Informative College Admission Essay and Research Paper Examples

Conducting a literature review data collection

Research Hypothesis Maternal Smoking during pregnancy leads to all or some of the following infant health problems and diseases such as asthma, wheezing, low birth deliveries and obesity. 32, pp.

Treatment option of depression

The medication is recommended to patients who have lost appetite, those who do not sleep and patients who are usually unhappy. Conclusion People who are suffering from depression are advised to seek the professional's advice.

Gas prices

Much of the rapid increase in the gas prices that has occurred in the recent years can be attributed to the inverse relationship between gas production and consumption rate. All that can be done in this regard is that everyone should be careful in the use of gas.

Comparing two records of a significant event in history

March 27, 2009 Hannibal Crossing the Alps: A Comparison Polybius of Megalopolis is the of a world history that details the rise of Rome. Titus Livy is the author of the authorized version of the history of the Roman republic.

An experience that taught a valuable lesson about life

Elementary school was an impressionable time in my life and I believe everyone who passed through the elementary school shares the same sentiment. As compared to the home where most of the time I used to be alone, in school we had black children, white children, Asians, and Latinos.

See the instructions

The Impact of the 9/11 Attacks on Modern Aviation The Impact of the 9/11 Attacks on Modern Aviation The September11, 2001 attacks motivated major improvements in the security system of modern aviation. These novel improvements to the aviation security system stem from the lesson learned in the 9/11 attacks.

Trifles: the thematic explanation of the play

The title of this play, ' Trifles', reflects the attitude of the twentieth century males; that women are subordinate to men in intellect and worry over trifles, while men take care of and value serious matters.' Trifles', which involves the hunt for evidence and motive for the murder by the County Attorney, Henderson, and the β†’


Exposure to threatening events or stressful emotional dilemmas in early years of life leaves a deep impact on the children's minds and the after-affects are visible in the form of various psychiatric problems during the adult life. 15 Mar.2012.Web.

Criminal justice system

The most insistent factors that must be considered in the case given are first, the protocol of the police station or simply the rules that they must follow, second, the rights of the suspects and third, upholding justice for the victim. The rules of procedure are not only for the benefit of the officers so β†’

Police crackdowns and different crackdown strategies

In fact, Karmen refers to the rise in crime and its study as the " anatomy of a crime wave" and argues that " Crime waves are the product of the interaction of a wide array of forces and conditions". The New York crime wave of the 1990s motivated the police department to begin to β†’

Cognitive dissonance in psychology

Cognitive Dissonance In Psychology Ion reviewing the theory of cognitive dissonance, and the clinical work which has been completed in order to shore up the weakness of Festinger's original theories, I find that Aronson's work holds a stronger application to the theory. I believe that Aronson's approach to measure dissonance as a function of β†’

Is state financial assistance to the education sector in canada justified by raising the tax rate

The paper " Is State Financial Assistance to the Education Sector in Canada Justified by Raising the Tax Rate" is a perfect example of an essay on finance and accounting. Taxes' utilization will encompass adequate loans to the students and financing some services meant for programs, which contribute to the heightening of learning tuition.

Two approaches to parenting

The main similarity between the two approaches is that both types of parents want the children to be disciplined and closely controlled. This sharing of ideas leads to good communication between the parents and the child, which is very beneficial for the child in the long run.

The symbiotic planet by lynn margulis

This goes on until the crowd of white daisies begins to eliminate the black ones. The result is, according to Margulis, " to heat the planetary surface when it is cooler during the early evolution of the sun and then keep the planet relatively cool as solar luminosity increases.

Check processing before check 21 legislation

[Supervisor Check Processing before Check 21 Legislation The Check 21 legislation is useful for s as they are able to clear their Checks electronically instead of paper. The Federal Reserve System used to process large number of paper Checks physically, but even before the emergence of legislation 21, the paper Check processing was declining because β†’

Antigone the ideal leader

Thus, the body of Polyneices stands to be a symbol of state repression and the annihilation of the civil rights in the play. Antigone despite being a woman dares to restore the sanctity of humane values and civil rights by giving a decent burial to her brother's body.

Finance project

Key Drivers: The key drivers of MAR are identified through the core values imbibed in its system as well as reflected in its practices over the past eighty years, and the factor that enhances the functioning of the hotel the most is its increased interests towards safeguarding the needs of the people rather than merely β†’

Critique on the jakes women from 1992

The good thing about the TV adaptation was that the technology allowed the director Glenn Jordan to extend a life like veracity to the essentially phantasmagoric nature of the imaginary and psychotic conversations of the central character Jake played by Alan Alda. However, the direction failed to grasp that the TV screen affords a much β†’


Of importance to note is the fact that Cyrus the Great showed all his new subjects great kindness; and his good treatment to them played a significant role in holding his empire together. They managed to establish a vast empire than any other that is known of in the world.

Film the poursuite of happiness

A Review of the film " The Pursuit of Happyness" The Pursuit of Happyness was inspired by the true story set in 1981 of a San Francisco struggling freelance salesman and single father called Christopher Gardner who was trying to make a living selling bulky, expensive and unnecessary medical equipment to doctors that did not β†’

Diversity quotient ; personality insights

Management in all institutions must have different strategies of ensuring that there is promotion of favorable conditions that ensure practice of diversity. This is the reason everyone should be aware of their personal quotient, which refers to the ability of understanding oneself and also the other people to ensure that there is effective communication and β†’

Wal-mart, target and kmart

Advertising, considerably slashing the prices of the commodities, increasing the discount rates, etc, are the methods used by the companies to stay in the extremely competitive market. Wal-Mart is the king of the ring.

Conversation between mother and child

She did not adapt her language to match that of the child's, but she did allow the child to determine the direction of the conversation. The teacher did repeat the child's sentences and phrases.

Contract law. . analysis

In order for the contract to be enforceable: 1) it must be written as required by the Statute of Frauds; and, 2) the parties must mutually assent to the terms and conditions of the contract. And considering it was reduced into writing, the contract is still unenforceable since no mutual agreement was entered into between β†’

Substance abuse counseling family roles and dynamics

In another instance, substance abuse in a family increases the probability of divorce and unhappy marriages. Potential Ethical and Legal Concerns Related To Counseling Families of Substance Abusers Working in the field of substance abuse treatment presents dilemmas related to individual beliefs, values, and judgments.

Definition of american literature 1865-1914

In Jack London's " To Build a Fire," the protagonist's free will is nonexistent as his life is challenged by the imposing foe of nature, which serves as the short story's antagonist. It represented in a degree, to the correspondent, the serenity of nature amid the struggles of the individual nature in the wind, and β†’

Ethical investments

Due to sheer volume and popularity of his firm he was able to earn huge profits while giving almost a penny or less to other brokers per share. His strategy was simple; due to huge volume of trading he would buy shares of MNCs and strong stock holders.

Lane college

Why I decided to take admission in Lane College calls attention to my passion and enthusiasm for attaining education. I want to put my best efforts in the field I have chosen and this college seems to help me fulfil my dreams.

Environmental issue affecting population

The Compostela Valley is located in the Philippines. The first way that dominance contributes to this environmental situation is through the social inequalities that exist in the Philippines.


The reaction transfers energy to the core of photosystem II and causes excitation of the two electrons that are transferred to the primary electron acceptor, pheophytin. In oxidative phosphorylation, the energy released thus by electrons flowing through this electron transport chain is then used to transport protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane and this process β†’

International financial markets

International Financial Markets The many strengths provided by being part of the European Union, those related to finance, infrastructure for distribution of product, and the current currency value compared to the rest of the globe, makes JEL Industries the best option. Therefore, if Acme desires ample raw materials or the ability to select from a β†’

Lowering the legal age of drinking

Lowering the Legal Age of Drinking Despite the strong dissent from the part of federal safety officials, the minimum legal drinking age is likely to be brought down to 18 as some advocates forcefully argue that teenagers who are permitted to vote and bleed for their country must also be allowed to enjoy one β†’

Government taxation

Income taxEvery citizen in the United States is obliged to paying income tax regardless of the place the citizen stays in the country. Other types of income tax applied in the states are personal income tax, and retirement income tax.

Lowest form of public administration in america

The lowest public administrations in the United s of America are the local governments. The local governments have a variety of tasks that are executed for the welfare of the citizens.

Reading lesson 275

If the student was unable to finish their book in the allotted time period, the teacher will direct the student to depict as much of the story as they were able to get to. For this particular task, students will be asked to read a book on their own, with help from the teacher when β†’

Barack obama and rick santorum

Some people, especially the Muslims in the US, have seen this as a form of hatred that the aspirant has towards the Muslims in the United States. He supported a claim that the US president is a vowed Muslim and should not be the president of the US.

M10 data discussion

My project was to investigate association betweenunmet dental need and age and sex of the children, as dental care is the most prevalent unmet health need among the US children. The results suggested that age and sex are associated with the level of unmet dental needs among children aged 2-17 in the US.

Opportunity to show how his or her employment/volunteer or extra-curricular activities were demanding, important, and led to ski

Role Played by volunteering and extra-curricular activities Introduction My engagement in volunteering programs and extra-curriculum activities were pertinent in my skill development, especially in the gaining confidence in dealing with people. During my stay in Sri Lanka, I managed to implement two annual outreach events to aid the needy and the poor in the society.

Language lesson plan

The other student factors include the cognitive ability and the attention span of the students. Additionally, I will ask the students whether they enjoyed the lesson.

Advertisements and female gender stereotypes

Thus it can be concluded that advertisements play a major role in the stereotyping of the women in this world. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76, 7-20.

Origins of addictions, alcoholism and chemical dependency

The origin of addictions, alcoholism and chemical dependency is a crucial issue, and there are numerous theories in place to explain the problem. It depends on the mental ineptness of a person to get involved in the use of drugs and alcohol.

Air traffic controllers

Due) Discussion America's politically astute individuals are aware of the fact that President Reagan is responsible for the advent of assaults on unions in the country, when he took on the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Union. His refusal to hold negotiations with the union about working conditions and pay, and then consequently replacing the workers β†’

The simmons hall

The Simmons Hall MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts The Simmons Hall, on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, looks like a sponge. Creating life from a sponge: the Pre-history of Simmons Hall".

Hormones and the stressed brain

Hormones and the Stressed Brain The brain and body's response to the environment depends on the stress system in the body. Cortisol found in humans or corticosterones in rodents are the important regulators of the stress system in the body.

Management principles

First Institute Management Principles The origin of concept of management can be traced back to the scientific management principles proposed by Taylor that focused on selection, training, supporting and rewarding people. Besides the external and internal factors, other contemporary management challenges exist that are highly complex and most uncertain.

Government accounting

Reporting Memo: Government Accounting and Accountability of the Subject Name of the Concerned Professor September 8, 2009 Reporting Memo: Government Accounting and Accountability From: Name of the Person who is Sending the Memo To: Name of the Audience for Whom the Memo is written Date: The Date when the Memo is sent Subject: How Increasing β†’

University of notre dame

If I had the privilege of attending the University of Notre Dame, I would attempt to change the way things are run. My interest in the University of Notre Dame is due to the high quality of education on offer.

Katrinahealth/hippa and data protection/ case study

The government of the day made a number of attempts to lighten the burden of the people as will be seen below. The assumption here is that the legislature will come in to make laws that will have the cumulative effect of standardizing healthcare along the Katrina Health program.

Xyz pharmaceutical

As organizing a press conference requires lots of money, it is pivotal to know the financial position of the company as well as the financial performance of the company over a given period of time. On the other hand, the income statement reflects the performance of the company over a period of time.

Informational technology approach to auditing control: flaws and strengths

The system is sufficient to ensure proper recording and processing of data to allow preparation of financial statements. In this area employees are less likely to take advantage of the weakness and that reduces the control risk.


According to the issue presented in the case, Dr. In addition, the CEO should request the nurses to outline their preferred work schedule and allocation of duties.

Education: hispanic vs united states

In fact, only one in three students manage to receive a secondary school education, with many countries in developing nations such as Ecuador struggling to maintain funding for secondary teachers and schools. The majority of Latin American countries also provide free and mandated primary and secondary education for all citizens.

Post-war japanese writing

The literature is indicative of the manner in which anti-occupation campaigners in Japan had effectively been pressured to unconditionally throw in the towel to end the conflict, and most of the highly significant Japanese political icons that held leadership positions by the end of World War II still expressed panic about the likelihood of trial β†’

Can leaders really motivate employees

Theoretically, there are a lot of theories that emphasize that if the managers take certain steps, they can really motivate employees. There are certain ways in which the tendency of an environment to motivate the employees can be enhanced.

Osteoporosis: diagnosis, prevention, therapy

Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a bone disease where the bone becomes so brittle and fragile that it can break on the slightest pressure. Eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin is the best treatment of osteoporosis.5.

Lyme disease

The basic historical perspective of Lyme disease, signs and symptoms of the disease, causes and risk factors, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and the preventive measures will be discussed in the paper. Lyme disease is one of the commonest infectious diseases and especially in U.S.

Italian media trends

The election of a media mogul to the highest office on the landmarked a watershed in the press, print media and electronic media. Digitization, on the other hand, has not to a great extent transformed the Italian media in that the duopoly of Rai and Mediaset is still controlling the entire industry.

Native american relocation

The leaders of the intensifying rebellion around the Boston area had their concealed arms being stored away from the areas where the British Army would seize them. As midmorning approached, the British soldiers had found their way to Lexington, just half way to the village of Concord.

Effect size

Effect size Effect size Rice and Harris offer comprehensive differences and equivalences in effect size as used in the forensic psychology article, Law and Human Behavior. Conversely, the effect size is the quantification of the power of a phenomenon or the estimation of the sampled amount.

Natural law and positivism

Unlike his opponents, Professor Waldron believes that the fact that the government allows the majority of the population to make decisions regarding laws and policies does not impede on the minority. Sir John Laws believes that the separation of powers is a necessity in order to ensure true democracy.

Florida nurse practice act

The sole purpose of this Act is to regulate the conduct of nursing and ensure that every nurse practising in the State of Florida will meet the minimum requirements for safe practice of the profession. Nurse Practice Act and Rules of the Board of Nursing.

Ethics – strength and weaknesses

Whereas theories of obligation encompasses rights and morals that is what an individual can do for instance humanitarian assistance is elemental moral liaison based on the theory of obligation of the haves helping out the have-nots, Differences Unlike the virtue of ethics that emphasizes on the inner state, for example, kindness as a virtue involves β†’

Subtraction to 100: a math method to master

In this method, the class operates in a way that learning is active; and is propelled by adult guidance and by social influences of group interaction and teamwork. Teach your students subtraction using the right methods and everyday would be a day to look forward to math.

Chapter 5

Leader-Member Exchange Theory is a of the roles that progress relating to the leader and each of the leader's subordinates. This is due to the leader's ability to control achievements of the subordinate in such a way as to maintain encouragement of the subordinate while the leader continues getting the desired results from the subordinate, β†’

Controversies in correctional education

Analysis The two major problems in relation to juvenile detention include recidivism whereby these children tend to repeat these crimes, and allegations of poor supervision and treatment. The more important issues in relation to education include recidivism, and the poor supervision and treatment in the juvenile correction centers.


Unlike love and honor, the desire for revenge is not restricted to Othello alone, but affects most of the cast of characters. The reason for this is that Iago feels slighted when he is overlooked for the appointment of Lieutenant and wants to take revenge.

Personal jurisdiction in the internet age

Personal Jurisdiction in the Internet Age This essay will address the meaning of personal jurisdiction, its significance and application in the modern age of the Internet, and apply the " interactive-passive" test to a selected website. A lack of personal jurisdiction, therefore, allows the poster of a web site to operate outside the legal reach β†’

Male sexual harassment claims on the rise in mid sized corporation

Larry and also to pay him a certain amount of money as a result of which he does not reveal the secrets of the company. Hence if this is repeated in the near future the company has the right to terminate him as per the law.

Reality tv shows and the uk audience

10 September 2008 Reality TV Shows and the UK Audience The quest for programs which the wider audience can relate to ushered the era of reality TV. The popularity of reality TV has important implications in the UK culture including the culture's quest for better entertainment, the moral degradation in the nation, and even the β†’


Assignment Question Power and love are the main themes portrayed in the story Death Constant beyond Love by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the play The Tempest by Shakespeare. The love shared between the senator and Laura is the reason as to why the senator was motivated thought the campaign period.

Media assignment- administration in a childhood setting

Because of the need, a number of individuals urge their employers to provide daycare centers for their children. Firstly, a sufficient space is needed in accommodating the children." Most licensing requirements cover at least three broad elements related to the environment: the physical characteristics of the space; the toys, equipment and furnishings within the space; β†’

Job analyses

Essentially, job analysis informs the design of attracting, selecting and retaining quality talent. Aligning job analysis with the hiring and firing policies could conflict one or more aspects of human resource.


Spina bifida is a condition of the spinal cord in which there is incomplete closure of the neural tube in the embryo. Signal transduction is involved in the passing of signals to the nucleus of the cell for essential processes which include replication and transcription.


I conducted my research within the course materials provided and based my answers within the information that was provided in the course material. My responses to the posted questions were in line with the course material because I read and gave my thought though within the same concept that appeared in the course material.

Comparing between two banks ( in the view of an investor)

Comparing Between the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank and the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank This paper describes the products offered by two different banks in Abu Dhabi, which are the Abu Dhabi commercial bank and the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank that are located within the UAE. The credit cards that are offered by the Abu Dhabi β†’

Should adults be charged in situations where teenagers are drinking or have been drinking in their presence

There has been sever uproar about such issues where minors are seen to indulge into activities such as heavy drinking and after the consumption of such a heavy amount of alcohol within the body, these minors tend to commit activities that are harmful for them and for the others as well. Legal experts are of β†’

Effect of probiotics in the prevention of eczema and atopy

In conclusion, Wickens et al.found that when L rhamnosus and B animals were used as supplements, they posited that the former would reduce the cumulative pervasiveness of eczema, but not atopy, in infants up to two years of age. As such, the authors called for further studies to understand the role of Lactobacilli in the β†’

Exploring social psychology

145653 Personality traits that could be heritable, could be known to heart, but not to reasoning and belong to unconscious information arena. 5" Dissoative identity disorder can come as a result of schizophrenia and it can lead to positive and negative symptoms of the mental sickness.

El mozote

El Mozote El Mozote 1 El Mozote The El Mozote Massacre occurred in the village of El Mozote, in Morazan unit, El Salvador, when Salvadoran defense force massacred no less than 1000 inhabitant in an anti-guerrilla operation. On the arrival of the armed forces, the soldiers not merely found the villagers but the campaigners who β†’

Policy problem statement

Increase of the ageing population affiliation Increase of the ageing population Considering the significant growth of the older population, what measures is the National Bureau of Workforce Analysis putting in place to safeguard the efficiency and quality of the health care system? National Academy of Sciences is of the assumption that the number of older β†’


The main problem in the case of disability is not the core policies employed by the government but the value system and the overall attitude of the population. The study and the argument of the author are well and good and rightfully intended but the outlook of the people who are able to take advantage β†’

Dinner time

Soon as I opened the door that led into the dining room, the aroma went right through my nostrils to the brain, and in a fraction of a second, I remembered what it was in the covered dish, the last time my nose had smelt this aroma. I extended my arm to pick the fork β†’

The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits

However, viewing the whole argument of Friedman in a bigger context, the article can easily be categorized as an effort to blur the subtle differences between the perceptions held by many that the actions of corporate social responsibility may hamper the value for shareholders. However, relying on the idea of a free market and Adam β†’

Personal plan finance and accounting

During the second year my monthly budget will look the same with the exception that I am assuming my salary will increase by a rate of 5%, thus the total savings at the end of each month will vary. I will finance the purchase of a home by taking out a 30 year mortgage.

Union versus non-union

Union versus Non-Union of the of the Concerned January 7, Union versus Non-Union The issue under consideration is pivotal in the free market economies as they are capital driven and have to hire skilled personnel to accomplish varied tasks in the procurement, production, marketing and distribution of goods and services. According to the research of β†’

How does jackie kay’s trumpet fit into the genre of african-american literature

Music a common feature in both black and American literature is the ultimate passion of Joss Moody. He contributes a lot to the world of music and these contributions cannot be denied, regardless of the sex he reveals himself with.

Galvan solar home 1800 watts units

Prior to written communication, the project manager can meet the technical group to understand the problem and gain commitment for a stricter 9: 00 a.m.rule. Then a personal visit to the aggrieved manager, if he/she is open to an appointment, can be used to cordially explain your side your regular reporting, as well as the β†’

Life-cycle reverse logistics support policy of genco

Currently, in matter of reclaiming value from the waste materials, GENCO works closely with the Hershey's Zero-Waste-to-Landfill Program at the Utah Distribution Center. As part of the initiative of reclaiming value from the waste materials, the process begins by removing trash comparator from the facility, followed emptying all the contents in the parking lot.


07 April 2008 Response to Finance Case Study Questions How good was G-lll's management How trustworthy was G-lll's management What skeletons could potentially hide in the closet As the case stated, the management of G-III is still largely held by the family of the founder Aron Goldfarb. The efficiency of the management team is indicated β†’

Drug testing in the workplace

Drug Testing in the Workplace This paper intends to make assertions against drug testing in the workplace especially where the activities of others could be disturbed. If a person is competent enough to perform in fields where emergency situations occur like in hospitals, traffic, airport, and police, and he shows positive on drug test, β†’

Knowledge management foundations of it systems slp

There is need for the data to be interpreted and analysed and the SAP tools can be used in organizing the data to enable easier analysis and interpretation. The tools presented in the SAP website are useful and should be used by all organizations which are committed to improve their business performance.

Immune response against hiv

The portions of the virus that are displayed on the surface of the macrophage inform the T-cells of the foreign invaders that need immediate attention. The destruction of CD4 T-cells results to destruction of many cells by the replicating HIV viruses.

Strategic leadership and future leaders (db)

Spiritual Leadership The concept of spiritual leadership is based on how to link spiritual healing with work culture. Conclusion The spirit of leadership, with special regards to the spiritual concept, is far more effective and enlightening.

Why i want to get master’s degree in forensic science

Even though I have taken Psychology as a minor, I eventually developed great interest in it, particularly in Forensic Psychology and the investigative part of forensic science. I have given careful consideration for the subjects and every course I have taken was with Forensic Science in view.