Essay, 2 pages (500 words)

Jesus and gospels

Jesus and the Gospels There is no known of the Gospel of Mark, but many experts believe that Mark the Evangelist, otherwise known as John Mark, wrote the book between 60 and 70 AD. The book provides a canonical account of the life of Jesus and is one of the synoptic gospels. The purpose is to provide a narration of Jesus time on earth and his ascent to heaven.
The Gospel of Matthew does not have an official author, but many people believe that the disciple Matthew wrote the book. The book was written somewhere between 80 and 90 AD. The book relied upon many other sources of information, one of which was the book of Mark.
2. Jesus used parables to teach his disciples and anyone who wanted to listen because it was the easiest form to talk about theological aspects. The Jews were simple people and enjoyed listening to stories. The parables that Jesus used were supposed to show that He could connect with the world and understood its problems. Many of the parables that Jesus used were culturally relevant for the Jews at that time and so they had a better time understanding them.
3. Before Jesus was born, many Jews wanted the Messiah to come as a military strongman and free them from the Romans, who controlled Israel at that time. Many Jews despised the Romans because they were required to pay taxes to the Caesar. The Jews worshipped at Synagogues on every Saturday. It was here that Jesus first was able to speak to Jews about the reasons why he had come and what he needed to do. The Jewish people were crying out for a savior because the economy was not favorable for Jews and it was dominated by Roman rule.
4. For the immediate years after the death and resurrection of Jesus, His story was passed down through oral tradition. Mark was the first book to be written, around 60 to 70 AD, while Matthew and Luke were written partly based of this book twenty to thirty years later. All of these books were written in Greek. The book of John was written in the late first century and took Lukes Gospel as inspiration. The reason why the first three are called the Synoptic Gospels is because they have much of the same information but told from a different point of view. Unlike John, the Synoptic Gospels include stories from first-hand witnesses.
5. Jesus concept of the Kingdom of God was that it was open to anyone who chose to receive Him. Jesus used many parables to portray the Kingdom of God, including one that said how hard it would be to enter the Kingdom. Although Jesus encouraged good works, He proclaimed that no one could come to the Father except through Him. All it takes to enter the Kingdom is to ask for forgiveness of ones sins and accept Jesus as Lord. Once a person accepts Him, their life will be changed forever and the Holy Spirit will dwell in them.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Jesus and gospels'. 20 January.


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AssignBuster. 2022. "Jesus and gospels." January 20, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/jesus-and-gospels/.

1. AssignBuster. "Jesus and gospels." January 20, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/jesus-and-gospels/.


AssignBuster. "Jesus and gospels." January 20, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/jesus-and-gospels/.

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"Jesus and gospels." AssignBuster, 20 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/jesus-and-gospels/.

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