Essay, 5 pages (1100 words)

It system description and specifications essay

Having undertaken the first two stages of the SDLC theoretical account as outlined above, viz. ( 1 ) Undertaking planning and choice ; and ( 2 ) Systems analysis, we are suggesting the development and execution of a Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) system. To maintain the execution undertaking within budget and clip bounds and to cut down execution hazard, we are urging that Red Cross follow out-of-the-box CRM functionality with minimised customisation. A By understating customisation we hope to increase manageableness of care and lower hereafter investing in upgrades. A This attack will besides demo consequences rapidly and derive user buy-in amongst the corporate partnership squad, even for those members of the squad that may non be computing machine understanding or seem unhappy to portion information or ca n’t see the benefits of the CRM package ( Agnew, 2000 ) . It is envisaged that the CRM system will supply a centralized depository for the sophisticated gaining control and leverage of all information related to bing and prospective corporate spouses and protagonists. The new CRM system will give Red Cross a stable and customised platform for protagonist penetrations and unfastened new possibilities for external communications, gross coevals and relationship development. The CRM will furthermore give Red Cross better control over its communications, taking to decrease giver weariness and annoyance, whilst placing the most effectual development waies for protagonists.

We recommend that the new CRM system have two primary constituents: operational CRM and analytic CRM. Operational CRM supports traditional transactional procedure for daily front office operations or systems that deal straight with protagonists ( Haag et al, 2008 ) . Analytic CRM supports back office operations and strategic analysis and includes all systems that do n’t cover straight with protagonists. Analytic CRM provides analytic applications to assist predict, graduated table and optimise protagonist relationships ( Xu, 2005 ) . The new system will enable changing types of analysis, aimed at maximizing protagonist chances and relationships: Customer Analytics: Provides a better position of client behavior, measuring client values and profile to make a comprehensive apprehension of givers Service Analytics: A Enhances the service which answers all inquiries sing givers or corporate spouses ‘ satisfaction Channel Analytics: Analyses protagonists ‘ behavior and preferable channels of communicating ( e. g. telephone, web, personal interaction, etc ) . The new system will enable our web site with a characteristic of ‘ click-to-talk ‘ .

This will let to protagonists to snap and speak with Red Cross ‘ s corporate partnership squad. A We further urge that the new system offers a comprehensive, modern and user friendly solution for the corporate partnership squad, and that a comprehensive IT administration model be implemented to make concern regulations around how the corporate partnership squad ‘ s information is kept, shared and used. Such a model should stipulate “ determination rights and answerabilities for of import IT determinations ” ( Weill, 2004, Introduction ) and “ organize the policy foundations needed to transform information from a concern liability into an plus ” ( Council for Information Advantage, 2010, p. 8 ) .

Red Cross needs to maintain elaborate records of bing and prospective protagonists, carry out a scope of studies, maximise revenue enhancement efficient giving, execute administrative undertakings, send statements and other communications, nexus to its back terminal fiscal systems, manage contact histories, facilitate and track its protagonist stewardship and cultivation schemes and track fiscal and non-financial parts. The proposed CRM system will carry through all of these standards, and will be to the full integrated with the Microsoft Office suite of merchandises, including Excel and Outlook. The proposed system will hold no infinite restrictions on electronic mail and phone figure Fieldss. In acknowledgment of the fact that many of Red Cross ‘ s protagonists want to pass on through digital channels, such as web or VOIP, the newA system will track this information and alarm the corporate partnership squad consequently. In instances of natural catastrophes where Red Cross launches Disaster Appeals, the new system will direct SMSs to protagonists alarming them of chances for engagement.

The system will hold the capacity to bring forth regular studies as required by the corporate partnership squad and finance squad. Analysis tools will analyze protagonist tendencies and thereby assist to inform farther strategic development. Good relationships with protagonists are an of import factor for success in corporate fundraising, and the new system will consequently enter all protagonist interactions and make a 360-degree position of every protagonist. This will enable Red Cross to aim givers based on past relationships. The new system will besides alarm the corporate partnership squad of major contributions so as to enable a individualized response to high value protagonists. There are three stages of CRM development, including coverage, analysis and predicting. Reporting engineering identifies Red Cross ‘ s clients across other applications.

Analysis engineering will assist Red Cross to section its clients into classs. Predicting engineering will assist to do anticipations sing behavior such as which protagonists are a flight hazard. Both the operational and analytical CRM engineerings can help in client coverage, analysis, and anticipation ( Haag et al, 2008 ) . A We propose that the new system have front end functionality for protagonists to redact their ain information and to subscribe online for Red Cross communications.

In the instance of fire, major equipment failure or other breaks, the new system will hold an online backup system, so as to guarantee that all of the informations can be safely and to the full retrieved without any excess outgo. The proposed system will cut down Red Cross ‘ s operating costs, maximize relationship development chances, save clip amongst corporate partnership staff, develop better communicating channels, increase client satisfaction, and ideally ease the accomplishment of greater support from corporate protagonists. The new CRM system will finally increase the efficiency of Red Cross in its fundraising and stakeholder battle attempts and straight assist to ease the accomplishment of the corporate partnership squad ‘ s strategic aims. By affecting members of the corporate partnership squad ( end users ) in the deployment of the CRM system and doing them experience that their feedback was of import for the system to turn to their demands, it is hoped to derive their buy-in.

A Throughout the undertaking the end and advancement must be communicated to the corporate partnership squad and their feedback sought. The squad should besides be given the chance to seek the new system in a trial environment. A This will let some experimentation is a safe environment along with faster acclimatization to the system. A Besides, a lower figure of errors will be likely to be made when the system is really implemented, because the corporate partnership squad will hold already experienced these errors ( Hendriks, 2005 ) . It is besides of import that the preparation will educate the corporate partnership squad about the importance of the system to Red Cross and non merely about how to utilize it ( Pliskin & A ; Ben-Zion, 2005 ) .

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"It system description and specifications essay." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/it-system-description-and-specifications-essay/.

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