Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Strategic change programmes

The permanent secretary in the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Andrew Ndishishi, indicated that the ministry had failed in the supply of staff uniforms for a number of years. This shows the failure of the ministry's procurement department and the unprofessionalism being displayed by the institution which trickles down to the services being offered β†’

Leading and leadership

It is essential to make people aware of where the company is going and what the main purposes are. When the vision is developed, a leader should share it with a team and it is the task of a team to build a strategy that will help reach the goals.

Recommendation of ambercrombie & fitch

This is the best recommendation given the fact that a new CEO with new ideas will assist in rejuvenating the business and he/she will be in a position of executing a variety of strategies as compared to a CEO hired within the organization. By going outside for a new CEO, the company will send a β†’

Value added

Value-added for processing the raw materials allows for growth in the economy since it is considered efficient in comparison to export of the latter. It is cost effective and reliable in terms of value-added for processing raw materials compared to value-added for exporting the raw materials.

Revised proposal

Ecosystems of Goods and Services Oil and Gas Exploration Article Summary According to the Bloomberg magazine, the United States government fronted the proposal of relocating its offshore drilling base from the state of Virginia to Georgia. In the recent past, the US government has come under immense pressure to stabilize the ever growing demand of β†’

The value of swot in general and regarding planning

The external environment of an organization is expressed in the opportunities and threats of the SWOT. The efficacy of a plan depends on the accuracy of the assessment of the environment of which it will be applied as defined in the SWOT.

Organization behavior

Since he is already reached the managerial post, he concluded that he would be receiving one of the highest pays in the company. He was happy and contended with the company that he is working for and his satisfaction level rises even more with the promotion that he received.

Tows analysis of the

Medical therapy is a secondary stage in the prevention where there is improvement in the walking distance after the primary stage of prevention. Physical assessment is an important aspect in prevention of the infection and help recovery from the condition.

Human resource

However, the each of the customer care reps the may not have to work on each of the weekends. For example: 78% person of the people said working on weekends is a real problem.

Usa department of lapor

This culture depends on a number of factors, which include: the strengths and weaknesses of their employees, management procedures and the presence of an already established culture. This enhances the smooth flow of activities in the organization, which is one of the paybacks of a strong organizational culture.

Value orientation style analysis

In regard to the experience of Pierre Frankel in Moscow, a lot can be learnt of Russian society characteristics and how it should be dealt with in the context of business practices and success of a foreign firm. In this regard, it would be important to analyze the culture of Russians in the context of β†’

Collaboration technologies

The three levels of groupware which are dependent on the level of collaboration are communication tools, conferencing tools and collaborative management tools. According to Marotta some of the benefits of groupware include its ability to increase efficiency and effectiveness by allowing each member of a group to access all information pertinent to a particular task.

Offshoring (offshore outsourcing)

Off-Shoring [The of the will appear here] [The of the will appear here] Introduction Recently the term offshoring has gained increasing attention given the increase in globalization and thus mobilization. As defined by Garner, ' Offshoring refers to the relocation of jobs and production to a foreign country.

Managing operations: theory and practice

Effective leadership and management usually involved creative problem solving whenever there are problems within organization and outside the organization that may affect the operations of the organization, for instance, the same qualities were displayed to bring back Nissan Motor Company Ltd. Other than restoring the operations of the company, the management ensured that employees to β†’


Filing for bankruptcy in reality, is the last resort in the minds of Entrepreneurs, because this act is considered bad for a person's reputation. Filing bankruptcy will allow me to get creditors off my back or negotiate with them to get a settlement in order to return only a certain percentage of the amount of β†’

Certified aviation manager program

This personal and corporate assurance is a first step into the responsibility of management, and is also serves as a guide to my future obligations to the industry. The certification and re-certification process will help insure the industry, and the public, that I possess the most current training available as well as the necessary qualities β†’

Organizational culture model

The management at Stadler & Company tax service usually acts in a manner that portrays the goals of the organization. The company's future is well defined in that short medium and long term goals are set.

Upstream supply chain management: real estate development and construction company

Once this is done, the issue is forwarded to the purchasing office which is charged with the responsibility of sourcing for potential suppliers. One of the factors is the reliability of the organization and the quality of its products based on research or past supply history.

Mission, vision and value statements of wegman foods

The purpose of the proposed study is to conduct an overview of the strategic factors of ' Wegman Foods' by analyzing the prevailing internal and external environment of the organization. Background of the Study The strategic management is gaining importance in the practical implementation of company's objectives due to the changing nature of the environment β†’

Summary of america’s 1 percent problem

Americas percent problem Affiliation: America has been increasing in the inequality between the rich and the poor who occupy the 90th percentile on the wealth distribution while the rich occupy one percent. This trend will make the US lose its economic superpower position to other nations that actually care about the whole nation in such β†’

Executive mba school submission

This made the vice chairman and the owner of the hotel to make me manage all the operations of the hotel and I was to report to the general manager and to the owner. Through my efforts, the hotel has regained its market share and is out of default.

Group dynamics

In most workplaces, groups are integral to the performance and success of the organization or company. In the workplace, I would employ knowledge on group dynamics to understand the attitudes and behavioral patterns of a group because groups tend to influence people a lot.

Eastern gear, inc

This delayed the processing of small orders. There should be appropriate time division between the use of machines for processing the small and large orders.

Ob week 7

The classification of a member in an in-group impacts the way leaders engage with the members. By exhibiting certain characteristics members can become more trustworthy in the eyes of the leader thereby earning a place in the in-group.

Analysis assignment

The literature suggests that environment and approaches yield different results and this discussion aims to test difference in effectiveness of classroom, CD and video and on-the-job training environment. HO: 1= 2= 3, There is no significant difference in results from the training methods HA: Any of the means is different, there is a significant difference β†’

The importance of internship practice in design management

The institution offers internship to students of various disciplines not only to improve the theoretical lessons but also to expose them to the outside world. The employees at the institution are friendly and offer a platform for me to learn more.

The recent global economic crisis has made international hrm theory largely irrelevant. critically evaluate this statement with reference to current global economic issues and specifically, relevant hrm theoretical frameworks in the form of a debate

INTERNATIONAL HRM THEORY LARGELY IRRELEVANT By The of the School The and where it is locatedThe DateIn contemporary global companies, the HRM department has been deemed irrelevant. Cultural diversity management is one of the crucial considerations of International HRM and this being the case the discipline is still relevant in some of the countries and β†’

Toastmaster’s association

For the nearly two and a half years I have been associated with this group, we have been meeting 2-3 times a month mostly on Saturdays. At least I can stand in front of a group of people and offer a clear presentation and they understand.

Porter’s generic strategies used by amazon

This is through employing the three generic strategies of Porter in order to respond to the competitors; thus achieving a competitive advantage. Wood and Wood argue that product differentiation is a crucial strategy for companies that may want to sustain their business in the global competitive market.

Week one day one

It would also be the part of recruitment process to ensure that employee's personality will be aligned to the job he/she will perform. The results will be evaluated with the help of feedback forms; they will also be depicted through employee job satisfaction, performance and work behaviour.

A good manager: enron corporation case

His personal actions serve as an example of the type of behavior that is expected from the general population of employees in a firm. He is the person who is supposed to manage a nation in need of change.

Conclusion of logoplaste’s business plan

Accordingly, the most important actions can be defined as follows: With respect to production, Logoplaste should Maintain the hole-in-the-wall concept Promote Logoplaste's Innovation Lab Continuously improve the lab With respect to operational activities, Logoplaste should Keep the costs low Maintain the " Can Do" attitude Establish lean entrepreneurial ventures in the US Manage the back-office β†’

Appropriateness of using similar style of leadership in the european union

Appropriateness of using similar style of leadership in the European Union The appropriateness of using the same style of leadership in the countries of the European Union is discussed with respect to different countries of the union having different cultures and organizational backgrounds in their organizations. Appropriateness of Unified leadership style The need for the β†’

Reflective journal on leadership

Vroom in his theory supposed that human beings are inspired to achieve a particular purpose by anticipated standards or principles, coupled with the inference that the action geared towards the achievement of the purpose will result to the preferred principles. Linking Vrooms Expectancy Theory with my Personal Experience In reference to Vrooms expectancy theory, my β†’

Discussion management questions

Based on the target profit of the enterprise the manager can determine the prices he needs to charge to achieve the financial goals of the company. The price sensitivity in the hotel industry is more evident in the lower end of the market.


The company looks at steer heading market innovations with their suitable products and this boost their performance over their competitors. Their services are well planned, and it helps them to enjoy the competitive advantage in their operations.

Process modeling of the old process at dorfmann

On the contrary, the new order-picking process was revised by the IT department that chose hardware, installed the hardware and software for the wireless warehouse. System-building methods and tools The use of Texas barcode to check the feasibility of the wireless system in the warehouse.

Challenging the process

Such a change means challenging the processes in the organization. The leader of the organization should assess the sustainability of the organization in its current state and the benefits of change.

Customer relationship management

Consider a company that uses the social media platform as a CRM strategy. Consequently, this platform engages the public through text interaction that enables the customers to judge and give feedback about the product.

Designing interventions

Finally, it was realized that the intervention might in the short while bring some hardship on the economic fortunes of the company but in the long term there will be productive benefits to be enjoyed by the company.1. 0 Application of Change Strategies within the Short-term and Long-term The intervention, or otherwise referred to as β†’

Case analysis

The most important of these stakeholders are definitely the poor who are not only the majority but the foundation of microfinance institutions in Bangladesh, Mexico and Kenya. With lower profit margins the banks leadership will need to device a means of providing financial services to the poor and simultaneously meeting fiduciary duties of stakeholders.


and Section # of Management: Organizational Culture An effective organization is not only knownfor delivering a transparent and value based relations with its client but by its organizational culture as well which is the way how employees behave on the basis of shared values, principles and traditions that they possess. The culture of an organization β†’

Career competency model

To see the progress and development in the profession, building an individual career competency model and a career ladder/lattice will help. The process will identify the knowledge, abilities, and skills that are important to perform critical functions in an industry or profession.

: nutrition for niger plumpynut / issues bibliography paper

Although Nutriset is the reason behind Plumpy'nut innovation and the company is still far behind in solving the issue of malnutrition owing to the fact its annual production is still low in comparison to the number of children dying of malnutrition around the globe. Retrieved on 27 July 2014 from pagewanted= all & _r= β†’

Labor productivity calculation analysis for spa and salon

According to this method labor productivity is calculated by; Labor Productivity = Labor cost per day Production Units per day Labor cost per person C $11. 86 /hr The working hours per day = 10 hrs Labor Cost Per Day = 118.

The burden of proof

The Company should also prove that the Union as early as 2002, is already aware that the Work Keys Assessment is given to entry level jobs in the Technical Department. The Union claimed that the company awarded the job to senior bidders in the past.

Teamwork experience

We developed a clear insight into the project in the first meeting and decided to analyze the case from our individual's perspectives the results of which were discussed in the second meeting. A meeting was canceled as one of us failed to check the email informing the date and time of the meeting and conflicts β†’

Stages in the model of planned organizational change

Stages in the Model of Planned Organizational Change Before going to discuss stages in the model of planned organizational change, let us get a better understanding of what organizational change actually is. Rasing states, " The key to organizational change and development lies in the understanding of peoples requirements and work towards it".

True religion jeans brand

It is realizable that, a combination of increased price of the rough material and the change in the market structure contributed to the intense competition between the premium denim dealers. The market structure of the premium jeans is well built on the superiority of the brand and this increased the number of customers.

Hospitality property operations

Storeroom In order to maintain cleanliness and other satisfaction driven parameters for the customers, the storeroom remains opened all the time and everyone has the access to it. Storeroom Effectiveness There must be someone responsible for the storeroom and only limited access be provided to the staff.

Jump ship and shop

The consumers spend their time and money in the resorts, which increases the revenues, and profit margin. The resorts design the home page to reflect the Christmas season and email any deals to their customers in the mailing list.

Case study example

The dangers of delaying the prosecution of al-Bashir include the continued genocide within the country and the possibility of a civil war that could re-ignited as Arab militias continue to battle with the remaining members of the rebel groups. Likewise, as indicated by a member of the humanitarian organization, delaying prosecution is indicative of undermining β†’

Types of power

Among the types of power, the most effective types of power based on the leadership definition are referent and expert. To gain this type of power, a leader must also be respectful to other people, hardworking, industrious, collaborative, and sensitive to the needs of others.

Training and development of hiring practices

Organizational analysis allows the manager to view the performance of the organization and highlights the performance problems in particular departments within the firm. The evaluation is critical in the identification of the employees in need of training and the kind of training required.

Activties – training and career dev

Some of the core characteristics of the Caterpillar's culture are, to work with zest and sincerity to deliver the best services to their customers. The installation unit is in need of a training intervention, to have a better understanding of the installation procedures and how to modify machines and instruments.2.

Cross-culture management – the breakdown of industrial relations at hmsi and hrm strategy

Cross-Culture Management - the Breakdown of Industrial Relations at HMSI and HRM Strategy Table of Contents Key Factors that Led to the Breakdown of Industrial Relations at HMSI1 Retrenchment of Employees1 Violence and Indiscipline2 Charter of Demands2 HRM Strategy Used by Management and Factors that Led to its Failure2 Respect for Individual Workers2 Three β†’

Business letter

Post Company Receiver's address Dear Mr./Ms This letter is intended to explain the role of effective negotiation in conflict resolution in the workplace. Top management can achieve this by telling the workers that their discipline and conduct has some marks in the performance appraisal.

Achieving synergy at fligh high

Due to the lack of trust between the employees and the new managerial staff the consultant would serve the role of a mediator. These three initiatives would help improve the internal communication at Fligh High and begin to create a bond of trust between the managers and the employees.

Methods to motivate employees to improve behavior

So, for the company to boost the morale of the clerical staff for the remaining period, I would like to suggest that it should offer training, coaching and counseling services to the clerical staff. References Hackman, J.& Oldham, G.

Supply chain management

Case: Sonnie's Gourmet Sandwich Cafe' Sonnie's Gourmet Sandwich Cafe is the newest cafe in the local and the most frequented by working clients with limited time to wait especially now that the cafe is experiencing an out of door line for customers during the two hours lunch break. Case: Tom and the phone system The β†’

Performance management framework of limo services in austin, tx company

To ensure effectiveness of the business strategy, the performance management framework contains detailed procedures for employee assessment and analysis during recruitment, orientation, training and education of employees, comprehensive methods of measuring performances of employees and effective process of communication performance feedback to employees to ensure that everyone has knowledge about achievements and remaining areas of β†’

Analysis(another one)

It is easy to irritate about the strategic increase of the services of the Walt Disney Company. The SWOT analysis is used in the case analysis in order to predict the current and future outlook of the Walt Disney Company.

The changes in the way the company produces and market products and how they address customer issues

The cost of holding inventory will also reduce and since they will use the internet and catalog to reach the customers that will result in the reduction of marketing expenses. The effects of the proposed decision will result to reduced price of products due to a reduction in inventory and marketing expenditure hence increased customer β†’


The organic model of the Cafe thrives on creative inputs as all employees have the talent of doing all odd job. Indeed, it could be the key management strategy to enhance the appeal of the Cafe for students and people in general.

Team development

It is for this reason that any team leader should endeavor to know the characteristics of each stage so that he/she can find and adopt the necessary skills to deal with the members challenges. The team members behavior at this stage was a reminiscent of the expected characteristics of this stage according to Elizabeth.

Article reflection

In fact, it is otherwise - smart people make poor decisions because they are influenced by the internal and the external bias. Nevertheless, Mauboussin has effectively presented a different view to decision-making which has been enumerative and challenging for the readers.

Technology management

Anheuser-Busch InBev has the largest brewery in the world and it has managed to get its products worldwide through establishment of several branches of breweries in many nations. Partnering of Anheuser-Busch InBev with already established brewers in China is a perfect idea as it assists the company to market its brands along with already products β†’

Ethical issues in business

Company Q: The company Q seems to have three issues, first being the company's closure of a few stores in the high crime rate areas, secondly the company sells organic products at a very high margin and thirdly the company refuses to donate the day-old products which are ultimately thrown away. The company seems to β†’


The most notable threat of substitute of product in the aircraft industry exists in the short distances over land. This has helped the company to sustain its profitability and competition within the market of aircraft industry operations.

Marketing plan

The short-term marketing strategies will be used to boost the sales of the company on a temporary basis. An online Internet marketing strategy will also be implemented to complement the short-term and long-term marketing strategies.

Motivating employees

The motivational techniques used by past employer to keep employees productive, satisfied, and motivated included the provision of intrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors. The ability of motivating factors to keep employees productive, satisfied, and motivated actually depends on the needs and drives that influence the employees to work.

Decision making

Decision-making Video Make the Right Choice: Three Steps to Effective Decision Making The narrator suggests three steps to effective decision making; which are listed below: Understanding causality- this entails problem identification, which sets the foundation for an individual as they attempt to identify the solutions by sorting through the various options ahead of them. Therefore, β†’

Consumer protection

When the consumer make decisions on the products and services the wish to purchase, they have the expectation that the price has been set freely based on the supply and demand, and not through agreements between the competitors. Price fixing is not only associated with prices, as it concerns other terms that may have an β†’

Delivering a business strategy

The strategy map depicts an environment of vetting to identify the legitimacy of the different categories of services. The holistic nature of TNTs business plan has seen its growth from local to the global organization.

, the business for happiness

This idea seems to be interesting in such a way that, to increase the productivity the workers should not be depressed instead they should be happy. Despite all the efforts to make the employees be happy and work in harmony in the workplace, so as to increase their productivity.

Article & video question answers

With the winnings and the revenues being shared, there is bound to be an increase of investments in the payroll hence bringing reducing and if this continues eliminating the competitive imbalance brought about by the difference in market size. Their lack of winning will bring all the plans to a dead end as there will β†’

Workshop 5

Part of the restructuring that happened in the auto industry is the changing of the labour regulations and practices to enable the auto industry cope and compete with the new economic environment. Should unions be founded on supporting the workers in China or the Organisations/Government?

What are the future trends and challenges in health care qi

There is also the risk of the systems being hacked and sensitive health care information falling into the wrong hands. The other challenge is that with new changes in the QI of the health care sector, there are required resources in terms of technicians qualified to handle these changes and also monetary resources to install β†’

Walmart change proposal

Besides, the company should improve occupational health to the workers. I believe that if these changes are properly implemented, the company would have to build a cordial relationship between the management and employees.

Monitor and improve customer service

Monitoring and Improving Service KPIs for improving service satisfaction service measures the numbers satisfied customers in relation to the total number of customer service requests received by the customer service departmentAverage wait timeAverage wait time applies mostly to customer requests channeled through phone calls and emails. Overdue customer requestsMeasures service delivery of the organization by β†’

Analysis the case

Case Analysis A key factor that plays into George Stein's dilemma is the obvious feeling of guilt as a result of thebetrayal of the trust and goodwill from the management and the surrounding consumers of the milkshakes derived from the firm's processes. Stein acknowledges that the one thing which he is very proud of at β†’

Google inc case study

The advertiser had been required to pay the system when the user took action to click on the advertising. The provision developed the system to accord Google the ability to present the most relevant ads a higher stature as compared to the least influential ads.

The restructuring sony corporation

The restructuring efforts at Sony were realized to make the company more flexible and adaptive. At Sony due to the segmentation of businesses and the decentralized nature of the operation there was a lot of cultural diversity.

How are we motivated

These facilities and benefits not only improves the motivation and performance levels of employees but also results in a higher job satisfaction level. However, to achieve a higher job satisfaction level, the thing that counts more is extrinsic motivation because today almost every person wants luxuries in life and those luxuries are associated more with β†’

An op-ed piece

Therefore, it is reasonable that the Fairness for Struggling Students Act or FSSA has turned out to be the main focus of government agencies, particularly of the education department. But, if the government stresses on private lenders the inability of a student to pay debts and encourage them to rid student loans is just the β†’


The proponents of the government's involvement in the private sector believe that a more regimented and disciplined body can make the private sector work more efficiently and effectively. The government is the lender of the last resort and the supreme guarantee in the country so it can better manage the corporation as compared to the β†’

Writing assignment 3

For example, it makes the cost of borrowing to an investor to increase and hence, discouraging borrowing and investment. Further, increase in market interest rates causes the aggregate demand to shrink which further discourage spending and investments.

The climate emergency by al gore

Al Gore's " The Climate Emergency" Summary In his speech d " The Climate Emergency", Al Gore discusses the problem of climate change and argues that there is a great need in changing of people's attitude and patterns of actions toward the environment. In the second part of the speech, Al Gore analyzes three main β†’

Globalization: the united states in the wider world

Environmental Problems Environmental Problems The current world population has led to a myriad of issues mostly concerning the environment. This has led to degradation of the environment and affecting the security of resources for future generations.

The implementation of climate change and greenhouse emission policy

THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND GREENHOUSE EMISSION POLICY IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA by s of School City, State October 25, 2012 Over the years, the climate has been rapidly changing, hence creating a change in the weather patterns. This climate change sent an alarm to the government to come up with laws, and ways that β†’

Identity of interpersonal relationships

Talk and interpersonal relationships on the other hand are the basis of social interactions. The survival of the interpersonal relationships relies on the identities and perceptions of the respective individuals in the relationships.

Euro-debt crisis and the european union

Section/# Euro-Debt Crisis The article that this has chosen to analyze relates to the current economic issues that continue to plague the economies of the European Union. The issues that relate to the European Union's struggling economy cannot be adequately discussed in a brief Wall Street Journal Article; therefore, the article focuses on the fact β†’

Pressing environmental issues in manitoba

Fishing is also a key industry in Manitoba with Lakes Winnipeg and Manitoba being major hubs of the sector. In addition, the costs incurred by Manitoba's government and private sector in regards to management of hazardous waste keeps escalating.

Sexual abuse on children

According to the National Abuse and Neglects Data systems, of all the reported cases of children abuse or neglection, 10% of the children were victims of sexual abuse. The research was maily focused on girls although this was not supposed to mean that boys were not victims of sexual child abuse.

Chapter 7

Revolution in advertising creativity One of the themes portrayed in chapter seven of the textbook is that of creative revolution in advertising. Revolution in advertising began in the 1960s and it has shown the huge importance in today's advertising because it has completely changed the mode of advertising to suit the current market demands.

Alternative energy and the alberta economy

Renewability: This is mainly because these alternative sources of energy are derived from natural sources, which a recyclable and are capable of continuously producing the energy requirements of the region. Reducing dependency on fossil fuels: As the sources of fossil fuels continue to diminish, there is an increased need to reduce the dependency on them β†’