Essay, 3 pages (600 words)

Leadership theory

Starbucks Coffee Company Introduction Starbucks Coffee Company is a renowned organization in the world which substantially has become popular in its industry due to its competitive advantage. The company does not only top in the competition because of its good market share in the industry but most particularly because of its application of certain strategic leadership principle, which is the main subject discussed in this paper.
People skills
Howard Schultz, the founder of Starbucks Coffee empire, originally would spot leadership talent in his organization by looking at people skills (Williams & Denney 2010). This means that Schultz had a preconceived idea that in the nature of his business, those people with the opportunity to lead others in their organization should have got people skills in order to become effective leaders. In its broader sense, Schultz was combining the basic principles of leadership from the point of view of trait and behavioral theories. The very proof is the thought that this can also be explained using the contingency point of view of leadership particularly the Fiedler model which particularly highlights the match between the leader’s style of interacting with subordinates on certain situation in order to achieve high group performance (Arrmandi, Oppedisano & Sherman 2003). This may also fall on implicit theories of leadership where there is emphasis on mental models that substantially includes the combined idea of traits and behaviors of a person (Schyns 2006).
Starbucks’s nature of business requires effective group performance, which can only be obtained if there is a leader who according to Schultz has the potential for people skills. At Starbucks, it is about combination of different talents or skills in order to come up with product or service offerings that would place high value for customers. It requires manager in this case who is a leader that at some point could influence the people to maximize their creativity or potential to do well in performing their respective role in the organization. This must be achieved not because of the power of that manager to hire or fire people, but because of his or her people skills that would influence the subordinates. A strong will and loud voice may be integral parts of a boss, but an effective leader requires people skills (Williams & Denney 2010).
Modern organizations applied the concept of team-based principle, where leaders’ leadership is assumed to be assigned (Appelbaum, Audet & Miller 2003). In fact, this is another reality at Starbucks. Leadership is assigned to those with excellent people skills. The search for good leaders based on certain standards remarkably is implied integral part of the organization’s strategic leadership principle.
The available theories and principles of leadership when combined or studied together create substantial information that could eventually explain an organization’s prevailing strategic leadership principle. This can be applied in the case of Starbucks which strongly adhered to finding the best talents and skills for its business through finding for effective leader with people skills. The idea about people skills encompasses various leadership theories especially when one has to look at it from the context of Starbucks Coffee Company.
Appelbaum, S. H., Audet, L., & Miller, J. C. (2003). Gender and leadership? Leadership and gender? A journey through the landscape of theories. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 24, 43-51. Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://proquest. umi. com
Armandi, B., J. Oppedisano, and H. Sherman. (2003). Leadership theory and practice: A ” case” in point. Management Decision, 41, 1076-1088. Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://proquest. umi. com
Schyns, B. (2006). The role of implicit leadership theories in the performance appraisals and promotion recommendations of leaders. Equal Opportunities International, 25, 188-99. Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://proquest. umi. com
Williams, P. & Denney, J. (2010). The Leadership Wisdom of Solomon: 28 Essential Strategies for Leading with Integrity. Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing.

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AssignBuster. "Leadership theory." October 21, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/leadership-theory-essay-samples/.

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"Leadership theory." AssignBuster, 21 Oct. 2022, assignbuster.com/leadership-theory-essay-samples/.

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