Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Neuroticism in the us sitcom friends

He is in a state of depression whenever he thinks of approaching her, and this is the reason why he failed to express his emotions. The act of Ross being unable to approach Rachel all is evident that he has a trait of neuroticism.


Reflection on Plato Chapter 4 of the book " Living Philosophy: A Historical Introduction to philosophical ideas" describes the lifeand the times of Plato in a chronological manner with core inferences to the knowledge and beliefs of Plato grounding its claims on knowledge and reality, Plato's ideas on immortality, mortality and the soul. In an β†’

Moral and ethical dilemma in the ase of spaulding v zimmerman

In this moral and ethical dilemma, it must be remembered that the purpose of litigation is to secure justice. It is the lawyer's professional responsibility to disclose all evidence relevant to the case and not merely that which favors his own client, which in a sense, amounts to the concealment or manipulation of evidence.


HERE YOUR HERE HERE HERE The Paradox of Omnipotence Mackie believed that ascribing evil directly to human free willwould not avoid the Paradox of Omnipotence, meaning that the paradox is still valid when viewing God and his absolute supremacy. At the same time, the paradox is a rational approach to viewing God's supremacy, suggesting that β†’

Week4journal phi445 personal & organizational ethics

Understanding the challenges, their causes, and potential solutions is significant to the organizations' sustainability and are the focus of this discussion. Political leaders and the audience are the parties to the problem that is likely to reduce trust in the organization and its effectiveness.

Melafind technology cutting backon melanoma biopsies

MelaFind Technology The MelaFind technology is a medical device, the first of it kind, which non-invasively investigates and analyzes skin to give more information to dermatologists about melanoma-like atypical moles. However, because the melanoma is not always visible to the dermatologist, MelaFind is used together with the visual exam to give more information concerning the β†’

Chapter 4

We also learnt that there are several communication styles that can be used and incorporate unilateral, directional, and transactional where transactional method is preferred since it favors a two way mode of communication. It is more helpful to ensure that both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication are exercised appropriately so as to eliminate the β†’

The preference for thin and fat female figures

The results of the tests indicated that children preferred thin female figures to fat and average female figures. The results of the tests indicate that the children believed that thin is good compared to fat and that they would rather indulge themselves with the thin female figures.

Diversity in family counseling

The interpersonal skills need for a multicultural therapy session for couples and families must include, ability to identify clues in the culture/s of the clients to decide upon how to present the issues to them, the ability to identify culturally defined " treatment goals", the ability to identify culturally defined notions of health and a β†’

E&j gallo winery

One of products, the Thunderbird, A low end fortified wine is the favourite brand of the low income group because it is affordable. The Proposal Since the problem is customers' perception that Thunderbird as a low-end fortified wine, is of poor quality, a marketing strategy that calls for image building is called for.

Tillman v. commercial credit loans, inc

According to the case study, I consider the decision taken by the credit company to be against the majority. According to the case study, unconscionable contracts are vital.

Db 4-2

A fair part of the interest paid by the tax-payers used to be earnings of the company. These two are the prime factors which helped these two companies to thrive.In preparing industry is drastically changing due to intrusion of technology.

Why does globalisation generate winners and losers

On the other hand, the World Bank and the IMF are major actors in that they provide with the needed financial assistance in the form of loans as well as technical assistance to the governments or multinational corporations that wish to invest in other different countries. However, whilst the concept of globalization is noble in β†’

Australian pizza wars (pp 687-689)

Australian Pizza Wars BY YOU YOUR ACADEMIC ORGANISATION HERE HERE HERE Because the pizza market in Australia is so littered with pricing competition, the CEO of Pizza Hut Australia should steer the business toward more sales promotions and innovative marketing in order to draw more consumer interest. Therefore, such new sales promotions and direct mailing β†’

Persuasive letter

The ideas that you presented were innovative and creative, however we are unsure that the city will allow for balloons of that size to occupy the space of the street. As you were unable to provide us with information on the policies of the city or to assure us that the city would provide the β†’

Idea for business plan

However, the major products will be milk and cheese since they are the first-hand products of dairy farming. The business will ascertain that its products are of high quality, and cleanliness will be paramount.

Outline for topic research

All the articles chosen were selected because of their relevance to the research questions and they all have a general agreement in the context of the research questions. In the process of conducting the literature review, notes will be taken and recorded separately as they apply to each of the questions before the final paper β†’

How diversity and multiculturalism affects my daily life

Diversity and multiculturalism affects different facets of my life in the work place. I am not usually afraid to advocate a change of an agent in the station when it comes to enhancing cross-cultural relations within my department as well as between community and the police.


But as time went by and I went on to High School and College, I began to understand that ' Literacy' or ' Being Literate' had more to it than met the eye, because it involved a complex journey of learning, where one internalizes all that they learn and in so doing, helps them in β†’

Fire protection

The Institute argues that capability to comprehend and predict patterns of fire ignition is necessary in helping decision makers enhance fire prevention, detection and optimize the allocation of fire fighting resources. Before starting a fire, one is required to ensure that they have adequate fire fighting equipments and personnel to assist in case the fire β†’

Law and the constitution in canada

In the ruling, the court declined the validity of the CFA1. Malloy, Jonathan." The executive and parliament in Canada".

Further discuss the plan identified in the case assignment

Medical interventions are central to this pursuit, complementing the roles played by all other participants in addressing the problem of medical errors, and specifically HAIs. The role of HCPs HCPs are crucial participants in the pursuit to address medical errors.

Discussion question

The shared values determine the bonding of organizational principles to the goal-setting process. Ethical action in modern organizations is the relentless effort to make values a part of the goal-setting equation.

Business memorandum assignment

Companies are encouraged to use simple English in order for investors and the public to easily review and understand the reports as well as make informed decisions. Everything should be in orderly manner with the use of headings and subheadings, with related information grouped together.

Small business (entrepreneurship)

The Weak Links in the Plan The figures on which he is Citroen bases his decisions are not exhaustive and the actual running cost of the restaurant could be higher. He needs to conduct a thorough financial analysis and feasibility studies of running the new restaurant.

Faith-centrism as a world religion

My World Religion In most cases, the major conflict that several religions could hardly addressis the question on how practice of concrete rituals makes relevant connection to the practice of faith which by nature, ought to be spiritual. It is quite deceiving and absurd to find a significant number of people who take religion merely β†’

U.s history response paper

US History Response Paper From the sources used for this paper, it seems clear that the war for America, the American Revolution, the Rebellion of the Colonies and any other name given to the events which took place in 1776 were based on the fundamental principle of no taxation without representation Simply put, the legality β†’

The cost of installing an underground power line

Therefore, if the bone of contention is cost of installation, then concern should be addressed through government subsidy whereby the government should be made to understand that in the event that it subsidize cables, then it is easy for power companies to consider laying power cables underground. The government, residents, and the power company should β†’

Person-situation interaction

This way can be illustrated by the following example: in the big office there are a lot of people and everyone wants to be the manager, but not everyone can be a leader and sometimes the circumstances are more significant than the persons will. The Person and the Situation: Perspectives of Social Psychology.

Case study

The Chinese people did not know how to refuse; it was in their culture to be courteous and not say ' No', the refusal would be conveyed in hidden words which was difficult for the Westerners to gauge. 2) What are key features of VW and the Chinese Automotive sector that need to be considered β†’

Academic book review of american eugenics by nancy ordover

Academic Review of the Book " American Eugenics" by Nancy Ordover Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Academic Review: American Eugenics: Race, Queer Anatomy, and the Science of Nationalism3 Conclusion5 Work Cited6 Introduction The book " American Eugenics" captivates the trajectory of eugenics in America. This book locates the root of the β†’

The power trainings role in the sports football

The Power Training's Role In The Sports Football Introduction Football, like any other sport, consists of several training and conditioning component. The principle of specificity enables the football players to concentrate their power training on the particular muscle group used, as a defensive or offensive player, on the field.

International trade ( economic )

Outline THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND: ITS ROLE IN THE ASIAN FINANCIAL CRISIS The establishment of the International Monetary Fund The role of the IMF up to the early 1970s IMF after the early 1970s Capsule History of recent IMF interventions Mexico Russia Turkey Brazil Argentina Other countries The Asian Financial Crisis South Korea Thailand Indonesia β†’

Professional psychology organizations

The standards for professional psychologists have been expressly defined in the American Psychological Association ethics and code of conduct which specifies the minimum requirements for a professional psychologist. It is critical for professional psychologists to be involved with " The Society for Military Psychology.

Economic thought and economic reform in the soviet union

After the death of Stalin in the year 1953, Khrushchev took over power in the Soviet Union and he immediately denounced the economic policy that had been introduced by Stalin. Apparently, the Soviet Union under the leadership of Stalin had eventually succeeded in practicing socialism as their main policy in growing their economy.

An historical perspective on this surveying process for (levelling survey)

SURVEYING: LEVELING Leveling Survey Leveling is a surveying technique that involves the measurement of geodetic height using a digital level, dumpy level, spirit level, or a laser level. The objective of leveling is to locate the elevation of a given point relating to the given or assumed datum, and to establish a point at a β†’


Serial driver It transforms the signal from the BMCC to control the IGV and the solenoid valves in order to cool the motor and the external extension of the valves Failure resulting from the aging of the serial driver. Inlet regulation The inlet of the compressor can be regulated by throttling the inlet of the β†’

A primer in social and sociological theory

The second wave of feminism urged the government to give more social rights to women so that they would be recognized as fully equal to men. In this situation women contribute almost nothing to the economic life of a society.

Ethics paper on the goverment mandated vaccinations

Mandatory vaccination of employees The dangerous tendency in the United s and the wholeworld cannot be left unnoticed: the government applies mandatory vaccination. Mandatory Shots: Should Hospitals Force Health Care Workers to Get the Flu Vaccine?

Assignment #1

The analysis of changing dynamics within the tribes of Rwanda and studying the psychology of the western culture, one would be better equipped to apply the anthropological paradigms and disseminate information regarding cross cultural values. Answer 2 The article by Bourgois discusses the problems that have risen from the migration of people across borders.

The treatment of setting is an important tool many authors use to express criticism of society in their works. discuss this use of setting in two works of prose fiction studied this year

Through their works we get to understand the nature of the society at the time that their stories were written. Through McCarthy's work one can understand the nature of drug wars at that time.

Retail employee management- 2_02

The contents of the bill proposed the creation of a new independent labor agency to oversee the employees' affairs. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 was a bill introduced and sponsored by Senator Robert A.

Impacts on liquidity – eco316

Declining budget deficits enable a country to attract foreign investments and, consequently, increase the liquidity, but the extent of the impact is not that strong. The expansionary measures undertaken by Federal Reserve and declining government budget deficits together work to increase the liquidity and fight the solvency issues.

Differences between the us and german corporate governance systems

Differences between the US and German Corporate Governance Systems The Daimler Chrysler Corporation was adversely affected in its global business operations mainly by the pertaining variance in corporate legal aspects between the US and German governments. Law Daimler and Chrysler could have initiated some researches on the major corporate issues to identify the essential β†’

The top three priorities among recommendations of peer

A recent example of this is illustrated in the recent news report by New Haven Register:" A backlog at the state forensic laboratory is contributing to a delay in the case against a 33-year-old West Haven man accused of raping and killing a 7-year-old girl, a judge said Thursday". The third recommendation that must be β†’

The vietnam war

Vietnam War Introduction According to Burrows, the Vietnam War was fought between 1959 and 1975, with the major players being the United States, the Soviet Union. The USSR's continued support and supply of materiel to North Vietnam and the Vietcong prompted the American government to react so as to prevent the fall of South β†’

Emily dickinson a unique voice

The bee is " kinsman" to the grass, and all the things of the world are " sweet litigants for life". The Gardens of Emily Dickinson.

Finance question

According to Amed, uniqueness of the Nike Inc.'s products emanates from the necessity in the sports society as a strategy to ensure sustainability in the market. The fiscal growth of Nike Inc.resulted in earnings, revenues and cash returns to the incorporation's shareholders.

The epic of gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh The Epic of Gilgamesh seems a plain legend, however, is a high-valued paper that lifts the veil on much essential information concerning social and political development. People from Mesopotamia used the epic of Gilgamesh to explain different facts and phenomena such as death and desire to gain a power.

How are the index number used to display economics or financial data identify some examples to illustrate your answer

Use of index number in displaying economics or financial data A price index is used as a measure of the proportionate or percentage changes in a given set of prices over a set period. The price index is assigned a value of unity, or even 100, in some reference period, and the value of other β†’

Literary canon

In my opinion, literary cannon helps in establishing a group of similar works of literature that are critical to the literature lovers. Ideally, literary cannon provide sound foundations for literature since the books that make it to the cannon list seems to be the best in terms of quality.

Anwar sadat

The expulsion of the Soviet Union military from Egypt and the transformation of the Egyptian military brought confidence amongst Egyptians on his determination to address the unchecked misuse of the military powers in the country. As president, Sadat made the recapturing of Egypt's land lost during the war his priority.

Marconi jicks-managing change in a company in severe crisis

In the order of complexity and difficulty, these issues are: First, Managing Individual Emotions and Reactions to Change is the most complex and difficult due to the fact that nobody can please everybody and most especially nobody can satisfy the desire and need of everybody. The conference was able to show the presence of Mike β†’

Present illness of diplopia

Look for symmetry of pupil, reaction to light and color of the conjunctiva. Look for congestion of the throat, tonsillar enlargement, flaring of nostrils and postnasal drip.

In what ways can ‘childhood’ and ‘youth’ be understood as social constructions

The objective of this essay is to identify the different ways childhood and youth is because of social construction. In the book Understanding Youths, she has used history and sociocultural approaches to prove that childhood is a social construction.

This i believe

I told him that he should tell his new manager about the incident and the fact that he was the other driver. Surprisingly, the manager said that it was okay and he appreciated my father's honesty and responsibility.

Social problems: illegal immigrants

The high number of illegal immigrants overburdens the health sector because Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act accommodate pregnant mothers and infants. Hiring immigration judges and officials can streamline the problem of illegal immigrants in the country.

Food waste biomass

Initiatives on Prevention of Food Waste in the Retail and Wholesale Trades. Venkat, Kumar." The Climate Change and Economic Impacts of Food Waste in the United States".

The interpretation of qur’an from early- 16th century

The presence of two texts, however, cause misunderstandings and is seen as one of the reasons for the emergence of different readings of the Quran following the establishment of the religion. The rearrangement of the chapters of the Quran by Uthman ibn Affan, a companion of the prophet, was another reason for the changing interpretations β†’

Homeland security

Effective Homeland Security Introduction The number one and the task that needs to be given high priority by the Department of Homeland security of US are to counter terrorist activities in the most effective manner. This definition of the effectiveness of the US department of Homeland security constitutes of various facts such as: the security β†’

Modernism and modernization between japan and korea

Comparison between modernism and modernization of Josean Korea The present day Korea is completely modernized with the advent of technology and the presence of Korean Chaebols that have the inbuilt leadership to command a major chunk of the market share as well as resources that spontaneously create an expertise and market edge to represent in β†’

Chem 1

Heat taken out of water = specific heat of water x wt.of water x temperature difference = 4. 5 X J Heat absorbed by ice = heat of fusion of ice x wt.of ice = 333.

Life long consequences of child maltreatment

Life long consequences of child maltreatment Lifelong consequences of child maltreatment Introduction Maltreatment of children by their caregivers or parent has become an important public health and social welfare issue. Recently, it has become very common and can cause death, injury, and long-term consequences that have an adverse impact on the child's life in adulthood, β†’

Critical thinking assignment # 3

Regardless of the reasons, the rationale for solitary confinement does not justify the means because it is wrong and ineffective. According to Cole, Smith, and DeJong, the rationale of solitary confinement is that it serves as a form of punishment for prisoners who do not follow rules.

Joseph story

The same is particularly the case with Joseph's Biblical and Quran account that the readers could easily judge that the story maintains one and the same source of inspiration, depicting the holy life of Joseph, his spiritual status and position, his brother's nefarious plan against him, his journey to Egypt as a slave, years in β†’

Clarifying your values

In many cases, their vehicles were destroyed as a result of the accidents. This is because the price of the Pinto had to increase as Ford tried to improve the safety of their vehicles.

Writing effective email

The other rule is to use proper business salutations depending on whom the email is written for. There is a similarity in the analysis of the voice and tone of the email habits by the two writers: Ms.

Marketing activities

Marketing Promotion Activities Dell Computers has used the power of the Internet to provide awareness of its products and the place from where to acquire its products. This market segmentation witnessed Apple Computers giving a large role to offline promotion in the creation of awareness of its products and marketing its products.

The drug war as race war

The federal bureau of investigations arrested the men who had earlier been convicted by a grand federal jury of operating a cartel that organized and trafficked heroin, prescription painkillers, and cocaine among other in the west of the county. If the accused will be found guilty of conspiring to distribute heroin in excess of one β†’

Psychology- human development

The second approach, " The native perspective" unlike learning theorists minimize the role of the language environment and maximize the role of child's biologically programmed capacities in explaining language development. Gender refers to the cultural and social definition of feminine and masculine, it bears no relevance to the biological sex.

Pls provid for me

Task Segmentation in the Japanese, Yokai culture Yokai is a term in the Japanese culture, which broadly means the period of phantasmagoria where monsters, mysterious apparitions, ghosts and inexplicable phenomena got experienced in the Japanese culture. To start with is the explanation of the emerging academic discipline in the Yokai community, where the myth and β†’

Procurement outsourcing strategies: wonderful widgets

It used to produce the widget parts internally, and the supply manager has noted that the operational cost of producing the components is escalating month after month. In addition to that the corporate expects the cost to be low, and therefore, the manager has to streamline processes before the end of the quarter.

Assignment one for fundamentals of e- business

The site also features a free help facility for anyone who wants to learn about the sport of SCUBA or the products on the site. 77B Disclaimer More information about DELL " Question 3: Google Services and Tools 1.

Does child labor still exist in its worst form, across the world

Hence, an examination of the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989, helped me in assessing the rights accorded to the child, by the nations of the international community, against child labor. The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child is to a major extent, similar to the Convention on the β†’

Health care

In this case, the mission statement is vital for an organization in order to facilitate prosperity and growth, since it has a positive impact on profitability, an increase of shareholders equity and it helps the employees to understand the company mission.2. The paper has also discussed the effects of changes in health care policies and β†’

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

OCD The disability chosen for the purposes of the current report is obsessive compulsive disorder, or OCD. The roles of obsessions and compulsions are different in the disorder, and can be seen in terms of cause and effect.

Tv series angels in america

Cohn is perhaps the most repressed and drowning in the denial of the truth of his life. The Rosenberg trial is a main focus that allows the writer to pull together the personality and repression of Cohn with the prosecution of Rosenberg.

Song of the bright moon

These features often characterize poetry from the Southern Dynasties and are especially true about the poem " Song of the Bright Moon" by the poet Bao Zhao. A thousand gold pieces do not matter- what counts is the strength of feeling.

B. activity

As a teacher, I may opt to seek help from outside of the school in order to find out the most appropriate ways of communicating with Nora until she is able to confide in me the details of her case. This way, I would be able to figure out how different Nora is compared to β†’

View on the american history through the name of war by jill lepore

The writer intends to make the reader understand how the English people and the Indians survived the king Phillips war and how the two tribes revived after the war. The war demonstrates the experiences of the British colonialists and the natives that lay foundation to the competition between the Europeans and the Indians over control β†’

President washingtons inaugural address

The president gave his oaths and revealed his ideas on his presidency and the future of the nation. First of all, the reference to the Constitution is one of these ideals as the nation was built on the idea of equality secured by the Constitution.

Procter and gamble

The probable products that will carry on the growth of P&G are the Baby Care and Family Care segment products, for example the Always sanitary napkins and the Pampers diapers, owing to the fact that this segment generates the company more revenues than the other four segments. The investors of P&G should be encouraged, since β†’

Choose one (1) of the topics below and develop

In the efforts of explaining the construction, the theory expounded on the conflicting theories of the shape and form of the ramp used in hoisting the blocks up the pyramid, namely; the spirals and the straights. For the rest of the pyramids height, the ramp was built from the inner side of the pyramid to β†’

Reconstruction for assigned reading

For instance, in transportation projects, PPP's can be broadened to build new roads, bridges, and tunnels without adding to the Federal deficit. The PPP's empower motorists to be consumers of the roadways and thus gives them the power to demand the facilities and services they need.

Response 3 fielding

Though there are some valid arguments in favour of the claim, which portray a very humorous picture of the parson, yet there exist so many touching lines and incidents, during the development of the story of the novel, which make the parson as the most loveable character of Joseph Andrews. His relinquishing of seat in β†’

Final self-seessment

The Q@I is the essence of any argument which makes it important for the writer to give answers or further discussion to the question. Is it the two-year colleges or the traditional four year colleges? " The novelty of the four-year colleges have made so many people ignore the two-year colleges.

Colon cancer

The first step is to conduct a study on the foods that causes colon cancer and their components. Unagi Soy sauce, mirin, sugar 3.

Public policy

In the late 1990s, states began legalizing marijuana use for medical purposes, which challenged the congress to develop other accommodating laws over the issue of medical marijuana. Keywords: Marijuana, Cannabis Sativa, Congress, Patients, Acts, Laws, Drugs, Medical Marijuana, Controlled Substances, Illegal, Legislation, Pain Relievers History of Medical Marijuana Marijuana has been known as a pain β†’


Rate of interest and operating cost Rate of interest directly affects the cost of operation of a business. Since an increase in the interest rates will tend to squeeze money out of the economy, employees might demand higher salaries as well.

Answer all of them i short paragraph ( around 20 sentences)

Identify three major causes of procrastination and three solutions to overcome procrastination The three major causes of procrastination are boredom, perfectionist attitudes and distractions to work. Feelings of failure can be understood as having no way out of the problems, despair and hopelessness.

Directions in the word document

The Chinese arrival was because of the presence of gold fields in California and eventually, they became recruits in the railroad works. There was the massacre of the Chinese due to a woman dispute between the Chinese and a white man in an effort to send the Chinese packing back to China.

Compare and contrast pascal, voltaire, hume, kierkegaard and nietzsche

In this case, he concluded that it is appropriate for people to believe that God exists and behave in an appropriate manner. In this case, he stipulated that Christianity is a matter of subjective passion.

The buffalo soldiers in world war ii

The idea of the Buffalo soldiers in 1866 was carried on to the Second World War when the 92nd Infantry Division which were composed of African American soldiers under the command of Maj.Gen. Retrieved February 25, 2015, from Buffalo Soldiers of the American West.

Buddhist economics

In this case, economics is a common concept in the Buddhist religion. Buddhist economics is highly recommended in the modern society as it focuses of finding the correct path to development.

The god of god, gold, and glory: the role of european christian missionaries in china from the 16th to the 19th century

The " God" of " God, Gold, and Glory:" The Role of European Christian missionaries in China from the 16th to the 19th Century The role of the Europeans Christian missionaries in China has been a difficult encounter even since it began. Their views, in most cases, negatively affected the natives of China and; hence, β†’