Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples


Self-disclosure Insert Insert Self-disclosure is where one is willing to give over information about oneself to other people. It was last during a session when I was given an opportunity to represent my institutions in competition and was ranked the best; it was a moment of great joy for my life.

Money and payments

Quicker protocols and processes led to the decrease of transaction costs over time. Before the electronic payment system, commercial law required both ends of a transaction to deal with each other individually by transferring cash or assets physically.

Green buildings in china and europe

Most of the architects in Europe are aware of the impact of the green building constructions towards the reduction of energy unlike those in China. Conclusion The positive impact of green building construction in both China and the United Kingdom is unquestionable.

Stamps; recent issues honor famous personages by dunn, john f

Moreover, she was instrumental in the fight for equal rights and is accredited to the inclusion of the sentence, " Men and women are equal before the law" in the German Basic law. In conclusion, she is a professional lawyer championed for equal rights and encouraged women to be ready to take up positions and β†’

Ecological consequences of natural or anthropogenic activities

Especially, in urban and semi-urban areas the balance of ecology is getting hampered due to this issue. It is enough to damage the balance of the ecology and environment.


The mercantile movement refers to a revolution movement that was began by the businesspersons and merchants to enlighten the rest of the society on issues relative to the universal economy and markets in England during the 17th and 18th century. Law argues that with the advocating for use of paper money the cost of gold β†’

Impact of war on fashion

In the period of 1940 -1946, the events of World War II strongly influenced fashion. The following pictures illustrate war influence on fashion Image 1.

Multilateral free trade

However, halting the talks means that the world losses the gains that would have come from multilateral trade. This implies that the hegemonic countries like the U.

Blog 2

This is an alarming situation for which it is expected that the concerned authorities are able to undertake some initiates to meet the demand. Overall quota is to be added on the amount of oil being consumed.

Business going green – tesla motors

The thought of the current effects we experience together with the prediction of those that are yet to come instills fear and turmoil in almost everyone's mind. As part of this initiative and the desire to be ethical to the society many companies are now ' going green'.

Geology volcanoes and earthquake

In regard to increased interest in the management of natural disasters and improved communications, the public can now learn more about the earthquake before it hits. There are ideas in place about the best place to occupy during the earthquake.

Violence again women in peace time

Violence against Women of the of the Violence against Women Comprehending violence against women is facilitated by analyzing violence against girls. There is a failure of law and justice, in responding to violence against women and girls.

Development economics paper 3

According to the chapter, economic development in a state is wholly reliant on its leaders and the efficiency of the system put in place to address economic and developmental agendas of the state. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Global Poverty.

Rhetorical analysis assignment: gay marriage

The reputation of the opinion is important. He looks at the evidence and uses logic to determine that most gays want to get married because the institution of marriage is meaningful to them, as it is to many other people.

Analysis of two articles about robots

I major in Mechanical Engineering which is directly related to the construction of the robots. Comparison Both the articles are written in simple language and address the design of robots that may make work easier for humans.

Enviroment science lab5

Zebra and Quagga Mussels This lab report will help me in coming up with new methods of Improving and Zebra and Quagga Mussel Identification. Invasion of zebra and quagga mussels into fresh water is catastrophic impact to the ecosystem in which they are brought.

A good relationship with the media ensures

It has been noted that President Obama has continued to have a very good relationship with the media even after becoming president and this partly explains why he has remained very popular with most of the American public because the media tends to give very positive news concerning him. As a consequence of this personal β†’

Attitudes 2

This is because the connection between attitude and behavior is resilient when several attitudes are not tangled with solitary attitudes. In addition, the connection between behavior and attitude is strong when the availability of people's attitude is extraordinary.

Areas of economic freedom of the world (efw)

Answer 3: Areas of Economic Freedom of the World (EFW Business Freedom: Business Freedom refers to the ability of a person to manage a businessin accordance with the government-imposed rules, laws, and regulations concerning businesses. Fiscal Freedom: This area of EFW refers to the extent to which an individual or a business enjoys tax reduction/exemption β†’

Us social security

The rates of return on either perspectives depend on the set rules for the social security contribution and the individual's own rate of saving. Empirical research shows that social security reduces private savings in the U.S.

Discussing the benefits and costs of such a metallic monetary system for an aspiring new country

College: Pros and Cons of Metallic Monetary System for a New Country Every economy needs a medium of exchange and a measure of value in order to facilitate transactions within that economy. Due to the expensive nature of gold and silver used in production of metallic money, their circulation in the economy can be limited.

How does social media impacts on people’s relationship and daily life

To improve the relevance of the outcome, the research will insist on usage of the most recent sources of information. In addition, I expect the study to shed some light on the portions of the population that are affected by the negative impacts of social media.

Chapter ten: special pricing pratices

Norman defines price discrimination as a scenario where a company charges different prices for a similar product when the price variation does not result from the differences in the cost of the product. Based on the definition of price discrimination and the conditions that must exist for a firm to practice price discrimination, it becomes β†’

Pollution in the usa

The problem of one country's pollution, damaging the environment of the neighboring countries is regarded as cross border pollution and is exercised in US. According to Chow, the pollution that is created and transferred by US onto Mexico is more than the amount of cross border pollution created by Mexico.


The philosopher further agrees to the fact that competition amongst business and the nature of scarcity of resources needs governorship by justice and the law. Hesiod supported the existence of competition in the society and its relation to the measure of productivity.

Journal article response

Benefits of Using Basal Readers with ESOL / LEP Students The repetition of words and limited scaffolding in the literature-based basal anthology texts can be very effective in teaching the ESOL / LEP students remember a number of important new words. There is a benefit and consequences with the use of literature-based basal anthology text β†’

News paper report

It is imperative that however many the articles or authors are trying to find the extent to which the damage has been by global warming; they are not giving out the immediate solution on the same. They are the source of threat that the whole world is facing on global warming today.

A letter to the editor in the wsj

A Letter to the Wall Street Journal. A letter to the Wall Street Journal.2014.

Fog in tucson

Therefore, for there to be a fog in Tucson, there should be an increase in the amount of humidity in the air. Thus, in between the cool and the warm air, radiation fog is formed.

Planned parenthood organization and social media

However, in 2011, the fight over the defunding of the organization made the people in the organization to rethink on how to change their approach of the online space to make it more interactive and engaging to improve user experience. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were the main social media platforms that played the largest role β†’

Economic policy and the environment

In a normal economic production, the presence of negative externalities is not compensated for by the benefit accruing from the production processes. Besides, this may result in an equal distribution of resources in the society as the producer benefit to the detrimental of the environment.

Lewis and goldin approach of measuring the cost of the civil war

The cost of the Civil War was measured by estimating two types of war cost that include the direct and indirect cost. The difference between the consumption stream in the absence of the war and the actual expenses is the indirect cost.

Environmental assessment

Selection Surflan or oryzalin as it's commonly referred, is a pre-emergent herbicide used to control turf grass, it's selected for use during dry seasons and applied at the onset of rain to kill turf grass. Even if the herbicide under discussion poses threats to the environment, it has benefits to farmers since it is one β†’

Where have all the cod gone

A Response Paper Industrialization and the widespread cropping up of Global markets proves that Atlantic cod fishing has become a big time lucrative business and this is seen by the increased number of fishermen who have joined the business. The primary source of economic wealth in the area, is the successful commercial fishery industry that β†’

Response to liberalism and racial justice

Social stratification implies that the members of the society are classified into social classes; the lower class, middle class and the upper class. Modern capitalist societies are adopting liberalism and racial justice strategies in order to achieve equality and liberty in the society.

Critical biodiversity

However, human activities have directly or indirectly led to a major loss of biodiversity and in turn raising questions as to the need of conserving species so as to maintain a stable and healthy environment. Since each and every species plays a significant role in maintaining a stable ecosystem, the existence of each species is β†’

Position 9: do new business models result in great consumer of products and ideas

New businessmodels in the light of the digital era only add to more choices and confusion of the consumers. According to The Economist, the more the choices and alternatives on the internet of a commodity, the more the thinking that needs to be made which makes it hard to make a final decision.

Family story

I am responsible and honest because of the value I have learnt from my parents. I admire my family and I will pass down the values that I have learnt from my parents to other generations.

Supply: production, costs, and profits

John define economies of scale as the cost benefits derived by a company as a result of expansion. Thirdly, a firm is likely to benefit from the economies of scale in that as the production capacity of a firm increases, it will be able to acquire specialized machineries and labor resulting in improved efficiency.

Referee report on tsoutsoura, margarita, 2010

Referee Report on Tsoutsoura, Margarita, The effect of succession taxes on family firm investment: Evidence from a natural experiment Institution: The Effect of Succession Taxes on Family Firm Investment: Evidence from a Natural Experiment This paper looks at the impacts of succession taxes on investment decisions and firm succession. Also, show the relevance of data β†’

Multicultural education: annotated bibliography

In fact, the article advances the ongoing conversation concerning the auspicious practices in multicultural education. The Call to Teach: Multicultural Education.

Reflection for a year living on the brink

The author is convinced that the problem is directly linked to the economic instability that has plagued major world economies such as United States and Europe. Henninger admits that the only solution to the failing economic mitigation policies is change of guard in the current presidency.

The bp explosion and vioxx disaster

It highlights the causes of the disasters; how the government and the public responded to the situation. Compensations were made to the victims and the families of the deceased.

Any thing

Therefore, the prospects of this policy is to achieve double benefits through mitigating the impact of global warming, while at the same time ensuring that the third world countries benefit from the eradication of major challenges facing them. The double benefits obtainable from the execution of this policy make it the best for combating global β†’

Social media investigations

The paper is also a descriptive review to the situation created by the government regarding social media. The discussion on social media invasion draws the justification from the provision in the fourth act.

Answers to the economic issues

What I am saying is that things have already happened and the most that we can do as individuals is to reduce our spending and stop blaming the government for all the mess. It is true that tax-cuts have consequences but it is a lesser evil.

The structure of interest rates and real interest rates

Money and Banking al Affiliation Reasons why the interest rates on the Credit card is higher than that on the automobile loan There are various reasons credits for higher interest rates on credit cards as compared to the automobile loans. So, the loan made by the issuer of credit card is accompanied with greater risk β†’

Wildlife and wind energy

Despite the renewed efforts to harness energy from the wind, there are various implications of wind turbines on the wildlife although there are mitigation measures that could minimize impacts to the wildlife. In a study conducted by Sovacool, which focused on the effects of wind turbines on birds that are a form of wildlife, the β†’

Homework 3

04 c) Average duration is the differences in dates of Start and End {6 -1}, 5 months.d) The unemployed fraction on a daily basis is = 0. Question 7: With a preference of U = c3/5 2/5, the shifting of x units from a future year to the current would imply an increase in spending.

Environmental economics

The government in Canada can formulate policies that are oriented towards promoting the use of renewable energy such as solar power to replace fossil fuels that are responsible for causing global warming. From my own perspective, I would recommend that governments in different regions adopt policies that are oriented towards the use of renewable energy β†’

Keynse v friedman

The general thrust of a government whenever there is a threat of recession is to intervene and use fiscal and monetary tools to mitigate the ill effects of a recession. Milton Friedman is a famous American economist in his own right and he won the coveted Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976 for challenging the β†’

The era of technology for the environmental based issues

The idea could be referred as a perfect one because it will enable the council to get and accumulate sufficient funds which could be used for decreasing the level of air pollution from the environment, but there is something which is missing from this particular strategy in total as the first thing to initiate the β†’

Hho generator for cars

Since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the ensuing discussions on the specificities in periods of implementation, especially emissions dealing has profited ground as a legitimate way to deal with this environmental issue. The HHO generator is known to save on fuel costs and lower exhaust emissions.

Variability of a price of commodity (oil, coffee, gold, etc)

To map the relationship between the dependent and predictor variables, we consider a number of regression models as shown below: Model 1: Sales as a function of Newspaper Advertising This model can be summarized follows: Sales = 3415870 + 4. 950266 TV 334264 Competitors' The model has a coefficient of determination, R2 = 0.

The politics of the hijab

The Politics of the Hijab of the Gender and Sexual Studies of the Concerned March 21, The Politics of the Hijab Summary Simply speaking, attire or clothing is not a sterile thing that is merely used to cover the body against the natural elements. In that context Hijab is a source of vitality and strength β†’

Identity and culture

People who wanted to be perceived as one who understands culture and the behaviors of other people are often open to acculturation and enculturation. The main query of the paper explores the influence of identity and culture on the manner by which a person wanted to be perceived by others.

Economic exam 2

As an economist, Marx did a lot of analysis regarding the output of economies and the main hindrances and drivers of economies. The British economy uses hybrid capitalism of a mixture between European and Anglo-Saxon capitalism.Q.5.

Monetary control

When a bank loans out money to individuals, they sign a contract that shows the period the customer has to repay the loan. For example, when a customer is to repay the loan in a period of five years, it means the signed contract represents a future income stream for the bank.

The global significance of the middle east

The Middle East as a region has been the source of contentious global issues and concerns. The global significance of the Middle East in a broader sense is defined by religious, economic, and political factors.

Answer questions

What is the relationship between the efficiency of a financial system and the rate of economic growth? The efficiency of a financial system is directly proportional to the rate of economic growth.

Water cycle

Water Cycle affiliation Water Cycle Water cycle or hydrologic cycle is the process where water moves above, on and in the surface. The sun evaporates the water into the atmosphere.

Media analysis

However, there has been a debate whether this kind of music in media production results in increased motivation, enjoyment, and more learning for the people receiving the message in the media production. This is because it lowers the concentration of the audience, and instead of paying attention to the educative material in the media, most β†’

The great kanto fire

The Great Kanto fire was caused by a natural disaster the Great Kanto earthquake in 1923. However, while the earthquake was the primary cause of the fire that razed much of the Tokyo City, the natural phenomenon was not entirely the culprit.

Journal opinion article

Daniel Yergin's Wall Street Journal article en d The Global Shakeout From Plunging Oil outlines the interaction of supply and demand as the mainfactor for the substantial decrease in oil prices. The production of oil, particularly in the United States, has allowed for the surge in the supply without a concurrent increase in the demand." β†’

Skepticism: climate change

In some cases, the change is ignited by a combination of the two. Secondly, the scientist needed to come with the scope of their research to answer the question ' when?' and ' where?' We, the common people, need to know if only human activities in the United States of America affect climate or is β†’

Journal opinion article

The current crisis and the Ukraine dependency upon Russia has given the current scenario an outlook of the Cold War. With the increase in the rates, Ukraine is subsequently left with the impact of higher debts to pay and the time running out on them, the E.

Feature story base on interview

PR The Next Generation of the Journalism, Mass Media and Communication of the Concerned January 12, PR- The Next Generation Sad but true, the next generation of PR professionals is least likely to find a set course, pursuing which they could trace their path to success and glory. The good thing is that no matter β†’

Book report- human sexuality

Book Report on Love Sex Again by Lauren Streicher of Learning Book Report on Love Sex Again by Lauren Streicher There is no doubt that sexual life is of particular importance for every person, including women. Reading this book allows all women to have knowledge that can help solve numerous health issues and therefore significantly β†’

A journal opinion article

The poverty situation in America According to the economic report of the US President that was released last Monday about the poverty situation in the US, and contains an overview of the last five decades, the situation seems tricky and unfathomable. While the calculation is intriguing, it might seem to the rest of the world β†’

Central role of economic profit

The action of manager would not generate the most profit out of the theater due to decrease in attendance. Conclusion It is necessary for the manager to consider benefits of economic profit compared to accounting profit.

Economics class video response paper

The influence of advertising in shaping shopping choices is great, and this appears to be one of the significant forces influencing clothing choices among the youths. 24 Apr.2014.

The eye of the beholder

Humans are the only being that can sense, reason, judge, plan, and proclaim the worth of nature. However, I do not agree with it, humans determine value of nature and whatever is in it.thus, humans are worthwhile and come before any other species of the world.

Read on the instruction

Evidently, the fundamental intention of this program is to increase the number of babies a woman has and thereby increase the overall birthrate of the country. In order to improve the chances that this program's economic incentives would truly increase the birthrate, it is recommendable for the government to increase the amount of payment with β†’

America online and time warner

Being a powerful Internet Service Provider in the US, the company thought that they could buy and then handle a huge media corporation like Time Warner because the AOL management was optimist about the future of the Internet technologies. In analyzing the reason behind the merger, Arango remarks that at the wake of the 21st β†’

Global warming the problem and a solution

Global warming is the increase in the surface temperature of the earth which may, in turn, bring about certain changes in the climate throughout the world. The rise in temperature of the earth would mean differences in the pattern of rain and a rise in the level of the sea.

Japan 2

Japan's educational system is very much similar to that of the United Arab Emirates. The education system is modeled by the government to cover schools across the country.

Environmental economics

However, there is a rise in the cost of electricity, as consumers have to meet the costs of the subsidies for renewable sources of energy. The economy of Germany is growing well despite the rising costs of energy and has managed to reduce the energy intensity.

Cornell west discussing the death of michael brown

The death of Michael Brown then is used by Cornell West of bringing to the public's attention the multitude of ways that individuals within dominate society have not appropriately contributed to and recognized the challenges many minority individuals experience on a daily basis. One of the undertones of West argument is that while President Obama β†’

Together we stand letter outline

The survey will involve establishing the relationship between exposure to the industrial waste and severity of the new disease. A direct correlation between severity of the disease and nearness to the dumpsite will indicate that the factory is the main cause of the problem.

Incorrect causation from correlation

The author's intention is to sway the readers' minds to believe that the wind energy is for the people's benefit. When a random survey is done, it is evident that the wind energy project will receive greater support from people in different states in the United States.


Teacher A Taxing G-8 Summit It is worth noting that G8 or the Group of eight industrialized countries will hold their summit on the shores of Lough Erne in Northern Ireland with the host Prime Minister David Cameron setting the agenda of the meeting that will include trade, transparency and taxes. These explain why it β†’

Haitian internal threats

During the reconstruction, factors such as social, cultural, political and economic emerged as the root problems that made Haiti experience hard times in handling this process on its own. The earthquake unearthed Haiti's history that is darkened by colonialism, racism, segregation, witchcraft, cultural illiteracy and political instability.

Assessment of the current economic situation in the us

The Current Economic Situation in the United s The economic situation of a country can be measured by considering aspects such as the level of employment, the economic growth rate, the household spending levels, as well as the interest rates. Following the 2008 worldwide economic crisis, most countries inclusive of the United States are still β†’

Unequal distribution of wealth

Unequal distribution of resources by the governing authorities usually entails empowering the favored classes or group of people to have more access to the resources. Unequal wealth distribution is a matter of concern especially to the society or state where it requires effective and timely rectification.

Amoco cadiz

Amoco Cadiz The analysis is pragmatic as it offers an exclusive elucidation of the scenario that led to capsizing of the Amoco Cadizthat is recorded as the largest oil spill that had devastating effects on the ecosystem. Importantly, the harsh weather conditions encumbered the flotilla from pumping oil out of the wreck; the northwesterly winds β†’

Solution to every questions in my

Seller will again supply quantity of 100 of the bad cars so long as price is more than value and the same will be demanded.b) For P 0, the buyer will not buy the commodity while if P= 0 the buyer will be indifferent and the buyer only buys when the value exceeds the price β†’

Reading response

In that direction, she uses the metaphor of a cyborg to urge women including feminists to transcend beyond the limitations and also as the main example to explain the power of the cyborgs. In that direction, A Cyborg Manifesto can be considered as a socialist-feminist analysis of womens condition in the contemporary and advanced technological β†’

International stll wine trade

The important features in the research are the demand and the years of the product production. The first then observations show the demand of the product in the market prior to the introduction of globalization.


Ethanol as a transportation Fuel of Ethanol as a Transportation Fuel Much speculation borders on the application of ethanol in the transportation industry as a motor fuel. The production of bioethanol is however cumbered with problems both in the acquisition of biomass and its eventual processing to the final product.

The way to reduce health insurance costs

In order to be able to fully implement this plan, the company requests employees to fill out application forms before January 15th as well as visiting the fitness counselor who will develop a fitness plan customized to each employee that signs up for this plan. In order to be able to understand the plan even β†’

Debate and team paper

Debate and Team Paper: Tourism in the Philippines Debate and Team Paper: Tourism in the Philippines In many developing nations, the thought of tourism bringing in foreign currency is appealing. The Political aspect of tourism The political situation in the Philippines is questionable at the moment.

Unemployment data

Average earnings per hour of private employees in the production sector and nonsupervisory positions were at $19. United States Department of Labor, 2013.Web.

Hunffington posts review

Within hours of the news breaking, pundits were already labeling the merger as a ' sign of the times' or as a ' harbinger of things to come for the news industry'. The internet has truly democratized the exchange of information in a way that the printing press or the telephone could not, despite their β†’

Why srotytelling for brands is important

Overall, a brand story is a narrative that defines the brand itself and presents the strategy of the company. Overall, for a company to stay afloat while others sink, a good brand story is the best choice.

Super volcano at yellowstone

The inactivity of Old Faithful may be an indication of the possibility of the eruption of Yellowstone.7. The trees are dying because of overexposure to toxins and gases from the magma lying under Yellowstone.17.

Assignment should be presented as a journal opinion article and address an economic issue of current interest to wall street journal readers

Wage and Benefit Growth The benefits and wages that employees receive influence the manner in which they operate intheir place of work. 2 percent growth when compared to the third and fourth quarter of the previous year.