Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Othello, the moore of venice

Othello, the Moor of Venice " In the introduction to his edition of the play in The Complete Signet Classic Shakespeare, Alvin Kernan remarks: Othello is probably the most neatly, the most formally constructed of Shakespeares plays. He is disappointed when he learns of the marriage between Othello and Desdemona.

Writing and environment

Writing and Environment: The of our planet's environment is a matter of much debate and concern over the last few years. Rachel Carson's article titled The Obligation to Endure is gives an in-depth analysis of the state of chemical pollution in our environment.

The omnivores dilemma is divided into three parts: part i: industrial/corn (pp. 15119); part ii: pastoral/grass (pp. 123273); and part iii: personal/the forest (pp. 277411). you will be responsible for reading and doing a book review on one of

The book deals with the entire food chain on which the humans thrive on and it consists of the industrial food, the food which is organic in nature and the food that is being produced by the humans. The third section of the book bears the title ' The Forest' and this section ponders on β†’

This journal will analyze the article β€œ the evil of human rights”

Specifically, the author is attempting to explain the importance of allowing animal testing for the aim of developing drugs that can save lives. This is because of how the points are brought out in the article.

Rombo – rick santorum

The ad is for Rick Santorum, who was a Republican Presidential candidate, and his rival was Mitt Romney. Additionally, the look-alike of Romney in the ad is wearing a white dress shirt that is pitch-perfect along with a tie.

Reflective letter

This way during the revision I was able to more thoroughly establish the aspects of the story that were not thoroughly explained enough. Another major thing in this essay was the understanding that things emerged I was not aware of in the planning process.

Arguments of cause and effect

The woman let go the hand of the son who was adventurous and took the opportunity to walk around alone with the effect of becoming a missing person case. Discovering the World Through Debate: A Practical Guide to Educational Debate for Debaters, Coaches and Judges.

Rewriting by joseph harris

Rewriting by Joseph Harris Assignment The project of the is to outline the importance of self learning through the use of the real life experiences of the character in the article. The aim of the article is to enlighten the reader about the importance of reading and writing in general education.

Cause/effect paragraph rough draft & final draft

But I am still living at home and enjoying the main benefits of having my bedroom in the family home to come home to after a day of school - I get free board and lodging, practically have an eat all you can food supply, and I save money. But I am still living at β†’


Electronic commerce al affiliation Electronic commerce The drastic development in information technology has resulted into significant effects in the use of computer. Cyber bullying and harassment, through the use of computers, has become common in this information and digital age, resulting into unethical behaviors.

Analyzing point of view

This is what happening in " The Gift of Magi" where we do not see what Jim is doing during the story but still he chooses Jim to tell the part of the story. The point of view helps in shaping my reading as it describes the life style, the position of the characters and β†’

Reading journal apoc

Sheila was once as bad as the writer is, and she hopes the hospital will turn around the writer. She instills hope in the writer, and the results are pleasant at the end of the ordeal.

Martha peer review ms2

Also the details you gave on how the DCF works were very helpful and gave me a better understanding of the responsibility you had. But by the end of the paper I felt something was missing, maybe if you could have shared more of your experiences especially of mixed race, single and gay relationships it β†’

Discuss the character of achilles in homers hiad

04 March The Character of Achilles in Homer's Iliad Achilles, king of Myrmidons and the valiant hero of Iliad, is one of the most illustrious characters in this epical saga, whose influence has finally determined the fate of the Greeks in the war. This characteristic traits seem to have been nourished in him because of β†’

See the order instructions

of Gothic elements from the Short Stories Gothic literature is characterized by a number of elements allowing the readers to evaluate the clarity of story's plot. As per the evaluation of A Rose of Emily, the element of gothic literature comes to visibility such as the transition of a woman from good to traumatic.

Child abuse

Child Abuse Topic Child abuse Tentative Research Questions In what ways is child abuse related to drug abuse by parent/guardian? 2. Then, based on my readings, I decided to narrow down the topic to child abuse.

Doing business with integrity

For instance, when I had first envisioned the freedom that I would have living on my own, I always ignored the necessary tasks and shores that were part and parcel of the " independent experience". Instead, I assumed that I would be so overjoyed with the ability to live on my own and have a β†’

Time spent outdoors is beneficial

In other words, spending time outdoors clears the mind and raises the spirits of people as they can see and appreciate all the beauty of nature. The idea of spending time outdoors is to engage in some physical activity that will let a person burn off excess calories and avoid the dangers of obesity and β†’

Classification of sports fans

This type of fans is the most thrilling and dedicated stratum, which invests a significant part of its time to watch the sportsmen and their game at the playground or the place where the sports event is being taken place. The third category of sports fans are casual supporters and are confined to the special β†’

How product packaging influences consumers

With the growing rate of counterfeit products, consumers have realized that packaging of a product can give a clue whether the item is original and genuine. It is the ambassador of a brand to the consumer.

Socrates and crito

Crito wanted to take Socrates out of the prison but Socrates was ready for execution. But Socrates was not willing to accept the views of Crito.


The article begins by reporting on the High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development's 2013 meeting, which was hosted by the Permanent Observer Mission to the Holy See to the UN to discuss response to the refugee crisis. In discussing the refugee crisis, the article highlights the countries that have had to deal with β†’

Afganistan war veteran

I researched literature on the country's culture and people, and this served to help me to avoid the common pitfall that most of my colleagues fell into of incorrectly stereotyping the country's people. When we finally landed in the country, I discovered that most of the material I had read on the country had essentially β†’

Masking poor communication

Masking Poor Communication of the English of the Concerned June 25, Masking Poor Communication Though the present day children, teenagers and adolescents do have a gut feeling that they gel more with their friends, as compared to their parents, the good thing is that now ample research findings are testifying to the fact that an β†’

Reading response 11

One is that adults already have the experience of leaning a language which means they are aware of the basics of learning. Finally in spite of learning L2, adults fail to reach the native standard of pronunciation.


After entering Boston I had lost my luggage and was on the verge of being mobbed but I was lucky enough to be helped by a few people who were lurking around and came out almost instantly after sensing that I was in some sort of danger. I was sulking because the watch had gone, β†’

Personal responsibility for college success after 50

Personal Responsibility to College Success After 50 Lecturer's Due The average college spends half of his or her time in class compared to high school student. Time management should also apply in the professional and social life of a student in order to ensure that one has enough time for family and work, which are β†’

Reading journal: a piece of cake

Question 2 This chapter is an introduction to the foster conditions and treatment. Most of the misfortunes are due to their mistakes and naivety.

Bad news message

Patel, Thank you for your letter about the refund or replacement of the $1, 000 piece of equipment that you bought from our company three years ago. You can however choose to repair the equipment within our service centers or acquire a whole new set of equipment.


In order for the Qatar government to maintain a healthy and a stable economy in the future, it ought to expand revenue sources, utilize its assets to hedge against instability and create a legacy for the future in by measures mentioned below. In this case all the households should pay a given fraction of tax β†’

Usability study

IPad 2 Ipad 2 is one of the most advanced technologies of the recent times. The touch screen technology makes it possible for users to command the Ipad 2 by touching the screen.

Transcendence: a movie analysis

The film Transcendence is an ideal example of the good that can come off technological advancements, as well as the ethical and legal grounds it can break when there are no limits. Biotechnology, which explores the combination of human consciousness and the unlimited capabilities of technology, is stepping on the line where limitations should be β†’

Cell phone should use it on class room

Cell phones also have various applications which help students make notes as well as keep reminders about school and college events and happenings and thus make the entire process less tiring both mentally and physically on the child. Cell phones have become the biggest distraction, especially in a student's life because of the capacity of β†’

To answer three questions that were given

However, my instructor guided and supported me and within several days, I had become faster than most the rest team members and I told myself that I never give up in anything and I will always have a positive attitude if I want to achieve something. I appreciate the swimming lessons I took and playing β†’

Heart failure

Reason of Heart Failure: Circumstances that harm or overload the heart muscle can be the cause of heart failure. Proper medication can ensure that one is away from the threat of heart attack and heart disease.


Article Summary The article by Lissa Petersen focuses on meeting the needs of international in learning and understanding the English language. When the students decide to pursue their studies in the US, they imply that they are proficient in English, but as a second language.


Experiment Experiment The initial step of the experiment involved the transformation of Escherichia coli cells using pGLO plasmid to yield adequate quantity of GFP to help in purification and analysis. Evidently, the molecular weight of the jellyfish GFP ranging between 27-30 kDa was lower than the values 41.

Written business communication ( #4b)

We would like the pleasure of your company aboard Diamond Princess for the voyage that suits your preferences at a 50% discount. For that, we would like to compensate you for the discomfort and distress caused due to the circumstances that had forced rescheduling of the voyage itinerary and a 50% discount on any future β†’

Rhetorical analysis of how to mark a book

His association with books is unmatchable, and to share his passion for reading, he has written the article " How to Mark a Book". Adler emphasizes on the importance of the essence and the knowledge that is preserved in the books, and his third type of book owners have this habit of reaching to crux β†’


Lecturer " Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" In the poem " Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", the speaker has to choose between personal and societal desires. The beauty of nature also spoke to the rider, making the scene attractive for the traveler.

Is cheating wrong

Cheating as a Violation of Objectivity School Cheating has always been considered as some concept that describes objective dishonesty and unfair actions towards others, that's why conclusion about cheating can be the one: that it is a bad thing. If we consider cheating in different aspects and how it may be applied to the different β†’

Professional communication

Smith, I am submitting my resume in order to apply for the position of Communication Supervisor, as you informed me the position was available. However, in addition to the skills I have learned in my coursework, and the knowledge of communication I showed in my presentation, I also have some experience supervising people.


Medical Mistakes One of the major strength of this essay is the ability to bring out the problems facing the healthcare industry in the country. The introduction of the essay is able to attract the attention of the reader.

Blog #3

Safety in the construction industry al Affiliation: Safety in the construction industry The construction sector is among the most dangerous industries in terms of safety of the employees. The fast safety measure on a construction site is the gear that a person is putting on while on site.

Revising for unity

The best way to do this is to make bullies aware of their aggressive actions, and the pain the actions cause on their peers. The effects of bullying in most instances are detrimental to the development of the victim.

Revised paper

The teacher will also aim at improving the conversation skills of the students by asking them to assume scenarios in life and talk to one another in reference to these scenarios. Quick review of previous lesson Teacher will check the students' knowledge and understanding of the previous lesson by asking them few questions and check β†’

Post 23

The said program led to the culmination of several state and federal lawsuits against a number of power plants that saw them comply through the installation of hundreds of millions of dollars of anti-pollution equipment. In conclusion, I would like to say that this essay opened my eyes on the type of violations industries make β†’

Case study for critical analysis

I would have sent a mail to all the department heads regarding the authority and responsibilities of Ayishia and her IT department. In this case the problem could be solved by stating the role of IT department to all other departments clearly.

Summary and strong response

Summary and Response Paper SUMMARY AND RESPONSE PAPER Eugene Robinson in " You Have the Right to Remain a Target of Racial Profiling" begins with a report from the Federal Bureau of Justice, in which statistics show that Hispanic, black, and white drivers are equally as likely to be stopped for traffic offences. From the β†’

Human relations writing assignment 7 a form of interpersonal communication that generally includes nonverbal aspects is flirting behavior. can you think of some examples of nonverbal behaviors you have used to communicate to someone that you found h

When she asked me that, I do not remember what exactly I told her. In the start, I thought she had a problem with one of her eyes, but when I noticed her eye only winked when she saw me, that frustrated me.

Evaluate a research source

In their 2010 article Knowing How to Know: Building Meaningful Relationships through Instruction That Meets the Needs of Students Learning English they emphasized the importance of building strong and productive teacher-student relationship while simultaneously trying to find out how to offer valuable, helpful, and more successful instruction and curriculum. Nevertheless, the authors claim that building β†’

(choose the topic)

Huxley was at least correct in saying that nuclear fission would change the way that wars are fought in the future, and this has proved to be the case. Huxley also predicted that the " politicians and generals of Europe consciously resisted the temptation to use their military resources to the limits of destructiveness or β†’


This Cultural Diversity course helps people to become aware about the importance of culture in their personal lives and the world in general. This new role brings challenges to people in the UAE; they face the need to learn more about other people to understand them and make their communication effective.

Creating the content of the speech

Assignment 3: Creating the Content of the Speech al affiliation: Topic Information protection and security In the wake of technological advancement, application of information systems and technology is no longer an option. Pervasive technologies A new paradigm of physical computing technique worth understanding in the field of information systems and technology to be acquitted with β†’

Constructing the narrative: the usefulness composition course

Another consideration I came to recognize is that the form of writing also informs the nature of structure. I believe this was one of my strong suits in the course and something I can apply to different situations.


Five Principles of Design As the means of successful visual communication, the principles of design guide the relationships between the elements and help to organize them into a single composition. To start with, the principle of balance is responsible for placing the parts of an image in the arrangement in a way that is pleasant β†’

The promotion dilemma by caroline smith

One day, much to Caroline's amazement, she was advised by the manager of the IT department that she had been tapped to fill the job of an assistant manager. What would have been the appropriate strategy for Caroline to prevent Beverly's outburst? 3.


Finally, Kluger emphasizes that for women, what begins as special treatment to their own healthiness soon extends to the whole family. However, Kluger states that father's involvement in matters of family health-care are supposed to not be minimized; they should also be involved in their families' health-care; because " a present-and accounted-for family normally leads-to β†’


While the odds are one to nine that she will be at the place of the attack, she ironically ends up there and is killed. Most Black neighborhoods are still grappling with poverty, drugs and crime as the government turns a blind eye to this particular race.

Studying abroad

Read more: Blog: Students are choosing to study abroad and take on the major challenge of being immersed in one's culture. According to the Unesco's Institute for Statistics, they have found that the number of study abroad students worldwide will keep increasing every year by about 12 percent.

Journal 6

If speaking to my peers, I would change my language and accent, and speak in a manner that is acceptable to them. On this basis, my accent and language would always change, based on the relationship that I have with the person I am speaking to.

Battered women

Battered women article: Desperate lives of women domestic workers exposed to appalling exploitation, physical violence and sexual abuse in Qatar Thearticle is about the plight of women migrant domestic workers in Qatar which are exploited and sexually abused by their employers. The purpose of the article is to advocate for the reform of the Kafala β†’

Reflective report

Reflective Report on Job Analysis My driving force with regard to the job analysis is based on a quest to achieve my long-term goal of becoming a manager. This include the use a computer program referred as publisher to make fliers, the use of Email to contact clients.


The Internet and application of social media has facilitated in the job search process through the enhanced abilities of the applicants in accessing a wide array of employment sources. The advantage of using classification is to highlight the presentation of items into a more structured manner.

Sales and ethics

Ethics in sales encompasses the moral values and principles that guides the actions of the sale people, the marketing manager or the marketing function in making a marketing or sales decision when faced with a moral dilemma. Ethics in sales require marketers to disclose the safety of the product information, the reasons for change in β†’

Exercises for editing

5 inches apart, will need to be drawn across the width of the slide. Third is to label the slide with an identifying number and turn the hotplate and set the temperature to warm.2.

Cause and effect paper

Causes and Effects of Inventing Internet Inventing of the Internet Internet invention resulted from computer users' need to have common communication connection across several computer terminals. Invention of the internet has brought many benefits: ease of access to information, ease of communication and effective online business transactions.

Assignment example

Use of Dialogue In the story the use of dialogue is seen in different parts with the women or the narrator addressing the audience. Plot In the story, Emily's mother is contacted by her daughter's school counsellor or teacher.

You can choose the topic

The different sports shoes are organized into soccer shoes, bowling shoes, running/ athletic shoes, tennis shoes, golf shoes and even mountain climbing/ hiking shoes. The first category of these sports shoes are soccer shoes which are also commonly known as soccer cleats or football shoes.

Summary of a book about how to prevent kids from smoking

Other than that, the author discusses some of the reasons that should assist the teenage to quit smoking including the cost of cigarettes and the antismoking policy by the government. 2 to 3 sentences about the credibility sentences-author e.g: phd or university, audience The book is credible as the author is an associate professor in β†’

Research proposal

Cultural Inscription of Gender When the question " what gender are you?" is posed, it has the implication that gender is not what one is said to have, but an attribute of what the person is. The feminist approach of gender postulates that it is a cultural interpretation of sex.

The modest proposal

The Modest Proposal Swift has managed to describe the suffering and challenges that the mothers are facing in a very simpleway that is understandable to anyone. It is important to notice that children and women always suffer the most and this is what Swift has targeted to bring out the theme of hunger and suffering.2.

Synopsis on the broadway musical wicked

Synopsis on the Broadway Musical " Wicked" The land of OZ is celebrating the death of the Wicked Witch of the West. Elphaba flies to the West as a manhunt is launched for her.

Description for the map

Users of the Inner Mongolia Map As mentioned earlier, travellers and tourists are critical users of the Inner Mongolia Map. In conclusion, Inner Mongolia has many features that can be depicted in the map.

Assignment example

March Disorientation and Enlightenment in Pounds " In a Station of the Metro" and Roethkes " My Papas Waltz" Ezra Pound's " In a Station of the Metro" and Theodore Roethke's " My Papas Waltz" are ideal examples of poems that illustrate the subject of disorientation. The main subject of these poems is disorientation that β†’

Extra credit 5pm 11/21

Start with the and work backwards/customer obsessed When starting a business, it's the customer that is central to business of Amazon and they work backwards.Mr. They also constantly pay attention to what their customer wants and what the future holds, the available technological infrastructure whether it is good or bad for their business and they β†’

Child and family health nursing

Enhancing Collaboration in Child and Family Health Nursing Enhancing Collaboration in Child and Family HealthNursing Problem Research findings on child and family health nursing reveal that there is poor collaboration among nurses, children and family members in health care. The inadequacy in collaboration among parties of child and family health nursing has led to lack β†’

Expert practice

Expert Practice Affiliation: Part The primary and most direct role of a CNS is nursing care and improving the patients' health outcomes. This article is very informative and provides an overview of most of the direct roles CNS provide in hospitals.

Library search

The Roles Of Unit Leadership And Nurse-Physician Collaboration On Nursing Turnover Intention. The Roles Of Unit Leadership And Nurse-Physician Collaboration On Nursing Turnover Intention.

Pneumonia dq question

The high pH values are abnormal and are mainly experienced among patients with high blood pressure. The treatments are; hyperbaric oxygen therapy, surgery and step down therapy.

Discussion question

In the case of the five people in the provided situation, their ethical dilemma is the decision to either help the people downstairs or not. In addition, the doctor and Peter must follow the example of Margaret in saving the lives of other patients.

Culture and health promotion

Korean Cultural Group: Relaxation for with Psychosocial Illnesses Korean Cultural Group: Relaxation for with Psychosocial Illnesses Amongst the Koreans, the issue of mental illness receives a lot of stigmatization in the society. In meeting these needs, it is important to look at the cultural attributes of the Koreans, which involves taking yoga and relaxation mediations β†’

Negligence/malpractice issues

There are a number of nursing negligence issues that lead to settlements or verdicts against nurses and in favor of patients/plaintiffs. Categories of nursing negligence that could result in a lawsuit include lack of working in accordance to values and principles that relate to care, and lack of employing and utilizing medical apparatus in an β†’

Cranbery supplements as prophylactic treatment

The further anticipated outcome will be the reduction in the frequency of antibiotics prescribed or there will also be a reduced need to escalate the dosage and class of an antibiotic. Further decreased need to escalate the dosage and class of an antibiotic also implicate that chances of antibiotic resistance would not be high, if β†’

Nursing conflict management

Conflict Management Summary of the Article The article en d " A literature review of conflict communication causes, costs, benefits and interventions in nursing" written by Brinkert which was published in the Journal of Nursing Management proffered pertinent issues relative to presenting a review of related literature on the subject of conflict communication. Finally, β†’


It is defined as the " systematic study of human conduct in the area of life sciences and healthcare, insofar as this conduct is examined in the light of moral values and principles". This article analyzes the justification of the use of Xenotransplantation, keeping in mind the principles of Bioethics, using theory as well as β†’

Case study example

The other branch of the autonomous nervous system is the Parasympathetic nervous system whose functions include the rest and digest activities. There is also dilation of the bronchioles in order to increase the intake of oxygen in the lungs.

Reflective journal

The man was pulling a bag of oranges that the shopkeeper was holding, shouting that it was his. Analysis The reaction of the onlookers was not appropriate and they should have tried to resolve the issue in a calm manner and not presume the ill man to be the one in the wrong as compared β†’

Effect of cellulitis on wound care

The subjective, as well as the objective data in relation to the case of Ms. Factors that are likely to delay wound healing In the case of Ms G, include the 2 cm diameter, 1 cm deep, open wound that is located above the medial malleaolus.


Pharmacotherapeutic agents in pharmaceutical drugs are the active agents that are responsible in restoring the normal functioning of the body. While using this agent you will experience some side-effects as a result of your body reacting to the introduction of a " foreign agent".


The divergent findings cited in this study on the risk factors of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders are one of the things that underpin the importance of this study. Finally, the suggestion that there is a need to determine the individual contribution of individual comorbidities to the development of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders is insightful.

Ethic challenges

The act had three main mandates including spreading medical coverage to millions more Americans, provision of new entitlements through the Medicaid and subsidies and control over the rapid growth of medical costs in the US. A requirement for more healthcare providers and services emerges for rationing health care services to serve the sick population.

Leadership of nursing

Thus, nurses' initiative in critical situations evolves as key leadership trait that relies on best practices and evidence based knowledge to provide quality care. Nurse leadership becomes a vital aspect of effective healthcare delivery as it incorporates the environmental changes within nursing practice and uses acquired knowledge to provide superlative care.