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Library assignment

Library Assignment Scholarly Journal Windley, S., (2008). Genetically modified foods. This article comes from a scholarly journal called Genetically Modified Foods and it explains what genetically modified foods are and what effects they have in our bodies. A genetically modified food is the change of the foods original DNA structure. One of the many purposes of GMO’s is for the resistance against herbicides used in the fields. According to the article, a big concern about GMO’s is the lack of published human studies. Along with Dr. Steve Windley, and his professional colleagues they came to the conclusion that there is no sufficient evidence to prove what will happen in the long-term. There is some evidence though, that proves it leads to more allergies. It has been showed that a person that was not allergic to the wild soy plant was allergic to the GMO soy. Dr. Steve Windley and his colleagues gave us a basic understanding of genetically modified foods. This article by Dr. Steve Windley will be a helpful source to include in my speech, because it explains what genetically modified foods are and some effects it has in our bodies. The supporting material of this article is clear because he and his fellow colleagues are professional physicians. They make their point but, leaving us a little in doubt since they provide questions that cannot be answered. Although they do provide other supporting evidence to back up what they are saying. For example, the evidence they used about GMO’s leading to more allergies. This source is verifiable, because the sources Dr. Steve Windley used is factual evidence with proper citation. The material is also competent due to the fact that Dr. Windleys is a professional in his subject. The supporting detail is also relevant because it is Dr. Windleys professional opinion supported with facts about genetically modified foods, which is one of my main points. Newspaper Hsu, T. (2013). Whole Foods to require labels on genetically modified products. Los Angeles Times. This newspaper article comes from the Los Angeles Times newspaper and is written by Tiffany Hsu, who wrote about the mandatory labeling of genetically modified ingredients at Whole Foods Market Inc. Tiffany writes about a major upscale market that supplies healthy and organic foods, who by 2018 will require labels on genetically modified products due to customer demand. According to the grocery industry contends that genetically modified foods provide the same nutrition as organic fruit, vegetables and grains. Concerns about genetically modified food, is a fairly new phenomenon and is often drenched in complicated science. This newspaper article would somewhat help my speech because it supports one of my main point about some markets that will require GMO’s to include labels indicating that they are GMO’s. The material of this article is somewhat clear about requiring labels on GMO’s. The material is very fiable because it is in print in the Los Angeles Times newspaper of March 8th, 2013. The source is objective because it provides factual evidence. The support material is very relevant, because it confirms one of my main points about the requirement of labels of GMO’s. Magazine Gates, B. (2000). Will Frankenfood feed the world?. Time Magazine. The magazine article titled “ Will Frankenfood feed the world? ” in the magazine Time discusses the problems with genetically modified foods. Author Bill Gates explains about feeding the world’s population, and discussing the problem with distributing GMO seeds. Gates then says that poverty plays a strong role in being able to obtain GMO seeds. He then goes off in saying that by making GMO’s crops available will not reduce hunger because farmers will have no money to purchase the seeds. The last part of Gates article ends with a question that makes you stop and think. This source will be helpful to include in my speech because it is sliding with my statement that GMO’s are a good alternative to stopping world hunger and the waste of damaged crops. This article is clear and easily understandable. Since the article was published in 2000, it is somewhat verifiable. The material is competent because the writer Bill Gates credentials includes being a chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft. His article was also printed in a magazine Time. The supporting material is relevant as I mentioned before, it supports my statement that the GMO’s are a good alternative to stopping world hunger and waste of damaged goods. Website Heit, J. (2013). Genetically engineered foods. Medline Plus. Retrieved from http:// http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002432. htm According to Medline Plus, genetic engineering can be done with plants, animals, and microorganisms. Some potential benefits from GMO’s are: tastier food, more nutritious food, faster growing plants and animals among other things. The website also states that some potential risks of GMO’s are that the modified plant or animal may have generic changes that are unexpected and harmful. Although genetically engineered foods are generally regarded as safe, there is no adequate testing to ensure complete safety. In final analysis, GMO’s have not had had reports of illness or injury for now. This website would somewhat help my speech because it explains what GMO’s are. However, almost everything included in this website was included in the scholarly journal. It was a good reliable source but a closely resembled one to the scholarly journal. This source, does give a clear material about what GMO’s are. The content is also verifiable because it is published on the website, and can be easily traced back by accessing the Medline Plus website. This material is competent because Medline Plus is a well-known accredited website by American Accreditation HealthCare Commission. Website Mellon, M. (2003) Environmental effects of genetically modified food crops–recent experiences. Retrieved from: http://www. ucsusa. org/food_and_agriculture/our-failing-food-system/genetic-engineering/environmental-effects-of. html This website talks about the environmental effects of genetically modified food crops. The website ucsusa. org talk about the environmental success and failures of GMO’s among other relevant things. According to the website, a “ discussed in the 1996 UCS-authored report, The Ecological Risks of Engineered Crops, genetically modified crops pose six kinds of potential risks. 19 First, the engineered crops themselves could become weeds, a broad term that covers plants with undesirable effects. ” That was one of the six potential risks. Not only does the website talk about the environmental effects but also about the U. S approach to GMO’s, GMO’s in the U. S market and human health issues. I do believe that this website will come to good use in my informative speech because it can be used as exampled outline. I can talk about some things the website talked about. the source is clear and it does help my ideas in my speech by supporting the environmental effects of GMO’s. the material is competent because it comes from an organization website and its writer has a Ph. D and a J. D along with being a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists. The supporting material is relevant because provides facts of how GMO’s have affected the environment.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Library assignment'. 13 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Library assignment." November 13, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/library-assignment/.

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AssignBuster. "Library assignment." November 13, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/library-assignment/.

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"Library assignment." AssignBuster, 13 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/library-assignment/.

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