This marketing plan has been prepared for Wal Mart Stores, Inc. in order to provide a thorough overview of the firm, a short description of the firm, and a discussion of the key issues that the firm is currently facing. This firm was chosen as the focus of this marketing plan because of the pivotal role that Wal Mart is currently playing in the economy, politics and society of the United States.
Purpose of the FirmWal Mart is a seller of retail goods, both through its Wal Mart discount department stores, and also through its network of Sam’s Club Warehouses, which make bulk merchandise available directly to the consumer at wholesale prices. Starting out with one small store over 30 years ago, Wal Mart has grown to become America’s largest retail store chain (Wal Mart Corporation, 2006). Critical Issues for the FirmAs this plan was introduced, it was indicated that Wal Mart currently plays a pivotal role in the American economy, political system, and society itself. This is shown in the critical issues that the firm is currently facing.
Economically, Wal Mart finds itself losing market share at the hands of other huge retailers such as Kmart, and the demise of Wal Mart could lead to the loss of hundreds of thousands of American jobs. Politically, Wal Mart is in the center of the American immigration controversy due to the discovery of thousands of illegal immigrants being employed in Wal Mart stores. In terms of Wal Mart’s societal issues, critics of the firm claim that Wal Mart proliferates poverty for its employees through artificially low wages and inadequate medical insurance and other benefits.