Informative College Admission Essay and Research Paper Examples

Elizabeth cady stanton on black suffrage

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was born in New York; she was a social activist and led the movement toward women's rights in the United States. She was an intelligent courageous and hardworking woman in that she dared give a speech in front of the committee of judiciary of the United States.

Natural gas is the most economical and environmental friendly fuel for motor vehicles

Thesis: Natural gas is the most economical and environmental friendly fuel for motor vehicles Introduction The utilization of conventional fuel in motor vehicles is the main cause of air pollution. Of the various types of alternative fuels, natural gas is the most economical and reduces air pollution.


The reason behind lower impacts is that the rich countries take advantage of the deforestation, intensified farming and other factors occurring in the poor nations. What do you observe from looking at the maps of the two regions in the respective articles A.

Operations management (quality control in operations)

The cost of quality is the money spent what it would cost to build a product right the first time. The cost of quality is of three kinds; Prevention, Appraisal and Failure.

Leadership in a police organization

Leadership in a Police Organization In the U.S. By opening the lines of communication, I hope to build a deep sense of trust among the members of the organization.

Identification of possible pathogens in an office environment

The research explores the phenomenon with the aim of acquiring the exact statistical value representing the pathogenic distribution. Due to the reduction in efficiency, the research herein is of a great essentiality.

Super size me written assignment

That too when the subject of the plot of the movie is fast food industry, it kindles serious curiosity. To be specific, Morgan Spurlock, Director/ Writer of the script of the movie examines the consequences on his health of a diet of solely McDonald's food for one month.


Country Lovers is a very engaging story because of the intensity and the scandalous nature of the topic. And to even consider writing a literature that centres on this topic is truly fascinating and attention-grabbing to any readers, especially to those who are aware of American History and the heightened racial tension between the African β†’

How am i prepared to contribute to pepperdine’s mission and community of faith, learning, and service

I believe that I can contribute to the mission of Pepperdine University as I possess the right skills to complete all the tasks required by the university. I can contribute to the mission of Pepperdine university by using my skills to bring about a change in the society along with my faith.

The concept of professional ethics

Main issues of professional ethics in auditing Especially essential the issue of professional ethics becomes in auditing as auditors usually work with very sensitive information and should be careful when derive and release it. Auditors are obliged to followed professional ethics regulations in order to provide their clients with safe and protected examination of sensitive β†’

Training memo

Training Memo Affiliation with more information about affiliation, research grants, conflict of interest and how to contact Training Memo Describe the components of international business: International business comprises the following components: Trade: The term ' trade' describes the relocation of the ownership or possession of products or services from one individual or unit to another. β†’

The stranger by albert camus

Meursault's Indifference From the itself, the novel speaks about the world from the view of a universal indifference of one person. The Stranger by Albert Camus made the tenets of the philosophy of Absurdism work in the context of the narrative.

The irish republican army

The abysmal poverty and exploitation of the Irish Catholics by the Protestants, and the partition of Ireland into Northern Ireland and The Irish Republic, led to the IRA's bid to achieve independence for a united Ireland through violent methods. The widening economic disparity between the industrialized North, and the agricultural South, led to the abysmal β†’

Spiritual needs assessment

Broadening of health care to include the spiritual dimension of the patient is the laudable vision of the Joint Commission for Accreditation of Pastoral Services or JCAS. The need for an easy yet effective tool, however, guided the creation of a 10 friendly question- format: How are you, and what do you do by way β†’

The necklace and story of an hour

Instead, she is a type- a figure whose motivation is to fill in the gaps in her own character, in the same way, that the detective fills in the gaps in the mystery narrative. Although the event and the dress are prerequisites for Madame Loisel's happiness, she is " utterly miserable" and seriously contemplates not β†’

Judaism, kabbalah

Kabbalah practiced amongst the Jews in Europe especially in Italy in the Middle Ages mixed principles of Aristotlean philosophy and Sufism in a way that provided a strong body of knowledge in mysticism that was helpful in the interpretation of Christianity and Judaism in that era. The Kabbalah was therefore a very popular exegesis that β†’

Prior health behaviors of newly admitted correctional inmates

The lack of resources in an incarceration setting may present challenges for the counselors' role in rehabilitating the client. In addition to managing the client, the parole officer assists with the reintegration of the inmate into society.


The physical and the mathematical interpretation is expanded in both experiments in order to magnify the outcome. Selection: Depending on the two classes chosen, the demographics of the school itself can greatly influence the outcome of the experiment due to goals.

Human nature and morality in realism, naturalism and modernism

The theme of choice is unveiled through the struggle and morality of the main characters. The " Lottery" criticizes the absence of human dignity and morals through the theme of collective choice and traditions.

Values and reality

VALUES The question Is value a part of the world' is completely redundant and it is in the nature of ivity which needs to be altered in perspective. Descriptivism is a view about moral language, according to which, the meanings of moral terms are purely descriptive.

The gestalt psychologists

The term Gestalt is well suited to this theory because Gestalt theory views the whole, rather than the parts. The Gestalt psychologists base their work on the principle that the brain is self-organizing and perceives the whole before perceiving the individual parts of the entity.

The legal environment of business

Lately, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority announced that it had barred the consultant from the securities industry, accusing him of providing inappropriate and distorted investments and services. Retrieved March 16, 2013, from:

Critique (body aches, kenneth quick. st charles: churchsmart, 2009)

The book exposes the proximate cause of the problems facing the church body and enables the leaders of the church to understand the needs of their congregations. God's discipline is akin to the discipline of a child.

Cause of depression

Cause of Depression Cause of Depression All people experience ups and downs on a daily basis. The argument is further convoluted by the fact that depression a disease and a symptom of other diseases at the same time.

U.s. constitution in 1787 and today

This whole issue of the filibuster blocking by the senate was a total disappointment to the republicans. This is because most of the reacted in a furious manner on the issue, arguing that power was removed from them and instead given to the president.

The nature of fear of snakes

The nature of snakes as portrayed in books, videos and my first encounter with a live snake have resulted in my great fear of snakes. The fact that snakes are poisonous and a single bite is enough to fall any animal has made me fear the slithering creatures.

Analysis and comprehension

Larrabee's Stress Resiliency Study June Larrabee's study, " Influence of Stress Resiliency on RN Job Satisfaction and Intent to Stay," attempts to demonstrate that stress resiliency and psychological empowerment has an influence on job satisfaction and nurse turnover, which greatly increases health care costs. Larabee purpose of her study was to evaluate the influence of β†’

Accounting and the saudi stock crash in 2006

In the article, the compares the accounting principles used for financial reporting of companies to evaluate the economic developments in countries. However, using principles of financial accounting of companies to evaluate the financial position of countries is not appropriate and the conclusions in the article are incorrect due to several reasons.

Assignment example

A good example is the Export-Import Bank of the United States, which is the official export credit bank in the U.S. The flexibility of the program makes it quite effective in use by the enterprise originations.

The synergy of form and theme in millays sonnet love is not all

This short essay will discuss the synergy that exists between the particular form of sonnet and in theme, in presenting the poet's ideas on love, briefly analyzing the rhyme-scheme, alliterations and other techniques that enhance the lyrical quality of the sonnet. In the above line, an imagery of a man drowning in a quagmire of β†’

Treatment for

The aim of the trauma-focused examination is to enable the survivor to gain the lofty sensible approach and self-confidence in coping with upset memories and feelings. Therefore, I resolutely attest and recommend for the group psychotherapy in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder to people having emotional torment from their experiences.

Principles of information systems in business and organizations

In this paper, a study has been made to know the functionalities of a few web-based applications with a comparison made with the stand-alone software and the differences in terms of functionalities, flexibility of usage, pros and cons are discussed. The application is found to be highly professional with all the basic tools and functionalities β†’

An increasing crisis around drug use among the youth

The greatest concern to the society is the increase of the dilemma as more youths get involved in unproductive and unethical activities like drug and substance abuse. References Brodie, J, & Redfield, M.

Must internet purchases be subject to sales tax

Must Internet purchases be to sales tax Advocates claim that it is only fair to the brick and mortar store that internet purchases be taxed; opponents say that Internet taxes will stifle e-commerce. The crux of the argument for sales tax is so that the traditional brick and mortar store will be on par with β†’

Self esteem

This is to say that the teacher usually has little to do with the interests of the learner but rather acts as a vessel to fulfill the needs of the learners in the process of instruction. As such, the application of technology builds the self-esteem of students in the differentiated approach of instruction in that β†’

Race reflection paper

This concept has proven to be very sensitive in the recent past to the extent that it elicits tension in certain parts of the world. This refers to a group of individuals inferior to the rest of the population and even though the members of these groups are nationals to the state, their members possess β†’

Respond paper over the president obama speech on reducing gun violence

Response to President Obama's Speech on Reducing Gun Violence Response to President Obama's Speech on Reducing Gun Violence In abid to curb gun violence in the United States, President Obama recently signed executive orders on the sensitive issue of gun control. The plan by President Obama aims to not only reinstate and enhance the ban β†’

Employees motivation

A business manager who is working in an organization that is less profitable has the difficulty of motivating the employees. In such a situation, a manager is helpless and has to comply or move according to the financial situation of the organization.

Supplier sourcing and development; contracting risks and arrangements

The most appropriate in terms of more benefits and lesser costs between make/buy and insource/outsource becomes integral to the decision made. To the stakeholders involved in the contracting processes, fairness and equal opportunities are provided for by the said aspects.

Consulting project plan part two

The stakeholders that will attend the meeting will be the management, the supervisors, and the employees at large. The primitive feedback that will help boost the morale of Walmatt employees is to have clear, constant communication between supervisors and the workers.

Shared leadership as instrumental in managing teams

Leaders and team members should thereby be apprised of the relevant concepts that would assist in developing cohesiveness which is deemed to be needed in high quality of performance, as well as in exhibiting exemplary productivity towards the accomplishment of goals. One's response on this particular aspect is that depending on the personalities and styles β†’

A capstone experience (better ways to get to market: formulating a strategy that works) 3

Better Ways to Get To the Market Every company has set some goals to ensure that it maximizes profits for the growthof the company as well as build rewards for shareholders. However, the process should be structured to ensure that the framework is implemented and this is through three important elements.

Analysis of an organization

This was an organization created for purposes of overseeing the management and administration of Trinity Health, and the healing ministry of the church. In the medical and health care field, there is a constant change in the needs of customers, and this is because of the emergence of new diseases, ailments, or medical conditions.

Managerial style and hr policies

Managerial style and HR policies Not much is said in the case study about NEXT's human resource policies, apart from the company's encouraging employees' participation in presentations, and offering them a variety of bonuses and other means of motivation, such as free parking and opportunity to become company's shareholders. Thus, it is up to the β†’

Quality control throughout the life cycle

According to Sanghera, controlling the quality is a critical to the project management requirement effective mitigation of the project risks. A Guide to The Project Management Body Of Knowledge.

Benefits policy & strategy

Therefore, it is practical that WorldatWork argues that although the goal of motivating workers is the same in different companies, optimum mix or strategy of benefits may change even in the same company. However, with these changes, it is possible for an expert in the field of benefits strategy to equip himself with the new β†’

The effects of the quality of employees’ interaction with thier mangers on quality of thier work

The Effects of the Quality of Employees Interaction with their Managers on Quality of their Work The above mentioned hypotheses are derived from the theories based on employee management relationship such as Theory X and Theory Y, Social Exchange Theory, Leader Exchange Management Theory and others. The second hypothesis links the employee-manager interaction and the β†’

Operations in the news

The kind of service that an individual gets depends on the social status, as well as the target audience, of the business. By rebranding, the products and services are delivered in better because the point of rebranding is to do things better than before.

The truth of managing people

It also outlines the truth about communication within the organization and the truth about building teams within the organization and how the truth about managing conflicts in the organization. It also gives the various factors that can be used to reduce work life conflicts in an organization.

Advantages and disadvantages of various communication methods

Meetings In a meeting, the manager or the supervisor gets the opportunity to communicate with the employees who also have the chance to discuss the issue. If I want to ensure that the employees are well aware of an existing company event, it would be effective if I would pass this information during the meetings.

Reliance industries

This essay will focus on the company's administration which is mainly comprised of the Ambani family, with the areas of interest being, family ties and the contribution of the family system to the success of the company. According to The Telegraph, a disagreement emerged between the Mukesh and Anil Ambani, and the matter was taken β†’

Planning and goal setting

In addition to that, the revised vision statement clearly mentions the aspirations and goals of the Moonlight Bakers that are required to be known by the company's leader to make advancements for their achievement. Making vision statement is a preliminary step in the development of such leadership since the goals of the leader are aligned β†’


Given the scenario in the question, compulsory unemployment usually occurs when the manager is faced with a dilemma of rescuing the company and at the same time takes care of the interest of workers. A combination of all these factors will ensure that the company continues in the industry and without loss of employment to β†’

Discussion board reply

Hence, if the applicant is eligible and fulfills all the vital criteria of recruitment of the job, he or she should get the job, irrespective of class, race, culture or nationality. Thus, open advertisement for job should be favored against target recruitment and provide people from different background with equal opportunities to apply for the β†’

Management of health programmes

Management of Health Running head: MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH Management of Health Programmes: Professional Integration Sathya Prakash Manimunda Management of Health Abstract Traditionally a physician is a petty individual businessman. When the corporate sector entered in large scale in to health care delivery the professional autonomy of the physician was threatened.

Remaining competetive

In order to achieve this, it is important therefore to carefully evaluate the current cost structure of the firm and understand as to what are some of the costs which could be reduced in order to be more competitive. Assessment of the overall economic environment of the country is important because it can help the β†’

Feasibility study analysis

The feasibility study solves the dilemma of most of the investors because the market study can be useful in determining the economic value of establishing a mountain resort. Even though the feasibility report presents useful information that can be used to determine the viability of a resort business, the report should include information on the β†’

Leadership in customer service

He further states that the managers need to satisfy employees who will result in an increase in satisfaction and loyalty of customers. The article further states that satisfaction of employees will lead to retention of employees which is the top priority of world-leading organizations.

The axe of staff budget

Employee morale in down and there are increasing incidences of absenteeism and minimum staff turnover affecting the profit margin still harder Contingency Plan adopted by Management To reposition the hotel from four star hotel to three star hotel through the following activities Minimizing the number and quality of services provided Save resources and money by β†’

Project reviews

Project Review The progressive assessment of the project on deliverables is defined as project review; it helps in checking the performances of the project from its initiation to execution phases. However, there are several factors that contributes to how frequent these reviews are carried out; they include the scope of the project, how many people β†’

A capstone experience (crafting a strategy to fit the business 2)

CRAFTING A STRATEGY TO FIT THE BUSINESS The success of a business enterprise would depend on the business model and the strategy. In conclusion, even with a strong business model, a weak strategy could lead to the fall of the firm.

Lunch low-down improving communication organizational in the workplace

The lunch low down involves the calling or the converging of workers in a certain organization at least once a month in a manner that is much friendly and relaxing. This is because the work environment keeps the workers in a state of psychological focus and despite the fact that there should not be any β†’


One of the responsibilities of a manager according to USDA is to ensure they run a background check on employees before hiring and also detecting and responding to any potential threats by that employee. Conclusion In conclusion, according to USDA, the responsibilities of the manager towards ensuring that the employees being hired have no violence β†’

Statement of intention

ment of intention ment of intention Introduction Barwa Bank is one of the recently established financial s inQatar under the license and regulations of the Qatar Central Bank. In addition, it does not have a trainer in the training department, it lacks training funds, the staff lack motivation, and there is lack of communication between β†’

Introduction apple, inc

Since the company expanded its product portfolio, Apple Computer, Inc.was renamed Apple, January 2007. Retrieved 20 February 2015, from Apple.

Compare and contrast the following continuous quality improvement methods: six sigma, lean, and pdca (plan do check act)

The techniques help in improvement of processes and programs, assessing and providing response to needs of people and focus on programs and activities aimed at improving the health of persons. The prescribed methods comprises of the following; the six sigma, lean and Plan Do Check Act.

Project schedule

Part Precedence Relationship A network diagram is a clear and concise graphical representation of the project schedule and illustrates the project activities and the sequence in which they happen. Following are few types of dependencies that are used on Precedence Diagramming Method:- Finish to Start An acitivity must finish before the next can start Finish β†’

Using powerpoint in a company meeting

The major advantage of using Powerpoint in cooperate setting is that it emphasizes more on the key points and at the same time provides the limelight to the speaker aswell and not keeping the information only limited to text. Also if the feedback is positive and contribute to the topic then it should be repeated β†’

Facebook for career growth

Thus, this shows that facebook has the potential to be the best platform for the career growth. The facebook, and other examples of social media of the current age, has provided employees all over the world, an opportunity to sell themselves as a ' brand' to the employers of their choice.

W8 follow up:making project portfolio management sustainable in an organization

When the portfolio increases in size, a need for project or portfolio management office may be realized with responsibility of identifying the best practices in project management and developing the templates and documents to standardize the project management processes. Acquiring a project management software Making all project related material accessible to all employees Centralization of β†’

Human resources management

Based on the class reading materials, the first thing to take into account when there is a requirement to consider the need for training is the organization, where the context in which the training will occur could be found. Then by knowing who needs the training, there is a significant assessment of the need of β†’

Org behavior

In a decentralized approach, the balance of power is relatively even, and is not concentrated in one segment of the organization. The mutual adjustment entails to the working in group concept and sharing of load.

The five-task strategy making

Monitoring significantly increases the chances of success of the strategy-making process because it offers a critical outlook of the whole exercise, including areas of weakness and how to correct them. The first is the development of a strategic vision, mission, and core values.

W4q follow up-managing individuals and their behavior for organizational effectiveness

Leader with a conscious mind would be aware of the strength and weakness of the own culture and would not try to implement own cultural values to the others. The cultural diversity, if not managed properly, may lead to confusion and conflicts among the members of the team and thus would compromise the project objectives.

The goal of advancing in the emerging markets

Segmenting the Base of the Pyramid" by Rangan & Petkoski A Summary The article s that during times of economic recessions such as now, thereis a need to incorporate value into businesses' goods and services, particularly for those targeted at the mass base of the economic pyramid. For low income people, the appropriate strategy is β†’

Critical thinking

Critical Thinking Before going to discuss the importance of critical thinking in decision-making processes, let us get a better understanding of what critical thinking actually is. The process of critical thinking is unbiased in nature and provides a good help to decision-makers in taking unbiased decisions.

Capstone experience (business metrics) 2

Aspect of the value chain that they measure Using the on time delivery indicator to predict stock-out helps in measuring the operational efficiency of the business unit. The gross operating profit per available room measures the competitiveness of the unit.

Discussion 10- economics-pricing techniques

The success of Apple products is because the company focuses on adding value to the lives of its customers. The best pricing techniques for Apple products is to use decoy prices and high reference prices for its new products.

Service operations management-discussion questions

Project Characteristics of a Project For every project to be properly executed as planned, time, cost and performance are some of the fundamental factors that need to be put into account. For a project to be a success, measures should be taken to make accurate prediction on the total amount of money to use.

Case study analysis

Issues and Problems It is true that the pricing of tickets is influencing by the organizational and economical factors along with the perceived value of the spectators. In addition to this, high demand of the people is motivating ticket agents and brokers to resell the tickets.

Leadership skills (topic in instruction4)

Impression management is generally a tool used by the charismatic leaders to portray a good image of themselves in front of the followers to obtain the team's support. It is in this context that with the use of active impression management, charismatic leaders attempt to convince the followers to adopt the ethics and policies of β†’

Outcome-based evaluation by schalock

Outcome Based Evaluation al affiliation Outcome Based Evaluation Major argument The piece of literature in consideration is the Outcome-Based Evaluation by Schalock which explores the field of policy analysis and explains the needs and interests of administrators, policy makers, consumers, educators and funders. Schalock gives a premier of the principles relating to the application of β†’

Organizational business

Working as a team in an organization enables the management to increase the efficiency of the workers hence increase in output. Team work creates motivation for the workers since all workers are able to understand their particular tasks in the organization and how they relate with those of others.

Organizational change process

The responsibilities of this position will be to select and oversee the training and implementation of the new training management system, as well as monitor company-wide training attendance and identify people who are " out of compliance". As Gary Convis, President of Toyota Manufacturing in Kentucky puts it, " Success rests on the need for β†’


The leadership functions and style of Steven Paul " Steve" Jobs, the Chief Executive Officer of Apple Incorporation remarkably supported the company to be recognized as the most successful and dominant brand in the global technology market The report intends to bring clear insight upon the leadership function and style possessed by Jobs to be β†’

Motivational problems in the workplace

The job of the floor workers was to provide quality control for technological companies in the social media industry such as MySpace and Facebook. Eventually, people realized that the company lied to everyone, and the prizes if they existed were being distributed among the managerial staff instead of the floor workers.

The of singhania and partner

THE CASE OF SINGHANIA AND PARTNER Singhania and Partners is one of the law firms that have taken legal practices to a higher level in India and beyond. Legal services have been a critical aspect of the society and the success of the firms offering it depends on the nature of human capital.


Malaysia- An analysis of the local and international industries in the economy of the country Malaysia is a country with growing economy which makesit stand as the 19th largest trading nation in the entire world. However, it is expected that the economy of Malaysia will continue to grow and expand with the passage of time β†’


The success of the Air Jordan shoes made Nike the industry leader." The Nike Foundation".

Who are the spellbinders identifying personal attributes of charismatic leaders

These are the attributes that set a good leader apart, but a charismatic leader will need much more; they must put in more effort and have a better understanding of the organizational behavior, which, in the long run, increases the company's performance. The thing that inspired me about the article is the fact that the β†’

W5hia-ranking/evaluating the portfolio and making portfolio decisions

The first step was establishment of project management center of excellence to monitor and control all project management processes and to reach a competent level in project management. Thus both the organizations, IBM and Deloitte, used different approaches for implementing the project management across all levels of organization and to align projects with business strategic β†’

Ip 3

The other major consideration that should be done is in line with the local government, the general public in the foreign country and the policies and laws in the country. When running a company in a foreign country, the management needs to attentively regard the opinion of the company by the local residents.


This instillation of belief and success within the team, coupled with the previously mentioned timeliness and ethics, is what powerfully sets apart a great leader from merely a good manager. Question 3: In regards to question three and the choice offered by two differing styles of management, I would be hesitant to pursue the job β†’

Present issues in supply chain management

Thus, this case report presents the current challenges in supply chain management, the general conceptual picture of how Blockchain technology works, how Blockchain handles the current issues and the problems that the technology faces when dealing with the current issues. Blockchain technology proves to be a remedy to the current issues affecting the supply chain.

Leadership perspectives: transactional and transformational

The leader, therefore, defines the criteria to be followed at the exchange of benefits to the subordinates. On the other hand, transformational leadership is preferred whenever the leader is required to be part of the team.