Essay, 7 pages (1800 words)

Introduction of arena international

Principle Of Management Assignment Content 1. Introduction of Arena International 2. 1. Mission & Vision 2. Five Macro-Environment 3. 2. Laws & Politics 3. 3. 1. What You Need to Know 3. 3. Economy 3. 4. 2. PRO & CONS 3. 4. Technology 3. 5. 3. Latest Technology 3. 5. Demographics 3. 6. 4. How to implement 3. 6. Social Values 3. 7. 5. How to implement 3. Five Completive Environment 4. 7. Buyers 4. 8. New Entrants 4. 9. Suppliers 4. 10. Rivals 4. 11. Substitutes & Complements 4. SWOT Analysis 5. 12. Strength 5. 13. Weaknesses 5. 14. Opportunities 5. 15. Threats . Four Functions Of Management 6. 16. Planning 6. 17. Organizing 6. 18. Leading 6. 19. Controlling 6. Conclusion 7. Recommendations Of Progresses 8. References 1. Introduction of Arena International Arena has been making swimsuit and swimwear for both the competitive and leisure swimmers for over 35 years. (Arena, N. D, Para 1) It was the first swimwear company to engage in textile and fluid dynamics research in a quest to develop the fastest, lightest, smoothest, and most durable products for both the competitive and recreational swimmer. (Arena, N. D, Para 2) 2. 1.

Arena’s Mission & Vision * Arena has been focused on winning. * We’ve had one goal: to strengthen and promote aquatic sports. (Arena, N. D, last Para) 2. Five Macro-Environment 3. 2. Laws & Politics As Arena international is a foreign company, and there are laws need to be followed in order to set up its company in Singapore. In order for the government to protect the welfare of our people. Here are some simple guides in order for a foreign company to be set up in Singapore. 3. 3. 1. What You Need to Know Company Name. | * Name must be approved by Singapore. | Directors. * A minimum of one resident director/Singaporean Permanent Resident * Or holding Entrepass/ Employment Pass/ Dependent Pass * No limit to foreign directors * At least 18 years of age * Must not be bankrupt * No requirement needed for directors to also be shareholders. | Shareholders| * Min 1 & Max 50 shareholders. * Director and shareholder can be the same or a different person. * 100% local or foreign shareholding is allowed. * New shares can be issued or transferred to another person | Paid-up Capital| * Minimum paid-up capital of S$1 for registration of a Singapore company. Registered Address| * Must provide a local Singapore address| Entrepass| * Company must be registered as a Private Limited Company * Applicant to hold at least 30% of shares in the company. * Company to have at least $50, 000 paid-up-capital. * Company must not be registered for more than six months at the point of application. * The business must not be illegal. (MOM, 2010)| (Guide me Singapore, N. D, Para 4/5/6/8/9) 3. 3. Economy Economy holds a crucial role for all kinds of business. The spending power of the consumers determine the economy .

It decide the cost, prices…. and many more. 3. 4. 2. PRO & CONS of Good and Bad Economy | Strength| Weakness| Good| * Consumers willing to spent more on product * Increase profit * Cheaper material cost(buy in bulk) * Cheaper product * Higher rental| * More competitive * Tax might be increase| Bad| * less competitive| * Less customers * Decrease profit * Decrease cost * Higher material cost| 3. 4. Technology Nowadays is a modern technology world, competitive swimmers will improve in their timing by adding new technology features in the swimwear.

For the competitive swimmers to swim faster and reduces drag. As for the leisure swimmers, their swimwear will be more durable and long-lasting. With new technology added Arena is able to attracts more customers and earn more profit from it. Arenas even have its own research team to come out with better swimwear, which added “ Z-Raptor+ fabric” (Arena, N. D, 1st Para). These latest line of product is call the “ Powerskin” (Arena, N. D. ). 3. 5. 3. Latest Technology Here are two out of the many new technology swim wear that make swimmer to swim faster.

Arena Powerskin® R-Evo+(Arena, 2013)| Powerskin® R-EVO+ is the latest innovation in the Arena racing range. Made with a 100% textile material, Powerskin® R-EVO+ allows the swimmer to keep superb stability and body alignment during the stroke. Thanks to the high-tech Z-Raptor+ fabric, all Powerskin® R-EVO+ range suits guarantee maximum compression combined with unmatchable comfort. Powerskin® R-EVO+ range features the advanced bonded seams system that allows low profiled bonded seams. Powerskin® R-EVO+ range is ideal for all strokes and distances. (Arena, 2013, 1st Para)|

Arena Powerskin® R- Evo(Arena, 2013)| Powerskin® R-EVO is a technological jewel, which has proven to be the fastest and the lightest racking suit ever made with a 100% textile material. Thanks to the high-tech, ultra-light Arena Stealth fabric (99gr/m2) all Powerskin® R-EVO suits weigh less than 100gr, guaranteeing maximum compression combined with unmatchable comfort. The Powerskin® R-EVO range are the one and only racing suits featuring the patented Arena one-piece design which, in combination with an advanced thermo-bonding system, allows a 100% stitch-less construction, with zero seams on the front.

Powerskin® R-EVO also allows the swimmer to keep superb stability and body alignment during the stroke, reducing surface and form drag.. (Arena, 2013, 2nd Para)| 3. 5. Demographics Demographics are to measure and design products for a certain groups of customers, in order to attract customers to buy your product. Arena implements this demographics skill by coming out a few series of product in order to meet the need the demand in the market 3. 6. 4. How to implement Arena have a whole series of product under the name “ Power skin” (Arena, 2013), which is specially for competitive swimmers.

These line help swimmers to swim faster by reduce drag in the water and aid in floating. It has a series of beach wear where people can wear it in beaches event, which is more fashionable and more trends looking. 3. 6. Social Values The demand in the market will change parallel to the society. In order to meet the needs and demand of the consumers of the customer in the market, companies have to improve, or else they will be cut out from the market. 3. 7. 5. How to implement Swimwear in this modern age is no-longer just a piece of cloth that covers up your body.

It has to be fashionable, be cool looking and more importantly make us look good on it. Arena came out a wide range of swimmers product that suits the latest trends. It includes bikini, well design trunks and girls swimsuit as well. They even have their own designers to design unique swimwear, which competitors do not have 3. Five Completive Environment Other than micro-environment, there are five competitive environments. They are Buyers, New entrants, Suppliers, Rivals, and Substitutes& Complements. 4. 7. Buyers Buyers are the main factors affecting the company’s sales as they have bargaining power.

Arena has ways to deal with these buyers. One of which includes giving promotion for some buyers like swimming coaches, swim club and etc…whereby they are entitled 40 percent discount or more whenever they make a purchase in arena main branch. 4. 8. New Entrants There are many companies rising in good economy times. More and more companies are joining the line in swimming industries. Example, “ Zoot Sport” is one of the many new brands. Arena has been building a strong barrier against other competitors by sponsoring large project since the establishments of the brand. Below are some of the examples.

Arena has been the main sponsor for “ FINA world cup” (FINA, N. D, last para) for a long period of time, to boost their brand name in the swimming industries. They have won the eight year sponsorship for the U. S. National swimming team. This allows them to build a strong barrier against other competitors, showing that Arena is the best among the swimming industries. (Arena Wins Eight Year Sponsorship with USA Swimming, 2012) 4. 9. Suppliers Supplier may provide you with lower quality of raw materials or even raise their prices on material fee; supplying cost can also increase due to the demand in higher labour wages.

In these cases companies are forced to tune up the price for a profit. MNC Company like Arena has to maintain a good management to ensure that supplying costs will not be over budget in order to maintain an affordable pricing product. In this way customers will be loyal to the brand and will not switch brand so easily. 4. 10. Rivals There are many competitions in all the industries, for example MacDonald & Burger King; KFC & Popeyes. Neither the less Arena does have its own rivals as well. They are TYR and Speedo, some of the well-known brand in Singapore.

In order to be the best, Arena has to provide good “ PQS” quality. “ PQS” stand for Prices for the product, Quality of product, and Services. With these three main rules I believe that Arena will be the best in whatever they are selling. 4. 11. Substitutes & Complements World is improving as the days goes; firms have keep subtitling and improve on products to attract customers attention. Swim industries there are some substitution as well; one of the examples is the neoprene swimsuit for kids. With these new improve swimsuit, kids will not be afraid of water to be cold, as it is thicker than other swimsuit.

Sometimes Arena will use “ Complements” skill too, in some arena shop branches will have promotion sign which state “ Buy 1 and 50% discount on 2nd piece” where customer are force to purchases 2 items in that store to enjoy the discount rate. 4. SWOT Analysis Whether if the company worth expanding or investing, a “ SWOT” analysis is important. “ SWOT” analysis consists of strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the company. With details analysis and market research there will be less risk involve in the investment. SWOT Analysis of ARENA . 1. Strength| 1. 2. Weaknesses| * Strong Brand * Well know international * Good Quality Product * Fairly Priced * Wide range of product * Many outlet * Delivery Efficiency | * Inadequate R&D * Higher pricing than other brands| 1. 3. Opportunities| 1. 4. Threats| * Weak market rivals * Strong economy * Possible of new technology * Growth in branding name * Growth in existing market * Expand in business| * New competitions * Shortage of resources * Slow in R&D | 5. Four Functions Of Management

Strong management determines whether a company is it efficient and effective, and the basic functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. After research on Arena, I came out with a conclusion on the four functions that Arena has to make company to be efficient and effective. 6. 12. Planning 6. 13. Organizing 6. 14. Leading 6. 15. Controlling 6. Conclusion 7. Recommendations Of Progresses 8. References List * Arena. (N. D. ). COMPANY PROFILE. Retrieved March 31, 2013. from http://www. arenainternational. com/company_en_0_6_380. html * http://www. arenainternational. om/history_en_0_6_951. html * http://www. guidemesingapore. com/incorporation/company/singapore-company-registration-guide * http://www. mom. gov. sg/foreign-manpower/passes-visas/entrepass/before-you-apply/Pages/default. aspx * http://www. arenaswimwearstore. com/material_technologies * http://www. shop4swimming. eu/item. asp? item= 006300&menuid= 110000&lang= DE * http://www. mailsports. co. uk/performance/women/product~4908 * http://www. finaworldcup. com. sg/ * http://www. swimmer. com. au/blog/brands/arena-swimwear-australia/arena-wins-eight-year-sponsorship-usa-swimming/ *

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"Introduction of arena international." AssignBuster, 19 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/introduction-of-arena-international/.

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