Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Different and expectations

In China, the expectations of people from leaders seem to be highly differentiated: Chinese leaders are expected to be fully aware of their country's historical and cultural background and to promote local ethics and traditions at the highest possible level. According to the above in each society people have different expectations from their leader.

Creole linguistics

All the creole languages put together can never be traced to a particular language or group of languages but what is evident is that there are traces of many different languages within the creoles of different regions. One of the observable features of creole is the use of the double negative or the subject as β†’

Dark tourism in prague

Dark tourism in Prague Dark tourism in Prague Rationale In the words of Foley and Lennon, the term ' dark tourism' relates primarily to ' the presentation and consumption of real and co modified death and disaster sites'. Aim The aim of this research is to explore dark Tourism in Prague, view all the effects β†’

Judith jarvis thomson’s argument for limited abortion rights

The pro-lifers argue that right from the moment of conception the fetus has to be assigned the same rights and respect that is granted to born individuals. Hence, the author is not in support of indiscriminate practice of abortion, but rather implores the readers to consider the vast gray areas in the issue and seeks β†’

Crown cork & seal in 1989

Running head: CASE STUDY - CROWN CORK & SEAL IN 1989 Case Study: Crown Cork & Seal in 1989 Case summary This case istypical of the changing face of an industry and the challenges such changes bring about for businesses. Crown Cork & Seal, an erstwhile manufacturer of steel metal caps and corks, had been β†’


To a large context, the concern as defined in the article is the distinction and relationship between the social and sociological problems from the perspective of addressing a phenomenon like crime. From a sociological perspective, the concerns on criminology are inappropriate as they are based upon false assumptions of the nature of crime, implied and β†’


But the most important feature in a family of human beings in the phenomenon of Parenting. But in the process of making a living most of the parents are too busy to attend their child's needs.

Dennetts arguement

The proponents of ID assert that the process of evolution and features of the living things can be explained through intelligence cause and not through the process of natural selection. In support of his argument that natural selection is the process which has the power to generate ingenious designs, Dennett discuses the evolution of the β†’

Discussion topic

It can be said that the decision of Professional Golfers is a contravention of the laws which limits discrimination of persons on the basis of disability. Thus, it would be justified to say that Casey Martin should have been allowed to use the cart in the PGA tours but justice was sacrificed by denying Casey β†’

Ethical behavior

Ethics, in the story of Babbs is a relative term used to highlight the rights and wrongs done by different parties in the academic fraternity of Texassippi Tech. This is in spite of the differentiation of the greater evil between failure to submit the paper and cheating in it.

The purpose of criminal law

Antitrust laws are designed to reduce anti-competitive behavior and encourage competition in the market. These laws prevent business enterprises from becoming too powerful to the extent of controlling market prices and restricting entry by other players.

Cultural event report

Young still continued by performing his lovely song " The Needle and the Damage Done" along with " Twisted Road", a mark of respect to the joys of Dylan, the dead and the Roy. The concert finally ended with a thirteen minute " Like a hurricane" which was a rock and roll for years and β†’

Business plan

The main purpose of this statement is to explain the set of business goals, to articulate why they are attainable and in the same time propose on how they can be achieved in order to benefit the whole society. This is a spelled out in the fitness centers vision, mission and the strategy of the β†’

Should companies engage in corporate social responsibility programs why or why not

The ultimate purpose of CSR is to safeguard the prestige of the corporate identity of the organization with larger scope of public interactions meant for making the business to be more socially responsible for the sustainable growth by claiming trust among the non market stakeholders. As such, the managers of the organizations are responsible for β†’

Maldistribution of physicians

The shortage of physicians in the rural setup has been a nagging problem with the country medical care system. However, the number of physicians that are in these areas is alarming.

Accounting writing assignment

Taxes rose in the same period mainly due to the consolidation of Petroleum Refining Company where Chevron has a 64% ownership and more consumer excise taxes in the United States. Chevron is an organization I would invest in currently and in the future as their returns per share are bound to improve.

My philosophy of education for learners with special needs

In order to establish such an environment, I will assume the role of a guide; promote the respect for people and diversity; and give room to the child's inherent curiosity to direct their learning. In conclusion, I believe that every child should be given an opportunity to learn in an environment that is safe and β†’

What every american needs to know about israel/palestine

The goal of the website is to provide accurate and full information on the critical issue on the conflict. Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer's, 2007, " The Israel Lobby and the American Foreign Policy" affirm that Israel has grown to be an American liability.

500 word paper on population growth using at least 8 separate references/sources

The acceleration in the population is accompanied by a growth in the world economy. In the present time, the low fertility rate is evident in the less developed nations as compared to high fertility rate in the developed countries.

Ang lees eat drink man woman and cultural values of contemporary china

The juxtaposition illustrates the contrasting difference between the old world culture and the hustle and bustle of the new world, and makes a comment on the nature of the consumption of food in the contemporary world. As she enters the bus one sees the distress in the father's eyes as a result of the conflicting β†’

Using examples, critically discuss the importance of gastronomy to at festivals

Food festivals in the UK is a good example of food festivals where gastronomy can be used to benefit the tourism sector while improving culinary experience of many people who attend food festivals in the UK annually. Smith, S, & Costello, C.

Interview assignment

In the first activity wherein I took a video of myself, telling a probable employer of mine about myself and giving them a glimpse of why they should hire me on the spot, I realized that my answers were mainly something I would say to please an employer, giving them countless generic reasons as to β†’

Current accounting standards in the usa

Accounting students since the undergraduate level are taught that ethics is an extremely important aspect of accounting work. At the corporate level most companies have code of conducts that integrate ethics into its bylaws.

Fossil inc. clothing and accessorys legal structure

Gray argues that the key function of the legal structure is to determine the paying of taxes, sharing of profits and losses, and where the legal liabilities rest. In 1993, the Fossil Inc.sold 20% of the company to investors, but Tom retained 40.

Reflective response to dan pink: the puzzle of motivation

The foundation of the theory of management was on the idea that work was uninteresting and that unless there is an introduction of an external force, it will never be accomplished as planned. In a nutshell, he advocates autonomy, mastery and purpose and explains as follows; that autonomy to be provided to the employees to β†’


Thus, the conflict that is portrayed in the movie is about how with power comes a responsibility to make sense of the complex world and wield power in a responsible manner. The movie was a record grosser and part of the success of the movie had to do with the way it sends a message β†’

Virtual child program

He is jovial in his playing activities and eats normally. His efficient memory is relevant in his communication and language development.

Empathy in communication

I did not refer this to my friend, and, hence, I did not seem to be of help to him. I did not feel good about the experience since I expected him to empathize with my situation.

Executive summaries of the accounting wizardry behind banks strong earnings

The Accounting Wizardry behind Banks' Strong Earnings al Affiliation On the announcement of the fourth-quarter gains, as per the financial year, JPMorgan Chase, which was the most profitable as per the initial bank review, was overtaken by Wells Fargo which recorded its personal best. In 2009, BOA would have realized profits of up to β†’

Peter eisenman house ii

Peter Eisenman critics the trend that has pervaded in the development of architecture focused on the structure of architecture as cultural commentary and separates a consciousness about design emanating from the architect himself. This paper will proceed to compare the salient points of " Cardboard Architecture: House I and House II" to support or criticize β†’

History of latinos in america

The population profile and community structure of the Caribbean population were that they lived in isolation. The population profile and community structure of the Central American population were that they lived in harmony.

The deans welcome learning technique

As the pioneering institution in distance learning the school is the best in the world at providing students with a unique learning experience. Teamwork is very important in order to achieve the greatest results out of the human resources of a company.

The renaissance period 1350 -1600 in italy

Historically, it referred to the period in westerncivilization, which was characterized of the revitalization of three things classical world interest, commerce, and beliefs of human achievement. The major concern for human worth and individual potentiality gave rise to the new society ideal of achievements in various aspects of life.

I want to get married, ghad abdel aal

Ghada Abdel Aal's masterpiece portrays the existent difference between parents' expectations and the reality that is overpoweringly and rather agonizingly threatening to destabilize the marriage institution that was considered the core unit of organization by the preceding generations. It is rather depressing and heartrending that the Egyptian novel simply portrays the veracity in Egypt, a β†’

Interactionist perspective

Using the various interpretations and the generalization of the society together with the social behavior, sociologists study the very specific occurrences of society at the micro level as well as the bigger picture or the macro level. Field and Taylor highlights that the main advantage of the interactionist perspective is that everything in the society β†’

Employee’s perception of managment of workplace stress

Employee's Perception of Management of Workplace Stress Stress in places of work continues to be persistent in many Western nations and results to both social and economic costs not only to the employees but also to organizations, families and governments. Notably, the research on employee perceptions of management of stress in workplaces identifies that the β†’

Last philosophy paper

Thus, to understand meaning is to understand the nature of my life, which is the sum of these values and experiences. What this requires is an understanding of what my life can be defined by, and the goals that I keep living in order to realize.

Three summries of three articles about husky energy inc

Husky's Liwan Gas Project Exploration of new oil fields has enabled Husky Inc Company to invest in the transportation sector in order to boost efficiency to the market. For instance, the company has deployed Canadian knowledge to maximize shipping of oil and gases from the Southern China to the potential markets.

Compare/contrast investigational techniques and identify philosophical justifications for investigational techniques utilized in sociology and anthroplogy

The writings are findings from researchers who typically, resided among the people under study for a period, participating in and observing their social and cultural life preserved for future reference. Sociological and Cultural Anthropological research methods employ both observation methods, which involves the researcher being part of the research group and participating in their practices β†’

The civil war and the union’s victory

The battle of Chattanooga proved the Union's supremacy in the region. Works Cited The Battle of Chattanooga in September 1863.

Summary of ppaca constitutional or unconstitutional

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is specifically designed to ensure that all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care and will create necessary measures to contain the costs. This act is constitutional given that it is a constitutional right for every American to have access to quality and affordable healthcare.

Bio-psycho-social perspective

Most patients are able to persevere through the course of treatment and recovery. By correctly assessing the type of biopsychosocial disorder that is being treated and understanding the history or how it developed a more effective treatment plan can be developed.

1968: the year that rocked the world

1968: The Unique Year in World History Admittedly, 1968 was a historic year in the world, and specifically in America. In this context, the closely successive assassinations of Luther King Jr.and Robert F Kennedy contributed to 1968 being a unique year in world history.

Jaybird as used in devil in a blue dress

You can see her changing the washing from gentle to rough enough to hurt, this ability to change the character makes it easier for her to survive in the jungle. The main theme used in this book is a survival strategy.


The regulation considers the threshold or target or price, the ways of complying with the regulations and the context within which the greenhouse gasses are emitted. An accounting system has been established for verification and auditing of the entire system to ensure adherence to the regulations and the set standards.


Again, my criteria of the order of treatment who would benefit the most of the medical care and not emotion. Again, it is not my lot to assess people but rather on who would benefit the most of medical care.

Texas government

Due to the aforementioned challenges in the partisan elections, it is significant for the Texas State to adopt a system in which the governor appoints the judges. Question 3 The nomination of the city candidates to run for the office in Texas State is essential in facilitating the electorates to know and analyze the ideologies β†’

Discussion 2/3

The future of the profession is sure to see many more changes as the needs of investors and management change. B, and Formisano, R.A." The impact of flexible benefits on employee benefit satisfaction: A field study".

Reflective reading

According to one of the Chinese women, studying in the good as it exposes a person to the rest of the world. According to the Chinese student, being socially active in the U.S.goes a great way in helping a person to know others.

Challenges of starting a business

The first step to be taken in proposing a business plan is thinking about a business idea that is unique but will definitely appeal to a lot of potential customers. The greatest opportunity we have for the service is the objective to make jobs easier for TJX with the use of the scanner and to β†’

Asian kathakali performances

Narrations of the story and the conversations amidst two characters of the play are carried out through gestures expression and rhythmic dancing. Traditionally, Kathakali used to dress as a woman and played the character, but eventually, with time, female participation in Kathakali has become very common.

Hay corporation’s

Record the journal entries for 20X8 and 20X9 for Marty Rentals Co pertaining to the lease. Record the journal entries for 20X8 and 20X9 for Hay Corporation pertaining to the lease.

Ethics and professionalism in medicine-journal

In the discussion of healthcare, the primary features of ethical dilemmas are directly related to the provision of patient care. In addition, when the time arrives to be finally seen to the doctor, the doctor is in sort of a hurry.

Disrupted occupations

Residents of a nursing home, which may include nurses, physicians, and clients, experience a sense of place where their social, physical and psychological identities and senses of well-being are derived. In addition, the warmth of friendships and companionships of fellow residents within a nursing home give meaning to the lives of elderly clients under nursing β†’

Environmental factors of substance abuse

This is a telling sign of chaos in the family and this is a significant environmental factor that leads to Ellis's addiction to Heroin. In the case of Ellis too, his social-economic and parental background led him to heroin addiction.

There is an ongoing debate about the cost-benefit relationship of internal controls and their ethical implications

Banks need to ensure that they scrutinize their clients to determine the sources and the recipients of the huge sums of money. The Federal Reserve claims that the bank does not oversee its operations, which leads to funneling of money in support of sanctioned individuals and countries.

Pharmacy & technology

As technology advances and more and more routines in our lives become automated and performed by robots, there will be a temptation to " outsource" the role and the duties of pharmacists to robots. The majority of people believe that there are some services and functions in our society that should be performed by people β†’

Assignment sheet — business letter

However, being a loyal customer to Wal-Mart Company, and to show our goodwill to our customers, we are willing to extend a gesture of our kindness by allowing you a free shopping of goods of the same value or even dispatch the same to your area of residence. Wal-Mart may not be ready to offer β†’

Chapter 11

Low Physical Activity in Hispanic Women The three main reasons for low physical activity among the Hispanic women include: lack of knowledge of the relationship between moderate physical activity and health, the Hispanic women do not know the benefits of doing physical exercises to their health that is why they rarely do exercises, there is β†’

Two personal experiences of prejudice/bias

Initially when I travelled to France and tried to speak to some people in French, they would not continue the conversation in their language as I did not know it very well. This is because most of the people with whom I tried to communicate with did not appreciate the fact that I was not β†’

Mgmt 3000

The article 2020 Consumers Will Share Everything written by Lisa Gansky provides a look at a new developing trend in the consumer markets that will impact the way companies do business in the next decade. The fact that nearly 20% of the business population will belong to Grupo Mesh means the initiatives of the association β†’

England in medieval times

The city lords wanted to attract merchants more because they paid taxes to them, which was collected by the sheriff. There also was no proper sewage system in medieval cities because people would throw their bathroom waste and garbage right onto the streets which gave rise to many diseases.

Section 4 reading

In some cases, the user of these drugs becomes overwhelmed with thoughts or feelings or the manner in which he interprets external environment and end up suffering from adverse anxiety or a strong incapability to manage the emotions the person experiences. When drug user change his attitude of using drugs in the perspective of using β†’

Jainism and ahimsa

Some of the cases for the religion include the fact that the religion helps in shaping the social lives of the citizens in the fact that it advocates for abstention from falsehood, stealing, and unchastity. On the other hand, Jainism religion is seemingly ancient and the followers of the religion are outdated.

Reflective exercise

Full topic and Section # of Green Marketing Introduction Green marketing can be described as greening of the products through thorough understanding of public policy processes along with the alteration of the 4ps, product, price, place and promotion of the market. Green marketing can be achieved by improving the means of production as well as β†’

Response paper

Some of these issues include the reassessment the Franco-Algerian War, slavery, and the French Empire. Collective Memory: France and the Algerian War.

Job description report

r Job Inpatient r: As a managerial health care professional, an Inpatient r is responsible for reviewing and organizing allpatient files for accuracy, and coding that information into the computer system so that the records will indicate all relevant data, such as the reason that the patient was admitted, type of illness and breakdown of β†’

Comparing income statements from different industries

Finance and Accounting Income ment Income ment is a part of a company's financial report expressing the financial position of the company. The income statement projected that the company had 17% gross profit margin out of the total revenue at the end of the business year 2011.

Peter green’s first day

He has not much concerned about any ethical dealing in the business if the matter comes to win the business and retain the account and that is why he believes more on-the-job training for his sales people rather than any learning in the class room. If he decides to follow his conscience and does not β†’

Free will vs determinism

and Number of the Teacher's Evaluation Paper FREE WILL VERSUS DETERMINISM IN OEDIPUS THE KING BY SOPHOCLES Introduction The ancient Greek tragedy Oedipus the King by Sophocles first performed in c. In this mythological story of the power of prophecy and destiny against man's struggles to exert his own will on his life, the main β†’

Relationship between democracy and economic development in latin america

Relationship between democracy and economic development in Latin America Most common conception is that democracy makes a positive impact on economic development of a nation. There seems to be both a negative and positive impact of democracy on economic development in Latin America.

Integrating business perspectives

In the space below we would like you to reflect on this experience and the lessons you personally learned using the STAR reflective writing technique: Step 1: Recall a situation where your team struggled to work cohesively together either during an IBP workshop or in the development of your group project. One of the memorable β†’

Religious approaches

Of the sources written that have prevailed from the 17th century, the one called Jesus Messiah Sutra that is from 635 is among the oldest and the one that is well-known. Given that Christianity similarly to Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism all appreciate the sharp differences that exists between these values, the non-Christian Chinese can use β†’

Andean and mesoamerican societies

Andean and Mesoamerican Societies of Learning Introduction Though Andean and Mesoamerican societies can be analyzed in terms of pottery war methods and social structure, this paper focuses on comparison and contrast of their war methods. Differences in their fighting methods Andeans had poor weapons against their enemies and they majorly relied on the old war β†’

Disaster of 9/11

Disaster of 9/11 The world saw one of the most tragic terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Bush in late 2002, is chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks.

Emotions paper

Schechter singer and Yerkes- Dodson Law theories relate since they bring out the same concept as to how peoples' performance is because of emotion arousal and motivation. The latter is quite specific on how arousal influences motivation and performance.

Guided reading activities

The authors of the article mainly use the dominant theory to discuss the essence of ethics in doing business in the contemporary world. They specifically state that the dominant theory is not consistent with the law in that the dominant theory puts the interests of the stakeholders first before considering the interest of the community, β†’

Historical antecedents of your chosen field

The cultural values have a significant impact among the students and the teachers of ESL. The ESL students have to adopt the English language as a primary language to gain knowledge and develop attitudes as well as skills.

Leadership styles and conflict resolution

This makes the employees lose respect for the leader and tend to withdraw the existing respect they had for the leader. This type of leadership is used when the errands of the group are at a standstill.

Poem the raven, by edgar allan poe

Thesis statement: In the poem named as The Raven, the versifier makes use of imagery/images and figurative/metaphorical language to communicate/share the meaning of the verse with the readers. Imagery/images The literary work is rich in imagery because the poet makes use of the same to communicate/share the meaning of the verse with the readers.

Application to northwest state college

Approval procedure for applicants The recruiting policy of the college requires final applicant approval by the head of the department, academic affairs vice president, and the college president. Other applicants are contacted after two months' waiting period between the first contact, application and college interview.

Obesity – empowerment

Obesity-Empowerment What Would Empowerment 'Enthusiasts' Think Of The Proposals For Addressing The Problem Of Obesity Indicated In The Article? Empowerment in Adolescent Obesity: State of The Science.


Moreover, because of globalization, many countries have interests in other countries; therefore, to protect these interests, it has become necessary for the powerful to meddle in the political affairs of the weaker ones. This is because culture is one of the main identifiers of a state and globalization advocates for uniformity in the various aspects β†’

Teaching philosophy

According to the University of Texas, the core teaching philosophy is the realization of the goal of teaching itself that is to foster learning. One of the prominent teaching philosophies that are used by many teachers is the integration of Piaget's philosophy of development and Vygotsky's philosophy of cultural development in learning.


The customers were more willing to buy the products of the company. In 2014, the company received the highest income but the costs incurred increased considerably, and the level of income decreased thus causing losses.

The wrong man sits in jail

The least harm principle aims to encourage individuals to make the right decision when they are in a situation of two evils at the same time. The individuals must choose the evil that causes less harm to the society.

Selected topic must be of relevance/pertinence to the health professional/health law

In the current setting of the Federal States of New York and Arizona, the body piercing exercise is under negligible regulation, with the practitioners neither qualified nor licensed to accomplish the procedures. In summary, the current practice of body piercing and decoration is far below the required health standards.


As the immunity system of the infants and children below 10 years of age is not as strong as that of the adults, the vulnerability of the former to the disease is more as compared to the latter. The population of infants and children selected from the study is from the USA.

Db1 kroger

In response to the paper, the writer has explained credible and truthful facts in the three major areas- Industry conditions, financial and the outlook. A case in point is the assertion that the firm has managed to mitigate competition fronted by the likes of Whole Foods.

Web based business models

Though this does not necessarily mean that Apples software is the most insecure in practice the report takes no consideration of the severity of the flaws it points at a growing trend in the world of security flaws: the role of third-party software. Highlights of the company's iPod line this year included the introduction of β†’

Adult aging and development project description

Researchers in human development and aging have gone deep scrutinizing the speed of processing information and working memory capacity to understand the effect of the age difference on the memory. The strategies of encoding are not readily used by the older adults as it happens to the young adults.

The experience in working at various organizations

Withal, my intentions are not to stop at the college level, but to attain a doctoral program, and this is the reason why I am applying for a scholarship. From the statistics I am the first person in my community to pursue this goals and purpose to attain a doctoral program degree in MBA.

Gender differences and factors that affect stock

The author wants to find out any effect and association of the following factors for the stock investment decision. Construct validity is the reliability of measuring the variables mentioned in the central hypothesis.


The electricity from the solar panels will go a long way in enhancing and improve the quality of life for the residents. 4) Request for the Government's permission and approval to carry out the project 5) Hold a meeting with all the villagers from the 150 houses to inform them that the project will start β†’

Ancient mexico and the spanish

As discussed earlier, the technology of the Aztec and that of the Spanish was incompatible. The technology used by the Aztec was na ve, ancient and could not stand a chance with the modern technology of the Spanish.