Essay, 4 pages (900 words)

Major league baseball player essay

Were Troy’s actions towards his family acceptable because of what happened to him in the past? After reading August Willow’s play Fences, It becomes pretty obvious that Troy Manson, the main character, cannot over come his past. A past that is not only constantly affecting him, but also the way he behaves towards each member of his family. In my opinion, most of Troy’s actions are Just a representation of what he lived in the past and how hard he was treated by life. First, in order to understand our main character’s behavior we must analyze his past. Troy’s childhood wasn’t necessarily what he expected from life. He was not only exposed to a hard way of living due to slavery, but also he was part of a period of time where most African Americans were constantly segregated. However, what truly marked him as a kid was the way he felt towards his father; a person that seemed not to care anything about him or his brothers, ” Sometimes I wish I hadn’t known my daddy.

.. A kid to him wasn’t anything.

All he wanted was for you to learn how to walk so he could start you working… The only thing my daddy cared about was getting bales of cotton” (Wilson 1859).

Even though Troy clearly states that his father wasn’t what he expected to be, our main character still shows respect and love for him, “ I’ll say this for him… He felt a responsibility towards us. Maybe he anti treated us the way I felt he should have… But without that responsibility he could have walked off and left us” (Wilson 1859).

In addition to the disappointment of Troy’s father, another event in Troy’s adult life also took a toll on him. Troy’s most valuable dream of becoming a Major League baseball player would never become true. His perspective was that his color and not playing so good was what would stop him from achieving what he considered fair, “ Don’t come telling me I was too old. I Just wasn’t the right color.

Hell, I am fifty-three years old and can do better than Selkirk . 269 right now! ” (Wilson 1854). In fact, this event would make Troy believe that he couldn’t count in anybody else but him. Also he started to feel pessimistic towards life and what’s based on, “ l made mine.

Anti nobody going to hold his hand when he get out there in that world” (Wilson 1854). Secondly, after analyzing Troy’s past now we must review what is going on in his present life. To begin with, Troy’s actions towards both of his kids are Just a consequence of what he experienced in his early years. Not only does he not show interest for what’s going in their lives, but also there is no parental relationship established, ” You can’t change me, pop. I’m thirty- four years old. If you wanted to change me, you should have been there when I was growing up. I come by to see you..

. Ask for ten dollars and you want to talk about how I was raised. You don’t know anything about how I was raised.

” (Wilson 1844). Furthermore, it seems that Troy is emulating his father’s behavior by letting Cord know that all what he is doing for them is because he has a responsibility and not because he likes them, “ Like you? I go out of here every morning… Bust my butt.

.. Outing up with them crackers every day… Cause I like you? You about the biggest fool I ever saw.

It’s my Job. It’s my responsibility! You understand that? A man got to take care of his family’ (Wilson 1854). Ironically this is how Troy felt towards his dad. Also, Troy’s unsuccessful experience of becoming a Major League baseball player plays an important role in the way he treats his youngest kid.

When Cord tells Troy about the opportunity of being recruited to play college baseball, our main character, seems to remember what he experience and the decision he made seventeen years ago, “ l don’t want hi to be like me! I want him to move as far away from my life as he can get… But I don’t wish him a thing else from my life. I decided seventeen years ago that boy wasn’t getting involved in any sports. Not after what they did to me in sports” (Wilson 1854). Even though Troy is trying to protect Cord, he hasn’t realized that this may be Cowry’s best chance to become somebody. At this point we clearly observe that Troy’s past plays a key role in every decision he makes towards what’s best for his family.

Last but not least, Troy’s affair with Alberta was also rooted in his past. For many years, Troy felt living a life that he didn’t want to. However, he had to face it Just like his father did, “ It’s Just… She gives me a different idea.

.. A different understanding about my self…I can Just be a part of myself that I anti never been” (Wilson 1868).

After explaining what he felt to Rose, Troy recognizes for the first time that all the things h has been dealing with through out his life has affected the way he behaves and acts. In conclusion, after analyzing Troy’s past and present. I believe that Troy’s actions towards his family were acceptable because of what happened to him in the past. AY the traumatic events he had to deal with since he was a little kid finally brought uniqueness to his life and the persons that surrounded him.

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"Major league baseball player essay." AssignBuster, 9 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/major-league-baseball-player-essay/.

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