Informative College Admission Essay and Research Paper Examples

Cranialfacial reconstruction – pre op surgical technologist tech

Craniofacial reconstruction is performed to reshape either the skull or the face of the patient. In this procedure, the upper part of the skull is restructured and due to this it is known as craniofacial.

A new model for change

The author recognize that change is not automatic and that leaders should take note that the entire organization will need to be prepared through the guidance and initiative of the leader to the stages which they are required to go through. The transition can be smoothly managed by the employment of a coach who oversees β†’

English class

The banking education is the typical pedagogical approach in which the teachers are in charge and the students are enslaved. In this system of education, neither the teacher nor the students standardize the concepts.

The great south bay of long ireland

Moreover, the quality of water has deteriorated because of the large amounts of pesticides, copper, and other chemicals that have been used to increase production. As a result of the changes in water quality and total control of water began to spread.

Social construction of race

As part of a specific race, we tend to believe that people not having the same features as we have as different from us. The activity teaches us that we are not to assume the race of a person.

The beautiful great smoky mountains

Meanwhile, I removed my left hand from my eyes and allowed the fresh yellow glistening morning sunlight to wash the sleep away, that was pouring into my dormitory from the glass window facing the sun." Youuuoaaoah," I uttered the first yawn from my wide open mouth, and pursed my lips as the beautiful great smoky β†’

Pathophysiology of malabsorption syndrome (at the cellullar, tissue and organ level)

Defects in the terminal digestion can also lead to malabsorption syndrome when hydrolysis of the necessary elements would not be complete because of deficiency of enzymes. At the cellular level the malabsorption syndrome can occur due to destruction of cells of pancreas or liver which would produce the necessary juices for the digestion of nutrients.

Environmental science

Video Ways to Save the Planet: Space Sunshield " Source: Created by Discovery Channel, this video shows the project of Professor Roger Angel in which he attempts to deflect the sun's rays by blanketing the earth's atmosphere with ultra-light and ultra-thin lenses. These lenses are designed to deflect 2% of the sun's energy away β†’

True value of philosophy

A heart and a brain and a pair of lungs that are functioning but together may longer be considered " human?" Could I really be selfish enough to allow this to happen just so I could keep having that person by my side? Indeed, more than anything, this course has allowed me to step down β†’

Mary shelleys frankenstein

Therefore, Mary Shelley makes use of the narrative strategy of the epistolary novel in order to invigorate the story by making the readers interact with the characters of the novel. In conclusion, the narrative technique used in this novel has a great effect on the readers as they experience a level of intimacy with the β†’

Economic crisis in america: causes and consequences

22 February Economic crisis in America Since 2008, the global economy has been facing an economic crisis that is comparable to the Great Depression that occurred in the 1930's. China's progress in technology has also contributed to this crisis, since it is a cheaper alternative to the products of America.

Cert iv in training and assessment

When it comes to the training of the company's employees, many businesses have training cost into consideration rather than the outcome of the training itself. Therefore RPL is a way that allows students with prior knowledge and skills taught in the course to skip some of the learning units.

Evaluating the research methods

Bottom of Form Top of Form Mak, J. Top of Form Mak, J.

The urban-rural culture wars of the 1920s and the issues over which they were fought

Basically, the sentiment of the Klan was about the vanishing of the traditional American values due to the massive influx of foreigners who were allegedly taking over the American land. However, the existence of this movement was said to be alarming as it was a manifestation of extreme intolerance, prejudice, and negative response of the β†’

Progressive era through the great depression

This period of immense depression started in the United States starting with a fall in stock prices and the subsequent crash of the stock market and then spread to the other nations of the world. The advent of the World War II also favored the reverse of depression and raise in the economy as government β†’

Decoding the face negotiation theory

Today, the Dalai Lama is a Doctor in Buddhist Philosophy, but he is also an exiled leader because in 1950, the People's Liberation Army of Mao Zedong annexed the land of Tibet into the territory of Mainland China. The Dalai Lama may have found a new inner face, and practices ingeniously the art of politics.

On the relationship of theory to practice in political right by kant

The head of state is the only individual who is superior to others while all others are members of the commonwealth and are equal. This is undeniably a fairly detailed and comprehensive explanation of the way theory relates to practice in the political right.

Ethical theories

The end as the teleological theory explains is the important aspect and it has to promote the good of everyone. Ethical dilemmas in most cases might lead to actions that would be considered unethical but overall leading to fulfilling the rule of utilitarianism, and the deontological and teleological ethical theories.


Casey, states that the factors that determines the outcome of the disease and the final effect that it has on the individual include the lifestyles that the individuals live and the social stigma that the patients undergo. According to the Center for Disease Control, the social stigma that affects people living with diabetes increases the β†’

The marriage of heaven and hell william blake

In plate 14 of this poem, he says that the destruction of the creation is true and that the cherub with his flaming sword will be sent to destroy the world. This is because the creation appears to be finite and very corrupt He wants to take off the notion in peoples mind that the β†’

As the growth of the number of elderly increase, so does the need for licensed practical nurses

Department of Labor stated two decades back that there will be need for more LPN's in the coming years considering the increase in the number of elderly and the disabled in nursing homes, and we see now that the prediction was accurate. Hence, we prove that the increase in the number of elderly is expected β†’

Hosting the world cup

The Economic/Business Impact of a Country Hosting the World Cup Introduction The prestigious World Cup! The World Cup Finals is the most widely-viewed sporting event in the world, with an estimated 715.

You decide activity

In view of the existing situation therefore, measures to correct the situation have to be undertaken. If the money supply is very high in the economy, taxation should be increased to control the supply of money in the market.

History of antisocial personality disorder

History of Antisocial Personality Disorder History of Antisocial Personality Disorder Antisocial Personality Disorder is one of the 10 personality disorders contained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The history of Antisocial Personality Disorder entails two aspects, the history of the development and understanding of the disorder over the past century and the β†’

Hiv/aids in russia

The incidence of HIV prevalence in Russia is a serious matter considering the fact that " it has the second highest prevalence in Eastern Europe and Eurasia ". Presently, Russia is being helped by various international organizations since as USAID, WHO and UN to promote HIV awareness among the population.

Comparison of two short stories

Walker's technique gives her story a sense of history and culture, and the reader learns much about the lives of the characters in the story. Walker's story is about life, and Hemingway's story is about the absence of it.

The gap between the childhood image of england and the perceived reality of england in kincaids story: on seeing england for the first time

The Gap Between the Childhood Image of England and the Perceived Reality of England in Kincaid's Story: " On Seeing England for the First Time" Jamaica Kincaid is a West Indian American writer. The virulent hatred of the institution of colonization is based her experience of being robbed of her identity.

Hacking exposed

According to the report of Ewalt and Hulme, Lamo thought that hacking high security networks would give him fame so that he could get a reputed job. The hacking activity of Lamo at The New York Times indicates that he was a grey hat hacker.

Educational philosophy

Lev Vygotsky and the concepts of Pre-Service Theory From all of the theories presented about pre-service teacher, the most common and well known theories are that of Lev Vygotsky. Bandura's Theory about Pre-Service Teaching Bandura suggests that beliefs of pre-service teachers about executing the Culturally Responsive Teaching can have positive outcomes and can also predict β†’

Marion chemical co

The team members in Marion Chemical are into this " art" - politicking, that each one is trying to outsmart the other to get what he or she wants. But is trying to use his supervisory power and charisma to get what she wants, and since she is still new, all she wants is for β†’

Generation y

In spite of the fact that this generation has seen the maximum number of divorces, children of this generation have been regarded as the center of family. Generation Y is a diverse group: This generation is multi-cultural, that is, there is a great deal of racial and ethnic diversity within the group.

A combination of music and drama

The basis of its success was out of the performance of the production team. Such changes have been a result of the growth and development of Musical Theatres over time.


The enhancement and growth of communication channels, the spreading of production and consumption across the world and the changing lifestyles due to the influence and merging of cultures have become the order of the day. The widespread Globalization has led to the free movement and transfer of goods, capital, technology and people, from one hemisphere β†’


The underlying irony is the attempt to highlight the harassment meted out to women of the Victorian era. The irony here is more of a situational irony, considering the spiritual and more mature outlook that the poet tries to portrays as a part of the irony.

Online tefl courses vs onsite tefl courses

Onsite TEFL course The curriculum taught for students in both online and onsite TEFL class may be the same; but what lacks online TEFL session is human interaction. Online TEFL course Learning the English language is not the sole activity of most TEFL learners.

Crisis management unit 1

The Sandusky scandal alone has seen the Penn State receive corrective and punitive sanctions issued by Emmert from the powers awarded to him by the NCAA Board. The Penn State had to be given new management which then would affect the management system, the culture and tradition of the university.

Popular recreation and resistance

Popular culture: Introduction: Popular culture is the cultural text that is proposed by the media of communication and which we use in our day to day lives. Therefore popular culture are those cultural text that we use in our day to day life and they are part of our life, they are continuously proposed to β†’

Dental admission

It reminded me of the serenity and tranquility of the moments I had spent in a missionary camp at Yeun-byun, China. That is when I realized what the 'purpose of my existence' was.

Hipaa education

The various staff members of the organization will need to make them familiar about the law as per the task he or she is performing; however, all health care workers should be aware about this law from the privacy and security angle as they will have access to the patients health and personal records. The β†’

Analysis of the death penalty and presidential, parliamentary systems

Instead, the editorial would persuade the reader why the death penalty is or is not necessary, efficient, or of use, regardless of its legal status, and thus the writer would have a goal of being subjective and persuasive rather than objective and decisive.2. They provide for the conditions of the contract, the duration of the β†’

Statistics and quality control in business

The quality control process is used to improve the effectiveness of the producing system, therefore, reducing the number of defective products in the system. The efficiency of the quality control process is determined by the perceived quality of the product to the final consumer.

The issue of arizonas sb 1070

In addition, the article also remarked that Arizona's problems are actually due " partly to Mexicans' and Central Americans' way of doing business". Retrieved from American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.

Fascism and the great depression

Fascism and the Great Depression The Great Depression of the 1930s resulted in the most significant economic upheaval since the advent of the industrial revolution. The totalitarian governments of Germany and Italy were made possible by the creation of a political void when the depression set in.

Consumer needs, motivation, behavior, and decision making processes relevant to cough medicine strips

Cough Medicine for Middle Class Users As cough helps the human body to get rid of foreign bodies that can cause harm to lungs and body, it is considered as a helpful mechanism. The middle class populace can be motivated through educational activities and advertisements in television and news papers about the side effects of β†’

Business law 4

Sangamo Construction Company the Supreme Court ruled that: " A contractual right can be assigned unless: The substitution of a right of the assignee for the right of the assignor would materially change the duty of the obligor, or materially increase the burden or risk imposed on him by his contract, or materially impair his β†’


In America, democracy comes from status Vivendi where the people are more superior to the government while in Russia democracy stems from the understanding that people identify with both the government and its sovereignty. The decisions made by the leaders are believed to be in the best interest of the people.

Distance zones (sociology class)

Hall who is generally credited with creating the term of proxemics or the study of behavioral, cultural and sociological aspects of distance between people as they interact with each other in the course of their lives. The diagram as shown below illustrates his theory on how distance affects the way people will interact: Figure 1.

How to become a successful army recruiter

However, the challenge to enlist an individual in the army is a task requiring extra scrutiny and effort for the following reasons: " First of all, not everyone wants to join the Army. The internet is the quick path to become a successful Army recruiter.


Between 1987 and 1993 the problem was escalating and had resulted in a 20 fold increase in the number of cases of vancomycin resistant enterococcus reported by intensive care units in hospitals in the United States. It was reported in 1992 that the vancomycin resistant gene from Enterococcus had been transferred to Staphylococcus aureus in β†’

Business in the international enviroemnt

This rapid economic growth China has moved to settle on a second place in the world after the United States in terms of the size of the economy. The country has grown to be the largest exporter of the products in the world and has the second world largest economy.

Executing, controlling, and closing projects

Quality is defined as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bares on it the ability to satisfy the given need. 0 Quality control is ensuring that QA procedures are implemented to assure the quality factors are present in the products/service of the organization.

Exercise deprivation on mood

The Impact of Exercise Deprivation on Mood in Athletes and Non-Athletes The article is a correlational study in which the impact of exercise deprivation on athletes and non-athletes is analyzed. Thus the article provides a comparative study on the impact of exercise dependence and withdrawal on the mood changes in both athletes and non-athletes.

How different races influence each other

9 May, Influence of racial issues on the relationship between Radio Raheem and Sal: Do The Right Thing excellently depicts the underlying reasons of racism in the society, the way they influence relationships among people and the damage it causes to the society in general and the concerned parties in particular. One of the most β†’

Importance of good communication

Communication is the only pathway that can help the educators to assess the globe through the eye of children. The skills of the educator in communication help to recognize the cultural background of the child.


Linguistics - Structure and Meaning in Literary Dis Thesis ment: In literary dis context and meaning are interconnected in the sense that the context has great significance to a complete interpretation of the literary piece's meaning and the poem " Abraham to Kill Him" by Emily Dickinson illustrates this relation, where the literary context of β†’

Neurotransmitters, biology and behavior

Gulli and Finley define neurotransmitters as " chemicals located and released in the brain to allow an impulse from one nerve cell to pass to another nerve cell". They are stored in vesicles and then released as per the need to continue the journey across the synapse and to waiting receptors.

Nursing: a personal opinion

This in my opinion is a noble profession of fulfilling the medical needs of a patient and providing the best care to him to make him forget his pain and agony. Williams enlists the results of a survey pointing out that despite being a noble profession, Nursing ranks low in desirability as a profession because β†’

Psy101 mod 3 slp

The characteristics have a psychological impact on the employee and as such, will impact on the job output although midway between the characteristics and the outcome we must acknowledge the moderator which is the psychological reactions. C, & Stone, E.F.

Female leaders in history

Margaret Thatcher was also a tough and courageous leader as she was able to silence those against her, such as the trade unions, and also the opposition in the politics, which was a major accomplishment. This is what also led to her being left with a cabinet that was not able to challenge her, which β†’

Nostalgia in product design

Like the Dodge Challenger, some new products approximate styles in antiquated iterations of a product line, but in other cases, such as clothing, new product design is a matter of reintroducing industry trends from previous fads. It is helpful for delineate the methods of reimplementation of previous product design to apply in product development.

Why i selected pharmacy as a career

I understand that both the functional capacity and my professional needs must be considered in determining the appropriateness of intermediate care, because pharmacy facilities are the most medically sophisticated care option, and with the pharmacists shortage, they are in great demand today. The shortage of pharmacy specialists has a negative impact on patient care and β†’

Exclusionary rule evaluation

The purpose therefore of the Exclusionary Rule is to implement the due process model from the perspective of the perpetuator, suspect or the culprit. R, & McCarthy, B.J.

Slavery in america

However, this was not the case to be as after the invention of the cotton gin that allowed easy removal of seeds from the raw cotton plant, cotton plantations increased in the southern states of the country and along with it the demand for slaves. Slavery in America was a fitting example of the authority β†’

The ethics of peta and the death penalty

The Ethics of PETA and the Death Penalty Capital punishment, more often known as the death penalty or execution is the taking away of human life due to a capital crime committed following a judicial proceeding. The two groups working for the ethics of the death penalty and animals' right to live are both paradoxical β†’

Issues regarding the expanding of prescription rights

Issues Regarding Expanding of Prescription Rights Issues Regarding Expanding of Prescription Rights Expanding of prescription rights to non-medical practitioners may be detrimental to the practice of medicine. They play a vital role in the medical field, but the training and education a psychologist receives may not be adequate for them to deal with the medical β†’

Research article summary

The independent variable was the discrete trial teaching instruction delivered to each of the paraprofessionals. The dependant variable was the percentage of accuracy each paraprofessional displayed in correctly implementing the discrete trial instruction in a home setting.

Volume and revenue project

Financial Planning Estimations For The Year 0 Introductions From the financial analysis it couldbe noted that the hospital was loss making for the period of 2012 and 2013. The aim of this financial projection is to evaluate the cost structure and how to integrate the projected medical and financial trends to ensure profitability for the β†’


ARSON Arson, the intentional lighting of a fire, is one of the most serious crimes. If it appears to have started in the wiring, it is unlikely to be an arson.

Poem imagery

The following lines give the reader the sense that the poet is going even further into his curing of loneliness by personifying nature as he assimilates the daffodils with stars" continuous as the stars that shine". He is using imagery in nature to paint a landscape of happiness and bliss for the reader.

Why we must tell lies

By the time a child is a toddler, the innocence of youth is a myth, and the child has learned that lying is a necessary skill for survival in the world. These are good lies because they reassure the people that all is well, and that is after all, what people want to hear.

Secure computer systems

Frequent changes in PII data security laws will keep private and public institutions on their toes and they will take measures in advance, in order to reduce the cost of updating their security measures. The federal government's policy of a carrot and stick approach towards private institutions and government agencies who store PII data might β†’


For the present, memory performance is defined as the ability of an individual to recall the objects which that particular individual was allowed to view for one minute. A number of factors have been demonstrated to influence the memory of an individual.


Physical Examination: On inspection of the face, it was observed that the nasolabial folds on the left side of the face were flattened and the patient was unable to completely close her left eye. When the patient was asked to forcefully close her right eye, inward and upward rolling of the eyeball was noted, i.e.demonstration β†’

Vitamin k

However, there is a tendency for the presence of intramuscular vitamin K compared with babies who were given oral vitamin K and those who did not receive vitamin K at all. To date, there are contentions regarding the injection of vitamin K as such may result in intramuscular vitamin K.

The law and the police

It is under the rule of law that the police maintain order in democratic societies and the principle of accountability to the rule of law causes serious tension between the Law and the Police in various circumstances." The tension between maintaining order and enforcing the law also complicates democratic oversight of the police. It is β†’

Early childhood education: the high scope curriculum

The main benefits of using the High Scope Approach is that the central importance is to assist the children to become better decision-makers and also problem solvers. High Scope Approach of educating children is very effective when compared to others as this method is ' child-centric' and the approach involves the parents and teachers only β†’

Columbian exchange

But later, tomatoes became a part of the Italian identity and food culture, and the nutritious value of potatoes and corns was fully appreciated, thus, broadening the scope of the European cuisine. On the opposite side, the new world was also introduced to new foods.

How do power and policitcs in an organization as well as communication involve leadership and organizational processes

INVOLVEMENT OF POWER, POLITICS IN THE LEADERSHIP AND ORGANISATIONAL PROCESSES The leadership process in any organization determines the mission and objectives to be achieved by the organization, communication of the objectives to all the others in the organization and persuade the individual behavior towards the pursuit of organizational goals. Power refers to the capability of β†’

Vroom’s equation theory discussion

Value in the efforts establishes motivation that Vroom's equation explains is a factor of reward and expectation. Team effort is for example more valuable in a collectivism culture that individual effort is and this influences the equation for the same level of attainable reward.

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis June 13, Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the nervous system that involves the individual's immune system eating away at the protective covering of one's nerves. Beta interferons and glatiramer are used to slow the progression of multiple sclerosis.

The two cases carvaho v. tool brothers developer and herczeng v. haptom township municpal

Francisco Caravalho, an employee of the subcontractor Jude Enterprises who was doing the excavation work, died when an unshored portion of the trench he was working in collapsed.[Handler] Argument The prosecution charged that Bergman's site inspector hired to observe the work performed and who was present when the accident happened to monitor the progress of β†’

Reading summary

He describes it as the process that the worker is subjected to feel foreign to the products that are as a result of their work. He explores the modes of distributing the capital and wealth that accumulated to the communities that it originated.

Crisis of knowledge

The paper delves on the effects of the knowledge crisis. Within the academic world, one of the knowledge crisis' effects is that people try to make sense of the complexities of university life.

The entity life history for booking

Second normal form means that Bar_Lounge_Restaurant is put to the separate table and relationship between it and Extra_Form is created. In between an Booking's definition and its end, Booking is subject to series of " Booking events".

Opm 300 mod 1 slp

Mc Donald's is able to maintain its global power in due in great part to its ability to constantly modify and adapt its operations processes to the demands of its customers and of the social environment as well. Considering that Mc Donald's serves billions of buns for its hamburgers, chicken and fish sandwiches, this modification β†’


The reason that it might be strong is due to the point that people could support this claim based on the context of actual observation. Sprague, J, Stuart, D, & Bodary, D.

Article critique: the cost of instructional improvement

For this research, Odden et al.provided the outcomes of a project that employed the mentioned expenditure framework to recognize the costs of a number of instructional improvement strategies that CPRE researchers at the University of Michigan examined in their Study of Instructional Improvement. This approach can also be modified to study the effects of budget β†’

What do colleges expect of the students and community

Colleges expect students to pay the fees well in time because fees drawn from the students are the biggest and the most fundamental source of income for the colleges. Therefore, colleges expect their students not to involve themselves in racial discrimination against the members of any community.

New aldonias admission to the united nations

The debate has been around the question of whether New Aldonia should be admitted to the United Nations. From the history evidenced in New Aldonia, it is quite satisfying that this State has tried its best to keep peace through fighting for their independence, thus showing they respect the rights of their citizens, giving a β†’

Children’s developmental adaptation to changes in the environment

Table 2 Frequency Distribution of Observed Data 12 month age 18 month age 24 month age Scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 X 3 1 2 1 1 0 4 3 1 0 0 0 5 2 1 0 0 0 Y β†’

Terry v. ohio brief

The decision of the court states that the 4th Amendment right is not violated when a police officer stops a suspect in the street and proceeds to frisk him even though there is no visible probably cause to arrest the person. Any ordinary dictionary defines an arrest as follows; " A seizure or forcible restraint; β†’

The roles of virgil and beatrice in inferno and purgatorio

Dante takes him as his hero to support the value of 'Justice' and 'Reason' without any strict religious application and this is the main role of Virgil in the comedy. As stated by Kirkpatrick Beatrice has played the role of a teacher in the comedy as well and seems to be an everlasting teacher as β†’

Introduction to the stock market

They are traded at an agreed price and it is this place where the firms are able to sell their stock to the buyers.b) Bond: In the world of finance a bond is a debt certificate with the holder being promised to get the money from the relevant issuing authority. According to the terms agreed β†’

Can hypnosis give people extraordinary memory skills

That it has not happened is in itself an indication of the limitation of hypnosis with respect to memory enhancement. Research suggests the scope for pseudo-memories and increased confabulation in the state of hypnosis which means there is no guarantee as to the accuracy level of the facts recalled.

William e. leuchtenburg, franklin d. roosevelt and the new deal 1932-1940

Roosevelt and the New Deal 1932-1940 Review Prior to the New Deal, the great depression occurred affecting both the rich and the poor when the fiscal market collapsed. In 1931, the unemployment rate peaked, and this is the year of collapsing of the Bank of the United States rendering losses of millions in bank deposits.

Standardized reading assessments

The CAT/5, or California Achievement Test 5th Edition, is a nationally acknowledged standardized test that is applicable, not just for the grades K-6, but all the way up to the 12th grade. STAR Reading assessment testing, as presented by the Renaissance Learning site, is a program of testing that claims to include the newest in-depth β†’