Essay, 4 pages (1000 words)

Ololade haroun

OLOLADE HAROUN ED 121/ PROFESSOR WEISBURGER LAKE ARBOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 10205 LAKE ARBOR WAY, MITCHELLVILLE, MD 20721 (301) 808 – 5940 2. Introduction * Mrs. J’s classroom is just what you would expect a Pre-K classroom to look like: colourful! The walls are covered with pictures and posters. Some were bought and others, the students made. She has colourful decorations draped along the door and ceiling with signs saying ” Welcome to School.” There are 18 children between the ages off 2. 5 and 5 years in the class with 2 teachers. Both of the teachers have master’s degrees and the assistant teacher has been beaching for over 20 years. * I chose to use the running record because it enables me to record every action. That way, I won’t is anything and I can cut out what I don’t need. * The chair Mrs. J has designated for me to sit at is in the left hand corner of the room, facing the students. I am away from the children and maintain no contact with them. I do not assist the teacher with anything and I am never left alone with the children. NAEYC Standard 4a – Positive Relationships and Supportive Interactions 3. Teacher’s Characteristics * The head teacher, Mrs. J, is a Pre-K teacher. This year was her first year of teaching at this school and she has only been teaching for a couple of years. From my observations, I see the promise of being open to creating success for her students. I have observed her because of her willingness to learn from this process and the fact that she was in her first three years of teaching. She is constantly asking the assistant teacher, Mrs. S, questions being that she has more experience with the school and will teaching in general. * Example 1: The second day I was in the classroom observing, I noticed Mrs. J have a discussion with Mrs. S about her two evangelist language learning students. She has two cousins in her class that speak Vietnamese and no English. She had no problem expressing that she did not know how to jangle the situation and that she had never had a class with non-English speakers. * Example 2: Everyday before Mrs. J goes home, she does an evaluation of herself and asks Mrs. S to do one for her also. She cares about her performance as an educator and is willing to improve and grow. 4. Teacher’s Communication Skills * Both teachers, as I’ve observed, are personal with the students. They approach students and build a firmer relationship that exceeds the boundaries of academic learning. This fosters better communication between parents because the teachers have a better understanding of the students and students are more comfortable to approach teachers when they have a problem. They are always cheerful and very animated with the children. They listen to the children’s stories and even when it’s not related to the current topic, they never cut them off. * Example 1: Every morning when the kids arrive, the teachers always engage in a conversation with them and their parents. If its a Monday, these ask how their weekend was and what they did. They talk to the parents about their child reading at home and give books to the parents that don’t have time or means to get to a library. * Example 2: One morning, during circle time, the teacher was talking bout ” My Family, My Community.” It as the first day of the new theme. Mrs. J asked what stores they go to in their community and After a few others had answered, a little girl raised her hand and said ” Mrs. J, my daddy told me we gon get another dog when my baby brother get here.” Mrs. J let here finish and said ” That’s interesting” and ” So who else want to tell me the NAME of the stores in their community?” 5. Teacher’s Interaction and Play Skills * As I stated above, the teachers are very animated and engaged with the children. They don’t hesitate to get right in the middle of the children to interact with them. Often the teachers act as co-learners and co-investigators with the children. * Example 1: One day during circle time, the teacher plays a song that requires the children to act like the animals hat sounded. They flapped like birds, jumped like monkeys and when a lion’s roar sounded Mrs. J and all the children Dropped to the floor and crawled around. * Example 2: During centre time, there are 3 girls in math centre playing with large colourful beads. Mrs. S goes to sit with them and helps them make necklaces but teaching them to follow a colour pattern as they do so. 6. Teacher’s Interpersonal Skills * One things I’ve observed to be an appropriate interpersonal skill is constant change. The teachers are flexible, adaptable, and skilled at working with students, parents, and other colleagues. They show care and concern when needed; they are patient, and attentive. The only thing I’ve seen to be inappropriate is the fact that after talking with the parents, either in the morning or after school, I find that the teachers gossip about the parents and sometimes, their colleagues. Children can be very attentive, easily pick up nothings, and are quick to repeat things to teachers have to be careful or their words and actions around them. * Suggestion 1: Because it is vital to focus positive attention on children and interact frequently with them, I would suggest using check points in your lesson. Instead of just giving children an assignment and leaving them till the end, stop frequently to discuss and address any concerns or questions. * Suggestion 2: Because teaching staff should express warmth through tone of voice, among others, I would suggest that teachers should whisper. When children are loud and disruptive, instead on yelling for them to pay attention, whisper. This makes them attentive and curious about what it is you’re saying or what is about to happen.

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Ololade haroun." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/ololade-haroun/.

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AssignBuster. "Ololade haroun." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/ololade-haroun/.

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"Ololade haroun." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/ololade-haroun/.

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