Research Paper, 3 pages (550 words)

Intelligence brief: abdallah azzam brigades research paper


Abdallah Azzam brigades have been threatening to initiate terrorist attacks on Western activities in the Middle East peninsula. The organization has been linked to a series of threats across the region. Over the recent past, they have issued threats that they will attack the naval oil routs, oil field and facilities along the gulf.

Rocket Attacks on Israel

– Plans of the group: It is believed that the organization plans to challenge the Hezbollah by supporting the sunniest jihadists (Murad 4).
– Any intelligence on future targets. According to the US department of state, the organization has threatened to kidnap US and British citizens in the Middle East. The group has also issued threats that they will attack the western activities in the region.
– Recent history of the group: In the recent past, the organization has also been linked with several rocket fires targeting Israel with a majority directed against people living in the eastern and western Galilee. According to the US department of state; the Abdallah Azzam brigade is responsible for the frequent undiscerning rocket attacks on Israeli citizens from the Lebanese regions. The state department has also linked the organization to various rocket attacks which have been fired into Israel from Gaza.
– Recent media appearances: The organization has last appeared in the media through their twitter account, on august claiming responsibility of the August series of rocket attacks on Israel.
– Trending data on past behavior: the organization has been attacking Israelis since the end of the Lebanese war. Since 2006, series of rocket fires have hit Israel with intensifies attack taking place
– The current threat level : Organization is currently considered a global terrorist organization


Abdallah Azzam brigade is dangerous foreign terrorist organization which has been responsible of various attacks in the Middle East peninsula. It is believed that it has a very strong background with unknown number of members and unknown funding. Earlier in 2010, the group claimed responsibility of the bombing of a Japanese Oil Tanker; along the Strait between the Oman and Saudi Arabia. In 2011, the organization was also linked to the Damascus bombings which targeted Assad’s security headquarters. However the organization denied involvement claiming that none of the mujahedeen organizations are linked to sinful and sinister bombings, and that the accusations are falsification and lies. It has however publicly come in the support of Syrian rebels through attacks on the government forces.
In the recent past, the organization has also been linked with several rocket fires targeting Israel with a majority directed against people living in the eastern and western Galilee. According to the US department of state; the Abdallah Azzam brigade is responsible for the frequent undiscerning rocket attacks on Israeli citizens from the Lebanese regions. The state department has also linked the organization to various rocket attacks which have been fired into Israel from Gaza.

Bottom line

In conclusion, the Abdullah Azzam brigade is a global terrorist organization which has the potential of undertaking devastating terrorist activities against any western nation or its interests or people working in the Middle East and has links with Al Qaeda; another terrorist group which target the West. If its objectives are allowed to sail through, it would cost a lot, thus the organization should be dealt with full force.

Work cited

Murad B. Al-Shishani. “ Abdullah Azzam Brigades Claim tobe Defenders of Sunnis in Lebanon.” Terrorism Monitor. 8. 45(2010): 4-5. Print.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Intelligence brief: abdallah azzam brigades research paper'. 8 January.


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AssignBuster. 2022. "Intelligence brief: abdallah azzam brigades research paper." January 8, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/intelligence-brief-abdallah-azzam-brigades-research-paper/.

1. AssignBuster. "Intelligence brief: abdallah azzam brigades research paper." January 8, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/intelligence-brief-abdallah-azzam-brigades-research-paper/.


AssignBuster. "Intelligence brief: abdallah azzam brigades research paper." January 8, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/intelligence-brief-abdallah-azzam-brigades-research-paper/.

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"Intelligence brief: abdallah azzam brigades research paper." AssignBuster, 8 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/intelligence-brief-abdallah-azzam-brigades-research-paper/.

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