Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Information communication technology

Rothman, Sandberg, & Jacques, points out that there is a high rate of retention and acceptance of a project that meets the most pressing needs of people in a society. This should be in line with the intended use of the application and the people that will utilize.

Accuracy and automation

Given that the child is already able to do addition of integers from 1 to 100, the child is ready to be introduced to the process of subtraction. Aside from this, the terminologies used for subtraction should be introduced to the child including the symbols and the meaning of these symbols to the process of β†’

Elements of online learning

This led to my analysis of the benefits of studying online, and I came up with the following. However, the most important element of online learning is the fact that it is possible to work and learn at the same time.

Unit 4 individual project

The rationale that can be provided here is that if at any point in time it was in defiance with the laws as proposed and put forward by God, then it is between the woman under question and her God and she is the one who will be the recipient of chastisement with regards to β†’

Sterling fibers technology

Another product among the synthetic fibers is the specialty papers which is made from acrylic pulp that offers a wide range of unique features in specialty wet laid and slurry applications. The fibrillated fiber pulp which is used in making specialty papers is produced by unique Sterling Fibers technology incorporating a special grade wet spun β†’

America indian study- indian community event

31st Native American Recognition Days The 31st event of the annual Native American Recognition Days takes place in October through November and involves the recognition of Indian Tribes from Phoenix and its environs. Going to the event, I expected a day out enjoying the culture of Native Americans in Phoenix, although most of the Native β†’

Abuse of legal & ilegal drugs

The abuse of drugs has spread to the rural areas of the US. It is a reflection of the importance attached to the prevention of drug abuse by the authorities.

Letter of recommendation

18th may Recommendation for Kathren To whom it may concern Dear Sir/Madam, It is my great honor to recommend Kathren for the post of a medical assistant. It is has been a great joy working with Kathren and it hurts me to lose such as dedicated, faithful, sincere and motivated employee.


The key drivers of competitive advantage included: use of new production techniques not easy to copy hence the only beverage category in the market; the brand image was unique; well qualified management team, and production capability. The founding team which included the generator of the idea and his professor were qualified and well connected and β†’

Roots of western culture (democracy and imperialism)

The law protects rights and freedoms of all people through representation of the majority in leadership. City of Athens According to Pericles, the city of Athens enjoys a democratic and free state of government through equal representation of citizens in the government.

Week 3 discussion questions

The individual making an offer needs to make an effective offer to the individual getting the offer, who in turn needs to take the offer so that the two parties could be bound by the terms of the agreement. It is seen to be a partial contract as it does not go to the center β†’

War and civilization

4 why warfare was a males' affair; a case of civilization For the most part of history, only men could participate in wars and serve in armies. Wars are, however, part of the agencies that help bring changes and progress in human life and the world.

Case summary and analysis

Prior to the installation, the company was facing the challenge of tracking the demands of their customers and meeting them in time. The ease in management was because the RapidSystem made it easy and fast for the company to track the demands from their customers and monitor their supplies.

5-color theorem

Five-Color Theorem The five color theorem, also referred to as the five color map theorem, is a mathematical theoremthat was developed from the graph theory. The theorem states that for a given plane divided into adjoining regions, such that it results in a form of a map of countries, no more than five colors are β†’

Othello– commentary/literary criticism

Right from the beginning where Iago provokes Roderigo to tell Desdemona's father about her elopement, to the end of the story where Othello kills himself, the emotional upheaval in the passionate love between Othello and Desdemona is unbearable. All these questions haunt you as it becomes unbearable to see people like Othello, Cassio and Desdemona β†’

Qualitative research methodology

Objective of the Research Based on the above stated problems my research objective is to make the personnel affairs' section of the directorate general of police Abu Dhabi one of the most vital and distinguished departments through the quality and performance polices such as the following activities: 1- The immediate response for duty call 2- β†’

Assignment example

Drug calculations are imperative to establish the optimal levels of serum sodium, chloride, and potassium. The levels of potassium in the body vary with age.

Foreign direct investment in australia

Increasing GDP High GDP in Australia affects the hotel industry negatively since the hotels have to pay additional taxes to the government to raise the capital to pay the debts. It is expensive to invest in the business, for example, constructing of international hotels in the country.

Week one discussions

The Perspective of a Conflict Theorist to the Employer-Employee Conflicts Q1: The Perspective of a Conflict Theorist to the Employer-Employee Conflicts A conflict theorist will always consider the society as a place where individuals always have differing ideas. The trouble may come in terms of the rules of working that the employer wants their employee β†’

The top ten major trading partners of the united states

2% 2013: 50% 2014: 57% Percentage of sales from foreign operations 2013: 46% 2014: 51% 2013: 43% 2014: 46% 2013: 46% 2014: 53% 2013: 49. The percentage of sales export has increased from 45% in 2013 to 50% in 2014.

The south was not in an economic position to wage a successful war. thoroughly explain why they were not and judge if you think this had an impact on the overall course of the war

The South was even dependant on the North for finished goods and when the war started, the south realized that they lacked the resources needed to fight the war and their current sources of earning wealth were not properly structured. South even experienced decrease in income as the importers of cotton such as the Great β†’

The imago model in action

For new couples, it is important that you limit the occurrence of such aspects in order to enhance and sustain the relationship. Another means of resolving conflicts in a relationship and most especially for the newly married is to avoid conflict causing situations.

Science, technology and society

In the next section the author focuses on the definition of technology and tries to differentiate between science and technology and in the last section the author has provided various resources that can be helpful for students in expanding the knowledge. Body In the introduction section of the text the author discusses the involvement of β†’


The study of foreign direct investment may take varying directions, but the most important area of study is through evaluation of the historical data of FDI, and trying to understand the reasons behind the pattern of the data. The purpose of this report is to investigate the foreign direct investment to the United Arab Emirates β†’

Aghwee the sky monster

The delusion in the spring incidence finds everybody in a different world." D" is attuned to wonderland of spirits. According to him, Aghwee comes from heaven, and he is not afraid of dogs or the police.

Diversity in schools

This awakens the need to make the children expert in interpersonal skills, so that they are able to cross the cultural barriers while interacting with other citizens of the country. Teachers need to structure their lessons so that every child in the class feels important.

Health care

Tele Hospice Service Background According to a research conducted by Kilbourn and others, different kinds of stressors are experienced by those who provide informal care and these stressors have a very negative impact on the cognitive and physical health of the caregivers. According to a research conducted by Roberts and others, people who are near β†’

Good life

8 September Good Life in the Epic of Gilgamesh The ancient Epic of Gilgamesh demonstrates good life in many ways. Since he went, my life is nothing; that is why I have travelled here in search of Utnapishtim my father; for men say he has entered the assembly of the gods, and has found everlasting β†’

Review and identify the standards set by the national science education standards (nses)

National Science Education Standards National Science Education Standards National Science Education Standards are standards set for the entire nation as a guideline on what learners in K-12 stage of education have to learn, comprehend, and do as well as enable them perform excellently. The standards state the methods of teaching the students since it is β†’

A modest proposal for preventing the children of poor people in ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the publick

A Modest Proposal for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the public Jonathan Swift's ' Modest Proposal' uses an ironic way of criticizing the government as well as the masses in the plight of poverty that the citizens β†’

Compression tests on surrogate bone materials

On the other hand, the unknown quantities as applied in the experiment included strain rate, the effect of the elastic modulus, and the experimental elastic modulus. Through the use of wet or dry bone materials, this experiment will attempt to determine the quantitative differences between elastic modulus of both the wet and dry forms at β†’

Entry form into united world college

A visit to the banks of Varanasi opened my eyes to the world and its sufferings. I was particularly drawn to Mahindra United World College of India as the vision that this college shares, is what has influenced my life vasudeva kutumbakam.


Regardless of the academic level for which dissertations are required to be pursued, each unique writing experience gives the researcher ample opportunities to determine the rationale for the study through identification of the research questions and to discern the most appropriate methods to address the aim of the research. As such, the wealth of knowledge β†’

Tommy hilfiger the struggles of an american fashion icon

However, nearing the end of the 1990s, the company slowed down its rate of innovation, instead focused on distribution, and opening more stores for the existing brands. Other brands came up and overtook the company in terms of both innovation and distribution.

Forensic interview with a child victim of sexual abuse

running head: Forensic Interview Of A Child With Sexual Abuse Forensic Interview Child with Sexual Abuse Submitted to [Pick the In the given scenario, the victim is a considerably older child i.e. Therefore, it can be suggested that the interviewer needed to build more rapport and lead the interviewer in an open-ended manner along with β†’

The song of solomon

Considered as one of the finest romantic poems, song of the songs is romance between Christ and his Church where Christ is the bridegroom and the Church his pretty bride. The reunion of the lovers is the reunion of the Church with Christ in hope that all sins will be forgiven.

Cognitive development

Jean Piaget the first psychologist to develop this study explained it in four stages: Sensorimotor Stage: the child gains knowledge through sensory experiences and manipulation of objects since the motor abilities and reflexes have developed and acquires object permanence. Preoperational Stage: the child is still not able to think logically and uses symbols as his β†’

Interview 3 widsom figures in your life- men or woman over 60 years of age

I would not have been able to cope with the aging process had it not been for the immense understanding and aid my family blessed me with. I divided my time between family and career by being a workaholic at my job and a family-devoted person after the work hours.

Case scenario: big time toymaker

The terms of agreement included the repetition of the key words of the distribution contract like cost, schedule, and commitments for BTT and Chou. Secondly, BTT asked Chou to send them a sample distribution agreement with all the details of the contract that the BTT agent sent to Chou.

What happened to euro-disney

So there is clearly a cultural gap which is a cause of many misunderstandings on the part of the American executives. Mickey Mouse and the Disney Park concept theme are considered as cultural abominations because it is entirely fictional in nature; it does not even reflect the American culture itself but was created purposely for β†’

Adult learning theory and practice

Thus, the aspect of utilizing the transformational theory of learning can make the students to become sensitive over other behaviors and likewise improve the communication process. The psychology of effective learning and teaching.

Effective instruction

In a situation where the are giving a correct response, but cannot explain why they are getting the correct response, the teacher needs to use sound questioning techniques to help the students understand if they are using the correct reasoning and steps to arrive at the answer. In the example provided, if the students' answers β†’

Product use for a resendential application

Vinyl Flooring When it comes to flooring, there are a lot of factors that need to be taken into consideration. The flooring cuts down on the level of noises in the room and also gives a lot of comfort underfoot.

Assignment 2

Steroids in Bodybuilding Competitions In the midst of increasing competition in body building competition, many young sports professionals have resulted to use of body building steroids to increase their muscle build up and strength. Due to the increased competition in body building sports, the players are allowed to use steroids to enhance their body muscle.

Self-evaluation global climate changes are manmade

A better way of writing this conclusion so that it is more supportive of the overall argument would be to write the following: " The emergence of the industrial revolution, in the 19th Century, accelerated the global warming process in different ways". As for the premises to support the conclusion one of the premises is β†’

To study the relation between satisfying and dissatisfying factors affecting workers productivity – thesis proposal example

There is dire need to study the relationship between the potential satisfying and dissatisfying factors so that measures taken by employers can be made effective in drawing the desired results by simultaneously addressing both satisfaction and dissatisfaction. If measures are taken to improve the workers' satisfaction in their work, their dissatisfaction also declines.

Not a good girl

For the very first time, women sought autonomy within marriage and revived the sexuality that was subdued in the course of the Victorian reign. Scholars and analysts argued the importance of a womans sexuality, in the process crushing the margins of Victorian fundamentals by reassembling the social welfare function.

Component program strategy

Therefore, one common strategy of measuring the outcome components of a program is through asking the correspondents questions relating to the program. The questions serve to assess the level of knowledge of the correspondents in respect to the program.

How conflict leads to disputes and the need for resolution

The suitability of a particular method is determined by the context in which the conflict arises. For example, the nature of the conflict, the issues at stake, the cultural sensibilities of the people involved, the economic costs, etc are all factors to be considered.

Nasser speach

Even though the critics say that it did not change much in the country but it did show that the Arabs are aware. One thing is for sure that the Arabs are aware, and they want to determine the destiny of their nation.

Globalization in its earliest stages

It seeks to do so by discussing the Mongols, the European engagement with the Americas, the relevance of the sack of Constantinople and Aztecs, the link between trade, culture, contact and conquest and the link between Marco and Columbus. It led to the exchange of ideas, technology, religion, cultures and information that were instrumental in β†’

Diplomatic history of the us since 1914

In other words, cold-war tension was palpable during the war as a result of the United States support of Israel and the U.S.S.R.'s support of its rivals. By the end of the war, popular cynicism of the Israel government reached its peak both domestically and internationally, leading to the resignation of top leaders.

Market orientation

A market-oriented firm can focus and retain its loyal customers that are of more value to the firm's business. In conclusion, market oriented firms focus on understanding, attracting and keeping their customers through continuous orientation as per the market change.

Designing effective organizations

This paper will identify the common characteristics in organizations, highlight some of the traits of an open and closed system of organization, and review some of the designs for creating an effective culture and environment in which an organization is given the ability to grow and thrive in the competitive external environment. The alignment of β†’

Internal policies (accounting ethics)

The draft can be as follows: After potential offers have been received from the external parties for business contracts, our internal department of quality control goes through all the possible nooks or corners of the proposal that verifies the proposal and intention of the clients As the next step, the accounts and the legal department β†’

Commnuincation skills

In addition to being a more effective listener in comprehension and interpretation, the in cooperation of non-verbal communication and verification of personal understanding through queries and paraphrasing is necessary. The ultimate goal of communication is to cultivate a common comprehension of what is said, heard, and understood within the message.

Place and temporal theory

Temporal theory Temporal theory of hearing postulates that the human perception of sound relies entirely on the patterns made on the temporal platform with which neurons respond to sound in the cochlea. The major problem with this theory is that not all pitch perception abilities taken note of can be solidly distinguished.

Questions 2

This implies that a product made out of the process of combining several components is more effective than the components that have been used to create it. It is during this period that I was able to begin the exercise of classifying objects.

Explanation of spss tables

0 Total 69 100. Table 12 Statistics Awarness of dark tourism N Valid 69 Missing 0 Awarness of dark tourism Frequency Valid Percent Valid Very aware 7 10.

Flight deck human-machine interface

There exist potential hazards to the flight deck technologies that aim to enhance human-machine interaction. The human-machine interaction is limited to persistent design errors and safety-critical applications for a particular system.

Graphic design and architecture

Architecture and graphic design are fundamentally linked as communication tools, they may be coupled to create unique modern results, and the theory of design plays a role in cross-over of design elements between the two design disciplines. The Prada building provides a unique example of the coupling of elements of graphic design with those of β†’

Risk factors for helicobacter pylori infections among residents in a native american settlement

Total follow up of the entire population is not possible so the population is segmented and regular follow up will be maintained in the current research. Contribution to social change: The study will help in the prevention of H.pylori infection at an earlier age.

A brief for a financial case

TeamSystem provided an excellent investment opportunity, but there were various challenges and risks facing the company, and Elson had to evaluate the viability of the investment in TeamSystem. In the process of raising extra capital, the shareholding of TeamSystem was to be changed, and Palamon was to be the largest shareholder acquiring full control of β†’

Offer and acceptance

Similarly, in Partridge v Crittenden, 2 the High Court ruled that there was no violation of the law prohibiting the offering to sell wild birds except those bred in captivity and of the closed-ring specimen despite the advertisement to that effect because it was merely an offer to treat and not a legitimate offer of β†’


The child I was observing was the only child in the family and he had been surrounded by love and support throughout his entire life, that's why he was quite self-centered because of a specific nurture. Probably the reason why it took so long for the toddler to socialize was that he was nurtured to β†’

Forum apa

Quality Sources in Writing In academic writing, it is critical to understand the type of sources that are allowed for use. Quality sources are also used in writing to ensure that the student does not fall to be a victim of plagiarizing.

Combining qualitative and quantitative sampling

Although differences exist between quantitative and qualitative research methods, both are similar in the sense that they both employ the concept of sampling. In both methods, research is carried out on a sample selected from the overall population.

International human rights law and how the health care has improved in 3 counties

International Human Rights Law and Health Care al Affiliation International Human Rights Law and Health Care Human rights violations have dominated many countries across all continents in the world. Through the recognition of the international laws that relate human rights to health and poverty reduction, Kenya has progressed tremendously in the area of reproductive health.

Environmental impacts of road construction

It aims to abide, in the planning stages of road schemes, to avoid or reduce the negative impacts on the natural environment, and if such are not avoidable, to at least mitigate or lessen the impact. There is thus a need to assess the impact of the proposed road on the " hydromorphological and physicochemical β†’

Strength assignments

Since it was my idea, my team members looked up to me to know the details and where to start. The result came out to be very productive and we all got grade A, and it was I who everyone gave the credit to!

Reaction 10

Emotional Intelligence School Even though emotional intelligence may not seem like a real intelligence, because emotions arevery ambivalent and it is difficult to estimate them, still in many cases the ability to analyze human emotions helps people to predict others' actions and define what kind of personalities they deal with; hence, emotional intelligence is a β†’

Assignment week two

The shared vision certainly brings a lot of new ideas for every one especially for the leader and enables him to satisfy his topic of lecture more satisfactorily. During all trainings, I myself frequently adapted this discipline and obtained a lot of new ideas to make the topic of lecture more satisfying and more useful.

Operating systems vendor lock-in

In order for the costs associated with installation and implementation to be worthwhile, the application should provide multiple uses and those that we may deem useful in the future of our organization. All the factors mentioned above would need to be considered in choosing a new software application and vendor.

Kohlbergs moral stage theory

At this stage, the sense of morality in me has bloomed to its full development, where I have attained the constructs of " social contract" and " legalistic orientation" and I perceive right action in terms of the alignment of citizens' right with the behavioral standards as prescribed by the society. This article by the β†’

Discussion 9

Barriers for implementation of Six Sigma by Small and Medium Enterprises By Ragunath, A.& Jayathirta, R.V. I absolutely agree with the facts and the study of this article because small and medium enterprises need to breakthrough to the bigger circle of business so that they can compete at a bigger level.

Inability to performance a contractual duty

The main roles of the courts are to interpret the laws and pass appropriate judgments in accordance with both the US Constitution and the state constitutions. In order for Ralph to win this case, his argument must be presented strongly by invoking the statutes of the Federal Government and the state of Nevada that prohibit β†’

Critical thinking paper draft and self-evaluation

Smoking is injurious to health and this is a well known fact, I have been smoking for quite some time now and I would like to quit and in order to do that I need to have a lot of discipline. I am completely motivated and geared up to stop smoking, I remember I smoked β†’

Cennection between power and motivation

Connection between power and motivation The power to motivate others and lead an organization is in the hands of the top managers of a company. In an organization or in a company, managers are responsible for getting the work done and the quality and quantity of the work done by the employees depend on how β†’

Strategy theory and practice

Home Building Industry and Debt Ceiling Debate A ic definition of the home building industry is the constructing or designing of residential homes. Homebuyers' wallets do not always dictate the changes in buyers' tastes, though the current economic situation has intimidated the development of home building and has effectively limited the variety of new homes β†’

Competitive strategies

These metrics are important because they determine the amount of work or resources used to produce the company's products, and the amount of revenue received. As a result, the company is able to plan effectively for its business activities to achieve competitive advantage in the marketplace.for example, the amount of sales will determine whether the β†’

The payg system

The tax tables under PAYG system are structured to result in a refund when an Income tax return is processed. Employers deduct tax according to the published tables from wages and the net amount is paid to employees.

Sociology applied 5 (gender, race and ethnicity)

The receptionist was very aggressive and discourteous in the way she responded to my brother's questions and guided him. She asked number of questions to him as if she was terrified of the confirmation of my brother's job in their company.

Discussion questions

number Association of the film: London, Baskerville Hall and the moor with Gothic elements The perspective of the film in light with architecture is to bring out the elements of the gothic revival period that signified the lives of masters and their servants. The setting in the film is a symbolic representation of the narrative β†’

“why college education is important to me”

College education is important to me because it facilitates the acquisition of life skills that are gained in the common units. It is also important for me to acquire a college education in order to be competitive in the global job market.

My introduction

From my classmates that have been receiving online education in the past, I would like to ask if such videos as available on youtube are more useful in clarifying the concepts as compared to websites that provide us with printed information about the subject. I personally believe that online education is a wonderful means of β†’

Coase theorem

The allocation of property rights initially determines whether it is efficient for a firm to incur additional costs, especially in the event of damages. Therefore, based on transaction and social costs, it is possible for the government to intervene on the production process of a firm in order to ensure that it is operating optimally β†’

Primary crime data sources in the united states

Crime Data Sources The two most comprehensive sources of statistical data on crime in the United s are the Federal Bureau of InvestigationsUniform Crime Reports and the National Incident-Based Reporting System. For example, Roberts used the National Incident-Based Reporting System data, and similar data from Japan to compare the homicide clearance rates in Japan and β†’

Review of

Answers to Waking Life/Inception Questions The films " Waking Life" and " Inception" both provide us with the examples of how conditional the border between the dream and the real life is, and this is also because of the matter of consciousunconscious things. There is also a person in the end of the film very β†’

Analytic hierarchy process artical review and comparison

According to the article, a business process strategy is designed in such a way that success is achieved in the financial sector of the organization, in satisfying the requirements of the customer, in successfully implementing the internal operations of the organization as well as in managing the human resources of the organization. Since the context β†’


Friedrich, explores the idea of associating the main highlights of Baroque as a period relevant to the pattern of politics and economics, in art and music, religion, philosophy, and the sciences. In other words, the Author's purpose is to provide the meaningful detail of the aspects linked to the Baroque period, by engaging the concepts β†’

Marketing plan development blog

As a result of a pre-arranged deal with the suppliers, the production costs are low for the company translating to a pocket friendly cost of the same to the consumers. Thus with enough resources and efficient services it will be easier to acquire new markets for the products being offered by the company such as β†’

Business statistic

Results This paper aims to reveal the result of the analysis of the 62 unscheduled repair reports randomly selected to give a clear prediction of the total repair cost based on the number of hours of operation of the equipments for A & A Industrial Products. Table 1 Relationship between Repair cost and Hours of β†’

Urgent – due in 24 hours: 2page response on beowulf

Without the deliberate act of casting Grendel in the form of a monster, the poem would not have achieved the sense of horror and the instances of anxiety, tension, and suspense, which effectively aid in the development of the plot. The sequence of action is designed in a way that prepares the stage for the β†’

Emergency management

Emergency Management The purpose of our local, and federal governing agencies is to prevent the humans from sufferings and also to protect their life and health. The prime responsibility of the government is to be prepared for disasters and to be in particular about the post disaster response.

Business research

These are: Phenomenology: originating in philosophy and psychology Ethnography: based on anthropology Grounded Theory: based on sociology Case Studies: originates in psychology and in business research Under these categories come the tools which form the qualitative research design. The main aim of these questionnaires is to ask questions according to the research objectives.