Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Art and culture

The canvas of an artist is not vast, but his scope is and it's significant to look beneath the surface of art rather than just exploring its medium and texture. The ' Tutankhamuns Golden Death Mask' is a spectacular piece of art and is kept in Cairo Museum of Art.

The gendered landscape

Pictures showing father time Part 2: Green man and the " Cyborg" The green man is normally related to natural vegetative divine beings and is often interpreted as a figure of rebirth. The Cyborg is as a result of merging of technology and human form.

Super slim me motion picture

During the scene in the second part of the video where Dawn is asking the store owner about the diet before an awards show, I noticed that the diet included water, lime, honey, and pepper. She is very much aware of what she will have to endure as a person taking on the new persona β†’

Racism in the white dog film

The racial prejudice that is shown by the dog trainers and advanced to the dogs is seen to be costly since it costs the dog's life. This is evidenced by the fact that the dog was able to attack both the black and white individuals.

Shakespeare paper

The play is also tragic in the sense that Helena is not contended that Bertram is leaving him. Many people think that Helena is mourning his father's death but in actual sense she is mourning Bertram who is going to attend to the king in the palace.

Art critique

The Gothic and Romanesque define the actual elements or foundations of the illuminated manuscripts. The amount of illumination manuscripts was large to the extent of increasing the weight of Bible.

Response to peter pans text

The exclusion of this content in the play indicates the unease in the society with portions of Barrie's script. The male-male relationship is evident in the script between Peter and the orphaned boys, and James Hook hence the play uses a female to disguise all-male society.

Visit museum and discuss this photo with your own words

Starting from the right side of the foreground, the photo is set in a library of most likely a rich family. The wealth of the owner is evident from the contents of the room.

The endings of the films

Endings of Two Days, One Night and the Kid with a Bike Two days, one night movie The plot of the movie is about human behavior inregards to the day to day lives of the people. The kid with a bike The plot is about a troubled abandoned teenage boy by the name Cyril who β†’

Why is buddhism considered to be the only common meeting ground of asian cultures

Buddhism is a religion that teaches peace and is regarded to be one of the most common meeting grounds for all the Asian cultures. One of the critical elements why Buddhism is the common meeting ground of Asian cultures is the fact that Buddhism does not believe in a divine God.

Smooth talk

Death usually, a frame of some explains the dance and where it is in eschatological context: the dying are to be judged, although death and maiden has a life by its own as a literary and artistic motif. If Arnold friends intend to represent the death figure from the ancient dance of death, it is β†’

Anaysis of the court house steps by jaune quick-to-see smith

In this art work, Smith's message was shaped by the materials, techniques, and forms of the art and the ideas and feelings it created. In this work Smith portrays conflict and critical interpretations of contemporary life into her scenes of the natural world.

Dsm applied on a beautiful mind

The classic title for his condition would be ' schizophrenia', and under the classification of DSM, this would fall under Axis I.his state of psychosis, in which he imagines people and events, classifies episodes of delusions and hallucinations. Further, his belief that the secret service was utilizing him, springs out from the complacent sense of β†’


This has made me achieve a lot and make a lot of strides in the film industry. With this and many other reasons, I always have a dream of building my career in film industry.

Dissenting opinions about outsourcing

Andriole's argument that companies outsource to focus on their core competency and to save on cost may be a hypothesis when he wrote the article four years ago but it is already a given today that companies outsource not just to focus on their competency but also to save on cost and become competitive. On β†’


These capabilities offered by the UC security mechanism would enhance the security of the technology employed in the Boeing Company. As the CIO, I would ensure that everything is under the security of the UC security firm.

Public key infrastructure

The PKI allows for the integration of the various services connected to the concept of cryptography. The public key that is used in the authentication of the code signature can be traced back to the root Certification Authority.

New trends in software process modeling

Memo Respected CIO, since our company has planned to implement the methodology of software engineering, I have gone through all the aspects of the decision to state a brief report. The company's unique identity in the concerned service provider world will be an advantage for the execution of the future implementation.

Bring your own device (byod)

Third, BYOD is beneficial to the company since it lowers the cost of purchasing and maintaining the IT devices used for work. In particular, BYOD exposes organizational data to a great risk, and this may prove costly to the organization.

Investigating high-technology computer crimes

Data from the Bureau of Justice Assistance shows a general trend in increasing incidence of computer crimes over the past decade. Cyber trespass involves real or virtual access of a person's computer, causing damage such as accessing information from the computer or introducing a virus into the computer.

Experiencer and achiever

In my childhood, I would not watch a new movie with my brothers until I was done with my homework. For example, I am usually the first in my family to wear new and trendy clothes.

Virtual team composition

Virtual Team Composition Virtual Team Composition While composing a good virtual team an organization needs to concentrate on three factors including the people who will be involved in a virtual time, the size of the team and the roles of different team members. A third important factor that needs to be considered while creating an β†’

Information security policy: development guide for large and small companies

Information Security Policy: Development Guide for Large and Small Companies Information security laws and practices involve the ways of ensuring that organizations protect and manages their information, that is, in a confidential and safe manner, in order to prevent it from getting lost or being distorted for the purpose of achieving laid goals. This β†’

What makes software so important

Apart from the personal use of computer softwares, business organizations also need these softwares for purposes of helping their organization function to the best level of standard. Examples of computer softwares that business organizations will need to use are, database management softwares, point of sale softwares, content management softwares, etc.

Phase 1

Additionally, acceptable risk is the risk that may be understood as a consequence of the cost or difficulty in the implementation of an efficient countermeasure for the related vulnerability that surpasses the expected loss. Brand value is also a risk that is posed to Apple as a company and even though the company received the β†’

Principles of data mining

With a wide use of computers in the industrial field, a lot of data related to industrial processes is being generated every day. Data mining software has greatly come in handy to help engineers in the industries solve this problem through current mathematical fundamentals and algorithms of data mining.

It210 software engineering : software process models

IT210 Software Engineering: Software Process Models IT210 Software Engineering: Software Process Models Software engineering is a discipline where different techniques or methods are used to improve the quality of software development and the targeted company for the software development is a large oil company. Regardless of the challenges that might be faced by the software β†’

Cloud computing

Eveready Company CEO IT Administrator Cost benefits of Cloud the company Introduction Cloud Computing has taken computing in business by storm. The first benefit of Cloud computing platforms is that they provide easy access to a firm's high-performance computing as well as storage infrastructure via web services.

Advantages & disadvantages of javascript

Advantages & Disadvantages of JavaScript Introduction: JavaScript is a dynamic form of computer language which is used in the purpose of programming. Privacy is the burning issue that has to be taken care of therefore JavaScript is disabled.

Developing organizational guidelines for ethics and it

As such, it is important that a code of ethics has to be maintained if the company is to remain in operation and continue to render its services to the clients. To implement this, the company will monitor the networks and in case anyone is found to have violated the code of ethics.

Architectural design for electronic credit checking and mortgage approval system

Architecture Design The client-server architecture for the proposed system that presents the client has to place a request to the web server by utilizing the web browser. The web server would display the information on the web browser of the client.

Smartphones – the whole world in the palm of your hand

Indeed, the citizens of the world are witnessing a major shift in the development of human civilization. Smartphones have become synonymous with the technological advancement with the gadgets being a semblance of a mobile, or handheld, personal computer.

Systems analysis and design

With these candidate keys, a user can uniquely identify the records of the database: Serial Number Candidate Keys 01 Stock Number 02 Vehicle Number 03 Model Primary Keys " A primary key is the key through which users can uniquely identify the each record of the relation. Serial Number Primary Keys 01 Stock Number 02 β†’

Company policy for safety cell phone use in cars

COMPANY POLICY FOR SAFETY CELL PHONE USE IN CARS The use of cell phones in moving cars has been major cause of accidents in recent times, which calls for urgent measures. As you all know, all our sales representatives have been issued with mobile phones to facilitate communication with the company while in the β†’

Network operations

The issues can be avoided by setting the client and server to be in the same Windows domain. The problem can be avoided by first disabling firewall to ascertain if that is the cause of the problem and then configuring the firewall setting for the client in question.

Cis 333 discussions

The malware is designed in a way that unauthorized people can access the data from the devices. The security company confirmed that this is a malware affecting the Apple iOS mobile users in China.

Seven keys to switching to gmail like a pro

Thirdly, Gmail users are advised to use labels instead of folders because an email can only be put in one folder; however, for flexibility, it can be put in many labels. Gmail can also be accessed through cell phones.

Activity 7 – establishing integrity

In the context of research where a researcher probes and propounds questions to a particular participant or a group of participants, an array of tessellating and overlapping statements can be gleaned. Basically, routes of access to the research setting is determined or thought in terms of the needed facets of the research.

Rapid freight converged network security

Rapid Freight Converged Network Security Implementation of a converged network system is the key adjustment that the CIO of Rapid Freight should consider. The network will also enable ease of monitoring all aspects of the organization while reducing challenges in security.

Economic analysis of the new system

Economic analysis of a new system Economic analysis of a new system New System Investment and Implementation Costs In sum, it is clear that when deciding to implement or practice new systems within an organization, the managers need to realize that new systems require a lot of capital. In addition, they also incur large sum β†’

E-commerce business proposal introduction (draft) with detailed outline

The involvement of the customers in the design of these handmade products will ensure that the needs of the customers are fully met. The business will make money from selling of the crafts to the clients.

Lessons the world learned in regards to critical infrastructure due to sasser

The most important lesson learnt from Sasser worm was to keep the patches up to date. Security professionals were fast to respond and a free Sasser disinfection tool was posted by Microsoft on May 2.

System development of disscusion questions

Choosing the appropriate UML modelling tool ensures the success of a software system and it's very important to have the right criteria. Inter-modelling UML tools How can one determine the actors in a Use Case Study Diagram?

7.5 part 1 review questions

Prototyping refers to the rapid development and testing of working models of new applications in an interactive and iterative process that involves both IS specialists and business professionals. If problems occur during the SDLC, is it better to identify and solve those problems near the beginning or the end of the SDLC process?

Q1 – using knowledge & skills to assess usage of web technologies in your organization

This paper will describe how the combined use of IT and management skills, team based programming skills, and other related skills can help the management make better contribution to a multidisciplinary team assigned with reviewing the firm's use of web technologies. Evidently, combined use of IT and management skills is inevitable to evaluate the use β†’

Case study example

The size of the hospital is proportional to the patients as well as the quantity of patient data that it has to handle. The different sites of the hospital can simply access the warehouse through a web browser making access to information easy and fast thus reducing the time that is needed to attend to β†’

Home network

Home Network al Affiliation Home Network As a type of local area network, a home network has the function of enabling the connection of computers and other digital gadgets within the house. The connection of the home network will be through an Ethernet type of network, whereby, I will have a router that will direct β†’

Screen capture: quick time and jing

of the of the Computer Sciences and Information Technology Submitted Screen Capture: Quick Time and Jing I. Quick Time and Jing are multimedia software that can be used to do things with digital sound, video, pictures and images.

Domain name system problems

Hence, it is worth noting that DNS is a vital functionality component of the internet; however, the applicability and functionality of DNS is associated with numerous problems especially in its internet application components. It should be noted that the attacks from the packet interceptions are not usually unique to the DNS; however, they unencrypted the β†’

Customer service: the customer relationship management technology

Although the intelligence behind SALESFORCE has been enhanced, good business analysts still understand the gravity of analyzing data to report to management. The utilization of SALESFORCE is to supplement the work of Business Analysts and cultivate their thinking into making better and faster decisions.

Collaborative work in ide development

The programmers are able to mimic the code and ' lingo' of the code in a very easy manner which makes development much more feasible. Visual Studios allows around the functionality of drag and drop to be supplemented with actual coding.

Foundations of it- designing a computer architecture

This is called the von Neumann bottleneck, due to the limited data transfer rate between memory and CPU. In order to overcome the von Neumann bottleneck, the stack memory is used.

Role of mis department

Talking to the employees in the department about the use of technology management can improve the attitude they have about the system. This may lead one to know what everyone is capable of in the company.

Attendance and participation reflection

I began attending the classes with an aim of advancing my understanding of computing and internetworking of computers in order to advance my understanding of the interconnectivity of the computers in a network. However, when I realized the need to improve the mode of operation of the business through cloud computing, I became more and β†’

Presentation outline

Overview of the database design 1. Explanation of the challenges faced during the design of the database Table ratio Data stability Data and query complexity II.

Three questions need to be answer in computer network

Also, the attacker can inspect the packets in addition to modifying the data before forwarding the data. Bonilla." An analysis on the schemes for detecting and preventing ARP cache poisoning attacks".

Analyzing a

The other strength of the project is that it was popular in the company. Since the Green project is popular in the company and the product is new in the market, then the advertisement strategies will increase the popularity.


It requires that in order to have a high speed of transmission of data, the bandwidth should also be high. Attempt to convert digital to analog signal will lead the appearance of wrong frequency elements that did not exist in the initial signal.

Cad drafting software

One of the reasons why autoCAD is ranked top among other CAD softwares is the fact that it is packed with features within the tool bar which are relatively easy to use and navigate. The software is not easy to use and in addition to time consumption, there is difficulty in figuring how to use β†’

The purpose and value of music in human history

Additionally, the sound of music has a natural touch that can either satisfy the needs of some particular feelings or augment a certain type of emotional appeal. While decreasing the sound of music, it gives the feelings the city has began to drown slowly again into the sea.

Identify musical ideas

A, it can be determined that the counter time of the music was at 7th second of the beginning of the idea. Again, the musical letter for idea B can be in the form of A D E F A D G A.

You talk too much

The song You Talk Too Much uses orchestral instruments including the brass instrument trumpet and the percussion instrument drum. The dominant feature in Carr's song I Talked Too Much is the use of brass instrument and piano.

Folk music

Section When one seeks to examine the core components of folk music, one of the main aspects of analysis which cannot be ignored is the setting and time in which the folk music was both penned and rose to a level of popularity. Through such a level of analysis, it is the hope of this β†’

Loss in baldwins music

Baldwin's sonny Blues depicts the story of his brother and the problems he overcomes in his life. Baldwin considers his brother's separation as a loss and this form the main plot of the story.


Summary The article d " Appassiona Light My Fire" was ed by Philip Ball and in this article the author the author states that music can cause various emotional responses that a piece of music may try to attain. The author states that various individuals listen to music because they are able to relate with β†’

Identify musical ideas – george frideric handel

In this piece, the musical ideas are present from the very start of the instrumental. Apart from the variety of musical ideas incorporated in this musical piece, the composer also makes appropriate usage of timbre, tempo, and dynamic in order to achieve these numerous musical ideas in the song.

Lesson 8 discussion &

Bob Dylan's version of the song is extremely folky, and he kept it clean, pure and dynamically the same through the entire song. Dylan makes the listener focus on the underlying story line and corresponding lyrics of the song at the expense of the version.

Concert attendance report

The host of the concert was Ben Simon, the music director of San Francisco Chamber Orchestra. The structure of the music was soft and smooth and had a good flow.

Discuss how branding adds value with reference to the cases namely 3m, singapore airiness, amex, club med, haagen daaz

However its subsequent success with the American Express credit card came with the most innovative brand value creating efforts of the century in the history of brand value management. It was around this time that the management of the company realized the relative significance of a strategic shift in its brand management and value creation β†’

Comparison of political parties in canada

The conservative party believes that the war on crime can succeed through securing of the border and reform of the criminal justice system. On the other hand, the liberals offer a different approach to resolving of crime.

Germans transport policies influence its success

The success witnessed in the mass transit in German links to a variety of reasons. The reasons illustrated influence the transport sector and set the disparity in development of the sector in both the countries.

A violation of title ix law

A Violation of Title IX Law The reason for my writing to you is that it has come to my attention that the budgetary constraints necessitating the cutting or demotion of women's swimming team will be a violation of Title IX law. Plans have to be set for the introduction of a women soccer β†’

Diffusion, its types and specific barriers to diffusion that might have developed

Diffusion, its types and specific barriers to diffusion that might have developed Diffusion is a process of distributing aspects of a culture to another area or people. The Diffusion of Cholera in the United States in the Nineteenth Century.

Complex interdependence according to nye and keohane

Nye and Keohane used the concept of complex interdependence in the 1970s for purposes of describing the eminent relationships involving pluralist democracies. According to Nye and Keohane, the concept of complex interdependence relates to three hypothetical characteristics that include multiple channels between societies, multiple issues, and the irrelevance of the threat or use of β†’

Week 5 ethics

The major ethical and social responsibility that organizations need to consider when they go global is to remain local in perspective even when the organization is already in a global stage. To avoid this relativity of ethical standpoint, a certain standard of ethics in organization must be established and followed by the organization in all β†’

Ethical challenges realted to leadership roles in organizations

Such case demands the people in leadership to promote fair pricing because it will address the issue of trade injustices and discrimination against the consumers. Leaders have to step up and ensure there is fair pricing in the markets.

Response paper for comparative politics class

In this story, the concept of political similarity and differences in countries is brought out when it is asserted that the political stability of the UK is on the line. 1 The current trend is seeing the strengths of biggest political parties in the country, the conservatives and the labor, being tested by the introduction β†’

Intercultural communication

Haitian culture, therefore, represents an integration of the language, artistry, and musical ideas from African and French cultures. I have skills in intercultural communication from this class, and I intend to continue acquiring exceptional personal relations skills during the coming weeks of study.

Article critique regarding cognitive effects of risperidone

The study en d Cognitive Effects of Risperidone in Children with Autism and Irritable Behavior sought to investigate the possible effects that risperidone, a type of drug, has on the cognitive processes of children with irritable behaviors and autism. From the systematic questions, the objective of the study was, therefore, was to explore the effects β†’

How creative am i

One experience that assisted me to enhance my creativity level was when one of my friends asked me to teach him how to swim. Besides, the other day I went to the convenience store and later went to the park I spent a lot of time observing other people about how they spent their time.

Root causes of urbanization/suburbanization, relating to one or more readings

Root Causes of Urbanization Urbanization is the process of creation of cities and settlement in them. Increased availability of the economies to consumers and producers leads to continued agglomeration of the place.

Tension between idealism and naturalism

Tension between Idealism and Naturalism Tension between Idealism and Naturalism of the tension between the terms idealism and naturalism that exist in the works such as Hermes with young Dionysus Idealism defines the stage of philosophical processes revealing that reality is dependent upon the human mind, and no world exists beyond the human mind. In β†’

Death penalty for terrorists

Thus, the government is supposed to protect the lives of the citizens. The laws of most of the states' state that if a person kills, the death penalty is supposed to be administered.

American government

What should the US government do about health care in the US today?" According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, healthcare is a basic human right. First and foremost, the main objective of healthcare should be to promote the quality of healthcare.

The different types of the net generation students

What are the Different Types of the Net Generation The Net Generation have been proved to possess a diverse set of knowledge and skills. Students have changed their preferences and their experience is biased towards the direction of technology.

People or penguins

People or Penguin Affiliation: The article basically describes how people have control over pollution and they can end it if they wish to but they have to give up on a lot of comfort they are used to such as each individual driving a car to work which is bound to reduce all that carbon β†’

The policy of deportation and detention in greece and the uk

THE POLICY OF DEPORTATION AND DETENTION IN GREECE AND THE UK Seeking to explore European immigration policies with respect to asylum seekers and refugees in comparative perspective, I propose to analyze the policies of deportation and detention in Greece and the United Kingdom, respectively. Research Questions Through an exploratory analysis of the immigration policies β†’

Who gets access to the information and technologies that (scientific) research makes possible

Nevertheless, outcomes of alteration of technologies are frequently complicated and capricious as in the story of Henrietta Lacks and the HeLa cells. The main partners accessible to information and technologies according to the Henrietta Lacks and the HeLa cells are limited to research hospitals, scientists, research institutions and the doctors.

Leadership in ethics

The only area where ethics and research goes well is in areas where the people involved are professional and consequently have an obligation while carrying out their activities. Another area where the ethics may fail in research is in the field of catering.

Analyzing sexual harassment

For her statement would indirectly convey that she did not face serious sexual harassment, and thus she might not file a complaint if the related investigator finds such a scenario. But if it is proved that the salary has been differentiated based on qualification, then Jolene Carter will not get a positive result from her β†’

Dating and mating relationship from christian standpoint

On the other hand, mating in biological term refers to the pairing of contrasting sex with the intention of copulation. In the contemporary world, men and women engage in a process of looking out for spouses with the aim of getting into marriage.

The student conduct code

I strengthened the ideas of my earlier submitted paper; as I believed that, the essay was rich enough and would go through to the finals. I was accused of not adhering to the policies of academic dishonesty in the course of my studies.


Question 2: The problem of tyranny of majority is not new as it has occurred in the past history. An example that serves this problem is Slavery of the black people by the majority Whites in the USA.

My future job

These days, new ways of marketing management are emerging with the use of latest apps, smartphones, and iPads. To conclude, Marketing Management is a very good profession with a lot of opportunities for development and creativity and a lot of importance.

Why has political participation declined over time what strategies would you recommend for increasing voter turnout

All these information is available in the government database and hence will not be taxing for the election officials and will allow a large number of people to participate in the voting process. Allowing a number of the non-citizens to vote will definitely increase the declining political participants.