Term Paper, 4 pages (850 words)

Leadership and management term paper examples

Leadership and Management

Question 1

Leadership refers to the process by which an individual influences other individuals to complete given objectives and directs an organization in an effective, cohesive and coherent manner. It involves the application of the individual’s knowledge, skills and abilities in ensuring that the objectives are efficiently carried out (Northouse, 2007). Additionally, leadership requires the ability of convincing others (followers or employees) positively to efficiently in carrying out these objectives. Therefore, proper leadership is instrumental in successful organizations, businesses and institutions.

The main function of leadership in an organization is to impact on organizational effectiveness (O’Reilly, Caldwell, Chatman, Lapiz, & Self, 2010). Organizational effectiveness is the backbone of being successful. Success is not only measured in terms or revenue generation, but also through the effectiveness of the organization. It becomes the main mandate of leadership to ensure that an organization remains effective, relevant and achieves its required goals. This is done by acquiring quality leadership skills that enable an individual to influence others positively into achieving these goals. Leadership, therefore, entails the ability of influencing others through effective and positive communication, leading by examples and making crucial decisions that are vital to the organization. Additionally, it is the duty of leadership that the right criteria are followed in the allocation of resources in an organization, as well as role modeling, teaching and coaching the followers. It is imperative that leadership has the duty of recruiting, promoting and reacting to crucial incidents within the organization. To this end, it can be said that leadership is the driving force towards an organization’s effectiveness.

Question 2

As a leader, my main responsibility in the organization would be decision making. I would adopt a leadership style that enables me to make crucial decisions, which suits the best interest of the whole organization and not a few. Therefore, I would adopt collective/participative style of leadership where members of the organization are drawn in decision making. This method would be crucial in bringing various perspectives of the given situation. The members would be encouraged to participate in decision making by giving out their ideas, knowledge, perception and information in relation to the decision.

My decision making style will be influenced by past experiences, cognitive biases and escalation of commitments. Past experiences influence my way of making decisions in future, which is making collective decision as it bring a whole range of different and creative ideas to choose from when making decisions. Differently, making a decision based on cognitive biases is influenced by prior knowledge of a given situation, as well as relying on the credibility of observed situation. Lastly, making decisions will depend on escalation of commitment with regards to having invested time and resources in reaching that given decision or situation.

Contingency leadership concentrates on the effectiveness a leader based on an individual’s style of leadership and the situation that he or she favors. On the other hand, situational leadership concentrates on the use of a leader’s skills and natural abilities to make decisions and lead in a given situation. The differences between the two styles are influenced by the fact that situational depends on the present situation whereas contingency relies on the attitudes and behaviorism of the leader (Malby, 2007).

Question 3

I would convince the VP by forecasting and examining the future by coming up with a concrete plan of action. This would be crucial in showing my abilities and elements of strategy. I would explain the importance of the plan in an organization, as well as portraying my abilities to plan by coming up with a convincing future action and plans. It would be crucial to acknowledge the importance of planning as the platform by which a successful organization comes to exist. Having a viable planning ability would be crucial in managing the organization or the department properly.

It would be crucial to show my organizing capabilities by coming up with a structure, both human and material of a given situation. It would be crucial to convince the VP that organizing is crucial because it is the preparation step before one move to the execution level. My organizing abilities would be shown by preparing the steps that are to be followed in executing a plan. Without concrete organization ability, the plan is likely to fail as there will be no guidelines to be followed in executing the plan.

I would convince the VP of my ability to control ensuring that everything occurs in conformity with the plan and follows the given rules. Controlling abilities would be crucial in ensuring that the organization’s mission is followed, as well as the core business structures. I would express my ability to accurately and properly communicate the organization’s culture as it is the backbone of a proper control. Additionally, I would express my ability to influence other through binding together different individuals. Similarly, expressing the ability to harmonize and unify the activities and efforts of the organization are crucial in portraying the ability to positively influence others.


Malby, B. (2007). How does leadership make difference to organizational culture and
effectiveness? Retrieved on 25th October, 2012 from
http://www. cihm. leeds. ac. uk/document_downloads/new_nla_paper_leadership_and_cult
re__2_. pdf
Northouse, G. (2007). Leadership theory and practice (3rd Ed.). London, Thousand Oak.
O’Reilly, C., Caldwell, D., Chatman, J., Lapiz, M. & Self, W. (2010). How leadership matters:
The effects of leaders’ alignment on strategy implementation. The Leadership Quarterly,
21, 104–113.

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"Leadership and management term paper examples." AssignBuster, 9 Feb. 2022, assignbuster.com/leadership-and-management-term-paper-examples/.

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