Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Should there be any specific limitations on the powers of the president

INTRODUCTION There has been a lot of debate recently and in the past concerning the limits of presidential powers and what American legislators can do to stem abuse of power by the president. Nixon clearly violated the law and ethical standards of the office of the president of the United States by ordering domestic espionage, β†’

Dissent about nuclear safety

Alison is a junior member of the PNSCR, which has the task of making a recommendation concerning the likely continuity of the heat exchanger. The second instance is that she should not request for a delay by stating that public risk is not high and therefore, the impacts of the breakdown will be confined to β†’

The anti-slavery movement of the early twentieth century

The Anti-Slavery Movement of the Early Twentieth Century The anti-slavery movement of the early twentieth century took the form of the Civil Rights Movement, which influenced and was influenced by various other such movements for rights and equality. In the first place, there is an interesting comparison between the " Letter from Birmingham Jail" β†’

Bp oil disaster in the gulf of mexico

Case One: BP Oil Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico BP Oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico case involves an oil spill in the deep underwater well. The case of oil spill is not the first scenario of oil leakages in the underwater; ExxonMobil had the worst case scenario in 1989 famed as β†’

Dissent about nuclear safety

The JCO clearly does not attach any importance to the consequences or outcomes of the act of allowing the loss of one heat exchanger. But, going along with the JCO means that Alison does something which does not maximize utility in an even manner and which is also worthy of punishment because problems are anticipated β†’


However, if I would have had them, they would have been burdensome to me and my family. I may not have enough money to pay and thus will have to turn to my family for assistance.

Environmental ethics

From the Aristotle point of view of ethics, it is evident that ethics leads to development of good virtues. It is also evident that ethics leads to the development of wisdom in the society and the eventual sobriety of the society.

Reaction to this topic : explain the trade-offs that exist between concentrating power in the hands of the federal government and dispersing power across the 50 states. in other words, what is gained or lost when government leans towards one or the other

The opponents will thus understand the need for each state to have its own cultural and political autonomy, The professor asks if federal government has the right to impose standards on state government, which would upend the local cultural norms of the state. For the matter of proportion, that is federal government being more corrupted, β†’


The ingredients of bread were white flour, sugar, oil, sultanas, bananas, vanilla essence, salt, walnuts, resins, baking powder, eggs, milk, and baking soda whereas the ingredients of tea were water, tea, sugar, and milk. I baked the bread and made the tea myself.

Role of communication in relations

Many psychologists agree that communication is the basis for the formation and maintenance of interpersonal relations. The communication will allow an individual to express personal feelings and emotions.


Reasons for existence of separation of powers and federalism, and inefficient political system The main reason for existence of the doctrine of separation of powers in the United States' governance, and in other territories is to ensure checks and balances on the authorities and roles of each government branch and government officials in those branches. β†’

Politics and government

Politics and government Politics is the theory and practice of influencing people on a civic, individual and global level. Besides that, politics is the practice or study of the distribution of resources and power in a particular community in addition to the interrelationships amid communities.

Assigment 7

The first step would be to approach each of them individually to establish what they know about the report, albeit at the risk of losing my employment. If it is apparent that they are aware and hiding it for the sake of company profits, I would approach the boss and failure of co-operation from him β†’

The value of ach

The Value of ACH The Value of ACH Analysis of competing hypotheses, is an instrument to support judgment on essential issues requiring watchful thorough weighing of alternative clarifications or conclusions. ACH tends to be solely dependent on the validity of the evidence available and also it is sometimes time-consuming.

Nietzsche’s genealogy of morals

Analysis of the First Essay of " On the Genealogy of Morals" by Friedrich Nietzsche My reading of " On the Genealogy of Morals" has particularly drawn my attention to the critical analysis of the first essay in which Friedrich Nietzsche deals with the dichotomy of ' good and bad' and ' good and evil' β†’

The economics revolution

There was also no capital accumulation and those merchants who sold and bought goods to gain wealth were viewed with disdain especially by churches and for pilgrims, the idea of gain was perceived as " the doctrine of the devil". Heilbroner argues that it was not until the struggle for riches became general and vital β†’

Evolution and revolution as organizations grow

This paper will evaluate the evolution and revolution of organization that have been used to determine the growth of organizations. To start with, the age of the business, the size of the business, the various stages of evolution, the stages of revolution and the general growth in the industry.


The American War of Independence as it achieved independence from Great Britain with the help of colonies, 2. Slavery meant to be brought the commandment of the King of England.

“united states of secrets” or “long distance revolutionary”

Long Distance Revolutionary Produced by Stephen Vittoria, Long Distance Revolutionary focuses on the career of Mumia Abu-Jamal as a prolific journalist and writer from the depths of a penitentiary. I believe that the film Long Distance Revolutionary is an influential political documentary and indictment of the hypocrisy and injustice apparent in the American society.

Individual reflection

The BARS evaluation gives them a ready idea or " snapshot" whereby it can help to address performance issues. This way, the management is in a better position to apply remedial measures to improve performance.

Maslows hierarchy of needs and the film cast away

In the film, Chuck's physiological needs are deficient after he is stranded in the island. The final level of Maslow's hierarchy is the self-actualization needs.

Human resources managment – challenges and changes

The demand analysis is done to identify the future demands in the organization and accordingly consider the recruitment functions. It is very important to handle the human capital skillfully and effectively as it is a valuable asset of the organization, especially in health care.

What can we learn from rosa parks

What We Learn from Rosa Parks One of the lessons that we can learn from Rosa Park and apply to our modern life is the need for people to have courage and do the right things, based on their beliefs. She then used this enlightenment to fight for the rights of black people.

Human resources problems

Employee self-service can potentially increase the likelihood of errors and waste a lot of valuable time due to lack of experience. 4-Based on your text and supplemental readings, what are some of the potential problems associated with employee self-service?

Recruitment and selection

Investing in an employee on the 95th percentile is worth the money, time and effort of a recruitment and selection process. The recruitment and selection may take long but in the end, it will be worth it.

Hr strategic planning: mod3 discussion

Training needs analysis ascertains the needs of training at level of the organization, employees, including departmental to aid in the effective performance of an organization. Importance of the transfer of training in an organization Training transfer is where learners are in a position to transfer their acquired skills and knowledge learned in a session of β†’

Hr strategic planning module 1 discussion

One of the concrete example where the various department and functions intersect with each other is through a project which is increasingly becoming common in business organizations. Projects are typically composed of people in the organization from various departments with different background and skillsets working together in order to achieve the goal of the project.

Developed profile of an employee

In the highly competitive global business, it is very important to keep abreast of changes and upgrading your skills has become an intrinsic part of environmental changes. Last but not the least important are the entrepreneurial initiatives of the workers which add value to the organizational visions and goals.

Strategic workforce measures

In order for this company to be successful, the human resource professionals should identify the employees that place the company at a competitive advantage. This can be achieved through identification of the ' A' positions that are viewed as the driving elements of their business.

The major disadvantages of one big union concept

One of the major disadvantages of one big union concept is the possibility of more disputes inside the union because of the differences in the political beliefs of the members. In a multi-union approach, members of each unit may have the same political ideology and therefore internal conflicts would be lesser.

The essence of the between groups

In the ' between groups' approach participants are less likely to become bored as in the ' within group' approach because they are only used for one treatment. The ' within group' is less costly when compared to the ' between groups' approach as it involves only one group on which more than one treatment β†’

Volunteer report

There were about six people in my group and I had to make sure that I address the demands of each person appropriately. I definitely feel that the helping skills have to be used according to the situation and they should be in alignment with the instance so that the desired results are attained.


Organizational Communication Topic Organizational Communication Introduction Organizational communication system offers a broad overview to the overall organizational communication flow system. Overly, organizational communication inducts the workers to the values and norms of the organizations.

Work, people and productivity

A highly reliable company serves at the interest of both the company and the employees of such companies. Moreover, it is within the principle mandate of the company to enhance competitiveness thus, it must incorporate within its success strategy, presence of the employees.

Discover the leader within you

In the final step, establishing the Will, the leader ensures the team members are committed to making the journey and prepared for the conditions and obstacles they may meet on their way. Therefore the key is that the team should be viewed as an important resource whose maintenance must be managed just like any other β†’

Cover letter

I understand the need for the participation of a competent HR team when it comes to the importance of investing in human resource. I believe that my unique training and potential for further development as a leader will make me a valuable addition to your HR team.

The main reasons for workplace conflicts

The leadership initiatives of the organization have helped promote confidence building and strengthen interpersonal understanding with the group, within the organization. It not only resolves the conflicting interests of the employees but it also helps to inculcate better understanding among the workers.

Human resource management practices

Human Resource Management Practices Number October 2, Faculty Human Resource Management Practices There is an apparent connection between the organization strategy and human resources management. While organization strategy seeks courses of action that best achieve the organizational goals, human resource management concerns itself with the management of human capital.

Secrets of power negotiating

Deadlocks in negotiations can be overcome through the set aside tactic; changing the mood from competitive or resistive to cooperative; introducing deadlines; changing the negotiating team to find the conforming match to other party or to ease emotional baggage, etc. On the other hand, offerees can neutralize ' flinching' by using questions to get to β†’

Communication 1

The significant others helps us to define ourselves and the patterns others create for us to follow. For example, the significant others help us to understand who we are, what makes us unique and the values that we possess.

Human resources contributes at sysco

The HR department plays a strategic planning role by collaborating with the company in selecting the right workforce to enrich the organisation and assist with organisation development and transformation. For SYSCO to receive the Optimas award for general HR excellence from workforce magazine shows that the company have complied with most of the existing regulations β†’

Employment laws for business: religious discrimination

While LaTonya may be well-founded for claiming religious discrimination against her disposition, the grounds for inducing her to alter her practice is more reasonable regardless of whether the company tried to accommodate religious freedom or not. Yielding to her request may be destructive to the welfare or reputation of the company.

Port authority transit corporation strike

Since these employees defied the law and went ahead with the strike, it, therefore, implies that they also went against the president of the US. Collision course: Ronald Reagan, the air traffic controllers, and the strike that changed America.

My leadership observations

Leaders must accommodate innovation and be flexible to diverse opinions from other leaders and their followers. I observed that leaders establish strong associations and collaborations with others to enhance their skills and competence.

University land deal

His primary interest is to come to an agreement about the amount of cash in order to sell off the three dorms so that he helps save the financial situation in the school before it gets out of hand. His sources of power are the fact that he is aware of $16 million dorm that β†’

Learning agreement

This will be the best opportunity to capitalize on his experience as well as maximize on the growing interactions I will have with other employees at the workplace. In the process of documenting these stocks, I will have to check on the environment of the stocks and make sure that everything is working as required.


The information gained from the article is of great importance when discussing the effectiveness of teams in the project team. In addition, by learning that teams need to have effective communication and clearly defined roles and responsibilities will help in discussing the saliency of having direction and being objective as a team.

Literature review on performance management

Literature Review on Performance Management Performance Management Performance management involves the process of clarifying and communicating performance expectation, priorities, and responsibilities to enhance mutual understanding between employees and supervisors. It involves setting and aligning of individuals' performance to organization's coaching, informal feedback provision, employee development, formally evaluating performance, strategic goals, and linking performance to rewards β†’

Florida evergldes

The first impact is that it has led to competition in terms of feeding with the lesser species in the environment. Hence, this reduces the number of frog species in the ecosystem as said by the commentator in the documentary video.


Question: Your Response a) What is the luminosity of a 5 solar mass star compared to a 1 solar mass star? b) What is M/L for a two solar mass star? c) What is M/L for a 0. You will need to download the Red and Blue images of a simulated stellar cluster.

Ernest rutherford

On the other hand, the discovery of the nucleus of individual elements is the basis for the modern nuclear energy. Ernest Rutherford " The Newtan of Atomic Physics".

Charge to mass ratio (e/m) of an electron

Electron Charge to Mass Ratio This activity is conducted to better understand the effects of various parameters on the electron charge to mass ratio. This means that the electricity and magnetism directly affects the electron charge to mass ratio value.

Weather, hurricanes, & solar radiation

American National Weather Service refers to the period as the annual month of the North Atlantic Hurricane. Hurricanes of the North Atlantic: Climate and society.

Assignment example

His assumption was that the fainter a galaxy, the faster it is moving away from the milky way. According to him, if the Andromeda was an independent galaxy, then it would have to be at a distance of one trillion light years away, something that most scientists at the time agreed was impossible.

Using carbon fibre reinforced polymer

Car bodies made of CFRP technology will endure high and low temperature fluctuations without expanding or contracting in contrast to those made of traditional metallic components such as aluminium or steel. Carney uses Ferrari as a case study of the trouble with CFRP technology when compared to traditional metallic materials such as aluminium alloys.

The united states pharmacopeial convention

The enforcing of USPs drug standards in the United States is by the administration of food and drugs. The founding of United States Pharmacopeial Convention in 1820, by a group that comprises 11 physicians that are responsible in organizing the need that is essential for a nation's dictionary of names of drug and formulas in β†’

Renewable energy source

Solar energy is the transformation of light from the sun into power either by photovoltaics, or ultimately using focused solar. The development of affordable, endless and clean solar energy technological innovation will have huge longer-term benefits.

Compare newton and goethe’s theory described in a particular video

The difference in appearance is as a result of the fact that the eyes try to counter the strong orange-red light from the sun. Therefore, Newton's theory associates the perception of color with light and excludes the role that darkness plays in the display of colors.

Graduate labor market of banking industry in the united kingdom (information for 2nd year economics undergraduate.)

The banking industry is one of the key pillars of the economy since the monetary and fiscal policies which dictate the direction of the economy are regulated through it. Cheltenham [u.a.], Elgar. id= HQH8KPoM30EC & printsec= frontcover & dq= Kirkpatrick,+C.+H.+%281996%29.+Cost-benefit+analysis+and+project+appraisal+in+developing+countries.&hl= en & sa= X&ei= HrqVUJvKJsaohAeexYC4BA & redir_esc= y#v= onepage&q= Kirkpatrick%2C%20C.%20H.%20%281996%29.%20Cost-benefit%20analysis%20and%20project%20appraisal%20in%20developing%20countries.&f= false Leland, N, & Williams, β†’

Theories behind the construction of the giza pyramid

Stage three involved the removal of the blocks on the outside ramp one by one through the internal spiral ramp and using them to construct the top two-thirds of the pyramid. It was discovered that mineral compounds and air bubbles in samples of the limestone pyramid blocks do not occur in natural limestone.

Computers in architecture

The graphic representation of the building's curve provided through the software enabled the architect to make changes within the design of the curve and monitor the effect of those changes on the overall design of the building. The curve within the design of the building is basically the original representation of the design that was β†’

Forum post

Core Aspects of the History of Warfare Logistics since WW II Andrew Collins American Military According to Barrington et al, logisticshas been a key component in every significant conflict that has occurred since World War II, to the Vietnam War and even the Iraq and Afghanistan U. In addition, the war marked the first time β†’

Sustantive analysis – explain how a command sustains an ethical command climate in war

Ethical command climate al Affiliation) Ethical command climate Ethical command climate in war is the perceptionof soldiers during their interaction with the enemy. The enforcement of Ethical command climate is the responsibility of the commander A commander sustains ethical command climate during time of war through what they do and say.

Intelligence report: analysis of war in tikrit (iraq)

Observers asserted that the current war in Tikrit is a result of poor governance. Population displacement is a product of the current crisis in Tikrit.


Following a critical analysis that has been done about the situation, it is factual that the SAP military are limited in their operation considering their attack on us and it is only possible that only two of our territories are at risk of successful attack by the SAP. Considering the geographical maps as shown in β†’

What are the terms acsa, hns and mutual support agreements (define) and how you can they be implemented in planning of a unit (army) deployment into a country that lacks: civil security, civil control, governance, and essential services (i.e. economic &am

HNS has become one of the effective strategies that has helped reduce terror activities Mutual Support Agreements refers to an understanding between the forces of X and other countries to cooperate on security issues. In the recent years, military collaboration has become a common phenomenon that countries are using to safeguard their territories against any β†’

Army experience

Working alongside searching for a job of my interest helped me financially, and I was able to support myself in that time and I saved a sufficient amount for the next six months so that I could have some savings to fulfill my needs for the following months while serving in the army as per β†’

Humanitarian operations

Humanitarian Operations Humanitarian Operations The involvement of the United s military in humanitarian assistance, at homeand abroad, has brought about significant benefits, but also challenges, which undermine the scope of the military. Conducting Humanitarian Operations is not the role of the U.S.military and distracts our forces form their primary mission, which is to defend the β†’


My top two choices for a shopping cart My top two choices for a shopping cart are X-cart and CS-cart 3. I prefer the two options for online shopping because of their features and the associated advantages.

Definition of internet privacy

The solution to the upsurge of consumer power is for companies to have a reliable and efficient online presence in social media sites such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter and social networks. E-commerce is a major challenge for marketers as consumers have sufficient information and are able to search for the cheapest products.

Air canada

Supervisor Summary of ' Flying the Unfriendly Skies: A Cautionary Tale of Conflict Turned Toxic' The conflict tale of Air Canada begins with 20 percent wage deduction of their flight attendants in the year 2004 because of financial troubles. Union did not accept management ideas as they found workers on the receiving end and humiliated β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce to consumers (b2c)

Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce to Consumers Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce to Consumers Advantages of E-commerce to consumersDisadvantages of E-commerce to consumers Provides capability to satisfy the customers' requirements more efficiently and effectively as compared to traditional shopping. Much of services provided by e-commerce involve the digital technology where consumers have to wait for β†’


The distribution pattern of the data as seen from the histogram revealed that scores given by peers to both the public schools and private schools are moderately positively skewed having skewness of 0. In this section, statistical comparison of the first quartile of SAT Combined score for students from public and private schools is carried β†’

Explanations of central tendency measures

Therefore, of the two diet plans, since they have same mean, the large dispersion of weight loss in diet plan B is an indication that there are credible huge variations between personal scores than in diet plan A. This is because individuals lost weight almost similarly in diet plan A, while in Diet plan B β†’


Methodology One of the most common methods to estimate inventory is the retail inventory method. Once the cost of the ending inventory is determined, the potential amount of sales for the next period can be calculated.

Correlation does not imply causation proved by by amanda macmillan

Borrowing from this study, the article by MacMillan then claims that the drinking patterns of the 2nd-degree friends were the strongest influence on drinking behaviour. It is therefore scientifically inappropriate to conclude that the 2nd-degree friends increased the drinking habits in teens.

What is an outcome

What is a probability distribution? How do we find the probability of two or more dependent events happening?

All graduate programs

All Graduate Programs The data indicates that the total number of students in the All Graduate Programs is 1, 390. In terms of their age group 311 are in the 25 years and under age group, 639 in the 25 to 34 age group, 249 in the 35 to 44 age group, and 191 β†’

Correlation discussion

On the other hand, if we had two variables that were measured using a number scale, then the best method to use is Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The likely opportunity that this method would be used is a correlation between gender and height.

Discussion board question

Furthermore, in the case of the cheeseburger and doughnut, the graph did not specify the size or type of the burger and doughnut referred to in the graph. In the case of the beer and the soda, the type of beer and soda was not specified although the size of the beverage was indicated.

Middle east geography

Middle East: Population Growth and Its Impacts, indicate that the region's population increased from 127 million in 1970 to 305 million in 2005. It is observed that high rate of population growth in the Middle East has serious impacts on the region's social, economical, and political landscape.

Globalisation as the enhanced cooperation

Acclimatising and adapting to a new area could have been easier if the heavy equipment operator could have been of a tender age. The movement of people into a certain area creates cultural diversity and the most appealing cultural practices from different cultures are adopted by all.

The power of the us

The Power of the Us The Power of the US The USA is an economic, social and political powerhouse of the world. The US is also one of the countries in the world, which has the highest number of immigrants annually.

Top origin and destination locations

The poor conditions in Mexico have made many people in Mexico to seek other favorable conditions in the USA in order to attain prosperity and wealth due to the attractive facilities in the USA. PULL CONDITIONS Wealth: Most of the people in USA are admired due to the perception that the people live in comfort β†’

Middle east

This perspective mostly refers to a conventional Muslim female whereby according to the creed ought to conduct themselves in a decent manner, which is having veil. France: In this state, the regime barred full-face veil in public places whereby the president contended the practice was basically a way of oppressing the female gender, hence France β†’

Colorado in searching for new oasis by lavender

The book thus linked my knowledge of Geography and Geology to sociology and the study of culture and history of this region. The way of living of people from Colorado has changed a lot over the passage of the last few decades.

Plate tectonics (earthquakes and volcanoes)

From one of the theory, it mentions that the convection that exist within the earth's mantle pushes the plate in much similar way as air heated by our bodies as it rises upward and gets deflected sideways once it reaches the ceiling. From further examination of the globe, it revealed that all of the earth β†’

Just answer the fellowing questions

According to the article, the government of China has taken this step because of concerns over British attitude toward the ongoing protests in Hong Kong. The author, therefore, leaves it to his readers to make a decision on whether the government of China is right to deny British MPs entry to Hong Kong.

Why global warming is considered to be a threat to the ecological balance in our planet

Global warming is a topical issue across the globe and is believed to pose a major threat to the ecological balance in our planet. Overall, global warming is likely to impact on the entire ecosystem as a result of the disturbances likely to be caused by extreme climatic changes that may take place in the β†’

Globalization of music

The of the artist is Ricky Martin; he is the singer. Ricky Martin mentions different places around the world in the song including the Sahara Desert, and the Himalayas and the props and outfits of the actors including himself in the respective places is in accordance with the norms, cultures, and traditions of those places.

Activity 10

The objective is to study the ways in which the facility promotes health of the fishery, and the ways it can improve the efficiency southeast region's fishery. Apart from these procedures, the centre educates the people on the importance of fish health and the aquatic ecosystem.

Take-home final

Question 3a According to scientific discoveries concerning Homo erectus, the species had body proportions that were similar to modern humans. Question 3c Homo erectus has a connection to the beginning of stone tools, which is an adaptive trait that demonstrates innovation.

Discussion 1

The presence of universals is proof that there are biological similarities in human minds that force different human cultures to behave similar to each other when faced with a common issue. The large difference between human cultures across the globe lends credence to the argument that human behavior is more impacted by culture than biology.

The anatomy of hate: a dialogue to hope

The video Anatomy of Hate: A Dialogue of Hope aims to determine the reason for the wide spread hate in society and how this is related to our culture and lifestyle and the possible approaches that can be taken in stopping this hatred. Another interesting aspect about the video is that many individuals in the β†’


Additionally, this involves the crude nature of hunting down the animals, and the subsequent rudimentary handling of the meat. Shreeve depicts the various similarities that can be drawn from the behavior of primates and humans, and in most cases, the evidence of a culture is easily noticeable since both have one evolutionary background.

Field notes 4

There is emphasis on the rights and preference of the person, but there is also the respect for the community and institutions. The interviewee is a member of the community with good standing.