Informative College Admission Essay and Research Paper Examples

Edgar allan poe as the father of the modern mystery

Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe has been regarded as the father of the modern mystery and he has been effective in the use of the tools of writing a mystery story to make his stories memorable. 1841 1844, most of Poe's mystery stories were instrumental in the development of the tools of writing β†’

A century of genocide

He depicts the searing brutality of Cambodian genocide of ethnic nationals from 1975 to 1979 and conveys the message that the scenario on which this genocide was based was extreme pandemonium and social instability. The large-scale massacre of the enemies was considered an essential step to be taken by the Khmer to reach Utopia.


Perspective Task Introduction A business perspective is the study of what pertains to commencement and the running of a business. To commence a business, it is important to bear in mind the prices of goods and services.

How can economic value added (eva) statements be used to improve financial statement reporting, results, and success what are s

The practice of Economic Value Added however helps the financial reporting of a company's performance to its investors and shareholders by reporting the rate of return of the investor's risk taking in the company which enables the investors and shareholders to compare the performance of their investment in the firm vis-a-vis putting it in other β†’

Review phone lines not in use. will terminate them in oreder to save the hq money

We request you to please look up the attached appendix 1 and see if any of the phone numbers listed in it belong to you. The phone numbers listed in this appendix are subject to being terminated after a period of 15 days from now.

Snowboarding down a ski slope in colorado

It was a thin layer of hot water reaching down from above and flowing further down into the slopes. I thought of finding the source of that hot water flow but gave up the idea and took my long jump of snowboarding down the slope as it was darkening.


In eliminating the inherent risks that may imbalance the distributions, Warren and Tyagi, 2006, deliberates the distributions as a function of a balanced money formula. Warren and Tyagi, 2006 highlight the relevance of the golden rule of financial responsibility in the management of individual's finances.

Milgram’s experiments

65% of the teachers obeyed all orders and went to the maximum of 450 volts administered to the learner, even though most of the subjects were extremely uncomfortable in delivering the punishment. Milgram also made variations in his many experiments and was thus able to establish a pattern: compliance increased with the increase in the β†’

Entry strategies and globalization

The globalization movement of the 20th century found a solution to the problem by providing businesses with different alternatives to achieve market entry. The fourth type of market entry strategy is a direct investment.

The kikuyu culture

The same happens to the girl child, where the first is named after the father's mother and the second after the mother's mother. The rest of the children are named after the brothers and sisters of the grandparents beginning from the oldest to the youngest.

Analysis of leading congregational change by herrington, mike bonen and james furr

Strengths of the Book One of the outstanding strengths of the book is the fact that the authors present their ideas in all honesty. The mentioning of Gods will in this case, is an integral part of the relevance of the book as it applies to churches.


In the cells, they get converted into substances which act on the H+/K+ ATPase which forms an integral part of the pathway of the formation of the acid in the stomach. The oral form of the drug is coated to prevent damage to it in the stomach by the acid.

Code of ethics in a business company

Often the code of ethics is publicly available hence anyone can access them and understanding the activities of a firm and the way they are conducted. All employees and the employer are expected to obey the law both at the workplace and elsewhere.

Hip hop and rap

Hip Hop & Rap Rap music, popularly known as Hip hop music, originated over a quarter of the century and it is part of the hip hop culture. Literary and musical allusion plays a pivotal role in the rap music or the hip hop tradition and it is the most ideal form of music to β†’

The great depression

Client's Information The Great Depression The Great Depression is the most prolonged economic crisis in the history of the industrialized countries, which began after the collapse of the stock price on the New York Stock Exchange, 18-29 October 1929. After the stock market crash, the most of the securities have depreciated sharply, and much of β†’

Bhs 455 (computer & information systems) module 2 cbt

This is also true of the physicians and nurses at Presbyterian Hospital; this collaboration helps the nurses and physicians to obtain some of the similar information that they need. A second barrier to collaboration is a lack of understanding of the scope of each other's practice, roles, and responsibilities.

Exit letter

Surprisingly, I enjoy writing now and I feel more equipped to rise to the challenge of writing more reports in the military standard and with the proper use of the language, too. I am better now in my daily writing and I am really looking forward to applying all that I have learned in this β†’

Ethics question

On one hand violation of the environmental laws by the company should be punished and this is within the enforcement powers of the agency. On the other hand, shutting down the plant will cause significant social damage, as the plant is the major source of employment for the town.

The lakewood embezzlers

Hahn was charged with theft and criminal use of computers and embezzlement and Distasio was charged with theft of company funds. It is also noted that Hahn stole a credit card and used it to retrieve funds from the company.

Juvenile justice

These programs do not have the established record of delinquency prevention that the model programs do and must rely on data that is not always based in success but in the potential for success. In conclusion the results of the promising programs looked show a potential for benefit to the juvenile delinquency problem.

The universe next door

This can easily be related to the Biblical views of many individuals in the world. Lack of self-awareness of the media, friends, and family have contributed greatly to the different perceptions.

History and developyment of religion

History and Development of Religion Religion first appeared 10, 000 years ago with farmers in the Mesopotamia region Religion These people were nomadic and required a certain amount of sunshine and rain to produce crops. Also, it was the religion of other kingdoms such as the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.

The person who influenced me most

That person in my life is my father. He is a perfect gentleman, the ideal example of a successful person, the most dignified personality and overall and every aspect he is my father and the person who has influenced me the most in my life and I always want to be like him if I β†’

Irac brief

District Court for the Northern District of Ohio ruled that Bridgestone Corporation engaged in a conspiracy to allocate sales, rig bids and assign and maintain prices for AVP contrary to the provisions of both the Sherman Act and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Thus, the USA department of Justice alleged that the company's practices of β†’


As a function of this understanding, this brief paper will seek to utilize the example of the recent war in Libya as portrayed in the news media of the United States as a personal reflection piece concentric upon popular culture and the interpretation thereof. Though it was true that Gaddafi was a dictator of Libya, β†’

The overachievers: the psychology for success

The Overachievers: The Psychology for Success It is irrefutable that our mentality is often reflected in all the aspects of our lives. Overachievers working in a team will not be exceptional as they teach their colleagues to think the way they do.

Early childhood

When he finished serving the food, he picked up the toy broom and started cleaning the kitchen floor to clear up the mess. When Joey was setting up tables and chairs, he simply concentrated upon the setting and forgot about the food and his friends for a while.

Adelaide school of english

Since the school caters to the needs of secondary school students having different backgrounds, it emphasizes the need to develop tolerance as a way of maintaining the wellbeing of all its students. Another way in which the liberal approach to gender discourse is encouraged in the school is through the physical division of boys and β†’

Identify a contemporary legal issue within the health care industry or within a selected organization. describe potential ethica

However, once the patient comes to know that the healers are of little compassion, he/she gets frustrated and thus the professional ethics of medical practitioners are questioned. It is defined that " a medical mistake becomes medical malpractice whenever the care of a patient falls below accepted community standards and causes a patient's injury or β†’

Software engineering assignment 3

Platform experience: This is important in the sense that people with such a characteristic can understand the loopholes of a platform with respect to portability and robustness of a system over the platform.3. For the purpose of selecting staff to develop a controller for an eye surgery machine the following are required: Domain expertise: An β†’

Sudden infant death syndrome (sids)

At the same time, Moon et al.provides detailed analysis of risks caused by bed sharing overall, bed sharing with parents or one parents and bed sharing in other combinations stating that bed sharing in other combinations is the most dangerous as it adds 5% to the risk of SIDS. Bed-sharing in the absence of hazardous β†’

A path to happiness

To me, I think I could say that I have been able to achieve a state that makes me feel confident about my life. During one incident that I was sad, I was able to overcome my sadness and achieve a state of happiness by engaging in some activities.

Immigration and health care in usa

The same affects the health facilities in the country and negatively impacts the overall healthcare facilities in the USA. The United States of America provides Medicaid facilities to the legal and illegal immigrants but this results in a very big loss for the economy of the country because the people take undue advantage of the β†’

Lord of the rings, the fellowship of the ring synopsis and recommendation

Tolkien Genre: Fantasy Fiction Synopsis: The Lord of the Rings is a story about the battle between good and evil, and the courage and fortitude of the people who choose to rise above their circumstances and fight for love, freedom and peace. It is now up to Frodo and the Fellowship to travel to Mount β†’

For poorer and for poorer

This is most noticeable when comparing the idealism of couples in the 1990s against the starker economic realities of the current economic recession. In addition, a comparison of the idealism of the 1990s with the current period of economic instability highlights the very real financial pressures that young couples are experiencing.

Summarize three articles or web resources from the surveying bodies resources, from the studies in this unit, that apply to your

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have three different health insurance programs of Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP to cater to different segments of populations in the United States of America. As part of public health and medical services support, the Department of Health and Human Services has guidelines for β†’

Employee benefits

As per the motivation theories, a health insurance plan will be fulfilling the safety and security needs, and hence can be effectively used as a motivational tool. The Managers and their family members should get a meaningful discount on any service that they avail in the spa, thus paving way for effective word of mouth β†’

Automatic stabilizer

During recession, the size of the government deficit tends to increase keeping the national income high through a multiplier. By the end of the year government deficit had decline much to what had been projected.

Response to coments on dq1 hunt and dq2 smithw11

Another great attribute about learning about accounting is that that knowledge can be used to improve a person's ability to analyze investment opportunities. The use of accounting is very important to effectively run a hotel operation.

Development of the social self

The ability to develop and maintain a consistent and functional sense of the self in the increasingly superficial and anonymous interpersonal context of modern mass societies is widely believed to be one of the cornerstones of personal and social success. Chapter 2 discusses the development of the self as the result of comparing the self-concept β†’

Anatomy and physiology

The process of ossification starts in the womb of the mother and comes to its end at the age of 16-17 and at the age of 18-19. 2nd Edition 312 pp.3.

Racial definition

Is race a biological phenomenon or a social concept Michael Omi and Howard Winant in their book " Racial Formation in the United Sates: From the 1960s to the 1980s" debunk the scholars of the 18th and 19th centuries who thought race as a biological concept. Biological definition and social concept of race do make β†’

Adipose tissue and resveratrol

DR has been found to delay the onset of the deleterious effects of oxidative stress and subsequent diseases and functional decline. In mice, it decreases adipose tissue by increasing the rates of emulsification through upregulation of the enzyme that converts cholesterol to bile acids, which occurs in the liver.

Thicker than water by alex croft

No one, in particular, has the title of a hero as the story proceeds. The one whom many least expected turned out to be the hero in the book just because of a simple misunderstanding.

Disaster preparedness & response

This is just due to the nature of the emergencies and the parts of the cycle that handle them, and it is the nature of any plan that certain parts are going to work better in certain situations. And last but certainly not least, The Recovery part of the cycle also has its own duties β†’

Net-centric computing and information systems

Control is conceded from one layer to the next, starting at the application layer in one station, and proceeding to the foot layer, over the channel to the next station and back up the pecking order. Address Resolution Protocol is a protocol for mapping link layer addresses to a physical machine address that is known β†’


Cancer of the Creative Writing of the Concerned May 13, Cancer There is no denying the fact that cancer is a disease that commands loads of shock, fear and stress in the popular perception. Irrespective of the negative image of cancer as a disease, the reality is that cancer is mostly curable if diagnosed in β†’

Othello by william shakespeare

Othello: The Tawny Moor In October of 1943, America would witness one of the most celebrated and at the same time, one of the most controversial Broadway debuts of a Shakespearian tragedy that the world would ever know. When have we ever been able to gage an honest understanding of the true nature of racism β†’

‘petroglyph park’ by jaune quick-to-see smith and ‘the large blue horses’ byfranz marc

The second painting that I am going to use to compare and contrast is ' The Large Blue Horses' by artist Franz Marc, who was well known as the pioneer of Abstract Art and the son of a landscape painter. The Petroglyph Park by Jaune Quick- To- See Smith Franz Marc Artist of ' The β†’

The impact of culture on substance abuse

Impact of culture and family on substance abuse A comprehensive outlook on questionnaire of substance abuse that comes as cocaine abuse or alcohol abuse or cigarette smoking led to several theories as to what are the cultural impacts of these addictions. When culture and work has a severe impact on the substance abuse or β†’

Strategic intelligence

Topic: Strategic intelligence The strategic intelligence refers to the gathering of data and information in order to aid people in critical decisionmaking. OSINT is the Open source Intelligence which allows the people to take decision and formulate strategic plans." Open sources often equal or surpass classified information in monitoring and analyzing such pressing problems as β†’

Saving our surf breaks in california

With the advent of surfing environmentalism also came the task of educating the both the surfing and non-surfing public of how waves are created, how rock formations in the sea and its other natural resources aid wave formation and how human interference, such as coastal developments and road constructions, affects the process. The texture and β†’

Managing the security portfollio and managing bank capital

Managing the Security Portfolio and Managing Bank Capital Instruction Task Managing the Security Portfolio Managing security portfolio deals with all markets, including products, labor and capitals as imperfect and changing occur in the economy; therefore, strategies are made to manage the institutions in these uncertain situations. For instance, in United States the full total of β†’

Fire protection hydraulics and water supply

Relay operations design Some of the factors influencing relay operations design are Amount of water to flow and available water at the supply Availability of number of pumps and their size Availability of hose at the desired size and height Evaluate highest operating pressure of the hose for calculating the flow and friction loss. Setting β†’

Capital market efficiency

Capital Market Efficiency al Affiliation: Capital Market Efficiency An efficient capital market plays a significant role in the financial management of the firm by providing the top-level managers with detailed and accurate information of the prices of the share. The reason is that the financial markets are able to respond to the new information that β†’

Mans right by ayn rand

Rights can be referred as the freedom of actions, beliefs, ideas, thoughts and choices in a moral society, a society where every person respects others freedom of action. In her next chapter Rand explains about the nature of the government, its importance and its duties to maintain individual rights in the society.

The shadow our future throws by al gore

The Shadow Our Future Throws - Al Gore The shadow our future throws is a chapter in Al-Gore's book, Earth in the balance: ecology and the human spirit. The chapter in which he elaborates the theories underlying the questions of globalism and capitalism are detailed in the essay, 'The Shadow our Future Throws'.


Of course, in this course, I was able to learn the basic concepts of the legal profession, and I plan to build on it as I major on international law soon. This is because I hope to contribute to solve some of the world's legal conflicts.

Equal access to computing technology

Digital divide may be defined as the gap between individuals, households, organizations and countries at different stages of socio- economic development with regard to their opportunities to access information and communication technologies and to their use of the Internet for a wide variety of activities. The problem of digital divide is greater for women than β†’

Applied ethics

Therefore, the phrase " the ends justify the means" depends on what is the outcome and the goal and the means used to achieve them. There are things to be considered when making a decision, for instance, what is the morality of the action, the morality of the individual performing an action and the morality β†’

Managing diversity and equality

Diversity and equality belongs to everyone and it is apparent from all of the reading that we have completed in this class that diversity is extremely important to the corporate world if they are going to continue to be a part of a global marketplace. Diversity in ideas is the most important thing an organization β†’

Individualism and collectivism

It is a philosophy which places the importance of the individual's will above that of the community, or rather than one does not have to place the wishes and desires of society or the community above one's own personal wishes or desires. This viewpoint is in direct contrast to collectivism, which states that the opposite β†’

College of business

How will the College of Business fit into your future goals Since the moment I started studying Business Administration and s related to it, Iabsolutely fell in love with it. Studying in a College of Business will provide me with the opportunity to learn as much as I can.

Target corporation in the news

The firm was determined to reimage its possessed brand portfolio in 2017 as well as offering more than one-of-a-kind products through initiating more than a dozen new exclusive commodities by the close of business in 2018.- Target Corporation is the firm which was selected for analysis.- The news material summarized is relevant to the coursework β†’

Organization and resource of the ball and of the dow chemical corporation

Recently the Dow Chemical Company has adopted the marketing campaign of " the human element". The Dow Chemical Company, 2008." Elements of Success" Corporate Report Retrieved from <

Theories of crime

According to this theory, the youth engage in crime and drug abuse because of disintegration of the society. F, & Maahs, J.R.

Civil war and reconstruction

In the North, there were efforts to limit the spread of slavery by abolishing it, while in the South, people wanted to maintain and expand the institution, hence making slavery a focal point of political crisis, in fact, during 1800-1860, the Southern economy built on " the backs of slaves". Therefore, the paper will focus β†’

Homework for chapter 6 and 7

Chapter 7 Question 1 E: The price of a stock is the present value of all expected future dividends, discounted at the dividend growth rate. 97% Actual Market Price, P0: 15 Rapid Growth Normal Growth Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 Dividend Growth Rate 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% Calculated Dividends 1 1.1 1.21 β†’

Why should we study rhetoric

Hence, as this essay will illustrate, rhetoric, as a means of communication, is a vital tool, which provides those who use it an effective and efficient means to persuade and be understood. The middle part of the speech, which is further subdivided into a narrative, a division, and proof and refutation, allows the speaker to β†’

Female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation/cutting is a fundamental violation of the rights of children and women as outlined in numerous international conventions, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. I would like to give the patient a lot of emotional support during β†’

Difference between reasonable suspicion and probable cause

Running header: THE RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED The rights of the accused: Understanding the right to trial, warrant requirements and the difference between reasonable suspicion and probable cause Fill in Your name here Class title here Instructors name here August 19, 2011 The rights of the accused: Understanding the right to trial, warrant requirements and β†’

Brazil and production of superstars

As strange as it may seem, a developing country like Brazil has produced some of best players in the last 25 years especially in the field of soccer and Formula 1. Look at some of the superstars from the world of sports today and you juts might be surprised at the percentage of them coming β†’

Research (research methods of sociology)

5% of the children under the age of 6 years are not insured.9. 2% of the Non-citizens are not insured respectively.

The odyssey

The initial section of the Odysseus description tackles the famous events of the Trojan warfare and it bears utmost awareness of the Greek force worriers. Therefore, the roles of women as being revealed in the book of Homer contributes to the notion that the book could have been written by a woman or group of β†’

World liturature. response paper to the odyssey

Your 23 February Response Paper to the Odyssey Composed by Homer around the eighth century BC, the Odyssey is a tale about Odysseus, a king who has successfully won the Trojan war, and who now seeks to find his way home but is delayed for one reason or another. The story ends by Odysseus successfully β†’

The characteristics of the man in jack londons to build a fire

The Characteristics of the Man in Jack London's " To Build a Fire" One of the most celebrated short stories in American literature, " To Build a Fire" by Jack London has been the product of the author's thriving experiences in the sub-polar area of Alaska. P 32 Peterson, Clell." The Theme of Jack β†’

Teaching of psychology

In the area of psychology, the teacher generally has to balance between his/her role of a psychologist and a teacher. The 'how of learning' becomes very important in the teaching of psychology.

Organizational engagment

Saks defined the former as an employee's sense of attachment to the organization, which is independent or separate from the role assigned by top management. The dynamics of engagement in work and family roles.

Providing care

Specifically, in this move the specific task is to integrate information technology in the health care system effectively and efficiently. Information technology has played a major role in the innovation of healthcare in the United States in an attempt to achieve clinical and cost-effectiveness.

Explaining how the provided questions have and/or helped one gain benefit from the study of scripture from the bo

Meditations on Chapter of Timothy In this letter to Timothy, the apostle Paul is writing to provide guidance to Timothy in his role as a leader of the Church at Ephesus. Paul's command to Timothy to " fight the good fight, keeping faith and a good conscience" is not just to Timothy alone, but to β†’

It in the workplace and how it affects work-life balance

Technology and the work-life balance". Web 24 Oct.2012. Squidoo." Why do people often find it so difficult to switch off after work?" The impact of technology on work life balance.

Accounting: publicly traded company to and analyze

Q2: What is the size of the company Chevron Corporation is one of the world's largest corporations. This is in comparison to the industry average of.

Criminal procedures

His statement to Officer Jones at the scene of the arrest, a motion based on asserted violations of his rights under the fourth amendment? In the case of Stein v.

Texas elections

Williamson County votes at a higher percentage of Republicans than Travis County, the statewide and national percentages. The trend between Williamson County and Travis County was Williamson County voted less for Freidman 11.

The avahan india aids initiative of bill & melinda gates

Initiatives by NGOs were encouraged and also implemented across the states. Leadership within sex workers was encouraged who served as peer educators to distribute condoms for practicing safe sex and also helped monitor the health related needs of the target population.

Art history

The video considers a variety of early 20th century artists that implemented African art techniques, and argues that it was these early Western artists that in great part shaped the way later Western artists would use and implement African sculpture. In these regards, one's attention is brought to the way that Western artists took the β†’

Eastman kodak

The facts provided in the case study suggest that the Kodak may not be on its way to achieve its overall objectives owing to the difficult external environment and the changes which were taking place in the industry. The higher level of adaptability by the consumers of digital imaging products therefore can offer new strategic β†’

Cross cultural marriages

Mike and his wife did not answer this question for they believe that they marry each other without thinking the consequences of it. In the case of Mike and his wife it is not a problem.

Swat & pest analysis

The general way of identifying the problems and proposed solutions is by analyzing the internal and external environment of the business to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by the company. Despite the strengths mentioned above, the main weakness faced by the company in the consideration of Hugh's option is the current workers.

Economic class

Douglass North organized the discussion on " why the united s economy developed" with the focus on issues of the expansion of income rather than its distribution and the social and political issues that such distribution gave rise to. North laid emphasis on the price system and the responses to it by individuals and fitting β†’

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Cells are divided into two ifications called prokaryotic and eukaryotic. The simplicity and specialization of the prokaryotic cells and the complexity of the multi-celled structure of the eukaryotic cells limit and allow for the unique functions of each classification.

The impact of divorce

Divorce In the present day, families are undergoing many problems, and among the major problems lies divorce. Nonetheless, divorce has transformed both the composition and the meaning of family.