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Making homemade ice cream essay example

According to Blake (1), when a person makes their own ice-cream they combine fresh, rich ingredients with add-ins and flavorings of their choice, for a mouth-watering experience. The ingredients needed are: a half a cup of milk-any type, one tablespoon of sugar, a lot of ice, rock salt and a quarter teaspoon of chocolate syrup or vanilla extract and rock salt. There are many methods of preparing ice cream, this include; the freezer bag method, the Pot-freezer method, the Freezer method, the Coffee can method and the Ball method (Foxnews 1).
Freezer bag method is suitable for making individual portions of ice cream which is to be consumed immediately after making. The first step is to pour in the flavoring, sugar and milk inside a quart sized bag. Get ice of approximately two quarts and crush them. After crushing, place them with rock salt, in a gallon sized bag. Close up the quart-sized bag. Then, place the quart-sized bag and the ingredients in the gallon sized bag. It is very important to make certain the bags stay sealed. A person should be very careful and ensure that the contents do not mix. If the bags do not seal satisfactorily, fasten the top of the two bags so as to make sure they do not open during the shaking. Lightly stir up, rub, and shake the bags about sixteen to twenty minutes. At this time, the contents inside the quart bag should begin to change into frozen ice cream. It’s very important to continue mixing the contents inside the inner bag. However, one should not be so aggressive to prevent the inner bag from bursting. However, double-bagging can be used to prevent the bursting. The hands might get disturbingly cold; one is allowed to use an old T-shirt a towel when holding the bags while massaging them, since, the bags will be somewhat cold and may become slippery due to the accumulated condensation. If one is not able to get a towel or any similar cloth, one can consider wearing gloves or massaging whilst holding the top of the seal. Take out the ice cream from inside the sandwich bag. You can now serve (Foxnews 1).
The Freezer method works well with a recipe, which is custard based, and incorporates eggs; this is because the product will be much smoother. This method may perhaps not be the most instantly gratifying for children, since, it involves waiting for a while. You start by emptying the ice cream mixture inside a deep baking bowl or dish. The dish or bowl can be made of stainless steel, plastic or something that is long-lasting in the freezer. Put the mixture in the freezer for about thirty minutes. Always keep checking the mixture. When the ice-cream mixture begins to freeze at the rims, take it out from the freezer. Vigorously, stir the mixture with a spatula, a hand-held mixer or a whisk, until you break the ice crystals. Keep checking and stirring every thirty minutes to see if the mixture has changed to ice cream. This may take two to three hours. Serve (Blake 1).
Pot-Freezer Method shows how ice cream was usually made, using ice cut from ponds and lakes, before the modern refrigeration. It is a more traditional way of making homemade ice creams. Start by emptying the ice cream mix in a bowl. Fill a tub with ice and salt and then place the bowl in the tub making sure that the salt mixture and the ice does not spill into the bowl or over the edges. Vigorously, mix the ingredients inside the bowl using a whisk or even a hand-held mixer. The ice water, which is now salty, will suck up heat from the mixture, thus, bringing the heat lower than the water’s freezing point, thus, changing it into ice cream. Do not let ice crystals form, thus, mix thoroughly the mixture Take out the ice cream from inside the bowl. You can now serve.
Coffee can method is very alike to the freezer bag method, but, instead of utilizing two bags, you utilize two coffee cans (Blake 2). One of the coffee cans should be bigger than the other. First, empty the ice cream concoction in the small coffee can and seal the can tightly. Place the small coffee can inside the bigger coffee can together with rock salt and ice. Tightly close the large can. Vigorously, shake the larger can for about ten minutes. You can let the children roll, shake or throw it around, although it is crucial to ensure that the cans are sealed tightly and well. You can check to verify if the mixture has changed into ice cream. If the ice crystals have started to form, begin to stir the mixture. Keep on shaking, throwing or rolling the mixture until ice cream is completely formed. Serve.
When applying the Ball method, you start by filing the ice end with ice and half a cup of rock salt and then seal by using your hand. The normal ice cubes might not fit, thus, the ice needs to be crushed. Empty the ice cream mixture inside the ice end using a metal cylinder. Leave about an inch of two and a half centimeters for expansion, at the top. Seal using your hand. Shake and roll the ball around for ten to fifteen minutes. The ball may perhaps be heavier than you had expected. The ball usually comes with a plastic wrench. Use the wrench to open the ice cream end. Rub the cylinder sides using a wooden or plastic spoon. Do not use metal because it will damage the cylinder. Seal the lid by hand. The chamber is deep and narrow, and this may pose some difficulties when stirring the ice cream. Always continue checking the ice end. Then, open the lid using the plastic wrench, and empty out any water. Add more ice together with a third a cup of rock salt. Seal the lid by hand. Start shaking, spinning and passing the ball for about five to ten minutes. Serve (Blake 2).

Works Cited

Blake, Stephen. How to Make Homemade Ice Cream. PickYourOwn. org, 20 June 2010. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.
Foxnews. Three ways to make homemade ice cream. Fox News, 30 April 2012. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

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"Making homemade ice cream essay example." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/making-homemade-ice-cream-essay-example/.

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