Essay, 2 pages (450 words)

Mhe514 module 5 case

Terrorism can and must be defeated. Societies which condone terrorism betray the fundamental tenets of democracy and the cause of freedom around the world. Terrorism can be dealt with in a very resolute manner. Terrorism prevails if Western governments refuse to take a series of serious pre-emptive actions to deal with it.
Although cloaked with persistence, the seeming overpowering strength of terrorism can be overturned. The multiple causes of poverty, exclusion, fanaticism to Islamic values and racial divide can foster the spread of terrorism among young people.
Terrorism is not an empty threat. There is a need to utilize very defensive responses to diminish new terror threats. The only effective response is a dynamic system that can assess and monitor the threat and our vulnerabilities and respond convincingly. The main aim to restore the sense of safety and security available to the public before the September 11 debates. There is a need to monitor potential hotbeds of terrorism. The ubiquitous and continuous, the persistent observation of terrorist locations, combined with precision interdiction of terrorist cells is important. There is a need to neutralize the threat.
The governments can invest in small gadgets that have a global positioning locator, sensor, communicator, and a computer. These devices can be distributed by the military to its different outposts throughout the country in order to give a comprehensive picture of enemy movements.
Government borders must be highly friendly to trade, yet opaque to enemy transmission of goods or personnel. The tricky action is how to increase the trade flow and legitimate visitors while diminishing the number of harmful gadgets and illegal visitors. The countries can invest in better gadgets and adopt a different way of looking at things – instead of a border, a zone. This global system will track the flow of goods, with cooperation from other friendly countries.
A smarter way to minimize damage from future terrorist attacks is to create a more durable defense infrastructure. For instance, damage-resistant systems present better defense, together with special systems that decrease damage, aid rescue personnel, and restore basic services. Rapid response teams are needed to help a badly hit area recover and sustain itself until more permanent facilities are established. The goal is to develop buildings that minimize losses in the face of attack, and are designed to counter threats. Finally, there is a need to unite the operations of security groups composed of law enforcement, public health, first responders, army commanders, local governments, and private citizens.
Gareau, Frederick. (2004). State Terrorism and the United States: From Counterinsurgency to the War on Terrorism. Atlanta: Clarity Press.
Simon, J (n. d.) The Global Terrorist ThreatRetrieved May 27, 2007 from http://www. futureterrorists. com/pdf/phi-kappa-phi-forum. pdf

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