Informative College Admission Essay and Research Paper Examples


With chocolate, the history and the habitats of ancient civilizations such as those of the Mayas and Aztecs in Central and South Americas are intertwined with the histories and social development of old colonial powers such as Spain, England and France. One could moreover trace the map of the world as close to what we β†’

Assignment example

The Pyramid of the Moon excavation project at the ancient of Teotihuacan Historians regard the ancient ofTeotihuacan as the first Mexican city. The city had two great pyramids: the pyramid of the sun and the pyramid of the moon.

Code of ethics for a commercial company

Often the code of ethics is publicly available hence anyone can access them and understanding the activities of a firm and the way they are conducted. All employees and the employer are expected to obey the law both at the workplace and elsewhere.

Therese of lisieux

Later after a few months when she fell ill and when every one thought that she was dying, she prayed at the statue of Mary in her room and found that Mary was smiling at her. Perhaps it was then that they got purged off their worldly desires." In Teresa's case and in Therese's one β†’

Health disparaties in family based

Health Disparities in Family Based Services Parents are considered to be knowledgeable and advocates of the needs of their children. Woman, Infant and Children Program Program Another family based service is the Woman, Infant and Children Program program, funded by the federal government of USA.

A walk by gary snyder

The title extends the meaning of the poem and explains the actions and intentions of the speaker. This time markers allow the author to frame the poem and 'a walk' of the speaker.

Nature versus nurture

Nature versus Nurture The debate over which has the greater influence, nature or nurture, is as old as science and as irreconcilable as whether the chicken or the egg came first. Advocates of the nurture argument contend that we are a product of our learning and the environment that we grow in, which is merely β†’

Schindler’s list

Schindler's List Step Steven Spielberg's American biographical drama film, Schindler's List demonstrates the story of Oskar Schindler, a German business man who saved the life of many Jewish soldiers. Spielberg never permits the viewer to comprehend the character of Schindler in the film Schindler's List, his intentions and motivations as ambiguous.

How should middle schools and high schools be designed to have a maximum impact on learning

One of the several approaches that have been suggested towards improving the education system include models which were aimed at mentoring research and aimed towards the improvement of self regulated learning. In summation, education is a key aspect of society and several aspects have been suggested to improve the system.

Take home question financial markets of latin american

What tastes good to a goat will ruin his belly or How the Latin American markets may be affected by the recent financial markets turmoil Although is still early to say whether the recent financial market crisis may affect or not the emerging markets -and particularly the Latin American ones -, it could be said β†’

Fashion as base in involvement in understanding consumers

In Mittal scale has proved to be more reliable on a more sittuational level, just before the purchase of the goods. Data: This is a table created by Carmen Perez Cabeno, to get data for both the Mittal and the Zaichowsky scale.

Response of organizational culture readings

Response of Organizational Culture readings In its simplified and broadest sense, organizational culture connotes the behaviors and values that conjointly contribute to the uniqueness of an organization's psychological and social environment. The unabated call for diversity and inclusion and the continually growing competition in the corporate world makes it inescapable for an organization to have β†’

The lake review

Nevertheless, the past does not get away that easily; for instance, Kei finds herself constantly drawn to the past experiences, as if she may discover a breakthrough to the mysteries in her life, such as the abrupt desertion of Rei. The first 180 pages of the book are interesting, in that Kawakami manages to present β†’

Economic development of brazil

Despite the fact that Brazil is not a developed country it's still considered the leader in developing countries. When a country listens to and addresses the needs of its people, it is then that the country begins to make sustainable development.

Sleep derviation as a direct correlation to academic perfomance

The purpose of this study is to expand on existing study by the use of psychometrically reliable and accurate tolls which incorporate the quantitative aspect in order to establish the incidence of sleep deprivation in college going learners. The study indicates that a significant number of college students experience sleep deprivation.

Drivers of identity

I never touched a cigarette myself and did not have any intentions of doing so in the time to come. An individual may occasionally go to a nudist beach, but that is certainly not what he does most of the times.

The open boat by stephen crane. who is the most ethical character

It is possible to say that the most ethical person in the story is a correspondent, who is full of wisdom all the time and tries to be objective in all situations. In the story Crane rings up questions concerning moral health of people, and in spite of all the negative life lessons the correspondent β†’

Individualism vs. collectivism

The ultimate goal of collectivism is to reinforce group values and solidarity by creating laws that enables the minorities or the marginalized sectors of the community equal chances of living life the same as the majority of the group. 16 April 2011.." DVD Version P1 The Nature and Origin of Human Rights".

Ups areer development program

What do you think are the main strengths of UPS' career development program The main strengths of UPS' career development program are: The alignment of the employee's career goals with those of business goals.- Annually, each employee meets with his/her manager to identify the employee's career goal and his/her strengths. What suggestions do you have β†’

The effects of gold on the world monetary system

Use of the gold standard in a monetary system owes more benefit than the use of paper money. The use of paper money allows the governments to regulate the amount of money in supply.

Criminal profiling

In criminal profiling, the individual who might have committed the crime is identified through the observation of certain characteristics and personalities that are exhibited by the suspected offender. I would suggest that the police or the security agency have evidence of a crime committed by an individual other than use criminal profiling in the identification β†’

Scientific method – social psychology

Scientific Method - Social Psychology In order to fully establish the reasons that psychological researchers use the scientific method and how they would approach a social psychological issue from a scientific perspective, it is important to establish the meaning of social psychology. This further corroborates the role of scientific method in social psychology.

Is television a boon or a bane

The theme of the article revolves around the change our society, attitudes and priorities have undergone along with the percolation of television, internet and media in our lives. The international arena created by television and the media is hard to pull away from because it has subtly but firmly integrated into our being.

Mary todd and abraham

When the letter of Mary Todd to Abraham Lincoln is to be searched for clues as to their relationship as a couple, it can be said that the two have come to an agreement to entwine their political careers into their personal lives. This is a mutual understanding that is seen when Abraham, as the β†’

Outline west lafayette’s (in) new smoking ban for us

Credibility Statement: I have researched the effects of secondhand smoke, read a copy of the recently enacted ordinance, and want to present the main features that will be of interest to you.IV. Restatement of Thesis: The West Lafayette smoking ban promotes good public health, applies to almost all public areas, and is enforceable by significant β†’

Discussion 2 week 11 best practices

The best practices to follow in the field of managerial economics and globalization are as follows: be cognizant in determining the basic of demand and supply in various market structures to enable accurate evaluation of pricing and output strategies; forecasting models would assist decision-makers in assuming a proactive stance at anticipating the organization's needs and β†’

Teaching to change the world

Teaching to Change the World al Affiliation) My personal perspectives on the book teaching to change the world are similar to the authors. In conclusion, students need to feel cared for by their teachers and the entire school culture should show that students are important.

Martin luther the great reformer by j.a. morrison

Morrison's work, ' Martin Luther, The Great Reformer', is a life history of Martin Luther King and how he was brought up in a catholic residence, but always differed with the Catholic way of belief and opinion. Morrison has a way of portraying Martin Luther's description of his family that his father was a poor β†’

Warning: watching television can be hazardous to well being

All in all, the physiological and psychological impact of watching television remains to be at the negative perspective. The physiological and psychological impact of watching television remains to be at the negative perspective.

Principles of psychology

Nurture Is our development and abilities the result of inherently deterministic genetic factors or are we the result of the environment molding us to the way we are? The other side of psychology deals with that a person is the sum of their experiences, always learning and being shaped by different factors in the environment.

The brand gap by marty nuemeier

The paper " The Brand Gap by Marty Nuemeier" is a perfect example of a book report on business. Overall the book is presented in a very compelling and friendly fashion.

Misleading ads

At least that is the message of the video that I am about to show you right now. Such ads must be highlighted so as not to fool the public into voting politicians who undermines the intelligence of the public and believe that they could get away with it.

Linen textile

Linen Textile Historical Background Linen is the textile retrieved by processing the fibers of the plant of Flax that has a long history. Flax was cultivated in different parts of the world in ancient times and accordingly, Linen happens to be amongst the oldest of all sorts of fabrics.

Wintz lawn service, inc

For the total liabilities and owner's equity, most of this balance is contributed by owner's equity. Instead of dissolving the business, Wintz should consider selling it to someone else for a healthy profit.

That explores an ethnic sociological issue

Terrorism has found root due to the racism and whiteness menace in most of the societies. Lack of establishments in the institutions contributes and fuels terrorism globally.

Agriculture in mesopotamia

Agriculture in Mesopotamia As Mesopotamia literally means the " land between rivers," its history and culture are substantially related to the ebb and flow of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. However, as Professor Gunter Garbecht of the Technical University of Braun Schweiz in West Germany notes:" First the floods of the Tigris and Euphrates were β†’

Forensic pathology case study: problem f

The officer, who attended the scene confirmed that the truck was travelling at the speed of 80-85mph towards the area contrary to the remitted speed of 55mph. The skid marks for about a hundred feet from the scene were missing, suggesting that he had not attempted to step on the emergency brake of the truck β†’

The disease model

Evaluation and validity of the disease model In order to align ourselves and come up with a solution as whether alcoholism is a disease or not it is important first that we understand the concept and definition of a disease. While relating this concept to alcoholism we can therefore conclude that alcoholism can be categorized β†’

Degree in professional accounting from mccombs school of business

Degree in Professional Accounting from McCombs School of Business As I am going to complete my graduation degree soon, I am planning further to pursue a master degree in the field of professional accounting from McCombs School of Business. The faculty of this business school is very much talented and highly qualified and I β†’

Parental spanking

Therefore, spanking is an appropriate form of punishment to discipline a naughty child and it is a legal, socially-tolerated, and biblically-supported means of disciplining the child. In conclusion, the act of spanking affirms parental discipline and it is an appropriate means to discipline a child with misconduct.

Questions and answers

The Enron Scandal The Enron Scandal In what ways did the leadership at Enron fail? The Board is at fault for permitting the suspension of Enron's own code of conduct to permit the conflicts of interest inherent in the off-books corporations.

Brighton nightlife

The student Population University of Sussex and the love for music and culture make the resort town come to life in the night. In addition, the location of the clubs influences the accessibility and the population of revelers who visit the clubs.

Breast feeding vs. formula feeding

Breast feeding Vrs Formula Feeding Introduction Breast milk is the optimum feed for the baby and has several advantages both for the mother and the baby. Breast feeds Breast milk has the right composition of various nutrients essential for the survival, growth and development of the baby.

Cost, volume, and profit formulas

The contribution margin of each unit is used to cover the fixed costs of a firm. The breakeven point is the amount of sales required to cover all the fixed expenses of a company.

Hispanics traditional food habits

Scholars and practitioners have noted that the traditional food habits of any group of the population are deeply rooted in its local environment as well as culture, though the food habits persistently change as the group becomes acculturated into the mainstream culture. Overall, it is clear that the traditional food patterns of Hispanics can never β†’

Opportunity cost: the cost of taking time to read

The consumer is not only concerned about the cost at the bookstore, they are also aware of the time that they must give up to read the book. In a world of escalating wages and fierce competition for scarce leisure time, the task of estimating opportunity cost is not a practical reality.

In depth analysis about article

Environment and Community Majority of the economist despite their mutual differences on various aspects of the economy, surprisingly, happened to have unanimity of intellectual analysis over the goodies of free trade and over whelming benefits of global economy through integration. Locals people are suffering the global integration and free-trade along with other social implications of β†’

The roles of virgil and beatrice in inferno and purgatorio

In the initial stages of the poem, he had informed Dante that he was in the inferno for positive reasons assigned to him from heaven and could guide him inferno only partially because he did not believe in God and was not allowed to enter the heaven. She calmly symbolizes heavenly affection in a reserved β†’

The general process of classical conditioning

But when another stimulus, which is called conditional, is given with the unconditional one for several times, than the dog will develop an unconditional response to the conditional stimulus The theory of classical conditioning is used in most of the advertising campaigns worldwide. Conditional learning is also the source of some phobias in people.

Memorable high school experience

I excelled academically and was barely cognizant of a group of students in courses I had that was quickly failing. While at the time I thought it was simply the need for a more robust social life, in retrospect I recognize that even at this early age I was experiencing a slight crisis of personal β†’

Wal-mart to open new super center in tarpon springs, florida

Wal-Mart to open new Super center in Tarpon Springs, Florida According to the retail giant, Wal-Mart's 2005 Annual Report, the company plans to spendat least $14 billion to open between 490 to 535 new stores around the globei. Wal-Mart has been one of the most profitable companies in the world, yet a growing movement among β†’

Country music

It is this development that has led to the international recognition of some artists in this field of music. Learn to Live is an album that surpassed the expectations of many of the artist's fans.

Combining content, argument, and structurethe workshop

Sexual Harassment in Workplace Sexual Harassment in Workplace Sexual harassment is a menace in the workplace especially when it is in gross limits. The CEO should first sensitize the workers on the need for a firm anti-sexual harassment policy.

Organizational structure and design trader joe’s

In a decentralized structure, Trader Joe owners will delegate some powers and responsibilities to the management of the stores in different parts of the country. In a centralized form of structure, the Traders Joe owners make the final decision and it directly affects the employees.

Multiple intelligences

I like working on projects on your own is another point cited by this survey And I often prefer to learn by trial and error. Use your whole arm to write letters and words in the air.

Topics to be investigated

This has raised the need for alternative use of green energy sources in order to try and reverse the contemporary trends in climate change. Factors Influencing the Integration of Media in Marketing to Teens Use of media in marketing to teens has in the contemporary times become part and parcel of business marketing practices.

Nervous system

The parietal lobe is a part of the brain, which is responsible for integrating all of the senses from the different sensory systems together, and processing them. The brain stem is the part of the brain, which connects the main part of the brain mass to the spinal cord serving as the connection between the β†’

Argue for or against identifying one’s race or cultural identify on documents such as census forms, college applications, studen

The Hope of the Elimination of the Concept of Race According to the American Anthropological Association, the concept of race is not a scientific categorization, but a social construct within which physical characteristics are used to define and separate humans within a cultural context. The truth is, the concept of race has been a damaging β†’

Your objective is to show the ways in which the document or source. in the paper please identify the source and its creator. int

The statement of sentencing was made on the same period they were convicted and the photographs were taken also on the period the couples were on trial. Both the photographs and the statement were made on the same period, which is during the trial of the Rosenbergs.

Comparing the effectiveness of classroom and online learning

The paper 'Comparing the Effectiveness of Classroom and Online Learning' is a great example of an essay on education. This shift into online education challenges the values epitomized by the traditional form of education where the students and instructors meet face to face.

Children and hand-washing and diaper changing

Step by Step Instructions on How to Change a Diaper Step Disinfect your hands by either hand washing them or using hand sanitizers. Prepare a clean diaper on the table next to the area where the child will be laid.

Peer coaching plan

This process of observation, analysis, and interpretation will be passed on to the participating teachers. This process of observation, analysis, and interpretation will be passed on to the participating teachers.

Modular questions

The underhand nature of price-fixing organizations is brought about by the knowledge that price-fixing is a contravention of the federal and state laws. The kind of agreement that is being mooted does not capture the fact that other players in the healthcare industry will not be party to the proposal.

Socia studies lesson plan reviews

The lesson plan on " Physical Setting of California and beyond" is well written following the required lesson plan design and Academic Content Standards. The lesson plan also addresses issues of pre-assessment as well as strategies for differentiation, adaptation, and accommodation according to the laid requirements.

Kia sorento or doge journey

Dodge Journey The models of Kia Sorento and Dodge Journey have been attracting the people from all over the country. Sorento 2011 on the other hand offers a voice activated navigation system and a backup camera in the rear of the car for a better view of the road.

Crispin porter+ bogusky

As it is one of the largest Advertising Company it has more than 650 employees which is one of the strengths of this company. The new agencies are always a threat as they may try to copy the style of Crispin Porter+ Bogusky.

Postwer and recent higher eduction

It was during the period of the 1960s that the student activism gained the political prominence. The history of higher education.

William shakespeares othello

The point that Othello hears that Cassio has the handkerchief is the moment he starts to believe Iago because he believes his mother's story and understands the handkerchief as a real indicator of the status of his relationship. In fact, he believes the story so much that the lack of the handkerchief is the only β†’

Management accounting

Here, the costing process is intermediate and is carried out by a firm to assign overhead costs to the products so as to see to it that there is accuracy on the information on the costs of the good. On the other hand, ABC taps the structure of costs to illustrate the correctness in the β†’

Married life

In the capacity of a husband and a father, a married man needs to earn bread for the family. A man enjoys complete freedom in the life before marriage, and becomes responsible after marriage.

Hate groups in us

They have the ability to influence the weak minded individuals in the society and thus, form groups of such kinds. The Anti-Defamation League and the SPLC are the two main organizations in the USA that monitor hate groups and help maintain law and order.

Disaster management in water science

Disaster Management in Water Science Treatment of water is the nature and process used in making water more hygienic and fit for consumption for the end user to be used for various purposes like drinking, medical uses, industrial processes and much more, since water is important for one to survive and also emergency plans usually β†’

Mph 504 epidemiology (module 2 cbt)

Comparing the age-specific death rates of the same areas could show that the risk of death within the same age group of population might be higher in the area with the lower crude death rate. Hence comparing the age-specific death rate of the three different counties clearly indicates a considerably higher death rate in the

Censorship and the internet: a dangerous precedent

Censorship and the Internet: A Dangerous Precedent This essay will examine the effects of the internet on speech and the issue of censorship. Corrupt governments, for example, are known to censor speech on the internet; in addition, there are other categories of speech, such as hate speech, defamation, and yelling " fire" in a crowded β†’

Health care costs

Physicians will benefit from the experience if they focus on a medical specialty that will lower the costs and improve health care quality with better patient outcomes. This defense against medical malpractice lawsuits will address most of the costs involved in health care delivery by doing away with unnecessary procedures, tests, and treatments which are β†’

Team development

The notions of diversity and multicultural teams, in the context of team development, are central considerations. It can be managed to result in a more precise definition of terms and problems.

Market imperative and popular culture

Market Imperative and Popular culture What do we understand by the term popular culture Is the punk culture, the rap music thing or simply the mainstream culture The fact is that popular culture refers to the elements of culture which are prevalent in a society. That popular culture is the culture of the masses.


From historical accounts, it has been revealed that traces of bioterrorism could have occurred in the 1990s, specifically in the latter part of 1992 when the following incidences were noted: " the epidemic of over 400, 000 cases of waterborne cryptosporidiosis in Milwaukee, the outbreak of severe, unexplained acute respiratory disease now known as hantavirus β†’

Outline.this is only an outline for a that is going to be written latter,so the topic is outline

In order to understand the topic even further, the method incorporated is that of comparing the manner of living as seen by atheists and comparing this with how religious people lead their lives. With the absence of religion, people would grow further believing in the movement.

Ms. martinez case study

Due to insufficient number of staff, health care in nursing home could not be patient centered, another element that is recommended for improvement. It was not possible at the same time to care for all 15 patients that I was responsible for in nursing home.

Laws and regulation relating to the kentucky board of embalmers and funeral directors

and number] in format: 12 May 2002] LAWS AND REGULATION RELATING TO THE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS The laws and regulations outlined by the Kentucky Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors is very explanative in regards to the requirements to fulfill including the apprenticeship period and advises that in no way will β†’

Summary of on racist speech

Freedom of Speech our First Amendment rights according to the Constitution and the famous Landmark case of Brown v Board of Education. In this he tells us how people tend to abuse their rights of Freedom of Speech at the cost of Blacks and other minorities who are subjugated, excluded and subjected to racism.


The first is that the hospitals showed that they were committed to decreasing the delays that could potentially occur during the treatment process. Another value that drives the doctors and nurses in the hospitals to treat heart attack patients is team work.

Word modification on memory recall

In regard to font style and the way they affect memory, some researches have found out that people tend to retain more information and material when they study in a font that is not only unusual but also difficult to read. It is argued that when reading materials are put in a hard to read β†’

Midsummer nights dream

Another aspect of the paradox of comedy is the casting of the play. The tyrant is usually at the bottom of the heap in society and this is a pun on the name.


Running head: BREAST CANCER Breast Cancer Daniela Shehaj January, Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. When these factors are heightened to a certain extent, breast cancer tends to develop, especially when the client is in the vulnerable age and ethnicity, and a woman.

Human and animal cloning

It is widely recognized how often science will go to bring about new changes and within the area of cloning there are a myriad of beliefs and opinions that claim the use of this science goes against the normal balance of nature. It was in Massachusetts where the first cloned embryonic eggs were done in β†’

Priestley and his dramatics: an inspector calls

Each of the time plays depicted a different perspective of time and presented time as a central metaphor based on which the action of the play and the lives of the characters revolved. The unique temporal andscape thus provided by the playwright enabled him to depict, as in the play An Inspector Calls, the domain β†’

Postoperation managemnet case study

These are activities are useful in order to prevent blood clotting in the affected limbs and chest. There is a need to drain the blood in the tubing and also to consider removal of the bag because the bag is empty and likely to continue sucking blood.


METFORMIN Metformin Metformin is an approved drug for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in particular it is used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The drug is given to control the blood glucose levels of patients in the normal range so that the proper bodily functions are retained and the problems of the nervous β†’

Literary forms: the short story and poem

The form and devices of the poem affect the reader's experience of the work. The poem has a rhyme scheme that keeps the work measured and moving along; the reader wants to keep reading to hear what the next rhyme will be.

A dialogue with the daughter

One could surmise he was dead, but he was not, for his thundering heartbeat can be seen at his temples and at the base of his throat. His appearance did not change and he seemed to be out-of-place in the house.

Muscular system

Muscular Dystrophy Muscular dystrophy is a genetic disease of group of muscles that affects movement of the body primarily due to weakening. Observed in this disease is the developing of weakness of skeletal muscles, depletion of muscle proteins, and death of muscle cells and tissue.

Women poetry: poems and advice by daisy fried

Evidently, the poem is written from an observer point of view, in bringing out the high rate of unemployment and frustration job seekers undergo, she uses Justin one of her student as the case study. The book influences the view of poetry significantly, as the author identifies the poem as a child and a woman's β†’

Ethics on euthanasia

Euthanasia: Society's Disrespect for the Value of Life According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, euthanasia is the act of intentionally and painlessly terminating the life of a desperately sick individual for merciful reasons. The Ethics of Euthanasia.