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Movie summary: social network essay sample

The Social Network is framed by a typical boy-losses-girl-then-says-internally-I’ll-show-you!-then-becomes-important-though-never-forgets-the-girl kind of story. The boy is a Harvard undergrad, Mark Zuckerberg. He is the founder of Facebook. Most of the movie is set at Harvard. Harvard looks more excitingly foreboding than Hollywood here with all of its old-school and discreet power. The girl goes to a different university and we can’t quite remember her name. Because the movie is framed this way, the narrative tension and resolution rests on this simple arc and not on the other details of the complicated Facebook founding story. This is good news because it allows the Facebook story to be ever-complicated and truthfully unresolved while we still get the delicious full sandwich of a tidy story. The untidy part is up for interpretation. There are the Winkevosses – handsome, gentlemanly identical twin brothers. They are Harvard elites who are only a touch sinister. They seem to represent not only each other, but many of their kind that we can’t see. They believe that they have gotten their idea of a Harvard-only networking site swiped from under their noses by Mark Zuckerberg.

They probably have, but it’s hard to worry about them too much. Some of us are not accustomed to this much privilege and it seems more wondrous and strange than what they think they got cheated out of. After Mark Zuckerberg gets Facebook up and running, we’re happy for him when he becomes friends with Sean Parker (founder of Napster). We imagine that it feels great to find a colleague who is just as obsessed by the same kind of creation as he is. We imagine that they have a lot to talk about. In this movie, this is when Mark Zuckerberg looks happiest, though the creators seem to credit the excitement to cheap glamour more than creative interest. It is hard not to take pleasure here in a representation of the older generation’s frequent blindness over Internet matters, as though the kids are talking about a pretend world that doesn’t really matter.

The freedom of not being seen feels thrilling here. And it’s hard to get too upset with Mark Zuckerberg when he royally and legally cheats his best friend/ business partner, the sweetheart Eduardo Saverin, out of his fair share of the business. We’re not sure if this was one more move on top of a series of fights between the two friends, or if it was just a callous business decision. But we have known since the beginning of the movie that Mark Zuckerberg has always been a bit of a jerk, even when he was just a best friend that was a nobody. This last move should not have been too much of a surprise to Eduardo Saverin. We feel for anyone who has been unpleasantly suprised by a friend even when they shouldn’t have been surprised (Eduardo Saverin and Mark Zuckerberg included). It happens to the best of us – especially when we are young and patient and become friends with people who might not be such a good fit. Nevertheless, we have some optimism that these two may re-friend each other some day.

2. Determine who is the principal and the agent
-In this novel, The principal is Mark Zuckerberg and his agent is his bestfriend Eduardo Saverin because An arrangement in which Mark Zuckerberg entity legally appoints Eduardo Saverin to act on its behalf. In a principal-agent relationship, Eduardo Saverin acts on behalf of Mark Zuckerberg.

3. Distinguish the obligations of the principal and the agent -An arrangement in which one entity legally appoints another to act on its behalf. In a principal-agent relationship, the agent acts on behalf of the principal and should not have a conflict of interest in carrying out the act. Agent’s duties are to act on behalf of and be subject to the control of the principal, act within the scope of authority or power delegated by the principal, discharge his or her duties with appropriate care and diligence, avoid conflict between his or her personal interests and those of the principal, and promptly hand over to the principal all monies collected on principal’s behalf. The Principal’s duties include are to compensate the agent as agreed, and indemnify the agent against claims, liabilities and expenses incurred in discharging duties assigned by the principal. In this novel, An arrangement in which Mark Zuckerberg entity legally appoints Eduardo Saverin to act on its behalf. In a principal-agent relationship, Eduardo Saverin acts on behalf of Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg is the mastermind behind Facebook. after he was dumped by the girl he like because the girl said Mark is a doushbag and a freaky nerd.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Movie summary: social network essay sample'. 18 September.


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AssignBuster. 2022. "Movie summary: social network essay sample." September 18, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/movie-summary-social-network-essay-sample/.

1. AssignBuster. "Movie summary: social network essay sample." September 18, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/movie-summary-social-network-essay-sample/.


AssignBuster. "Movie summary: social network essay sample." September 18, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/movie-summary-social-network-essay-sample/.

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"Movie summary: social network essay sample." AssignBuster, 18 Sept. 2022, assignbuster.com/movie-summary-social-network-essay-sample/.

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