Informative Doctor of Philosophy Essay and Research Paper Examples

Hinduism and divine images

Body When I was a child, the picture of the Devine was that there was only one God who had the characteristic of being powerful, pure, patient, the creator of every being, and forgiving. Conclusion The issue of the image of the Devine is critical in understanding different religions because different religions have their own β†’

Why i desire to become a nurse practitioner

As a NP I would have to deal with the patient's family and even suggest lifestyle and environment changes. With a holistic approach to health care, I am confident of making a difference to the society, the patients, and their families.

Probation officer

Retrieved September 1, 2012, from Associations Three associations that provide aid and support to the professionals of the career of probation officer include the American Probation and Parole Association, Federal Probation and Pretrial Officers Association and the National Association of Probation Executives. The mission of APPA is to assist, confront and provide authority to β†’

Materials & technology 112

895 g/cm3 c = 0. 6% crystallinity.s = density of specimen s = ____- c a______ C c = __________- ________ - 0.

Crisis hotline: veterans press 1

The crisis hotline is the only one in America to attend to veterans who are in crisis and gets over 22, 000 calls monthly. The main aim of the hotline is the battle against suicide among the veterans who may have weapons around them.

Business / english comp

Please I could not adequately cite the article because none of the required information was made available publication, of article, publication in which the article appeared, page numbers for the article, etc. The article discusses the decision of the Supreme Court regarding the use of concealed guns.

Chikita banana

For instance, in 1954, the directors of United Fruit Company lobbied the U.S.government for a coup in Guatemala on the allegation that the incumbent government was rooting for communism. Chiquita employed guerilla tactics in order to retain its market share such as controlling the distribution of banana lands.

Police administration discuss/complete 4

The range The range is one of the statistical methods that have been widely applied in statistical analyses to measure the extent of dispersion in a set of data. Same methods, mean and mode are most applicable in analyzing data on ARREST as the data is ordinal.


Economics People who live in a country with a higher real GDP per capita are definitely better of than those who live in other countries because of the standard of living. This is why China is one of the world's largest economies in terms of GDP, yet it is not even close when one considers β†’

The side effects of cancer treatment drugs

COPING WITH DRUG SIDE EFFECTS The Side Effects of Cancer Treatment Drugs QUESTION Hair loss resulting from cancer treatment can be very hard to deal with emotionally and even physically. If the child is worried about her appearance, the parents can advice her to try different styles of hair and makeup.

Journal article review

This is due to the fact that participants are most likely to refer to mental health professionals or counseling centers instead of other community resources including the services offered by the clergy for their needs on mental health care. In other words, there may be a good point to question the validity of the research β†’

Letter of intent- acceptance to program

Ideally, I would be in charge of my own practice and would be well-known throughout the community for being a kind and caring chiropractor. Entering the Applied Physiology and Kinesiology Program at the University of Florida would allow me to pursue my dreams and fulfil the promise that I have shown from a very early β†’

Foothills medical center in calgary, alberta

The aim of these technical innovations is to improve the usability of MAC based hardware and software, and speed up imaging processes, with a resulting increase in the productivity of the medical teams, and improvement in patient care. In the case of stroke, the complexity of scans can delay diagnosis and treatment and this is β†’

Marketing plan

In order to a marketer become successful, the company must be able to provide greater customer values and satisfaction than its customers do and therefore recognizing and analyzing competitors and their strategic steps seem to be critical elements to business success. Answer to Question- 2 Pizza Restaurant is located in a large city in Riyadh, β†’


1) The multiple suicide attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon in USA. The perpetrators entered the embassy buildings by car and parked in the basement before the bombs went off.

Project management

The mission of ASAP entails; enhancing the access to quality education, more so for girls, in the East Africa region. The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of public education in East Africa.

Analytical paper #1: ethics

The unethical behavior of the rating agencies that was depicted in the documentary was that the rating agencies continued to provide AAA rating to collateralized debt obligations even when they knew that these investment options were very risky. Conclusion Followers of different moral philosophies act in a different manner and same is true in the β†’

Psyc 475 db replies wk6

While I agree with many of your points about the dangers and differences between desensitization to violence and the experience of actually committing violence; the two are very different. However, I do not agree with your assertion that the " devil" is responsible for the amount of simulated violence in television, film, and video games.

The risk of being a diabetic

In diabetes type 2 the disease progresses with the loss of responsiveness of the tissues of the body to insulin. At times it is seen that diabetes leads to the blockage of vessels in the body.


The Influence of Multiple-Stakeholder Partnerships on Wind Parks al Affiliation) Decomposing the Wind Energy Technology Market In the recent past, the level of negligence on the complexities of green technologies has been high. Wind park projects that are well endowed would ensure that the revenue endowed is a close match to the initial investment.

Ceo compensation

These include the size of the company, the works that are expected for the CEO to perform, and the economic status of the company, if it is gaining much for a certain period that will qualify whether the CEO deserved the amount of pay. Retrieved on 3 May 2009 from Wiseman, Paul and Jones, Del." β†’

Technology in human services organizations

Three possible uses of technology within the Salvation Army would be to improve the co-ordination of services throughout the organization with information technology, to maximize potential donations using ecommerce, and to increase the variety of services that are offered using cheaply available computing and networking. These issues result in a technology that cannot be completely β†’

Obstacles, barries and pitfalls that influenece staff morale

If this is not the case in a group or organization, it will need to look out for some obstacles, barriers and pitfalls that are influencing the staff morale in a way or other. Barriers are very influential in employee's morale and hard to remove because most of the time they are not revealed by β†’

Bleeding kansas

The Harpers Ferry raid critically impacted the future of the abolition. Subsequent to the raid, the Governor of Virginia, Henry A.

Reinforcement: final thoughts

This is the most instances done without making the owners of the cars stop while driving. This is because there are no toll booths along the ICC.

Applicant for registered nursing program

I love providing essential care to the sick and I do it with a passion. I believe the time has come for me to move a step higher and become a registered nurse so that I can be able to provide health care service in a more efficient way.

Reading response of san juan de la cruz – bonus for quality

The Dark Night The Dark Night describes his journey from his house to meet with the love of his life, in this case Jesus Christ. In my opinion, San Juan La Cruz in his poem The Dark Night is describing the ascension process of the human soul from the body to meet with the creator.

Using action research to develop a research aware community pharmacy team

It was used in creating and improving awareness in the team towards research and having a knowledgeable and a well-established team. I could choose a team that applies the best practices and involve the respondents through observation.

Federal emergency management agency

The first agency is the Federal Emergency Management Agency that handles status on federal disaster responses and management. There is the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services in New York that handles providing knowledge to residents on how to tackle emergencies and how to prepare for them.

Discussion #5

Colonization of most African nations is the center of a major contributor to the challenges. The high incidences of poverty, unemployment, hunger are among the challenges that the African nations face.

Juvenile court process

Gault is a step forward, in terms of the ultimate function of juvenile courts in rehabilitating, versus punishing, juvenile delinquents because of its promotion of due process rights for accused juveniles; however, it is taking a step backwards through harsh punishment for some juvenile delinquents and lack of further execution on systemic reforms. Mikhail, David." β†’

4 questions

LEADERSHIP, ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS AND PRINCIPALSHIP LEADERSHIP, ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS AND PRINCIPALSHIP Leadership Leadership is a process of socially influencing a group of people or a nation and inspiring them to success or leading them towards accomplishment of their set goals and tasks. The quality of leadership depends on the personal traits of the leader, β†’

4: describe shomei’s advantage

Shomei has a competitive edge in the products that they produce since they use all natural objects such as, wildflowers, leaves, feathers and moss, for the design and decoration of the card. The company has a technological advantage as it was the first company to use the technology of the DIM This helps in archiving β†’

Finance quiz

Assume that you estimated the average customers monthly demand curve for visiting the health spa as Q = 100 - 0. 5 P= 120 Therefore, I will prefer to use health spa charges per-visit-free to maximize changes of increasing my salary 7.[1 point]The owner of a monopoly firm which produces and sells computers hires you β†’


Through a clear description of what has to be dome for a possible science to be made actual, these exercises will aid, in the preparation for the scientific metaphysics, to become viable. The metaphysics that Kant refers to is only possible through virtue of its existence, as well as what he calls illusionary knowledge, which β†’


A critic applying the Marxist perspective to " A Freedom Song" might concentrate on elements such as the lower social status of Atieno as compared to the speaker, the power struggle between the speaker and Atieno and the misery of the characters represented. In focusing on the different social status of the characters represented in β†’

Npv, pi, irr, and payback

The Profitability Index of a firm the ration by which the firm can payoff to the investment that is done regarding a project. Moreover, the chances of the failure in a project will increase.

The whites of their eyes

As an historian, Lepore is upset by the ignorance she feels is displayed by members of the Tea Party. The Whites of their Eyes - The Tea Party's Revolution and Battle over American History.

Advanced criminalistics: michigan v tyler

The fire chief arrived at the scene and checked the evidence before calling a police investigator to conduct search and investigation in the store. However, the supreme court of Michigan State reversed the convictions and held that once the fire has been extinguished and the firefighters had left the house, a search warrant was required β†’

Discuss the view of marriage presented in kate chopin’s the story of an hour and in susan glaspell’s trifles

The protagonists, Louise Mallard and Minnie Wright, in spite of the differences in the circumstances of their marriages, and their strong personalities, are both victims of the oppression of marriage. Louise Mallard is content to conform to the conventions of the ' weaker sex,' physically and intellectually: she is " afflicted with a heart trouble," β†’

The measure stage — general electric

Customer This will be measured by the number of correct transactions against transactions marred with complaints. It will also be measured by years of employee experience in the company.c) Process baseline estimation According to the General Electric, there are two major areas that define customer satisfaction within the company.

What should osu freshman be reading

Homer's Odyssey is everlasting and required for reading not because of its beautifully stated style but because of the eternal truths brought up by the Greek poet. Hence it appears that the poem may help the readers to give heed to the values, which are of particular importance, like family, or love for one's country.

Spurious relationships and extraneous variables

The predictor variable for this study is the height of the woman in question. The outcome variable is the extent of prejudiced behaviour exhibited by the traders in that economy.

Psychological influences on health and wellbeing

In identifying anxiety with her uncle, other relatives, and her sister, Anna perceived it as a normal thing, at least within her family, and this could have reduced her efforts in dealing with the problem. When she identified anxiety and alcoholism in her uncle that led to his mobility across jobs, Anna perceived fault in β†’

Define the term middle class and discuss the factors that led to its growth in the early nineteenth century

Middle in the Early 19th Century Middle in the context of American History, is borrowed from the traditional British colonial ideas where people with a relatively comfortable lifestyle were accorded the status of middle class based on their influence and wealth but they still could not attain the level of nobility. Apart from rewards for β†’

Campaigns and elections

The difference in soft money collection between the two parties, however, was insignificant.b) The Republicans hard money figures doubled the Democrats figures since 1987 to 2002. During the period between 2009 and 2010, democrats raised more hard money compared to Republicans.

Cultural event report

Though it is certainly a part of the Air and Space Museum's purpose to pass along information and create interest in the things it shows it was also plainly obvious that it was also the mission of the Air and Space Museum to impress you with the resources of the American government, and the American β†’

Bonus example writing assignment

The company has decided to payout the bonus to employees at 125% of the target. The additional 125% of the bonus target is being paid out to the employees due to the company's good performance.

Decisional balance

Once the public gain awareness that these women have the virus, they will be prejudge as either a whore or a disrespectful person. Yet once the public get to know the whole story, these women are just victims of a very crazy and unreasonable man.

Business gp

The open area is very important because this introduces the new team members, which in this case would be the Working Better group. 12 Dec.2010.


It is the means which must gain ethical consideration as it is for the cognitive development of the family, the smallest unit of the society and hence of the society and the nation. It is a means that brings us close to the nature and prevent environmental hazards.

Alternative energy

The main sources of energy in the future include but are not limited to wind energy and solar energy. Energy Sources Of The Future.

Module 3 problem set

What are ways to handle outliers on the continuous variables? Then, discuss what having these kinds of values tell you about the normality of the distribution of scores on that variable.

American slavery

The North fought towards the abolition of slavery while the Southern economy was in high demand of cheap labor provided by the slaves. Eventually, all these factors led to the abolition of slavery in America.

The effects of global recession on local economies

It is the fluctuations in the production of the economy for a period of time. Multinational and international industries, local industries, government establishments and the consumers themselves are all affected by the changes in the economic standing of the country.

Discuss: president eisenhowers speech to the american people on little rock

Question 5 Eisenhower believed that the enemies were furious regarding desegregation and would use that incident to misrepresent the country by viewing it as a violator of human rights and against the wish of the people. The situation would lead to withdrawal of federal troops.

Find a research based article in a business journalsand appraise the methodology employed and the

Find a research based article in a business journal and appraise the methodology employed and the interpretation of the studys result and conclusion RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In modern businesses, increasing standards, automation, and technologies have led to vast amounts of data becoming available. After collecting primary data and reviewing literature the data was analyzed systematically in β†’

World cultures

The flowering with the rain theory analyzes the cavern stalagmites on the cave floors to link the climate swings that lead to the fall of the empire. The author finds a link between environmental, political, and economic stress that lead to the end of civilization.

Analysis paper

Insert due A Consumers' Republic Analysis The individual consumer became a target of the politicians towards the end of the twentieth century and extended to the significant part of the twenty-first century. Activities associated with the commitments of the unions such as their important roles that they played in the government legislation as well as β†’

Shell company overview

The scope of work at the company is also interesting. The company is also dynamic and is expanding its scope.

Pamela, or virtue rewarded by samuel richardson (entire play)

To be specific, his epistolary novels help the readers to have a peep into the minds of the main characters and to have deeper understanding on human emotionality and psychology. In the novel named as Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded, the novelist makes use of the main characters to unveil the relationship between love and social β†’

What is profession

What resources would a person in this occupation need to be successful and meet the needs of society? What resources would a person in this occupation need to be successful and meet the needs of society?

Sop 347 & mrt 16

OpenDocument Part 2: Tellabs Investor Relations Tellabs is a telecom company with a wide range of products and services in a range of markets. The investor relations web page provides a variety of investor related information.

Organizational development

Organizational development is the use of organizational assets to advance efficiency and expand in terms of productivity. Since in every organisation there must be a set of problems attached to it, the desire to achieve should be the managers' drive towards achieving Organizational Development.

Human rights in china

Counter Argument The Chinese economy has been growing rapidly and that the pace of human rights reforms have been picking up and that it should be noted that political reforms should not be equated to legal reforms, they are correlated but not synonymous. Refutation Political reforms should set the tone for legal reforms; adoption of β†’

Subprime mortgage crisis of 2007-09 & the recent eurozone crisis

Subprime Mortgage Crisis of 2007-09 and The Recent Eurozone Crisis The subprime mortgage crisis and the Eurozone crisis share a lot in common much asthey have their differences. In the Eurozone, when investors realised that the governments of PIGS were highly indebted, investors panicked and stopped their lending and investment in the market.

Adolescent identity development based on race and sexuality

Sue and Sue emphasize that one of the primary steps to be taken is the study and recognition of culture in therapy. In conclusion, the programs that should be developed should consider the barriers apparent in delivering services to Hispanics which include language, cultural conceptions and social perception by and for the group and at β†’

Accounting precedures

Running head: METHODS OF ACCOUNTING METHODS OF ACCOUNTING of the ______________________________________ ID No._____ Program: _________________________________________ Specialization: ____________________________________________ Faculty Mentor/Professor: _______________________________________ Name of school ___________________________________________ Abstract Accounting is the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money transactions and events which are in part a least of a financial β†’

Theology and philosophy

Philosophical approaches to nature and existence of God Pascal's Wager This approach emphasizes that belief in existence of god relates to the self-interest of people, rather than their faith in the god's existence. However, these aspects of natural theology find scientific support from philosophy in establishing that the events or situations created by god can β†’

Music computing on sensing emotion in music

I would also wish to find out how sensing emotion in music would be able to realize the aims of emotions in the music domain, the impact it has on people's lives, how people communicate through music on a personal level, the meaning of music which may be perceived through acoustical patterns and a repository β†’

Who are the villains of roosevelts famous address and what political purpose does this serve

Roosevelt delivered his inaugural address at the period that witnessed one of the turning points in the history of American economy and politics. Consequences of the Great Depression and the aftermath of World War II which may be perceived largely through the hardly bearable economic struggles constitute the villains which the president chiefly gives reference β†’

Business project

TOYOTA Mission of Toyota The main mission of Toyota is to give its sound and safe journey. Toyota's Vision The vision of Toyota is to be the most successful and respected company, delight clients with diversified solutions and products in the industry of automobile with the best technology and best people.


1968 Unique Year Mark Kurlansky tries to help us understand what was happening in the year 1968 in terms of cultural and political history of that world changing year in terms of social upheaval. This year is remembered because of issues such as rebel, TV, lights and cameras fear of the cold war, all the β†’


This is true in the sense that increasing the minimum wage could result to an increase in the prices of goods. The increase in the minimum wage could affect the supply and demand curve leading to a less efficient in the allocation of labor.

Sunshine lives in black and white

Though innocence seems to permeate the suburban setting of the show, it is all a cover for the murder of a mother in the community. In The Andy Griffith Show, the view of reality presented is one of balance.

Team communication

Team Communication Introduction For a group to communicate in the form of a team, it is essential to speak one single language. Team communication represents the message from the team and not from the whole team in disjointed fashion.

Reading response assignment

The merchant's wife gives the man her husband's special shirt as a gift. The man's wife notices the shirt and hides.

Psychology: motivation and leadership

The upside of this personality type is its ability to generate outcome and performance that are expected and defined in personal or professional goals. However, the downside of this personality type is the tendency to be too focused on tasks and responsibilities and becoming too structured and formal.

Replacing real connection with social media

For instance, when students Face book in class instead of listening to the facilitator, there is a reduction on attentiveness and the focus is on facebook or social media. Therefore, the future of face-to-face communication is bleak and focus should be on communication improvement to ensure a change in behavior.

Final exam

Final exam due: The " act" Mishima is referring to The passage from Mishima's book Confessions of a Mask refers to the " act" as behaving in a masculine manner that normal boys would, as he was gay. Queer theory applies to Mishima's novel in that it employs the expected scenario of gender to tell β†’

Auto world case study- service marketing

Running Head: case study Auto World Case Study- Services marketing of the of the of the Developing the service blueprint of servicing of car: assumptions and bases Services are marked by their predominant intangibility as compared to tangible components. To bring about a change in this dimension and improve the service quality and intangible aspect β†’

International relations between the united states of america and middle east countries

The main issues that are dominating international relations and politics are the relationship between the United States of America and the Middle East. Conclusion The international relationship between the United States of America and Middle East has been of great significance both to the US and the rest of the world.

Ethnicity and religion in political leadership in africa

Ethnicity and religion play an important role in the political and leadership of Africa. According to Odinga, in the African press, Nigeria is an example of a nation embroiled in the politics of ethnicity since independence.

Confucianism reflection

While all of the selections show a reason as to why the parent- child relationship is fundamental to the five Confucianist relationships, the one that I felt highlighted this and explained it the most is the passage that states; " What is important is the expression you show in your face. It then becomes important β†’

Indigenous studies article summary & analysis

I agree with his writing that oppression of the indigenous communities can be prevented through the continuous application of the rule of law. Recovering Canada: The resurgence of Indigenous law.

How various concepts and components in business works

In our case, we reduce our costs and expense to only 740, 749 which is one of the lowest in the game. We may have one of the lowest costs in the game in terms of numbers but if we relate this to the revenue generated, we are in fact one of the costliest businesses β†’

Criminal procedure

The alternative mentioned by Justice Antonin Scalia in terms of interpreting the constitutional laws can be considered as effective in recommending appropriate legal texts. A matter of interpretation: Federal courts and the law.


Research Research Part In as much as oral health influences systemic health, research has not been conducted on oral health during intubation period amongst critically ill neuroscience patients determine the effect of oral health care on intracranial pressure amongst the critically ill patients in neuroscience intensive care unit. According to the findings, oral health of β†’

Development of suburbs in america

Obesity brings with it a plethora of diseases and a lot of other health issues; this is why it is bad and has had a negative impact on Americans. Positive impact because many people have found an ideal place to live and negative because it is taking a toll on their health.

Cla birth god female

The Birth of Athena and Aphrodite al affiliation The Birth of Athena and Aphrodite The first thing which may be noticed aboutancient Greek mythology is that its female goddesses are as strong and influential as its male gods. According to him, Aphrodite is a daughter of Zeus, the ruler of the Olympians, and goddess Dione β†’

Week 1: supply chain management

Running header; Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management This is delineated as various approaches adopted to integrate suppliers, stores, manufactures efficiently with the view of producing and distributing merchandise at right quantity, locations, and time so as to minimize costs at the same time meeting the requirements. Source- The senior management should develop a delivering β†’

Nursing research websites part 2

In fact, based on the steps in EBM provided by Donald and comparing them with the steps of EBN described above, they seem to be very similar. On the other hand, nurses are most likely expected to enact some of the instructions of the doctors, and to provide what McSherry described as a holistic biopsychosocial β†’

The personality which inspired me: jimmy stewart

The traits he portrayed in his roles, the passion, enthusiasm, zeal, quest for knowledge, ambitious personality and moral values are some of the factors that involved viewers in his role. He was not fond of glamour but performed in movies the way he really was.