Essay, 2 pages (300 words)

Nationalism in music assignment

Nationalistic music Is often characterized by pieces having elements of folksongs, folk dances, and folk rhythms. Or subjects for operas and symphonic poems which reflect the national life or history (The Oxford Dictionary of Music 2013). Nationalism in music should inspire people to celebrate the “ glorious history, cultural characteristics, and cherished values and virtues” of their own nations (G. Hubert 2012, p. L). However, “ Definitions of nationalism depend, of course, on definitions of the nation.

It is not likely that consensus will ever be reached on the precise meaning, since different definitions serve different Interests” (Tarsus’s 2013). Composers such as Jean Sublime, Antonio Dobra, and Vaughan Williams are examples of nationalistic composers (The Oxford Dictionary of Music 2013). As stated above, definitions of nationalism can vary to serve different interests. The sources often use different definitions from other sources. For example, Grove Online states that the most “ commonly accepted definition” (Tarsus’s 2013) is from the Harvard Dictionary of

Music, where “ the movement Is characterized as ‘ a reaction against the supremacy of German music’ (1 9691′. While researchers may argue on the precise definition of nationalism, they also discuss the Impacts of the composers and their pieces In their countries. Academic sites such as Grove Online and Oxford have an objective view on composers, their music and nationalism; Grove goes into great detail on many composers. Other sources, such as David G.

Hubert and Alexandra Cert.-Well’s Patriotism and Nationalism in Music Education claim that “ nationalism is generally received as a negative phenomenon”, and can be “ reduced to attainment of mere utilitarian goals, neglecting aesthetic values” (2012, p. 2). Other sources, like ‘ foolhardiness’s from listserv. Com, or sites like Talkback (20131 simply state who they think are the top composers who embody nationalism (2010). The sources vary from simple definitions to deep analysis, those who believe it has had a negative impact and those who believe it is a cause for celebration.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Nationalism in music assignment'. 8 January.


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AssignBuster. "Nationalism in music assignment." January 8, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/nationalism-in-music-assignment/.

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"Nationalism in music assignment." AssignBuster, 8 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/nationalism-in-music-assignment/.

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