Critical Evaluation". Print. Wacker, Konstantin M." The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Developing Countries' Terms of β†’

Public presentation thru communication

Public presentation through communication Public Presentation through Communication Introduction Public presentation usually refers to the act or process of presenting a speech focused on the audience in a given manner in order to influence, warn, or entertain the audience. One needs to put into practice some of the principles of effective communication skills if he β†’

Ec 410

On the other hand, the supply for foreign skilled labor increases. 2.a). Assembly Component Production Office Services R&D Mexico $40 $32 $48 $204 United States $75 $55 $70 $260 Imported by U.S.from Mexico, Trade Cost= 25% $10 $8 $12 $51 Imported by U.S.from Mexico, Trade Cost= 30% $12 $9. It β†’

Communication study

COMMUNICATION The chapter provides an insight into the aspects of theory and research in the arena of social life. The importance of paradigms is greatly emphasized in the chapter as an important aspect in social research.

What is the current macroeconomic situation in the united states what fiscal policies and monetary policies would be appropriate at this time

This also applies for the U.S.economy, especially in regards to its current macroeconomic situation. In view of the unemployment trends in the U.S., the trends have shown a sharp decline since 2008. In consideration of the present macroeconomic situation in the U.S., the committee could consider reducing cuts on public goods, as this could eventually β†’

Racism and media

It presents the society as it is and thus serves as a mirror; it also presents the beliefs and norms of the society and presents the consequences of their defiance. The media though, does not stand separate from the society in which it reports, such that it is like a mirror solely-in the aspect of β†’

What is the current macroeconomic situation in the u.s. (e.g. is the u.s. economy currently concerned about unemployment, inflation, recession, etc.) what fiscal policies and monetary policies would be appropriate at this time

Table of ContentsThesis Statement3Discussion3Works Cited6Thesis StatementThe paper intends to analyze the " current macroeconomic situation" in the United States along with determining the fiscal as well as the monetary policies that would be appropriate for the US economy. By taking into concern the " current macroeconomic situation" in the US, increasing spending as well as β†’

Countries and climate change

Flooding can occur in the central, southern and western regions and the country in common experience earthquakes. Although countries across the globe are facing environmental challenges that result from climate change, the case of China is more different due to the culture that has seen her engage more in the production industry right from the β†’

Media globalization and citizenship – korean wave

The ideological difference between the Asian drama and the western drama shows a perfectly structured media system in terms of respect for the culture and citizenship as a whole. Korean Wave : Korean wave as a global concept plays a very vital role in the understanding of the media of globalization. The Korean Wave β†’

Anti-trust behavior of microsoft

Such penetration into this market therefore created a strong argument that Microsoft has monopolized this market and should be tried under the anti-trust laws of the country. There were two potential reasons for the investigation of Microsoft for its anti-trust behavior i.e.its power to charge higher prices than what Windows Operating System could have fetched β†’

The future of the entertainment and media industry in the usa

The future of the entertainment and media industry in the USA The media plays a big role in our daily lives, needless to say how difficult it would be to dwell in a society devoid of media. There is much scope for experimentation and evolution in this particular industry and my role would β†’

Strategic issues in marketing issue paper:

The Relevance of Digital Marketing in Addressing the Changes in Consumer Behaviour in Today's Businesses al Affiliation The Relevanceof Digital Marketing in Addressing the Changes in Consumer Behaviour in Today's Businesses Digital marketing refers to the process, or rather, a system in which the experiences of customers are integrated in a complex digital channel. β†’


Marketing of Cupcake Royale Company Cupcake Royal Company is a premier bakery with stores located in the greater Seattle, Washington area. In addition to 10 new flavors of ice cream to the existing cupcake has expanded Cupcake Royale to six branches.

Price-hike-train-wreck – netflix

Price-Hike-Train-Wreck - Netflix of the of the Contents Contents 2 Outcome 3 Alternative Measures 3 What was done right4 Leader Attributes4 Observations and Recommendations5 References6 Outcome The outcome of the decision taken by Reed Hastings, to separate the price of DVD rentals from online streaming, had unprecedented consequences on the β†’

Video meredith

This allows them to build a comprehensive picture of the needs and desires of consumers, their interests and their passion and what they desire in a magazine. The direct mail they send is more than simply advertisements, instead the mail contains offers on a large number of products and publications that the consumer is likely β†’

Company espn

The core benefit of ESPN is the ability for consumers to access a wide range of information concerning any sport or sporting event they are interested in, as well as entertainment, due to the manner in which much of this information is presented (such as podcasts and television discussions). In essence, ESPN's product is the β†’

Direct marketing

Direct Marketing Direct Marketing Meredith's skills in stimulating demand for his products and primarily tasking himself with the objective of seeking to influence, timing and composition of demand management. The variables include numbers of fishing vessels and their characteristics. Meredith used questionnaires as a second means of data collection.

Swot analysis assignment

SWOT Analysis of Smart phones: Strengths a more open stage permits a more business application many diverse alternative for handsets extensive customization of the client interface that best suits the client simple and simple to utilize interface with one and only handset the closure client experience will be the same for all clients β†’

Geek squad: a new business for a new environment

Many of these clients could not have adequate time to read manuals on how to install the electronic products. Changes in social environment played a critical role in creating an opportunity that led to the establishment of Geek Squad. As a result, with their changing interests on electronics, Best Buy had to acquire Geek Squad β†’

Breaking the barriers of sound with new product development

It was a challenge for the company to broaden the target market based on the initial concept. In the process the company studies the products available and identifies the new product that can be used together with the existing ones.

Choose 1 public uk company and 1 charity company

Today, the firm sells tens of thousands of products and operates in over 12 countries in the Euro and Asia markets. Mission of Tesco The mission of Tesco is to offer its customers the best products at the best prices ever. Tesco shares are public traded in the London Stock exchange under the tag β†’


Through consumer research, intuit is able to understand the particular customer needs, launch improved products and predict future trends in terms of needs of financial products. Having successfully beaten Microsoft in the market for financial software and solutions, this is the time for intuit to further focus on unveiling products which answer the needs of β†’

John lewis new product 4p’s

John Lewis has come up with one of the interesting range of products in the children department and one of their latest hits seems to be that of Childtablet. In this paper, let us see the marketing strategy that can be used in order to promote the product Childtablet in the market. Any marketing strategy β†’

Proposal for market for the australia university

Competition has been increasing and there is a need to maintain the present market share and as well to increase the market size to attract customers from beyond the traditional market area that THE UNIVERSITY has been serving. Some of the factors leading to stiff competition are Changing education trends Easy β†’

Final case guidelines

The food chain is located in America, Europe, Asia and Asia pacific, Middle East, Africa and other countries like Canada and Latin America. In McDonald's the use of management information system is used to create regular reports for example the number of employees that work in restaurants on a daily basis, the hours they put β†’

Online restaurant promotions

On the other hand, the marginal costs for the restaurants are pretty low. The restaurants can have their own page that details the location, menu and reviews of customers on websites like CitySearch.

Marketing report

MARKETING MIX By Introduction The marketing mix, like the suggests, is a business tool that mixes the controllable elements of a product's market plan commonly referred to as the 4Ps: that is price, promotion, product and place. A feedback system is necessary to know the customers' satisfaction and also get the thoughts of the customers.

Managing big data in the organization

Some of the reasons why companies find it so difficult to handle these big data are because they are not using multiple approaches in handling it. Moreover, the best practices for handling big data are not put in place in many companies because involving business leaders in big data implementations is still an ongoing challenge. β†’

Report type assignment based of swatch case study

SWATCH CASE STUDY By The of the The of the School The and where it is located The Date REPORT TYPE ASSIGNMENT BASED OF SWATCH CASE STUDY Introduction Swatch has a unique way of running its business that is very different from that used by others. Such a work environment makes β†’

Segmentation targeting positioning

Targeting MarketA company should consider that it is challenging to meet the needs of every customer. It is therefore indispensable for a company to choose places that will favor their products in terms of customers needs.

How to attract and retain customers

Online environment offers a platform for mischief and lies because the interaction is minimal and evaluation of the truthfulness of the information presented cannot be guaranteed in the process. The episode highlights why security is vital in the online interaction environment.


Using regression analysis for predicting quarterly purchases of building materials may not yield accurate results because of many factors such as rise of unpredictable situations, duration in which data points are taken, and the number of variables used for regression analysis. First, regression analysis uses data from past events and therefore may not be accurate β†’

Marketing research 5

Marketing Research Marketing research involves systematic empirical experiments and theoretical models used to define activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer to the consumer. The level of significance used is 0.

Technology has increased ticket prices

Ticket Price Increase Due to Technology Affiliation Ticket price increase Technology plays a detrimental role in sports and due to numerous innovations and inventions; it has led to formation of almost half of the sports that exist currently. The effect has caused too many fans opting to view the sports at the comfort of their β†’

Integrated marketing communications in promoting sneakers

I would first of all identify the different marketing strategies in the IMC model and then chose the most common and the ones most likely to attract customers to purchase the sneakers. It is important to ensure that customer satisfaction and attraction is high as it is a new brand and hence its inception in β†’

Marketing starbucks

Finally, the organization has the option to increase additional 20 hours per week to ensure improve the efficiency of service. b. What are advantages and disadvantages of the top 3 choices Starbucks has (include add'l 20 hours per week per store as 1 option). To select from the available options, it is crucial for the β†’

Distribution center, warehouse, and plant location

This generally means that the company needs to minimize costs but maximize the chance of meeting the company's needs. Discuss how population can be viewed as both a market for goods and a source of labor? The population is one of the characteristics that affect labor and how the goods can be sold. It may β†’

Crumbs bakeshop

This paper addresses the business philosophy, strengths, weaknesses, current operations, wrong decisions, and recommendations for Crumbs Bake Shop. Crumbs Bake Shop's Philosophy The philosophy of Crumbs Bake shop is to develop intense emotional connection with customers. Crumbs believes that it is the leader in the market of gourmet cupcakes and makes every possible steps β†’

Brevrage industry

The paper attempts to explore some of them that fall in the area of environment, human rights, labor relations and ethical business practices in stark contrast to corrupt business practices. The United Nations Global Compact is quite vocal in asking companies to align their operations in line with the principles in the areas of environment, β†’

Implication of the absolute threshold for event marketers attempting to appeal to a more elder target market

This essay explores some implications the absolute threshold has on an elderly target market with a view to establish success in sales to such markets. Age stratification theory has been widely used to explain the response of the elderly to advertisements in events targeted to them. Event marketers should not design products for social welfare β†’

Managing org behavior

Moreover, when the group is discussing a problem, I would also be concerned about the participation of the members. Moreover, the communicator understands the body language of the audience and is able to realize the areas that require additional explanations and elaboration.

Market shares of pepsico, coca-cola, nestle

Management can also keep track of how strategies affect the market performance of products and brands through tracking changes in market share by volume among other things (Czepiel and Karin, n.d.; NetMBA, 2010; Chen, 1996). In marketing, similarly, volume market shares information allow for situating brands and products within such context, to better track how β†’

Insider trading: offensive and defensive causes

This is a truly global issue. Insider trading is defined by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission as " buying or selling a security, in breach of a fiduciary duty or other relationship of trust and confidence, while in possession of material, non-public information of the security". A corporate officer, for instance, who uses β†’

Health care marketing

This is because of the parental care at the tender age and the lack of the children's legal capacity to make decisions. The legal duty of care and parents' moral obligation to care for their children also means that the children are subjected to their parents' preferences.

Swax watch

To beat the competition, the product will be constantly advertised in all media platform so as to explain to the customer of the unique features that are different from the competitors. Similarly, some product will be manufactured to meet the need of the poor in the society.

Cisco case analysis

Cisco: Company Analysis Cisco: Company Analysis Business Context and the Company Networking industry is one of the world's most rapidly growing industries. Hence, the Porters' five forces analysis indicates that the networking industry's external environment does not offer potential opportunities to Cisco. Background of the Company The Cisco was founded in 1984 by two β†’

Nielsen nugget

This is because they compose of the largest population in the market and by attracting them to use premium people more sales will be realized and hence awesome beans would be able to take the advantage of the slight growth in the coffee market. This will help in selecting the best strategy of marketing and β†’

Consumer behaviour – learning theory

The advertisement is designed in such a way that it enhances the memory of the audience. The advert reveals a sense of satisfaction and reward that comes from its attractive and delicious appearance and, therefore, qualifies to be itself an instrument of conditioning. References Kazmi, & Batra, S.K..

Coca-cola brand

Marketing of a Coca-Cola Brand submitted Marketing of a Coca Cola Brand The goal of Coca-Cola is to re launch its sports drinks. Sports drinks of Coca-cola are the PowerAde and Aquarius brand..

Evaluation of a stage-specific intervention

The findings of the research revealed that market segmentation can still be achieved even through the use of mass media channels and telephone interviews. It could be noted that the researchers did not put undue pressure on the participants of the research.

Case study

Finally, I will have to evaluate the decision once a diet program is adopted to ascertain the satisfaction it is intended. Q2: In a business, value is created through performing actions, which increase its worth of services and goods. Jenny Craig has created value through offering additional one-on-one counseling services to members and customizing diet β†’

Zara questions

Hennes and Mauritz is the Sweden based retailer of casual clothes and is regarded as the closest competitor to Zara. Zara wants its stores to function as the company's face to the world and is customers.