Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Global trends and my career

The Global Trends of the world till the next five to ten years uphold the fact that the United States of America will prove to be leading ahead the world in terms of technology, power as well as military. The duty of protecting the soil of the country as well as the well being of β†’

Chapter analysis

The relationship between the narrator and the trees is explained when the narrator admits that he looks upon the trees for hope. It is the duty of the municipal to take care of the trees and protect them.

Killing torture idealism: logos in intuition and pathos in counter-aesthetics of torture

Torture idealism refers to beliefs that romanticize torture because of the perception that it can attain " accurate information" and that it relieves anxiety over the imagined " ticking time bomb". The most effective way of contesting torture idealism would be combining pathos and logos appeals through the " Ancient Empiric" and " The Counter-Aesthetics β†’

The best educational programs

The value based education in PLNU is one of the most cherished factors that would help me to fulfill my long term goals of serving community with high degree of commitment and in promoting ethically delivered objectives and goals. In the current environment of fast paced life, the PLNU helps one to be grounded in β†’

The practice of bluffing

The Practice of Bluffing Bluffing may actually, after all, be a sound ethical practice in business and elsewhere. Carr's premise suggests that it is a widely accepted practice to employ bluffing in the normal course of business practices.

Environmental racism, climate change,

The pros of legal pragmatism include, the attitudes and methods of pragmatic thought are good for public environmental decisions making; it focuses on the accomplishment of social ends and social justice through advocating for judicial adherence to the interpretations of environmental statutes; it focuses on innovation and experimentation to problem solving. Either the most affluent β†’

Argumentation of the desire to enter the university

Well, there are a lot of advantages of being a student at the university but the main thing is to have the desire to study. In my case it is my willingness and desire that urges me on entering the university.

The poem patriotism by sir walter scott

The poem is addressed directly to the audience since it does call the audience to action in order to go and mark such a man since the end of such a man would be ' unwept, unhonoured and unsung' as per the last line of the poem. For example, the first point where allusions come β†’

Answer the question for the journal -this is for health ethics and law class

The Realm in this case is organizational as it involves the patient and the health facility team. In the case of the 64 year old woman, the team informed the patient on the need for her to be placed on tube feeding.


I have presented the main arguments presented by proponents of GM food, which focus on the way in which it can improve on nature, feed a hungry world, and be beneficial to the environment; at the same time I have endeavored to present opposing views that focus on its implications to health, the environment and β†’

Business ethics

Paige's behavior was certainly beyond the pale and it is also quite conspicuous that she has no ethics whatsoever and the woman who had a reservation should take this matter up with the hotel management. Paige's behavior should be reported to the management by the other woman who arrived late and had a reservation.

Role of community and public health nurses

Role of Community and Public Health Nurses The article ' Outbreak Investigations' by Maria J Sistrom and Patty J Hale attempts to highlight the role of community and public health nurses in eliciting community participation in the early detection and control of disease outbreaks. The article presents the advantages of involving members of the β†’

Child development through sports

In recent years, experts are trying to investigate the social, physical, and psychological needs of children, so that efficient steps can be taken to ensure their proper development. In this regard, a number of social, physical, and psychological needs are essential and important to enhance the process of personality development in children around the globe.

Media and war on terror

Teacher What do you believe the role of the media is in the " War on Terror?" Why? The role of media on the war on terror is more than reporting the events that transpired during the war on terror.

Play therapy and autistic students ( pst survey )

Play Therapy and Autistic Survey to Assess the Effectiveness of Play Therapy Dear Teacher/ Parent The school is trying to develop a program that will improve the students' social and language skills. I wish to know if you noticed any difference in the students in the two key areas of social skills and language skills β†’

Whatever you see fits

By the democrats clinching the most Electoral College votes, one would be of the opinion that the states' votes decision was in favor of the democrats. By clinching the most electoral votes, it is palpable that the success of the incumbent executive office will be aided by the majority of the states.

Federalist and antifederalist

The objective of this paper is to understand the arguments of each side and synthesize the thought processes of the writers. The following quote from the Federalist Paper underlines this aspect of Hamilton's appeal to the people: " But the fact is, that we already hear it whispered in the private circles of those who β†’


Physical violence is the most common form of violence though other forms of violence such as rape, stalking. According to Berrios and Grady, people who live with alcohol and drug abusers are at a risk of violence.

Transfer wise

Transfer Wise Transfer Wise is a new method of transferring money, whereby users would have to swipe their money, for purposes of beating the interbank rates. This enables the users of the company to receive their money without paying the banking fees.

How to get benifit & cost saving for marketing planning

The marketing plan should be organized in such a manner that it specifically demonstrates the benefit of cost saving to the customer or the distributor. Use the proper message Once the target is identified, it is necessary to address in the marketing plan, a message that clearly and aggressively tackles the requirements of such customers, β†’

Quiz 1

Repeatability Malware A general term used to describe a program or piece of code that is general harmful to the normal use or operation of a computer system. Harsh value A process used to determine that a forensic image is an exact, bit-by-bit copy of the original source media.

Principles of war

Principles Of War Washington, which was referred as the Americans, had been observing and applying the best principles of war that enabled them to acquire the advantage during their battle with the British. The effect of this principle is that the British were able to push back the Americans hence giving them a chance β†’

The overlapping periods of the renaissance

Teacher Renaissance I would like to choose the Renaissance period because I believe this period made the most significant impact in the Modern Western Civilization. In sum, the Renaissance period revived interest in reason which gave birth to renaissance that paved the way for inventions and many discoveries that Modern Western Civilization is based upon.

Persuading my parents

One of the major obstacles that would prevent my parents from allowing me to have the freedom that I deserved was their belief that I may be inexperienced and vulnerable to dangers. The language I chose to address my parents, and the diction appealed to their emotions to let me have the freedom I felt β†’

Three main types of prevention

The third type of prevention is tertiary that is designed to reduce the impairments and suffering caused by alcohol abuse. To a large extent, I believe that prevention is better than cure and primary prevention is the best solution that can be implemented to address the problem of alcohol abuse.

Health care provider financial management and operations

There has been a need by health care providers to eliminate duplication, reduce hospitalizations and improve coordination; this has also played a role in escalating cost of financing health care operations. Despite efforts to conserve energy, there is still a high rate of energy consumption by health care providers, this leads to escalating operational cost β†’

Recommendation and advice for sher holder in companies

A thorough analysis of the financial ratios of Morrisons would illustrate that the outlook of the company, in financial terms, took a downward plunge in the financial year 2009, but through prudent risk management and effective allocation of resources, the company was able to put its operations back on the track. Evaluating the financial outlook β†’

Cjus 350-db5 replies

Blue Wall of Silence and Police Brutality Response to Greg McGee A concur with you about the importance of writing as a group to maintain peoples trust in the police department; however, the extent through which this privilege should be exercised must have definite scope such that the department does not end up violating the β†’

Business project

The manufacturing of electric cars is likely to boost the volume of sales as customers move to adopt the use of vehicles that are environmentally friendly. The reputation it has created of production of quality products is likely to spur the sales of the electric cars since it has an already established global presence.

The advantages and disadvantages of tilling as a technique in plant breeding

This paper, therefore, seeks to establish the advantages and disadvantages of TILLING in plant breeding. The method combines a standard and an equally effective technique of mutagenesis with the use of a chemical mutagen such as Ethyl methanesulphonate that contains a sensitive DNA screening method to which identifies point mutations in a target gene.

Self-assessment memo report

The course met all the expectations I had at the beginning of the semester. Through this course, I learned my personality type and learning style that could be an asset since they both contribute to my being effective in people skills.

Self-reflection on writing

I believe that in order to be one I must be knowledgeable on the topic I am writing about. If I want to be one, I should have the passion for it because I know that my writing is an expression of my knowledge, thoughts and feelings.

Explain mackie’s argument

Explaining Mackie's Argument Mackie argued that the reality of evil and the existence of an all good, allpowerful God are deductively irreconcilable, but if there is perfect knowledge that evil exists, as a result God does not exist. The logical development Mackie's argument was premised on Christian teachings on the existence and omnipotence of God, β†’

Outline summary

The deductive argument that successfully offers logical support for the conclusion is valid, which means that where the premises are held to be true, it is not possible for the conclusions to be false. It cannot guarantee that the truth of the conclusion is tied to that of the premise.

Assignment example

VIDEO LECTURES.a) I have learned that heart disease has been the leading cause of deaths in the United s since the year 2006.b)I have learned that there exists a challenge among the American people to choose healthy foods from the wide variety of inexpensive and readily available foods and performing physical exercise to maintain healthy β†’

Therapies reflection paper

Cognitive therapy according to the cognitive school of thought implies changing the thinking of a person. The focus of cognitive therapy is to change the way a person thinks about a specific issue that acts as a stimulus.

To have or to be by erich fromm

In the mode of " having", Fromm critically analyses how man is obsessed with the materialistic things of the world. He adores love as the only source of joy: " Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problems of human".

Canadian and indian tourism

According to theory X of leadership in management, it assumes that employees are very bad and cannot be motivated by the job itself. This is the perfect way of theory X operation where the managers have the least thrust with the capability of the employees.

Literature proposal

As such, the psychological approach to criticizing literature will be used in support of this theory since the romanticism is based on a real human behavior. These critical approaches to literature facilitate the argument in support of romanticism.

Summary assignment : project control systems

Project control information is the primary aspect of any organization as the operations generally depend on the type of information and the way in which it is interpreted. The article emphasizes on a fact that the quality of the information is the major criterion in deciding the performance of the project.

Nutrition questions

Answer: Nutrition is defined as the amount of nourishment that is necessary to be provided to the human being for proper sustenance of the cells and the tissues within the body. It has an important influence on the health of an individual because proper nutritional requirements by means of a healthy diet which contains the β†’

Brief a case

In this case, the defendant moved to court and filed an appeal to reverse the decision of Supreme Court in the second Judicial Department of New York by asserting that the plaintiff, Palsgraf, failed to prove that her injury was foreseeable. In the previous history of the case, the plaintiff, Palsgraf, lodged a complaint against β†’

Discuss if the product diversification of the walt disney corporation has gone too far

Diversifying in known and related areas of business therefore has been the major strategic focus of Disney since it started to diversify into related business segments. The overall nature of Disney's business model therefore is such that it requires diversification and firm does not seem to gone too far in this regard.

Assignment example

The irony in the story is that the necklace was not real and Mme Loisel and her husband paid for it for whole ten years and appeared much older than their ages because of their struggle to pay the price. X appears to be stronger in the beginning as she uses the power of speech, β†’

Paolo freire and nietzsche

Paolo Freire emphasized that correct reflection prescribes resolute denial of any forms of discrimination; prejudice in the relation of race, class, gender offends the essence of a person. According to Nietzsche, education as formation of a person is the manifestation of his will to power.

State corportate crime

Among the organizations which played roles in the time of Holocaust which was done following the directions of the Nazi Party of Hitler, the German companies and American corporations are important. This company is hugely known for the manufacture of some of the best cars in the world.

Cold war and the los angeles area

COLD WAR AND THE LOS ANGELES AREA The cold war was a period of collision and rivalry. The pressure of nuclear warfare gave way to a new dimension to the changing culture of the history of war in the world.

The issue of management discretion

During the analysis of companies in the same industry, the company analyst must contend with the challenge of management discretion in the reports on company performance and trends. The debt was created when the top management of the company shifted the loans of the company amounting to $2.

Depression causes and treatment

In addition, at least 30 % of the women in the population are depressed, while the figure for men is half that of the women. It is believed that the evolution of agriculture was partly to use the grains for alcohol.

The second world war

The Second World War Introduction The Second World War occurred between 1939 and 1945, the military conflict involving the Axis and the Allies. The events of the Second World War In the years immediately preceding the beginning of the Second World War, the United States was focused on solving its internal problems chief of which β†’

Logistic management 3

Firstly, companies examine the flow of value throughout the production down to the customer. Additionally, they use other elements of the model like the fishbone structure to explain the cause and influence of the people, resources, systems, equipments and the environment on the improvement of their products and services.

A brief of taxation case

The petitioner inherited the property was in contract with the mortgage to continue operating the property and pay net rental received to the mortgagee. Likewise, the commissioner pointed out that the petitioner received money equivalent to the net sales on top of the debt amount transferred to the buyer of the property.

Developing a problem statement and questions

What is the role of government and human rights officials in regard to human sex trafficking and how they can improve the overall situation? International Sex Trafficking of Women & Children: Understanding the Global Epidemic.

Characteristics of an effective marriage

Characteristics of an effective marriage Insert Insert Introduction to effective marriage A successful marriage is the one that the family members understand each others needs and can stand by each other during the times of troubles. Despite the fact that challenges are full of marriages, a successful marriage is the one that the couples know β†’

College courses for gifted children

Nathan needs to learn and be treated like his peers. All his advanced learning would be for naught if they remain inside his brain because he has difficulty in expressing them to others.

Chinas economy today

The thesis statement must be succinctly identified and explicitly stated in the last sentence of the introductory paragraph It is commendable that sub-headings were structured to clearly divide topics being discussed; To answer the question on the roles of the state and non-state sectors, the author effectively explained the specific sectors, with the provision of β†’

Abstract of chapter 8

Therefore, there is the application of a comprehensive plan for the coordination and the evaluation of all the organizational activities by value chain. Using the case of Health Net for the above elaborations, managers of most organizations in the present world realize that a long-run success needs a focus on the cost, service, and quality.


12 per unit If Reading takes up this option, it may face a per unit loss of $4. It is also important to note that the overall selling price of the component, as offered by Reading, is $13.


This form of trade and negotiation has served to ensure the smooth running and flourishing of the Narcoterrorism in the country and it is, therefore, a difficult war to fight. The death was received differently in various parts of the world and it had different significance to individuals.

Holland sweeterner company vs. nutrasweet

The main challenge in this case will be to create a market entry barrier so that Holland Sweetener will have a hard time in penetrating the marketing. This would imply that Holland Sweetener will have to invest in the development of a new sweetener.

World war i and the end of the progressive movement

The Real Story Behind the Battle of Ypres The events surrounding any world war are normally written by the victors and is tailor made to suit their need to have the historical account of the events portray the victors in the best light. But thanks to historical researchers such as Ulrich Trumpener and his essay β†’

Sales of baker adhesives

Most of the US companies started to shift their unit outside the US with the purpose of focusing more on economies of scale and increase the market share. Baker adhesives also need to focus on the international market in order to stay ahead in the competition.

Critiquing a piece of paper

This line of reasoning was apparently made clear from the beginning as the authors indicated the aim of the discourse as " to discuss the ethical issues highlighted by the case and to provide a course of action for the patient that suitably addresses these issues". The structure of the discourse was also effective in β†’


In effect, the political stability of the country determines the manner in which the company penetrates the market. The economic and technological aspects of the environment go to the financial capacity and competitiveness of the various states.

Police accountability and police misconduct affect law enforcement

Police accountability The police enforce the law and are tasked with preserving law and order in the society. A misjudgment on their case may result to public outcry and the blame falls on the police.

The horrific fact in the donahue

Buildings in Auschwitz and in other camps which are the alleged gas chambers of the holocaust were able to hold 700 to 800 people and openings in the roof allowed chemicals to reach those within the chamber who were told they were going to be showered or treated for lice or scabies infections. Those with β†’

Social and sociological theory

SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES Tension and conflict are unavoidable and necessary in democracy For a change in the society to be smooth, institutionalizing the change and placing them in the respective dockets should be the working principle. In conclusion, the Society believes in the moral authority of texts and facts.

Reflecting journal

The informational portion of the study indicates potential effectiveness associated with informing the IDU population about the risks of heroin overdose and how to curb its cravings through halving methods. In this treatment philosophy, the addicted patient receives knowledge and interventions between patient and counsellor as a means of altering maladjusted ways of thinking and β†’


Following that, an added fact to the same instance will demonstrate an occasion where not only does attorney-client privilege not apply, it would be a violation of the law for the attorney to not report to the authorities regarding the privileged information. Doe on the stand if she knows that the witness will commit perjury; β†’

The impact of legislation on health,safty and environmental aspects of surface coatings

The Impact of Legislation on Health, Safety and Environmental Aspect of Surface Coatings The surface coating industry is facing myriad challenges brought about by the legal and standard guidelines set by the government and other concerned bodies. This paper provides a summary of the effects of standards and legislation on the environmental as well as β†’

Port maritime legislation

Port Maritime Legislation The smart Port Security Legislation is a law that has its focus on enhancing measures for securing the maritime activities through mitigation of threats in the maritime sector before the risks can get to the shores of the United States. This law also ensures cost cutting with the enhanced levels of cooperation β†’

Healthcare finance

Impact on the health care organization and its financial operations The financial lease has a positive impact on the organization since the health care provider according to James and Aaron can grow technologically by leasing medical equipment and machinery which are costly. The leasing program assists the health care providers reduces the pressure in the β†’

Effects of the iphone on the americans

Effects of the iPhone on the Americans It is stunning to imagine how life was before the introduction of the Smartphone, the iPhone was not the first smart phone as other manufactures had smart phones however, the consumer adaptability and use placed it above other smart phones. In a keynote speech, the then CEO, β†’

Successful interview with sabic

It was clear that the paint of the wall behind me was the same as the one in front of me, and I simply played with their minds by answering that it is the same as the one in front of me. He claimed that I was the best and that they were looking forward β†’

Just introduction and conclusion

The paper also seeks to answer the questions related to the components needed to design, implement, and a test a timer for a company. Aim of the report The main aim of the report was to come up with question list following the inquiry from the client.

The effect of lobbying on public opinion

The Effect of Lobbying on Public Opinion of School Introduction Public opinion counts a lot these days, especially with the rapid spread of information by the use of social networking sites via the Internet. A big extent is the use of the right public relations tools to inform and more crucially, shape opinion.

Social order

It was 1 o'clock at night and I was starving so I came down and went to a kitchen. At that point I realized that even the smallest thing like our eating habits are so much influenced by our surroundings that just eating something at night which my family and friends eat in the morning β†’

The federal judiciary

Established in the United States by Article VI, clause 2 of the constitution called the supremacy clause which states that the that the constitution and the laws of the united states which will be made pursuant thereof will be the supreme law of the land. Judicial review was used to limit the legislature from performing β†’

Mental health counseling field (social work perspective)

Q 2 The Causes and Consequences of Poverty From a Marxist point of view, people are poor because of class inequality that exists in the society. In the mid-1800, the rich people utilized the services of the poor and made sure they pay them just enough, and not a bit more.

Human resource career development activities

We can control the quality of the employees that we hire, but we often overlook the opportunity to enhance the value of our existing employees. By developing our employees professionally and personally, we also develop the value and create a positive profile of our company.

Literature review

The article is highly relevant in the contemporary environment of advancing science and technology because it shows how the survival of human race is at danger from the effluents and waste material, consisting of various chemical and organic contaminants that are let lose on the streams without effective treatment across America. The study had selected β†’

The encounter between the europeans and the american indians

The first source talked more about the cultural interaction between the Europeans and the Amerindians, while the second source talked more about the biological influence of the encounter between the Europeans and the Amerindians. The first phase talked about the exploration and contact of the Europeans with the Amerindians till 1600, the second phase talked β†’

The new age religion

For example, the United States is a country that believes and practices the separation of state from religion. Wicca is a Neopagan religion that celebrates the cycles and forces of nature.

When valor preys on reason, it eats the sword it fights with

Talking of valor and reason, then, it is worth concluding that valor is an aspect of psychology while reason is a philosophical concept. Reason is a function of the higher faculties of the self.


I always demonstrate my level of commitment in front of my team members; it would influence them to reach to the same level of commitment. I will work in such a way that it would create an example in front of my team members and they would try to follow me very strongly.

Db q#4

As a result, the question changes to, are all eligible learners entitled to the 504 plan? They are vocal in the interpretation of the second and third prongs in relation to learners.

Story of captain phillips

The final stage is adjourning which entails terminating task activities and disengaging from the relationships. The last stage is adjourning after the capture of the pirates and the group terminates the task at hand as well as disengage from established relationships.

Russia’s economy

Firstly, with regards to the strength that exist within the Russian Federation, it can categorically be said that the natural resource markets for oil, natural gas, and mineral extraction have provided the Russian Federation with a runaway level of economic growth during a period in which much of the remainder of the world has been β†’

Public health

The apparent reason for this is that these illnesses that could be easily spread and inflicts a greater number of people are more risky and dangerous; since these illnesses are not immediately treated, as required. As such, consumers are more alarmed at health information which discloses greater vulnerability of a defined population according to risk β†’

Broadband market (internet services) in u.k

Most Internet Service Providers in the UK believe that the broadband consumer market is greatly sensitive to pricing and therefore have opted to offer fast and cheap broadband to potential customers. It is also expected that High-Speed Downlink Packet Access will be applied in the country widely to increase broadband speed.

The rape by family members in middle income backgrounds

Prevalence, Causes, and Consequences of Rape of Underage Girls by Family Members in Middle Income Backgrounds Child sexual abuse is a common prevalence within many families. Though the male child may be a victim of sexual abuse in middle income backgrounds in the United States, most of the victims are girls with the perpetrator being β†’

Crisis at canoe

As a new restaurant manager has only recently been appointed at the Canoe restaurant, the chief operations officer, Creshema Thomas, asked me to be in charge of conducting a status report that will accurately show the current status of the Canoe restaurant. In this report, I will highlight where the restaurant has succeeded and what β†’

Philosophy in business ethics

This paper would seek to examine the gal and ethical considerations which allow the mergers and consolidations of corporations in the Media industry and this paper would analyze the case of BSSL in order to determine the effects on the employees and the company. The employees have opposed the changes in the FCC regulations as β†’

Epidemiology: health disparities

The first area that he refers to in his lecture is, " identification of disease risk factors". He states, " The importance of the missing risk factors would have to be enormous to explain the other 50 per cent and risk factors of that significance are not likely to be missed in our research".

Critical review e

The project fits Manhattan urbanism because of its megalomania, but it also challenges the latter because it seeks to address and reduce the culture of congestion through a program that tackles spaces and actions. The same project, nevertheless, addresses and diminishes the culture of congestion through a program that tackles spaces and actions.

Relative value securities

The boom of the mid to late 1980s is over, and Jupiter Venture needs to reinvent itself to prepare to expand going into the 1990s and beyond. Win Smith should not close Jupiter Venture because all the signs point to long-term sustained growth.