Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Global business environment

The restrictions on the geographical boundaries that constrained the movement and growth of the business houses have disappeared since long and have provided the opportunities for the businesses to expand within and outside their respective countries. This strategy has made the global expansion of the company to an unimaginable position and has also made the β†’

Ismg 2

This is what The Kid, in the book, Adventures of an IT Leader, meant. According to Maggie, it is essential for a CIO to speak the language of IT particularly with business partners.

Art-opinion paper

Discussion The Great Western Art Gallery is a contemporary museum of fine art, with a comprehensive collection of art work from various genres, besides traditional Western and Native American art. The Great Western Art Gallery is a member of the Professional Picture Framers Association with the Mountain and Plains Chapter.

Critique summary of a research study

The purpose of the study was further described in the background section which clarified that delirium is a rather common occurrence in frail older adults and there is a need for the development of an understanding concerning the factors which influence recovery. Procedures for the study included an interview at the time of admission to β†’

Sustainable food production

What was the purpose of the production sheet? The purpose of the production sheet, therefore, was to clearly identify whether the problem lay in the patients or the employees.

Leading change

The policies of the company were counterproductive making the company a very unattractive working place from the company. The philosophy of Great Game of life was to help Simmons change its organization culture, leadership style and communication models in order for the company to grow.


The company was established in the year 1985 and quickly rose to become one of the major organizations. Sociological and media aspects of the scandal The Enron Scam is one of the worst examples of ethical failure.

Antigone and creon

Antigone and King Creon Antigone and Creon are the main protagonists of the play, which is based on their belief and pride. The major conflict is on the burial of Polyneices, the challenge is based on the laws of respect.

Annal report

The annual financial reports are developed to provide shareholders and other company stakeholders information on the operations of the company and the financial performance. The authority and responsibilities associated with preparation of the annual accounting reports and associated financial statements=, lies with the company directors.

Learning reflection

Also, I learned how to manage issues of the healthcare setting, and how imperative healthcare quality and wellbeing is for patients, family, and team member. I realized how management is crucial for improving productivity and quality of the health care.

Investment risk and insurance companies

I agree with you that often insurance companies have to accept the risk of the transaction. I agree with you that risk is a matter of perception because risk is relative to the eyes of the beholder.

How historians make use of other social sciences

The matter of fact is that the discipline of history comprises of certain other subjects and those subjects are part and parcel of history. Also, the trend among the historians suggests that the scholars of history have used other disciplines of social science within the periphery of the gamut of history.


The statistics and records present apparent and obvious results that the infant mortality rates in U.S.are different between various races and ethnic groups and demonstrate a much higher proportion amongst the black non-Hispanic people in contrast to the white, non-Hispanic and Hispanic citizens of United States. Statistical data and records of infant mortality also state β†’

Evaluation of video briefing of susan rice

Indeed, there were attacks, she seems to understand the situation, and hence she is brief and clear in her response to sum up the whole story. She mentions that FBI agents are on the ground to carry out preliminary investigations and give substantive finds of what exactly led to the attacks on the American embassy.

Ideological racism vs prejudice

Ideological racism is a concept that is more entrenched into the fabric of society. Institutional discrimination is the blatant expression of prejudiced attitudes and beliefs, which is often backed by legislation.

The past, present and future of standards in software engineering

The Evolution of Standards in Software Engineering The Evolution of Standards in Software Engineering Software engineering is relatively the basic element of developing software programs. In conclusion, to best understand what standards in software engineering are achieving, it is crucial to take a look at the modern world.

Opportunity cost

Scarcity is the tendency of the goods and services to be limited in supply necessitating choice of one of the very many options available and this leads to the opportunity cost. The concept of the opportunity cost is a culmination of the major economic problem which involves the ever limited resources in the society and β†’

Coxsackie-athens high school valedictory speech

My own view is that the potential to learn and the probe cannot be suppressed if we do not allow it. It is about time that people begin to see that grades do not make the person.

Violence in the ancient world

This is especially true of the area in the story where the Cyclops drinks of wine, and therefore the opportunity presents itself to Odysseus to be able to stab out one of the monsters eyes in order to gain the upper hand of control. The example this research will use to prove the often times, β†’

Discussion 4

The article starts by pointing out the increased public health community interest in quality and performance improvement in recent years. It is important that the author has mentioned about the move in the hospital and industry sectors of embracing diverse set of terms having the same principles, which have revolved over years.

Buddhist scriptures

Buddhism is a religion of love and compassion on the basis of the level of spiritual progression of a particular individual. That is the state of bliss and in terms of Buddhism it is called Buddha nature.

Katz’s paradoxes of evil

Naturally, the basic assumption is that if an individual is good they will act or behave in a good manner and if they are evil minded then they will engage in evil ways. In conclusion the highlighted points make me deduce that there are a number of factors that may make an ordinary person to β†’

Feminist ethics (carol gilligan)

Analysis of " Moral Orientation and Moral Development" by Carol Gilligan The points raised by Carol Gilligan in her work " Moral Orientation and Moral Development" remind me of the essence of understanding perspectives and creating sound judgments after thoughts which I believe must be carefully devoted to thorough learning of orientations unique to distinct β†’

Careers in biosciences

Of late, I have been analyzing the available careers for me, and the more I came to learn about bioinformatics the more I got interested in it. This can be attributed to the increase in academic programs in bioinformatics, which has lead to the increase in the number of graduates who are chasing jobs.

Theories of white collar crime

Theories of White Collar Crime Edwin Sutherland first analyzed white-collar crime in 1939 where he analyzed an understanding of the relationship of business and crime. Clinard, M, & Yeager, P.

Global Study Katz Jonathan’s book

Agreeably, Haiti is one of the world's poorest countries, but my opinion is that the international community cannot really be blamed for the harm that resulted from the aid they extended towards the country. It is true that much of the pledged money in terms of aid after the 2010 earthquake was not received, but β†’

Personal reaction to the book deaf like me by thomas s. spradley

If I have not learned about the hardship that Spradley took in teaching Lynn to speak, and also why there are schools that do not include sign languages in their curriculum, I would not have learned about the importance of the discussion regarding the principles the involves teaching deaf children to use sign languages and β†’

Early virginia

Their hard work and high production rate formed the backbone of the successful and rigid economic status that prevails in the American continent. The labor shortage in America promoted slave trade, and the European powers were competing on the number of slaves.

Thomas jefferson

Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson, one of the foremost historical figures of the United s and the architect of the Declaration of Independence, has been the reason for hot debates in the modern rethinking of the history. There have been a number of writings on the most notable characteristic feature in the life of this genius β†’

Women in early buddhism and christian gnosticism

The Buddhist and Gnostic myths explain how the current degenerate state of humanity came about and the fall of humanity from perfection, bringing about distinctions such as male and female, heaven and earth. The author has a conflicting opinion about the negative attitude towards women by citing Buddhist scriptures showing the participation of women in β†’

Chalet booking system analysis and design

The paper " Thanks to Students and Teachers for Their Assistance in the Implementation of the Final Year Project" is a delightful example of a speech on education. I am pleased to stand before you as I present my final year project, which is a demonstration of the hard work that I have injected in β†’

Hardware manufacturing company

Justification Expenses of air-shipment from LA to Houston = $38 for up-to 2, 400lbs for each 100lbs unit Expenses of air-shipment from LA to Atlanta = $40 for up-to 2, 400lbs for each 100lbs unit From Houston to Little Rock and Minneapolis, it will take trucks less than five days to ship the units. It β†’

Social media leadership: leveraging consumer conversations as a new source of value – dissertation example

The study provides an analytical framework for organizations to promote and exploit the potential benefits of social media to strengthen customer relationships and generate business value. Research questions The research study explores the different dimensions related to the implementation of social media leadership and the managerial approaches that can be used by businesses to maximize β†’

Response to the conjoined twins judgment

The religious position held by the parents of the twins would surmount to double tragedy since it would result in the death of both the twins. It is also in order for the medical fraternity to preserve the right of children by trying to save the life of at least one of the twins.

Lierature review outline

Distributive Justice Tradition -Greenburg, Organizational Justice Today - Cohen-Charash and Spector, Role of Justice in Organizations a. Procedural Justice -Greenburg, Organizational Justice Today - Cohen-Charash and Spector, Role of Justice in Organizations a.

Management concepts: business development program

The General Service Administration would be the most beneficial to a small business in my community because it opens up ways for the business to get government contracts and offers awareness to the owners on the opportunities. The two additional elements to support small businesses include fast loan closings and credit decisions for the reason β†’

Moda operandi a new style of fashion retail

In spite of the institutionalized fashion press and sales surfeit channels being in existence, Aslaug realized that retailers and designers are still not sure of the demand of consumers, especially for pieces with many high-end and conceptual runaway. Upfront payment of cash and high gross margins caused the business to attract with in terms of β†’

Thinking aloud in dispensing drugs

The dependent variables to be measured are the time it takes to dispense the drugs, the number of actions the participant makes, and the number of mistakes detected. The dependent variables will be measured with a stopwatch, and by tallying the number of movements and number of errors detected using a pen and paper.

Response to students posting

The rationale for this could be that there are enumerable external factors that could influence diverse issues and so policymakers opt to decide on the most pressing issues given the resources and current macro-environmental status of the time. Therefore, to see policy-makers in a democratic society to manifest behaviors which exhibit the culture of instant β†’

Understanding of the material presented on social learning and general strain theories

The difference between the two that, general strain theory puts emphases on the negative relationships with others while the theory of social learning focuses much on the cognitive information acquired through the learning process. The social learning theory has some general similarities with the theory of general strain.

Identify the degree to which you are a tool using animal and monitor and reflect upon your current levels of technology use

Facilitator Man as a " tool using animal The evolution of modern technological tools The modern association of technology and day-to-day activities is a precise reminiscence of the critical niche that tool use and tool-making has formed in human life since the evolutionary era. The current development and use of modern technological tools attest to β†’

The affordable care act

It forms the most significant regulatory revamp of the healthcare system in USA since the passage and implementation of the Medicaid and Medicare in 1965. The purpose of ACA is to improve the quality, accessibility, and affordability of health insurance, reducing the rate of the uninsured through expansion of private and public insurance coverage, and β†’

Project planning

Drawing a detailed chart of all the steps to be taken and all the procedures to be involved in overall task.iii. A detailed description of charges, terms and conditions which vendor applies for the task.

Southeast asian in the us

South East Asian in the US Secondary Migration is a term used to define a child whose coming of age in America was the product of one of the following scenarios. Midway to nowhere on the other hand, defines the state of mind that a refugee who fled his homeland in a panic oftentimes has.

Make use of any of the poems/creative examples we’ve circulated in class and/or come up with your own material

COLONIAL DIS AND POST-COLONIAL THEORY: REVIEW College: Colonial Dis and Post-Colonial Theory: Review A reflection of both colonial and post colonial Africa is outlined by Patrick Williams and Laura Chrisman in Colonial discourse and Post-colonial theory. The authors have explored the different issues that the colonized groups face, the anti-colonial resistance encountered by the colonialists, β†’

Business ethic case

Accountability and Workplace Racism Who is responsible for solving the problem of racism in the workplace? Counselors have a responsibility to help mitigate the damage done by racism in the workplace.

Interdiction to psychology

The anterior hippocampus is a part of the brain that is crucial for learning and the formation of memory. Erickson and colleagues carried out a research study on 120 older adults to prove that aerobic training exercise increases the size of the anterior hippocampus thus leading to improvement of spatial memory.

Brain rules

This is because of its ability to have survived the environment and to have ruled the world. This means that every person has a different brain network and is different because each component of the brain has its task.

Reading reflection 7

Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Delinquency According to the Youth Transition Funders Group, an organization that advocates for reforms in youth and juvenile justice, approximately 100, 000 teens are held in jail on a daily basis in the United States. As we have seen, the juvenile justice system in the US β†’


In my opinion, I do believe that Thiel Fellowship is an excellent opportunity for the young people since it gives a networking opportunity. I believe that Thiel Fellowship makes one to face the reality of life instead of the theoretical practice in classes.

The financial performance of the best pty ltd

Turning to the balance sheet accounts of the business organization, it should be noted that the mounting finance costs can be traced to the ballooning of assets which is unmatched by the growth in equity. It should be noted that this decline indicates the company's inability to create net income which adds to shareholder wealth β†’

Cultural issues facing starbucks

There are distinct differences in the operation of its outlets in different countries and Saudi Arabia, Cyprus and UK are some of the countries which are scintillating examples that reflect these differences. In Cyprus and UK, the Starbucks is conscious about diversity and ensures that it employs people from across race, gender, culture and nations.

What companies or organization have shown strong commitment to making the world a better placehow do their practices align with your personal views of ethical behavior

One of the companies that I admire for making the world a better place is Apple. I know that Apple has a bad reputation for some of its practices, but I believe that the world is a better place for what Apple has contributed.

Traditions and cultures

Traditions and Cultures In the contemporary society that is composed of diverse groups of people, it is particularly important to honor their traditions without inadvertently disadvantaging anyone. On the one hand, when the society is tolerant of other cultures, there is a shade of meaning that those cultures are able to harm the social environment β†’

Is google making the digital divide worse

Summary of Is Google Making the Digital Divide Worse In the article, Brick argues that in the coming days Google envisions that access to the internet will be mandatory for all human beings. Worse still, Google Fiber is making the divide worse as it continues to define the have and have not's in the β†’

Current issue magazine feature: occupy central

The movement claims that the Chinese Government cannot inhibit the intrinsic rights of humans, including freedom of speech and political representation in the government. The reason being that universal suffrage is still not permitted in this peculiar model of democracy.

Final exam

Pericles as a Tyrant Sources such as Thucydides in, " History of the Peloponnesian war and Plutarchs life of Pericles" explore the possibility that Pericles was or resembled a tyrant from the way he persuaded and powers impression. Even though, he was from an aristocratic family, he had a determination of diverting power from the β†’

Health care reform (case study)

Health Care Reform Health Care Reform Eric Wright, the director of the Indiana Center for Health and Policy, opines that the proposed structural changes will not be sufficient enough for the planned healthcare reform initiative to meet its desired goals effectively. Wright argues that the proposed policy fails to address many socio-cultural trends in the β†’

The problems facing palestine and israel

Currently, as you argue, the situation at the west bank is the main reason for the tension and animosity facing the two countries. The United States in various occasions, you indicate, has tried to restore peace in the two warring countries.

Should i vote for a second fiscal stimulus bill

In The General Theory by John Maynard Keynes, he proposes that the economy's total income was, in the short-run, defined largely by the planned spending of households, businesses and the government- thus the more people want to spend and the more firms can sell, the more labor they will eventually hire and the more output β†’

Woodrow wilson

While it would be na ve to assume that this telegram was a primary reason for the United States involvement, such a telegram clearly demonstrated to the United States public that German aggression extended beyond involvement in Europe but was increasingly advancing to their backyard. If the United States had not entered the war it's β†’

Personality and values

Values affect the cohesiveness of a workplace by defining what is perceived to be right and what is perceived to be wrong by members of the organization. Factors such as the loss of a close relative may have also played a role in his conservative nature to retain his earlier developed personality and values.

The tryals of joseph dawson, edward forseith, william may, [brace] william bishop, james lewis, and john sparkes for several piracies and robberies by them committed

On the other hand, the witnesses for the kings were sworn in whereby, the Grand Jury withdrew and returned back afterwards and the case proceeds. It can be scrutinized that both piracy crimes and other sins have a linear correlation in terms of jurisdiction applied by the court.

Discussion topic/ replies

This gives the accountants enough time to collect all funds, reconcile whatever they have to, pay off whatever they have to and get working on a budget for the next year sooner than a calendar year would. This will increase the credibility of financial statements and hence it is wiser to have a fiscal year β†’

Watch the film on a speech by renown anti-racist activist the pathology of white privilege of tim wise

Tim Wise - The Pathology of White Privilege: Video review Tim Wise - The Pathology of White Privilege Tim wise, the author of " White like me" shared his views to the audience. He argues that white Americans use the word underprivileged for the black and Latin Americans but who is then " overprivileged".

Astronomy of history

My preconception of the article before reading it was that, a planet like object in the solar system, which is bigger that Pluto can be classified as a planet. However, going through the report changed this preconceptions as it shows how complicated the definition of a planet is.

The uses and abuses of nationalism

The Uses and Abuses of Nationalism The sectors of commerce and trade are central to economic development across the world. From the ancient times, the political systems have been very influential in trade and commerce.

Technical summary

Sf21 insect cells and the insect larvae were infected using recombinant baculovirus dilution to attain the amount of pfu per dose required for each selection. Results A comparison of HA protein generation yields for the insect larvae cultures and the recombinant baculoviruses in larvae were done.

How will augmented reality (ar) and unmanned aerial vehicles (uavs) function, and how might

Lecturer Augmented Reality and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Introduction An Augmented Reality is a form of virtual reality whose main purpose is to duplicate the environment in the world in a computer. Conclusion As noted, the use of Augmented Reality and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles technologies is very crucial in the modern world.

Critical summary

According to the article, the truth of the reductionist theory is based on the presumption of sexual pleasure being uniform across different sexual encounters and is based on the philosophy of the mind. Experiencing the pleasure associated with the sexual activity results in satisfaction of the human sexual desire.

Capital investment decision making

Capital Investment Decision Making Capital Investment Decision Making A capital investment scenario of a healthcare organization is the decision to invest in physical therapy through setting up a physical therapy department. Among the decisions that the organization will have to make before the investment are the effects of this venture on the organization's culture.

Forecasting business needs

We have based the overall production level based on our 6 percent market share of a $39 billion industry. Because there has been a considerable fluctuation in sales during the fourth quarter of previous years, we used a centered moving average to arrive at our results to compensate for the seasonal changes.

Writing to learn 3

Carbohydrates are key sources of nutrients such as magnesium, iron, vitamin B and phytonutrients, which aid in the processing of the red blood cells, muscle contraction and fighting disease. 1 Pound a Day: The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox and Plan for a Lifetime of Healthy Eating.

Sex, drugs, and the fear of secular music

Sex, Drugs, and the Fear of Secular Music The Christian issue of secular music cycles through society's collective imagination with a precision worthy of the passing of the seasons. Christians need to move beyond trying to label music, accept it that we learn about sin from the sinners, and in this world of diverse secular β†’

Effects of food pricing on low and middle class americans

Effects of Food Pricing on low and middle class Americans In the wake of new technology, climatic shifts and dynamics of food prices in the global market has caused the fear food prices rising the United States to be immediate. The increase in food pricing thus creates a barrier for the lower-middle income class β†’

Ready to eat:accounting information system

The owner is thinking to introduce information systems in its business processes to improve the management and performance efficiency of the firm. Introduction of Information Systems in RTE RTE is a small business enterprise engaged in the business of preparation and distribution of meals in packaged form to its customers.

Phase 1

In fact the public relation is increasingly becoming one of the most important areas that have major influence on the overall performance of the companies. It is therefore important to realize the multifaceted advantages of the public relation that makes it imperative for the company to improvise and introduce new elements of image building in β†’

Military lessons learned

Since the armed forces always engage in defense and sometimes go to war, they really needed the thinkers and planners on how to use their armed members to the fullest to achieve the objective. In retrospect: The tragedy and lessons of Vietnam.

Critical response paper (unexpected but authentic use of an ethnicallymarked dialect)

The article is about the use of AAVE in speeches of the whites who have lived in the neighborhood of Blacks and the other Europeans or non-black users. In addition, the article outlines the use of tone by the blacks' speakers of AAVE.


The questionnaire should target critical aspects of the professor's teaching methodology and the students' performance in the course. Diagnostic control system is arguably the best way to allow the professor and students to know if his or her teaching is effective.

Starbucks in 2004: driving for global dominance

Is his present strategic vision for Starbucks different from the one, he had in the 1980s? This is in line with Schultz's current vision whereby he intends to position Starbucks as the most respected, recognized brand and leading roaster retailer globally.

History of texas

number History of Texas In an attempt to conquer the Coahuiltecan lands in 1554, the Spanish faced heavy resistancefrom the Indians whereby some of them were killed while those who survived settled in Mexico. Therefore, it is evident that the introduction of epidemics to the Indians in Texas led to the elimination of the ethnic β†’

Case analysis hw memo #3: teamwork turmoil

Another challenge was lack of proper team co-ordination, majorly characterized by lack of direction in the manner activities are conducted in the team works for instance procedures of communication. Select a team leader to facilitate coordination of group activities in a manner aligned to the group objectives and goals.

Rethinking the federal bias toward home-ownership

The author of the article points out that America's policy structure is flawed for the fact that it has drastic consequences- Borrowing in the country is subsidized which led to the great housing bubble. The most important aspect of rental housing in America is that rental units are not single family dwellings-they are all multi-family β†’

Article critique #2

Parenting Styles of Substance-Abusing Mothers Suchman et al.'s article on parenting interventions for mothers in treatment for substance abuse was published by the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment in January of 2007, and is available in PDF format from the PubMed database. The group therapy lasted for 24 weeks and the children and mothers completed β†’

Week 3 forum

It is during the outbreak of the First world war in 1914 that the African Americans began the revolution for equal rights that involved the general African American community even those who were not serving in the military. At this time, the US government did not want African Americans to serve in the war because β†’

Critical review c

March 22, The Controlled Environment of an Un-House in Philip Johnson's Glass House Philip Johnson's glass house in New Canaan, Connecticut demonstrates the concept of a controlled environment through an un-house structure. Banham is right to argue that the glass house is not a controlled environment, but an un-house, but Wright would have stressed that β†’

Mission and vision paper

Mission and Vision ment Caribou Coffee Company, Inc.was reported to have originated from the owners' journey to Sable Mountain in 1990. In this regard, the new mission and vision statements for Caribou Coffee Company, Inc.pursuant to concepts in strategic management are as follows: 1.


A group of researchers in their article that is titled The Effect of Immigration along the Distribution of Wages came to a different conclusion and presented the evidence for it. The article found that the phenomenon of immigration has largely negative effect on the wage distribution among the native works that are located in the β†’

The strangulation of women in patriarchal society

The causes of the cycle of violence are clear in Susan Glaspell's " Trifles". Words and symbolism depict the tension in the story, as they demonstrate the contrasting effects of gender norms on men and women.

Why is the u.s. civil war thought to be the first modern war

Some scholars also define the US Civil War as the first modern war, & the last Ancient war. The war marked the usage of first ' modern gun'.

Reaction paper 10

Emotional Intelligence and Its Role in People's Life The of the Emotional Intelligence and Its Role in People's Life Every human at least once in life has thought of what he or she is given for gaining success in the world of competitive proposals, positions, and status in the society. As for the negative aspect β†’


The overall organizational structure therefore was designed in a manner to delegate work and empower employees to engage in hard work and develop integrity. Her actions to include women in workforce as well as rewarding competent and hardworking employees are some of the examples of how she uses intrinsic motivation.

Journal: assessing sources for credibility

Journal: Assessing Sources for Credibility The types of sources most credible include online and physical educational libraries, scientific peer-reviewed articles, Google Scholar, and library desk helps. Online and physical educational libraries are credible because they hold searchable pools of academic works, scientific articles, encyclopedias, and useful references.

Term structure of interest rates

Term Structure of Interest Rates Term structure of interest rates is defined as the relation that exists between yield to maturity of zero coupon securities of same credit quality and maturities of zero coupon securities. This theory tries to explain the relation linking the yield of a debit instrument and its maturity period.

Health care legal

Health Care Legal Reporting Systems for Medical Errors Errors in the field of medical practice are considered unintentional and generally occur owing to carelessness on the part of the medical expert treating the patient which leads to fatal incidents. In that, the healthcare concern can arrange for proper training of the medical staffs to render β†’