Essay, 4 pages (850 words)

Lord of the flies - leadership

LORD OF THE FLIES The ideas of Leadership and human nature can best be related to an up and coming Hollywood star. They start out all innocent but the fame, fortune, and power catch up with them. It changes them, having people look up to you and knowing that they will follow everything they do allows you to understand the power that you have. They can end up going out of control and it will change them for the worst. The ability to have this kind of power, for Jack, turns him into being obsessive with being the leader of the tribe. When he does not win it makes him really jealous of Ralph. He makes everyone turn on Ralph to become the unofficial leader. The power drives him crazy and starts to beat on kids on the island for no apparent reason, it even escalades to killing them. It is human nature to have the desire for power, to lead other people, and control them, even though we don’t try to the greed can overpower us to do the wrong choices. The human nature of wanting power can come for several different reasons such as competition to be the leader of the tribe, having too much desire to be a leader, and when you are neglected by the others. A major reason there was greed to have power, in Lord of the Flies, is because there was competition in who would be it. Jack thought he was a shoe-in to be leader since he had the choir to back him up. Instead, Ralph was chosen over Jack. Jack was extremely angry that he lost and believed he deserved to be the leader. It was even embarassing to him because Ralph, who beat him out for being the leader, wasn’t even interested in winning. Jack became obsessed in having power over the tribe that he was ready to go great lengths to get what he wanted. He made some boys on the island feel like outsiders in order to get the tribe on his side. This is an example why competition is a main reason why there was a greed to have power. A large factor in Lord of the Flies, especially in Jack, is to have too much desire to be leader. When Jack used to live back in England he went to boarding school. In those days boarding schools were not the greatest places. He had boundaries on where he could go, what he could do and who he could talk too. Virtually, everyday of his life is scheduled. Once getting on this island he was free, he was free to do whatever he wanted. Because he was being confined to such a boring and routine life he wanted more than freedom. He wanted to control the freedom of others, he wanted to be leader. In his mind he was trying to prove he was responsible and could handle it, but what he did was plain cruelty and evil. You get a big impression that Jack never wants to leave this island. This is showing you that Jack you that Jack is one of the first to lose contact with civilization, its human nature to want power but he is going mad. A major key for Ralph to have power is because he was starting to get neglected by the others. At first Ralph wasn’t to fond in being chosen to be leader but knew he had some ideas on how they could get off the island. At first everyone listened to him and they were all excited to work. Then they wanted to hunt Ralph was okay with this because they could use some meat. This was a huge mistake, all they wanted to do was hunt. Ralph held assemblies to get them under control because no one was building shelters or working on the fire, they had lost all discipline The hunters were not happy what Ralph was telling him. The hunters were starting to favor the leader of the hunters Jack, because what he was telling seemed to be much more appealing to them. Jack then saw his chance to become the leader they were all frusterated at Ralph so the hunters all got together and moved out to a secluded part of the island. Those who were left behind, including Jack, were left with next to nothing. Ralph finally realized he was the lows of the lows, he was at Piggy’s level. This made him want some recognition to get back the status he once had so he joined Ralph. Once again its human nature that if you can’t beat them you join them. Ralph joined the group knowing it was wrong and through joining even lost contact with civilization. He want the power he once had as lesder but becomes a savage through it. Leadership, human nature and the effects it has is shown throughout the novel Lord Of The Flies. How much control we have over our human can make a big difference on our personality and how we react to different confrontations. The chance of having power will come at different times in our life we must choose the time we take them.

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Lord of the flies - leadership." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/lord-of-the-flies-leadership/.

1. AssignBuster. "Lord of the flies - leadership." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/lord-of-the-flies-leadership/.


AssignBuster. "Lord of the flies - leadership." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/lord-of-the-flies-leadership/.

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"Lord of the flies - leadership." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/lord-of-the-flies-leadership/.

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