Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

You are gillman or spencer

December 13, Spencer's Social Evolution Theory I am Herbert Spencer and I want to discuss how I developed my theory of evolution that many people attribute to Charles Darwin, instead of me. To summarize the ideas of people who influenced me, my father and Erasmus Darwin encouraged me to study biology and to be interested β†’

Healthcare labor unions: pros and cons

They should organize themselves into unions that will be responsible for championing for their rights and these unions should have the mandate to take the government to court if they do not listen to them or fail to obey their agreement with the government. Hospitals also do not set tie for doctors they do not β†’


Along with this, he will also need to build his skills for learning, empathy, emotion management, problem-solving, friendship, and transitioning the students to Kindergarten. He will also need to focus on improving the art skills of students by engaging them in different arts-related programs.

Managing decision making and decision support

The problem-solving style of the person will provide him with certain advantages and some difficulties in finding a solution for the semi-structured problem. The scientific approach of the problem solver will help the person a lot in the entire process since the model follows a strict algorithm.

Ethics reflection

It is important for the members of an organization to know what is right or wrong and what they expect the consequences of their actions with stakeholders. The management should be accountable for the strategic decisions and the possible impact of the stakeholders.

Experience of freedom for euro-american (the white american) from 1865 to 1900

The white Americans interpreted freedom from the point of view of slave owners while the blacks interpreted it from the point of view of slaves. To them, emancipation is already enough for the African Americans as freedom exactly meant the removal of the bondage of force servitude.


Looking at the river in a meditative hour is a reminder of the flux of all things. This symbolism relates to the fact that man is a conscious being who draw influence from the elements of nature.

Jesus and gospels

Jesus and the Gospels There is no known of the Gospel of Mark, but many experts believe that Mark the Evangelist, otherwise known as John Mark, wrote the book between 60 and 70 AD. The book provides a canonical account of the life of Jesus and is one of the synoptic gospels.


To identify and project a company's financial condition, financial ratio analysis is often used to evaluate the financial stability of a certain entity. Sample Computation of Ratios for FedEx Express and UPS, based on the financial statements for the year end 2007: Ratio and Formula FedEx Express UPS Liquidity Ratio: Current Ratio = Current Assets β†’

The politics of precedent on the u.s. supreme court

However, statutory law can also consist of the laws and regulations that have been formed due to precedents; once a judge sees the usefulness of a precedent, the legislative branch can alter it to be a statutory law. Precedents help to keep things moving in a criminal case, providing courts and judges with the information β†’

Answer the questions (n)

This world is for those who believe in survival of the fittest; and, to be the fittest, one has to be able to suppress the negativities and passiveness of one's nature, and show the stronger side of it to the world. The main cause of all environmental health problems that poorer countries face is pollution.

In the news

C, in the first half of November, which was an answer to people's growing ailments. Their marketing style may seem comical and wacky, but the store founders claim to have conveyed a serious message.

What are you listening to

This is better encapsulated in the lyrics of California Girls as;" California girls We are unforgettable Daisy Dukes Bikinis on top Sun-kissed skin So hot Will melt your popsicle Ooooh Oh Ooooh" In sum, Katy Perry's " California Girls" is epicurian which invites one to party and have fun and forget about the world for β†’

Prevention and control of diseases and health conditions

The main aim of screening is determining the probability of having a disease. Therefore, a screening program that will find diseases that affect people less often in the community could benefit few people, thus why the most important aspect to consider before carrying out a massive community screening, considering relative costs and resources is a β†’

Tax memos

Whether to sell the securities to Marcia, who is the friend of Anita. Tax liability involved in the transfer of the home to Marcia and the transfer of the boat to Dave.2.

Financial statement and operating indicator analysis

More to these, the information helps in predicting the growth of the company, possibility of the organization's failure, and the ability to access loan facilities. Consequent to these, the analysis plays a significant role in the management of the organization.

Read and make discussion questions

In chapter seven of the Sport and Society by Jay Coakley; discussion of sport and controversies delves deep on the issues of gender being on progress towards equality. In chapter seven of the sport and Society by Jay Coakley; the discussion of sport and controversies leads to various orthodox gender ideologies, which attempt to establish β†’

Understanding the concepts

As Sherrick, Ellinger, & Lins point out, the NPV method gives first priority to currency value while the payback method emphasizes the time required for achieving a return on the investment. However, both of the tools are used to estimate the future returns and thereby the potential of the proposed investment.

Characters in god bless you dr. kevorkian by kurt vonnegut

Written in the form of interviews conducted from the famous souls had already departed from the world, the author has given the message that the individuals leading a life in service of humanity in one way or the other would be in peace and under the blessings of the Lord in heavens. On the contrary, β†’

Definition of audio literacy

It is always good to determine first the type of language skills and the subject areas you intend to teach then provide audio lessons to provide reinforcement and practice for the skills and the topic learnt about. The authenticity and usefulness of the audio literacy is determined by the ability of the students to use β†’

In-process inventory, safety stock inventory, and seasonal inventory

The author of the paper states that an example of the in-process inventory is raw metal in the hardware store. In the case of the cement shortage, the hardware store will respond to the uncertainty in demand.

Cultural health style

In particular, the present-day African American racial/cultural group experienced and continues to experience troubles in accessing care and health care. Access to highly advanced medical technologies and to good medical services are the two general health disparities quite common to African Americans.

Refugees and population movemen

Before the visit, the accompanying guides, who are always with the visitors, give a summary of what the ICRC comprises of and other important information about the museum i.e.history, foundation etc. The twelve witnesses who are the core attributes of the adventure are very effectual from the minute the welcome the visitors to the end β†’

Reflection on a quote of abel james

The good thing about the mannerism that Abel James is resorting to is that it does take a toll on the pride of the person it is directed to, while being minimally derogatory and impetuous. Thereby, these lines are also indicative of the marked intimacy that Ben Franklin must have shared with his close friend β†’

Brief summery about q-media company

The other is events. This is evident as the company seeks international partnership to improve services and place Qatar on a global level of media and advertising.

Fundamentals of aviation law

Also when new members would enter the business, the paperwork for the company would naturally increase as for every major decision, written approvals from the members would be required. Also, Stanton would now have to share the profits of the company with the members.

Personal statement for college addimissions

Personal ment Ever since I was a child, my home and family have always been important aspects of my life, especially as I have increasingly learned about the worth of support and love in the face of new experiences. In my first semester at the university, I have come to the realization that family and β†’

Aviation human factors

Using the Air Traffic Control can help improve the effectiveness of the Traffic Collision Avoidance System Advantages. Using Air Traffic Control is particularly resourceful in aiding the decision of the pilot and the direction of the aircraft's maneuver.

Practice frameworks, models and resources in child welfare

Lecturer Practice Frameworks, Models and Resources in Child Welfare This excerpt is a disco on child and family welfare. New Zealand practice framework is the practice framework that I identify with the most because it is substantive in provision of child welfares.

Business research week 3

Business Research Week 3: Ethical Considerations affiliation: Ethics in business research refer to the accepted of conduct or behavior that guides research within the corporate environment. However, regardless of how wide or narrow the research scope would be, Samsung is bound by research ethics that demand the consideration to protect the identities of information sources β†’

Realism vs. phenomenalism

Sense-data, which is used as an argument in support of the assertion that physical objects exist in the mind only, finds favor among phenomenalists. The myth of sense-data.

Marketing luxury goods to chinese

Case Study: Marketing Luxury Goods to Chinese Case Study: Marketing Luxury Goods to Chinese Luxury goods firms should invest in product quality in order to acquire the loyalty from Chinese consumers. Improving on the quality of the luxury goods will attract the increasing number of Chinese consumers.

Unit 2 short answer

The Railroad Safety Improvement Act is a mixture of specifics and generalities. The Congress refused to listen to the voices of the stakeholders in the railroad sector.

Essay example

He takes the stand that the sole purpose of books and institutions, such as schools and colleges, is to inspire the reader. Emerson categorically states that the sole purpose of books is to inspire the reader and to foster creativity.

Ntozake shange

She uses symbolism and imagery in her work to bring out the essence of her emotional and mental turmoil. Her language deviates from the standard and accepted norms of American English and she does so to invoke feelings of sympathy with her carefully selected words.

Nypds stop & frisk practices

According to the police, it is easier to find criminals through this procedure as the criminals may be about to or are in the process of committing a crime. If an officer gets to stop and frisk an individual and finds a weapon, then the officer may have protected his or her life.

Montaignes constraints: a renaissance view of the noble savage

The way the ' natives' organize themselves is what he likes best: the way they have no formal ways of documenting and none of the modern trappings of contracts and laws. He writes of their cheerfulness in the face of adversity, and how happy wives are that their husbands have a number of consorts, to β†’

Buisness law

Burning the flag according to the constitution studies is stated by the Supreme Court as a fashion of expression that is protected by the first amendment provision for the congress and free speech. The court should consider flag burning as a violation of freedom of speech.

Circuit soldering assignment

It is also vital to fold out areas that are not to be soldered if possible to specifically limit the area of soldering to that that is required. In this method, it is vital to limit the time of contact of the soldering iron.

Cover letter to find a job

I have passion for design work and I am very interested in forming part of your design team. I am interested in this job because it will give me the opportunity for professional growth and experience in design process and explore a new product market-space.

Relaxing & energizing

Cindy Frederickson, George's coach thinks he needs to develop relaxation and energization skills needed to control his arousal during practice and competition. What is the difference between relaxation and energization?

Application report 2

If the inflation rate is higher than 2-3% then the Federal Reserve has the option of either lowering or increasing the interest rates to tip the scale. In other words, if there is inflation and the price of commodities is high the Federal Reserve has to lower the interest rates to make the cost of β†’

Justification and excuses

Justification and Excuse Defenses of the of the Justification and Excuse Defenses There are it seems, no limits to humaningenuity. Sandusky had no excuse or justification for his action, for the crime he committed he knew very well what he was doing to those boys, over a period of 15 years and he knew the β†’

Personality assessment

Personality assessment is also vehemently supportive in the treatment process of the individuals; it is therefore the counselors and therapists lay stress upon knowing the domestic, environmental, racial, ethnic and religious background of the patients before starting the treatment procedure. One of the most imperative advantages of such diagnosis includes the thorough exposure of the β†’

Business formation and entrepreneurship

Technology and especially the internet has been in the midst of all these business changes as it has continued opening up the world to new opportunities and ventures that were simply not available or impossible. The most lucrative of the businesses at this time in the business world and which is not likely to become β†’

Ethical consideration in pharmaceutical research

Ethical Consideration in Pharmaceutical Research The medical practice is a wide area that requires intensive research in finding the right drugs that could treat some of the existing problems. Placebos only deceive a patient that the medication is of greater help to the body.

Food prohibitions in world religions

Some foods have special meanings, like the bread and wine of the Christian Eucharist, and others must be prepared in very special ways, as for example the kosher rules for killing animals and cooking food in separate utensils. The reason why these rules are so important is that they have both literal usefulness in preserving β†’

Week two discussion questions

These adjusting entries give a more adequate picture of the company's assets by subtracting the amount in the prepaid expense which is already consumed. At each end of the month, adjusting entries which include crediting prepaid expense by $100 should be undertaken in order to reflect the true amount of prepaid insurance in its portfolio.

Reflection paper9

On this website, there are lectures for each of the subjects mentioned and the most interesting thing are the video lectures, which appeal to both the teacher and the student. There are conferences related to education on this website, it creates lessons which can be shared and there is a whole library of them on β†’

Protesting government contracts

Some complains may be brought to the court by the offerers and bidders who might be unhappy and feel injured as a result of the breach of the contract or engaged in unfair bidding procedures which might result in the loss of a contract. At the same time, for a protest to be accepted, it β†’

Organizational communcation unit 7

Advantages and disadvantages of team work The major advantages of team work are; the team members can learn from each other and also assist others in their mission; more flexibility in work; new ideas and suggestion can be implemented; communication and cooperation among the employees can be improved; Greater autonomy and more freedom in work β†’

War in 1914

The German armament and the hostile attitude of the Kaiser and the military top heads was reflective of their ambitions which came forth in 1914. The establishment of secret societies by the Serbs was also a step towards the war outbreak.

Early childhood assessment

Early Childhood Assessment To get a child assessed, parents should consult school administrators and request them to provide them with a detailed evaluation of the child's skills with the help of assessment tests that are particularly designed to measure a child's performance. In order to enable the child achieve his/her full potential and optimize on β†’


Analysis of a Statistical Obesity Study Here Here Here Here Analysis of a Statistical Obesity Study Obesity is a serious problem in Western society. A variety of factors have contributed to the rise of weight gain, including the explosion in the availability of " junk" food that has occurred in recent decades.

Uncovering the truth behind the holocaust

He seemed to have carefully drafted the documentary in favor of the German version of the holocaust story and also seemed quite anxious to mention he is a Jew but an atheist, wearing his kippah to prove that he is not some revisionist or the like. Cole said he wanted to uncover what really happened β†’

Developmental psychopathology perspective on resilience

Developmental Psychopathology Perspective on Resilience The pathway in which an individual will major on in terms of his reactions is influenced by a number of factors such as experiences, social context, timing, and the historical background of an individual. Through research, scientists have discovered that factors, which facilitate resilience, have to do with the environment β†’

Export-import bank

Loan guarantees al Affiliation) Introduction The Export-Import bank has offered various forms of support to address the credit risk associated with a foreign buyer of a U.S.product. A foreign buyer of a U.S.product may seek for a loan from a commercial bank.

Sociology of developing countries

Sociology of Developing Countries SOCIOLOGY OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Question The urban poor in developing countries have been subject to debate between those viewing them as conservative and those who consider them radical. Question # 3 Urbanization seems to be happening at an unprecedented rate, with most of the individuals now living in the cities, as β†’

Articleabstract assignments 11

The infrastructure of the city has to fit into the long term plan of the city and should be able to address the demand of tourist. The article has asked different research questions including the kind of infrastructure the cities need, the benefits of the infrastructure change, the source of funding of the event and β†’

Comparing between 3 companies ( semco , google , apple )

But Apple diversified its products and packages in the same business segment. Although the company does not believe in discriminating its lower rank executives and technicians; it has a perfectionist approach, which was inducted by Steve Jobs.


Discussion: Stalking and illegal entry are some of the most common crimes in the society to The use of the internet and related media aggravates the crime that has a potential of cause harm to the members of the public. The coverage of the woman who entered a man's house illegally portrays the lack luster β†’

If you could change one thing to make the world a better place, what would it be

The final solution is to go to the root cause of the problem. When the thoughts are changed, the mind is changed; when the mind is changed, the man is changed; when the man is changed, the society is changed; when the society is changed, the nation is changed.

Unethical behavior

Unethical Behavior Unethical Behavior According to Jackson, JPMorgan chase & Co is the leading financial company in the United States which provides the leading financial services with the latest show of unethical and immoral behaviors. According to the latest news from the internet, JPMorgan is the latest show of unethical behaviors practiced by the workers β†’

I am nujood, age 10, and divorced

I am Nujood, age 10, and divorced: This paper is an effort to discuss the character of the 10 year old Yemeni girl Nujood as told in the book, I am Nujood, age 10, and divorced. Moreover, her development can be related to the young adulthood stage of Erikson's 8-stage developmental model which typically begins β†’

Faculty of business and law candidature – thesis proposal example

FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW Candidature Proposal Project Settlement of Disputes Caused by Electronic Commerce Contracts: A Study about the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf for the award of Student Name Student ID principal Supervisor Co-Supervisor School / Centre Date Section 1: Aims and context of Project Over the last decade, β†’

Why would workers want to join a union what is the purpose of a union

As more people will stop working, then it will hurt the organizational processes and the employer or the management is more likely to listen to the concerns of the people. Some of the main purposes of union are discussed below: To get better financial rewards, pay and other benefits.

Technology in eurasia according to jared diamond’s theory

Weaknesses and Strengths of Diamond's Argument One weakness is that Diamond does not believe that innovative ideas, superior political organization, and innovative ideas could lead to advanced technology. There is continued interest to determine how civilization comes about and the economic growth of different societies.

The best pizza in town

The best Pizza in Town The best Pizza in town Contractor selection methodology, methods and Explanation or justification The PizzaCompany will have to select a contractor based on the following selection methodology. It is therefore significant for the contractor to follow and comply with the needs of the Request for Standing Offers and adhere to β†’

Inventory management

00 = $24000 March 8 5000 units @ 8. 00 = $24000 March 8 5000 units @ $8.

Personality assessment

Personality Assessment Personality assessment is a process used to " assist our understanding of the behavior of a particular person" and also to " advance our general knowledge of human behavior". Also the examiner will be recording " how long it takes a subject to respond to a card and the position of the card β†’

Police statics discussion 2

On the other hand, the information published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics on National Crime Victimization Survey describes " the frequency, characteristics and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States". The strengths of the FBI reports are the availability and accessibility to crime reports on the most updated manner, where the latest statistics β†’

Intimacy and modernity

I have observed through the readings that with the emergence of modernity that has given rise to the gender and individual liberation, the concept of intimacy has turned into confluent love, which is causing an increased divorce rate in society. According to the above context, it can be said that modernity has reshaped the consequence β†’

The internet and global activism

I like to explore the interests of the understanding how as a person I can contribute towards the society by participating into an online revolution which is bringing in underlying and subtle changes in the very fabrics of the society as a whole. What author has been able to demonstrate is a very vivid example β†’

The benefits of technological learning programs

The scope of benefits of technological learning programs for classrooms is considerably wide not only for the learning skills of students but also for the educational quality of schools. Therefore, the use of technology enhanced learning programs in public schools is critical for students not only to improve their learning skills but also to adapt β†’

Servant leadership

Christ states that privileges in the kingdom are assigned by only the Father. Jesus describes the leadership of the Gentiles and compares it to that in heaven.

Analysis of battle zones: ukraine and syria film by patrice taddonio

Some of the questions that could be raised from the support given by Kyiv are how the country could provide enough money to get military airplanes and helicopters against the countries in the east which were against the European Union, yet it had amassed huge debts and was on the brink of civil war. By β†’

The korean war

Korean War al Affiliation) According to Halberstam, the Korean War was a result of a combination of factors and events that followed the end of World War II, but the primary cause was North Korea's act of invading the Republic of Korea by crossing the 38th parallel that separated the two nations. MacArthur Based on β†’

Blues inc

As market analyst, I evaluated the current budget of the company and came up with the decision to change the current marketing budget. First week In the first week, the marketing budget of the company was set to $169 million.

Health law and ethics

Task: Health Law and Ethics Response The information accessible on the internet empowers the informed consumer to make appropriate decisions concerning care. A consumer with the requisite skills to identify, filter and discard the wrong information is likely to benefit from the information on the internet since he or she will only embrace the right β†’

No idea

In regards to the specificity of this goal, I is the who, studying is the what, library is the where, three hours daily is the when, semester aggregate grade is the which and improve is the why. In this goal, I is the who, making is the what, our new neighborhood is the where, every β†’

Critical number

The author of the article describes a technique used in his company which is to compare the financial ratios of the firm with the competition. The ratios of the competition are calculated by retrieving the financial statements of the companies using the internet.

Developing a strategic plan

The key lessons I learned from this process is how to incorporate the vision and a mission in a plan. I have learned to use precise information and how to build a consensus on the shared goals and the targets that the plan is supposed to achieve.

Week six individual assignment

The marketing strategy the company used in the past of advertising the firm as a CPA centered firm was effective in the past. One of the threats that the company is currently facing is companies that offer tax services by non-CPA accountants that have become very effective in their work due to the assistance of β†’

Research paper 4

The initial plan predetermined the division of the paper into four main sections: the preliminary design of the research, a statement of the data collection methods, the methods of case analysis and the general plan. The process of formation of the theories and hypothesis.4.

The way of the gods in japanese culture

According to ancient times, the authentic religion of Japanese was Shinto and is believed to be the reason behind all manifestation of nature. As per " To begin with the native religion of Japan is Shinto literally " the way of Gods" according to which all the beautiful and vital manifestation of nature is deifies".

Pre-employment schemas

Introducing the concept of Schema advances the concept of the psychological contract. People working in the same setting or members who are of the same society can share elements of schema.

Business -marketing executive summary

Statistics from the International Air Travel Association confirm the positive trends in the growth of passenger traffic between the US and Europe, and between Asia and US/Europe. Thus it will be a variation of an already established product, which is in its growth phase and can be confidently expected to gain more and more customers β†’

Cultural studies

Cultural Studies Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit deals with the evolution of consciousness and the various factors and ideas that contributed to the formation of a new, modern spirit. Thus, for Hegel the phenomenology of Spirit is an evolution of consciousness from the shackles of the dominant universal will to the realization of a pure will.

Forum on congress

The introduction of the bill to the houses is followed by reference of the bill to a special committee by the speaker of the house and Senate's leader. The committee of house rules hands the bill to the house and senate.

Reflection on white like me

Reflection White Like Me is a documentary that details how racism in America has been redesigned and reintroduced in more sophisticated but less over ways than it was in the days of slavery. However, fact of the matter is; racism has reborn in America in new ways.

Resistance to change and rapid change

What is more, resistance takes place through absolute disregard and disobedience to the instructions associated with the change. To address the issues of resistance to change, managers are advised to understand why resistance would take place and a will power to address the issues head-on.

Ernest hemingway failed masculinity

Ernest Hemingway Failed Masculinity From the short story The Battler by Hemingway a series of masculinity is expressed by the author. He is not concerned about reporting this matter to the police and believes that he is done running.

Week 14 experiential exercise

This director of sales indicated that things had changed significantly in the field of marketing since she first entered it, but the steps to creating a marketing plan remain essentially intact, though they are now somewhat more difficult and require more ingenuity. The development of marketing strategies seems to be a difficult and time consuming β†’

Personality theories

Personality Theories By: Theorist Orientation Key motivational forces Model of personality structure View of personality development Sigmund Freud Psychodynamic Reform of the insane asylum Interest in abnormal psychological states Id, Ego, and Superego Personality develops through a series of stages, each characterized by a certain internal psychological conflict Carl Gustav Jung Humanistic Sexuality, importance of β†’

The current state of the wheeler-lea act

On recommendation of revision of 1906 Act, Congress passed the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938, Which authorized regulation of many different types of commercial speech that were previously outside the FDA's regulatory control and other requirements like labeling and many more. Current state The Wheeler-Lea Act has not permitted the FTC to β†’